How to quickly overcome a viral infection. How to treat a viral infection - advice from doctors. What should be the blood test for a viral infection

There are many viruses that infect humans. The highest viral activity is observed in autumn-winter period. During this time, viruses that cause acute respiratory infections are often encountered, for example, adenovirus, rhinovirus, influenza virus, etc. Treatment of viral infections should be comprehensive and combined. Those who think that they can cope with the disease on their own or with the help of folk methods are at risk for a host of complications. Even having strong immunity, the body is not always able to cope with a particular virus. Especially since the majority modern residents defense mechanisms reduced by the most different reasons. For example, a malfunction of the immune system occurs as a result of poor ecology, poor nutrition, insufficient physical activity, chronic stress etc.

Basic principles of ARVI treatment

Treatment of viral infections made up of a series therapeutic measures, primarily aimed at the destruction and removal of the pathogen from the body. To get rid of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) are used antiviral drugs, funds symptomatic therapy and immune boosting drugs. Antiviral drugs directly fight the virus, in particular, block its growth, reproduction and spread. Immunomodulators are involved in the formation of an adequate immune response, contribute to the production of antibodies and other protective factors. Auxiliaries reduce the symptoms of intoxication and improve general well-being patient. In addition, if necessary, medications can be used to treat concomitant diseases.


At the disposal of the immune system there are universal defenders - interferons. Interferons are protein compounds that are the first to respond to the invasion of viruses. However, the production of these substances is often reduced, which is mainly due to the action of negative external and internal factors, and in children under 3 years of age and pregnant women physiological reasons. As a result treatment of viral infections requires the use of drugs that restore the production of interferon. AT complex therapy VIFERON® can be used - a domestic representative of the group of recombinant interferons. It is worth noting that this drug acts against all viruses, and can be prescribed in the complex treatment of acute respiratory viral infections for children and expectant mothers.

For immunity

Correction of immunity is necessary in almost all cases of infection with viral infections. Some doubt the advisability of using funds that strengthen protective functions, and also believe that interferons are needed only for autoimmune and cancer. Others are afraid to use such drugs because of the pronounced side effects. However, there are conditions under which treatment of viral infections involves the use of drugs that combine two important actions: antiviral and immunomodulatory. For example, if the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections is observed frequently, or acute respiratory viral infections are severe and prolonged, and also lead to otitis media, bronchitis and pneumonia. There is a drug that has indications in complex treatment various viral infections among the smallest patients, as well as pregnant women (from 14 weeks). In addition, it was found that when using the drug VIFERON® Suppositories are absent side effects that occur when parenteral administration preparations of interferon alfa-2b, antibodies are not formed that neutralize the antiviral activity of interferon alfa-2b.

Antibiotics for SARS

Many patients believe that SARS treatment you need to start with antibiotics, including to prevent complications. Antimicrobials do not act on viruses, they can be prescribed for acute respiratory viral diseases only if the bacterial flora is attached. In other situations, antimicrobial agents can cause a violation of the quantitative and quality composition natural bacterial environment. For action pathogenic bacteria indicate symptoms such as a high temperature reaction for more than 3 days, the occurrence of raids on the tonsils, soreness in the throat or ear, a runny nose that does not go away within 2 weeks, an increase in regional lymph nodes, increased cough, development of shortness of breath and wheezing.

Symptomatic therapy

In addition to the well-known auxiliary methods fighting viral infections plentiful drink, inhalations, antipyretic and vasoconstrictors etc.), the doctor may also consider using vitamin complexes. SARS are characterized by a tendency to develop against the background of an exacerbation of any chronic diseases, since long-term diseases weaken the body, opening the way for viruses. In such cases, it is necessary to use drugs that eliminate relapse chronic pathology. In order to prevent acute respiratory viral infections, it is advisable to discuss with your doctor the possibility of using combined measures to strengthen immunity (influenza vaccination, hardening procedures, breathing exercises, the use of antiviral drugs, for example, the drug, etc.).

According to materials:
"Viferon in the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections", L.V. Kolobukhin.

Doctors classify all infections as fast and slow. The slower the bacterium, the more dangerous it is for human life. This is justified by the fact that these microorganisms have the greatest destructive factor, and also do not have a bright severe symptoms.

Consider the main infections:

  • Herpetic. Herpes is present in the body of every person, but it worsens only if a provocateur appears. In appearance, herpes can be identified by characteristic vesicles on one or another part of the patient's body.
  • Acute respiratory viral infection. This microbe enters the respiratory tract of a person, after which it infects them. The symptoms are similar to the flu or the common cold. The most dangerous part diseases - an opportunity to get Chronical bronchitis or pneumonia.
  • Encephalitis. This microbe affects the human brain, which leads to the destruction of the central nervous system and consciousness. At this disease extremely high mortality. After infection, patients often fall into a coma, experience convulsions and paralysis of some limbs. Also, this microbe contributes to the development of multiple organ failure, the result - fatal outcome in 9 out of 10 cases.
  • Hepatitis. Infection of the body with such a microbe leads to damage to the liver tissues. In the future, violations and complications develop during work this body. These symptoms can be disastrous.
  • Polio. After the illness, the person will experience permanent seizures, further inflammation of the brain and loss of consciousness will develop. As a result of these symptoms, paralysis is possible. The disease is extremely dangerous, as it leads to disability of the patient.
  • Meningitis. This microorganism penetrates under the cerebral cortex and infects the cerebrospinal fluid. In the future, the virus "travels" throughout the human circulatory system. May lead to impaired consciousness and atrophy of the muscles of the arms or legs, even despite correct therapy.
  • Measles. After the onset of the disease, the patient develops a red rash in certain areas of the body, cough and fever. By itself, the microorganism is not particularly dangerous, but if you do not take up the treatment of the infection in time, you can get complications in the form of encephalitis or meningitis.
  • STD. Sexually transmitted diseases have been around for a long time. Previously, they were considered extremely dangerous, but with the current level of medicine, they are amenable to complete cure. To completely eradicate the disease, it is necessary to identify the symptoms in a timely manner.
Each of these groups has large quantity diseases that can be both completely harmless and easily treatable, and extremely dangerous for human life. A timely diagnosis, proper attitude to one's health and vaccination will help adults and children avoid the consequences and complications after infection.

Acute respiratory viral infection is a fairly common disease.

But few understand what it can cause dangerous complications, so it is necessary adequate treatment SARS to.

ARVI, or as we used to call it, a cold is not one, but a group of respiratory diseases that have similar symptoms.

Mostly due to the penetration of pathogenic viruses, the respiratory tract suffers. If it is not possible to accurately determine the type of virus, they write “ORZ” on the card.

How does a cold occur, what are characteristic symptoms- the main questions, the answers to which everyone should know.

Why do we get colds

Colds can be contracted or caught due to certain factors.

Our life without air would be impossible. But do not forget that the surrounding space is literally “teeming” with microorganisms, among which pathogenic bacteria occupy a strong place.

There are more than 200 types of viral pathogens.

Several times a year there are outbreaks of epidemics due to climatic and physical factors.

Approximately 20% of the adult population is forced to see a doctor at least 2-3 times a year and take a sick leave.

Particularly susceptible colds small children, students. Babies do not yet have an immune system, they easily pick up the virus. The risk group also includes the elderly, people who have undergone serious illness. The danger of SARS, resulting in epidemics, and even influenza pandemics,

Source of disease

The main source of infection is a sick person, especially if the disease is in initial stage.

At the same time, he may not yet guess that the infection began its “work” in his body and began to infect healthy cells, internal organs.

The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets when communicating with an infected person, being with him in the same room, public transport.

The infection is transmitted through coughing, sneezing, and even the patient's breath.

The cause of infection is also poor hygiene. No matter how tired we are of hearing from doctors - "Wash your hands often", but this is very important point. Through dirty hands we can become infected not only with SARS, but also with other diseases that are very dangerous for humans.

The physical cause of susceptibility to foreign bacteria is reduced immunity.

A weakened body loses its protective functions; this condition can be provoked by:

  • not proper nutrition;
  • avitaminosis;
  • anemia;
  • bad ecology;
  • hypodynamia;
  • stress, depression;
  • chronic diseases.

Regular stress weakens the body, impairs immunity

Once in the body weak man, the virus does not "see" the barriers to reproduction and diverges throughout the body.

Types of viral infections include:

  • rhinovirus;
  • adenovirus;
  • coronavirus;
  • metapneumovirus.

The onset of SARS and symptoms

Whatever virus enters the body, it is necessary to determine characteristics diseases for adequate treatment.

Classic features include:

  • heat;
  • chills;
  • lethargy, weakness;
  • pallor skin;
  • headache;
  • myalgia - pain in the joints, muscles;
  • swollen lymph nodes in the neck, behind the ears, on the back of the head.

The onset of SARS is the defeat of pathogenic microbes of the mucous and respiratory tract, patients have a runny nose, nasal congestion, cough, lacrimation, copious discharge from the nose, pain in the eyes.

The cough may be dry, barking, or sputum-producing.

If it is the flu, then these signs seem to be late and appear on the second, third day of infection.

First of all, there is a severe headache, pain in muscles and joints, dizziness, apathy, drowsiness. When infected with parainfluenza, the respiratory tract first of all suffers, laryngitis, pharyngitis occurs, with adenovirus, the mucous membrane of the eye is affected - conjunctivitis .

Symptoms of concern

As much as we would not like it, but for each person, even a banal cold passes according to its own “scenario”.

Otherwise, you would not have to go to the doctor and take new types medicines and treated with conventional means.

But complex human body reacts differently to viruses, because there are no absolutely identical microbes, each has its own forms and ways of distribution.

Treatment of SARS should be started already at the first symptoms, especially in children.

Even worse, viruses are constantly changing, acquiring more powerful abilities to infect the body, and take on atypical forms.

Even the usual nasal congestion with SARS, which we take lightly, can lead to very dangerous diseases, among which -

In order not to be in such difficult situation, self-diagnosis and self-treatment are completely unacceptable.

This is especially true for parents who have a sick child.

How does SARS proceed?

In addition to the classic signs, at an advanced stage, symptoms will appear that indicate a complicated form of the disease:

  • heat - more than 40 degrees;
  • severe headache, in which it is impossible to tilt the chin to the chest, turn the neck;
  • rash, and it does not matter on which part of the body;
  • feeling of pressure in chest, pain, hard breath, cough with pink or brown sputum;
  • feverish state more than 5 days;
  • fainting, confused consciousness;
  • secretions from the respiratory tract - nose, larynx, bronchi, etc. greenish, purulent hue interspersed with blood;
  • swelling, pain behind the chest.

The reason for visiting the doctor should also be the duration of the disease, if the symptoms do not improve or do not go away after a week, a qualified medical assistance, a complete examination of the body and adequate treatment.

Diagnosis of SARS

Diagnose acute respiratory disease it is not difficult if the course acquires typical signs.

But any self-respecting doctor who knows how to properly treat ARVI, suspecting complications, should send the patient for fluorography, to the laboratory for testing and their thorough examination.

Danger is a combination SARS and bacterial infection , and bacteria are cultured to rule out or take action. severe forms diseases require immunological studies to determine the type of virus.

Even an experienced doctor can confuse a cold with a hemophilic infection, it can be distinguished only by the exact signs that the patient is without fail must tell the doctor.

The onset of ARVI - how to treat?

Each of us is familiar with the saying — « If you treat a cold, then it will pass in 7 days, if not, then in a week».

Joking aside, but it's not really true.

After all, it does not matter in what terms you can cope with the disease, it is important that there is no serious consequences for the body.

The main thing is that the course of SARS is under control qualified specialist. Only in this way the human body can easily transfer the infection, and all internal organs will remain safe and sound.

Problems arise when advanced stages, when defensive forces no longer able to cope with pathogenic bacteria.

Help fight viral infection antiviral agents

The course of treatment for ARVI

With a cold, it is necessary to act on the cause and alleviate the symptoms.

Means have a powerful effect, but the effect is not immediately observed, and after 5-6 hours.

The initial stage of SARS: treatment of symptoms

The modern pharmaceutical industry produces the latest medicines affecting not only the cause, but also the elimination of severe symptoms.

Thanks to this, the body maintains immunity and quickly recovers.

What do specialists prescribe for ARVI?

  1. aimed at maintaining thermoregulation, but the degrees are not worth it. The body fights with hyperthermia pathogenic microbes. Medication should be prescribed by a doctor and only when the temperature rises.
  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs increase blood circulation in the affected airways, larynx, trachea, and bronchi. They reduce heat pain. high efficiency have hot drinks "Coldrex", etc.
  3. Nasal congestion in SARS. What is the treatment for this? - dilating blood vessels and removing puffiness, - best way out. Thanks to the medicinal liquid, stagnation in the nasal sinuses is eliminated, which prevents sinusitis, sinusitis, sinusitis. But it is worth remembering that long-term use such funds may lead to chronic runny nose- rhinitis, thickening of the nasal mucosa and dependence on nasal drops.
  4. What to use for SARS, if the throat hurts? More effective remedy than rinsing with solutions has not yet been invented. More on this I detail. Yes, there are drugs that relieve spasm, eliminate pain, but rinsing soda solution, furatsilin refers to methods that are safe for the body. Disinfectants help a lot - "Bioparox", "Geksoral", etc.
  5. Cough with SARS. Than in this case be treated? It is important to stimulate the release of sputum from the respiratory tract, to make it liquid. In addition to warm drinks, milk with soda, honey, cocoa butter, expectorant drugs are used: ACC, Bronholitin, Mukaltin. Appointments should only be made by a qualified professional.

For those who do not know how to relieve the symptoms of SARS, you need to pay attention to the usual list of drugs:

  • Analgesics - relieve headaches ear pain eliminate spasms.
  • Antihistamines - Claritin, Diazolin, etc. will help to expand the bronchi, relieve itching, swelling, expand blood vessels.

Important! SARS should not be treated with antibiotics . Only antiviral agents are shown, and the antibiotic series can cause an aggravation of the disease. Moreover, such drugs can in themselves cause serious damage to a weakened body.

The onset of ARVI: how to treat at home

The common cold, like any other infectious disease, can have dangerous complications.

The adult still has defensive reaction, if there are no chronic diseases, hypothermia, and other factors affecting immunity.

Young children are at risk, as they are most prone to SARS

Children at breastfeeding get everything with mother's milk useful components protecting against diseases and viral infections.

The risk group, as we have already noticed, includes old people and small children, babies on artificial feeding. It is unacceptable to treat them without consulting a doctor, only professional approach and appropriate prescriptions.

You can fight a viral infection with a cold with your own methods, but only when combined with traditional treatment.

What to do with SARS at home:

  1. Don't break bed rest . The body needs to conserve strength, less physical activity. We need peace, quiet, a pleasant atmosphere.
  2. When the disease occurs, a powerful intoxication of the body due to the decay products of healthy and disease-causing cells. The liver, blood vessels, kidneys, and genitourinary system suffer. In order not to disturb the metabolism, metabolic processes, need constant consumption warm water, mineral water, juices, compotes, kissels, fruit drinks. It is useful to drink tea with lemon, honey, rose hips, raspberries.
  3. Healthy diet. If the disease is accompanied by enteral symptoms - diarrhea, cramps, colic, it is necessary to abandon dairy products. Otherwise, shown dairy products, cereals, fruits, vegetables, greens. To facilitate the work of the liver, fried, smoked, spicy, sour foods should be limited.
  4. Walks in the open air . Despite the condition, if the temperature allows - up to 38 degrees, you need to breathe fresh air, walk, which improves blood flow and metabolic processes.
  5. room in which the patient is needs to be ventilated several times a day to eliminate the accumulation of germs in the air. Wet cleaning is also useful. disinfectants, since viruses have a "habit" to settle on furniture, household items.

Folk remedies for colds

It is worth considering that even folk remedies should only be taken after consulting a doctor.

Recommendations like "start hardening through pouring ice water”,“ enemas ”,“ starvation and others ”, very dubious advice, must be discarded . old recipes rather, they are intended for the prevention of viral diseases, strengthening the immune system - the use of garlic, onions, herbal teas, rose hips, linden, mint, chamomile, eucalyptus.

Signs of recovery from SARS

At acute stage disease, a person has a fever, a serious condition, apathy, loss of appetite, pain in the joints, muscles, etc.

As soon as the virus begins to "lose", the temperature balance normalizes - perspiration occurs, the pallor of the skin turns into a blush, the patient wants to eat, is drawn to sweets.

Improvement in well-being may indicate recovery

All this points to the restoration of the body.

But this does not mean that you can immediately go out into the street, visit public places, clubs, discos, school.

Rehabilitation will take more time healthy eating course of vitamin therapy. You need to restore strength, make sure that the disease has receded and boldly go out into the world!

Viral diseases infect cells in which there are already violations, which is what the pathogen uses. Modern research proved that this happens only with a strong weakening of the immune system, which is no longer able to adequately fight the threat.

Features of viral infections

Types of viral diseases

These pathogens are usually distinguished by a genetic trait:

  • DNA - colds viral diseases human, hepatitis B, herpes, papillomatosis, chickenpox, lichen;
  • RNA - influenza, hepatitis C, HIV, polio, AIDS.

Viral diseases can also be classified according to the mechanism of influence on the cell:

  • cytopathic - the accumulated particles break and kill it;
  • immune-mediated - the virus embedded in the genome sleeps, and its antigens come to the surface, putting the cell under attack by the immune system, which considers it an aggressor;
  • peaceful - the antigen is not produced, the latent state persists for a long time, replication starts when favorable conditions are created;
  • degeneration - the cell mutates into a tumor.

How is the virus transmitted?

The spread of a viral infection is carried out:

  1. Airborne. Respiratory viral infections are transmitted by the retraction of mucus particles splattered during a sneeze.
  2. Parenterally. In this case, the disease passes from mother to child, during medical manipulations, sex.
  3. Through food. Viral diseases come with water or food. Sometimes they stay dormant for a long time, appearing only under external influence.

Why are viral diseases epidemic?

Many viruses spread quickly and massively, which provokes the emergence of epidemics. The reasons for this are as follows:

  1. Ease of distribution. Many serious viruses and viral diseases are easily transmitted through saliva droplets inhaled. In this form, the pathogen can maintain activity for a long time, therefore it is able to find several new carriers.
  2. reproduction rate. After entering the body, the cells are affected one by one, providing the necessary nutrient medium.
  3. Difficulty of elimination. It is not always known how to treat viral infection, this is due to the lack of knowledge, the possibility of mutations and the difficulties of diagnosing - at the initial stage it is easy to confuse it with other problems.

Symptoms of a viral infection

The course of viral diseases may differ depending on their type, but there are common points.

  1. Fever. It is accompanied by a rise in temperature to 38 degrees, without it only mild forms of SARS pass. If the temperature is higher, then this indicates a severe course. It does not last longer than 2 weeks.
  2. Rash. Viral skin diseases are accompanied by these manifestations. They may look like spots, roseola, and vesicles. Characteristic for childhood, in adults, rashes are less common.
  3. Meningitis. Occurs with an enterovirus and is more common in children.
  4. Intoxication- loss of appetite, nausea, headache, weakness and lethargy. These signs of a viral disease are due to toxins released by the pathogen in the course of activity. The strength of the impact depends on the severity of the disease, it is harder for children, adults may not notice it.
  5. Diarrhea. Characteristic of rotaviruses, the stool is watery, does not contain blood.

Human viral diseases - list

Impossible to name exact number viruses - they are constantly changing, replenishing an extensive list. Viral diseases, the list of which is presented below, are the most famous.

  1. Flu and cold. Their symptoms are: weakness, fever, sore throat. Antiviral drugs are used, when bacteria are attached, antibiotics are additionally prescribed.
  2. Rubella. Eyes, airways, cervical lymph nodes and skin. It spreads by airborne droplets, accompanied by high fever and skin rashes.
  3. Piggy. The respiratory tract is affected rare cases in men, the testicles are affected.
  4. Yellow fever. Harms the liver and blood vessels.
  5. Measles. Dangerous to children, affects the intestines, respiratory tract and skin.
  6. . Often occurs in the background of other problems.
  7. Polio. Penetrates into the blood through the intestines and breathing, with brain damage, paralysis occurs.
  8. Angina. There are several types, characterized by headache, high fever, strong pain in the throat and chills.
  9. Hepatitis. Any variety causes yellowness of the skin, darkening of the urine and colorless feces, which indicates a violation of several bodily functions.
  10. Typhoid. rare in modern world, strikes circulatory system may lead to thrombosis.
  11. Syphilis. After the defeat of the genital organs, the pathogen enters the joints and eyes, spreads further. It has no symptoms for a long time, so periodic examinations are important.
  12. Encephalitis. The brain is affected, a cure cannot be guaranteed, the risk of death is high.

The most dangerous viruses in the world for humans

The list of viruses that represent the most great danger for our body:

  1. Hantavirus. The causative agent is transmitted from rodents, causes various fevers, mortality in which ranges from 12 to 36%.
  2. Flu. These include the most dangerous viruses, known from the news, different strains can cause a pandemic, severe course more affecting the elderly and young children.
  3. Marburg. Opened in the second half of the 20th century, is the reason hemorrhagic fever. It is transmitted from animals and infected people.
  4. . It causes diarrhea, the treatment is simple, but in underdeveloped countries 450 thousand children die from it every year.
  5. Ebola. As of 2015, the mortality rate is 42%, it is transmitted by contact with the fluids of an infected person. The signs are: sharp rise fever, weakness, sore muscles and throat, rash, diarrhea, vomiting, possible bleeding.
  6. . Mortality is estimated at 50%, intoxication, rash, fever, and lymph node damage are characteristic. Distributed in Asia, Oceania and Africa.
  7. Smallpox. Known for a long time, dangerous only to people. Rash, fever, vomiting, and headache are characteristic. The last case of infection occurred in 1977.
  8. Rabies. Transmitted from warm-blooded animals, affects the nervous system. After the appearance of symptoms, the success of treatment is almost impossible.
  9. Lassa. The pathogen is carried by rats, first discovered in 1969 in Nigeria. Kidneys are affected nervous system, myocarditis and hemorrhagic syndrome begin. The treatment is difficult, the fever claims up to 5 thousand lives annually.
  10. HIV. It is transmitted through contact with the fluids of an infected person. Without treatment, there is a chance to live 9-11 years, its complexity lies in the constant mutation of cell-killing strains.

Fight against viral diseases

The complexity of the fight lies in the constant change of known pathogens, making the usual treatment of viral diseases ineffective. This necessitates the search for new drugs, but present stage development of medicine, most measures are being developed quickly, before the epidemic threshold is crossed. The following approaches have been adopted:

  • etiotropic - prevention of the reproduction of the pathogen;
  • surgical;
  • immunomodulatory.

Antibiotics for a viral infection

In the course of the disease, there is always a suppression of immunity, sometimes it is necessary to strengthen it to destroy the pathogen. In some cases, with a viral disease, antibiotics are additionally prescribed. This is required when joining bacterial infection, which is killed only in this way. With a pure viral disease, taking these drugs will not only worsen the condition.

Prevention of viral diseases

  1. Vaccination- effective against a specific pathogen.
  2. Strengthening immunity- Prevention of viral infections in this way involves hardening, proper nutrition, support with plant extracts.
  3. Precautionary measures- the exclusion of contacts with sick people, the exclusion of unprotected casual sex.

Viruses are not capable of independent division. Reproduction of viruses is possible only in an infected host cell (bacterial, plant or animal). Outside the cell they are inert.

Viral infections that affect humans are spread primarily by humans, mainly through secretions from the respiratory tract and intestines.

Humans are infected by several hundred different viruses. Detection, culture and quantification of viruses is the "gold standard" when viral infections are diagnosed.

Some viruses usually cause latent infection and only sometimes overt illness However, due to the wide distribution and diversity of serotypes, they represent an important problem in medicine and public health.

Institute of General and clinical pathology RANS Clinic Professor M.Yu. Yakovleva will help you strengthen your immunity in a timely manner, avoiding diseases and complications that viral infections bring to us as much as possible.

Treatment of a viral infection at the Institute of General and Clinical Pathology of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Clinic of Professor M.Yu. Yakovlev.

  • Chronic inflammatory gynecological diseases
Virus groupsMajor Syndromes
viruses, damaging organs breathing
Influenza viruses A, B, CInfluenza; acute respiratory disease of children (ARDS); acute bronchitis and pneumonia; croup
Parainfluenza viruses 1-4GDPR; acute bronchitis and pneumonia; croup
AdenovirusesGDPR; acute respiratory disease in adults (ARRI); acute pharyngo-conjunctival fever (AFCL); epidemiological keratoconjunctivitis (ECC); viral pneumonia; acute follicular conjunctivitis; diarrhea
ReovirusesMild ARVI
Epstein-Barr virusInfectious mononucleosis
RhinovirusesCold; acute rhinitis with or without temperature
PoliovirusesPolio; aseptic meningitis
Coxsackie viruses
ECHO viruses and enteroviruses with high sequence numbers
Herpetic angina; aseptic meningitis; myocarditis; pericarditis; GDPR; paralytic diseases; fever and exanthema; sepsis of newborns; SARS
Epidemic gastroenteritis virusesepidemic gastroenteritis
Viruses that cause exanthematous diseases
measles virusMeasles, encephalomyelitis
rubella virusRubella
Virus chickenpox- shinglesChicken pox; shingles
Virus herpes simplex herpes lips; herpetic gingivostomatitis; dermatitis; keratoconjunctivitis; encephalitis; vulvovaginitis; herpes of newborns
Human herpes virus type 6Sudden exanthema (in children)
Human parvovirus B19Infectious erythema (in children); rash; malaise
Persistent (latent) viruses
CytomegalovirusBirth defects (cytomegaly); hepatitis (cytomegalovirus mononucleosis); generalized (weakened immune system)
Hepatitis A, B virusesHepatitis A; Hepatitis B
Neither A nor B(?) Hepatitis C
DHepatitis "delta" (infection occurs only in the presence of hepatitis B virus)
Human papillomaviruswarts; genital cancer
Togaviruses, alphaviruses, flaviviruses, bunyaviruses, phleboviruses, nairoviruses; arenaviruses; filovirusesVarious types of fever; encephalitis

It should be noted two important properties some viruses:

  1. oncogenicity;
  2. long incubation period infections.

In theory, most viral infections can be recognized in one way or another; in practice, the diagnosis is sometimes very difficult. Few viral diseases can be reliably diagnosed on the basis of clinical presentation and epidemiological data alone. Often the diagnosis is made on the basis of already retrospective tests. Quick Diagnosis possible in specially equipped virological laboratories by cultivation and immunofluorescence methods.

AT last years Increasingly, links are being found between many chronic diseases and infection or latent infection.

Treatment with "schemes" without identifying the pathogen that caused the pathology, except for harm, does not bring any other results.

For example, about the infectious nature peptic ulcer stomach guessed after they noticed that Trichopolum helps in the treatment. The strains of the pathogen have also been isolated. Chlamydia is directly related to arthropathic psoriasis. This is one of the forms of psoriasis, in which skin lesions associated with articular lesions. In a child, chlamydia can cause conjunctivitis, pneumonia, joint diseases (arthritis, Reiter's syndrome), diseases of the genitourinary system, myocarditis and other lesions of various organs. Chlamydia, in particular, is significantly more common than gonorrhea. A significant proportion of colitis - cytomegalovirus or chlamydial nature.

Starting the treatment of a viral infection, you need to remember that the appointment of antibiotics before the examination is possible only in order to provide emergency care patients who are in serious condition. In any other case, it is better to undergo an expensive examination than to swallow expensive antibiotics before it, which in this case will be harmful and after which you still have to diagnose and treat the disease, but this will be much more difficult.

In particular, we strive to ensure that, whenever possible, the treatment methods are as gentle as possible. We use the latest generation of antibiotics for treatment, which easily penetrate into the cell and create the necessary concentrations at which the life cycle of a bacterium or virus as such is disrupted. Except direct impact antibiotics, be sure to use immunomodulators, hepatoprotectors, bifidum-containing eubiotics. For all chronic diseases the immune system is usually suppressed and needs to be mobilized.

Mycoplasmosis is often the cause of bronchitis, pneumonia, prolonged and recurrent pharyngitis, and so on. The severity of the course of the disease depends on the state of the immune system. If immunity is good - acute period will be erased, and the disease will quickly turn into a latent (oligosymptomatic) form. Activation of the infection (generalization) can occur under unfavorable conditions for a person.

Many pathogens are called opportunists. These are, for example, herpes simplex virus I and II, cytomegalovirus ( cytomegalovirus infection). They can be constantly present in the human body. And if a person is weakened for some reason, the opportunists become active. We can say that when the human body in normal condition, opportunists are in hibernation, they are controlled by the body and cannot show their pathogenic potential. But when the immune system is weakened, they turn into active form, multiply intensively and reach a large number. From that moment on, a person becomes a source of infection and can sexually transmit an activated pathogen to his partner, “waking up” his inactive pathogens. That is, when a person's immune system weakens, he becomes a problem not only for himself, but also a problem for others.

This is especially true for newborns. The activation of viruses and bacteria with which they were infected from a sick mother in utero or during childbirth often even leads to death. Especially in the case of infection with cytomegalovirus. The immune system the newborn is not yet ready to fight these infections. The human immune system develops gradually.

Man is a "storehouse" of infections. In the blood of the average person to be a large number of antibodies to different kind microorganisms. But often the immune system is not ready to cope with huge amount unknown infections. Over time, the causative agent of any infectious disease, and the body's sensitivity to it.

Reiter's disease or syndrome develops primarily in people predisposed to it. In the blood, most of them have the histocompatibility antigen HLA B27. This antigen is one of many that determine tissue compatibility during transplantation, just like, for example, the Rh factor. This antigen is inherited. In the Moscow population, it occurs in about seven percent of the population. In rare cases, Reiter's disease can develop in the absence of this antigen or antigens close to it. The causative agent of Reiter's disease, apparently, is a specific strain of chlamydia. Depending on which strain of chlamydia a person is infected with, clinical picture predominate (or are the only sign) lesions of various organs and tissues. For example, when a person is infected with Chlamydia psittaci, specific pneumonia develops; when infected with C. trachomatis, the eyes and urogenital tract are mainly affected. The causative agents of Reiter's disease can also be intestinal infections, for example, Shigella - the causative agents of dysentery. When examining patients with postdysenteric Reiter's syndrome, chlamydia was found in all. Perhaps this is due to the fact that for any intestinal infection tissue permeability is disturbed, and, as a result, activation and generalization of chlamydia, the carrier of which a person is, may occur.

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