Ascorbic acid dose. Daily value of vitamin C for a person

Almost everyone has heard about the benefits of ascorbic acid, but few people think about an excess of vitamin C. However, this is a very serious issue, since an excess of the dose of this vitamin seriously affects health, and, unfortunately, not for the better.

When is an overdose of vitamin C possible?

Recall that the daily dose of ascorbic acid is as follows:

for adults(regardless of gender) is 90 mg;

for the elderly it decreases to 80 mg;

for kids- from 30 mg (up to 3 months) and increases to 90 mg (until adulthood).

But for everyone, the maximum allowable dose of vitamin C is 2000 mg per day! Moreover, when using a vitamin over 1 g, problems with the absorption of other useful substances begin, for example, vitamin B12 begins to be absorbed worse.

In fact, the likelihood of an overabundance of vitamin C is possible only in the case of uncontrolled intake of its synthetic version, i.e. ordinary ascorbic acid (or other complex vitamins). With a normal balanced diet, this is very difficult to achieve. the following reasons:

- it is impossible to eat such a quantity of food per day, because. 2 g of vitamin C is either half a kilo of wild rose, or a kilogram of sea buckthorn / currant / sweet red pepper, or 1.5 kg of green sweet pepper / dill / parsley / etc.;

- in any products of plant origin (namely, from which a person receives ascorbic acid) contains several thousand various nutrients that are balanced with each other;

- when processing food, most of the useful substance is lost (cooking, preservation, grinding, long-term or improper storage, even simple cutting of vegetables and fruits);

- Excessive consumption of a product with a high content of ascorbic acid will most likely cause an allergic reaction, which will prevent further overeating (it does not take much imagination to imagine a person after he eats 5 kg of tangerine at a time, for example).

So, let's summarize briefly:

- an excess of ascorbic acid occurs if the daily dose of 2 g is exceeded for a long time and regularly (we are talking about years);

- an overdose of vitamin C can occur as a result of taking its synthetic counterpart.

Symptoms of an overdose of vitamin C

- insomnia, constant awakenings, superficial sleep;

- irritability, excessive excitability, problems with the emotional state;

- anxiety without serious reason;

- headache;

- high blood pressure;

- diarrhea, nausea, vomiting;

- an increase in blood sugar;

- various allergic manifestations.

If you take ascorbic acid for a long time and notice the above symptoms, then you should think about stopping the drug. In any case, you should consult your doctor.

Consequences of an excess of ascorbic acid

If you take excessive doses of vitamin C for several years, you may experience the following health problems:

1. The formation of kidney stones(when an excessive amount of the vitamin breaks down, oxalic acid is formed, and this process provokes the development of kidney stones).

2. development of scurvy. Yes, it is scurvy, which appears with a lack of vitamin C. This is due to the fact that with large doses of this vitamin in the body, the work of the enzyme system starts, which destroys it. A chain arises: an excess of vitamin C - the vitamin is destroyed - its deficiency appears - (i.e. scurvy).

3. Thickening of the walls of the cerebral artery, the growth of deposits on the walls of blood vessels, which increases risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. This statement is based on the results of recent studies in different countries (three-year experience of Andrew Levy from Israel, experiments by American scientists from Southern California, a joint Serbian-Danish-American study).

4.Pathologies of the reproductive system(spontaneous abortion in the early stages, the inability to become pregnant due to a violation of the ovulation process).

How to Avoid Too Much Vitamin C

1. Take synthetic vitamin C for medicinal purposes only if there is a serious indication for this. And the only proven therapeutic effect is the elimination of the corresponding beriberi (i.e. scurvy). Note that such a diagnosis can only be made by a doctor on the basis of special studies (examination, blood test, X-ray diagnostics). So self-medication in this case is excluded.

2. Remember that ascorbic acid does NOT treat colds, cataracts, cardiovascular disease, cancer, vaginitis, pneumonia. And there is scientific evidence for this. Therefore, do not lean on ascorbic acid for these diseases, it is better to undergo an examination and begin adequate treatment.

3. If you can’t do without your favorite ascorbic acid, then carefully look at the dosage and take it in the following cases:

- a very poor diet (there are no fruits, vegetables, berries on the table at all);

- you have been in extreme climatic conditions for a long time (for example, you decided to make a long trip to the sea, and you will be fed very poorly; you work as a polar explorer or serve in a subarctic area);

- with an increase in the need for vitamin C (infectious diseases, iron or protein deficiency in the body, the cold season).

4. Saturate your body with vitamin C from natural sources: tea with lemon, fruits, vegetables, rosehip decoctions, compotes from sea buckthorn, currants, etc.

Useful vitamin C for you!

In continuation of our conversation about collagen, I hasten to write what is the norm of vitamin C for adults, how much to drink with amino acids, and why high dosages are no longer in fashion!

Why do we call vitamin C the most useful friend? Because he will never leave in trouble!

Vitamin C is involved in the synthesis of collagen, which is important for beautiful skin and its elasticity. It maintains combat readiness by activating adrenaline if danger suddenly arises. That is, it works as our guard, which will help to escape or join the battle!))

Other Important Functions of Vitamin C: detoxifying and antioxidant, it cleanses the body of toxins and neutralizes free radicals. It also helps with iron absorption.

Vitamin C is especially important for smokers, since it protects the body from oxidative stress and cells from destruction, it removes the decay products of cigarette smoke.

Important! To reduce wrinkles and improve complexion, vitamin C is more effective when applied to the skin than when taken orally, as it works faster and more effectively.

Vitamin C is also popular for immune support during flu season and acute respiratory infections, the dosage for this is 250 - 1000 mg / day, but it is best to take it during the entire cold season!

The norm of vitamin C for adults

  • 90 mg/day for adult men and 75 mg/day for adult women
  • additional 35 mg/day recommended for smokers
  • 85 mg/day for pregnant women and 120 mg/day for lactating women

And now attention! These dosages are based on a healthy diet and more than sufficient for normal collagen synthesis!

Safe amount of vitamin C: 500 mg

The maximum safe dosage (UL) is 2000 mg/day. But according to recent research, Daily intake of 1000 mg and above has side effects:

  • women have an increased risk of developing cataracts
  • men have an increased risk of kidney stones (calcium oxalate crystals form)
  • reduces the effectiveness of statins, antidepressants and anticoagulants
  • high doses of vitamin C affect blood test results (for sugar and cholesterol)
  • impairs muscle function during endurance training

Not very pleasant consequences of high dosages of vitamin C, agree. Moreover, these effects are not documented at 500 mg/day.

My safe dose of vitamin C is 500mg a day for this spring. And people with a tendency to form kidney stones are advised to limit to 250 mg / day of vitamin C!

Vitamin Ester C for people with high acidity

This time I settled on the American Health brand. Citrus bioflavonoids in its complexes increase the absorption of vitamin C.

Esther C form does not irritate the gastric mucosa at high dosages, which is especially important for people who have high acidity and a sensitive stomach. And as usual, give a list of options that I chose for myself:

Dosage 500 mg

  • American Health, Ester-C with Citrus Bioflavonoids, 500 mg, 120 Capsules(for 4 months of admission)
  • American Health Ester-C Powder with Citrus Bioflavonoid s (powder, convenient)
  • American Health, Ester-C with Cranberry & Immune Health Complex(for immunity)
  • American Health, Ester-C, with Probiotics, Digestion & Immune Health Complex(with probiotics)

Dosage 250 mg

Vitamin C is very important for the body, but if “ascorbic acid” is taken every day uncontrollably in large doses, this can cause irreparable harm to the body. An overdose of vitamin C for the human body is a serious danger. On the one hand, the symptoms of excess can be transient, and on the other - permanent, remaining even after the normalization of the level of ascorbic acid in the body.

In order to avoid the negative effects of excess, it is necessary to know what is the daily intake of vitamin C for a healthy person and when vitamin C is used in high doses for treatment.

What is the norm and how much it can be taken per day for colds and for its prevention: this largely depends on the form of release of the drug: tablet, injection or effervescent with glucose. Sweet "ascorbic" is very fond of children, often taking them uncontrollably, which ultimately leads to an overdose of vitamin C.


For the treatment of hypovitaminosis C, ascorbic acid is used in elevated concentrations. To achieve therapeutic goals, the dosage and intake per day can be prescribed by a doctor in the range of 500-1500 mg per day.

Number of receptions

The daily intake of vitamin C should be divided into two or three doses. This will allow you to evenly supply the required amount of vitamin to the body throughout the day. Otherwise, it is quickly distributed, and the excess is excreted in the urine, so it will be very difficult to cope with hypovitaminosis, and the necessary norm will be violated.

How to take ascorbic acid in effervescent tablets? How much per day can you give a child? This is another form of release of this drug. The tablet must be dissolved in a glass of water at room temperature and drunk. There is no need to chew, swallow, dissolve. In hot water, the vitamin is destroyed. The dose recommended for children is in the description of the drug.

Many people are concerned about the question, how many ascorbic acid can be eaten per day? It depends on the dose of the vitamin in one tablet, which can be viewed on the package. Usually these tablets are available in 250, 500 and 1000 mg. The total dose during treatment should not exceed 1500 mg. If there are no manifestations of deficiency, then it is not recommended to eat more than one 250 mg tablet per day.

Application in medicine

Vitamin C is very important in medicine for the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases.

The main functions of vitamin C in the human body:

  • Strengthening the vascular wall
  • Normalization of blood coagulation processes
  • Protection against free radical oxidation by oxygen
  • Improving the immune status
  • Sedation of the nervous system
  • Gum health
  • Anti-atherogenic effect associated with the prevention of lipid peroxidation in the composition of low-density lipoproteins
  • Ensuring the aesthetics of the skin
  • Hair elasticity
  • Normal functioning of vision
  • Maintaining the mood
  • Ability to learn
  • Normalization of sleep
  • The body's resistance to stress factors.

Ascorbic acid is prescribed in such cases:

  • Treatment of hypovitaminosis
  • Increased physical activity
  • Increased intellectual activity
  • "Ascorbinka" for colds - an indispensable tool
  • Asthenovegetative syndrome
  • The period of rehabilitation after illnesses
  • The period of pregnancy, especially if it is multiple, be sure to follow the recommended dosages.

With a delay in menstruation, in combination with hormonal therapy, ascorbic acid allows you to achieve good results, since it does not restore the sensitivity of receptors to hormones. With a delay in menstruation, vitamin C should be taken every day.


The daily dose of "ascorbic" should not exceed the recommended. Otherwise, certain side effects may occur. When the daily dose is more than 1000 mg, there are symptoms from the nervous system, headache, insomnia, increased neuro-reflex excitability.

If the rate per day is more than therapeutic, the risk of developing ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract increases. This is due to the direct irritating effect of "ascorbic acid" on the mucous membrane. Clinically, the ulcerogenic (ulcerogenic) effect of ascorbic acid is manifested by the development of secondary peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, as well as the development of chronic reactive gastritis.

It also has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of the endocrine system, can lead to inhibition of insulin production by the pancreas, which can lead to an increase in blood sugar levels. Hyperglycemia (especially during pregnancy and with a delay in menstruation) negatively affects the well-being of a person. In some cases, there is a paradoxical reaction to "ascorbic acid", in which the glucose content in the blood does not increase, but decreases.

Long-term treatment with vitamin C preparations leads to damage to the urinary system. It is very important to follow the recommendations of dosages and not violate the prescriptions of the doctor. On the one hand, the lesion may be associated with the development of nephrolithiasis due to an increase in the blood level of oxalic acid and its salts (oxalates), on the other hand, direct damage to the renal glomeruli is possible.


Allergy to vitamin C is another undesirable effect that can develop during treatment with vitamin complexes. As a rule, allergies are manifested by skin symptoms, namely:

  • Redness
  • Blistering in severe cases.

An excess of vitamin C is also reflected in the test results. These are the following changes:

  • Elevated levels of platelets in the blood
  • Elevated neutrophils
  • Decrease in the number of red blood cells
  • An increase in the amount of thrombin in the blood
  • Decrease in potassium and increase in sodium in the body.

Deficiency against excess

There are two ways to develop a lack of "ascorbic acid". Symptoms of this condition do not appear immediately, but after some time, when the deficiency becomes clinically pronounced. The first way is implemented with insufficient intake of vitamin C in the body. Most often this is due to the lack of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet. The second way is a violation of the processes of assimilation of ascorbic acid, in which it is destroyed.

Most often this is due to the following pathological processes:

  • Pancreatitis
  • Enteritis
  • Colitis
  • Gallstone disease and others.

The intake of large doses of ascorbic acid into the body in a short period of time leads to the activation of its elimination systems. As a result, this can lead to hypovitaminosis. Clinical signs of deficiency include the following:

  • Increased bleeding from the gums
  • Loss of teeth due to weakened gums
  • Rapid appearance of hematomas (bruises) even against the background of minimal mechanical impact
  • Poor wound healing ability of tissues
  • General weakness
  • indifference to what is happening
  • Increased hair loss
  • Dryness and flaking of hair
  • Irritability over small things
  • Frequent colds
  • Joint pain
  • Bad mood
  • Discomfort.

Vitamin C is available in fresh vegetables and fruits. Eating greens will help to avoid hypovitaminosis. It is worth remembering that in the same products, “ascorbic acid” is destroyed by temperature, so cooking dishes is not recommended. Boiling vegetables leads to the destruction of more than 50% of vitamin C. And even a short boil destroys the “ascorbic acid”, disrupting the process of its subsequent assimilation.


An overdose of "ascorbic acid", if used in large doses, can be manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Nausea, which may turn into vomiting
  • Heartburn (especially during pregnancy and in the absence of menstruation)
  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating
  • Spasmodic abdominal pain
  • feeling hot
  • Frequent painless urination
  • Formation of stones in the urinary tract
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Increased irritability
  • Decreased blood sugar levels.

For pregnant

Ascorbic acid during pregnancy and in the absence of menstruation in high doses can cause irreparable harm. On the one hand, the risk of abortion increases, and on the other hand, the risk of intrauterine mutations increases, and the child may also develop vitamin dependence, which will manifest itself after birth (withdrawal syndrome).

But you can not completely refuse this vitamin. The daily norm for pregnant women is 60 mg. In the optimal dosage, "ascorbinka" improves the course of metabolic processes in both the mother and the child. Diluted in glucose, vitamin C is an excellent tool in the fight against early toxicosis during pregnancy, reduces the effects of intoxication, and also normalizes metabolism, directing it in the right direction.

Ascorbic acid is an indispensable substance for many biochemical and physiological processes occurring in the body during pregnancy, colds, and immunity. First of all, it is the strengthening of the vascular wall. With a pronounced deficiency of "ascorbic acid", scurvy develops, manifested by increased bleeding of gum vessels and tooth loss, the body's antioxidant defenses, immunity suffer, and blood sugar levels are disturbed.

It is extremely important to observe the dosage prescribed by the doctor, not to increase the recommended daily allowance, to ensure that children do not use ascorbic acid uncontrollably. This will avoid the symptoms of hypervitaminosis and its possible dangerous consequences for the body.

The body of any baby is in need of a certain amount of vitamins used to maintain normal life. Among the useful vitamins, ascorbic acid is isolated - vitamin C. Quite often, mothers buy it in a pharmacy for their baby. Ascorbic acid tends to dissolve in water and can enter the body only with food. Its main goal is to protect beneficial substances from the effects of free radicals, because even in a small amount, vitamin C can improve the protective function of the body, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, and increase the protective function of the body.

The child does not always get the right amount of vitamin C from food, then special complexes come to the rescue.

What is vitamin C for?

Vitamin C performs several beneficial functions in the body:

  • produces collagen - a structural protein of the skin, which is needed by bone and cartilage tissue;
  • promotes the production of adrenaline, which is the key to a good mood, prevents the appearance of stress;
  • forms carnitine, which burns fats and relieves excess weight;
  • activates the work of digestive enzymes;
  • accelerates redox reactions;
  • forms and deposits glycogen in the liver;
  • improves cellular respiration.

Vitamin C for children is an excellent prevention of diseases such as SARS and influenza. On sale there are specialized tablets that contain glucose and have a pleasant taste. This is the cheapest and most effective method of boosting the immune system.

Functions of Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid is of great importance in the development of the child's body. It has a beneficial effect on the performance of internal organs and the nervous system. Thanks to vitamin C, iron is better absorbed, the body is cleansed of negative substances.

Vitamin C has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of the child, helps to increase mindfulness

Vitamin C is indispensable for children during rapid growth. Especially in adolescence, they are more likely to be exposed to infectious diseases due to a decrease in the immune system. In view of this, parents should from time to time acquire ascorbic acid, which contains glucose.

External factors can have a negative impact on the component. If you store plant products for a long time, some of the vitamins are lost. Heat treatment also has a detrimental effect. It is advisable to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. For babies under two years old, it is necessary to mash fresh vegetables and fruits daily.

Often, the child's body lacks ascorbic acid. It is possible to determine that the baby's body is experiencing a lack of vitamin C by certain signs:

  • the child gets tired quickly;
  • bleeding gums;
  • weak immunity, because of which the child often gets sick;
  • reduced permeability of small blood vessels;
  • lips, nose, ears and nails take on a blue tint.

When taking ascorbic acid, the dosage must be observed. The use of an increased dose may not have the best effect on the performance of internal organs. The occurrence of allergic manifestations is observed occasionally.

With a lack of vitamin C, a child can often get colds (more in the article:)

Foods fortified with vitamin C

Fresh fruits and vegetables are more beneficial. They contain a large amount of vitamin C, which is why they should be present in the daily menu of the child. The following products are especially distinguished by their high content:

  • sweet bell pepper;
  • tangerine, lemon, orange;
  • kiwi;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • strawberry;
  • black currant;
  • rose hip;
  • potato;
  • green pea.

The daily dose of vitamin C is found in the following foods:

  • small orange - one piece;
  • sweet pepper - one piece;
  • young potatoes - one or two pieces;
  • cabbage - 0.2 kg.

Contrary to popular belief, vitamin C is not only found in citrus fruits.

To increase immunity, you can take complex vitamins, which include ascorbic acid. Such vitamins are produced for any age category. When taking them, you must follow the instructions, which indicate the conditions of use and all possible contraindications. If a child aged one to two years does not eat well, he is prescribed a complex of vitamins. When taking, you need to monitor the well-being of the baby and possible allergies.

Ascorbic acid is prescribed for children in the form of injections or tablets. They are used for malnutrition of the child. The duration of the course is influenced by the individual qualities of the body, the state of the immune system and the signs of the disease. If necessary, the course can be re-assigned.

  • 0-12 months - the daily requirement of vitamin C is found in mother's milk;
  • 1-3 years - 5 mg;
  • 4-8 years - 25 mg;
  • 9-13 years - 45 mg;
  • 14-18 years - 75 mg for boys and 65 mg for girls.

A child up to a year receives the required amount of vitamin C from mother's milk.

You also need to know the maximum allowable level of vitamin C (UL):

  • 1-3 years - 400 mg per day;
  • 4-8 years - 600 mg per day;
  • 9-13 years - 1200 mg per day;
  • 14-18 years - 1800 mg per day for adolescents, women during childbearing and breastfeeding.

Types of medicines

There are the following types of drugs:

  • lyophilisate 50 mg used to make a liquid solution for intravenous and intramuscular use;
  • liquid solution 50 mg/ml, 100 mg/ml, used for intravenous and intramuscular use;
  • liquid solution 150 mg / ml, used for intravenous use ("Vitamin C-injectopas");
  • dragee 50 mg;
  • powder 1 g, 2.5 g for making a solution that is taken orally;
  • tablets 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg, 100 mg, 500 mg, 2.5 g;
  • chewable tablets 200 mg ("Asvitol"), 500 mg ("Vitamin C 500");
  • effervescent tablets 250 mg, 1000 mg;
  • effervescent tablets 500 mg ("Ascovit", "Celascon Vitamin C"), effervescent tablets 1000 mg ("Additive Vitamin C", "Ascovit").

Effervescent vitamin C is especially popular with children as it is consumed in the form of a delicious drink.

In addition, the opportunity to purchase drops, which contain ascorbic acid. These drops should be taken orally.

Vitamin C with glucose

Vitamin C is normally absorbed in the small intestine. Ascorbic acid, which contains glucose, is often recommended for young children. Babies in two or three years are preferable to choose a complex of vitamins. After 6 years, as a preventive measure, it is advisable to use ascorbic acid containing glucose daily.

  • children aged 6-14 years - 50 mg as a prophylaxis;
  • after 14 years - 50-75 mg;
  • after 6 years - up to 100 mg two to three times a day as a prophylaxis.

The absorption of glucose is easy and it serves as another source of energy. Taking pills is advisable in the following cases:

  • if the body lacks ascorbic acid;
  • during the rapid growth of the child;
  • the presence of great mental and physical stress.

During the school period, vitamin C is best taken with glucose.

Children under three years of age should not take the drug. At two or three years, take precautions when taking. Rarely, allergic reactions occur.

If your baby is given ascorbic acid, you must tell your pediatrician about this, otherwise changes in laboratory tests may occur. The doctor decides on the appointment of ascorbic acid for children under two years of age in case of hemorrhagic diathesis.

Myths about vitamin C

There is an erroneous opinion about ascorbic acid:

  1. She can handle colds. The history of this fiction originates in the 70s of the 20th century. His refutation happened quite recently as a result of foreign studies, which proved that the use of vitamin C in large doses can speed up the healing process by only half a day. However, it is still recommended to use ascorbic acid during a cold, due to the fact that during illness, its consumption by the body increases.
  2. Ascorbic acid does not accumulate in large quantities. Excessive use of it can cause an overdose. Signs of an overdose include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, insomnia, and excessive excitability. In some situations, there is a violation of the kidneys and pancreas.
  3. You can stock up on vitamin C for a long time if you eat fruits and berries in large quantities in the summer season. According to average data, the withdrawal of vitamins from the body occurs within 5 hours.
  4. The body needs ascorbic acid only in winter, when there is a peak of seasonal colds. This is a fiction, since spring and autumn are the time when the immune system weakens and the body lacks vitamin C (see also:).

Even if a child actively eats seasonal berries, they cannot saturate his body with vitamin C for several months in advance.

What else do you need to know?

If you use ascorbic acid regardless of age, there is a risk of increasing the concentration of benzylpenicillin and antibiotics of the tetracycline group. It promotes better absorption of iron, which is why it should not be given to children with high hemoglobin levels.

The drug should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor in a small dose. Freshly squeezed juice and an alkaline liquid slow down the absorption of ascorbic acid. When taken for a long time, kidney function should be checked. Ascorbic acid affects the production of corticosteroid hormones.

Any medications must be stored out of the reach of children. Ascorbic acid remains fresh for two years from the date of manufacture.

The child's body needs ascorbic acid during rapid growth and development. It prevents the formation of diseases of the respiratory tract, digestive system and other organs. With its lack over a long period of time, various complications can develop. To avoid this, it is necessary to monitor its norm in the body and undergo medical examinations in a timely manner.

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Water-soluble vitamin C can be distributed in the body with normal fluid. It must be included in the daily diet, because it is not capable of being produced in our body on its own, and its daily intake must be replenished. Vitamin C is vital for humans.

Foods Containing Vitamin C

A significant content of ascorbic acid falls on products of plant origin. These are vegetables, citrus fruits, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage, broccoli. Also, if you use strawberries, black currants, persimmons, peaches, sea buckthorn, ascorbic acid, you will be provided with a daily allowance. Vitamin C, among other things, is also found in tomatoes, bell peppers, mountain ash. Ascorbic acid is also found in some herbs. For example, in peppermint, fennel, parsley, red pepper, nettle, plantain, raspberry leaves. Therefore, the intake of vitamins should consist of plant products and be replenished daily.

How much vitamin C does a person need

The daily human need for ascorbic acid is formed from a number of indicators. Gender, age, nature of work, climate, bad habits, pregnancy - all these factors determine the daily intake of vitamin C. Stress, illness, toxic effects on the body increase a person's need for ascorbic acid. In the Far North and in hot climates, the need for vitamin C increases by 30-50%. In older people, ascorbic acid is absorbed worse than in young people, so in old age its daily intake increases. Vitamin C is reduced in the body when using oral contraceptives. Therefore, women taking such contraceptives need to increase the amount of foods rich in ascorbic acid in their diet.

The daily intake of vitamin C should be divided into several meals, since ascorbic acid is quickly consumed by the body. Therefore, it will be much more useful to maintain a constantly relatively high concentration of the vitamin. The daily norm of vitamin C, from the classical point of view, for men is 90 mg, for women - 75. You can navigate by the daily loss of ascorbic acid. On average, it ranges from 300 to 1500 mg. The required daily rate is formed from the level of its consumption. Vitamin C is desirable to consume no more than 2000 mg per day. This is the norm for an adult healthy person. The effect of vitamin C on the body lasts, as a rule, from 8 to 12 hours after it enters the organic sphere. After this time, the beneficial properties of ascorbic acid begin to weaken and disappear altogether. And excess vitamin is excreted from the body with ammonia.

The biological function of vitamin C

Vitamin C affects not only the state of human immunity, but also inhibits the activity of microbes, does not allow the development of viral diseases. Ascorbic acid prolongs youth, retains the attractiveness of appearance, physical and mental health. Vitamin C allows the production of norepinephrine, which provides a person with a creative approach to business and the ability to make non-standard decisions.

Benefits of Vitamin C

  • Ascorbic acid restores the health of teeth, gums and bone tissues.
  • Vitamin C promotes faster healing of wounds, bone fractures, improves scarring of the skin.
  • Ascorbic acid increases the level of absorption of iron by the body.
  • Vitamin C favorably affects the strengthening of blood vessels.
  • Ascorbic acid reduces the risk of diseases such as acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, also accelerates their treatment, improves immunity.

In addition, vitamin C contributes to the growth and healthy formation of cells, improves the proper absorption of calcium. Ascorbic acid helps to minimize the potential formation of hematomas and blood clots. Also, vitamin C is required for the synthesis of collagen, which takes part in the formation of ligaments, tendon branches, blood vessels of the brain.

What are the signs that you can understand that you have hypovitaminosis

Vitamin deficiency can be exogenous, when the required amount of ascorbic acid does not enter the body. Or endogenous, meaning a violation of the absorption and digestibility of vitamin C by the human body. If ascorbic acid does not enter the body for a long time, a person may find the following signs of hypovitaminosis:

  • Lethargy.
  • Slow wound healing.
  • Loss of teeth.
  • Hair loss.
  • Bleeding gums.
  • Dry skin.
  • Joint pain.
  • Irritability, depression, general morbidity.

How to save vitamin C in foods

The content of vitamin C in raw foods and in already cooked food are two completely different values. Due to improper cooking, up to 95% of ascorbic acid is lost. With prolonged storage of fresh fruits and vegetables, their vitamin C content is reduced by 70%. Especially quickly ascorbic acid is destroyed under the influence of oxygen, high temperature and the sun. From this fact it follows that fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs are preferably stored in a cool place in hermetically sealed bags.

Significant losses of vitamin C occur during cooking, especially in the presence of oxygen and in an alkaline environment. That is, when cooking, it is better to keep the pan tightly closed in order to minimize contact with air, and it would be good to acidify soups, vegetable stews and other dishes in advance with vinegar, taking into account the compatibility of products. Ascorbic acid is also oxidized in the presence of iron and copper ions. So, it is better not to cook food in pots made of these materials.

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