Rosehip: medicinal properties, contraindications, recipes of traditional healers. The undeniable benefits of rose hips for the body

A significant number of plants that grow in all corners of the globe have a lot of medicinal qualities. A certain proportion of them are especially popular among the population. So, for example, rose hips in the form of fruits can be found in many apartments of our population, teas are brewed on its basis, which have a pleasant taste and aroma, and such drinks are a source of a lot of useful properties. But what exactly are the qualities of this medicinal culture? What is useful rosehip for the body of men and women?

Rosehip is primarily known as a wonderful source of ascorbic acid. That is why this culture has long been used to correct colds or viral ailments. Consumption of a decoction based on its berries will help to cope with a cold in just a couple of days. As you know, vitamin C has a positive effect on the state of immunity, in addition, this substance perfectly strengthens the walls of our blood vessels, optimizes the activity of the heart muscle and the entire cardiovascular system.

Every woman should take rosehip-based products from time to time, because they are rich in a significant amount of provitamin A and a number of carotenoids. The combination of such elements has a remarkable effect on the condition of the hair, the quality of the nails. In addition, such elements significantly improve the appearance of the entire skin.

It will be useful for representatives of both sexes to take rose hips, as it saturates the body with a number of B vitamins, as well as vitamins K and P. In addition, it contains a significant amount of pectins and sugar. Drinks on its composition stimulate the natural cleansing of our body from various toxins and toxins.

In addition, the fruits of this culture are an excellent source of malic and citric acid, thanks to which they remarkably optimize metabolic processes. In addition, such products improve the activity of the digestive tract, stimulate the elimination of excess bile from the body, and also have a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas.

Both women and men who have reached the age of forty are strongly recommended to systematically consume infusions, as well as decoctions based on rose hips. Such funds will help prevent the development of various ailments of the heart and blood vessels, the likelihood of which increases significantly with age. In addition, drinks from such fruits quite effectively optimize the level of blood pressure.

Among other things, rosehip has a good diuretic effect, so many doctors advise males to take its preparations for ailments of the genitourinary system.

All women who want to lose weight should pay attention to the rosehip infusion. Useful substances in the composition of such a drink perfectly optimize metabolic processes, coping with extra pounds. To achieve a positive effect, you need to consume half a glass of infusion about half an hour before a meal. With active weight loss, such a remedy will be doubly useful, as it will saturate the body with nutrients while dieting.

Rosehip is also useful for women who are expecting the birth of a child, as a decoction based on it helps prevent the development of a number of colds and viral ailments. In addition to increasing immunity, such a remedy also effectively unloads the kidneys, providing a mild diuretic effect, which helps to avoid swelling. If we talk about the benefits of rosehip syrup, then at the stage of pregnancy it is better not to consume it or use it with extreme caution due to its high concentration.

Rosehip oil is also a highly beneficial product. It can be used for cosmetic purposes, as an integral part of various creams, in addition, such a substance can also be used for hair care. Some experts advise preparing nose drops on its basis, the resulting drug will help to cope with inflammatory lesions of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity.

Among other things, rosehip oil is great for treating a variety of skin problems - dermatitis, bedsores, cracks. It can lubricate the nipples of nursing mothers, as well as treat trophic ulcers. Also, this product can be used in the treatment of ulcerative colitis by adding it to enemas.

For therapeutic purposes, not only rose hips are used, but also its roots and leaves. So the root mass of this plant is valued due to the presence in its composition of a significant amount of tannic elements. Medicines based on them have antimicrobial, analgesic, as well as astringent and vasoconstrictive effects.

Rosehip foliage has qualities similar to those of roots. In addition, the green mass of the plant is a source of a significant amount of various minerals, among which there are especially many calcium, iron, phosphorus, cobalt, magnesium and potassium.

Strongly brewed drinks based on berries and rosehip leaves will help improve the body and saturate our body with a number of highly beneficial substances.

Thus, the use of wild rose in a variety of forms can be of great benefit to both sexes. But keep in mind that this plant also has a number of contraindications for use.

It is customary to call wild rose a wild rose, which grows both in personal plots and in the wild. The plant bears fruit abundantly with red berries, which have a sweet and sour taste. They are used in traditional medicine recipes aimed at treating various diseases and improving the condition of the body as a whole.

The benefits and harms of rosehip decoction

Berries are mainly used to make drinks, but there are useful substances in the leaves and roots of this plant. Rosehip boasts a large amount, but it also contains trace elements and vitamins, as well as other useful substances.

The benefits of rosehip decoction for the body:

  1. It is used to prevent beriberi and to strengthen the immune system. It is recommended to drink the drink during flu outbreaks. The decoction helps to quickly restore strength after illnesses. Rosehip decoction is useful for pregnant women, as it allows them to better tolerate colds.
  2. It has a hematopoietic effect, that is, when drinking a drink in the body, the formation of red blood cells occurs. That is why a rosehip decoction is recommended for anemia.
  3. The infusion has a beneficial effect on the condition of the vessels, strengthening their walls and preventing fragility. Rosehip decoction helps to strengthen the heart.
  4. Many are interested in the benefits and contraindications of a rosehip decoction with, and so this drink for such a disease is very useful. Helps relieve spasm and reduce pain, accelerates the process of regeneration of damaged cells and normalizes metabolism. Rosehip decoction will harm only when the drink is consumed in large quantities.
  5. It has a positive effect on the activity of the nervous system, which helps to cope with stress, headache, fatigue and insomnia.
  6. The composition includes many antioxidants, which allows you to remove harmful toxins from the body with the help of a drink. This improves brain activity, skin condition and increases the overall tone of the body.
  7. The benefits of rosehip decoction are useful for women who want to lose weight. The drink is not only low in calories, but it also helps to speed up the metabolism.
  8. A drink is recommended for the stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and all thanks to the presence of organic acids. It is useful for people who suffer from lack of appetite.
  9. It has a powerful choleretic effect, so it is recommended to drink a drink for diseases of the liver and gallbladder.
  10. A decoction is considered to be a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, so they can be replaced by pharmaceutical products.

A decoction of rose hips sometimes has not only benefits, but also harm on the body, so it is important to understand the existing contraindications. It is forbidden to drink a drink if there are problems with blood circulation. Contraindications include gastritis, ulcers and increased acidity of the stomach. Rosehip decoction is prohibited in the presence of gallstones and low blood pressure.

We talked about the benefits and dangers of rosehip decoction, it remains to find out how to take it. It is important not to drink the drink in large quantities, so adults should drink one glass a day, but children under 14 are allowed no more than a third of a glass. The course is two weeks, and then, for seven days, breaks are made, and then, you can repeat everything. To get a tonic effect, it is recommended to drink a decoction 20 minutes before breakfast. To obtain a choleretic effect, the infusion should be drunk three times a day, half an hour before meals, 1/3 tbsp. It is important to rinse your mouth after drinking.

Rosehip is a useful wild plant that has been used by our ancestors for the treatment of various diseases since ancient times. Many do not know that the bright and beautiful berries that are strewn with wild rose bushes (hypanthium) are just a receptacle, inside of which useful flowers are located. Rosehip contains in its composition a huge amount of vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain the health of our body.

Did you know that it contains as much calcium as neither lemon nor blackcurrant has? We will devote our article to this miraculous drug and figure out what rose hips are, its benefits and harms to the body.


Rosehip acts on the body as an antioxidant and is very useful for blood vessels. It has a huge content of ascorbic acid. This component in it is much more than in any other products. Rosehip also contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, E, K, PP. Other ingredients are citric and malic acids, tannins, various sugars, essential oils, phytoncides, as well as riboflavin and carotene. The plant is rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium. And this is only a small part of what the rosehip contains.

Healing properties of wild rose

Traditional medicine uses only the fruits of this plant, traditional medicine - all the components of the wild rose, from branches to seeds. Homeopaths, on the other hand, resort to the help of young fruits.

Rosehip oil

Most of all, the seeds of the May and English rose hips are suitable for making oil, since not all species, but more than 400 of them, are so rich in vitamin C.

When treated with rosehip oil, the color and structure of the skin is quickly restored. It allows you to heal wounds, burns, frostbite, abrasions, scars, scars, trophic ulcers and bedsores. The oil also treats such common diseases as psoriasis, eczema and other skin ailments. This remedy has proven itself very well for cracked nipples during breastfeeding.

Rosehip oil is very good for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular for gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcers of the duodenum and stomach. With anemia, loss of strength, hypertension, weakening of blood vessels, weak immunity, it also comes to the rescue.

In dentistry, oil is prescribed for stomatitis, gingivitis and other diseases of the oral cavity.

In psychology, it is used as an antidepressant, which relieves depression, fatigue, and also improves mood, gives strength and self-confidence.


With ulcerative colitis, an enema is made from rosehip oil. To do this, you need only 40-50 ml. Procedures are carried out every other day for one month.

From irritation, peeling and burns on the skin, the oil is gently rubbed with massage movements. It softens and nourishes it, and also smoothes fine wrinkles.

From a runny nose, soak a swab with oil and place it in the nose for a few minutes. Carry out the procedure 3 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely.

To give strength and energy, it is enough to take a few drops inside.

For high blood pressure, rub the oil into the temples with gentle massage movements.

Add a few drops of rosehip oil to your shampoo and conditioner, and after just a few applications, you will see how your hair becomes shiny and healthy.

Do not use oil on oily skin, as this can further aggravate the situation.

Making butter at home

Grind rosehip seeds and fill them with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10. Infuse for a week in a dark place. After that, boil the resulting mixture for 7 minutes and leave for about 7 hours. Strain and consume.

Rosehip syrup

Rosehip, the benefits and harms of which are unequal, has a huge number of useful properties. Syrup can be made from its fruits, which helps with many diseases and their prevention.

Rosehip syrup contains a large amount of vitamins C and P, significantly improves immunity, has a general strengthening effect, has a beneficial effect on the body with hypovitaminosis, improves cerebral circulation, and is a prevention of malignant neoplasms. It also quickly restores strength and gives energy, improves vision, and normalizes blood pressure. And this is a small part of what the wild rose is capable of.

The benefits and harms of rosehip syrup have been known since ancient times, since even our grandmothers used it as a powerful anti-aging medicine, as well as in the fight against viral and colds.

In cosmetology, it is used as a means of improving the regeneration of the skin, giving elasticity, smoothing wrinkles.

In neurology, rosehip syrup is used as a substance that restores the nervous system, relieves stress and nervous tension.

In order to prevent a decrease in immunity, children should take half a teaspoon once a day with a liquid. Adults - 1 dessert spoon 2 times a day. The benefits of rose hips in this situation are enormous.

Do not use syrup during pregnancy, lactation, exacerbation of stomach ulcers, bronchial asthma.

Cooking at home

Take half a kilo of rose hips, the same amount of sugar, 3 cups of water. Grind the fruits in a blender, fill with water and boil for 7-10 minutes, add sugar, boil for another 20-25 minutes. Pass the mixture through a sieve and bottle. That's it, the syrup is ready to use.


Rosehip, the benefits and harms of which have long been known in medicine, is also used for preventive purposes to increase immunity. In this case, it will be very useful to drink tea with its fruits.

Not only does this drink contain a huge amount of vitamin C, but it is also good for digestion. If you add dry fruits to tea, it will help normalize blood pressure, as well as help in the presence of cardiovascular diseases. Rosehip tea is very useful for people suffering from anemia, loss of strength, high blood pressure, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as those who suffer from excessive bleeding.

You should not drink it for those who have insufficient blood circulation, as well as thrombophlebitis, endocarditis.

Making tea at home

Take a thermos and rose hips. For one liter of water there should be about 30 berries or 100 gr. Fill with boiling water. Keep insisting all night. For a more aromatic drink, grind the berries, and after infusion, strain through cheesecloth to remove unwanted villi. That's it, tea is ready!

Rosehip infusion

Another great remedy that is obtained from rose hips and has a beneficial effect on our body is an infusion.

In medicine, it is used as an immunostimulating and general tonic, which can increase the resistance of our body to all kinds of viral, infectious and colds.

Rosehip infusion also helps with physical and mental fatigue, cholecystitis, digestive disorders, diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

This remedy reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, strengthens capillaries and blood vessels.

Due to the high content of vitamins in it, rosehip infusion is used for beriberi, anemia.

It also has a beneficial effect on the kidneys, bladder, as it has a good diuretic and choleretic effect. It is very good to use rosehip infusions for hypotensive patients. Also, the tool is great for cleansing the circulatory system.

Rosehip infusion helps to remove toxins, salts from the body, delays the aging process, and also has healing anti-inflammatory properties.


  1. If you have thrombosis or thrombophlebitis, then you need to consult a doctor before using rosehip infusion.
  2. It should be used with caution in people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular with ulcers.
  3. It should be consumed through a straw, as decoctions and infusions of wild rose can ruin tooth enamel.
  4. If you notice that after using the remedy you feel worse, then the use of the infusion should be stopped immediately.
  5. Remember that regular consumption of rose hips, the use of which must be strictly dosed, is not allowed for people prone to allergies.

How to prepare an infusion at home?

One spoon of dry fruits should be crushed and poured with two glasses of freshly boiled water. Boil for 12 minutes. Insist from 22 to 24 hours. Then strain the infusion and drink 3-4 times a day for half a cup 15-17 minutes before meals for four months. This will improve the functioning of all body systems.


As you know, the properties of wild rose are invaluable, but, unfortunately, it also has contraindications. If you regularly use rosehip decoctions for gastritis with high acidity, as well as for an exacerbated stomach and duodenal ulcer, then you can doubly aggravate an already difficult situation. Therefore, know the measure.

If you brew rose hips tightly, this can lead to damage to tooth enamel. Hypertensive patients should not drink alcohol infusions, as they have the ability to increase blood pressure.

Medicines based on rosehip root can lead to constipation and bile stasis.

As you can see, rosehip, the benefits and harms of which have long been known, has not so many contraindications. Therefore, if you know how to use it correctly, in what situations and in what doses, then this will bring you only invaluable benefits. Know the measure and be healthy.

Dog-rose fruit

Rosehip is an excellent medicine - primarily due to the content in it of a large amount of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in an amount of at least two tenths of a percent. It also includes such useful substances as vitamin P and K and various organic substances.

Usually, fresh or dried rose hips are used, the latter are often used to make infusions, juices, decoctions, teas, and more. Tea made from rose hips has many useful properties: first of all, it helps to relieve inflammation, serves to tone and strengthen the body, helps with sclerotic diseases, and also normalizes metabolic processes, the activity of the cardiovascular system, liver and gastrointestinal tract, has a positive effect on nervous system.

It is best to use wild rose, harvested before the onset of light cold weather, since even slightly, slightly frozen berries lose their healing power. Next, the collected berries are dried using an oven (temperature from 90 to 100 degrees, but watching that the berries do not burn) or using a dryer. If everything is done correctly, the berries will turn yellowish or dark red, burgundy. You can keep the berries in special bags or a jar with a lid for a maximum of two years. Rosehip flowers can also be applied by picking them up when they are in bloom and drying like any other flowers, then infusing. This remedy improves the condition of the skin.

Useful properties of wild rose

Useful properties of wild rose are an indisputable fact. It is known that rosehip contains a large amount of ascorbic acid (or vitamin C), from four to six percent, and sometimes about eighteen percent, in addition, there is vitamin E in rosehip seeds, and in addition to ascorbic acid, berries also include such like B, K, P (also called rutin), carotene, etc.

A large number of useful substances were found in the plant: up to eighteen percent of sugar, up to one and eight tenths of a percent of malic acid and up to two percent of citric acid, more than three percent of pectins and more than four percent of tannins, as well as many other substances - iron, calcium, salts potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, essential oil, lycopene, etc. In terms of vitamin C content, rosehip is ten times ahead of even blackcurrant, and lemon is fifty times.

In addition, rose hips are an excellent bactericidal agent. The highest content of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) falls on the eastern and northern parts of the forest sector, as well as the content of tannins.

Rosehip also serves to relieve inflammation, is a good diuretic and choleretic agent, improves the function of the gastrointestinal tract. A big plus is that with all this it does not have a negative effect on the tissues of the kidneys. Vitamin C contained in rose hips has a positive effect on most redox reactions in the body. Another of its advantages is the ability to inhibit deposits in the blood vessels of atheromatous masses, and thanks to rose hips, the amount of cholesterol in the blood decreases and the spread of the disease stops.

The carotene contained in rose hips has a positive effect on the body's immunity, vitamin K improves blood clotting and helps in the formation of prothrombin, vitamin P strengthens capillaries and also helps in the best absorption of vitamin C, vitamins B2 and B1 affect hematopoietic organs, help in the synthesis of visual purple and play a role in the formation of the yellow enzyme.

The use of wild rose

    There are syrups, powder, infusion and rosehip extract. They are used:

    with anemia;

    with atherosclerosis;

    to get rid of digestive problems;

    with reduced secretion of the stomach;

    with bleeding of the uterus;

    in case of diseases of the female organs;

    in case of failure in hematopoiesis;

    to increase the overall activity of the body due to the large amount of vitamins;

    with slowly healing wounds;

    with general exhaustion or anemia;

    with slow fusion of bones;

    with malaria;

    in chronic or other forms of intestinal or liver diseases, etc.

Rosehip decoction

This decoction is an extremely good drug that increases immunity and helps in the treatment of many diseases. In this case, before using it, it is necessary to consult a specialist doctor who will help determine the dose. To create rosehip tea, you will need to add a glass of boiling water to a teaspoon of crushed leaves or fruits, then pour the composition into a thermos and let stand for several hours. You can do it differently: in the evening, pour leaves or berries with water (cool), and in the morning put on fire until it boils, then leave for a couple of hours.

The composition itself is useful for atherosclerosis, colds, disruptions in the endocrine system and metabolism, cholecystitis, hypovitaminosis C and P, nephritis, hepatitis, bronchial asthma, diseases of the intestines and liver, high bleeding, etc.

How to brew rosehip? There are two recipes for making a decoction. For the first, you need to take whole rose hips and place in a thermos at the rate of two handfuls per five hundred milliliters, add very hot water there and leave for seven to eight hours (sometimes three), then pass through a strainer or cheesecloth (necessarily sterile) and add one teaspoon of sugar. The second recipe is more complicated, but also more effective: you need to take chopped berries, previously freed from hairs, as they can cause irritation and a negative reaction of the body. For grinding, you can use a meat grinder so that the seeds come out (they also contain many vitamins). Further, without using a thermos, as in the first case, these berries should be poured with three hundred milliliters of water and boiled for about fifteen minutes. After the composition must be filtered. The resulting broth is recommended to drink before meals, half a glass two or three times a day.

Rosehip infusion

It is mainly used at home. The composition has a beneficial effect on the body, reduces or completely stops bleeding, promotes the excretion of bile, as well as strengthens and thickens blood capillaries. In addition, it helps the functioning of the sex glands, and also heals burns, wounds and frostbitten parts of the body, accelerates the restoration of bone and soft tissues due to its regenerative properties. Rose hips also have a slight laxative effect. The beneficial properties of cinnamon rosehip are also known: it promotes the movement of blood in the circulatory system of the vessels of the brain.

Rosehip infusion: it is necessary to pour a liter of hot water into a thermos (or other dishes) and add 3-4 tablespoons of berries, and then do not touch until the morning. Further, the remedy can be drunk before meals, one glass, like tea, 3 times a day. Before taking, it is necessary to pass the infusion through a strainer or gauze. Rosehip infusion is stored for 2 days, after which it loses all the vitamins in it, however it will be useful for the gastrointestinal tract.

How to save vitamin C?

In order for the vitamins to be preserved with a guarantee, it is better to chop the rose hips, pour hot water (40-55 ° C) and insist in a thermos for one hour.

However, there is another way. Rosehip should be poured into a jar (4 tablespoons are taken per 1 liter), and poured with ordinary cool water, not hot! Close tightly with a lid and infuse in a dark place for 24 hours. Although this method is only suitable for fresh rose hips.

Contraindications to the use of wild rose

It is necessary to use this drug quite carefully. The fact is that rose hips contain a large amount of ascorbic acid, which can have an adverse effect on the body of people suffering from stomach diseases, for example, an ulcer or (with high acidity, with low acidity, on the contrary, it is useful). In this regard, it is necessary to take the composition very carefully, observing a low dosage.

In addition, there is an adverse effect of rosehip infusion on teeth and enamel, therefore, after using it, it is necessary to rinse your mouth every time with plain water. In no case should you take rose hips for those who have a predisposition to thrombophlebitis and thrombosis.

With caution, you need to take rose hips for heart diseases, limit the intake in cases of various kinds of heart diseases, for example, such as endocarditis (inflammation of the endocardium, or the inner lining of the heart).

Reception of the composition is undesirable for persons suffering from circulatory failures. There is also a distinction in admission for those suffering from hypotension and high blood pressure. For the former, it is recommended to take alcoholic infusions from rose hips and the intake of water infusion is contraindicated, for the latter, everything is exactly the opposite. That is, a person with high blood pressure takes a water infusion, and alcohol is forbidden to him.

In addition, long-term treatment with rosehip-containing agents adversely affects liver function, up to non-infectious jaundice.

Rosehip should be used with caution in the presence of various dermatological diseases; before use, patients require a preliminary consultation with a doctor. Considering that products containing rosehip root slow down the release of bile, these drugs are not prescribed for people suffering from constipation, as the progression of the disease will follow. Medicinal preparations from parsley, celery or dill are used, which helps to soften the effect on digestion and stomach, as well as reduce the formation of gases, which can also be a consequence of taking rose hips.

Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University N. I. Pirogov, specialty "Medicine" (2004). Residency at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).

Rosehip is an amazing plant that can help with many diseases. It is widely used in folk medicine and pharmacology.

The wild rose is popularly called the wild rose because of its resemblance to this flower. Its branches are also covered with sickle-shaped sharp thorns.


  1. Vitamin C.
  2. Thiamine.
  3. Carotene.
  4. Riboflavin.
  5. Folic acid.
  6. Calcium salt.
  7. Lemon acid.
  8. Apple acid.
  9. Sugar.
  10. Phytoncides.

Note! The scope of the plant is very wide. Rosehip is used in the pharmacological industry and traditional medicine.

Table: plant use in different areas.

What is useful rosehip:

  • Stimulates the functionality of the gonads.
  • Reduces the fragility of blood vessels and capillaries.
  • Strengthens immunity.
  • Normalizes blood pressure indicators.
  • For men and women, this plant is very useful. It improves reproductive functions, has a positive effect on potency.
  • Promotes the absorption of calcium in the body.
  • Eliminates deficiency in the body of vitamins C and R.
  • Increases the secretion of bile.
  • Enhances the synthesis of hormones.
  • Promotes skin regeneration.

The benefits for the human body lie not only in the fruits of the plant, but also in the leaves and roots.

A decoction of the petals eliminates erysipelas of the skin. In order to properly prepare the decoction, you need to wash the petals of a wild rose and mix them with honey and a little water.

A decoction is made from the roots of the plant, which helps in the removal of stones and hypertension.

A decoction of flowers helps to eliminate dysentery and indigestion, as well as help with many diseases of the eyes. With the latest diseases, eye lotions are made from a decoction.

For cooking, you need 100 grams of plant flowers and 200 milliliters of water. All components are mixed and boiled for an hour, then cooled to room temperature.

Indications for use:

  1. Hypertension.
  2. Atherosclerosis.
  3. Anemia.
  4. Reduced vision.
  5. Bleeding.
  6. Weakness.
  7. Exhaustion.
  8. Diseases of the oral cavity: tonsillitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease.
  9. Flu.
  10. SARS.
  11. Cold.
  12. Sinusitis.
  13. Diseases of the cardiovascular system: arrhythmia, angina pectoris.
  14. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  15. Insomnia.
  16. Nervous disorders.
  17. Pyelonephritis.
  18. Rheumatism.
  19. Lymphedema.
  20. Prostatitis.
  21. Eczematid.
  22. Headache.
  23. retinal dystrophy.
  24. Cough.

It is worth remembering that the fruits of a wild rose are not always useful for humans, even though the medicinal and beneficial properties of this plant are very extensive.

Rosehip is a specific plant that can bring not only benefits, but also harm. There are a number of contraindications, according to which it is forbidden to use the fruits and infusions of this plant in order to avoid deterioration of health.


  1. Gastritis.
  2. Ulcer.
  3. Increased acidity.
  4. Tendency to form blood clots.
  5. Tendency to constipation.

The plant contains a large amount of acid, which adversely affects tooth enamel. Excessive consumption of fruits leads to tooth decay and cavities.

Long-term use of infusions and decoctions provokes the appearance of non-infectious jaundice.

Where does it grow and when does it bloom?

Wild rose is a low bush with a height of 1.5 to 2.5 meters with pink or white-pink flowers.

Where the shrub grows and when the shrub blooms, not many people know. The plant grows in the temperate climate of the Northern Hemisphere. Some varieties of shrubs grow in America and Mexico.

This plant is most common in:

  • Ethiopia.
  • Arabia.
  • India.
  • Philippines.

Important! Reproduction is best done by dividing the bush. Very rarely, seeds or stem cuttings are used for propagation.

Flowering bush begins in May-June.

Many gardeners are interested in the question of how many times a bush bears fruit throughout its life. Initially, it is worth noting that the shrub begins to bear fruit in 3-5 years. During the whole life, the plant bears fruit from 17 to 22 times. The largest harvests are repeated every five years.

Types of shrubs:

  • Anniversary is a variety of medium ripening.
  • Oval.
  • The globe.
  • Apple.
  • Vitamin VNIVI.
  • Vorontsovsky "1".
  • Titanium.
  • Ruby.
  • Rose brown.
  • The rose is wrinkled.
  • Dog rose.
  • Rose Webb.
  • Rose is lovely.
  • The rose is spiky.
  • The rose is rusty red.
  • Rose French.
  • Rose apple.
  • Dahurian rose.

Special attention deserves a terry look - white rosehip. It is an ornamental species with dense branches.

Is it possible to drink rose hips during pregnancy?

The opinions of medical professionals regarding the intake of rose hips during pregnancy differ. But one thing is known that in small doses it is useful. But it should be consumed in the form of tea.

Tea from this plant strengthens the immune system and keeps the body in good shape.

Tea from the fruits of this plant relieves toxicosis and helps to cope with drowsiness. Tea also serves as an excellent diuretic, so excess fluid is quickly removed from the female body.

The composition of rose hips includes folic acid, which is necessary for the formation and strengthening of the nervous system in future crumbs.

The use of rose hips during pregnancy is prohibited for such problems:

  1. Tone of the uterus.
  2. Diseases of the kidneys.
  3. Increased blood clotting.
  4. Diseases of the digestive system.

Many breastfeeding women face the problem of cracked areolas. Wild rose oil helps speed up the healing of cracks.

How to brew and drink rosehip broth?

Freezing rose hips is not recommended. In order to preserve the vitamins, the fruits must be dried. Dried rose hips have the same beneficial properties as fresh ones. But fresh fruits are not suitable for food due to the presence of hairs and grains in them.

Drying step by step:

  1. Cut fresh fruits in half.
  2. Remove seeds and hairs.
  3. Spread in a thin layer on parchment paper or a clean cloth.
  4. Dry in the open air.

Methods for brewing rose hips depend on the freshness and part of the plant.

Note! The decoction is prepared from fresh or dried fruits. Boiling fruits is not recommended. Boiling kills useful vitamins, so you should use a water bath to prepare infusions or decoctions from this plant.

Infusion of wild rose from fruits Step-by-step instruction:

Take one tablespoon of wild rose fruits and put them in a saucepan.
Pour 200 milliliters of boiling water over and close the lid.
Bring to a boil in a water bath. Boil for 15-20 minutes.
Remove from water bath and leave to cool.
Strain through cheesecloth.
Take 100 milliliters twice daily before meals.

Fruit decoction Step-by-step instructions on how to properly brew rosehip broth:

Take 40-50 berries of the plant.
Pour in a liter of boiling water.
Put in a water bath. Boil in a water bath for 15 minutes.
Take 100 milliliters three times a day. The course of admission is 30 days.

A decoction of the roots Step-by-step instruction:

Take the root of the bush.
Wash and grind.
Pour 200 milliliters of boiling water over and boil in a water bath for 20 minutes.

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