Where are all the B vitamins. Foods rich in vitamins

Vitamin B- a water-soluble element, called antineurite, according to its effect on the body. Thiamine does not accumulate in the body on its own, and is not stored, therefore, for normal life, any person, regardless of age and gender, needs to regularly replenish its reserves.

  1. The daily requirement for vitamin B in adults ranges from 1.3 to 2.6 mg, depending on gender, age and lifestyle.
  2. The norm for children is 0.6-1.7 mg of vitamin per day.
  3. Pregnant and lactating women should double the usual daily allowance.

In order for the norm to be observed, a balanced diet is enough. What foods contain vitamin B, and how to provide rational nutrition? Foods containing vitamin B are varied. Mostly, it is concentrated in cereals, flour products and legumes. The content of vitamin B in foods also differs - in vegetables and fruits, thiamine has the lowest concentration, and in legumes and cereals it is much higher.

B vitamins help speed up metabolic processes, convert nutrients into energy, and control the functioning of the digestive tract. Thiamine has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Vitamin B deficiency in the body is a fairly common phenomenon. It entails disorders of the digestive tract and nervous system, high fatigue, memory impairment, insomnia and irritability, nausea, constipation. Each person needs to know which foods contain vitamin B in order to eat them daily in the required quantities, to replenish the supply of the element in the body, and to prevent hypovitaminosis.

Significant symptoms of hypovitaminosis B include:

  • Swelling of the joints and soft tissues;
  • CNS disorders;
  • Skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis;
  • Dyskinesia;
  • Sleep disturbances, absent-mindedness, memory failure;
  • secretory disorders.

Often, hypovitaminosis can be cured by eating foods that contain vitamin B in large quantities. B vitamins are concentrated in identical foods. The tables below show the average concentration of the element in each of them.

Tables of foods that contain B vitamins

In addition to knowing which foods contain vitamin B, it should be remembered that although the element is quite heat-resistant, and does not lose most of its beneficial properties during processing, for the most effective replenishment of it in the body, it is better to eat fresh food. The loss of useful properties occurs mainly during frying. Products that are exposed to sunlight for a long time can also lose up to 50% of their active beneficial properties. Stewed and boiled foods, and especially steamed foods, will retain a high concentration of the element.

Vegetables, berries and fruits containing vitamins of group B. The concentration of the substance in each of them:

Berries and fruits

The content of vitamin B in berries, fruits and dried fruits (per 100 g of product)
Quince 0.02 mg
Pear 0.02 mg
Apricot 0.03 mg
Sweet cherry 0.03 mg
Cherry 0.03 mg
Apples 0.035 mg
Orange 0.04 mg
Banana 0.04 mg
Lemon 0.04 mg
Peach 0.04 mg
Melon 0.04 mg
Watermelon 0.04 mg
Mulberry 0.04 mg
Black currant 0.045 mg
Plum 0.045 mg
Grape 0.05 mg
Grapefruit 0.05 mg
Rose hip 0.05 mg
Mandarin 0.06 mg
Avocado 0.06 mg
figs 0.07 mg
A pineapple 0.08 mg
Dates 0.09 mg
Dried apricots 0.1 mg
Raisin 0.2 mg
Cranberry 0.2 mg

Vegetables and greens

The content of vitamin B in vegetables and herbs (per 100 g of product)
Beet 0.02 mg
ground cucumbers 0.03 mg
vegetable marrow 0.03 mg
Squash 0.03 mg
leaf lettuce 0.03 mg
Dill 0.03 mg
greenhouse tomatoes 0.03 mg
Eggplant 0.04 mg
White cabbage 0.045 mg
Cauliflower 0.045 mg
Dry green vegetables 0.045 mg
Sweet bell pepper 0.05 mg
Turnip 0.05 mg
Swede 0.05 mg
Onion 0.05 mg
ground tomatoes 0.06 mg
Carrot 0.06 mg
Radish 0.06 mg
Sorrel 0.06 mg
Potato 0.09 mg
Spinach 0.1 mg
Asparagus 0.1 mg
Leek 0.1 mg
Parsley 0.14 mg
Green pea 0.25 mg
Garlic 0.6 mg
Horseradish 0.7 mg

Meat and meat products

What foods contain vitamin B when it comes to meat? Meat products and offal are enriched with the necessary element. The concentration is especially high in beef liver and pork, in particular, smoked. However, for good nutrition, it is better not to abuse canned food, stew and smoked meats. It is enough to eat meat products that contain B vitamins by steaming, boiling or stewing them. Vitamin B is also found in poultry, but in a small concentration, excluding chicken liver.

The content of vitamin B in meat, offal, canned food, sausages and poultry (per 100 g of product)
Chicken fillet (breast) 0.001 mg
Turkey 0.01 mg
Sausage Amateur smoked 0.016 mg
Canned beef stew 0.02 mg
Goose 0.02 mg
Chicken stomachs 0.04 mg
Duck 0.05 mg
Beef 0.06 mg
Chickens (broilers) 0.07 mg
horsemeat 0.07 mg
camel meat 0.11 mg
rabbit meat 0.12 mg
beef tongue 0.12 mg
Veal 0.14 mg
Canned pork stew 0.14 mg
pig tongue 0.15 mg
Smoked hunting sausage 0.23 mg
Pork kidneys 0.29 mg
Pork liver 0.3 mg
beef liver 0.3 mg
Venison 0.3 mg
meat pate 0.3 mg
Liver pate 0.3 mg
Smoked pork belly 0.31 mg
beef heart 0.36 mg
Beef kidneys 0.39 mg
chicken liver 0.5 mg
Smoked Servelat 0.52 mg
smoked ham 0.52 mg
Pork 0.6 mg
Smoked pork loin 0.61 mg

Fish and seafood

What seafood and fish contain B vitamins? The highest content of the element falls on river fish (bream, pike), as well as caviar. Seafood also contains vitamins, and is low in fat and light in weight, making it easy to consume in sufficient quantities.

The content of vitamin B in fish and seafood (per 100 g of product)
mussels 0.02 mg
Herring 0.03 mg
saury 0.03 mg
Pollock 0.03 mg
Pink salmon 0.03 mg
Crab meat 0.05 mg
Shrimps 0.06 mg
Zander 0.08 mg
Cod 0.09 mg
sea ​​kale 0.04 mg
Pollock 0.11 mg
Perch 0.11 mg
Pike 0.11 mg
Mackerel 0.12 mg
Carp 0.14 mg
Bream 0.14 mg
Horse mackerel 0.17 mg
Squid 0.18 mg
Pink salmon 0.2 mg
Tuna 0.28 mg
Sturgeon caviar 0.3 mg
Pollack caviar 0.67 mg


Eggs (chicken and quail), as well as their individual components that contain vitamin B:

Nuts and seeds

B vitamins are found in nuts and seeds. Pine nuts are especially rich in them, the content of the element in it is almost 34 mg per 100 g of the product. Please note that the figures in the table refer exclusively to fresh food. Roasted nuts and seeds can lose more than half the concentration of vitamins.

What grains and legumes contain vitamin B? These cultures are the most enriched with useful substances. The leading amount of vitamin per 100 g is found in soy products, mainly for sprouted grains.

Cereals and grain crops

The content of vitamin B in cereals, cereals and legumes (per 100 g of product)
Rice 0.08 mg
Pearl barley 0.12 mg
Corn porridge 0.13 mg
Semolina 0.14 mg
Oatmeal 0.22 mg
Barley 0.27 mg
Green peas 0.25 mg
Peas shelled 0.25 mg
Buckwheat (ground) 0.3 mg
Barley grits 0.33 mg
fresh corn 0.38 mg
Wheat 0.4 mg
Millet 0.42 mg
Cereals 0.49 mg
Beans 0.5 mg
Lentils 0.5 mg
green beans 0.6 mg
Soya 0.94 mg

Bread and bakery products

Vitamin B is found in bakery and flour products. Among them, pasta can be distinguished, regardless of the grinding of flour from which they are made. A high concentration of vitamin B is noted in brewer's and baker's yeast. However, this applies to a dry product, the consumption of which is not possible. With a deficiency of B vitamins, patients are often prescribed biologically active supplements consisting of brewer's yeast.

Milk and dairy products

What dairy and sour-milk products contain vitamin B? The table will provide a list, based on which you can create a balanced diet. It should be borne in mind that milk should be fresh, and preferably homemade, and not pasteurized. Dairy products should not contain preservatives, carcinogens, dyes and fillers.


The necessary element is also found in mushrooms. What mushrooms are best eaten in order to replenish the reserves of B vitamins? Their high content is noted in champignons and dried mushrooms.

Vitamin B intake

When compiling a diet, it is necessary to take into account cases in which the daily requirement can increase significantly:

  • Excessive physical activity, sports, hard work;
  • High carbohydrate diet;
  • Unfavorable climatic and environmental conditions;
  • Nervous stress and tension;
  • Diabetes mellitus of the second type (taking into account the consumption of foods containing a high glycemic index);
  • Long-term use of antibiotics, the passage of a course of chemotherapy;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Acute and chronic infections.

It is important to pay special attention to the combination of products, the content of other vitamins and microelements in them, as well as their interaction with B vitamins. An element can be destroyed not only during heat treatment, but also during long-term storage.

B vitamins are quite resistant to alkali and acid. However, they cannot stand the frequent use of alcohol and coffee. In people who abuse these drinks, the risk of acute vitamin B deficiency becomes especially high.

Vitamin B - represents a whole complex of useful substances that can dissolve in water. Vitamins of this group are divided into individual elements by numbers, and some types have their own name.

The consumption of B vitamins is very important for the human body. It is especially necessary for children, pregnant and lactating women. Its average daily rate varies from 0.6 to 2.6 mg, depending on age and gender.

So, let's take a closer look at the types of B vitamins, why they are needed and from what foods they can be obtained.

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 has another name - thiamine.

This vitamin is found in many foods, but it can be destroyed due to a number of factors. For example, grain refining, during heat treatment, a significant part of the vitamin is lost. And also it is worse absorbed by the body when drinking alcohol, coffee and products that contain citric acid and carbonic salts.

In addition, the cause of the destruction of vitamin B can be an excessive addiction to smoking tobacco.

Why does the body need vitamin B1?

This vitamin is directly involved in many vital processes of the body. It is found in food, and is also produced by the body itself in small quantities. It promotes the breakdown of fats, the transport of proteins, and also provides the body with the necessary supply of energy. Vitamin B1 helps to stimulate the brain, and therefore improves memory, increases attention.

Vitamin B2

Another name is riboflavin. It is necessary for the construction of new cells of the nervous system, the formation of blood cells and maintaining the level of hemoglobin in the blood. This drug is prescribed for people suffering from diseases such as gastritis, dermatitis, eye diseases, anemia, liver disease, chronic hepatitis and more.

Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3 is also niacin, PP and nicotinic acid. You can also get this vitamin from food, and it is also produced during the transformation of the amino acid tryptophan. Niacin is directly involved in the synthesis of certain enzymes, as well as in obtaining energy from food. The main functions of vitamin B3 are the normalization of cholesterol processing, carbohydrate metabolism, the production of certain hormones and red blood cells.

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 is also known as panthenol. Like all vitamins of this group, B5 is found in food, but in addition it is produced by the intestinal microflora, though in small quantities.

The main functions of panthenol are the breakdown of fats and carbohydrate compounds, it also promotes the production of neurotransmitters and antibodies, is directly involved in tissue renewal and the production of the adrenal hormone.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is a chain of chemically similar compounds that can dissolve in water and is included in many foods.

Pyridoxine is directly involved in many metabolic processes. The main task of this vitamin is to help digest protein and saturated acids. Also, this vitamin supports the proper functioning of the cardiac system and controls the level of pressure. Vitamin B6 helps to strengthen the immune system, ensures the full functioning of the central nervous system, improves brain function.

Vitamin B7

Another name is biotin. The main advantage of this vitamin over other elements of the same group is that it is preserved in products even during heat treatment.

Vitamin B7 activates the enzymes produced by the digestive system. In addition, it contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes and is responsible for the transmission of hereditary information.

Vitamin B9

Vitamin B9 is the very folic acid that is so necessary for pregnant women. This vitamin is involved in the transport of proteins, promotes cell synthesis and division, and also transports genetic information.

All pregnant women, without exception, are prescribed vitamin B9 in the first trimester of pregnancy, as it plays an important role in the proper formation and development of the fetus.

Vitamin B12

Another name for vitamin B12 is cyanocobalamin, it contains a substance - cobalt. This vitamin has the ability to accumulate and be stored in the liver in the body.

Cyanocobalamin plays a significant role in the production of energy from food entering the human body. B12 also contributes to the proper absorption of amino acids and fatty compounds, stimulates the coagulation system and has a strengthening effect on the immune system, improves liver function.

Foods containing B vitamins

Vitamins of this group are found in many foods: cereals, red and white meat, liver, fish, chicken eggs, potatoes, pasta, bread, nuts, some vegetables and fruits, seaweed, mushrooms, milk and dairy products.

Why is vitamin B hypervitaminosis dangerous?

As you know, not only a deficiency of vitamins is dangerous for the body, but also their excess. The same can be said about B vitamins.

So, with an excess of this vitamin, there is a possibility of intoxication of the body, as well as the appearance of liver dystrophy.

Symptoms of hypervitaminosis:

Signs of an excess amount of vitamin B in the body can be the same as with its deficiency. Namely, there may be a poor condition of the skin, headaches, insomnia, and in rare cases, convulsions.

Also a characteristic symptom of an excess of vitamin B is the dark yellow color of urine and a pronounced specific smell.

Intake of B vitamins

In order to correctly compose your daily diet to replenish the necessary supply of these vitamins, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the daily intake increases with the following factors:

    High physical activity, heavy loads, sports training;

    Bad climate and environment;

    susceptibility to stress;

    Frequent use of antibiotics and other drugs that have a strong effect

    Diseases of the digestive system;

To preserve the quantitative content of vitamin B in foods, it is better to eat them raw or steam them. Long-term heat treatments and frying in vegetable oil significantly reduce the amount of vitamin B in products. Also, do not store food for a long time, especially in direct sunlight. And, of course, the healthiest food is fresh, natural products grown on our own and without the use of chemical treatments.

If you are trying to replenish the supply of vitamins, it is worth giving up alcohol, strong coffee and smoking for a while.

You can also get the right amount of B vitamins with the help of complex preparations, of which there is a wide variety in the pharmacy. You can choose the right drug yourself or consult a doctor who will prescribe vitamins suitable for you and prescribe an individual dosage.

Be sure to follow the rate specified in the prescription of the drug or the one that you individually prescribed by the doctor.

Basically, with a lack of this vitamin in the body, doctors prescribe biologically active substances, which mainly include brewer's yeast.

Why do people need B vitamins?

Vitamin B plays a huge role in the functioning of the whole body, and with its deficiency, various serious problems associated with health and general condition can occur. That is why it is very important to follow proper nutrition and control your daily diet so that all the necessary vitamins are included in it.

Despite its advantage over other vitamins in that it is able to be produced by the body on its own, its deficiency often occurs. The fact is that the doses of vitamin B that the body is able to produce are insignificant, and its ability to accumulate is not good enough. And, as a rule, the consumption of vitamin B significantly exceeds its intake.

B vitamins are necessary for a person in the following:

    They contribute to the proper functioning of the nervous system.

    Promote the production of certain hormones.

    Improve brain function, increase memory and attention.

    They have a positive effect on blood flow.

    Improve metabolic processes.

    Contribute to the renewal of the skin, improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

It is very important to adhere to the correct intake of vitamins and minerals in order to maintain your health, internal and emotional state. To do this, you need to know what foods contain B vitamins.

To adjust your diet and include as many B vitamins in it as possible, you can navigate the table below.

Vitamin name

What foods contain this vitamin

Buckwheat, oatmeal, second grade bread, green peas

Milk, chicken eggs, brewer's yeast, liver, cabbage, pasta

Brewer's yeast, nuts, fish and seafood, green-colored vegetables.

Yolk, beef liver, kidney, cottage cheese, spinach

Chicken meat, green vegetables, caviar, nuts

Potatoes, nuts, spinach, carrots, oranges, tomatoes, milk, meat, liver, fish

Brewer's yeast, tomatoes, soybeans, egg yolk, mushrooms,

Yeast, wheat bran, wheat germ, heart, green peas, bread and baked goods

Lettuce, honey, oranges, liver

Meat, liver, eggs

Based on this table, you yourself can correctly compose your daily diet, which will help restore the balance of vitamin B in the body.

B vitamins

Table of vitamin content in foods- this is what an ordinary person, busy with everyday life, needs to pay attention to their health. Just look at the section "" you will find out what vitamins you lack. Of course, you should not drink liters of lemon juice if you are often sick - there may be other reasons, but in general, you can have a beneficial effect on your body if you increase the content in your menu foods containing vitamins. You will find specific names of products of plant and animal origin in the last column. After compiling the table, I included in the menu for the week freshly squeezed orange juice, grated carrot salad with apples, green salad, liver cutlets, nuts, eggs.

Happy vitamin days to you!

After a large table for convenience, you will find a small table of the content of vitamins in products, which can be hung on the refrigerator and used when compiling a menu. I removed from it those vitamins that the body can replenish on its own, so there is no danger of beriberi.


The role of vitamins in the human body

Useful information about the vitamin

In which
foods contain vitamin

plant origin
animal origin
-Ensures the integrity of the surface cells that form the skin, mucous membranes of the oral cavity, intestines, respiratory and genital tract.-Increases the body's resistance to various infections.-Promotes the growth and strengthening of bones, maintaining healthy skin, hair, teeth, gums.-Has an anti-cancer effect .-Increases attention and accelerates the speed of reaction. Vitamin A is fat soluble. In order for it to be well absorbed in the intestines, adequate amounts of fat, protein, and minerals are required. Vitamin A can be stored in the body, accumulating in
liver, so its reserves can not be replenished every day. Vitamin withstands heat treatment during cooking, but can be destroyed when
long-term storage in air.
Butter, cheese, eggs, liver,
fish fat
-Vitamin C protects the body from viral and bacterial infections. -Increases the elasticity and strength of blood vessels. E). - Accelerates the healing of wounds, burns, bleeding gums. - Increases the body's resistance to any adverse effects. The main enemy of vitamin C is oxygen, since it irreversibly oxidizes ascorbic acid to inactive substances. Therefore, with any culinary processing of products, it is necessary to reduce the access of oxygen to
possible minimum. Oxidation is especially enhanced when the structure of plants is damaged (during cutting, etc.), an increase in temperature, in alkaline and
neutral environment. In an acidic environment, on the contrary, ascorbic acid is stable and
maintains heating to 100 °C. Therefore, it is well preserved in acidic
cabbage, apples, etc.
fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, wild rose, sea buckthorn, blackcurrant,
Red pepper


- As one of the most powerful natural antioxidants, vitamin E scavenges free radicals - the main destroyers
organism. It has a rejuvenating effect, slowing down cell aging caused by oxidation.-Preserves the immune system, softens the negative effects of radioactive substances.-Prevents the development of a serious eye disease - cataracts.-Necessary for the prevention of atherosclerosis and, as a result, heart disease.-Reduces fatigue. Accelerates the healing of burns.
Vitamin E in the human body
is formed. Unlike other fat-soluble vitamins, vitamin E
remains in the body for a relatively short time, similar to water-soluble
vitamins. Destroy vitamin heat, oxygen,
iron, chlorine
In vegetable oils, cereals,
legumes, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, rose hips, sea buckthorn, green
leaves of vegetables, sweet cherry, mountain ash, seeds of apples and pears, sunflower seeds,
peanuts, almonds.
In animal liver, eggs
- The main function of the vitamin is the regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism, ensuring normal growth and integrity
bones.- In addition, vitamin D is necessary for blood clotting, normal functioning
heart, regulation of excitability of nerve cells. - When combined with vitamins A and C, it helps prevent colds. - Normalizes blood clotting.
Vitamin D is fat soluble and
can be deposited (deposited) in the human body. if you accept
large doses of this vitamin, then its content in your body can reach
potentially dangerous levels. Vitamin D is destroyed by light and by oxygen in the air, although
heat resistant.
Milk, eggs, fish oil, cod liver,
fatty fish varieties
- Necessary for the nervous system. - Stimulates the brain. - Improves the digestion of food, especially carbohydrates, participates in fat, protein and water metabolism. - Promotes the growth of the body. - Normalizes the functioning of muscles and the heart. environment. Vitamin B is water soluble. For
all B vitamins are characterized by the fact that the body cannot “stock” them,
therefore, they must be replenished daily. Sugar, alcohol, and smoking deplete vitamin stores.
In dry yeast, bread, peas, cereals,
walnuts, peanuts, bran.
In the liver, heart, egg yolk, milk,
- Participates in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. - Participates in growth processes. Therefore, this vitamin is especially needed for children and adolescents,
it also affects the growth of the fetus. -Provides normal light and color vision, reduces eye fatigue. -Needed to activate a number of vitamins.
Easily absorbed, like all B vitamins, riboflavin does not accumulate in the body. Therefore, you need to regularly eat foods that contain this vitamin. The occurrence of riboflavin deficiency is the most
is closely related to the sharp decline in its consumption (lack of
diet of milk and dairy products, eggs, meat products) and with a decrease in intake of
protein organism, especially of animal origin.
Yeast extract, wheat germ,
wheat bran, soybeans, broccoli, spinach
egg yolk, cheese
- Necessary for the normal development of the central nervous system, for the synthesis of antibodies, that is, it supports immunity, which means it increases the body's resistance to various adverse factors. - Participates in metabolism, converting fats and sugars into energy. - Used in the treatment of a number of skin diseases, such as eczema. - Actively participates in the detoxification of alcohol. - Accelerates the healing of wounds. Heat, food processing,
canning, caffeine, estrogens, alcohol are contraindicated for vitamin B3. Pantothenic acid is found in all foods and is produced
intestinal microflora in sufficient quantities. Therefore, a deficiency of this vitamin occurs extremely rarely, usually only with prolonged
malnutrition (most often with a very low protein content in food,
fats, vitamin C and B vitamins).
Green vegetables, nuts, whole grains
grains, yeast, seeds
Meat, including chicken, liver,
kidneys, fish, milk, cheese
Lack of vitamin leads to pain in the joints, hair loss, cramps in the limbs, paralysis, weakening
vision and memory.
beans, mushrooms, rice
organ meats
- Participates in metabolism (especially protein), the construction of enzymes that ensure the normal operation of more than 60 different enzymatic systems. - Necessary for normal synthesis of nucleic acids,
which prevent the aging of the body.-Needed for the synthesis of antibodies, i.e., to maintain immunity, as well as for the formation of red blood cells.-Needed for the normal functioning of the central nervous system.
The body's need for pyridoxine
satisfied not only by its intake with food, but also by
formation of this vitamin by intestinal microflora. Loss of vitamin B6
heat treatment is, on average, 20-35%, when freezing products and storing them in a frozen state, they are insignificant.
Green pepper, cabbage, carrot, melon Meat, liver, fish, milk, eggs
In the absence of the vitamin, lesions are observed
skin, loss of appetite, nausea, swelling of the tongue, muscle pain,
lethargy, depression
yolk, liver, kidneys
-Folic acid speeds up various chemical reactions that take place in the body. .- Provides a healthy look to the skin.- Important during pregnancy for the formation of the fetus The stability of folic acid is low.
So, when cooking vegetables, its losses reach 70-90%, when frying meat - 95%, when
boiled eggs - 20-50%. Canning vegetables significantly reduces the content in
of them vitamin, however, the process of storing canned food at its concentration is not
Nuts, green leafy vegetables, beans,
wheat germ, bananas, oranges, melons, onions, apricots, avocados
organ meats
- Ensuring normal hematopoiesis, the vitamin prevents the development of anemia. - Plays an important role in the formation of the myelin sheath that covers the nerves. body energy.-Improves concentration, memory and increases the ability of balance. Yeast,
Offal (liver, kidneys and heart),
cheese, seafood (crabs, salmon, sardines), somewhat less in meat
and bird
-Nicotinic acid is actively involved in
carbohydrate and protein metabolism.-Needed for the normal functioning of the nervous system and brain.-Has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, improves digestion, cures gastrointestinal disorders.-Contributes to maintaining a healthy skin.-Participates in ensuring normal vision.
Water, alcohol, food processing,
Estrogens are not recommended for this vitamin.
brewer's yeast, wholemeal bread
grind, lean meat, cheese, dried mushrooms, sesame seeds, potatoes, seeds
sunflower, dates, prunes, beans.
liver, kidneys, white poultry meat, fish,
Vitamin K is necessary for the formation of prothrombin - a chemical compound that is synthesized by the liver and promotes blood clotting. - Prevents internal bleeding and hemorrhage. - Accelerates wound healing. - Strengthens muscle contractions. - Provides the body with energy. Taking too much calcium
disrupts the internal synthesis of vitamin K and prevents its normal
absorption, therefore, it can cause internal bleeding. Due to the fact that vitamin K is synthesized by intestinal microflora, the danger
there is no primary K-avitaminosis in a healthy person.
Gut bacteria constantly produce vitamin K in small amounts, and it
immediately enters the bloodstream.
green leafy vegetables, pumpkin, tomatoes,
green peas, soybean oil
egg yolk, fish oil, liver
- Biotin is necessary for the exchange of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP). - Has insulin-like activity - reduces blood sugar levels. - Prevents baldness and graying. - Relieves muscle pain. - Reduces the severity of eczema and dermatitis. - Required for the synthesis of ascorbic acid. Enemies of vitamin H - raw egg white, water, sulfa
drugs, estrogen hormones, food processing, alcohol are incompatible with
Nuts, fruits beef liver, egg yolk, milk
- prevents the oxidation of ascorbic acid
acids (vitamin C) and tocopherols (vitamin E). -Reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. -Helps with various forms of atherosclerosis. -Removes toxic substances from the body.
In beef and milk
- Possesses a powerful capillary-strengthening
action, reduces the permeability of the vascular wall, prevents and heals bleeding gums. associated with diseases of the inner ear.
Vitamin P does not like water, thermal
processing, light, oxygen. Vitamin P deficiency occurs with prolonged absence from the diet
a sufficient amount of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, especially in
winter-spring period. Usually P-vitamin deficiency accompanies deficiency
vitamin C. P-hypovitaminosis leads to
fragility and fragility of capillaries (small blood vessels). For
P-hypovitaminosis is characterized by pain in the legs when walking, pain in the shoulders, general
weakness, lethargy, fatigue
citrus fruits (lemons, oranges,
grapefruits, especially white peel and interlobular part), apricots, buckwheat, blackberries, cherries, wild roses, black currants, chokeberries,
parsley, lettuce. A significant amount of bioflavonoids is found in beverages such as tea, coffee, wine, and beer.

Here you will find 10 very simple and effective tips to stay energetic, healthy and happy.

For those who like to understand everything on their own and carefully, here you can download with an indication ofconsumption rates per day per person and in which foods how many vitamins are contained. A very good table. I use it myself.

And here you will find a shortvitamin content tabletwo pages that can be hung on the refrigerator .

Food gives us not only energy, but also vital vitamins, without which the body would not be able to resist various diseases and develop normally. B vitamins are involved in all cellular processes, so care must be taken that they are included in the daily diet of each person. So that you know how you can replenish their reserves, I will tell you where the B vitamins are found.

*Vitamin B 1 (thiamine). The following foods are rich in them: liver, nuts, bread, especially from wholemeal flour, potatoes, peas, pork, oysters. A large amount of thiamine contains egg yolk, beans, corn, asparagus, bran, yeast, some cereals (especially buckwheat), as well as germinated grains of wheat and barley. It must be remembered that smoking, alcohol, the presence of a high carbohydrate content in the diet, strong tea, and prolonged heat treatment destroy this thiamine. But he is responsible for memory, the functioning of the nervous system, increases resistance to infections!

*Vitamin B2(riboflavin) is found in milk and dairy products, fish, eggs, cheese, offal, poultry meat, yeast, liver. A lot of it in dark green vegetables (broccoli, spinach), cereals, nuts, whole grain bread. Unlike thiamine, riboflavin is not destroyed by boiling, but is sensitive to sunlight. It is responsible for visual functions, maintains the normal condition of the skin and mucous membranes, and is involved in tissue renewal. Its deficiency can lead to a general decrease in body tone and muscle fatigue.

*Vitamin B3(nicotinic acid or niacin) is found in eggs, meat (poultry), fish, nuts, seeds, legumes, green vegetables. In addition, it is found in brewer's yeast, offal (especially liver), cereals, whole grain bread. The "enemies" of niacin are heat treatment and alcoholic beverages. The lack of nicotinic acid is manifested in sleep disturbances, irritability, bad mood.

*Vitamin B4(choline). A large amount of choline is found in living organisms, especially in the brain, egg yolk, liver, heart muscle, kidneys. He is responsible for memory, the nervous system, takes part in the transport and metabolism of fats in the liver.

*Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid is found in almost all products of plant and animal origin, but it is especially abundant in cereals, nuts, green vegetables, yeast, offal, liver, dairy products, egg yolk, whole grain bread. Pantothenic acid is involved in the metabolic process, and is also responsible for tissue regeneration, prevents the penetration of infection into the skin and mucous membranes. If your arms and legs often numb, wounds heal poorly, most likely, your body lacks it.

*Vitamin B6(pyridoxine). The following foods are very rich in them: beef, milk, eggs, organ meats, nuts, poultry, liver, as well as bananas, cabbage, green peppers, whole grain bread, lentils, fish, whole grain bread, cereals. Long-term storage of products containing pyridoxine, as well as the intake of alcoholic beverages, destroys it. Vitamin B6 is responsible for a good mental attitude, sound sleep and excellent appetite, and its lack leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

*Vitamin B7(biotin) is found in large quantities in the liver, eggs, dark green vegetables, kidneys, brown rice, peanuts, soybeans. Biotin is responsible for releasing energy from compounds that contain calories.

*A lot of vitamin B9 or folic acid is found in the following foods: liver, eggs, poultry, fish, meat, milk, wheat germ, dark green vegetables, oranges, legumes. It is especially useful for pregnant women, as it contributes to the normal development of the fetus.

*Vitamin B10 or para-aminobenzoic acid is found in eggs, milk, potatoes, brewer's yeast, vegetables. It is responsible for the beauty of the skin, and also supports the intestinal microflora.

*Vitamin B11 or carnitine rich foods such as fish, meat, poultry, milk, cottage cheese, cheese. Carnitine increases the body's defenses, stimulates the brain, heart, kidneys and muscles.

*Vitamin B12 or cyanocobalamin is responsible for the nervous system and is found in poultry meat, eggs, seafood, cheese, offal, as well as soy, wheat germ, liver, fish, kidneys, meat, dairy products, yeast.

*Vitamin B17(Amygdalin, Letrile, Laetral) is found in apple seeds, apricot and peach kernels, as well as apricots, cherries, and bean grains. The use of foods rich in it improves the condition of cancer patients, as it reduces the growth of tumor cells and slows down the spread of metastases.

Well, now you know more about B vitamins, what products contain their components. Include them in your diet to diversify your diet!

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