What gives walks in the fresh air. Helps produce vitamin D. Walking prolongs youth

Many parents underestimate the benefits of walking for a child, but walking is very important for a person, especially for children.

Walking in the air is the best way to promote health, and therefore prevention. colds in children and adults. In addition, walking helps increase the child's appetite. Improves metabolism, nutrients are better absorbed. Thanks to the walks fresh air going on natural cleansing body, better function of the upper Airways. Walking is the simplest and surest means of hardening a child.

Walking with a child is necessary at any time of the year and in any weather, and the duration of the walk should be adjusted in accordance with weather conditions.

In the summer, the child can be in the air all day. ideal condition there will be rest in the country, where there is an opportunity to hide from the rain and the scorching sun. It is even better if there is a pond nearby, and if not, you can always replace it with a children's pool, in which kids love to splash so much. Here you have entertainment, and occupation, and hardening.

It is especially useful for young children to stay in the air, because thanks to sunlight, the body is saturated with ultraviolet radiation, which is responsible for the production of vitamin D in the body. it the best remedy in children.

Also, walking is excellent tool prevention of visual impairment in children. After all, on the street, where there is so much space, the child constantly has to move his eyes from closely located objects to objects remote from him - this is a wonderful exercise for the prevention and treatment of myopia, as training takes place eye muscles, and as a result, strengthening of vision. A relaxation exercise is very useful when you can just calmly look into the distance.

No less useful and winter walks. Winter frosty air is best saturated with oxygen, entering the body, it stimulates brain activity. Thanks to winter walks, the physical activity of the body increases, sleep improves. Especially useful walks at temperatures below ten degrees. Such air is especially clean and the likelihood of catching an infection is much lower. You probably noticed that the surge viral diseases most often happens when frosty weather is replaced by a thaw.

And for the walk to be fun and useful, parents should know.

Of course, adults should regulate the duration winter walk make sure that the child does not overcool or overheat. Feel the baby's neck from the back. If it is dry and warm - everything is in order, if it is wet and hot - the child is hot and sweaty, then you need to go home. If the neck is cool, the baby is cold and should be insulated. It is necessary to properly dress the baby for a walk.

Improves through walking physical development child. Each walk is accompanied by motor activity of the baby. During outdoor games training in progress various groups muscles, coordination of movements develops, as well as speed of reaction, strength, endurance, the will to win.

learning various types movements, the child actively engages mental operations, which contributes to his mental development. Research recent years prove that the higher physical activity child, the faster his speech develops.

Also, in nature, the child has the opportunity to observe the world around him, the phenomena of nature, learns to establish cause-and-effect relationships, for example, why a snowflake melts on his hand. It is very important to teach the child to see the beauty of the surrounding nature, natural phenomena. All this contributes to the development mental processes: perception, attention, memory, imagination.

Spend while walking with children developing games on the knowledge of the seasons, natural phenomena, animals, plants.

Remember, a properly organized and conducted walk will ensure your baby's health and harmonious development.

In the conditions of the modern rhythm of life, constant haste, stress, tension, crisis, we often forget about the benefits that fresh air brings. And only when we get to nature on weekends, we remember it and cannot breathe in pure, natural oxygen!

Meanwhile, every person needs fresh air almost from birth. Think of young mothers who walk daily with their children in the park. The duration of their walks takes approximately 2-3 hours. That's how much time you need to be on the street and adults. But how many of us follow this regulation?

As a rule, our daily walks in best case are limited to trips to the garage, to the bus stop and to the store - for groceries, household appliances or anything else. Young people, in addition, sometimes still go on dates, to cafes, nightclubs or restaurants. On weekends, we try to get out into the street with the children, but not always and not everyone succeeds. Thus, not everyone is 3 hours a day on the street.

It is not surprising that we subsequently suffer from diseases of the lungs and blood vessels, fatigue, irritability and heart failure. After all, the benefits of clean air for human body essentially invaluable. Unfortunately, most of us understand this only in old age, when it is too late to restore strength.

Fresh air is good because it has a beneficial effect on the body in a complex - improving the work of several systems at once. First of all, it comes to the aid of the brain, psyche and nervous system- strengthening memory, relieving absent-mindedness and negative feelings. Admission required volume oxygen into the body also has a positive effect on the activity of the heart, lungs, gastrointestinal tract and vessels. Life expectancy increases, many diseases disappear.

The most affordable, effective and convenient way to saturate the body with oxygen is daily walks. It is best to do them in places of green space, for example in a forest or in a park - which will allow you to restore vitality, the required level of energy and alertness in shortest span time.

Fresh air and walks

The high efficiency of hiking has been experimentally confirmed by American scientists. The researchers decided to compare what has a better effect on brain function - walking or doing stretching exercises. The age of the subjects ranged from 50 to 80 years. The people were divided into two groups. The first group had to walk in the fresh air with a frequency of 3 times a week, from 30 to 45 minutes. The second is to do muscle stretching exercises according to exactly the same schedule.

A year has passed. With the help of funds modern diagnostics The scientists compared the brain volumes of people in each group. It turned out that the brain of "pedestrians" grew in volume by as much as 2%. And most of all, this trend concerned the areas of the brain responsible for memory and activity planning. In the representatives of the second group, the brain, on the contrary, decreased by 1.5%.

It can be concluded that daily walking prevents brain aging. Optimal results are achieved when they are used in combination with memory exercises, logical thinking, oral counting, speed reading, etc.

How to take walks?

Walking in the forest, in the park or at least in the square allows you not only to fully enjoy the fresh air. It is also movement, which means strengthening the legs, developing muscles, and finally, getting to know and communicating with nature, its unique beauty and picturesqueness!

If you don't know how to allocate time for walking, use the following recommendations:

1. Walk to and from work at least part of the way. Go shopping on foot. Use lunch breaks for walks in the park.

2. Meet friends outside or in nature. Spend time there with your loved one. Get out of town more often on weekends.

3. One more good way weekends are travel. A tourist trip to a neighboring village or city is not only a “dose” but necessary for the body environmental component, but also new impressions, interesting acquaintances and a lot of positive emotions!

4. So that you do not get bored walking on weekdays, find yourself a suitable outdoor activity or a corresponding hobby. For example, get a dog or take up photography.

5. And last tip. Dose the load. Start with short walks. An interval of 15 minutes at first will be enough. Gradually, this time can be brought up to 1 hour. And then - walk in the morning and evening, a total of 2-3 hours a day.

Being healthy is always in fashion. And I especially want to be healthy and look good in spring, when nature itself awakens and everything around blooms. For this, it is important not only to eat right and attend sports training. A simple walk in the fresh air will bring great benefit. It takes at least 15 minutes for the body to be saturated with oxygen. The most optimal walk should last at least two hours.

People get sick different reasons: weather changes and fluctuations, daily stresses, etc. Many people start using drugs and do not take into account the fact that diseases can be prevented if a normal lifestyle is followed. Daily walks are a kind of panacea for spring depression because they relieve irritation and stress.

If you feel tired, anxious, tired of everyday worries, then only nice walk. Have you ever met a person who returned home unhappy after a walk in the fresh air? Cause Have a good mood- released as a result of the combustion of stress hormones when a person moves.

BUT good mood is the key to good health. In addition, walking in nature, you can replenish your body with negative ions, which are so lacking in enclosed spaces equipped with many household appliances, which entails the appearance of physical weakness, a syndrome chronic fatigue, lowering the body's resistance.

movement, very necessary for the body, charges it with energy, gives strength. As a result, it becomes more enduring, immunity is strengthened, therefore, it is less exposed to diseases. Inhaled fresh air saturates the cells necessary quantity oxygen that cannot be obtained indoors.

Hiking, jogging, cycling and rollerblading will bring much more benefit if you do it not in the room, but on outdoors. Constantly being in a room, even if it is well ventilated, we deprive ourselves of oxygen.

The benefits of walking in the spring fresh air filled with soft sunlight and the smell of young greenery, lies in the fact that we breathe clean air. Therefore, during such walks, the ventilation of the lungs doubles, and the high oxygen saturation of the body has a positive effect on blood circulation. This makes it possible to prevent cardio- vascular diseases, has a positive effect on the skin, which, with a lack of oxygen, becomes flabby and yellow.

Walking burns few calories. However, a leisurely walk can replace jumping rope. When breathing quickens, activates its activity circulatory system, i.e. the body feels the same way as while jumping rope at a slow pace.

Active movements bring more benefits than sitting in front of the TV or laptop with sandwiches. In addition, while walking in the fresh air, metabolism improves, toxins are removed. An excellent addition to such walks will be the use of products that increase immunity.

in the air, it has a beneficial effect on both the physical and mental state of a person. Scientists claim that it is an excellent tool for intellectual development.

If a person takes forty-minute walks (walking, running) in the fresh air three times a week, the activity of the brain becomes more active. Movement speed and rhythm do not matter. Even slow walking improves thinking. And those who lead sedentary image life, threaten earlier age-related changes in the body, and the thoughts of such people get confused much more often.

For the walk to be beneficial, you need to think about comfortable shoes and clothes (it should not be too warm so as not to sweat, and not too light to freeze and catch a cold).

Taking walks in the fresh air every day can be of great benefit to the body. The feeling of calmness and harmony with the surrounding world brings confidence in own forces. Walk outside the city, in nature. Sites remote from ecologically unfavorable zones are suitable. Park, forest, meadow, river bank, lake, sea are the most ideal options.

Be healthy!

We can say that walking is deeply woven into our essence and the nature of the activity, which is written in our genes for thousands of millennia. We walk more than any other species. Even cars can't compare to us. In this context, it is not difficult to understand why walking is good for us.

Hippocrates, the Greek physician who was called the father modern medicine, as early as the 5th century BC. e. said: "Walking the best medicine human being, and it is still relevant today.

Although Hippocrates made his Health Walking Proclamation over 2,400 years ago, many scientific research proves that walking really brings benefits.

What are the benefits of walking?

1) Walking promotes overall health

An analysis of several studies involving 459,833 participants in total found that the simple act of walking reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease by 31% and the risk of death by 32%.

The benefits are clear even for people who walk only 8 km per week and for those who walk at a leisurely pace of 3 km per hour. But the people who saw the greatest protection against disease were the ones who walked on long distances at a fast pace.

Walking strengthens bones, improves balance, regulates arterial pressure, reduce cholesterol, tone muscles and. Walking reduces the risk of breast cancer chronic pain in the lower back, and may prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.

2) Walking is also a sport

Walking gives low returns to reach a moderate level physical activity. Every step you take releases energy, boosts hormones and good health through action chemical substances in the brain. Heart beats increase from about 70 beats to 100 to 150 beats per minute.

Wherein more blood and oxygen is pumped to the muscles. When you walk, you start burning 5 calories per minute (as opposed to one calorie per minute when sitting), and these calories continue to be burned for up to one hour after walking, even when you are resting.

Most adults, when they reach the age of 20, gain about 1 kg of weight per year. To study the effect of walking on age-related weight gain, a study was conducted in 2009. After tracking 4,995 men and women over 15 years, it was found that the hikers gained very little weight compared to the other participants.

The number of calories burned depends on the weight of the person. The more weight, the more burned per kilometer. For example, a 72 kg person burns about 105 calories per 1.5 km, and a 100 kg person will burn about 135 calories per 1.5 km.

3) Walking prolongs youth

Aging and inflammation are closely intertwined, and many scientists believe that we can slightly slow down, or even stop the aging process (and age-related diseases).

Any activity that speeds up the heart rate and reduces inflammation associated with aging.

A 10-year follow-up of middle-aged men and women found that those who exercised for at least 20 minutes had moderate exercise every day (or 2.5 hours a week) have more low level proteins in the body that cause inflammation compared to those who rarely walk.

Therefore, walking can lengthen our lifespan. According to the American Heart Association, every hour of brisk walking adds two hours to our life expectancy.

4) Hiking lifts your spirits

30 minutes of walking every day gives you a varied diet, increased energy, reduced stress and increased self-esteem, according to a study published in 2015. In addition, daily walks have the dual function of facilitating bad mood and prevent the return of symptoms of depression.

Although it is not entirely clear why physical activity has such positive influence on emotional well-being, but we know that the rush of adrenaline in the blood releases neurotransmitters and endorphins that make us feel better.

We get the opportunity to easily communicate with other people, we can distract ourselves from our troubles, gain confidence and a sense of accomplishment. Walking in nature, rather than in the city, provides an even greater mood boost.

5) Walking is also good for brain function

If you would like to improve your mental capacity then walking every day can accomplish this feat. Better than weight training and weight lifting, walking increases the size of the hippocampus, the part of the brain that influences memory and learning.

It improves brain structure and function, and strengthens the connections between neural networks that influence planning, strategizing, and multitasking.

Walking not only benefits the analytical type of the left hemisphere of the brain, but also provides an advantage for creative tasks. Whether you're walking indoors or outdoors, you'll come up with 60% more ideas than those who sit still.

6) Walks are practically free

Aside from willpower and a pair of good running shoes, walking every day won't cost you a lot of stuff or money. No need to buy special equipment or membership in gym. In fact, getting into a few minutes of a routine walk can even save you money on expensive prescriptions and doctor visits.

How to force yourself to walk every day?

Now that we have figured out the benefits of walking, the question arises: how much should you walk on foot?

It's important to note that 10,000 steps a day (the equivalent of about 5 miles) is not a magic number, and most health advocates believe that any amount of physical activity beyond your usual activity is already better than nothing.

Therefore, this round number is not absolute and rigid. If you take 8,000 steps a day, great! If you can walk 18,000 steps, even better!

1) Invest in a pedometer

The first step in tracking your daily movements is to invest good quality pedometer or activity tracker. Wear it for a few days to see how many steps you take. Once you've set a goal, the pedometer is a great motivator, giving you accurate readings and pushing you through the extra steps.

2) Set realistic goals

On average, an adult walks 5117 steps per day, which is characterized as sedentary image life. Increase the number of steps gradually and do not lose heart. At first, 500 more steps each week. If you start walking with 5,000 steps a day, adding 500 every week, you will soon move on to a full 10,000 steps in 10 weeks.

3) You need to walk correctly!

Regardless of your age, walking is the safest form of physical activity, but it still carries a lot of low risk getting injured. Therefore, you must be somewhat careful.

Here are some tips:

  • Hold your head and look forward, chin parallel to the ground.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles gently with each step.
  • Wave your arms freely, keeping your elbows slightly bent.
  • Maintain vertical position: The back is straight, but not hunched forward or leaning back.
  • Roll your feet from heel to toe.
  • Try to relax your shoulders and neck.

4) Break up your walk into multiple runs throughout the day

So 10,000 steps is about 8 km, and in general you can walk 1.5 km in about 20 minutes, which means you need to walk about 1 hour and 40 minutes. Quite a long walk at a time. But you can break it down into 20-30 minute chunks.

For example, walk to work, take a walk during your lunch break and after dinner.

5) How to get the most out of walking?

Here are some ideas to make walking more efficient:

  • Always take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Carry bags in different hands, but do not load the packages too much, it is better to make several visits.
  • Walk in the park away from where you live.
  • Why not walk around while you're thinking about solving a problem?
  • When watching TV, remove the batteries from the remote so you get up and manually change channels.
  • On your way home, get off the bus one stop early.
  • Walk around the house while talking on the phone.

6) Walk with a friend

Walking with a friend or canine companion will provide support, motivation, and will definitely help you work towards 10,000 steps. You will connect with your loved one, and perhaps add some friendly competition to your daily walks and a lot more fun.

7) Hiking off the beaten path

Walking on the same route is very boring. Add some adventure and change the place walking. Look for new places, explore them as if in your own backyard.

8) Don't overdo it

Drink water. Buy comfortable shoes with flexible soles and always wear bright or reflective clothing if you like to walk at night.

You don't necessarily need to toughen up hiking in cold and rainy weather. Try doing some laps in the mall.

9) Challenge yourself!

Once you get used to the daily routine of walking, you will find that it is not as difficult as it used to be. You can increase the load gradually: walk on hilly terrain, increase speed, walk in sand or snow.

10) Reward yourself

While walking is theoretically a reward in itself, it never hurts. Go ahead and have fun: watch a movie, have a good glass of wine, take a salt bath, or just take a nap.

When the blues and fatigue overcome, irreplaceable and accessible way bring yourself to your senses will walk. Why and how to walk correctly, we will tell below.

walks make it possible to combine physical activity(especially if you walk at a fast pace) with aesthetic pleasure. And the right companion makes the walk a time for socializing. After working in the office or in production, where there is often no sunlight, a person especially feels the benefit and pleasure of being outdoors.

Walking is good for weight loss or to save normal weight. Half an hour of fast walking burns as many calories as an hour of exercising at a sports club.

This is especially true for those who are contraindicated in serious sports loads. For example, if you have heart problems, walking is a good health practice. And for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, walks in the fresh air are also useful.

The benefits of being outside are invaluable for hypertensive patients and for those who experience hypotensive crises. Slow flanking allows you to get oxygen in enough and provides sufficient physical activity.

Pregnant women will receive a special benefit from walking if there are no contraindications. Walking improves blood circulation and oxygenates the blood, and also helps maintain physical form. And the baby in the womb benefits from a mother's walk. And after childbirth, as the body recovers, you can quickly walk with a stroller.

The benefits of walking for children

Toddler walks helpful starting from the first weeks of life. When discharged from the hospital, they usually specify when the child can go out for a walk for fifteen minutes. In the future, the duration of walks is gradually increased. Many children sleep well in strollers, but at least, in cool weather. But you need to remember that in severe frosts with kids do not go outside.

Older children are interested in exploring the world outside the home, and for schoolchildren walks in the open air- an indispensable way to warm up after sitting at the desks and, alas, in front of the screens.

Walking in the sun helps produce vitamin D and are the prevention of rickets and other diseases. But children should be especially carefully protected from direct sunlight, and babies - from strong wind and cold.

How to walk effectively

For a walk, you need to choose, if possible, environmentally friendly places away from roads and industrial zones. It is important that the surroundings are pleasing to the eye, this will help relieve stress. It is advisable to choose a comfortable time of day: avoid the heat of the day in summer, and walk in the middle of the day in winter. This is especially important for children and people with poor health. Walking should be approximately two hours a day. One-off forced marches are not as useful as regular walks.

Walking clothes and shoes should be comfortable for long walks. They must be suitable for the weather and protect either from bright sun or piercing wind.

Knowing the benefits of a walk in the fresh air, you can find the determination and start walking!

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