Bad cold. We drink drugs in which the same active ingredient. Why do people treat colds differently in different countries?

In the people, a cold is considered an acute respiratory disease, or ARI for short. A bad cold is never on time. Always exists great amount urgent matters just when the body needs rest, bed rest and treatment of the disease. Instead of being upset once again because of the “taken by surprise” illness, it is worth considering what can be done so that the cold turns into only a memory.

Symptoms of a bad cold

The disease begins invariably with general weakness and boundless laziness to even move.

A severe cold is invariably accompanied by a runny nose, sneezing.

Often the first symptom of the disease is fatigue.

Moderate cough is a sure sign colds. Sometimes coughing with a bad cold can be quite strong even to the point of vomiting. The cough should not get much worse, but will most likely be with you for the entire duration of the illness.

Slight or significant increase in body temperature.

As a rule, children get sick with a strong cold. The younger - the more times a year they are overtaken by the disease. Here for example:

  • If the child is less than nine years old, then he can get a bad cold up to 9 times a year;
  • And if the child still goes to Kindergarten, then the figure can grow up to twelve times a year.

However, adults are not immune from the disease.

Features of the treatment of severe colds:

It is necessary for the whole day to arrange for yourself a real and good rest.

It is important to monitor the “temperature” of the legs during the treatment of a cold, that is, to keep them warm. For these purposes, foot baths with the addition of mustard or a mustard "warmer" for the night, which are warm socks with dry mustard covered in them, or children's mustard plasters purchased at a pharmacy, are perfect.

It is necessary at the first symptoms of the disease to limit contact with family members. Because if one of them has a weakened immune system, then he can catch colds from you and then the so-called " chain reaction».

For treatment bad cold the body needs interferon, which is essentially vitamin C, which is contained not only in vitamin complexes, but also in currants, citrus fruits and rose hips.

One of the most famous and effective methods treatment - combine a teaspoon of pepper with a glass of vodka. The effect is usually felt immediately. This happens due to the fact that pepper expands blood vessels. Vodka only serves as a “taste softener” and adds “extra” warmth.

You can try to heal folk remedies, by going to the nearest pharmacy. Almost all modern facilities from colds contain loading dose paracetamol and vitamin C, which are necessary to completely get rid of a cold.

It is necessary to slightly ventilate the room in which you are, so that there is always clean fresh air without any bacteria.

With a strong cough and cold, a solution consisting of: boiled milk, in which we add half a teaspoon of soda, as well as one spoonful of unsalted fat, can help. Mix thoroughly and drink. This procedure for the treatment of severe colds must be repeated three times during the day.

In addition, you can also rub into chest cavity mutton fat, which warms quite well and helps fight such a disease. Learn how to avoid it and treat it effectively in this article.

And, of course, the most effective remedy against a severe cold - prevention before illness. These are frequent walks fresh air, apartment ventilation, vitamin complexes, proper nutrition, rich in vitamins and minerals. All this will certainly help you enjoy every day without a cold.

Causes and prevention of severe and severe colds

The disease is often facilitated by a very sharp hypothermia of the body, doubly dangerous when the body is tired and weakened. How does a bad cold happen? You can catch a severe cold by jumping out into a draft, after sweating a lot - it’s not in vain that after a workout you need to change into dry clothes, despite the fact that it’s been summer outside for a long time, and it’s not far to go. But it’s not even worth talking about pools, since in the field of any procedures of this nature, it is necessary to wait half an hour before setting off on the road.

The immediate culprits of a severe cold are pathogenic bacteria, which are calmly in the bronchi, pharynx, nose of each of us, and all this for the time being. Such bacteria do not threaten a healthy person, but as soon as the immune system weakens, they begin to multiply rapidly, causing tonsillitis, pharyngitis and other bad things.

Prevention of severe colds

Only the immune-protective system will help to resist any cold viruses and avoid a severe cold. She connects to the fight against them all human body, directing to reduce fever, as well as the production of leukocytes, which are specially adapted to destroy the viruses that have affected the body.

One of the most effective natural defense mechanisms against a severe cold is usually considered to be the protective properties of the respiratory mucosa, they are commonly called transport.

The primary purpose of the mucociliary clearance protective properties is to complex manifestation his defense mechanisms. The first barrier in defense against colds is the surface film of mucus. It covers the upper respiratory tract, the mucous membrane. This film sticks various infection, in the form of microbes, viruses and fungi, removes it from the mucous membrane. The movement of the cilia (ciliary epithelium) of the upper respiratory tract provides the movement of the mucous membrane.

Common colds are commonly referred to as respiratory infections caused by various viruses and bacteria. Many tend to consider the common cold a minor illness that does not require medical care and can be treated at home.

IMPORTANT: The World Health Organization has collected data that every adult suffers a cold at least three times a year. A schoolchild is about 4 times, and a preschooler - 6. Mortality from such a disease is from 1% to 40%, depending on the area, type of pathogen and age of patients.

Any disease of this kind, in the absence of the right help and regimen, can lead to complications. Which can not be cured without a hospital.

How to treat the onset of a cold?

The symptoms of this disease are:

  • Heat
  • Weakness, nausea, lethargy,
  • Decreased appetite
  • Redness of the skin of the face
  • Nasal congestion
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Cough
  • Pain in chest

RECIPE: At the first symptoms of a cold, it is necessary to increase drinking regimen. warm water medicinal infusions and decoctions wash off pathogens from the mucous membranes. In addition, drinking plenty of fluids is also indicated in order to prevent dehydration of the body due to increased sweating.

Bed rest for colds important role. Thanks to him, the body can use more energy for treatment, and not for performing physical work or other processes. A cold carried "on the legs" often causes complications.

IMPORTANT: The first symptoms of a cold appear 1-3 days after the pathogen enters the body. In this case, the first 3-7 days after the onset of symptoms of a cold, they make a sick distributor of viruses. It can easily infect healthy people. In the normal course of the disease, the symptoms of a cold disappear after a week.

Cold medicines

The best medicine for a cold is prevention and strong immunity. In order to get sick with such diseases less often, it is necessary to conduct active image life, accept cold and hot shower and quit bad habits.

But, to get sick less often does not mean to get sick at all. Therefore, at the first sign of a cold, you need to increase your diet with rich foods. vitamin C. Vegetables and fruits, especially citrus fruits, great way prevent pernicious effect viruses and bacteria in the body.

If you detect the development of a cold, you need to take symptomatic drugs:

  • "Coldrex"
  • "Theraflu"
  • "Fervex"

Such funds are diluted in warm water and drunk. "Coldrex Hotrem" is taken every 4-6 hours no more than four sachets per day. Sugar can be added to the diluted product. Shown to children from 12 years.

Also in the first days of the disease, it is necessary to take interferons. These drugs include:

  • "Arbidol"
  • "Antigrippin"
  • "Kagocel"
  • "Ingavirin"
  • "Cycloferon"
  • "Olainfarm"
  • "Ergoferon"

How to treat a cold without fever?

If a cold occurs without such a symptom as fever, then you should not worry. There is nothing special about this, and such a cold has a place to be. According to one version, a cold without fever is a sign of strong immunity. But, that doesn't make it any easier. And in this case, the body needs help to get rid of this problem.

RECIPE: Often this form of cold is treated alternative methods. At the first symptoms, you need to do hot bath for legs. You can add dry mustard to the water. The duration of this procedure should be about 20 minutes.

RECIPE: There is an alternative to this method. It consists in rubbing the feet with vodka or turpentine ointment . After this procedure, be sure to wear warm socks.
Contraindications for this method of getting rid of a cold are pregnancy.

IMPORTANT: For any cold, tea with lemon and ginger is indicated. This tool can not only be treated, but also prevent the disease. Lemon is one of the champions in the content of vitamin C, and the substances included in ginger can increase the body's immunity.

In the treatment of colds without fever, drugs are used to relieve the symptoms of this disease.
RECIPE: Marshmallow syrup and "Pertussin" dilute sputum and accelerate its removal from the body. You need to drink this remedy one teaspoon three times a day.

To treat a runny nose with such a cold, the doctor may prescribe drops:

  • "Naphthyzin"
  • "Sanorin"
  • "Galazolin"

IMPORTANT: In the treatment of colds without fever, "Paracetamol" is not used.

How to treat a cold with fever?

The rise in temperature is normal reaction organism to the action of the virus. Thus, the immune system fights it.

However, temperatures above 38 degrees need to be brought down.

Over 38 degrees must be knocked down. Otherwise, the heat can affect not only the virus, but also internal organs and processes in the body.

You can bring down the temperature with folk remedies, drinking plenty of water and drugs such as:

  • "Aspirin"
  • "Panadol"
  • "Paracetamol"

Symptomatic drugs, which are described above, help to relieve the temperature well.

How to treat cough at home?

One of the symptoms of a cold is a cough. It can be dry and wet. At wet cough it is necessary to accelerate the removal of sputum from the body. For this, expectorants are prescribed.

RECIPE: Good in solving this problem is such a drug as "Mukaltin". The composition of this tool includes an extract of Althea officinalis. "Mukaltin" has an expectorant and liquefying effect. It is taken one tablet 3-4 times a day.

RECIPE: Rosehip decoction will also help in the fight against cough.

RECIPE: Warm milk with honey has long been deservedly popular in solving the described problem.

RECIPE: If the cough is manifested by attacks, then regular gargling with a warm solution can be prescribed for its treatment. table salt. For this in a glass warm water add half a teaspoon of salt and gargle 3-4 times a day.

Dry cough is treated with inhalations based on eucalyptus oil.

How to treat a runny nose at home?

A cold is often accompanied by a runny nose. A severe runny nose can lead to nasal congestion. You have to use your mouth to breathe. This leads to dry throat and bouts of coughing. It is good to “open” the nose by rubbing the wings with motherwort tincture.

Important: At the first manifestations of a runny nose, you should immediately start washing your nose. This will help not only to facilitate breathing, but also to wash the pathogenic microflora.

For this purpose, a solution of sea or table salt, various herbal infusions, potassium permanganate, furatsilin, etc. are used. Nasal lavage preparations can be purchased at a pharmacy. For example, such as:

  • "Aqua Maris"
  • "Dolphin"
  • Aqualor

At severe runny nose drugs for instillation into the nose are needed. It is best to use products that contain essential oils. Well helps, in this regard, "Pinosol".
You can also use means from traditional medicine: onion juice, Kalanchoe, etc.

IMPORTANT: You should not treat a runny nose with the help of such remedies as Naphthyzin, Nazivin, Xymelin and Xylen. They, in addition to the main purpose, can constrict blood vessels. What negatively affects the treatment of colds. Better like this strong drugs leave it as a last resort.

How to treat a cold on the lips?

A cold sore or herpes is a viral disease. It is impossible to recover from it. And if a person gets cold, gets wet or stands in a draft, the immune system does not always “manage” to cope with the manifestation of herpes. As a rule, a cold on the lips is accompanied by burning, itching and the formation of ugly red blisters.

RECIPE: You can relieve the symptoms of herpes with folk remedies. For example, lubricate the affected areas with toothpaste.

RECIPE: Also an excellent remedy for colds on the lips is a grated apple and a few cloves of garlic. The ingredients are mixed together to form a paste and rubbed into the place where itching is felt.

RECIPE: You can apply aloe or kalanchoe to the affected area.

How to treat a cold under the nose, in the nose?

The herpes virus can appear not only on the lips, but also in the nose. For his treatment, again, you need to listen to traditional healers. Why "poison" the body with synthetic (chemical) drugs, if you can use natural remedies.

RECIPE: For the treatment of colds in the nose, celandine juice is well suited. This problem can also be fixed with sea ​​buckthorn oil. These funds should be smeared on the affected area and rubbed into the skin.

How to treat an ear with a cold?

Ear pain can also signal a cold. Experts associate such pain with the inflammatory process (otitis media) and the consequences of untreated tonsillitis or sinusitis.

Very often, ear pain is the result of a cold "spent on the legs."

RECIPE: With the manifestation of such a disease, you must immediately contact the ENT. At home, you can relieve ear pain with dry heat. To do this, take a bag of fabric, put salt in it, heat it and apply it to the ear.

You can also use such drops as:

  • "Otipax"
  • "Garazon"
  • "Sofradex"

Folk remedies for colds

AT traditional medicine Many remedies are used to treat colds.

RECIPE: At the first detection of symptoms of this disease, you need to finely chop the onion, horseradish and garlic. Put this mixture in a jar and periodically inhale its vapors. These vegetables can not only ease breathing with a runny nose, but also relieve other symptoms of a cold.

RECIPE: Sore throat, which often accompanies colds, can be relieved with a decoction of cumin. To do this, powdered cumin is added to warm water and boiled until boiling. Then the fire is reduced and wait 15 minutes. After that, the broth should be cooled, add a teaspoon of cognac to it and take it every 30 minutes. In three hours the throat will be gone.

RECIPE: Such medicinal plants like thyme, St. John's wort, chamomile, mint, eucalyptus, sage, calendula and many others contain essential oils and phenolic compounds that do a good job with viruses and bacteria cold-causing. Each or all of these plants are infused with alcohol and consumed one teaspoon every three hours.

RECIPE: An excellent remedy that can be recommended at the first symptoms of a cold is tea with red wine. Hot tea (100 g), red wine (100 g) and raspberry jam(100 g). This remedy should be drunk hot, and then go to bed.

Tip #1 With a cold, you need to limit the body's consumption of "excess" energy. You should not engage in heavy physical labor, but it is better to use bed rest altogether.

Tip #2 Drink more liquid.

Tip #3 Ventilate the room frequently.


Olga. I have been treated only for Theraflu for a long time. The main thing is to recognize the disease in time and start treatment. Three or four sachets and a day later, colds as never before.

Masha. XXI century in the yard. Colds and other similar diseases should be treated with immunomodulators. "Derinat" excellent tool for both adults and children. Thanks to him, I completely forgot about the cold.

Video. Prevention and treatment of the common cold

Contact with a sick person and reduced immunity are the main causes of a cold. In 90% of cases respiratory infections caused by viruses and only 10% is due to bacteria and other pathogens.

The maximum ability to infect other people is observed in the first days of the disease, but in general, the infectious period begins 1-2 days before the first signs appear and lasts about two weeks. The spread of infection occurs by airborne droplets and household contact (viruses for a long time may remain viable on household items).

ARVI in adults most often appears against the background of reduced local immunity. Similar state provoked by stress, hypothermia (a comfortable environment is created for the reproduction of viruses), as well as frequent colds.

There are symptoms of a cold in adults that are common to everyone respiratory diseases(laryngitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis), regardless of the nature of the pathogen. Moreover, most of the signs appear even before the affected organ becomes severely inflamed.

Common cold symptoms in adults:

  • fever, drowsiness, weakness;
  • increased body temperature;
  • weakening of mental and physical activity;
  • headache;
  • sore throat and sore throat;
  • runny nose and nasal congestion;
  • dry cough.

To prevent the occurrence possible complications it is necessary to recognize the first symptoms of a cold in time. The occurrence of several of the above signs is a reason for immediate action. Treatment started in a timely manner allows you to completely get rid of the disease in a few days.

The first signs of SARS are due to the multiplication of infection in the nasopharynx, nose and larynx, that is, in the "entrance gate" for the pathogen. At this stage, there is a dry cough, sore throat, nasal congestion. An increase in temperature is usually not observed. In rare cases it is possible inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract and mucous membranes of the eyes.

Later, the pathogen enters the bloodstream, and other symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections occur: body aches, chills, headache, due to general intoxication of the body. Activation of immunity ensures the production of antibodies, which leads to a gradual purification of the blood from the pathogen. As a result of work immune system symptoms of acute respiratory infections and SARS, general intoxication organisms decrease.

If there are no complications, then at the final stage of the course of the disease, the signs of acute respiratory infections in adults are reduced to a runny nose and a wet cough, during which purulent and mucous sputum is discharged.

Due to the significant prevalence and heterogeneity of various SARS, their signs must be considered differentially in order to accurately determine the causes of the disease. Such a diagnosis can prevent the development of complications and adjust the treatment.

The most common causative agent of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections in adults is parainfluenza, which is characterized by a milder course compared to influenza and damage to the larynx.

Very often, signs of SARS in adults can be due to adenovirus infection, in which there is a pronounced inflammatory process in the tonsils. The course of the disease in this case has the following specific acute respiratory infections symptoms:

  • lymphadenopathy;
  • angina;
  • the conjunctiva of the eye (conjunctivitis) is affected;
  • severe runny nose;
  • in some cases, the liver may be affected.

Symptoms of acute respiratory infections in adults, due to infection with adenovirus, are similar to signs of tonsillitis and infectious mononucleosis. For this reason, an accurate diagnosis is essential.

Often, the symptoms of a cold are due to infection with the human respiratory syncytial virus, when bronchial damage is observed. Which increases the likelihood of developing bronchopneumonia.

On the early stages the course of hepatitis and AIDS are similar to the first symptoms of a cold. Therefore, if a few weeks ago there was contact with a patient with hepatitis A or unprotected intercourse, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If a cold has appeared, and its signs are ignored, therapeutic measures are not carried out in a timely manner, the following complications may develop:

  • bacterial sinusitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • neuritis, pneumonia, radiculoneuritis and meningitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • otitis;
  • tonsillitis.

In addition to body aches and nasal congestion, there may be other signs of a cold, such as loss of appetite, facial flushing, chest pain, and lethargy.

After the pathogen enters the human body, the first signs of the disease appear after 1-3 days. After the manifestation of the first signs within 3-7 days, a sick person is able to actively infect others. Normal flow ailment involves the disappearance of symptoms in about a week.

For viral infection short incubation period(1-4 days), an early rise in temperature to 38 ° C. As well as fever in combination with general malaise and the absence of local symptoms. If available similar signs, it is necessary to start treatment with antiviral drugs.

Antibiotic therapy is justified only if the causative agent of acute respiratory infections is bacteria. Symptoms and treatment in adults:

  • the incubation period lasts from 3 to 15 days;
  • local symptoms are manifested brightly (sore throat, stuffy nose), first of all, the affected organ should be treated;
  • the temperature does not rise above 38 ° C, so the need for antipyretics occurs infrequently.

What to do first when starting a cold

Any such disease needs immediate treatment, as the likelihood of complications is high. For this reason, the question arises, how to treat the first signs of a cold?

At first, you need to increase the amount of drinking. Suitable for this medicinal decoctions and infusions of herbs, warm water, fruit drinks, compotes. They will help wash off the pathogenic microflora from the mucous membranes and prevent dehydration of the body due to increased sweating.

At the first symptoms of a cold, bed rest is of particular importance. Thanks to him, the body will spend energy only on fighting the infection, which will ensure speedy recovery. A disease that is carried "on its feet" in most cases has an unfavorable course, the likelihood of complications increases significantly.

Treatment at the first sign of a cold:

  • a sick person should be provided with complete rest, since any tension reduces the chances of curing a cold quickly;
  • an elevated body temperature indicates that the body is fighting an infection (you only need to bring down the temperature above 38 degrees with medicines);
  • prevent hypothermia of the body, including local (use cold food or drinking)
  • Proper nutrition will help you recover quickly, you need to exclude fried, smoked, fatty, carbohydrate dishes from the diet, increase consumption fresh vegetables, fruits.

What to do at the first sign of a cold, if they need to be removed as quickly as possible? Take Coldrex, Fervex, or Theraflu.

ARVI symptoms are varied and treatment in adults should, first of all, be symptomatic. With a cold that is caused by a virus, it is useless to take antibiotics, since their action is aimed at destroying pathogenic bacteria. It is necessary to help the body's immune system to overcome the infection.

Treatment of acute respiratory infections, in addition to drinking plenty of water and bed rest, involves the use of anti-inflammatory teas, gargling, inhalation, nasal lavage and a special diet.

Anti-inflammatory teas and gargles

Most the best means - medicinal herbs: chamomile, sage, eucalyptus. They clean up great Airways from pathogenic microflora with SARS. Preparation of a decoction: pour boiling water (500 ml) 1 tbsp. a spoonful of any of the herbs, leave for 20-30 minutes, strain and gargle. The procedure is carried out 5-6 times a day.

Can be replaced herbal decoction soda or saline solution. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of soda, 1 teaspoon of salt and 2-3 drops of iodine in 250 ml of boiling water.

The gargle solution or anti-inflammatory tea must be warm, but not hot! If this rule is neglected, a burn of an inflamed throat is possible and the effect will be the opposite: instead of relieving the condition, the condition will worsen.


With acute respiratory infections for inhalation, decoctions of herbs (sage, chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula) and a soda solution are best suited. You can breathe over a bowl, kettle or pan in the old fashioned way, but it is better to use an inhaler or a modern nebulizer.

Rules for treating a cold with inhalation:

  1. Perform inhalations 1-3 times a day, not earlier than 2 hours after eating.
  2. The duration of one session is no more than 10 minutes.
  3. After the procedure whole hour you can not eat and drink, actively talk, shout, smoke.
  4. A decoction or solution used for inhalation should not be stored. They can be used only once immediately after preparation.
  5. The course of procedures usually lasts 7-10 days.
  6. The temperature of the inhaled vapor should be no higher than 45 degrees. Too hot steam can burn the mucous membrane of the throat.
  7. There should be a distance of more than 30 cm from the face to the liquid.

There are contraindications for inhalation in ARVI. Similar treatment not carried out if:

  • tendency to bleeding (including nosebleeds);
  • hypertension or changes in blood pressure;
  • circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • heart failure;
  • body temperature above 37.5 degrees;
  • pregnancy or lactation;
  • pneumonia, purulent tonsillitis, allergy, severe swelling larynx, pulmonary insufficiency.

Nasal lavage

Runny nose and nasal congestion is one of the symptoms that a cold manifests, it is effective to treat it with a solution sea ​​salt. Pharmacies sell ready-made solutions.

Baths with mustard

At night, you can make a foot bath with mustard. This is very effective remedy, allowing you to quickly recover from SARS, avoid complications and maintain health.

How to treat SARS with mustard:

  • dissolve 2-3 tbsp. spoons of dry powder in 2-3 liters of hot (38-40 ° C) water;
  • soak your feet in the solution for half an hour;
  • Wipe dry, put on warm socks and go to bed.

Steam your legs 2-3 times a day for 3-4 days. Such a remedy gives an excellent result in acute respiratory infections, but mustard treatment cannot be carried out if the body temperature is elevated.


During illness, it is better to give preference light food. It will be very helpful to use chicken broth, as it helps to restore strength. You can add half a hard-boiled egg, herbs, crackers to it.

How to treat ARI with proper nutrition:

  • eat fruits and vegetables in fresh, this will make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • if there is no appetite, you can drink herbal teas, fruit drinks, dried fruit compotes, juices;
  • drink rosehip broth (it is rich in vitamin C), ginger tea with lemon and honey;
  • try to avoid heavy fried and fatty foods, as their use increases the load on the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

7 rules to get rid of a cold in 12 hours

Timely treatment will help to quickly and effectively get rid of the disease. The sooner measures are taken after the first signs of the disease appear, the less the disease will last.

Rules for how to cure a cold in one day:

  1. If you feel that you have caught a cold, then it is better to stay at home on this day and devote time to your health.
  2. Rapid treatment of SARS involves frequent gargling with decoctions of herbs (chamomile, sage, eucalyptus). This will destroy the infection and ensure the removal of inflammation.
  3. Inhalations with decoctions of herbs, made 2-3 times a day, will get rid of a runny nose, cough and sore throat. And also significantly reduce the duration of the disease, ensuring getting rid of it in a day. But powerful therapeutic effect observed only when proper conduct procedures.
  4. Compresses - a means of how to quickly cure acute respiratory infections, if the body temperature is normal. They are especially effective in soothing coughs and relieving severe sore throats. Soak in warm vegetable oil gauze and apply it to the chest. The warming effect will increase if you wrap the compress with plastic wrap.
  5. Fast cure for a cold provides plentiful drink. Moreover, drinks should contain a lot of vitamin C. This is warm (not hot!) Tea with raspberries, cranberries, viburnum, currants, lemon.
  6. If the body temperature is normal, then mustard foot baths will help get rid of a cold faster. The effectiveness of the remedy is difficult to overestimate, but they are contraindicated in elevated temperature.
  7. Chicken broth is another way to quickly cure a cold. It restores strength and provides healing action on the body.

If you adhere to all of the above rules, then the disease is treated at an accelerated pace: the cold will disappear in 6-12 hours.

Medicines for colds

With a cold, the use of antipyretic, immunostimulating drugs is usually indicated. medicines. As well as drugs that eliminate nasal congestion and runny nose, swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane, cough.

How to cure SARS with drug therapy:

  • Paracetamol, Panadol, Aspirin are used to reduce fever (antipyretic drugs);
  • Antigrippin, Aflubin - tone up the body, help to increase immunity;
  • Amoxicillin, Suprax - antibiotics, destroy pathogenic bacteria;
  • Arbidol, Amiksin - antiviral agents;
  • Marimer and Aqualor are used to wash the nose;
  • Pinosol, Naphthyzin, Sanorin - drops, relieve the common cold;
  • A moment will relieve a headache;
  • Bronchicum and Dr. Mom will help eliminate cough, promote expectoration of sputum;
  • Astemizol and Promethazine - antihistamines help relieve swelling of the mucosa.

Effective treatment of the common cold can be carried out not only through medicines bought at the pharmacy. In some cases good result gives the use of traditional medicine recipes.

Folk recipes

Can be very effective for colds folk recipes. Their action has been tested by more than one generation of people.

How to quickly cure a cold with folk remedies:

  1. As a means to reduce body temperature, 3% vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 is used. It is necessary to rub the body with a solution.
  2. Finely chopped horseradish, garlic and onions will help relieve the first symptoms of acute respiratory infections. Place the mixture in a jar and inhale the vapors periodically.
  3. Cumin with brandy is another recipe for how to quickly get rid of a cold. Grind cumin seeds into a powder, pour it into water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for another 15 minutes. Remove from heat, cool, pour 1 teaspoon of cognac, stir and take every half hour. The throat will stop hurting after 3 hours.
  4. Milk and honey - since ancient times well-known remedy how to quickly cure SARS. It will perfectly complement traditional therapy medicines and remove severe pain in the throat. Warm the milk (it should be warm, but not hot) and drink. Honey can be spread on a loaf or eaten with a spoon.

To recover from a cold quickly and without the development of complications will allow the timely start of treatment. Therefore, when the first signs of an illness appear, measures should be taken immediately.

7 tips to quickly cure a cold in 12 hours

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Despite the fact that the art of healing has long become medicine, that is, a system of scientific knowledge and practical ways definition and treatment of human diseases, still viral infection upper respiratory tract we call the common word "cold". And a cold without fever also applies to viral diseases. In this case, of all the organs of the upper respiratory tract, the nose and pharynx are primarily affected.

Causes of a cold without fever: the virus is to blame

Without delving into medical jungle, we can say that of the two hundred strains of viruses involved in the occurrence of a cold, the most active are rhinoviruses from the picornavirus family. Once in the human body, rhinoviruses multiply in the cells of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, which leads to inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract - nasopharyngitis, nasopharyngitis, acute cold or, as we say, a cold. Why does this happen most often in the cold season? Because some of the viruses that cause the common cold are seasonal. But the reason for their seasonality has not yet been clarified ...

In addition, experts have two more versions about this. Some believe that the causes of the development of colds, including the causes of a cold without fever, are purely physiological. Under the influence of cold air, the blood supply to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract changes, this leads to a reduction in the production of mucus, and at this moment the viruses that enter the respiratory tract begin to multiply rapidly.

According to the second point of view, in the cold, the human body experiences stress, to which the immune system responds by reducing its protective functions. And a cold without a temperature (if you stick to this version) is an indicator of strong immunity, which is pitted against an infection without the participation of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for thermoregulation of our body and “gives the command” to start producing protective antibodies.

However, many studies have been conducted that give reason to assert that the increased susceptibility of the body to infection during hypothermia is nothing more than a myth ...

Since a cold is caused by a virus, it can be contracted. The most common route of infection is airborne, as well as direct contact when a person touches the source of infection.

Cold symptoms without fever

On average, the incubation period of a cold without fever does not exceed two to three days. From discomfort in the nose and throat it comes to sneezing and runny nose. According to doctors, up to 40% of patients feel a sore throat with a cold, about 60% of people complain about a cough, the presence of a runny nose reaches almost 100%, but the temperature in adult patients, as a rule, remains within the normal range.

At first, the main symptom of a cold without fever is abundant watery discharge from the nose. After a day or two, they become thicker and acquire a mucopurulent character. Cough joins the common cold - at first dry, and then with a small amount of sputum.

With absence bacterial complications(in the form of sinusitis or otitis) after 5-7 days, the symptoms of a cold disappear without fever. True, the cough can last much longer (up to two weeks) and often leads to bronchitis, laryngitis or tracheitis.

A cold during pregnancy without fever (when it is caused by a rhinovirus) has similar symptoms. The same symptoms are accompanied by a cold in a child without fever, but most often the body temperature in children still rises, especially in very young ones. Their body is still developing, so the reaction of the immune system is exacerbated. For this reason, any cough, like physiological function cleaning the airways requires finding out the cause - so as not to miss the same pharyngitis, laryngitis or bronchitis.

In most cases, the diagnosis of a cold without fever is based on clinical manifestations presents no illness or difficulty.

Cold treatment without fever

The symptoms and treatment of the common cold were described as early as the 16th century BC - in the Ebers medical papyrus "The Book of the Preparation of Medicines for All Parts of the Body." But there is still no cure for the common cold, and we treat - or rather, alleviate - only its symptoms.

At the same time, one must not forget that antibiotics should not be taken for a cold, since they do not act on the viruses that cause this disease.

It is recommended to treat a cold without fever with the help of folk remedies proven by many generations, which are now called alternative methods. So, when the first cold symptoms you need to make a hot foot bath (with the addition of dry mustard) or rub your feet with vodka or turpentine ointment and put on warm socks. In the treatment of colds during pregnancy without fever, the use of thermal procedures is strictly prohibited: you can only wear a warm scarf around your neck and woolen socks on your feet.

But tea with lemon and honey, as well as with ginger, is useful for absolutely everyone. With redness of the throat and cough, inhalations with infusions help well pine buds, sage, eucalyptus leaves, solution baking soda, mineral alkaline water Borjomi type. It is better to do them twice a day - in the morning (an hour before leaving the house) and in the evening - an hour and a half before bedtime.

To get rid of cough positive effect gives a warm drink - a rosehip broth, infusions of thyme, lemon balm, coltsfoot leaves, elecampane roots, and also warm milk half with alkaline mineral water, and at night - warm milk with honey and butter. Keep in mind that hot milk will slow down the separation of sputum. You need to drink slowly, in small sips.

With a sore throat in the treatment of a cold, you can not do without rinsing without a fever. There are a great many of their recipes, but the most effective are: a solution of salt + soda + iodine, an infusion of chamomile or sage, as well as solutions of natural apple cider vinegar(a tablespoon per 150 ml of water), furacilin and hydrogen peroxide (1-2 teaspoons per glass of water). The throat should be gargled as often as possible - at least 5-6 times a day.

Irritation and sore throat are often the result of severe cough, and as a result, coughing fits occur more frequently. To get rid of this problem, regular gargling with a warm solution of table salt helps well: 0.5 teaspoon per 200 ml of water.

Relieves sore throat ingestion of a mixture prepared from 100 g natural honey and the juice of one lemon. This natural medicine should be taken two teaspoons several times a day. And drops will help cure a runny nose home cooking- fresh carrot juice with honey, raw beet juice: 5-6 drops in each nostril 4 times a day. You can apply a little Asterisk balm several times a day on the bridge of your nose and do acupressure in the region of the wings of the nose and in the high point nose - between the eyebrows.

Since the treatment of a cold during pregnancy without temperature excludes the use of pharmaceuticals as much as possible and involves symptomatic therapy folk remedies, then all of the above methods are completely safe for expectant mothers.

Medicines for the treatment of colds without fever

AT drug treatment colds without fever, cough, runny nose and sore throat medicines are used. Good expectorants are classic medicines - marshmallow syrup and pertussin. Pertussin refers to combined preparations plant origin(it is based on thyme or thyme extract), it has an expectorant effect, helps to thin sputum and accelerates its excretion. Adults need to take the mixture one tablespoon three times a day, children - a teaspoon or dessert.

Tusuprex and Mukaltin tablets are also considered classics in the treatment cold cough. Tusuprex has an antitussive and mild expectorant effect. Daily dose for adults - a tablet (0.02 g) 3-4 times a day, for children up to a year - a quarter of a tablet, and over a year - half a tablet 3-4 times a day. Possible side effect- digestive disorders. This medicine is contraindicated in bronchospastic conditions (narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi) and in bronchitis with difficult expectoration of sputum.

Mukaltin acts as a mucus thinner and expectorant due to the content of marshmallow extract. Adults need to take 1 tablet 4 times a day, children from one to three years old - 0.5 tablets 3-4 times a day (you can dissolve a tablet in 70-80 ml of warm water). Among the contraindications of mucaltin are hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum.

With a strong dry cough during a cold without fever, the doctor may prescribe medications that block cough reflex- glaucine and oxeladin. Glaucine is available in the form of dragees, syrup (including syrup for children) and tablets, and is prescribed for adults - 40 mg 2-3 times a day, for children under 4 years old - 10 mg 2-3 times a day (after food). The drug is contraindicated in severe arterial hypotension and myocardial infarction. Possible side effects are expressed in the form of dizziness, weakness and nausea.

Bromhexine, lazolvan, ambroxol, acetylcysteine ​​(ACC) are used to liquefy and alleviate sputum expectoration. For example, the drug Bromhexine (tablets, dragees, drops, syrup) is taken by adults and children over 14 years old at 8-16 mg 3-4 times a day. Dosage for children under the age of 2 years - 2 mg 3 times a day, at the age of 2 to 6 years - 4 mg, at the age of 6-10 years - 6-8 mg three times a day. Duration of admission - no more than 4-5 days. Among contraindications this drug hypersensitivity, peptic ulcer in the acute stage, pregnancy (especially the first trimester) and breastfeeding.

Among the cough medicines most often prescribed by doctors for the treatment of colds without fever in children are Gedelix, Prospan, Tussamag, Travisil and Evkabal syrups.

Treatment of a cold without fever involves getting rid of a runny nose. Trusted drops from the common cold - naphthyzine, sanorin, galazolin. And in the treatment of rhinitis in children, Nazivin drops are used (for babies from birth to one year old), Nazol Baby (for children over 1 year old), ximelin (0.05% for children 2-12 years old and 0.1% for children with 12 years). For pain in the throat, drugs with a local anesthetic effect in the form of aerosols are used - inhalipt, cameton, camphomen. Also in pharmacies there are many different dragees, lozenges, lozenges and lozenges that help relieve sore throat.

But paracetamol for a cold without a temperature is obviously not worth taking. Because the pharmachologic effect of this drug is analgesic and antipyretic, and it is used for: pain of mild to moderate intensity (headache and toothache, migraine, back pain, arthralgia, myalgia, neuralgia), febrile syndrome (that is, fever) with colds.

Among the contraindications to the use of paracetamol are hypersensitivity, impaired renal and hepatic function, alcoholism, childhood up to 6 years old. And on the list side effects blood diseases such as agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia and anemia; renal colic, aseptic pyuria (pus in the urine when it is sterile), glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys with circulatory disorders in them), as well as allergic rashes on the skin.

Paracetamol first entered the pharmaceutical market in the early 1950s in the United States. Its manufacturer (Sterling-Winthrop) attracted buyers with a statement that paracetamol is safer than aspirin ... According to official medical statistics, in the United States, the use of paracetamol (panadol) is the most common cause liver damage - more than 55 thousand cases annually.

This phenomenon occurs quite often. The absence of temperature does not exclude the development of the disease. If a cold is without fever, then it has several reasons: weakened immunity, acquired immunity from influenza vaccination and unusual colds.

In each case, the symptoms manifest themselves differently, they can be barely noticeable and reach severe form(with laryngeal edema occurs respiratory failure, with intoxication, coma may occur).

Pyrogenic substances affect the center of thermoregulation, which is located in the hypothalamus and with colds, the temperature rises. Pyrogens are divided into primary and secondary. Secondary ones are responsible for increasing the temperature in the human body. They form prostaglandins that affect the neurons of the hypothalamus: warm and cold and change their sensitivity. The body begins to perceive normal temperature as lowered, and raises the temperature.

Reasons for the development of a cold without fever:

There is no temperature, and the remaining symptoms of the disease in an adult persist. They are expressed in different ways, it depends on the causes of the disease and the state of the human immune system. Symptoms have two extremes:

  • at strong immunity be erased or absent;
  • with weakened immunity, be maximum, taking away the last strength from a person.

The main symptoms of a cold without fever:

  • rhinorrhea or nasal congestion;
  • sore throat and pain;
  • intoxication;
  • muscle and headaches;
  • dyspnea;
  • cough;
  • hemorrhages on the mucous membrane and skin.

by the most frequent symptoms are rhinorrhea and nasal congestion. Each person with the onset of cold weather or from. In this case general well-being does not suffer, it the only symptom, it does not cause discomfort and does not deprive a person of his ability to work. But in immunocompromised adults, nasal congestion and rhinorrhea can nasal breathing make it impossible. A person will begin to breathe badly and breathe through the mouth and may acquire even more complications. In each case, you need to seek the advice of a specialist and treat the disease.

  1. Soreness and pain in the throat or nasopharynx are also uncommon. If in mild cases the symptoms are not expressed and disappear within three days alone or require the use of weak drugs. Lozenges, rinses, sprays have a quickly positive effect. Swallowing and speaking become difficult in severe cases applied systemic and local treatment.
  2. Cough- with strong immunity, it does not develop, the patient may have only an unproductive or unproductive cough. They arise from irritation of the mucous membrane of the larynx or with increased formation of mucus in the bronchi and trachea, this defensive reaction organism. Then the cough becomes unproductive or productive. In severe cases, coughing can lead to respiratory arrest. This condition is considered life-threatening and is a medical emergency.
  3. Dyspnea- develops in humans weak immunity and means that the upper respiratory tract is affected. Bronchodilators and sputum-thinning drugs are prescribed.
  4. Intoxication- a symptom of a cold. A person does not have a temperature, but fatigue, lethargy and drowsiness are observed. The extreme degree of intoxication is when they appear muscle weakness and the person loses consciousness, in this case, the organism is poisoned. The body copes with the pathogen in the first case in an elementary way: during rest, sleep and nutrition, then the second case requires hospitalization in a hospital.
  5. Head and muscle pain - in mild cases, they are not expressed or disappear after sleep on their own or when taking NSAIDs or painkillers. At severe degree even strong painkillers become ineffective. The patient experiences severe pain even in lying position and any movement becomes painful for him.
  6. Hemorrhagic rashes appear as reddish dots on the pharynx or in the place where the friction of clothing is most felt. Occur in mild stage, and in a severe degree, spots, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage and soreness increase. This symptom means damage to the capillaries and small vessels. Often it occurs when infected with an unknown pathogen and the patient needs to be hospitalized. Bruising on the skin is an external manifestation of the disease, the same processes occur inside the body and they damage human organs.

Cold without fever in a child

The body of the child has not yet formed protective antibodies he had just begun to become familiar with the dangers surrounding him. The cascade of reactions when prostaglandins are formed is slowed down, but symptoms such as rhinorrhea and moist cough. For child's body this is a normal reaction to a pathogen. Although the internal defense is weak, it tries to drive the pathogen out.

Without an increase in temperature, the disease can occur in vaccinated children or with strengthened immunity. The symptoms will be mild and the cold will pass quickly. But even in the absence of temperature, the child will need help. In order to prevent complications, from the first days of the onset of the disease, start immunocorrective therapy and treat the symptoms that appear. Give your child plenty of warm alkaline drink, easily digestible warm food and provide him good vacation and deep sleep. For treatment, use herbal preparations and additionally use folk remedies.

Cold without fever treatment

What to take with a cold without fever? A cold without fever is treated in the same way as a cold with high temperature. The only difference is that the patient does not need to take antipyretics. But Paracetamol is recommended to take, it not only reduces the temperature, but is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. The main goals in the treatment of colds without fever:

  • strengthen immunity;
  • relieve symptoms;
  • prevent the development of complications.

How to treat a cold without fever? Treatment will depend on the severity of the symptoms. Hospitalization is recommended in severe cases with the use of complex treatment, in mild cases, folk remedies and drugs are suitable local application. Immunostimulating drugs have no contraindications: Aflubin, Anaferon and Oscillococcinum. They are recommended to drink for pregnant women, children from the first days of life and the elderly. From folk remedies, drink echinacea tincture or drink its decoction.

Use for nasal congestion drops or sprays, which have vasoconstrictor action: Afrin, Xymelin, Xylen, Otrivin, Tizin. You can use such drugs for no more than five days. Washing the nasal cavity sea ​​water gives good effect, the solution can be prepared independently or use various sprays: Aqualor, Aquamaris - these funds have no contraindications. Sea water relieves puffiness, removes excess mucus, microorganisms and dust particles. Preparations based on essential oils which have no contraindications: Efelipt, Sanorin, Pinosol. They reduce inflammation and relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa.

As an addition to treatment, use vitamin therapy. You can buy vitamins at a pharmacy or cook them yourself at home: scroll a lemon in a meat grinder, Walnut, dried apricots and add honey to them.

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