How to treat deep wounds at home. Pharmacy best means. Sushenitsa - a well-known remedy for wounds

The first thing that is recommended to be done when treating an open wound in the leg area is to stop the bleeding, a tourniquet or a tight bandage is applied. After the procedure, they begin to process the boundaries of the wound. It will be necessary to thoroughly clean the wound from foreign substances (pieces of dirt or rust from a nail), anoint the edges of the wound with brilliant green, and apply a sterile bandage.

If it is noticeable that the process of infection of the leg has begun, it is necessary to immediately wash the injury, treat it with antiseptic substances, and at the end apply a bandage to the sore spot.

It is required to treat an open wound of human legs carefully, it is possible to harm the patient. If a person wants to treat an injury on his own, you should know the things that absolutely cannot be done:

Treatment of an open wound in the area of ​​human legs

With proper treatment, treatment can be carried out at home. The first step is to stop the bleeding of the injured area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe human leg. There are two types of bleeding: venous and arterial.

The first way to stop bleeding is direct, just take and press down the affected area (it doesn’t matter if the person cut the limb or pierced it). If the blood runs too fast, beats with a pulsating stream - there is arterial bleeding (there was a puncture, a cut in the artery). With such bleeding, it is worth applying a tight tourniquet above the affected area. If desired, a soft base can be placed under it (for further patient comfort). The tourniquet needs to be looked after, it is required to loosen forty minutes after application. You can’t keep the tourniquet in one place for more than 2 hours on your legs, you need to move it a little higher or lower each time previous place. When applying, the main thing is not to pinch the arteries, this will lead to the death of living tissues.

If the blood has a dark red, burgundy hue, slowly flows out of the affected area, it develops venous bleeding(cut, vein puncture). This type requires a tourniquet or an extremely tight bandage below the wounded area; it also cannot be strongly pinched.

At the second stage, treatment consists in treating the wound. If a person pierced his leg with a rusty nail, you need to remove the object, then decontaminate the affected area. Use sterile tweezers. If the foreign body is stuck too deep, do not irritate the injured area once again, it is better to leave the work to professionals. After cleaning the surface of the puncture, the edges of the wound are treated; as a preparation, it is permissible to use brilliant green or medical alcohol, but never iodine. If you use a brown antiseptic when treating an open wound, there is a chance of serious medical burns.

Treatment at the third stage consists in disinfecting the damaged area with antiseptic substances. For example, grind a streptocide tablet into powder, cover the affected surface. In place of the antiseptic, it is permissible to use a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide, a five percent or ten percent synthomycin ointment. In the absence of the listed available, it is allowed to treat the wound on the leg with green paint.

If a person pierces a limb with a rusty nail, but does not take action in time, does not disinfect the injured area of ​​the skin, infection will occur and develop. Better try to create right conditions recovery skin on the legs, phagocytosis and exudation, restoration of the bactericidal and immunobiological state of the human body, to help cleanse the affected area from foreign substances. The main thing is not to stop the treatment of the wound, preventing complications.

Treatment of various types of open wounds on the leg, their features, how to avoid unwanted complications

If a person has pierced a limb and received an open wound, treatment is carried out with surgical intervention (especially with deep wound). Signs of the inevitability of surgical intervention:

If the wound did not become infected, the object that pierced the limb did not affect the nerves, arteries and vital important organs, damage along the edges is treated with various antiseptic substances, not sutured, a sterile bandage is applied on top. If a foreign substance is found in the depth of the wound, for example, rust from a nail puncture, the edges of the wound are expanded and the object is removed, then a suture is applied. If the wound is contaminated with earth, the injured person in without fail you need to get vaccinated against tetanus.

If a stab wound discovers great depth, treatment will be carried out using surgical intervention. During the operation, the boundaries of the wound are expanded, a foreign body or substance is removed, and a suture is applied.

In case of damage to the joint (from a puncture with a nail or other sharp long object), the surgeon opens the cavity to carry out an audit, cleans the inside of blood clots and foreign substances. The joint cavity is washed with various antiseptic substances, sutured with a drainage tube.

An important part in the treatment of incised wounds is disinfection. There are important points in the process:

  • It is necessary to try as much as possible to disinfect the affected area, avoiding infection.
  • The medicine should be comfortable for the patient and not harm the wound.
  • The dose of the antiseptic substance should be recommended by a specialist, and not the maximum. This will help avoid side effects.

At chopped wound present extremely big chance damage the bones (chopping off fingers, an ax stuck in the leg). In such cases, it is worth establishing the anatomical integrity of the body, bones. This type of wound requires suturing, for more accelerated healing, but in most cases of a severed wound, restoration and treatment is virtually impossible, it is not common for the human body to restore lost parts of the body.

If the wound is lacerated important point during treatment, the anatomical integrity of the skin is restored human body, you need disinfection of the affected area, vaccination against tetanus and gas gangrene. The suture of the wound on the leg should not be continuous; drainage is left to aerate the wound. After such injuries, scars remain, requiring mandatory surgical intervention for cosmetic correction and maximum masking of the wound.

Treatment of scalped open wounds pays special attention to the anatomical restoration of the skin and cleaning the affected area from foreign bodies and substances. Typically, overlay cosmetic suture carried out with the leaving of the drainage tube.

What to do to avoid possible leg injuries

If you want to avoid excruciating pain and complications after injury, you should be careful with cutting objects. Injuries are not always obtained in the form of a puncture with a knife, an awl or a nail, damage can be obtained by falling, normal walking, in short - almost everywhere.

be afraid rusty nails they are ubiquitous. It happened that a person, not knowing the territory of the seabed or wasteland, accidentally pierced his leg, simultaneously receiving two injuries of the skin - stabbed and torn. The first sensation with such an injury is a momentary pain, then a sensation of shock sets in, the patient does not feel his feet, cannot walk, the treatment process is also painless. 3 hours later start severe pain preventing normal walking.

Nail wounds are more often penetrating (if the objects are long), which gives a double degree of danger to the injury received by the patient. The affected area should be treated on both sides. It is better for a person who pierced the lower limb to lie down for a while, not to strain the leg with physical exertion.

With proper wound management, wound healing can be achieved as quickly as possible. But for this you need to know the rules for caring for such an injury and be able to distinguish a wet wound from a dry one in order to select the most effective forms wound healing agents.

Rules for caring for a wound in the first hours

For wound healing to occur as soon as possible, it is necessary to carefully treat the wound area as soon as possible after its occurrence. In this case, it is necessary to carefully, without touching the wound itself, remove all non-viable areas from it, foreign bodies.

If the injury (cut) is large, deep, and even more so if it is located on the face, you should consult a doctor. Usually first aid is provided in emergency rooms. There, the surgeon will perform the so-called primary surgical treatment, refreshing the edges of the wound, if possible, so that healing begins as quickly as possible.

If sutures have been applied, in the future it will be enough to lubricate the wound area alcohol solution iodine, brilliant green or just alcohol for speedy healing. It is strictly forbidden to tear off the crusts. Usually, on the 5-6th day after suturing, the doctor removes them.

If it is not possible to carry out primary surgical treatment immediately, or there is no need for it, immediately after the injury, it is necessary to lubricate the skin around the wound with any alcohol-containing antiseptic ( boric alcohol, salicylic acid, 5% alcohol solution of iodine, brilliant green), apply a clean (preferably sterile) bandage and make a full dressing within a maximum of two hours. If the injury looks like an abrasion, blood will ooze from it. Usually such bleeding stops under a regular bandage after a few minutes. If the bleeding is severe, apply pressure bandage.

How to achieve rapid wound healing?

After providing such first aid, we can say that at this stage we did everything to ensure that the wound healing began as soon as possible. But any injury must be treated. We often do this at home. To do this, prepare a sterile dressing, alcohol-treated instruments (usually tweezers and scissors are enough), water and alcohol solutions of antiseptics, wound healing agent.

The wound should be bandaged and treated 1-2 times a day. This is usually done in the morning and evening. Before bandaging, hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and water, dried with a clean towel and treated with any special disinfectant solution. After removing the bandage, it is necessary to treat the skin around the wound with an alcohol solution of an antiseptic and inspect the damage.

If the surface of the injury is moist, pink, easily damaged, such a wound is wet. If it is dry, with crusts, cracks, it is a dry wound. It is important to distinguish a wet wound from a dry one, as in such cases different means for wound healing.

So, after the examination, the damage should be treated with an aqueous solution of an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, a solution of furacillin, miramistin, etc.), washing the wound well and thus removing all non-viable tissues from it and disinfecting it. If there are no signs of inflammation, you should use a wound healing agent. Such a tool should be non-toxic, effective stimulator of cell growth and collagen production, as well as the delivery of oxygen and glucose to cells. On a wet wound, such a wound healing agent can only be applied in the form of a jelly. Ointment at this stage wound process cannot be used: the fatty film stops the rapid healing of the wound due to malnutrition of the tissues and impaired release of fluid from the surface of the injury.

Each dressing should be accompanied by an inspection. After all, when the wound begins to dry out, it will be necessary to replace the healing agent in the form of jelly with another dosage form - and ointment. For the fastest healing of wounds, it is best when active substance means for wound healing remains the same, but only the form of release of the drug changes. The ointment will create a protective film on the wound and protect it from exposure external factors. At this stage, it is possible to cancel the bandage, or you can apply a bandage 2-3 hours after the treatment of the damage. Gradually, the duration of wound management without a bandage can be increased. This will speed up wound healing as much as possible.

Except local treatment, do not forget that wound healing is affected by our diet. To heal quickly, you need to eat fortified and protein foods - vegetables, fruits, lean fish and meat, low-fat dairy products.

What to choose a remedy for rapid wound healing?

Speed ​​up the healing of abrasions and small wounds cream "ARGOSULFAN®" helps. Combination antibacterial component silver sulfathiazole and silver ions provides wide range antibacterial cream. You can apply the drug not only on wounds located in open areas of the body, but also under bandages. The tool has not only wound healing, but also antimicrobial action, and in addition, promotes wound healing without a rough scar 1

It is necessary to read the instructions or consult with a specialist.

1 E.I. Tretyakova. Complex treatment for a long time non-healing wounds different etiology. Clinical dermatology and venereology. - 2013.- №3

How to quickly heal wounds

It is unlikely that anyone wants to receive injuries and wounds on purpose, but many people receive them. The risk group includes athletes, people of certain professions, hyperactive children and adolescents; besides - unfortunately - the cause of injuries often becomes a banal non-compliance with the rules of life safety. But here we will not talk about how to avoid injuries and wounds, but about how to heal them faster if they have already appeared.

Means for rapid healing of wounds

If you immediately treat the wound correctly and treat it correctly, then recovery will go quickly: you need to do this as quickly as possible, but carefully, without touching the wound itself, but removing all dead tissue and dirt from it.

Of course, you should consult a doctor, and with sufficiently deep wounds or cuts, it is necessary to do this - it is better if a specialist provides first aid, and if necessary, he will suture and teach them how to process them.

If it is not possible to immediately consult a doctor, it is necessary to treat the skin around the wound with the antiseptic that is at hand: brilliant green, iodine, etc., and apply a sterile temporary bandage, but at least 2 hours later it is necessary to make a dressing according to all the rules. In order for the wound to heal quickly and correctly, it must be treated, and for this you need to have everything you need at home: bandages, tools - scissors and tweezers treated with alcohol; solutions of antiseptics and drugs that heal wounds.

Bandaging wounds should be 1-2 times a day; dry and wet wounds are treated with different means.

If the wound needs to be washed, use a solution of furacilin, hydrogen peroxide or other aqueous solutions antiseptics; if the wound is inflamed, you should immediately consult a doctor, if not, continue conventional treatment step by step, using wound healing agents.

The main properties of such products are the absence of toxic components, the ability to stimulate the processes of cell regeneration and collagen formation, and quickly deliver oxygen and glucose to cells. If the wound is wet, the ointment is not used - the product should be in the form of a jelly: it does not stop healing, while the ointment with fatty components forms a film, preventing the liquid from being released from the damaged surface.

Jelly is replaced with ointment when the wound gradually turns dry - it is better to take one drug, but in different dosage form. Now the wound needs a protective film, under which it will heal better without being exposed to the external environment - here you can even remove the bandage. If you can’t remove it completely yet, you can apply it not immediately after treatment, but after 2-3 hours, and gradually increase this time - so the tissues will still heal faster.

Means for healing can be pharmacy or folk - in any case, they should be prescribed by a doctor.

Pharmaceutical wound healing

From pharmaceutical products preparations with vitamins or provitamins are often used: for example, retinol acetate or dexpanthenol - provitamin B5. These products come in the form of ointments, creams or lotions, but not in the form of jelly, so they are not suitable for treating wet wounds.

Preparations with methyluracil have an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulate cellular immunity, so wounds heal quickly, but only dry wounds can be treated with them - they are also not available in jelly form.

In the 90s, Moscow began to produce a drug called by many doctors universal - Eplun. This remedy treats dermatitis, burns, ulcers, radiation injury, has pronounced regenerating properties and heals wounds - it is produced by Oberon CJSC. First of all, the drug actively destroys microbes and increases the activity of phagocytes, so it can be used to treat fresh wounds, but it cannot be applied to bleeding wounds - it is an anticoagulant, and it can reduce clotting.
Eplan quickly cleans wounds from infection, and at the same time does not create a barrier for oxygen to enter them; There are no toxins, hormones or antibiotics in it. It is produced in the form of a solution, liniment and cream.

Around the same time, the Swiss company Nycomed created a drug based on an extract of the blood of dairy calves - Solcoseryl, produced in the form of an ointment and jelly (its analogue is Actovegin, and it is also available in such forms), and perfectly heals any wounds. It can be applied as early stages- in the form of jelly, and in the period of wound granulation - in the form of an ointment.
Solcoseryl protects the wound, does not allow microbes to penetrate, accelerates metabolism and regeneration processes, and even anesthetizes - you need to use it 2-3 times a day, and healing will go quickly and without complications.

Folk remedies for wound healing

Folk remedies are used on a par with pharmacy ones, if the doctor recommends, or when the wounds are small and not serious.

It happens that the wound is small, but does not heal for a long time, and may even fester - gum resin will help cure it coniferous trees. It is better to collect resin in late spring - early summer, from even, strong adult trees - it is not necessary to make notches. The collected resin is melted and mixed 1:1 with pure butter - it is better to cook it yourself: beat 0.5 liters of fresh and fat village milk in a blender and collect the butter. The resulting mixture is applied to the wound 2 times a day - in a few days it is delayed.

If you immediately lubricate a fresh abrasion with clean resin-resin of pine, spruce, fir, it will heal very quickly.

For the treatment of abscesses, ulcers, cuts, abrasions, boils, an ointment is prepared from spruce resin, sunflower oil, honey and wax. The ingredients are taken equally, melted in a water bath, mixed and used to lubricate sore spots.

For long-term non-healing wounds, there is one more effective remedy- ointment from burdock and celandine. The crushed roots of celandine and burdock (20 and 30 g each) are poured into 100 ml of sunflower oil and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes, removed, filtered, cooled and lubricated with sore spots several times a day - after a week, the wounds usually heal.

Propolis has long been known for its healing properties - you can also cook with it homemade ointment for wound healing. You can take any fat base - vegetable or butter, fish or pork fat(5 parts), bring it to a boil in a saucepan and add chopped propolis (1 part). Continue to cook for half an hour, stirring occasionally, at 80°C, then strain through cheesecloth, cool and use. You can store the ointment in the refrigerator for a whole year.

Homemade wound balm with juniper tar, turpentine (100 g each), yolks and rose oil(1 tablespoon). The oil is rubbed with two fresh yolks, and then purified turpentine is gradually added, 1 tsp each, with constant stirring - otherwise the mixture will curdle. Then tar is added and everything is thoroughly mixed. The resulting balm is carefully poured over the wounds, picking it up with a teaspoon.

Rose oil can also be made at home: pour olive oil(1 cup) fresh petals of garden roses (2 cups), close the dishes tightly and put in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. Periodically, the mass is stirred, then filtered and used.

Poorly healing wounds and ulcers are sprinkled with willow bark powder.- You can buy it in a phytopharmacy. Willow has hemostatic, antiseptic and wound healing properties; you can take the powder and inside, especially at temperature and fever - 1 g after meals, 3 times a day.

Compresses with tincture are applied to fresh wounds. nettle leaves . fresh leaves put loosely in a 0.5 liter bottle or jar almost to the top, pour 70% alcohol and put in the sun for a week. Strain the resulting tincture and wash the wounds with it before applying a bandage.
Nettle contains many substances that have hemostatic, wound healing and analgesic effects, so it fresh juice you can fill the wounds, or apply napkins soaked in juice to them.

Yarrow has similar properties: it promotes blood clotting, destroys microbes, relieves inflammation and pain - you can also pour wounds with its juice, or apply a bandage with fresh grass crushed into gruel.

Wound healing is accelerated not only due to local effects - it is very important what our entire body feeds on. For example, the drug Oxyprolan can be used both externally, in the form of a cream, and inside, in the form of a dietary supplement - it also stimulates the production of collagen and accelerates the regeneration processes in tissues.

In addition, the diet should be rich in natural lean protein and vitamins: fresh fermented milk products, meat and fish, fruits and vegetables.

muscles human body, in case of violation of integrity, are able to independently recover. If an open wound on the leg is treated in time from dead cells, a new healthy tissue begins to grow in their place, gradually closing the wound opening.

The process of healing an open wound on the leg takes place in three stages:

  1. Independent primary cleansing, in which blood flows abundantly into the wound cavity.
  2. Inflammation that begins after injury provokes tissue swelling. Leukocytes are massively formed, contributing to the cleansing of the wound site from dead cells.
  3. The final stage is characterized by the formation connective tissue, which gradually tightens the edges of the wound, forming a scar.

Injury classification

Wounds on the leg are divided according to the following criteria:

  • Violations of the tissue surface (penetrating and non-penetrating). The former are characterized by damage to the integrity of the joint membrane, in the latter case, the skin and subcutaneous muscles are susceptible to injury.
  • The presence of an infection of unclear, purulent, aseptic origin.
  • The change in the wound cavity depends on the type of object that caused the violation of the integrity of the tissues.

Open wounds are:

  • Stab - the depth of penetration is greater than the diameter of the superficial wound.
  • Carved - characterized by an extensive entrance, but shallow depth.
  • Chopped - they are distinguished by a deep wound, often with bone damage.
  • Torn - obtained by breaking the skin and muscle layer. Characterized by a wound surface with uneven edges, in some places the epidermis is absent.
  • Gunshot - degree of damage muscle tissue depends on the type of weapon.

First aid

If received laceration on the leg, it is advisable to take the victim to the doctor, after first providing first aid. From the right pre-medical actions depends on the rate of injury healing, prevention purulent inflammation wound cavity, sometimes even human life.

Instructions on how to treat an open wound at home:

  1. If there is bleeding, then it must be stopped. injured leg should be raised so that the foot is above the level of the head. If the artery is damaged, it is recommended to pinch the vessel with a finger and apply a tourniquet, recording the time of manipulation.
  2. The wound on the leg should be disinfected with antiseptics: 3% hydrogen peroxide, furacilin solution (1 tablet per 100 ml boiled water), a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. You can crush the tablet "Streptocide" into powder and sprinkle the affected area. AT last resort you need to treat the wound with brilliant green or apply a thin layer of anti-inflammatory ointment on it.
  3. Fragments of a foreign object present in the wound cavity must be removed with tweezers treated with alcohol. If the fragment is large and the wound is deep, it is better not to touch anything and provide assistance to a specialist.
  4. Cover the injured surface with a sterile napkin and apply a tight bandage.
  5. If a bone in the leg is broken, or a joint is broken, it is necessary to ensure that the limbs are immobile by applying a splint from improvised material.

How to make a dressing

It is recommended to change the bandage on the leg daily, for this it is necessary:

  • Remove dressing material. If the bandage is stuck to the wound, soak the scab with boiled water with the addition of an antiseptic, which is available: furatsilina solution, hydrogen peroxide and others.
  • Wash the edges of the wound on the leg with warm boiled water, disinfect with brilliant green or an alcohol solution of calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort. If the surface is contaminated with auto-lubricating mixtures, it should be used for hygiene procedure refined gasoline. Processing is carried out with gauze balls. Iodine should not be used due to high danger burn.
  • Examine the inflamed cavity for the presence of pus, fragments foreign objects. Large deep-seated fragments are not recommended to be removed independently. It is safer to contact medical institution to provide qualified assistance.
  • If purulent contents have formed on the surface, it is recommended to clean the wound gauze swabs, drenching each only once.
  • With suppuration inside, cleaning should be entrusted to a surgeon in order to exclude the consequences of inflammation, up to blood poisoning and death. How to properly treat a purulent injury can only be known by a doctor who will make an appointment, combining medicines for external and internal use.
  • after cleansing wound surface cover with sterile material and fix with a gauze bandage.

When is it necessary to visit a doctor?

The patient should be shown to a specialist if:

  • the integrity of blood vessels, tendons is broken;
  • it is necessary to sew up a deep wound;
  • stab wound, with infection;
  • the bone is damaged, the joint is broken;
  • the leg does not perform functional movements;
  • the person is in shock.

If the wound surface is contaminated with earth, it is necessary to treat the leg with an antiseptic to prevent suppuration. Be sure to get vaccinated against tetanus.

Education festering wound accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • an increase in body temperature;
  • throbbing pain at the site of inflammation;
  • the occurrence of a tumor.

Treatment of an open wound on the leg must be carried out under the guidance of a doctor, strictly following all his prescriptions and recommendations. sew up deep incised injury should be no later than six hours after the injury. If there is a suspicion that the wound is infected, then stitching is not recommended. Zones high risk infection - the upper third of the thigh, the sole of the foot.

What to do at home to speed up the healing of an open wound on the leg:

  • daily dressing, each time treating the injured area with an antiseptic and applying a sterile napkin;
  • lubricate treated area wound healing ointments after consulting with your doctor.

It should be remembered that medicinal ointments on a fatty basis, applied to the wound surface in a thick layer, can cause inflammation and the formation of pus.

A variety of open wounds on the leg are considered trophic ulcers that occur with varicose veins lower extremities. Provoke the formation of weeping injuries endocrine diseases, diabetes. People suffering from these diseases should be especially careful.

Why open wounds take a long time to heal

Usually, rapid healing prevented by the following reasons:

  • high sugar content in tissues;
  • subcutaneous layer of fat;
  • decline vitality with anemia, iron deficiency;
  • skin diseases.

Folk methods for the treatment and treatment of an open leg injury

It happens that in time to receive a timely medical care fails. In this case, you can start treating an open wound using folk recipes.

When choosing how to treat the wound surface, it is recommended to use medicinal plants with disinfectant action. These include:

  • Water decoction or alcohol tincture of calendula, birch buds, wormwood.
  • leaflets indoor plants- Aloe or Kalanchoe. Remove the thin skin and apply the fleshy side to the wound, fixing it with a bandage or plaster.
  • Bee honey, smeared with it thin layer wound surface, place a sterile napkin on top and make a dressing.
  • Yarrow greens should be chewed until smooth and applied to a cut or stab shallow wound.
  • Treat the affected area with celandine juice.

The following can help speed up the healing of a wounded limb. folk remedies:

  • Ointment made according to the recipe of Valentina Seymova. Spread a thin layer of ointment on the injured surface overnight. Do not apply a bandage.
  • St. John's wort. Fill a dark glass container with dry or fresh flowering St. John's wort grass by ¾. Fill to the brim with refined sunflower oil, insist in warmth and darkness for three weeks. Smear the resulting composition on the wound 3-4 times a day until healing.
  • Wormwood, coltsfoot, plantain, calendula. Make lotions on the wound surface from the infusion on the water.
  • Plantain leaves. Apply to the wound with a smooth side, fixing with a gauze bandage.

How to treat an open wound on the leg, the patient himself chooses, but it is advisable to consult a doctor before that so as not to harm your health. During treatment, it is desirable to supply the diet with vitamins to speed up the healing process. It is recommended to additionally drink multivitamins.

Wounds are injuries to the skin and underlying tissues. varying degrees depth and breadth. It is impossible to protect yourself from such injuries with a guarantee, you can only influence the healing process. In order for the recovery process to go as quickly as possible, special preparations that enhance tissue regeneration, as well as folk remedies and proper nutrition, help.

Stages of wound healing

Wounds of any origin in the healing process go through three successive stages:

  • Inflammation. The duration of this phase is about 5 days from the moment of injury. It is characterized by edema and an increase in the temperature of adjacent tissues arising from vasodilation and infiltration, pain. At this time, leukocytes migrate to the wound, which cleanse it of dead tissue. The filling of the defect begins with a special granulation tissue with many capillaries,
  • Regeneration. On the this stage, lasting 1-2 weeks, special fibroblast cells actively synthesize elastin and collagen for healing. Edema subsides, pain and temperature decrease. Granulation tissue fills the wound, and a layer of epithelium is formed on top - the damage is delayed.
  • Scar formation. This phase lasts at least six months, during which the primary scar thickens and reorganizes. This happens due to the transformation of the granulate into connective tissue.

If the wound heals quickly and without complications, we are talking about healing by primary intention.

When an infection joins at the stage of inflammation and suppuration occurs, the wound heals with a longer secondary intention.

Factors affecting healing

The duration of each phase of healing may differ significantly from the indicated time. In this case, the difference can be both in the direction of decrease and increase. It depends on many factors.

Accelerating healing

The following factors contribute to a quick recovery:

  • Age. The younger the patient, the faster tissue healing occurs. In childhood and youth, the ability of tissues to regenerate is maximum.
  • Absence wound infection . Any inflammatory process increases regeneration time.
  • Proper nutrition provides strong immunity and the presence of all necessary nutrients for the recovery process.
  • Quality and timely first aid. If the wound was immediately washed and treated with an antiseptic, the likelihood of suppuration is minimal.
  • Careful care. Regular dressings and support drug therapy promote healing.

In addition, not too extensive and deep damage is healed faster.

slowing down healing

Negatively, the rate of tissue repair is affected by factors such as:

  • Elderly age. Over the years, metabolism slows down and, accordingly, the regenerative capabilities of the body.
  • Availability chronic inflammatory diseases, diabetes, immunodeficiency states (HIV, AIDS and others), skin diseases.
  • wound infection pathogenic bacteria, which leads to suppuration and significantly delays the healing process.
  • Incorrect first aid and inadequate wound care subsequently contributes to infection.

Note! As a rule, deep and extensive wounds heal longer, even if the victim was provided with high-quality medical care and all medical prescriptions were observed.

How to speed up wound healing

For the course and duration of treatment big influence renders .

Right Action– washing, decontamination and sterile dressing – prevent complications and promote speedy recovery. The faster the wound is treated, the more thoroughly it is cleaned, the less likely it is to do without infection.

When suturing for speedy healing, it is necessary to treat the wound with brilliant green, iodine, or simply alcohol.

Photo 2. Iodine can only be applied to abrasions and shallow cuts, as well as to the edge of the wound. Source: Flickr (kenga86).

Should bandage the wound 1-2 times a day. It is important to be sterile and treat instruments with alcohol, wash your hands thoroughly, and dry your hands using only a clean towel and sterile dressing material.

Note! Before each dressing, the wound must be cleaned. It is recommended to wash it with antiseptics - hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine.

The choice of means for healing depends on what type of damage has. Wet and dry wounds are treated with different means.

Do not use on wet wounds., since the film that forms on its surface in this case will stop the outflow of fluid, and healing will be delayed. It is possible to treat a wound with means for accelerated healing only if there is no inflammation.

As soon as the wound begins to dry out, you need to change the remedy. It is better if another form of the same drug is used, for example, the gel is replaced with an ointment. In this case, the use of the bandage can already be canceled, or it can be applied a couple of hours after the wound has been treated.


Used for treatment pharmaceutical preparations for local application in various dosage forms:

  • Methyluracil ointment. Anti-inflammatory drug that increases local immunity and stimulates regeneration. It is used at the stages of inflammation and recovery for wounds of any type, including purulent ones (in combination with antibiotics). It is applied under the bandage with a thin layer twice a day, the course of treatment is from 2 to 16 weeks.
  • Dexpanthenol and other products based on it in the form of gels, sprays and creams. They have wound healing properties. Used from the moment of injury (after its disinfection). Aerosols can be applied without dressing to dry wounds, for wet wounds gels and creams are used (under a bandage). Frequency and duration of application - at least 2 times a day until complete healing.
  • Solcoseryl or Actovegin. These ointments promote the production of collagen, accelerate cellular metabolism and oxygen metabolism in tissues. Designed for dry wounds, applied 1-2 times daily (with or without a bandage) until an elastic scar is formed.
  • Curiosin. Drops and cream contain a zinc compound with hyaluronic acid, which provide an antibacterial effect and activate the division of skin cells. Suitable for any wounds, applied twice a day: the gel is applied without a bandage, lotions are made with the solution. The duration of treatment is not limited (until healing).
  • Contractubex. The ointment should be used at the stage of regeneration, since it inhibits the development of connective tissue cells from which a rough scar is formed. Not suitable for purulent and wet wounds. The course of treatment is 4 weeks, during which the ointment is applied in a thin layer 2-3 times daily (under the bandage).

Folk remedies

Used as adjunctive therapy.

To speed up regeneration, you can do lotions from decoctions of calendula, chamomile or oak bark.

Usually they take a tablespoon of raw materials in a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes and use after cooling and straining several times a day.

Apply compresses from juice or cut leaf aloe.

Propolis as a homemade alcohol tincture(1 part of propolis is infused for 10 days in 10 parts of alcohol) for lubrication of wounds promotes healing.

Mummy: 0.2 g of the substance is dissolved in a glass of water, the resulting solution is drunk daily at night, and is also used for washing the wound and compresses.

Nutrition to maintain the body

An organism that receives the necessary trace elements and vitamins with food is able to recover faster.

In order for wounds to heal faster, the menu must have a lot of vitamins(vegetables and fruits in fresh) and protein foods. Namely lean meat, fish and poultry, dairy products. Protein necessary for the synthesis of elastin and collagen fibers, due to which healing occurs.

Vitamin complexes

Supportive therapy in the form of taking vitamins is mandatory at all stages of wound healing.

You can take regular multivitamin complexes or vitamin preparations With high content necessary components. Particularly important antioxidants C, E, as well as B-group vitamins. They increase the body's ability to heal itself.

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