Rules for the storage of medicines in the hospital. Storage of potent and poisonous medicines, medicines subject to subject-quantitative accounting. Storage of odorous and coloring medicines

Order N 646n in paragraph 3 gives the head of the subject of circulation medicines(hereinafter referred to as MD) the obligation to provide a set of measures for employees to comply with the rules for storage and (or) transportation of MD. Under the subject of circulation in this case refers to any of the organizations covered by this order, including a medical organization and its separate divisions(outpatient clinics, feldsher and feldsher-obstetric stations, centers (departments) of general medical (family) practice) located in rural settlements where there are no pharmacy organizations. It follows from the above that every medical organization involved in the storage of medicines must, from 2017, comply with the “new” rules of good practice for their storage.

A set of measures for the head of a medical organization is called a quality system and includes a wide variety of actions to ensure compliance with the Storage and Transportation Rules. In particular, for the implementation of a quality system for the storage of medicinal products of a medical organization, it is required:

  1. Approve the regulations for employees to take actions during the storage and transportation of medicines.
  2. Approve maintenance and inspection procedures measuring instruments, equipment.
  3. Approve the order of keeping records in journals, reporting procedures.
  4. Ensure compliance with standard operating procedures.

At the same time, the new rules for the storage and transportation of medicines require the head of a medical organization to additionally approve documents regulating the procedure for receiving, transporting, and placing medicines. These actions are referred to as standard operating procedures.

Approval of regulations (standard operating procedures) for employees to take actions during storage and transportation of medicines

To introduce a quality system and perform standard operating procedures, the head of the medical organization issues an order and instructs the responsible person to develop and submit for approval the regulations (instructions) for performing various actions during the storage of the medicinal product. A specific list of such instructions has not been established by the Rules of Good Storage Practice. Taking into account the “breakdown” of standard operating procedures for the reception, transportation and placement of medicines, it is advisable to divide the process of storing medicines in a medical organization into the same stages and detail each stage in the instructions, for example, approve the following documents:

1. Instructions for accepting medicines from the carrier

The instruction on the procedure for taking medicines from the carrier (transport organization) should fix the list of actions of an employee of a medical organization upon receipt of a batch of medicines and contain instructions on what circumstances the employee should find out when drawing up documents for each batch of medicines. Thus, the employee should be aware that, in accordance with the Good Practices for Storage and Transportation, drugs with a shorter expiration date are first dispensed for transportation. The remaining shelf life is agreed with the recipient of the medicinal product in preparation for transportation. If the residual shelf life of the medicinal product is not long, it is better for the medical organization, when agreeing to receive the medicinal product, to refuse such a supply in order to avoid the subsequent write-off of the entire received batch.

When accepting a medicinal product, the employee must check the compliance of the received drug with the accompanying documentation for the assortment, quantity and quality (checks the name, quantity of drugs with the consignment note or waybill and appearance containers).

As part of standard operating procedures, a medical organization, before taking medicines, must plan the transportation of medicines with an analysis and assessment of possible risks. In particular, before delivery, the carrier finds out whether the medicinal product has special storage conditions and whether the carrier can provide them during transportation. Despite the fact that this is the responsibility of the carrier, and not the medical organization, the latter also has an interest in the knowledge of the transport company about the conditions for transporting a particular drug in order to get it suitable for use. In this connection, it is recommended, at the request of the carrier, to provide full information about the qualitative features of medicinal products, the conditions for their storage and transportation, including temperature, illumination, requirements for containers and packaging.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the packaging. An employee who takes medicines should pay attention to the quality of the packaging, as well as the presence on the packaging of information about the name, series of transported drugs, their release date, number of packages, name and location of the drug manufacturer, their expiration date and storage conditions, transportation . The absence of this information may indirectly indicate possible violations of the conditions of transportation or even counterfeit goods. If discrepancies are found, or damage to the container, the drugs should not be taken - they must be returned to the supplier with the preparation of an appropriate act and the implementation of the return procedure provided for by the contract. An employee of a medical organization must be instructed on the procedure for processing the procedure for returning such goods.

According to the new Rules of Good Practice for Storage and Transportation, carrier employees sent on a flight are instructed on the procedure for preparing insulated containers for the transportation of medicines (taking into account seasonal characteristics), as well as on the possibility of reusing ice packs. In addition to new transport regulations, they must take into account the instructions for preparations, as well as the conditions of transport mentioned in other regulations. For example, the conditions for the transportation of immunobiological medicinal products are contained in SP, approved. Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of February 17, 2016 N 19, which, among other things, categorically prohibits the use of cold chain equipment for the joint transportation of these drugs and food, other medicines, raw materials, materials, equipment and items that may affect the quality of the transported drugs or damage their packaging. When transporting the ILS, the readings of each thermoindicator should be monitored when loading and unloading preparations, the readings are recorded in a special register for the movement of the ILS twice a day - at the first, second and third levels of the "cold chain", and once a day on working days - at fourth level. Also, the journal should record the facts of planned or emergency shutdown of refrigeration equipment, breakdowns and violations of the temperature regime.

AT real life certainly cannot be relied upon strict observance the carrier of these obligations to instruct its employees, as well as the responsible attitude of such employees to the performance of their labor functions. When transporting, it is difficult to exclude human factor, entailing a violation of the conditions of transportation - in order to save, faulty ice packs are used several times, food and other raw materials are placed along with medicines, the temperature is entered in the journal "as you like", usually right before arriving at the recipient of the medicine. There are times when refrigeration equipment the carrier is not equipped with thermometers at all or they do not work, showing always the same value. It happens that an arriving car technical specifications or due to the laid route, obviously could not meet the requirements of the temperature regime, but was released by the transport company on a flight.

Although the rules of transportation require that information be communicated to the sender and recipient of medicinal products about cases of violation of the temperature regime of storage and damage to the package detected during the transportation of the medicinal product, in practice, of course, this requirement is not always observed. Carriers are unwilling to accept the risk of compensation for damages due to non-compliance with the rules of carriage and may seek to conceal this information.

All these points must be taken into account when accepting the medicinal product and noted in the instructions of the employee of the medical organization that, if there are reasonable doubts about the observance of the temperature regime and other conditions during transportation, the identified circumstances should be reflected in documentary form and reported to the management. The new storage rules give the medical organization the right to send a request to the supplier with a request to confirm the fact that the conditions for transporting a particular drug have been met. If such confirmation is not received, the organization has the right to refuse to accept medicinal products delivered in violation of the conditions of transportation.

2. Instructions on the placement (transportation) of medicinal products in the storage area

The instructions should reflect that when an employee accepts medicines, the transport container is cleaned of visual contamination - it is wiped, dust, stains, etc. are removed, and only after that it is brought into the premises or storage area of ​​the medicinal product, and further storage of the medicinal product is carried out taking into account the requirements registration dossier for medicinal products, instructions for medical use, information on packages, on transport containers.

The instructions should describe the rules for the placement of medicinal products, taking into account the Rules of Good Storage Practice. It is worth noting, and conveying to the employee what should not be done: for example, place medicines on the floor without a pallet, place pallets on the floor in several rows, store with medicines food products, tobacco products etc.

Since, in accordance with the Rules of Good Storage Practice, shelves (cabinets) for storing medicinal products must be labeled, must have shelf cards located in a visible zone, and ensure the identification of medicinal products in accordance with the accounting system used by the Subject of Medicines Circulation, in the instructions for storage drugs and in job description the employee should reflect the obligation to label racks (cabinets) and fill out rack cards.

If the medical organization applies electronic system processing data instead of rack cards, the employee should be charged with filling in the data in such a system. New storage rules allow the identification of drugs in such a system using codes. This means that there is no need to enter the full names of the types of drugs or their locations each time - it is enough to assign a code for one or another value and approve the code correspondence table, which greatly simplifies office work.

Because in rooms and areas must be maintained temperature conditions storage and humidity corresponding to the storage conditions specified in the registration dossier of the medicinal product, instructions for medical use and on the package, in the instructions for the placement of medicinal products, it should be mentioned about the placement of drugs in accordance with the indicated modes and the obligation to monitor changes in temperature and humidity by the employee.

In the same instruction, it is permissible to reflect the procedures for cleaning the premises (zones) for storing medicines - they are carried out in accordance with standard operating procedures that are the same for all subjects of medicines storage. In this case, standard operating procedures mean the measures described in Section 11 of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations carrying out medical activity»- these measures are the same in relation to all premises of a medical organization (with some exceptions): processing at least 2 times a day, general cleaning at least once a month, washing windows at least 2 times a year, etc. In the instructions for storage, you can simply make a reference to the instructions for wet cleaning of the premises of a medical organization, so as not to clutter up the document with unnecessary information.

An employee of a medical organization should be instructed that persons who do not have access rights defined by standard operating procedures are not allowed into the premises (zones) for storing medicines, i.e. face, official duties which are not related to the reception, transportation, placement and use of medicines.

3. Instructions on the storage of medicinal products requiring special storage conditions

In this document, it is necessary to analyze the storage features point by point. various categories drugs, for example, to note that the storage of flammable and explosive drugs is carried out away from fire and heating devices, and workers need to exclude mechanical impact on such drugs. It should be fixed in the instructions that drugs subject to subject-quantitative accounting, with the exception of narcotic, psychotropic, potent and poisonous medicines are stored in metal or wooden cabinets, sealed or sealed at the end of the working day. The list of such drugs is established by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated April 22, 2014 N 183n, an employee of a medical organization must know this list and be able to sort drugs based on the specified list.

Medicines containing drugs and psychotropic substances must be stored in accordance with the law Russian Federation on narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances - first of all, taking into account the requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated July 24, 2015 N 484n. Thus, this Order prescribes the storage of narcotic and psychotropic medicines in premises belonging to the 4th category, or in places of temporary storage in safes (containers) located in the appropriate premises or places. Therefore, the worker who was given the keys to the safe must be identified. Typically, such an employee is a financially responsible person and receives a key “under signature”. In the instructions, it is worth noting the inadmissibility of handing over keys strangers, the procedure for handing over the key to the post and the ban on taking the keys home.

The specified order also indicates that after the end of the working day, narcotic and psychotropic drugs must be returned to the place of main storage of narcotic and psychotropic drugs - the medical worker should be charged with checking compliance with this requirement and reflect the procedure for detecting a shortage.

In medical organizations inner sides the doors of safes or metal cabinets where these medicinal products are stored, lists of stored drugs should be posted indicating their highest single and highest daily doses. Additionally, tables of antidotes for poisoning with these agents are placed in storage places in medical organizations. It would be correct to assign to a specific employee the obligation to generate these lists and monitor the relevance of the information contained in them.

Medical organizations should store narcotic and psychotropic drugs manufactured by drug manufacturers or a pharmacy organization, so the instructions may indicate the inadmissibility self-manufacturing an employee of such drugs. The safe or cabinet with the indicated drugs is sealed or sealed at the end of the working day - the sealing procedure should also be reflected in the instructions.

Storage of medicinal products containing potent and toxic substances, which are under control in accordance with international legal norms, is carried out in premises equipped with engineering and technical security equipment similar to those provided for the storage of narcotic and psychotropic medicinal products. The list of such drugs is contained in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2007 N 964. Taking into account these requirements, a medical organization must provide a burglar alarm, familiarize employees with the principles of its operation, appoint an employee responsible for maintaining this system (personal service or with the help of a third-party contract organizations).

22. Medicinal products stored in warehouses should be placed on racks or on undercarriages (pallets). It is not allowed to place medicines on the floor without a pallet. Pallets can be placed on the floor in one row or on racks in several tiers, depending on the height of the rack. It is not allowed to place pallets with medicines in several rows in height without the use of racks. 23. When manual way loading and unloading operations, the height of the stacking of medicines should not exceed 1.5 m. When using mechanized devices for carrying out unloading and loading operations, medicinal products should be stored in several tiers. At the same time, the total height of placing medicines on the racks should not exceed the capabilities of mechanized handling equipment (lifts, trucks, hoists). 23.1. The area of ​​storage facilities should correspond to the volume of stored medicines, but be at least 150 square meters. m, including: drug acceptance area; area for the main storage of medicines; expedition zone; premises for medicines requiring special conditions storage. (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2010 N 1221n)

VI. Features of storage of certain groups of medicines, depending on the physical and physico-chemical properties, the impact on them of various environmental factors

Storage of medicines requiring protection from light

24. Medicines that require protection from the action of light are stored in rooms or specially equipped places that provide protection from natural and artificial lighting. 25. Pharmaceutical substances that require protection from light should be stored in containers made of light-protective materials (orange glass containers, metal containers, aluminum foil or polymer materials painted black, brown, or orange), in a dark room or closet. For the storage of pharmaceutical substances that are especially sensitive to light (silver nitrate, prozerin), glass containers are pasted over with black opaque paper. 26. Medicinal products for medical use that require protection from the action of light, packed in primary and secondary (consumer) packaging, should be stored in cabinets or on racks, provided that measures are taken to prevent direct sunlight or other bright directional light from reaching these medicinal products (use of reflective film, blinds, visors, etc.).

Storage of medicinal products requiring protection from moisture

27. Pharmaceutical substances that require protection from moisture should be stored in a cool place at temperatures up to +15 degrees. C (hereinafter - a cool place), in a tightly closed container made of materials impermeable to water vapor (glass, metal, aluminum foil, thick-walled plastic containers) or in the manufacturer's primary and secondary (consumer) packaging. 28. Pharmaceutical substances with pronounced hygroscopic properties should be stored in a glass container with a hermetic seal, filled with paraffin on top. 29. In order to avoid damage and loss of quality, storage of medicinal products should be organized in accordance with the requirements indicated in the form of warning labels on the secondary (consumer) packaging of the medicinal product.

Storage of medicinal products requiring protection from volatilization and drying out

30. Pharmaceutical substances that require protection from volatilization and drying (actually volatile drugs; drugs containing a volatile solvent ( alcohol tinctures, liquid alcohol concentrates, thick extracts); solutions and mixtures of volatile substances ( essential oils, solutions of ammonia, formaldehyde, hydrogen chloride over 13%, carbolic acid, ethanol various concentrations, etc.); medicinal plant materials containing essential oils; medicines containing water of crystallization - crystalline hydrates; drugs that decompose with the formation of volatile products (iodoform, hydrogen peroxide, sodium bicarbonate); medicines with a certain lower moisture content limit (magnesium sulfate, sodium paraaminosalicylate, sodium sulfate)), should be stored in a cool place, in a hermetically sealed container made of impervious materials for volatile substances (glass, metal, aluminum foil) or in primary and secondary (consumer ) manufacturer's packaging. The use of polymer containers, packaging and capping is allowed in accordance with the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia and regulatory documentation. 31. Pharmaceutical substances - crystalline hydrates should be stored in hermetically sealed glass, metal and thick-walled plastic containers or in the manufacturer's primary and secondary (consumer) packaging under conditions that comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation for these medicinal products.

Storage of medicinal products requiring protection from exposure elevated temperature

32. Organizations and individual entrepreneurs should store medicinal products that require protection from exposure to elevated temperatures (thermolabile medicinal products) in accordance with the temperature regime indicated on the primary and secondary (consumer) packaging of the medicinal product in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation.

Storage of medicinal products requiring protection from exposure low temperature

33. Storage of medicines that require protection from exposure to low temperatures (medicines whose physical and chemical state changes after freezing and is not restored upon subsequent warming to room temperature (40% formaldehyde solution, insulin solutions)), organizations and individual entrepreneurs must carry out in accordance with the temperature regime indicated on the primary and secondary (consumer) packaging of the medicinal product in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation. 34. Freezing of insulin preparations is not allowed.

Storage of medicines requiring protection from exposure to gases contained in environment

35. Pharmaceutical substances that require protection from exposure to gases (substances that react with atmospheric oxygen: various aliphatic compounds with unsaturated intercarbon bonds, cyclic compounds with side aliphatic groups with unsaturated intercarbon bonds, phenolic and polyphenolic, morphine and its derivatives with unsubstituted hydroxyl groups; sulfur-containing heterogeneous and heterocyclic compounds, enzymes and organ preparations; substances that react with carbon dioxide air: salts of alkali metals and weak organic acids (sodium barbital, hexenal), drugs containing polyhydric amines (eufillin), magnesium oxide and peroxide, caustic sodium, caustic potassium), should be stored in a hermetically sealed container made of materials impervious to gases filled to the top if possible.

Storage of odorous and coloring medicines

36. Odorous drugs (pharmaceutical substances, both volatile and practically non-volatile, but having strong smell) should be stored in a hermetically sealed, odor-tight container. 37. Coloring medicinal products (pharmaceutical substances that leave a colored mark that is not washed off by ordinary sanitary and hygienic treatment on containers, closures, equipment and inventory (brilliant green, methylene blue, indigo carmine)) should be stored in a special cabinet in a tightly closed container . 38. To work with coloring medicines, it is necessary to allocate special scales, a mortar, a spatula and other necessary equipment for each item.

Storage of disinfectants

39. Disinfectants should be stored in hermetically sealed containers in an isolated room away from plastic, rubber and metal storage facilities and distilled water production facilities.

Storage of medicinal products for medical use

40. Storage of medicinal products for medical use is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the state pharmacopoeia and regulatory documentation, as well as taking into account the properties of the substances that make up them. 41. When stored in cabinets, on racks or shelves, medicinal products for medical use in secondary (consumer) packaging must be placed with the label (marking) outward. 42. Organizations and individual entrepreneurs must store medicinal products for medical use in accordance with the requirements for their storage indicated on the secondary (consumer) packaging of the specified medicinal product.

Storage of medicinal plant materials

43. Bulk medicinal plant materials should be stored in a dry (no more than 50% humidity), well-ventilated area in a tightly closed container. 44. Bulk medicinal plant materials containing essential oils are stored in isolation in a well-closed container. 45. Bulk medicinal plant materials must be subject to periodic control in accordance with the requirements of the state pharmacopoeia. Grass, roots, rhizomes, seeds, fruits that have lost their normal color, smell and the required amount active ingredients, as well as those affected by mold, barn pests, are rejected. 46. ​​Storage of medicinal plant materials containing cardiac glycosides is carried out in compliance with the requirements of the state pharmacopoeia, in particular, the requirement for repeated control for biological activity. 47. Bulk medicinal plant materials included in lists potent and toxic substances, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2007 N 964 "On approval of lists of potent and toxic substances for the purposes of Article 234 and other articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as a large amount of potent substances for the purposes of Article 234 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2008, No. 2, Art. 89; 2010, No. 28, Art. 3703), is stored in separate room or in a separate locker. 48. Packaged medicinal herbal raw materials are stored on racks or in cabinets.

Storage of medicinal leeches

49. Storage of medical leeches is carried out in a bright room without the smell of medicines, for which a constant temperature regime is established. 50. The content of leeches is carried out in the prescribed manner.

Storage of flammable medicines

51. Storage of flammable medicines (medicines with flammable properties (alcohol and alcohol solutions, alcohol and ether tinctures, alcohol and essential extracts, ether, turpentine, lactic acid, chloroethyl, collodion, cleol, Novikov liquid, organic oils); drugs with flammable properties (sulfur, glycerin, vegetable oils, bulk medicinal plant materials) should be carried separately from other drugs. (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2010 N 1221n) 52. Flammable medicines are stored in tightly sealed strong, glass or metal containers to prevent the evaporation of liquids from the vessels. 53. Bottles, cylinders and other large containers with flammable and easily combustible medicines should be stored on the shelves of racks in one row in height. It is forbidden to store them in several rows in height using different cushioning materials. It is not allowed to store these medicines near heating devices. The distance from the rack or stack to the heating element must be at least 1 m. 54. Storage of bottles with flammable and highly combustible pharmaceutical substances must be carried out in containers that protect against impacts, or in cylinder-tilters in one row. 55. At the workplaces of industrial premises allocated in pharmacy organizations and individual entrepreneurs, flammable and easily combustible medicines can be stored in quantities not exceeding the shift requirement. At the same time, the containers in which they are stored must be tightly closed. 56. It is not allowed to store flammable and easily combustible medicines in fully filled containers. The degree of filling should be no more than 90% of the volume. Alcohols in large quantities stored in metal containers, filled no more than 75% of the volume. 57. Joint storage of flammable medicinal products with mineral acids (especially sulfuric and nitric acids), compressed and liquefied gases, flammable substances (vegetable oils, sulfur, dressing material), alkalis, as well as with inorganic salts that give explosive mixtures with organic substances (potassium chlorate, potassium permanganate, potassium chromate, etc.). 58. Medical ether and ether for anesthesia are stored in industrial packaging, in a cool, dark place, away from fire and heating devices.

Storage of explosive medicines

59. When storing explosive drugs (drugs with explosive properties (nitroglycerin); drugs with explosive properties (potassium permanganate, silver nitrate)) measures should be taken to prevent contamination with dust. 60. Containers with explosive drugs (barrels, tin drums, bottles, etc.) must be tightly closed to prevent vapors of these drugs from getting into the air. 61. Storage of bulk potassium permanganate is allowed in a special compartment of storage facilities (where it is stored in tin drums), in barbells with ground stoppers separately from other organic substances - in pharmacies and individual entrepreneurs. 62. Bulk nitroglycerin solution is stored in small, well-closed bottles or metal containers in a cool, dark place, taking fire precautions. Move dishes with nitroglycerin and weigh this drug should be in conditions that exclude spillage and evaporation of nitroglycerin, as well as its contact with the skin. 63. When working with diethyl ether shaking, blows, friction is not allowed. 64. It is prohibited to store explosive medicines with acids and alkalis.

Storage of narcotic and psychotropic medicines

65. Narcotic and psychotropic medicines are stored in organizations in isolated rooms, specially equipped with engineering and technical means of protection, and in places of temporary storage, subject to the requirements in accordance with Rules storage of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2009 N 1148 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 4, Art. 394; N 25, Art. 3178).

Storage of potent and poisonous medicines, medicines subject to subject-quantitative accounting

66. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2007 N 964"On approval of lists of potent and toxic substances for the purposes of Article 234 and other articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as large potent substances for the purposes of Article 234 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, potent and toxic drugs include drugs containing potent and toxic substances included in the lists of potent and toxic drugs. 67. Storage of potent and toxic drugs under control in accordance with international legal norms (hereinafter - potent and poisonous drugs under international control) is carried out in premises equipped with engineering and technical security equipment similar to those provided for the storage of narcotic and psychotropic drugs. medicines under international control and narcotic and psychotropic medicines. I (depending on the volume of stocks) on different shelves of the safe (metal cabinet) or in different safes (metal cabinets). 69. Storage of potent and poisonous medicines not under international control is carried out in metal cabinets sealed or sealed at the end of the working day. 70. Medicines subject to subject-quantitative accounting in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation dated December 14, 2005 N 785"On the procedure for dispensing medicines" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 16, 2006 N 7353), with the exception of narcotic, psychotropic, potent and poisonous medicines, are stored in metal or wooden cabinets, sealed or sealed at the end of the working day.

to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

I. General provisions

1.1. These Rules for the storage of medicinal products establish requirements for storage facilities for medicinal products for medical use and for the storage of these medicinal products, including those with flammable and explosive properties (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).
1.2. The rules apply to drug manufacturers, drug wholesalers, pharmacy organizations, individual entrepreneurs holding a license for pharmaceutical activity or a license for medical activity, medical and other organizations that circulate medicines (hereinafter, respectively - organizations, individual entrepreneurs).
1.3. All employees of organizations and individual entrepreneurs must know and comply with the requirements set forth in these Rules. Responsibility for the fulfillment by employees of organizations of the requirements of these Rules rests with the heads of these organizations.
1.4. Each employee of the organization entering work must be instructed at the workplace on the storage of medicines that require special storage conditions (flammable, explosive substances, compressed gases), on safety and fire safety rules, as well as on the rules for providing first aid to an injured person in case of accident.

II. General requirements for the arrangement and operation of storage facilities for medicines

2.1. The device, composition, size of the area and equipment of the premises for storing medicines must meet all the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation.
2.2. The device, operation and equipment of storage facilities for medicines should ensure their safety.
2.3. In order to maintain the quality of medicines, certain temperature and humidity of the air must be maintained in the premises for storing medicines.
2.4. In order to maintain the purity of the air in the storage rooms of medicines in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documentation, they are equipped with mechanically driven supply and exhaust ventilation. If it is not possible to equip storage rooms with supply and exhaust ventilation, it is recommended to equip window vents, transoms, second lattice doors, etc.
2.5. In organizations and individual entrepreneurs working in a climate zone with large deviations from allowable norms temperature and relative humidity of the air, drug storage rooms should be equipped with air conditioners or other equipment that provides the necessary conditions storage of medicines.
2.6. Premises for the storage of medicines should be provided necessary quantity racks, cabinets, pallets, pedestals and other devices.
2.7. Finishing the storage of medicines ( internal surfaces walls, ceilings) must be smooth and allow for wet cleaning. The floors of drug storage rooms should have a dust-free coating that is resistant to the effects of mechanization and wet cleaning using disinfectants, while the use of wooden unpainted surfaces is not allowed. Finishing materials for the storage of medicinal products must comply with the requirements established for them.
2.8. Premises for the storage of medicines must be kept clean; the floors of the premises should be cleaned periodically (but at least once a day) wet way using approved detergents.

III. General requirements for storage facilities for medicines and organization of their storage

3.1. Premises for storing medicines should be equipped with special equipment, allowing to ensure their storage taking into account the physicochemical, pharmacological and toxicological properties, as well as the requirements of the quality standards of medicines and the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation and their proper preservation.
3.2. Access to the premises for the storage of medicinal products shall be granted to persons authorized in accordance with the established procedure. Access of unauthorized persons to these premises is excluded.
3.3. Premises for storing medicines should be equipped with devices for recording air parameters (thermometers, hygrometers or psychrometers), which are placed on the inner wall of the storage room, away from heating devices at a height of 1.5-1.7 m from the floor and at a distance of at least 3 m from the door. The readings of these devices must be recorded daily in a special journal (map), which is maintained by a responsible person of the organization or an individual entrepreneur during the year and is stored for a year, not counting the past. Control devices must be certified, calibrated and verified in the prescribed manner.
3.4. Medicinal products in storage rooms must be placed taking into account the most full use floor space, building best conditions labor for workers, the possibility of using means of mechanization and ensuring pharmaceutical order.
3.5. Medicinal products are placed separately in the storage rooms:
in strict accordance with toxicological groups;
narcotic and psychotropic drugs;
potent and poisonous medicines, other medicines subject to subject-quantitative accounting;
according to pharmacological groups;
depending on the method of application (internal, external);
in accordance with the state of aggregation of pharmaceutical substances (liquid, bulk, gaseous, etc.);
in accordance with the physico-chemical properties of drugs and the influence of various environmental factors;
taking into account the established shelf life for medicinal products with limited shelf life;
taking into account the nature of various dosage forms;
using computer technology (in alphabetical order, codes, etc.).
3.6. It is not recommended to have medicines that are consonant in name, medicines for internal use with very different higher doses, and also to arrange them in alphabetical order.
3.7. Racks (cabinets) for storage of medicinal products in the premises for the storage of medicinal products should be installed as follows:
the distance to the outer walls is at least 0.6 - 0.7 m;
distance to the ceiling is not less than 0.5 m;
distance from the floor is not less than 0.25 m;
passages between racks not less than 0.75 m;
on all racks, cabinets, shelves, a rack card is attached indicating the name of the medicinal product, series, expiration date, number of storage units.
3.8. Organizations and individual entrepreneurs must keep records of medicines with a limited shelf life on paper or in electronic form with archiving on hard media. The archiving mode is set by the head of the organization or individual entrepreneur.
3.9. If expired medicinal products are identified, they should be activated and stored separately from other groups of medicinal products.

IV. Requirements for the premises for the storage of flammable and explosive medicines and the organization of their storage

4.1. Flammable medicinal products, medicinal products capable of forming explosive mixtures, as well as those prone to spontaneous combustion in contact with air, water, combustible substances or exposure to sunlight should be stored separately from other medicinal products in conditions that completely exclude the possibility of such contact, as well as influence of high temperatures and mechanical impact.
4.2. The premises for the storage of medicines related to the list of flammable or explosive substances, in accordance with the appendix to these Rules, (hereinafter, respectively - flammable medicines, explosive medicines) must fully comply with the current regulatory documents.
4.3. Flammable medicines and explosive medicines should be stored according to the principle of uniformity in accordance with their physico-chemical, flammable properties and the nature of the packaging. To this end, fire-resistant storage rooms for pharmacies and medical organizations, storage rooms of drug wholesalers and drug manufacturers (hereinafter referred to as storage rooms) are divided into separate rooms (compartments) with a fire resistance limit of building structures of at least 1 hour.
4.5. The required (per one shift) amount of flammable medicines for current consumption may be kept in the filling rooms of warehouses and storage rooms of pharmacies and medical organizations, but with strict observance of fire safety measures. The remaining quantity of flammable medicines at the end of the shift is returned to the main storage place.v 4.6. The floors of warehouses and unloading areas must have a hard, even surface, excluding potholes and other irregularities. It is forbidden to use boards and iron sheets to level the floors. Floors should provide convenient and safe movement of people, goods and Vehicle, have sufficient strength and withstand loads from stored materials, ensure simplicity and ease of cleaning the warehouse.
4.7. Warehouses for the storage of flammable and explosive medicines must be equipped with fireproof and stable racks and pallets designed for the appropriate load. The racks are installed at a distance of 0.25 m from the floor and walls, the width of the racks should not exceed 1 m and have flanges of at least 0.25 m. The longitudinal passages between the racks should be at least 1.35 m.
4.8. In pharmacy organizations, isolated rooms are provided for the storage of flammable and explosive medicines.
4.9. The storage room for flammable and explosive medicines must be equipped with automatic fire protection and alarm systems in accordance with current regulations.
4.10. In pharmacy organizations, it is allowed to store pharmaceutical substances with flammable and combustible properties, up to 10 kg in built-in fireproof cabinets with doors at least 0.7 m wide and at least 1.2 m high. and have free access to it.
4.11. In pharmacy organizations built into a building for another purpose, the amount of stored flammable medicines in bulk should not exceed 100 kg.
Flammable pharmaceutical substances in excess of 100 kg must be stored in a separate building in a glass or metal container, isolated from storage rooms for flammable drugs of other groups.
4.12. It is strictly forbidden to enter the premises for the storage of flammable and explosive medicines with kerosene lamps and candles, only electric lights should be used.

V. Features of organizing the storage of medicines in warehouses of wholesale trade organizations of medicines and manufacturers of medicines

5.1. Medicines stored in warehouses should be placed on racks or on pallets (pallets) with a height of at least 14.5 cm. It is not allowed to place medicines on the floor without a pallet.
Each name and each series of medicines should be stored on separate pallets. Pallets can be placed on the floor in one row or on racks in several tiers, depending on the height of the rack. It is not allowed to place pallets with medicines on top of each other without racks.
5.2. It is not allowed to load the volume of the storage room by more than 1/3. With the manual method of unloading and loading operations, the height of the stacking of medicines should not exceed 1.5 meters.
When using mechanized devices, medicines should be stored in several tiers, the height of their stacking on the rack shelf should not exceed 1.5 meters. At the same time, the total height of placement of medicines on the racks should not exceed the capabilities of mechanized loading and unloading means (lifts, trucks, hoists, etc.)

VI. Features of storage of certain groups of medicines, depending on the physical and physico-chemical properties, the impact on them of various environmental factors

All drugs, depending on the physical and physico-chemical properties, exposure to various environmental factors, are divided into:
requiring protection from light,
requiring protection from moisture,
requiring protection from volatilization and drying,
requiring protection from exposure to elevated temperatures,
requiring protection from low temperatures,
requiring protection from exposure to gases contained in the environment,
odorous and coloring;

6.1 Storage of medicinal products requiring protection from light

6.1.1. Medicines that require protection from light include: antibiotics, herbal preparations (tinctures, extracts, concentrates from plant materials), herbal medicinal raw materials, organ preparations, vitamins and vitamin preparations; corticosteroids, essential oils, fixed oils, coated preparations, salts of hydroiodic and hydrobromic acids, halogen-substituted compounds, nitro- and nitroso compounds, nitrates, nitrites, amino and admido compounds, phenolic compounds, phenothiazine derivatives.
6.1.2. Pharmaceutical substances that require protection from light should be stored in containers made of light-protective materials (orange glass containers, metal containers, packaging made of aluminum foil or polymeric materials painted black, brown or orange), in a dark room or cabinets painted painted inside with black paint with tight-fitting doors, or in tight-fitting boxes with tight-fitting lids.
To store medicines that are particularly sensitive to light (silver nitrate, prozerin, etc.), glass containers are pasted over with black opaque paper. 6.1.3. Medicinal products requiring protection from light, packaged in primary and secondary packaging, should be stored in cabinets or on racks, provided that measures are taken to prevent direct sunlight or other bright directional light from falling on medicinal products (use of reflective film, blinds, visors, etc.).

6.2. Storage of medicinal products requiring protection from moisture
6.2.1. Among the drugs that require protection from moisture include: hygroscopic substances and preparations (for example, potassium acetate, dry extracts, herbal medicinal raw materials, hydrolyzing substances, salts of nitric, nitrous, hydrohalic and phosphoric acids, salts of alkaloids, sodium organometallic compounds, glucosides, antibiotics, enzymes, dry organic preparations), medicinal substances characterized in the State Pharmacopoeia as “very easily soluble in water”, as well as medicinal substances, the moisture content of which should not exceed the limit established by the State Pharmacopoeia and other regulatory and technical documentation, and medicinal substances that are oxidized by atmospheric oxygen.
6.2.2. Pharmaceutical substances that require protection from exposure to atmospheric water vapor should be stored in a cool place, in tightly closed containers made of materials impervious to water vapor (glass, metal, aluminum foil, thick-walled plastic containers).
6.2.3. Pharmaceutical substances with pronounced hygroscopic properties should be stored in a dry room in a glass container with a sealed closure, filled with paraffin on top. When closing containers with such medicines, it is necessary to carefully wipe the throat and cork.
6.2.4. Pharmaceutical substances that require protection from moisture, obtained in packaging from a polymer film and intended for supplying pharmacy organizations, should be stored in industrial packaging or transferred to glass or metal containers.
6.2.5. To avoid spoilage and loss of quality, special storage of the following medicines should be organized:
burnt gypsum should be stored in a well-closed container (for example, in tightly knocked down wooden boxes or barrels, preferably lined with plastic wrap on the inside);
mustard powder should be stored in hermetically sealed cans, varnished from the inside;
mustard plasters are stored in packs packed in parchment paper or plastic wrap, which are placed in tightly sealed containers (for example, carton boxes, pasted over from the inside with a polymer film).

6.3. Storage of medicinal products requiring protection from volatilization and drying out

6.3.1. Drugs that require protection from volatilization include:
actually volatile substances;
drugs containing a volatile solvent (alcohol tinctures, liquid alcohol concentrates, thick extracts);
solutions and mixtures of volatile substances (essential oils, solutions of ammonia, formaldehyde, hydrogen chloride over 13%, carbolic acid, ethyl alcohol of various concentrations, etc.);
medicinal plant materials containing essential oils;
medicinal preparations containing water of crystallization - crystalline hydrates;
medicinal substances that decompose with the formation of volatile products (iodoform, hydrogen peroxide, chloramine B, sodium bicarbonate);
medicinal substances with the lower limit of moisture content established by regulatory and technical documentation (magnesium sulfate, sodium paraaminosalicylate, sodium sulfate, etc.).
6.3.2. Pharmaceutical substances that require protection from volatilization and drying should be stored in a cool place, in hermetically sealed containers made of materials impervious to volatile substances (glass, metal, aluminum foil). The use of polymer containers, packaging and capping is allowed in accordance with the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia and other normative and technical documentation.
6.3.3. Crystalline hydrates, depending on the relative humidity of the air, can exhibit the properties of both hygroscopic and weathering substances. Therefore, they should be stored in hermetically sealed glass, metal and thick-walled plastic containers at a relative humidity of 50-65% in a cool place.

6.4. Storage of medicines requiring protection from exposure to elevated temperatures

6.4.1. Among the drugs that require protection from exposure to elevated temperatures (hereinafter referred to as heat-labile drugs) include: medicinal substances requiring protection from volatilization and drying; fusible substances;
immunobiological preparations;
organ preparations;
hormonal drugs;
vitamins and vitamin preparations;
preparations containing glycosides;
medical fats and oils;
fat-based ointments and other substances.
6.4.2. Thermolabile drugs should be stored at room temperature (+15 - +25 degrees C), cool (cold) temperature (+8 - +15 degrees C). In some cases, more low temperature storage (for example, for adenosine triphosphoric acid - +3 - +5 degrees C), which should be indicated on the label or in the instructions for use of the medicinal product.
6.4.3. Immunobiological medicinal products should be stored in industrial packaging separately by name, at the temperature indicated for each name on the label or in the instructions for use.
6.4.4. Immunobiological medicinal products of the same name are stored in batches, taking into account their expiration date.
6.4.5. During storage, immunobiological medicinal products should be visually inspected at least once a month.
6.4.6. Antibiotics should be stored in industrial packaging at room temperature unless otherwise indicated on drug labels.
6.4.7. Organic preparations should be stored in a dark, cool and dry place at a temperature of 0 - +15 degrees. C, unless otherwise indicated on labels or instructions for use.
6.4.8. Burov's liquid needs to be stored in a cool place. When cloudy, the solution is filtered and checked for compliance with all the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia. Solution opalescence is allowed.

6.5. Storage of medicines requiring protection from exposure to low temperatures

6.5.1. Among the drugs that require protection from exposure to low temperatures are those whose physicochemical state changes after freezing and is not restored upon subsequent warming to room temperature (40% formaldehyde solution, insulin solutions, etc.).
6.5.2. 40% solution of formaldehyde (formalin) should be stored at a temperature not lower than + 9 degrees C. When a precipitate appears, the solution is kept at room temperature, then the solution is carefully drained and used in accordance with the actual formaldehyde content.
6.5.3. Glacial acetic acid should be stored at a temperature not lower than +9 degrees C. When a precipitate appears, the acid is kept at room temperature until the precipitate dissolves. If the precipitate does not dissolve, liquid part acids are drained and used in accordance with the actual content of acetic acid in the preparation.
6.5.4. Medical fatty oils are required to be stored at a temperature ranging from +4 to +12 degrees C. When a precipitate appears, they are kept at room temperature, decanted and checked for compliance with all the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia. When a precipitate appears, oils are not used in medical practice.
6.5.5. Freezing of insulin preparations is unacceptable.

6.6. Storage of medicinal products requiring protection from environmental gases

6.6.1. The group of drugs that change under the influence of gases in the environment include:
substances that react with atmospheric oxygen: various compounds of the aliphatic series with unsaturated intercarbon bonds, cyclic compounds with side aliphatic groups with unsaturated intercarbon bonds, phenolic and polyphenolic, morphine and its derivatives with unsubstituted hydroxyl groups; sulfur-containing heterogeneous and heterocyclic compounds, enzymes and organ preparations;
substances that react with atmospheric carbon dioxide: salts of alkali metals and weak organic acids (for example, sodium barbital, hexenal, etc.), preparations containing polyatomic amines (for example, eufillin), magnesium oxide and peroxide, caustic sodium, caustic potassium, etc. .
6.6.2. Pharmaceutical substances that require protection from exposure to gases should be stored in hermetically sealed containers made of materials that are impervious to gases, if possible filled to the top.
6.6.3. Pharmaceutical substances that are easily oxidized by atmospheric oxygen should be stored in a dry room in a glass container with a hermetic seal.
6.6.4. Special attention should pay attention to the creation of storage conditions sodium salts barbituric acid, which must be stored in a hermetically sealed container made of materials impervious to atmospheric water vapor and carbon dioxide.

6.7. Storage of odorous and coloring medicines

6.7.1. Odorous drugs include drugs that are both volatile and practically non-volatile, but with a strong odor.
6.7.2. Coloring drugs include drugs that leave a colored mark that is not washed off by ordinary sanitary and hygienic treatment on containers, closures, equipment and inventory (brilliant green, methylene blue, indigo carmine, etc.).
6.7.3. Odorous medicinal products (pharmaceutical substances) should be stored separately in a hermetically sealed container, impervious to odor, separately according to the names of medicinal products.
6.7.4. Coloring medicinal products (pharmaceutical substances) must be stored in a special cabinet in a tightly closed container, separately by name. To work with coloring drugs for each item, it is necessary to allocate special scales, a mortar, a spatula and other necessary equipment.

6.8. Features of storage of disinfectants

Disinfectants (chloramine B, etc.) should be stored in a hermetically sealed container, protected from light, in a cool place, in an isolated room, away from storage rooms for plastic, rubber and metal products, from rooms for obtaining distilled water.

6.9. Features of storage of medicines

6.9.1. Storage of medicines must meet the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia and the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation, taking into account the properties of the ingredients that make up their composition.
6.9.2. When stored in cabinets, on racks or shelves, medicinal products in industrial packaging should be placed with the label (marking) facing out. At the place of storage of the medicinal product, a rack card must be attached, which indicates the name of the medicinal product, series, expiration date, quantity.
6.9.3. Storage of medicinal products in the form of tablets and dragees should be carried out in a dry and (or) protected from light place.
6.9.4. Dosage forms for injections should be stored in a cool, dark place in a separate cabinet or insulated room, and taking into account the characteristics of the container (fragility), unless otherwise indicated on the packaging of the medicinal product.
6.9.5. Liquid dosage forms(syrups, tinctures) should be stored in a hermetically sealed container in a cool, dark place.
6.9.6. Plasma-substituting and detoxifying solutions are stored in isolation at a temperature ranging from 0 - + 40 degrees. C in a place protected from light. In some cases, freezing of the solution is allowed if this does not affect the quality of the medicinal product.
6.9.7. Medicines in the form of extracts are stored in a glass container, sealed with a screw cap and a cork with a gasket in a place protected from light. Liquid and thick extracts are stored at a temperature of +12 - +15 degrees. FROM.
6.9.8. Ointments, liniments are stored in a cool, dark place in a tightly closed container. If necessary, the storage conditions of drugs are combined depending on the properties of the ingredients included in it. For example, preparations containing volatile and thermolabile substances are stored at a temperature not exceeding +10 degrees. FROM.
6.9.9. Suppositories should be stored in a dry, cool and dark place.
6.9.10. Storage of medicines in aerosol packages should be carried out at a temperature of +3 to +20 degrees. C in a dry, dark place, away from fire and heaters (unless otherwise indicated on the packaging of the medicinal product or in the instructions for its use).
Aerosol packages of drugs should be protected from shock and mechanical damage.

6.10. Storage of medicinal plant materials

6.10.1. Unpackaged medicinal plant materials should be stored in a dry, well-ventilated area in well-closed containers, in pharmacies - glass, metal, in boxes with a lid, in warehouses - in bales or closed boxes on racks.
Cut, unpackaged medicinal plant materials are stored in fabric bags, powders - in double bags: inner - paper, multilayer, outer - fabric, cardboard packaging. Depending on the physicochemical properties of medicinal plant materials, packaging made of polymeric materials is allowed. 6.10.2. Bulk medicinal plant materials containing essential oils are stored in isolation in a well-closed container.
6.10.3. Some hygroscopic herbs, leaves and fruits must be stored in a sealed glass or metal container (digitis leaf, kidney tea, etc.).
6.10.4. When storing unpackaged dried juicy fruits, in order to prevent spoilage by granary pests, it is recommended to place a bottle of chloroform in the boxes with fruits, in the cork of which a tube is inserted to volatilize chloroform vapors. Chloroform is added as it volatilizes.
6.10.5. Packaged medicinal plant materials are stored in pharmacies and warehouses on racks or in cabinets.
6.10.6. Bulk medicinal plant raw materials must be subject to periodic control in accordance with the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia. Grass, roots, rhizomes, seeds, fruits that have lost their normal color, smell and the required amount of active substances, as well as those affected by mold, barn pests, depending on the degree of damage, are either rejected or, after processing and control, are used further.
6.10.7. Particular attention during storage should be given to bulk medicinal plant materials containing cardiac glycosides. For them, the State Pharmacopoeia established more stringent periods of storage and re-control for the content of biological activity.
6.10.8. Bulk medicinal plant materials included in the lists of potent and toxic substances approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2007 No. 964 “On approval of the lists of potent and toxic substances for the purposes of Article 234 and other articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as a large the amount of potent substances for the purposes of Article 234 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation” (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2008, No. 2, Art. 89; 2010, No. 28, Art. 3703) (hereinafter referred to as Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 964) are stored in a separate room or a separate locker.

6.11. Storage of medicinal leeches

6.11.1. Premises for storing medical leeches should be light, without the smell of medicines. Sharp fluctuations in temperature are not allowed, as this causes the death of leeches.
6.11.2. It is necessary to keep leeches in a pharmacy organization in wide-mouthed glass vessels at the rate of 3 liters of water per 50-100 individuals. To prevent the spread of leeches, the vessel is covered with a double layer of gauze and tightly tied with twine or an elastic band.
6.11.3. Water for keeping leeches should be clean, free from chlorine, peroxide compounds, salts heavy metals, mechanical impurities, have room temperature. The water in the vessels must be changed daily, preparing it in advance, two days before use. When changing water, the walls of the vessel are washed from the inside, then the neck of the vessel is covered with gauze and water is drained through it. The vessel is filled with clean water for 1/3 of the can. When keeping leeches, maximum cleanliness is required; their proximity to odorous and toxic substances is not allowed. With a disease of leeches (lethargy), the water is changed twice a day.

VII. Features of storage of flammable medicines

7.1. Flammable drugs are drugs that have flammable and flammable properties.
7.2. Storage of flammable medicinal products should be carried out separately from other medicinal products.
7.3. Flammable medicines (collodion, ethyl alcohol, turpentine, ether, etc.) are stored in tightly sealed, durable, glass or metal containers to prevent evaporation of liquids from vessels.
7.4. Bottles, cylinders and other large containers with flammable and easily combustible medicines should be stored on the shelves of racks in one row in height. It is forbidden to store them in several rows in height using different cushioning materials. It is not allowed to store these medicines near heating devices. Distance from rack or stack to heating element must be at least 1 m.
7.5. Storage of bottles with flammable and easily combustible drugs (pharmaceutical substances) should be carried out in containers that protect against impacts, or in cylinder-tilters in one row.
7.6. At the workplaces of industrial premises in pharmacy organizations, flammable and flammable drugs can be stored in quantities not exceeding the shift requirement. At the same time, the containers in which they are stored must be tightly closed.
7.7. It is not allowed to store flammable and easily combustible medicines in a fully filled container. The degree of filling should be no more than 90% of the volume. Alcohols in large quantities are stored in metal containers, which are filled no more than 75% of the volume.
7.8. The joint storage of flammable medicinal products with mineral acids(especially sulfuric and nitric acid), compressed and liquefied gases, flammable substances (vegetable oils, sulfur, dressings), alkalis, as well as with inorganic salts that give explosive mixtures with organic substances (potassium chlorate, potassium permanganate, potassium chromate, etc.).
7.9. Medical ether and ether for anesthesia are stored in industrial packaging, in a dark, cool place away from fire and heating devices.
7.10. Calcium hydrochloride is not a flammable drug, but in contact with liquid oily organic products can cause them to catch fire, and with ammonia and ammonium salts - an explosion, so it must be stored in isolation, taking into account the described properties.

VIII. Features of storage of explosive medicines

8.1. Explosive drugs include drugs that have explosive and actually explosive properties.
8.2. When storing explosive medicines, measures should be taken to prevent contamination with dust, which can cause an explosion.
8.3. Containers with explosive drugs (barrels, tin drums, bottles, etc.) must be tightly closed to prevent vapors of these drugs from getting into the air.
8.4. Bulk potassium permanganate when interacting with dust, sulfur, organic oils, ethers, alcohol, glycerin, organic acids and other organic substances - explosive.
It should be stored in warehouses in a special compartment in tin drums, and in pharmacy organizations - in barbells with ground stoppers separately from the above funds. Joint storage with flammable and easily combustible medicines is not allowed. Tin drums and barbells with potassium permanganate are carefully freed from dust in a timely manner, avoiding friction.
8.5. Bulk solution of nitroglycerin (has an explosive property) should be stored in pharmacies or warehouses in small, well-closed bottles or metal containers in a cool, dark place, taking fire precautions. Care must be taken when handling utensils containing nitroglycerin and when weighing this preparation, since the evaporation of spilled nitroglycerin threatens to explode. Contact with even small amounts on the skin can cause poisoning (severe headaches).
8.6. When working with diethyl ether, shaking, shock, friction, etc. are not allowed.
8.7. It is strictly forbidden to store explosive medicines with acids and alkalis.
8.8. When storing nitric and sulfuric acids, measures must be taken to prevent their contact with wood, straw and other substances of organic origin.

IX. Features of storage of narcotic and psychotropic medicines

Narcotic and psychotropic medicines are stored in organizations in isolated premises, specially equipped with engineering and technical security equipment, and in temporary storage areas, subject to:
rules for the storage of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2009 No. 1148 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, No. 4, Art. 394);
special requirements for the storage conditions of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances duly registered as medicines intended for medical use in pharmacies, medical and preventive institutions, research, educational organizations and drug wholesale organizations established by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 2, 2010 No. 590n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia _____________).

X. Features of storage of potent and poisonous medicines, other medicines subject to subject-quantitative accounting

10.1. Potent and toxic drugs include drugs containing potent and toxic substances included in the lists of potent substances and toxic substances approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2007 No. 964, in combination with pharmacological inactive ingredients.
10.2. Storage of potent and toxic drugs under international control in accordance with the 1971 UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances and the 1988 UN Convention on the Suppression of Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (hereinafter referred to as potent and toxic drugs under international control) , is carried out in premises equipped with engineering and technical security equipment similar to those provided for the storage of narcotic and psychotropic drugs.
10.3. It is allowed to store in one technically reinforced room strong and poisonous medicines under international control, and narcotic and psychotropic medicines.
At the same time, the storage of potent and poisonous drugs and narcotic and psychotropic drugs should be carried out (depending on the volume of stocks) on different shelves of the safe (metal cabinet) or in different safes (metal cabinets).
10.4. Storage of potent and poisonous medicines not under international control is carried out in metal cabinets, sealed or sealed at the end of the working day.
10.5. Medicines subject to quantitative accounting, with the exception of narcotic, psychotropic, potent and poisonous medicines, are stored in metal or wooden cabinets, sealed or sealed at the end of the working day.

Author information

Konstantin Sokolov

CEO engineering and technical center "TECHNOVIK", an expert in the field of security of warehouse logistics and equipment.
Member of the Association of Shelving and Warehouse Equipment Manufacturers (Russia), FEM ( European Association materials handling equipment and ERF (European Racking Equipment Federation).
Co-author of the unique patented technology of fragmentary repair of Robusto racks.

The order of storage of medicines and products medical purpose regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated November 13, 1996 No. 377.

Compliance with the approved Instructions makes it possible to ensure the preservation of the high quality of medicines and create safe working conditions for pharmacists when working with them.

Particular attention is paid to the storage, prescribing, recording and dispensing of poisonous and narcotic drugs.

Proper storage of medicines is based on the correct and rational organization warehousing, strict accounting of its movement, regular monitoring of the expiration dates of medicines.

It is also important to support optimal temperature and air humidity, observe the protection of certain preparations from light.

Violation of the rules for storing medicines can lead not only to a decrease in the effectiveness of their action, but also to harm health.

Excessively long storage of drugs (even if the rules are observed) is unacceptable, as the pharmacological activity of the drugs changes.

An important condition for storage is the systematization of drugs by groups, types and dosage forms.

This avoids possible errors due to the similarity of drug names, simplify the search for drugs and control their expiration date.

Narcotic drugs (List A) should be stored in safes or iron cabinets with secure locks. A printed list of poisonous drugs is kept in a cabinet with the indication of the highest single daily doses.

Rooms and safes with narcotic and especially poisonous drugs must have an alarm system, there must be metal bars on the windows.

The stock of poisonous and narcotic medicines should not exceed the general standard of commodity stocks established for this pharmacy.

Drugs from list B are stored in lockers with a list of drugs and higher single and daily doses.

Instructions for organizing the storage of medicines and medical products apply to all pharmacies and pharmacy warehouses.

The equipment of storage rooms should ensure the safety of medicines. These rooms are provided with fire-fighting equipment, they maintain the necessary temperature and humidity. Checking the parameters of humidity and temperature is carried out 1 time per day. Thermometers and hygrometers are fixed on internal walls away from heaters at a distance of 3 m from doors and 1.5 m from the floor.

To register the parameters of temperature and relative humidity, an accounting card is created in each department.

An important role is played by the cleanliness of the air in the premises for storing medicines, for this they must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation or in last resort vents, transoms, lattice doors.

Heating of the room should be carried out by central heating devices, the use of gas appliances with an open flame or electrical appliances with an open coil is excluded.

If pharmacies are located in climatic zones with sharp fluctuations temperature and humidity, they are equipped with air conditioners. Medicine storage areas should be enough cabinets, racks, pallets, etc. Racks should be at a distance of 0.5-0.7 m from the outer walls, at least 0.25 m from the floor and 0.5 m from the ceiling. The distance between the racks should be at least 0.75 m, the aisles should be well lit. The cleanliness of the premises of pharmacies and warehouses is ensured by wet cleaning at least once a day using approved detergents.

Medicines are placed according to toxicological groups.

Poisonous, narcotic drugs - list A. This is a group of highly toxic drugs.

Their storage and use require special care. Poisonous drugs and drugs that cause drug addiction are kept in a safe. Particularly toxic agents are stored in the inner compartment of the safe, which is locked with a lock.

List B - potent drugs.

List B medications ready-made funds, containing them, are stored in separate cabinets, locked with a lock, with the inscription "B".

Storage of drugs depends on the method of their use (internal, external), these funds are stored separately.

Medicines are stored in accordance with the state of aggregation: liquid ones are separated from loose, gaseous, etc.

It is necessary to store separately in groups products made of plastic, rubber, dressings, medical equipment products.

At least once a month it is necessary to control external changes medicines, the state of the container. If the container is damaged, its contents must be transferred to another package.

On the territory of a pharmacy or a warehouse, if necessary, measures are taken to combat insects and rodents.

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