Pineapple vitamins and beneficial properties. Are there many vitamins in pineapple? Is pineapple a great weight loss aid? Useful properties of pineapple

Rich source of vitamin C

Pineapple contains 131% of necessary for a person daily dose vitamin C! It helps to reduce other symptoms and flu and is water soluble vitamin who plays important role in maintaining health connective tissue body and also acts as an antioxidant.

As an antioxidant, vitamin C has the ability to synthesize collagen, which is the main protein in the body and is responsible for health. blood vessels and other organs, as well as helping to eliminate skin problems such as sunburn or dry and irritated skin.

You can add pineapple to homemade body scrubs. Due to its high vitamin C content, this amazing fruit will help your body fight against harmful effects free radicals and reduce inflammation, which is known to promote cancer.

High fiber content

High-fiber fruits have the ability to reduce the risk of developing colorectal cancer. Also, fiber reduces the level of glucose in the blood of type 2 patients. High content fiber prevents and promotes healthy digestion.

An average pineapple contains approximately 13 grams of fiber and adding this fruit to your diet is great way maximize its health benefits.

Helps prevent infertility

Studies show that foods rich in antioxidants help prevent infertility. Free radicals can damage reproductive system, and foods with high antioxidant activity, such as pineapples, neutralize free radicals and are therefore recommended for women who are trying to conceive.

Antioxidants in pineapple, such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, and other vitamins and minerals, including copper, affect both female and male fertility.

Protects against cardiovascular disease

Potassium, vitamin C and fiber in pineapple are very important for health of cardio-vascular system. A study done on rats found that one of the benefits of pineapple juice is its cardioprotective abilities. In addition to reducing the risk of developing pineapple juice, it also contributes to a better digestion process.

Potassium intake helps maintain mineral density bone tissue, protects against loss muscle mass, reduces the risk of stroke and education. Potassium also helps normalize high blood pressure. And antioxidants play an important role in the fight against inflammatory processes in the vessels.

Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which can be an adequate replacement for those who take aspirin every day to reduce the risk of a heart attack.

Prevents asthma

Pineapple contains beta-corotene, which reduces the risk of developing asthma. Toxins, pollution environment, poor nutrition, antibiotic abuse and play a significant role in the development of asthma. These factors trigger inflammation, and this is where pineapple's ability to reduce inflammation comes in handy due to its detoxifying abilities.

Helps maintain mental health

Another useful property of pineapple is its ability to improve mood and fight depression and anxiety. It contains the amino acid tryptophan, which is used by the body to produce enough serotonin - one of our main "happy" hormones. Consuming enough of this amino acid, in addition to other nutrients such as B vitamins, you will provide significant support to the nervous system.

Helps fight cancer

In tests of cancer treatment in animals with bromelain, it was found that he had more effective action than 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) compared to the untreated control group. 5-FU has been used in the treatment of cancer for over 40 years, but its main problem is that it kills or irreversibly damages not only cancer cells, but also healthy cells and fabrics.

Bromelain not only proved to be more effective, but was also many times safer than 5-FU. Natural compounds such as bromelain have selective cytotoxicity and they are capable of killing cancer cells leaving healthy cells unharmed.

Reduces inflammation

The benefits of pineapple include the ability to help those suffering from pain and discomfort, as bromelain speeds up healing and reduces pain. In addition, it is very useful for the treatment of sports injuries, including dislocations. Bromelain is often recommended before surgeries to speed up healing time and reduce inflammation commonly associated with surgical procedures.

Recently, a study was conducted on 100 mice with colitis, and the results showed that long-term use dietary supplementation of fresh or unpasteurized frozen pineapple juice with active bromelain enzyme is safe and effective in reducing inflammation.

Another study was done on patients who suffer from sinusitis (inflammation paranasal sinuses nose). Sinusitis can be caused by infection, or autoimmune problems. The study showed that bromelain caused significantly more fast recovery than standard therapy.

Improves digestion

Pineapple provides essential assistance in the breakdown of proteins into peptides and amino acids. It may relieve symptoms ulcerative colitis, acid reflux, and helps the digestive process in general.

It is also able to prevent autoimmune reactions that occur due to common food allergies. Research in Japan has shown that eating pineapple helps those with celiac disease and gluten.

1 serving of pineapple (150g) provides (from daily recommended doses):

  • 82 calories, 0 g fat and 1 gram protein
  • 2 g fiber
  • 131% vitamin C
  • 9% thiamine
  • 9% vitamin B6
  • 4% pantothenic acid

Why is pineapple so healing?

The secret to pineapple's super-healing power lies in a protein-breaking enzyme called bromelain. Pineapple is one of the richest sources of bromelain in the world.

However, you should be aware that you won't be able to get enough bromelain even if you increase your pineapple intake significantly, since most of the bromelain is found in the inedible stem of the plant. That's why, in order to take advantage of all healing properties bromelain, it is necessary to take supplements containing it. Bromelain supplements are made using pineapple extract.

Bromelain is a protease enzyme that breaks down proteins into peptides and amino acids. This enzyme is well studied and used in medicinal purposes for many years.

Bromelain is able to accelerate healing and is comparable in its anti-inflammatory effect to drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen. In addition, at topical application it helps in the resorption of hematomas and the healing of cuts, burns, insect bites.

Recent studies have shown us that bromelain from pineapple helps stop lung metastasis, suggesting that it can be used in therapy. a wide range diseases. It is most commonly used to treat the following conditions:

  • Ligament rupture
  • allergies
  • and joint pain
  • Suffocation
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Sinusitis
  • Stretching
  • Tendinitis

Most of the bromelain is concentrated in the inedible parts of the pineapple (such as stems and core). Therefore, if you want to get a sufficient dose of the enzyme, you need to take bromelain supplements. These supplements come in many forms, including tablets, capsules, powders, and creams. A dose of 80 to 320 mg per day is considered safe and effective.

Pineapple is a real treasure trove of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. This tropical fruit belongs to the family bromeliads originally from South America. The fruits are cylindrical in shape, covered with scales on the outside, and inside there is a bright yellow juicy and sweet pulp.

Benefit for health

  1. Improves digestion. Fruit fiber has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Most of the fibers are soluble, they bind water in the stomach, slowing down the absorption of nutrients. digestive enzyme Bromelain in pineapple helps the body absorb proteins.
  2. For colds and coughs. Immune-boosting vitamin C and bromelain, with their anti-inflammatory properties, help kill bacteria and viruses. Pineapple juice thins and removes phlegm when coughing, relieves sore throat.
  3. Healthy heart. Combination ascorbic acid and bromelain is good for the heart. Vitamin C prevents platelets from clumping together and forming blood clots. Bromelain promotes free blood flow, reduces the risk of stroke, myocardial infarction and other cardiovascular problems.
  4. Against cancer. Bromelain kills cancer cells. This enzyme is selectively toxic, destroying mutated cells and leaving healthy cells unharmed.
  5. In the fight against cholesterol. Pineapple contains sterols, which lower the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant and works in a similar way.
  6. Reduces blood pressure. Due to the high concentration of potassium and low sodium, fresh pineapple juice lowers blood pressure, therefore it is useful for hypertension, like others.
  7. Promotes weight loss. High levels of vitamin C, which increases the metabolism of dietary fiber that promotes weight loss. Pineapple is a key ingredient in some popular diets.
  8. Gives a boost of energy. A large amount of fructose provides the body with readily available energy by accelerating metabolism.
  9. Relieves arthritis. It has anti-inflammatory properties, so it relieves the pain caused by arthritis. People suffering from gout or carpal tunnel syndrome, pineapples will help you get through difficult times.
  10. Makes bones stronger. High concentration manganese prevents osteoporosis. Calcium promotes bone growth, and vitamin C helps in the prevention of inflammatory bone diseases.
  11. With bronchitis. Pineapple juice relieves cough due to high level bromelain. This enzyme prevents the accumulation of mucus and promotes it rapid withdrawal from the bronchi.
  12. For excellent vision. Retinal degeneration with age can result in loss of vision. Eating pineapple reduces the risk of degeneration yellow spot including beta-carotene.
  13. It has a positive effect on brain activity. Increases serotonin levels, helps in the fight against depression and sadness.
  14. Benefits for the skin. Fruit acids found in pineapple pulp help to remove dead and damaged cells, improve skin elasticity and moisturize it. Natural enzymes, together with antioxidants, fight cell oxidation and thus inhibit the appearance of the first signs of aging, reduce existing wrinkles.
  15. Whitens teeth. bromelain enzyme with almost magical properties distinguished himself here. It appears to protect tooth enamel, removes plaque and whitens teeth.
  16. For oral health. Pineapple drinkers are less likely to suffer from gum disease such as gingivitis and periodontitis. Fruit agents destroy the bacteria responsible for gum disease.

Harm and side effects

One of side effects associated with pineapple consumption may be allergic reaction. Sometimes it manifests itself only in swelling of the lips and tongue and disappears within a few hours. But in some cases, allergies can cause not only a rash and local swelling, but also breathing problems. If you notice these symptoms after eating the fruit, contact your doctor immediately.

An excess of the enzyme bromelain, which is so rich in pineapples, in the body leads to diarrhea, vomiting, skin rashes and heavy menstrual bleeding.

Pregnant women should handle this exotic fruit with extreme caution - it can cause uterine contractions, which can lead to miscarriage.

Bromelain enters into chemical reactions with some medications. If you are taking anticoagulants, antibiotics, barbiturates, anticonvulsants, sleeping pills, blood thinners, or antidepressants, check with your doctor before giving in to temptation to pounce on a ripe, oozing pineapple.

Juicy and fragrant fruit is an exotic, but has long become commonplace on store shelves in our country. This fruit is native to South America. Beneficial features pineapple make this fruit delicious and healing product. About him positive properties, as well as contraindications, we will talk further.

The first fruit “penetrated” into Europe thanks to Christopher Columbus, who brought such a gift from his expedition to the Spanish king. On an industrial scale, fruits began to be grown in the New World in the 19th century in Hawaii. Now most of their world harvest falls on Southeast Asia: Thailand, the Philippines.

Previously, exotic fruits were available only to aristocrats and wealthy families. AT pre-revolutionary Russia only noble families could afford it. Even Mayakovsky wrote an appeal to the bourgeoisie: "Eat pineapples, chew grouse ...". Already from these lines it becomes clear that for a long time pineapples were considered a symbol of luxury and gourmet delicacy inaccessible to mere mortals.

But now anyone in our country can afford to enjoy a delicious fruit - 150 rubles to buy a medium-sized fruit, everyone can find it. But pineapple has both huge benefits and some contraindications for use, and sometimes it can even cause harm. Let's consider this question in more detail. Let's start with the benefits.

  • The fruit has a uniquely rich beneficial substances compound. Among them are vitamins of the main groups (A, C, PP).
  • Many rare trace elements: sodium, iron, folic acid, magnesium, etc.
  • Dietary fiber that helps keep the figure in order. The fruit is also rich citric acid, natural sugars which are easily digestible and beneficial to the body.
  • Tropical fruit promotes cleansing. His active ingredients penetrate into such nooks and crannies of the body, where toxins and poisons could accumulate for years - and bring them out.
  • The benefits of pineapple, probably 60% due to the presence in its composition of a special enzyme - bromelain. This substance contributes to the rapid breakdown of nutrients, accelerating and activating digestion. It is the presence of this substance that has made pineapple so popular for weight loss. Bromelain, in addition to promoting weight loss, also breaks down cancer cells.
  • It's extraordinarily tasty. The aroma and exquisite taste of pineapple - everything in it is conducive to enjoyment. Perfumers have found more than 60 different components in the aroma of the fruit. That is why almost everyone likes its smell, since everyone will find in it some kind of favorite component.
  • The fruit has an amazing anti-cellulite effect. Also, special masks and wraps can be made from its juice. Excellent care makes women's skin healthy, soft and tender. In addition, its juice helps to heal small wounds and eliminate deficiencies: enlarged pores, pigmentation. It does not harm the skin.
  • Contains a large amount of antioxidants - substances that prevent aging of the body.
  • Contains a large amount of manganese. This rare trace element is indispensable for strengthening bone tissue.
  • The beta-carotene found in pineapple can protect the eyes from vision loss. In old age, people often have a disease called retinal dystrophy. with negative age-related changes beta-carotene does an excellent job of improving vision and preventing dystrophy from developing.
  • Good for hair condition. Prevents their falling out and brittleness.
  • Indicated for those who have been through plastic surgery. In this case, the use of fruit reduces the recovery period.

Who benefits from pineapple

In general, this fruit is useful for almost everyone. But nevertheless, there are certain groups of people to whom its use can bring special benefits. Consider these categories of people.

  • Suffering from heart disease. Eating this fruit prevents the development of thrombosis. Plus, it's a great blood thinner.
  • The benefits of pineapple have been proven for varicose veins, it also relieves swelling. In this case, it will be useful to regularly drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice.
  • The fruit is also useful cold infections. It relieves inflammation and improves immunity.
  • Good for blood circulation. Reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks in old age.
  • Some recent researchers show the special usefulness of pineapple as a means to fight cancerous tumors.

It is important to know that this fruit must be eaten on an empty stomach - otherwise, instead of benefit, harm will result. The fact is that fruits have the ability to ferment. That's why when sweet fruit, including pineapple, enters the stomach, where some food is already digested, it immediately begins to ferment it. As a result, gases are formed and the stomach swells.

Fresh pineapple is always eaten with the core. It is important, when purchasing a fruit, to make sure that it is ripe.

An unripe fruit will not bring any benefit and, well, if not harm. The best way make sure that the pineapple is ready to eat - feel it and smell it. A ripe fruit will have a firm rind that will yield slightly when pressed. It will also exude a dizzying pleasant smell.


Although the tropical fruit is unique product However, it is not equally useful for everyone. Consider who and in what cases it is not recommended to use it.

For diseases of the stomach and digestive system. Especially if a person has gastritis or an ulcer. In this case, the increased acidity of the fruit can cause significant harm to the body.

Dental problems also do not allow you to regularly eat delicious fruits. The acid contained in the fruit can quickly destroy tooth enamel. Therefore, even healthy people it is recommended that after eating this fruit, rinse your mouth and teeth, washing off the acid from them.

For some time, a mono-diet of these fruits has been popular. That is, for some time a woman ate something like this: fresh, boiled, fried, baked pineapple - that's all. Other than that, nothing else is allowed. There is no point in following such a diet. All monodients cause damage to the body. And the pineapple mono-diet is one of the most harmful. For one week of eating only pineapples, you can earn chronic gastritis or bring the stomach to the state of an ulcer.

Canned pineapple

Since we live in northern and middle latitudes, and pineapple is still a southern tropical product, we see it mainly in the form of bright jars. Of course, you can sometimes treat yourself by buying such a jar. But it would be foolish to expect benefits from the use of such fruits.

Yes, microbes and bacteria that cause decomposition and putrefaction have disappeared in it - but useful living components have disappeared along with them. In addition, the calorie content of pineapple from a can is simply off scale. Therefore, instead of the expected weight loss, you can, on the contrary, gain weight and harm your appearance and figure. Therefore, pineapple for weight loss from cans will be absolutely useless. Sometimes canned fruits may cause severe allergies so be careful with them.

In the processed fruits, bromelain and many other unique substances and trace elements are completely absent. Therefore, sweet preservation is best perceived simply as delicious dessert. And only fresh fruit can bring benefits.

dried pineapple

Dried fruits do not cause such harm as canned ones, unless, of course, they were dried with the help of special chemicals. In dried pineapple, the acid content is almost three times reduced, which makes possible use even for people with gastrointestinal diseases.

An interesting point: studies by scientists have shown that eating dried pineapples helps to get rid of smoking. With their use, the body's need for nicotine is significantly reduced, and if you eat them constantly, then the desire to smoke completely gradually disappears. In addition, the calorie content of pineapple, properly dried, is quite low, and it can be consumed by all weight-watching girls.

Pineapple for weight loss

With pineapple, a sufficient number of diets for women have already been invented. Let's talk about two of the simplest types.

  • Fasting day. Once a week, you need to eat only one pineapple on one of the days - and nothing more. So you can get rid of 1 kilogram in a week. If you do such unloading every week, then by the summer you can throw off a fairly decent amount of oppressive kilograms. Only you can’t eat exclusively pineapples for more than one day - otherwise you will get harm instead of the expected benefit.
  • The famous 3-day pineapple diet. In this case, 3 medium pineapples are taken, as well as other fruits, berries and vegetables - except for banana and potatoes. Attention: you can use all these products for 3 days of the diet only in fresh but in any quantity. The diet allows you to lose about 5-6 kilograms in 3 days.

What products are combined with

Consider the combination of products that will create a harmonious ensemble with pineapple.

  • With shrimp, they are very tasty and healthy salads. Fresh and delicate combination.
  • Delicious fruit can be cut into pieces and poured into natural yogurt. This combination is a great light, summer breakfast.
  • Baked pineapple sprinkled with sugar or sprinkled with honey is a very tasty, but very high-calorie dessert.
  • baked chicken breast pairs perfectly with fresh pineapple chunks.
  • Also goes well with mushrooms.
  • As part of the sweet pineapple plays a leading role. It will “sound” well in combination with exotic mango, and with apple, and with citrus fruits.

Although the birthplace of Pineapple is South America, today it is cultivated in many countries of the world, in particular in China and Malaysia. Maybe that's why from exotic fruit, it has turned into a fairly affordable product.

Pineapple can be found in any supermarket or grocery store. Ripe fruits have a delicious taste and aroma, as well as a whole bunch of useful properties.

Such a rich composition makes the fruit not only a valuable product, but also a medicine. A pineapple diet will allow you not only to lose weight, but also to improve your health.

What is the benefit of pineapple?

Due to the large amount of fiber, it helps to cleanse the intestines, rapid emergence feelings of satiety. Bromelain improves digestion, accelerates metabolism, has anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and thrombolytic effects. Therefore, this fruit is useful to eat when cardiovascular diseases, obesity, arthritis, arthrosis, after or during a plentiful feast, as a means of promoting wound healing (including burns), as well as to improve the condition with acute respiratory infections and allergies.

Pineapple cosmetics promotes skin lightening, removal age spots, strengthening blood vessels and reducing inflammatory processes. Included in the fruit organic acids, gently exfoliate dead cells and promote skin regeneration.

Mode of application

Pineapple can simply be eaten fresh, added to salads or used to prepare all kinds of meat dishes and of course cocktails.

For a cleansing cocktail, mix half a glass of fresh juice pineapple and half a glass of water. If you want to lose weight, then drink juice squeezed from 1/4 of a pineapple, 2 carrots and an orange.

To cleanse the skin, just wipe it cotton swab dipped in fresh pineapple juice.

Apply the mask (crushed fruit pulp mixed with yogurt) on the face and neck for 20 minutes. After the procedure, the skin will be smooth and elastic.

Pineapple - contraindications

In spite of great amount useful properties, there are restrictions for the use of this fruit. So it is better to refuse it to people with serious diseases of the kidneys, liver, with peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, as well as at hyperacidity gastric juice.

Pregnant women should exercise extreme caution, as the juice of the leaves of unripe fruits can cause miscarriage.

Pineapple should not be eaten during antibiotic therapy, while taking anticoagulants, antidepressants and sedatives.

There are foods that you can eat only in accordance with certain rules. Their eating is a whole ritual. Sometimes in this matter leading role play the benefit or harm of one or another part of the product. Not everyone, for example, knows how to eat pineapple, coconut and other little-known fruits.

The structure and properties of an exotic product

The number of fruits on store shelves in last years striking in its diversity. Some of them are familiar to us since childhood, but there are also those that we have to see with our own eyes for the first time in our lives. Therefore, before you figure out how to eat, you must first study in detail this or that fruit.

Take, for example, an exotic wonder belonging to the genus herbaceous plants. It is well known to all residents. tropical countries. The fruits of this are eaten, which are quite interestingly arranged.

Looking at an ordinary pineapple, you can see that it seems to be assembled from several constituent parts, like a constructor or a children's puzzle. These are ovaries fused into a single ball. Therefore, pineapple is otherwise called "multiply", that is, it is several fruits collected together.

The question naturally arises of how to eat pineapple. Before answering it, you need to understand the structure and properties of the tissues of this seed. Scientists have found that soft tissues This plant contains a huge amount of useful for human body trace elements and minerals. Here you can find an abundance of zinc and manganese, iron and calcium, and magnesium. A rich set is vital important vitamins(A, C, B1, B2 and B12) is simply amazing. Thanks to this unique composition, pineapples are capable of:

  1. Cleanse the walls of blood vessels and thereby significantly reduce blood pressure.
  2. Improve the process of digestion.
  3. Cleanse the intestines.
  4. Fight colds with ascorbic acid.
  5. Confront the #1 disease in the world - cancer.
  6. Promote the breakdown of body fat without harm to the body. The secret is that pineapple tissue contains an unusual enzyme called bromelain, which takes on the main task of disposing of unnecessary supplies. In addition, it also removes excess fluid from the body. And this is the end of cellulite and a dream for every woman.

Are there really few reasons to start eating this real miracle of nature? In addition, it is also very tasty.

What to eat in pineapple?

An ordinary pineapple is an oval-shaped fruit. In the upper part there is a tuft of leaves tightly compressed into a bundle. By the way, if you cut it off and plant it in the ground, then a new plant will appear from it. Pineapple leaves are not used for food. In the 18th century in Russia, they tried to boil them and even sour them, like cabbage, but somehow this did not take root. Today, the green part of the pineapple is used as a raw material for the textile industry. Quite strong threads are made from it.

Outside, the fruit is covered with a very strong, thick and prickly peel, and inside there is a juicy fragrant pulp. She is the one who eats. Now you can think about how to eat pineapple. The simplest and most well-known option consists of several steps that must be performed sequentially:

  1. Cut off the top along with the leaves.
  2. Trim the base of the fruit.
  3. With a sharp knife, in parallel movements from top to bottom, separate the edible part from the peel.
  4. Cut the cleaned product into slices.
  5. In each circle, sequentially remove the middle. It is quite tough compared to the main pulp.
  6. Cut the prepared rings into pieces and serve in a bowl with. If desired, the rings can be served whole. In this case, a dessert knife must be added to the cutlery. Powdered sugar is served separately for sweet lovers.

But it is not the only way how to eat pineapple. There is a special etiquette that lovers of this tropical fruit know firsthand.

What is pulp made of?

Under the strong prickly peel of the fruit is the pulp. It has a tubular structure and, as if like a fan, is located around the axis. But the structure of the inner part of the pineapple is not uniform. Outside, the pulp is looser and looks like bundles of small tubes filled with fragrant juice.

Closer to the center of the fabric are compacted. This is the core of the fruit. Its structure is firm and slightly glassy. It is not easy to chew such a mass. Therefore, many often wonder if it is possible to eat the middle of a pineapple. The answer is clear: of course you can. However, this issue has both positive and negative sides.

First, the benefits. The core is good because it is in it that in large numbers and contains the same miraculous bromelain. And those who decide to resort to help should take this into account. Using the "magic" properties of an unusual enzyme, the body begins to intensively get rid of excess, which ultimately leads not only to weight loss, but also to smoothing of the skin. Second, disadvantage. Basically, it consists in the fact that the middle is too hard to eat it with pleasure. It is used more as a "medicine". For the mass consumer, this part is carefully removed, and only a ring of loose juicy pulp is eaten.

Ways to eat pineapple

Before eating pineapple, you need to decide for yourself one of the most main question: Why will you eat this fruit? There are two possible answers here:

  • for pleasure;
  • for medicinal purposes.

In the second case, all inner part along with the core. In the first - all the way around. In this case, you need to know how to do it right. Here it is worth understanding how to eat pineapple. There are four ways in which you can prepare the fruit for serving:

Who likes it

Everyone decides for himself how to eat pineapple. In addition to the main methods, there are many other options. For example, you can:

  • just gnaw it with your teeth (this is not safe);
  • squeeze the juice and then drink it alive or use it to make other drinks;
  • grind in a blender and use for baking pies, pancakes or cakes;
  • make jam;
  • use to decorate drinks and desserts.

Sometimes it is not possible to buy a fresh product. It's expensive, but I want to try it. What to do? In this case, an excellent way out is to buy a canned product.

The distribution network usually sells pineapples in the form of circles or pieces in a fragrant sweet filling. Sometimes fruit mixes are on sale. Such products are served on the table in bowls or bowls. According to etiquette, they should be eaten with a fork or a spoon (tea or dessert). Fruit can be laid out on a dish and serving skewers can be used as a cutlery.

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