How lack of sun affects the emotional state of a person. Active lifestyle. Daily intake of vitamins B and C

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"February" is a long-known and very unpleasant diagnosis.

Poets and artists, psychoanalysts and psychiatrists are well aware of him - melancholy covers people with a sensitive nervous system in the first place. But she also does not bypass everyone else. What causes winter depression and how to relieve its symptoms?

It's time... to hibernate

A healthy body wisely follows the biological clock, knowing that there is a time for everything - human activity in accordance with the length daylight hours grows in spring and early summer, remains stable until early autumn and slowly slows down towards winter. Our brain, as it were, "remembers" that a lot of energy is spent in the cold and often there is not enough food - stocks must be stretched until spring. Therefore, the body needs to sleep more, move less, save heat and resources. "Hibernation", a breakdown and a decrease in mood - defensive reaction on the adverse factors external environment.

The mood of a person largely depends on the length of daylight hours. In the dark, the body produces the hormone melatonin, which regulates The biological clock, helps a person to calm down and fall asleep, slows down aging, improves the functioning of the immune system - that's why it's so important to get enough sleep. But there is one caveat - melatonin is synthesized from another hormone, serotonin, and this substance "manages" vital activity, mood, excitation and inhibition processes in the nervous system. Accordingly, the more melatonin is produced, the less serotonin. At the same time, it is useless to artificially raise the level of the “mood hormone” with pills or injections - the more serotonin, the more melatonin will be produced as soon as darkness comes.

This is how it is formed vicious circle: the darker and colder it is outside, the less people moves and does business, the more he wants to sleep, and the more he sleeps, the more quickly he sinks into melancholy and despondency. From October to February, the risk of catching "February" is especially high. At the end of winter, seasonal beriberi is also added to this, which is especially pronounced in children, pregnant women and the elderly. Seasonal depression, unlike clinical depression, usually occurs without severe complications requiring hospitalization, and passes along with the season - it is enough to warm the sun more strongly, as it becomes easier for a person. But still, this unpleasant state should not be underestimated.

The convalescent and weakened people suffering from neuroses, mental disorders, cardiovascular diseases, meteorological dependence, disorders hormonal balance, women with severe PMS, pregnant and lactating. This depression, paradoxically, is contagious - in a large family or close-knit team, one person who has seriously fallen into the blues can convey it verbally - through gloomy conversations and constant complaints.

Symptoms of "febralitis": unreasonable loss of strength, constantly depressed mood, drowsiness up to falling asleep in the subway or at the workplace, a significant increase in appetite or refusal to ordinary food, decrease sexual activity, subjective deterioration of health, headaches.

Orange mood

Like any other disease, Februaryitis is much easier to prevent than to cure. Most valuable medicine from winter depression - daylight and fresh air. Therefore, people who are prone to seasonal deterioration in mood simply need to be outdoors during the day as much as possible in winter, especially in good weather. And on weekends, any doctor will prescribe a ski trip, downhill skiing, snowboarding, snowball fights or last resort riding a Russian troika.

If the windows in the apartment face the sunny side, during the day it is necessary to push the curtains and expose the skin to the sun's rays. Lucky people with glazed balconies can even have sunbathing sessions, but not too long - the winter sun can burn as well as the summer sun.

To normalize the production of melatonin, it is very important to equate the actual working day with the daylight hours - this is especially true for those who have to wake up a few hours before dawn and drive, start school or work that requires serious effort. Try to get powerful fluorescent lamps and turn them on 5-10 minutes after you wake up so that the body decides: "it's already morning." And if you are forced to stay up late - do not turn off the overhead light so that the brain does not give a signal: "it's time to sleep."

Need to move as much as possible physical exercise increase the production of endorphins, cheer up. If you don't feel like wandering down the cold street, you can visit gym, skate, do Pilates or martial arts, go to discos or concerts with a dance floor. If only not to sit at the blue screen with a dull look.

A diet, especially a fat-restricted diet, can trigger depression by deficient in nutrients needed to protect against cold and adverse weather conditions. Alas, winter best time to lose weight - be patient until March. However, no one calls for recruiting overweight, actively eating lard and cream - just take fish fat and spice up your salads vegetable oil. Try to create an "orange mood" on the table - eat oranges, tangerines, persimmons, bright apples, carrots, tomatoes. They are not only useful as a source of vitamins, especially A and C, but also pleasing to the eye. By the way, winter tablecloths, plates and cups are bright and warm colors also useful in the fight against "febrile".

Drawings depicting suns, smiles and funny little animals, photographs of spring and summer landscapes are wonderfully uplifting. Such healing pictures can be put as a background on the screen of a monitor, tablet, mobile phone Or just hang it on the walls.

But people who spread despondency and melancholy around themselves, tend to complain and outweigh their problems on others, it is better to avoid. If friends or close relatives are moping and it is impossible to refuse communication, minimize it by determining for yourself how much time and effort you are willing to spend on melancholic people who do not think about your spiritual comfort.

Turn on the sun!

If a preventive measures they didn’t help and “February” nevertheless overtook you, this is sad, but not fatal. You will have to be treated, and the medicines for this disease are very pleasant.

1. Solarium. Visit the solarium at least once a week, sunbathe and normalize the balance of melatonin.

2. Light. In addition to daylight, light candles, sit by the stove or fireplace, look at the "living" flame.

3. Warm. Make sure that your hands, feet, ears, etc. do not freeze. Buy warm socks, mittens, a hat and scarf, sleep under a fluffy blanket, put a heater in the bedroom.

4. Hot tea. Every day, be sure to eat and drink more hot soups, compotes, tea.

5. Delicious food. Include more chocolate, bananas, oatmeal, figs, nuts, honey in your diet. Avoid alcohol completely strong coffee, limit strong tea.

6. Bath. At least two or three times a week, take hot baths with tonic aromatic oils or salts.

7. Sleep mode. Since prolonged sleep produces excess melatonin, it is best to sleep no more than 8 hours a day. But at the same time, be sure to rest a lot and not overwork.

8. Charging. Alas, if depression has befallen you, at least 10-15 minutes of physical activity per day are required. You can replace traditional exercises with dancing or working with simulators.

9. Reducing stress. During the winter depression, it is better to avoid deadlines, overtime, irregular working hours.

10. Laughter therapy. It is useful to watch comedies, listen to humorous programs, read collections of jokes and stories of satirists.

In winter, it is especially important to take care of yourself, take care of your health, regularly take courses of multivitamins, with irresistible drowsiness - natural tonics (ginseng, eleutherococcus). And wait - for the most cold winter the sunny spring will definitely come and the "February" will melt like snow under the sun!


With the onset of autumn, many begin to suffer from depression. Do not confuse depression with the usual blues. Autumn depression is a seasonal disorder of the psycho-emotional state, mainly in people with unstable mentality. It manifests itself in the form of a deterioration in mood, tearfulness, apathy and weakness. Flaw sunlight, bad weather, beriberi, all this affects both the physical and mental condition person. How to deal with autumn depression?

1. More sunlight

Many underestimate the effect of sunlight on the human body. The main reason for the onset autumn depression is the lack of sun. Under the influence of sunlight, the production of hormones such as serotonin and melatonin is activated, which are responsible for good spirits and good mood. Lack of solar energy leads to apathy and weakness.

Despite the cloudy autumn days, it is recommended, as often as possible, to take daytime hiking in the city. In autumn, especially, every ray of sunshine should be appreciated. With the onset of morning, it is necessary to open the curtains wide so that more light enters the room. All this will reduce to a minimum the missing solar energy.

2. Healthy sleep

Good sleep is the key to health. AT autumn period doctors advise going to bed before midnight and getting up early. It is important to observe the regime and sleep at least 8 hours a day. If it is not possible to sleep so much time in a row, it is advisable to fill up in the middle of the day or get enough sleep on the weekend.

Sleep deprivation not only contributes to loss vitality and energy, but also worsens the mood, exacerbating the depressive state.

3. Proper nutrition

One of the causes of autumn depression is beriberi. Therefore, during this period it is extremely important that the diet is as balanced as possible and rich in vitamins group B. The diet, of course, must include fresh vegetables and fruits.

In addition, it is necessary to consume foods rich in the amino acid tryptophan. This is due to the fact that it is from tryptophan that serotonin is formed, which is so lacking in the body in the autumn. The following products must be included in the autumn menu:

  • cottage cheese,
  • chicken eggs,
  • beef,
  • chicken,
  • herring,
  • mushrooms,
  • dates,
  • legumes,
  • cereal porridge.

A large amount of tryptophan is found in chocolate. People suffering from autumn depression are recommended to eat 30-50 g of chocolate daily.

4. Active lifestyle

In autumn, do not forget about sports. morning exercises, jogging, going to the gym contribute not only to the appearance of vitality and energy, but also to the production of the hormone of joy - endorphin. To beat the autumn depression, you need to lead an active lifestyle. And this concept includes not only sports, but also hiking in the forest, picnics on fresh air. Go to concerts of your favorite artists, visit the theater, autumn film premieres and museums!

In autumn, more than ever, you should spend more time with friends and family.

5. Doing what you love

Autumn is the time to remember your favorite business. If a person is constantly busy, he does not have time for depression. It can be any hobby that once gave you pleasure and positive emotions. For example, you can go dancing, shopping, sewing, photographing autumn landscapes.

A separate niche in the fight against depression is occupied by art therapy. Psychologists have long argued that art has a positive effect on psycho emotional condition person. Art therapy involves not only drawing and admiring pictures, but also listening to positive music, reading books and visiting theaters.

6. Taking antidepressants

In the case of pronounced autumn depression, the doctor prescribes medication antidepressants. Drugs that stimulate the production of serotonin and norepinephrine help to normalize mood and increase vitality. However, do not self-medicate drug therapy should be supervised by a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.

To get rid of autumn depression, you need to walk more in the fresh air, eat right, play sports and what you love, communicate with friends and think positively. It is recommended to replenish your wardrobe with some bright dress or accessory. To compensate for the lack of light and heat in the autumn period, people prone to depression, with financial opportunities, are recommended to travel to countries with a hot climate. If autumn depression has been repeated for several years in a row, the doctor prescribes antidepressants to the patient in advance, starting in mid-summer.

Each person probably noted that depending on the weather, his mood also changes. For example, in rainy weather, thoughts come more melancholy, but it is very difficult to be sad in the bright sun. The influence of the sun on human mood was noticed hundreds of years ago, but in our time it is explained with scientific point vision.

It is worth noting that the strong influence of sunlight on the emotional state is typical only for a temperate (and further to the poles) climate. At the same time, the inhabitants of the countries of the "eternal sun", i.e. the tropics and the equator do not experience such an influence. This is due to the fact that the equatorial zone of our planet and the territories adjacent to it receive approximately the same amount of sunlight throughout the year. But as you get farther to the poles, the amount of light received (due to the tilt of the earth's axis) varies greatly depending on the time of year.

Why does a person need sunlight?

Solar energy performs two main tasks on our planet: it provides heat and stimulates biosynthesis. From school curriculum everyone knows such a process as photosynthesis, during the light phase (i.e. under the influence of sunlight) which is absorbed by plants carbon dioxide and release of oxygen.

However, in addition to such a global influence on the entire planet, the sun also affects every individual organism. So the lack of sunlight causes a lot of disorders in a person: the absorption of calcium decreases, the condition of the skin, hair and nails worsens, total fall immunity, low mood and even depression are registered.

The connection between sunlight and vitamin D

Many underestimate the importance of vitamin D, but it is he who contributes to the synthesis of the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase, which in turn is necessary for the production of the "hormone of happiness" dopamine, adrenaline and norepinephrine. With a lack of these hormones, the overall Vital energy organism, and in humans, respectively, the mood drops. Women are especially affected, whose vital activity is much more dependent on hormonal balance.

It is also known that only 15-20 minutes of being under bright sun it is enough for the body to produce a daily amount of vitamin D under the action of ultraviolet radiation. However, from September to March in our latitudes there is a lack of sunlight, and therefore the concept of “ autumn blues and "seasonal depression" became commonplace.

lack of sun and depression

This is not to say that depression is specifically caused by a lack of sunlight. depressive state develops against the background of a prolonged psycho-traumatic situation, however, due to the lack of sun, a person's resistant functions decrease (both immune and nervous system), why a man more difficult to cope with emotional stress.

A depressed person becomes lethargic, apathetic, his mood is constantly lowered, former hobbies are no longer encouraging. Often this condition is accompanied by sleep and appetite disorders, and can further somatize, that is, develop into a full-fledged somatic disease. Therefore, if for a month or more you notice a constantly lowered mood and an apathetic state in yourself or a loved one, you should seek the advice of a neurologist.

Of course, providing enough sunlight will not cure depression, however, heliotherapy will still have some effect. However, in order to get rid of the disease completely, it is necessary to undergo treatment with a neurologist and / or a psychotherapist.

Treatment of depression in the clinic of neurology Aksimed

Treatment of depression is carried out by the following specialists: neurologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist, psychologist. Of course, it is almost impossible (and sometimes very harmful) to self-diagnose oneself, therefore, with any more or less prolonged changes in mood, sensations, sleep and wakefulness disturbances without visible reasons etc., you need to contact a specialist.

Clinic "Aksimed" specializes in the treatment of a wide variety of neurological diseases and trauma to the nervous system. After a detailed and comprehensive diagnosis, qualified neurologists will be able to deliver accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Treatment for depression is based on integrated approach which includes - psychotherapy, drug treatment, physiotherapy and physiotherapy exercises. An experienced psychotherapist at the Aksimed clinic will help the patient determine the cause of given state and find ways to deal with the situation.

If the symptoms of depression are very pronounced and interfere with normal life, a neurologist may prescribe medication support (antidepressants, sedatives, vitamin therapy), as well as elements of physiotherapy (massage, acupuncture). And of course, healthy lifestyle life and proper nutrition, outdoor walks and sunbathing promote prevention and more quick release from depression.

The New Year holidays, which we have been waiting for so long and with such impatience, have already passed. Now many people have tuned in to the same impatient and tremulous expectation of warm days. Nevertheless, there are still two months of cold ahead, which means it's too early to say goodbye to winter. Moreover: we have to go through the most difficult, cold and boring period of the season.

Deficiency of vitamins and sunlight makes itself felt, and that's it. more people suffer from seasonal affective disorder(SAD, seasonal depression, winter depression). This state is not in the best way affects our mood, well-being and sleep. This violation and will be the subject of this post. So: how to overcome the symptoms of SAD?

Ancient documents dating back to the 6th century AD indicate that the inhabitants of Scandinavia suffered from a certain ailment, the symptoms of which resembled seasonal depression. However, it officially appeared in medical documents recently, it was described in 1984. In women, seasonal affective disorder has been found to be more common.

As the name implies, winter depression occurs during the cold season. main reason its appearance is the lack of sunlight associated with the shortening of daylight hours.

The mechanism of development of seasonal depression is as follows. When a person most spends a day in low light conditions, in his body the sleep hormone melatonin is produced from the amino acid tryptophan. It has a calming effect, prepares the body for rest, initiates falling asleep and supports sleep. Due to the fact that from autumn to spring, melatonin production rises not only at night, but also during the day, many people constantly complain that throughout the cold season, and especially in winter, they want to sleep at any time of the day.

In addition, when there is a lot of melatonin in the body, the production of another biologically active substance, serotonin, also formed on the basis of tryptophan molecules. Serotonin is also called the hormone of happiness. In order for it to be synthesized enough, it is necessary that a person be more in the light, because when illuminated, the production of the sleep hormone, which "interferes" with the synthesis of the hormone of happiness, is blocked.

In autumn and winter, the days are short and natural light has been replaced by artificial light. As a result, along with the lack of sunlight, many people experience a palpable lack of joy. Winter depression develops.

Seasonal affective disorder can be expressed as varying degrees. In most cases, they talk about subSAR, or subdepression - cases where the signs of the disorder are rather weak. However, there are cases when, due to seasonal changes in mood, patients even have to be placed in a hospital.

Signs of autumn-winter depression are listed below. They do not necessarily occur all together, they can be observed separately or arbitrarily combined with each other. Their appearance, as a rule, falls on the end of autumn-beginning of winter.

Symptoms of winter depression are more pronounced if a person does not leave the house, as well as on days when it is cloudy, snowing or rain. Conversely, if it is sunny and the patient spends part of the day outdoors, he gets better. Interestingly, after new year holidays the condition of patients also sometimes improves. And the point is not so much in the general Christmas-gift-relaxed state, but in the fact that people are more often outdoors and, accordingly, are more exposed to sunlight. In addition, daylight hours from December 21 to January 10 are increased by 25 minutes.

We figured out the essence of the phenomenon called winter depression. Let's move on to how to get rid of it. The following are ways to help combat this condition.

  1. Light therapy. It was and remains the main and most in an efficient way therapy for seasonal depression. A number of studies have shown that it is comparable in effectiveness to taking strong antidepressants. In addition, she is completely devoid of side effects and contraindications, and the device for light therapy can be purchased anywhere.

Light therapy is carried out at home. Ordinary incandescent bulbs are not suitable for this - you need to use special light therapy lamps or light boxes that emit bright light that is close in its characteristics to natural (5 - 10 thousand lux, blue spectrum).

The use of the light therapy machine should be repeated daily and take about an hour a day. It is optimal if it is held in the morning. The treatment does not take the patient away from work: next to the light therapy lamp or light box, you can read, sit at the computer, work. True, it is worth observing some mandatory conditions.

The light should not shine on the crown or back of the head, but on the retina, because it is its effect on the organs of vision that triggers the reaction to suppress the synthesis of melatonin. Thus, the lamp should be placed at a distance of no more than a meter from a person and no more than 30 degrees from the axis of vision.

The effect of such treatment becomes noticeable from the very first days: daytime sleepiness decreases, the quality of night sleep improves, mood improves.

AT recent times began to produce LED lamps, the use of which can halve the duration of light therapy sessions at home.

  1. Dawn simulation. It can be used as a variant of light therapy, and better - together with "regular" light therapy. There are special light alarms. By a certain time, for which the awakening is scheduled, they flare up in full force and wake a person with their light.

The use of such alarm clocks is very useful. In autumn and winter, we wake up in the dark, so that the moment of awakening is not accompanied by inhibition of melatonin secretion. Because of this, the production of the hormone of joy decreases throughout the day, and we are worried about lethargy, apathy, and daytime sleepiness. Light alarm clocks from the first seconds of wakefulness rebuild the work hormonal system so that the secretion of the sleep hormone stops.

“Leaves are falling, leaves are falling.

The wind groans, long and deaf.

Who will make my heart happy?

Who will comfort him, my friend?

Did you know that many of Sergei Yesenin's poems indicate his propensity for seasonal affective disorder? Moreover, dreary moods are especially clearly seen in poems written in the fall. According to one version, severe depression also caused his suicide in the winter of 1925 ...

Seasonal affective disorder is usually not severe enough to cause suicidal thoughts in patients. However, the monotonous existence in the swamp of apathy and joylessness is not very pleasant.

If you suffer from winter depression, follow the tips above. A few weeks and you'll be back to full life, you will feel interest in it and feel the spring in your soul!

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Do you feel more tired in autumn? Do you have (even more) difficulty getting up in the morning? Are you depressed, do you often catch a cold? When the seasons change, many of us complain about poor health. Often this condition is explained by ... a lack of sunlight. We suffer not only from an excess of sunlight, but also from a lack of it. Why?

The sun regulates the biochemical processes in the body. The sun is not active enough in autumn, and without ultraviolet radiation the reaction leading to the synthesis of vitamin D is impossible. This vitamin affects immune system and mood. In addition, vitamin D improves the body's susceptibility to magnesium, the lack of which leads to deterioration physical condition, insomnia and increased anxiety. People who complain of fatigue and autumn depression most often actually suffer from a lack of vitamin D.

What to do? Vitamin D levels can be partially replenished with animal products. “Vitamin D refers to vitamins that can be both synthesized in our body and stored from outside. In any case, even if we actively spent the summer in the sun, the reserves may only last until the middle of winter. Therefore, vitamin D must come from food, explains Sergey Sergeev, nutritionist, member of the Russian Society of Medical Elementology. - Its main source is fatty varieties fish, more precisely, fish oil, cod liver. Also sources of this vitamin are meat, egg yolk, milk. Natalya Fadeeva, endocrinologist-nutritionist, doctor at the MEDEP Family Dietetics Center, also advises including daily diet dishes from sea ​​fish with vegetables, as well as products containing a large number of calcium: sesame, cheese, cottage cheese, dairy products.

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Vitamin D can also be taken in gelatin capsules, but you need to be careful here. “Never prescribe the drug to yourself. Recently, cases of hypervitaminosis have become more frequent due to the irrational use of concentrated solutions vitamin A. Remember that you can take such drugs only on the recommendation of a doctor, ”warns Natalia Fadeeva.

The sun determines the rhythm of our life. Sunlight affects the chemical balance in the body, which influences our behavior. Psychiatrist David Servan-Schreiber wrote: “Light determines most of the vital instincts, such as hunger and sexual appetite, and even the desire to explore everything new and unknown” *. In addition, light reduces levels of the hormone melatonin, which regulates sleep/wake rhythm. “During the period when dark and twilight times prevail over sunny days, melatonin synthesis can be disturbed, and people often complain of drowsiness, apathy, even depression,” says Natalya Kruglova, nutritionist, member of the National Association of Dietitians and Nutritionists. “The fact is that without sufficient lighting, melatonin is not able to turn into a neurotransmitter – serotonin, which is responsible for many functions in the body, including our mood and activity.”

What to do? To make up for the lack of serotonin, include in your diet foods rich in tryptophan (the amino acid from which serotonin is formed) - dates, bananas, figs, dairy products, dark chocolate.

The sun is the source of life force. According to experts, in the fall, about 3-8% of the population of the northern countries suffer from the so-called seasonal depression. Women are especially susceptible to it. Among the signs of autumn depression - chronic fatigue and drowsiness, trouble concentrating, decreased libido, hypersomnia.

What to do? The required level of sunlight can be achieved with the help of artificial lighting. There are, for example, full spectrum lamps - the radiation distribution curve in them is as close as possible to sunlight, as is the color rendering index. For a more comfortable awakening, special dawn simulators have also been created, often built into alarm clocks. They gradually, over the course of an hour, increase the brightness, imitating sunlight and helping to wake up. You can buy these devices in many online stores (for example,,, etc.). True, you should prepare in advance for the fact that their price will be relatively high.

Another way to combat autumn depression is luminotherapy. By exposure to artificial light a wide range with a power of 10,000 lux**, which mimics natural sunlight, you can combat the psycho-emotional disorders caused by the lack of sun in autumn and winter. The duration of the session depends on the power of the ray flux, but on average it is 20 minutes. “Unfortunately, this type of therapy is still not widespread enough in Russia. There are several types of lamps that are used for various procedures - say, the treatment of seasonal affective disorder, cosmetic procedures. However, the duration of the course and the type of lamp should be determined by a specialist, he should also carefully monitor the dynamics of therapy, the patient's reaction, ”says Ekaterina Markova, psychologist, specialist in socio-psychological issues International clinic MEDSI.

In spite of bad weather don't give up walking! Physical activity helps to fight the symptoms of autumn depression. Regular walks in the fresh air for at least one hour a day will help you quickly bring yourself into good shape. "AT sunny days you need to be in the fresh air as much as possible so that the sunlight hits your face. This is especially true for those who received little sunlight in summer period, being all daylight hours indoors at work or at home, advises Natalya Fadeeva. - For those who have seen little sun in the summer and do not have the opportunity to travel south in winter, it will be sufficient to visit the solarium once a month for 5 minutes. Before visiting the solarium, it is recommended to consult a doctor, since individual contraindications are possible here.

* David Servan-Schreiber, "Guerir le stress, l "anxiete et la derpession sans medicaments ni psychanalyse", P., 2003.

** Lux is a unit of illumination

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