Cold jam for the winter: an effective flu pill! Mulled wine - a recipe for colds. Tea with raspberry jam

Several times we have already mentioned jams from the Tomsk manufacturer "Sibirskaya yagoda". Somehow I didn’t have a chance to buy it, but today I got it on the shelves in Auchan. All the jam is in jars, in doypacks, like in Utkonos, there is nothing. I didn’t like the strawberries in the light at all - completely frayed slurry, brown, without berries. Blueberries, cherries, raspberries were also not impressed. And then I saw HONEYSUCK! I used to try live berries only a few times, they are somewhat similar to blueberries, but different. To the light...

Why can a cold in children be complicated by otitis media?

Colds in babies are usually accompanied by inflammatory phenomena in the nasopharynx. Inflammation is known to lead to increased excretion mucous secretion from the nose, but simply snot. Therefore, sniffing is a constant and familiar companion of acute respiratory infections or SARS. By themselves, liquid snot with a common childhood cold is not harmful and even performs a protective function. immune function. But at protracted course disease, bacterial or viral infection they can cause...


That's why I always consider a runny nose as a reason to start treatment. Although many parents claim that a runny nose does not require treatment and goes away on its own

"If a child is constantly naughty, cries a lot, eats poorly, does not want to play with his favorite toys - this is an occasion to check if his ears hurt."
Especially if the baby cries piercingly at night against the background of SARS. We had it.

Blackberry color in the interior.

Like raspberry jam, without which the cold season does not pass, so any autumn is not complete without berry shades. Blackberry color - a rich and deep shade is considered an obligatory and optimal component of the autumn interior. Also, berry shades in the interior have been in fashion for several years. They are more mature in the red spectrum, so they shoot Bad mood and autumn blues helping to cope with the first frosts. Dark purple in the interior, having a bluish...

10 cold drinks Irina Berry's blog on

1. warm tea with honey and lemon. If you catch a cold, the first thing to do is prepare a weak black or green tea, in which add 1 tsp. honey and a couple of lemon slices. It is very important not to add honey and lemon to boiling water to preserve their beneficial substances. 2. Raspberry tea with linden flowers. Brew tea from dry linden flowers, add dry berries and raspberry leaves to it. And leave to infuse for 30 minutes. If there are no raspberries, raspberry jam will do. 3. Rosehip tea. It's no secret that...

Save the girls!! Cough, runny nose, sore throat, temperature (ttt-ttt-ttt) seems to be gone. What can be done to stop this disgrace in our state?


Girls, thank you very much! what would I do without you!!!

Last time I was treated with cranberry juice, pinosol was dripped into my nose. otherwise, probably other girls have already suggested to you. in my opinion, the most important thing is to lie down at home for a couple of days and so that there are no drafts there.

Carlson will invite guests to the Moscow Jam Festival.

Festival Audio Announcement “ Moscow jam”voiced by Vasily Livanov, who is known to the whole world not only as the most insightful Sherlock Holmes, but also the most cheerful Carlson. You can listen to the video on the festival page: [link-1] It is in the image of Carlson that the People's Artist of the RSFSR performs in the audio clip dedicated to the Moscow Jam festival. Who can understand sweets better than everyone's favorite character Astrid Lingred, who knows even in what doses there is jam to cure...

Festival “Moscow Jam”

From August 8 to August 17, the international festival “Moscow Jam” starts in Moscow. For ten days all over Moscow you can buy, eat, learn how to make jam and other sweets from fruits and berries, take part in contests and flash mobs, listen to street musicians, learn how to dance sweet salsa. The festival will cover the entire city: 19 venues in all metropolitan districts. In the center it will be Tverskaya and Teatralnaya square, Krymskaya embankment, Kamergersky and Klimentovsky lane...

How do we sleep from a cold.

In winter, no one is safe from a cold. I'm very curious, how do you deal with a cold? And I myself will share the little tricks of our family. So, vitamins are tasty, healthy and essential for our bodies. Fruits, our family loves to treat ourselves to such little yummy treats. Well, if our immunity failed to cope, and we got the first signs of a cold, then we do the following. Soaring feet in hot water with mustard, and then our miracle remedy is used. It...

The power of nature against colds. Community Lifestyle on

In the cold season, in autumn and winter, many often get sick with respiratory diseases and flu. These diseases are accompanied by a runny nose, cough, fever, body aches. lighten general state and relieve the symptoms of a cold will help natural ointment Doctor MOM®. The composition of the drug includes a specially selected combination medicinal plants, long known for their high efficiency in the fight against influenza and colds: nutmeg oil, camphor, menthol...

In autumn - and during other periods of colds and intense mental stress– the combination of taking VitaMishki Multi+ and VitaMishki Immuno+ complexes is absolutely justified. This combination will protect the child from colds and make it easier for him to assimilate new knowledge. All complexes of the series "VitaMishki" : Includes natural extracts fruits and vegetables DO NOT contain artificial colors and flavors In each package of the VitaMishki series there are gummy bears of four different flavors based on natural fruit or berry juices - they will turn the intake of vitamins into an exciting game...

A recipe for a cold (ours from the family who gave it, I don’t remember).

Indian way of treating colds: 1. The presence of cold symptoms (fever, runny nose, cough, chills, but no sore throat yet) i.e. the disease has not yet penetrated deeply into the body - for 1 glass of hot milk: a pinch - black pepper, - red pepper, - ginger (dry, ground), - cardamom (dry, ground) 1 teaspoon each: - sugar (not honey) -butter. Drink 1 cup hot at night and a second glass in the morning when you get up. By 10-11 o'clock there will be no trace of a cold. 2.If to above...

cold. Blog user raketka on

"Indian way of treating colds: 1. The presence of cold symptoms (fever, runny nose, cough, chills, but no sore throat yet) i.e. the disease has not yet penetrated deeply into the body - for 1 glass of hot milk: a pinch - black pepper , - red pepper, - ginger (dry, ground), - cardamom (dry, ground) 1 teaspoon each: - sugar (not honey) - butter Drink 1 cup hot at night and a second glass in the morning, when you got up. By 10-11 o'clock there will be no trace of a cold. 2. If you go higher ...

Colds, how to prevent and how to fight?.

When the first cold weather comes, everyone mentally begins to prepare for winter. Children rejoice at the prospect of sledging and throwing snowballs. Adults are looking forward to the New Year and Christmas fun, planning where they will go to visit and how they will spend the long-awaited holiday weekend. But doctors know that these plans can be destroyed by an unscheduled cold, which affects the lion's share of the country's population during the cold season. Even before the first frosts, pharmacies stock up on numerous...

Runny nose treatment

Acute respiratory diseases, flu and even the common cold - an unpleasant phenomenon, but, unfortunately, not uncommon in our Everyday life. As always, such a misfortune comes at the wrong time. When life flows deep river when work, study, family oblige us to conduct daily active image life, then a cold is a factor that is not worthy of wasting precious moments on it. After all, there are so many interesting things in the world that a cold seems just absurd. When sickness takes over...

9 miracle drinks for colds.. Timrina's blog on

1. Warm tea with honey and lemon A weak black or green tea with the addition of 1 tsp is very useful. honey (honey has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action, and also contains many useful minerals, trace elements and vitamins) and lemon juice. It is important to add lemon not to boiling water, but to already slightly chilled tea in order to preserve vitamin C. 2. Tea with raspberry fruits and linden flowers Raspberries and linden blossom are distinguished by their pronounced diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory ...

I didn’t know in which conference to ask, but I think, experts on GV are sitting here :-) Girls, here is my eldest child - he is 2 years old - he is adopted. Up to a year he lived in a child's house. Accordingly, he was fed mixtures from birth. Now we have another child born - I have plenty of milk and I thought - if it’s so useful, useful and irreplaceable - maybe give it to the elder. , but my hands didn’t get to write something and I tried ...


Breast milk has a laxative effect, read about it everywhere they write))) and the feces naturally liquefy) liquid food)

11/29/2016 13:40:24, Mom_advice

After 2 years, there may already be true lactase deficiency. Can you do an analysis? By the way, IMHO - if given, then from the chest, not expressed. It seems to me that the baby is not more important than the milk itself now, but the opportunity to get contact with his mother, which he did not have in more early age. Many still suckle at 2 years old, the reflex has not faded yet.

But there are no vaccinations for colds, it is difficult to exclude contacts, one can make a mistake in the intensity of hardening procedures. Wellness activities convenient time for recreational activities - summer. Make the most of it. Be sure to take the child out of the city whenever possible. In the country, make sure that the baby walks barefoot as much as possible - massage of the reflexogenic zones of the foot increases ...


I try to do wet cleaning three times a week. I often air my house. I force mine to wash their hands after walking and before eating. We also eat vitamin C baby formula bears))) Price-quality) Children simply adore them))) (we call children orange maniacs now) They simply cannot live without citrus fruits in winter)

12.10.2018 20:22:46, Lenochka1997

I ventilate the apartment, eat fruit, and usually save Septolete, as soon as it starts to hurt to swallow, immediately Septolete and do not allow complications such as tonsillitis, as for me, these are the best lozenges for sore throats. Children can be given from 4 years.

Cough, like a runny nose, frequent companion banal catarrhal diseases, and sometimes treat it just as frivolously. In such an attitude lies a danger to our health, because it can be a symptom of a very dangerous ailments. What weapon is available in the arsenal of traditional medicine against this "enemy"? Cough accompanies not only quite harmless colds, but also bronchitis, including purulent ones, pneumonia (pneumonia), bronchial asthma. There are heavy chronic diseases lungs, heart, nervous system, also manifested by coughing. There is another condition that is life-threatening. It begins suddenly, its manifestations are coughing up blood, chest pain, shortness of breath, weakness, cold sweat, pressure drop. It's a thromboembo...
... Take a third of a glass 3 times a day. Mix 2 parts of cinnamon rose hips, lime blossom and dried apple slices, 1 part coltsfoot and chamomile flowers. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour in a thermos. Strain, take a third cup 3 times a day with honey or raspberry jam. Anna Ivanchina, general practitioner, Medical Center Administration of the President of the Russian Federation An article from the February issue of the magazine ...

Against the background of a decrease in immunity, the likelihood of colds increases. In the first trimester of pregnancy (from conception to 12-13 weeks), infections can cause threatened abortion, spontaneous miscarriages, missed pregnancy (death of the embryo inside the uterus), gross malformations of the fetus. In the second trimester of pregnancy (13-27 weeks), a cold can cause a threat premature birth and minor fetal anomalies. In the third trimester (from 28 weeks) transferred viral and / or bacterial infections cause poly- and oligohydramnios, delay syndrome prenatal development fetus, placental disorders, intrauterine infection of the fetus. Viruses can cause colds...

Raspberry jam for colds

How to take raspberries for a cold

If you have a cold, but you don’t feel like swallowing pills, there is a proven natural medicine- raspberries. The use of raspberries during a cold will help in the fight against elevated temperature and speed up recovery.

Why raspberries are good for colds

Raspberries have long been famous as a healing and tasty berry that helps with colds. It is known that raspberries contain salicylic acid, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is absorbed by the body much better than that contained in tablets. Compared to aspirin, raspberries contain small doses of salicylates, which are safe even for babies.

This berry contains a lot of vitamins and microelements, which are especially necessary for the body to recover from an illness. Also in raspberries there are anthocyanins - tannins, they color the berries in a bright red color.

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But as adults, many question the miraculous qualities of raspberry jam. No doubt - it's delicious and rich in vitamins berry, but does it work wonderfully for a cold? Does raspberry jam really help with a cold?

To answer this question, let's look at the composition of raspberries.

As we can see, this delicious berry includes salicylic acid, which is one of the important components of the treatment of colds in most colds, as well as ...

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Raspberries for colds

Does raspberry help with a cold?

Jam made from raspberries, as well as jam from mountain ash and viburnum, has excellent antipyretic properties and is one of the most commonly used in medical purposes potions. Such a jam is shown as medicinal product with colds and SARS. Therapeutic effect raspberry jam is explained by the presence in its composition of substances similar to aspirin ( acetylsalicylic acid), if we talk about the impact of such a tool on human body. This explains the well-known properties of preparations based on raspberry to lower the temperature, cause profuse sweating. In addition, raspberry jam promotes blood thinning, which in turn is the prevention of stroke.

Raspberries contain ellagic acid, which prevents the development of diseases. of cardio-vascular system and promotes the destruction of certain malignant cells.

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Raspberry jam has been known to everyone since childhood, because for grandmothers there was no more effective way cold treatment than raspberry tea. It is still popular today, many canned it in huge quantities to not only be treated by him, but also to feast on your favorite sweetness. But does it really help? viral diseases Or is this an exaggerated property? Let's figure it out.

What is useful for a cold

In the raspberry itself there are many beneficial vitamins and minerals that provide beneficial effect for the entire body as a whole.

If we consider substances that can affect the course of recovery, we can distinguish:

Vitamins of groups B, C, A, E and PP, they strengthen the immune system. A large amount of iron promotes tissue "breathing". Tannins that give the berries color and have antimicrobial properties. fructose and glucose. They are quickly absorbed by the body and strengthen it. salicylic acid which gives...

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For colds, raspberry jam is one of the most indispensable and delicious remedies. Many experts believe that this berry is the best and natural medicine to fight high fever.

Using raspberry jam for colds, a person strengthens his immunity and restores strength. In addition, the healing process will be significantly accelerated.

Disease Definition

A cold or SARS is a disease that occurs due to hypothermia of the body. Hypothermia, in turn, quite often leads to the activation of pathogens in the mucous membranes of the respiratory system.

The main symptoms of a cold:

Most often, colds develop gradually. At first, a person feels a sore throat, he begins to sneeze, and a runny nose appears, and then a cough after a few days.

Body temperature can remain normal, or rise to thirty-seven and a half or thirty-eight degrees. She usually...

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1. The composition of raspberries

1.1. Raspberry properties

2. Raspberry treatment

2.1. cold raspberry recipes

3. Raspberry jam during pregnancy
4. Contraindications
5. Conclusion

Raspberry jam is one of the best and tasty medicines from a cold. Raspberries are added to tea, dried, used as a raw material for fruit drinks. Raspberries for colds are recognized by many medical institutions The best natural antipyretic.

Note! Raspberries contain a large number of useful substances needed by the patient during the period of illness.

By consuming raspberries, a person replenishes the missing substances in the body, thereby strengthening the immune system and restoring energy.

Composition of raspberries

The composition of raspberries includes many useful substances, among which there are several particularly important ones.

Wild raspberries contain sugar (10%), essential oils and organic acids. In seeds, about 20% is ...

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Raspberries for colds - one of the the best means folk medicine. This berry is added to tea, dried or used as a raw material for fruit drinks.

In addition, raspberry jam for colds is recognized as one of the best antipyretic natural remedies.

At the same time, raspberries have a mass useful elements that help speed up your recovery.

So, its use allows you to saturate the body with the missing components, restore energy balance and activate immune processes.


Raspberries contain many useful substances. So, a wild berry is rich in sugar (about 10%), organic acids and essential oils. And its seeds contain fatty oil(about 20%).

In addition, its fruits contain:

Salicylic acid; anthocyanins; lemon acid; catechins; minerals; wine acid; alcohols; proteins; tannins; pectins.

At the same time, raspberries are a storehouse of vitamins B, A and C, and ...

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Hello! Yesterday I felt that I caught a cold, and began treatment with folk, home methods. Steamed her legs and drank tea with honey and lemon. I found a jar of raspberry jam prepared since the summer and decided to treat it with a cold. But the neighbor said that with a cold, you need to take only dry raspberries, brew leaves and twigs like tea, and jam loses its healing properties when cooking. And in general, you should make jam and harvest only wild raspberries for medicinal purposes, and in homemade berries medicinal properties No, because it is grown artificially. Consider who is right? Can raspberry jam be used for a cold? And which raspberry has more medicinal properties?
Good afternoon! Raspberry jam for colds is an irreplaceable thing. Raspberry itself, like various blanks of it, has very valuable medicinal properties and therefore has long been used in folk medicine, including in the treatment of colds. In berries, in addition to glucose and fructose, ...

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You will need

To prepare raspberry juice: - 100 g of raspberry jam; - 500 ml of water. To prepare raspberry jam from frozen berries: - 500 g of frozen raspberries; - 2 tbsp. granulated sugar; - citric acid; - slow cooker. To prepare raspberry tea: - 2 tsp. raspberry jam; - raspberry leaves; - 2 tsp. black or green tea (to taste); - 200 ml of water.


If you catch a cold and get sick, make raspberry jam according to the following recipe. Dilute 100 g of raspberry jam in 500 ml of water, stir well and put on gas to boil. Then cool the resulting fruit drink and take it as a diaphoretic and antipyretic. In addition, such delicious drink will help you in the prevention of colds.

Frozen raspberries can also be used to make jam and treat colds. Defrost berries naturally at room temperature so they don't lose their...

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The famous Roman cook Apicius in the 3rd-4th centuries. n. e. wrote the cookbook "De re coquinaria" ("On Cooking"), where the very first jam recipe is found. Apicius called this sweet, prepared from quince with honey, defrutum (defrutum). And until now, according to this old recipe, a similar jam is produced, which is available for sale in some southern European countries under the name mosto cotto. The main secret of this jam is to add boiled honey to honey. grape juice which removes astringent taste quince.

Today, many have already forgotten how, during perestroika, the shelves of shops were filled with apple jam, and everyone in the apartment had a refrigerator under the window for storing their own jam. The morning of any Russian in the 90s began with a roll with butter and jam, and on long winter evenings it was so nice to drink tea with currant jam and pancakes.

Now it has become unfashionable to make jam, and only diligent housewives and caring grandmothers are engaged in such art.

Meanwhile, cooking jam for the winter can be a very entertaining and exciting thing for the whole family, as it symbolizes a kind of unity and care for loved ones. In addition, properly cooked jam according to old recipes can be much better and more useful than bought sweets.

The beneficial properties of jam increase many times over if it is made not with sugar, but with honey.

Did you know that in ancient times Tsarist Russia jam was available only to wealthy people, because they cooked it on honey, like the Romans and Greeks. Sugar appeared in our country only in the second half of the 19th century. We made jam in our country from raspberries, apples and gooseberries. Catherine II herself loved gooseberry jam so much that for its recipe she gave her cook a ring with an emerald. The jam was called “emerald or royal”. It also fell in love with our classic of literature A.S. Pushkin.

The main secret of "emerald" jam is correct collection berries. Only green gooseberries harvested between June 10 and 15 are suitable for royal sweetness.

Ekaterina's Emerald Jam RecipeII

  1. The berries are washed and cleaned of ponytails. Then pour a decoction of cherry leaves so that it completely covers the berries.
  2. The decoction is prepared as follows: two handfuls of leaves are boiled for five minutes in a liter of water.
  3. Gooseberries should soak in cherry broth for about a day (in the cold).
  4. On the second day, the berries are taken out and transferred to boiling sugar syrup.
  5. After fifteen minutes of simmering, the "emerald" jam is ready.

Benefits of gooseberry jam

Many facts speak about the benefits of this jam. Catherine II and adulthood retained an excellent complexion, attractiveness and performance, while managing a huge empire for thirty years.

Gooseberry jam is a low-calorie product containing carbohydrates, which means that by using it instead of sweets, you can bring your weight back to normal.

In addition, gooseberries are very rich in potassium, which is useful for the cardiovascular system.

Does "emerald" jam help maintain immunity?

Young gooseberries contain a lot of valuable vitamins, beta-carotene, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), vitamins B1, B2.

When cooking jam for several hours, these vitamins, and, in particular, vitamin C are partially destroyed. Since in the recipe for “emerald” jam the berries are boiled in syrup for only 15 minutes, they will retain most of the nutrients.

From the story of the benefits of jam ...

Dry jam can be made from any berries, fruits, watermelon rinds and vegetables. Fruit cut into cubes or slices, pour syrup and cook for ten minutes. The ratio of fruits and syrup should be one to two(1 liter of water, 650 g of sugar, you can use honey instead of sugar, as Avicenna did).

We insist in syrup for 8 hours, then separate the fruits from the syrup, sprinkle them with sugar.

The next step is drying. Arrange the fruit in a single layer on a baking sheet and place in the oven, leaving the door ajar. We dry at a temperature not higher than 40 degrees for about ten hours.

Ready dry jam must be packed in cardboard box lined with parchment paper first.

What is the healthiest jam?

It is no secret that in order to preserve the vitamins and nutrients of berries, jam is prepared from them in a “cold way”. This jam is usually best made from sour berries: red currant, gooseberry, blueberry, sea buckthorn, cranberry, lingonberry and viburnum. It is stored in the refrigerator for up to a year and helps to cope with the first signs of a cold. Instead of sugar in such sweets, it is better to use honey.

The recipe for "cold" viburnum jam

  1. Peel the berries from the stalks and brushes, sort, rinse in cold water, scatter thin layer on a clean towel and dry.
  2. Then grind with a crush or pass through a meat grinder, while adding honey. Arrange in jars layer by layer of grated berries and honey.

Viburnum contains approximately 1.5 times more vitamin With than in citrus fruits! The combination of viburnum with honey can get rid of a sore throat and any cold, cope with disorders in the stomach and intestines, and normalize blood pressure.

Of course for quick treatment colds, it is better not to subject the berries to heat treatment. However, such a recipe allows you to prepare berries for the winter, and at the right time to achieve the desired therapeutic effect. Such recipes are especially relevant for the prevention of diseases in children and pregnant women who cannot take medicines.

"Five-minute jam" - the best way to prepare blueberries for the winter

There is another way to preserve nutrients in berries and fruits. This method is especially valuable, because our Russian housewives came up with it for harvesting blueberries for the future. "Five-minute jam" from blueberries can be used as an independent dish, and as a filling for pies, rolls, an addition to cottage cheese.

Blueberries are champions in terms of the content of nutrients. The most valuable are vitamins A and B, which have a positive effect on vision and skin health, contribute to the normalization brain activity. Due to the high concentration of iron and manganese in blueberry jam, its use improves general well-being and increases the body's resistance to disease.

Recipe for a healthy "five-minute jam" from blueberries

  • 1 kg blueberries
  • 250 ml water
  • 1 - 1.5 kg of sugar
  1. Bring water to a boil in a jam pot.
  2. Pour sugar into water so that it dissolves completely.
  3. When the sugar dissolves, add blueberries to the syrup, and, turning off the heat, leave for 4-5 hours.
  4. After the specified time, turn on the fire again, bring the jam to a boil and cook for 3 minutes.
  5. Once the jam is ready, you can pour it into sterilized jars. Store in a cool place.

Cooking jam with seeds

We all remember from childhood a special device for removing pits from cherries. The lesson was boring and, most importantly, useless. It turns out that jam with seeds is much healthier. When heated from the seeds, useful vitamins and antioxidants are released, which remain in the jam. In addition, it is the seeds that give the jam a unique natural taste and aroma. Such jam can be cooked, for example, from apricots and plums.

We offer a recipe healthy jam from a plum. Such jam is cooked in several steps, between which it is insisted. This method allows the maximum transition beneficial substances from seeds to syrup.

Recipe for healthy plum jam with seeds

  1. Sort the plum with a stone, rinse under running water and pierce a little with a fork. Fill it with cold water.
  2. Then, for 3-5 minutes, heat the plum with water over medium heat. Do not bring to a boil.
  3. Drain the resulting water from the drains. Add sugar to the water and bring to a boil while stirring. Cool plums at this time.
  4. Pour the prepared chilled plum with hot sugar syrup.
  5. Then heat the jam over medium heat almost to a boil (until the bubbles just start to appear) and let stand for 10 hours. Repeat this manipulation 1-2 times.
  6. The last step is to boil the jam over low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  7. Pour hot jam from plums with stones into sterile jars and roll up. Leave to cool with lids upside down.

Is jam and marmalade healthy?

AT different countries, jam has different names. In France - confiture, in England - jam, in Russia - jam and marmalade.
No breakfast in a traditional English family is complete without jam. By the way, jam was invented in Scotland at the beginning of the 18th century by Janet Keiller. From her name came the name jam.

Jam is not only a delicious independent dessert. The use of this sweet brings harmful substances out of the body due to great content pectins. These substances also heal minor wounds and help cleanse the intestines.

Of course, in everything you need to know the measure. Excessive consumption of jam can lead to weight gain and diabetes.

What is important to know when making jam?

A characteristic feature of jam is its jelly-like consistency. It is achieved by combining pectin, contained in berries and fruits, with acids and sugar. Therefore, first you need to choose the right fruit and berries from which you will make jam. The richest in pectin are currants, apples, apricots, quince, gooseberries, plums, oranges. You can combine several fruits and berries when making jam.

What bowl to cook jam in

Berries and fruits contain organic acids, which can cause increased corrosion of the surface of the dishes. Therefore, enameled pots and basins or stainless steel are usually used for cooking jam.

Since ancient times, jam was also cooked in copper and brass basins. However, it is worth remembering that this species dishes are very easily oxidized by oxygen and covered dark patina. Such basins cannot be used for cooking jam. Copper and brass utensils should be polished and polished to a shine.

Are there any contraindications and restrictions in the use of jam?

Of course there are, but they are all related to individual features human body.

St. Basil the Great draws our attention: “Avoiding immoderation in pleasure, the goal of eating food should not be pleasure, but its necessity for life, for to grovel for pleasures means nothing more than to make the womb your god.”

A sense of proportion is a wonderful quality that will help us in refraining from gluttony, thereby protecting us from diseases of the body.

  1. Age.

Jam contains sugar, which means that children under 5 years old and the elderly should limit their use of this product to a tablespoon per day. Strictly speaking, doctors generally do not recommend giving jam to children under three years old. Starting from the age of three, the norm of sugar for a child is 40 g per day - and this is about a dessert spoon of jam. Children under three years of age can usually be given grated berries and fruits instead of jam.

  1. Allergy.

Berries, as such, are very strong allergens. Therefore, do not use jam for people prone to allergies.

  1. Diabetes and overweight.

People suffering from these diseases are generally not recommended to use our usual jam on sugar syrup. Vegetables and fruits cooked on honey will be optimal for them.

When choosing between store-bought and homemade jam, it's hard to make the wrong choice. But what kind of jam is useful among all sweet homemade preparations, except for the well-known raspberry? It turns out that there are the most worthy in their healing properties.

Sea buckthorn jam

Be sure to include sea buckthorn jam in your diet, especially during a cold. Even heat treatment it is this berry that does not threaten the vitamin C contained in it - it remains in sufficient volume for good. And phytoncides can perform the functions of an antibiotic.

dogwood jam

It should be included in the menu not only for SARS and flu, but also for problems gastrointestinal tract, kidney and liver diseases, headaches and joint diseases.

Quince jam

Quince jam will be useful for asthma, and will also help you get back on your feet faster when you have a cold.

Walnut jam

This jam is considered useful for toothache and headaches. If there is fatigue in the muscles, overwork is felt, and it is also worth eating this jam to recover from a cold.

cranberry jam

Cranberry jam will help reduce blood pressure and "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

Melon jam

If you have prepared melon jam, you can improve blood formation and help the body deal with stress.

Cherry jam

Besides the fact that jam has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, it will also help reduce pressure and strengthen bone tissue.

plum jam

Plum jam will useful topics who have vascular problems. Vitamin P will strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and vitamin K will help in the fight against thrombosis.

Raspberry jam

Do you think it's only good for colds? Its properties are much wider. Folic acid beneficial for expectant mothers. It is worth using it for diseases of the stomach, intestines, kidneys, joints. And copper will increase the elasticity of the skin.

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