Immunomodulators during feeding. Vitamins to boost mom's immunity. What happens to the immune system during lactation

Fetal cells contain two types of genes - mother's and father's. The body of a woman perceives men as alien and is preparing to fight them. There's nothing you can do about it, such a reaction is inherent in nature. It flashes every time "strangers" invade - viruses, bacteria, allergens, and any other, including friendly objects.

Why does immunity decrease after childbirth?

The confrontation is always "headed" by the immune system. If you give her free rein, the baby will not be able to form. The only way out is to put the “zealous defender” to sleep for 9 months. And so it happens: under the influence of pregnancy hormones - chorionic gonadotropin(hCG) and placental lactogen - the defenses are reduced and remain depressed until the hormonal background returns to the pre-pregnancy state. And this will not happen soon - at least in six months.

After childbirth, physical and emotional stress grow like a snowball, and immunity after childbirth continues to function not too actively. Now his “pacification” is helped (though not so actively, but still) by prolactin, a hormone that stimulates lactation. For each representative of the fair sex, he acts in his own way. Some constantly catch a cold, blow their nose and cough, while others begin to malfunction gastrointestinal tract, escalates chronic gastritis and other problems. In others, the skin condition worsens, acne breaks out and hair falls out.

So that the body, with a decrease in immunity, does not break and do not flood the disease, outside help is required. And the sooner a young mother understands this, the better for her, the baby and all family members.

"Digital" picture

Reduced immunity after childbirth is reflected in the results of a blood test. If you see indicators that do not correspond to the norm, do not be alarmed. In a pregnant woman, it is mandatory: it increases total leukocytes, the level of lymphocytes decreases, the number of neutrophils increases, ESR accelerates.

Why not get pregnant without a break?

Often new mothers forget about one thing important aspect his life - contraception. And in vain, a short break between pregnancies is not in the best way affect the state of their body in general and the defense system in particular.

For some reason, many people think that during breastfeeding it is impossible to get pregnant. But it is not so. The concentration of prolactin during breastfeeding every 3 hours during the day and 6 hours at night is indeed most often enough to suppress ovulation. But as soon as these intervals increase and the level of hormones that stimulate lactation decreases, fertility is restored, which means that nothing will prevent a young woman from becoming pregnant again and plunging the immune system into deep sleep.

From reduced immunity to depression

Decreased immunity inevitably leads to moral fatigue. Young mothers should not remain depressed for a long time - and not far from postpartum depression. In any case, after childbirth, a very favorable hormonal background is created for its development. There is a lot of estrogens and progesterone in the blood, but little adrenaline, hence hypersensitivity, vulnerability and irritability. The name of this condition is literally translated from English as "a slight insanity of a woman associated with a newborn." Psychologists call it "postpartum blues" or "baby blues."

The main symptoms are tearfulness, inexplicable longing and fatigue from everything in the world, outbursts of rage and irritability, headaches. A woman often changes her mood, she becomes intolerant, too excited. Such a crisis is not always noticeable to others, and they attribute all negative changes to women's whims, excessive demands and poor education. Problems begin on the third or fourth day after childbirth and, under favorable circumstances, disappear in a month. But they can take a long time. Every tenth woman who has just given birth develops a full-fledged postpartum depression, and a third of this group has psychosis.

And similar states cannot be overcome without the help of a specialist and medicines.

How to increase immunity: go on the offensive

To increase immunity, a woman must make adjustments in her life. There is no need to take radical measures, it is enough to follow the well-known rules - to harden, to exercise in moderation, to visit more often fresh air get enough sleep, monitor your diet and maintain positive attitude. You will have to start small and then slowly and carefully build up momentum. Extreme loads can backfire and cause not the consequences that you expected. Increased loads turn into a full-fledged stress for the body, and all the troubles will get worse.

New Schedule for Boosting Immunity

The schedule of a young mother who wants to boost immunity should look like this:

  • hardening: contrast shower or douche - every morning, walking barefoot along the massage path - more often, start - 4 months after childbirth.
  • Food: at least 3-4 times a day, preference is given to products that increase the body's defenses, that is, those that contain more vitamins(especially A, groups B, C, E) and minerals - fish, liver, meat, grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits.
  • Beverages: teas and infusions natural immunomodulators- wild rose, echinacea, lemongrass, eleutherococcus. Choose after consultation with a pediatrician and gynecologist.
  • Dream: a total of at least 8 hours a day, the main rule: the child fell asleep - the mother fell asleep.
  • Physical activity: 2 weeks after birth, you need to start daily breathing exercises, simple yoga asanas. Dose and increase loads slowly.
  • Relaxation: a month after the birth, spa procedures are allowed - floating, back massage, general aqua massage, cold wraps.

The body's defenses determine the mood, energy, desire and ability to do something, and this is all - the quality of life. The immunity of a nursing mother may decrease during pregnancy and then during breastfeeding. How to identify possible deviations? How to improve your health with tips official medicine, and "grandmother's recipes."

Read in this article

Signs of a decrease in the body's defenses

Even during pregnancy, a woman's immunity decreases significantly. This is necessary in order to endure the genetic material that is half alien to the body, which is embedded in the baby. That is why all pregnant women are more susceptible to infectious diseases and other manifestations of immunodeficiency.

Childbirth, during which significant blood loss occurs, even with their normal course, and then breastfeeding - all this continues to "test" the woman's defenses. And if you do not feel sorry for yourself, do not take the advice of doctors and loved ones, you can imperceptibly not only worsen your general well-being but also become seriously ill later on.

Immunity is largely determined by blood cells, leukocytes. Some are responsible for an instant reaction to the causative agent of the disease, others contain information about the once transferred pathology. But their work depends on hormonal background women (especially important function thyroid gland, adrenal glands), from the state of the mucous membranes (when they dry out, protection decreases), and many more factors.

It turns out that the immunity of a woman who has given birth is obviously reduced. And whether this will manifest itself depends on the speed of its recovery.

The main signs of immunodeficiency include the following:

sign What happens in the body
Frequent infectious diseases First of all, this applies with a regularity of more than 3 times a year. The stronger the immunity is reduced, the more difficult and with greater complications the disease will proceed. For example, everything starts as an acute respiratory viral infection, flows smoothly, even against the background of treatment, into bronchitis or pneumonia. Or the recovery process is longer than in the average case, for example, for a cold, the norm is 3-5 days.
Herpes A clear marker of deficiency of immunity links are herpetic eruptions, both on the genitals and other mucous membranes (lips, mouth, etc.). The more pronounced the affected areas, the more clearly the woman's defenses are reduced.
recurring purulent diseases skin They also indicate a decrease in immunity. This includes boils, carbuncles, hydradenitis, etc.
Exacerbation of all existing chronic pathology Thus, the risk of manifestation of tuberculosis, sinusitis, etc. is high.
It is typical for a long-term decrease in immunity. It can be as involving only the nails of the hands or feet, as well as candidal colpitis. In the latter case, the woman notes constant itching and burning in the vagina and perineum, curdled leucorrhoea.
General weakness, lethargy, fatigue, pallor of the skin These manifestations of a decrease in immunity are accompanied by a decrease in blood hemoglobin - anemia.

It is important even before pregnancy and childbirth to know how to increase the immunity of a nursing mother. In this case it will be possible to avoid unpleasant consequences decrease defensive forces.

How to boost the immunity of a nursing mother? First of all, you should think about lifestyle, nutrition and those preventive measures, which must be carried out so as not to provoke an even greater decrease in the body's defenses.

Balanced diet

The functions of immunity largely depend on the amount of antibodies formed and their usefulness. And immunoglubulins are proteins, so a woman’s diet during lactation should contain them in sufficient quantities.

The stock can be replenished from dairy products (, cheese, whey, etc.), as well as meat (better than beef and low-fat varieties chicken and others). Also, the body must enough iron for the prevention of anemic conditions that reduce immunity.

You should strive for the following ratio of products in daily meals- 1:1:4, respectively, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The latter are best obtained from coarse fiber, which is found in vegetables, grains, legumes, and not from the easily digestible group.

You should not limit yours to the extremely monotonous, so you can get less vitamins and minerals, which are so necessary during the period of breastfeeding.

To maintain immunity for nursing mothers, it is important to observe drinking regimen- the amount of liquid consumed should be at least 2 - 3 liters. Moreover, the advantage should be given to ordinary water.

Watch the video about the nutrition of a nursing mother:

Work-rest regime

Of course, a new mother is burdened with many tasks and responsibilities. But a properly and rationally organized regimen is the key to health and strong immunity.

The sleep of breastfeeding women should be at least 8 - 10 hours. If you can’t get a full rest at night because of the baby’s anxiety, you should definitely take a day break and take a nap with your baby. Otherwise, about any good immunity there can be no speech. It is good if relatives take over part of the household chores. Only with their support can you organize your time in the most adequate way.

It should be understood that during sleep, the body not only rests, but also a pulsating release of many hormones, especially the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and others, is established. And this determines the state of immunity, and general well-being, and the work of all systems and organs in a woman.

As soon as sleep becomes interrupted, loses some periodic rhythms, there is a dysregulation between the parts of the brain, the body is in a state of chronic stress.

Sufficient exercise

Regular exercise will allow you to cope with several problems at once. Firstly, this way you can easily get rid of several extra pounds. Secondly, physical exercise help to remove accumulated psycho-emotional stress during the day, week. Thirdly, it is the prevention of progression chronic diseases and the development of pathologies, as well as strengthening the immune system.

Fresh air

A sufficient supply of oxygen is the prevention of hypoxia and the guarantee of the full functioning of all body cells and good immunity. But for relaxation it is better to choose places not crowded, especially if the time coincides with seasonal exacerbations infectious diseases. Fresh air is the only thing that is possible for the immunity of a nursing mother with almost no restrictions.

If you still have to spend some time in the crowd, it is better to use personal protective equipment, for example, apply oxolinic ointment to the nasal mucosa.

Any hardening procedures are useful. They increase the body's natural resistance to infectious pathogens.


To increase immunity, there are a large number medicines. But still, it is better to take them as prescribed by a doctor who will establish certain regimens. The most commonly used groups are:

  • Vitamins for nursing mothers for immunity. In them in without fail should include those components that are involved in antioxidant protection - C, A, E. Vitamins of groups B, P and some others are also important for immunity.
  • Immunomodulators. The most effective drugs based on interferons. They provide antiviral antimicrobial action, and also enhance the protective properties of the body (immunity) in the fight against infection. For example, ruferon, viferon, etc. Sometimes some vitamins are already included in their composition. The drug Kagocel, an inducer of the formation of its own interferon, has also proven itself well.
  • Preparations for the restoration of intestinal microflora also help boost immunity levels. Bacteria that live on the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract protect a person from invading pathogens, and also secrete immunoactive substances themselves to maintain good health. It also contains a large number lymph nodes where leukocytes are concentrated - guards in the fight against infectious pathogens and the main links of immunity.
  • Also, do not forget about various herbal remedies. For example, immunal, made on the basis of echinacea extract. Effectively used to stimulate the immune system in the form subcutaneous injection and some others.
  • Preparations based on parts of bacteria proven to be effective in the prevention and treatment various diseases. So, ribomunil is used to increase immunity in case of chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis and some other pathologies.

Traditional medicine to help mom

Traditional medicine recipes are replete with tips on how to restore immunity after childbirth to a nursing mother. Often they are included in their composition, and other substances that can cause adverse reactions on the part of the baby - allergies, increased gas formation etc. Therefore, each new method should be treated with caution, checking not only your own tolerance, but also the baby.

Usually, the diet requires special care in the first three months, after which you can gradually add variety to it. Most popular tips and recipes:

  • It is effective to gradually add germinated seeds of wheat, rye, oats, lentils, buckwheat and others to your diet to strengthen immunity. The fact is that when sprouts appear in these cultures, useful substances, vitamins and trace elements are concentrated. It is not necessary to use such products in in large numbers, quite enough about 3 - 5 tbsp. l. per day. In order to germinate cereals, it is enough to place them in a warm place for 12-18 hours. clean water. After that the product is ready for use.
  • A large number of useful substances contains ginger. It can be added to cooked dishes, and various drinks are also often made with it. Recipe to improve immunity: add a teaspoon of ginger, chicken and honey to a glass of hot milk. Regular consumption of the drink will increase the protective properties of the body in the fight against colds.
  • royal jelly- a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. It can be purchased at a pharmacy, from beekeepers. Royal jelly (about 10-15 g) to stimulate immunity should be placed under the tongue and absorbed 2-4 times a day.
  • Also rich medicinal properties and propolis. In order to increase immunity, you can use the following recipe. It is necessary to take propolis and finely grate, and then pour alcohol or vodka. Let it brew in a dark, cool place for about two weeks. After that, you can add 5-10 drops to tea, milk and other drinks.
  • Rich in vitamins and In season, you can harvest its fruits, and then cook useful infusions and decoctions. For example, 100 - 150 g of dry fruits can be brought to a boil in a liter of water, and then let it brew for about 3 - 4 hours in a thermos. Ready solution You can use half a glass before each meal.
  • Everyone knows that garlic boosts immunity.- one of the best means. It can be eaten in pure form and also cook healing mixtures. For example, 10-15 g of freshly squeezed garlic juice is added to a glass of milk and taken at night. It is especially useful for stimulating the immune system during the period of illness. You can also mix honey, lemon juice and finely chopped garlic. Use a teaspoon 2-3 times a day.
  • Since ancient times, radish has been used to boost immunity. To do this, grate the necessary root crop and squeeze the juice out of it. Then prepare honey in approximately the same amount, mix the ingredients and consume 20-30 minutes before meals.

The body's defenses in a woman after childbirth are obviously reduced. Depending on individual properties, the presence of chronic diseases and living conditions, immunodeficiency can manifest itself in different ways - from periodic rashes of herpes on the lips to serious illnesses and disturbances in normal life.

It is important to surround a woman with care after childbirth, to provide her balanced diet and good sleep. If necessary, you can undergo an examination and get a doctor's advice on how to strengthen the immunity of a nursing mother with medicines. Them independent use may not only not bring the desired effect, but also affect the baby.

Throughout pregnancy and lactation, women should be especially careful about their health. At this time, even the most harmless medicines are prohibited for use. But there are situations when it is still impossible to do without medicines.

Often new and "experienced" mothers wonder what antiviral drugs allowed In fact, there are indeed certain medicines of this group. But a specialist should still prescribe their use. At the same time, the doctor soberly assesses the condition of the mother, the age of her child and individual characteristics baby.

The use of antiviral agents

The medicine is prescribed not only for treatment and prevention respiratory diseases. It is used for urogenital pathologies, hepatitis viruses, as well as for the prevention of complications. "Viferon" in the form of an ointment does not at all penetrate the child through milk. Candles are safe, they are often prescribed by pediatricians to babies themselves.

"Immunal" - a medicine based on plant substances

The composition of this drug includes echinacea extract - a powerful plant immunomodulator. The medication is available in the form of tablets and solution. Since the use of antiviral drugs (during breastfeeding) based on ethanol is prohibited, the advantage remains with the tablets.

Echinacea helps to increase the body's resistance to viruses. This component comes from natural plants. The drug has a general tonic effect, it increases the amount blood cells, prevents penetration pathogenic flora into the body. If the infection has occurred, then "Immunal" reduces the time of illness by almost half. It is not prescribed for nursing mothers who are sick with tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis and also have the status of HIV-infected.

"Derinat" - a universal drug

It is permissible to use antiviral drugs during lactation based on Trade name such a medicine - "Derinat". The drug has an immunomodulatory, antiviral, regenerating effect. The drug stimulates lymphatic system at the site of inflammation.

It is important that "Derinat" is used for rhinitis, lesions of the larynx and pharynx, viral diseases oral mucosa. The drug is widely used in gynecology, and new mothers often have complications after childbirth that require antiviral therapy. There are a lot of indications for the use of the drug. Among the contraindications, only hypersensitivity is mentioned. If you are breastfeeding and need to use Derinat, be sure to consult your doctor first.

"Engystol" and "Oscillococcinum": homeopathic remedies

The composition of the drug "Engistol" includes sulfur and hirudinaria. It also contains lactose. Therefore, if the baby is intolerant to this substance, its use should be abandoned. The safety of the drug is based on its homeopathic composition. This remedy has no contraindications for use, with the exception of hypersensitivity. Engystol is prescribed for symptoms of the virus and influenza: runny nose, fever, cough, general deterioration of well-being.

Another homeopathic remedy is Oscillococcinum. This drug is better known than its predecessor. A medication is prescribed for treatment and prevention. It can be used during breastfeeding and pregnancy. The composition includes an extract of the heart and liver of the Barbary duck. It is known that "Oscillococcinum" has no proven effectiveness. Nevertheless, homeopathic antiviral drugs during lactation help women cope with the first signs of a cold and prevent complications.

"Anaferon" and "Ergoferon"

These two medicines are produced by one Russian pharmaceutical company " Materia Medica". "Anaferon" contains purified antibodies to human interferon. Ergoferon also includes them, but there are also antibodies to histamine. From this we can conclude that Anaferon tablets are antiviral agent with immunomodulatory action. "Ergoferon" is an immunostimulant that can cope with viruses and prevent allergies.

Can these antivirals be used? During breastfeeding and throughout pregnancy, these drugs are prescribed by doctors without fear. But the instructions say that there is no reliable data on their safety for the child. Recall that the tablets "Ergoferon" are recognized as stronger in their action.

"Genferon": rectal and vaginal suppositories

Antiviral drugs during breastfeeding are prescribed not only for the treatment of colds. Such drugs are widely used in gynecology. Indications for this are: chlamydia, genital herpes, mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas, bacterial vaginosis, erosion and so on. Suppositories have a pronounced antiviral action they stimulate the immune system. All due to the fact that the drug contains recombinant interferon in an amount of 250,000 to 1,000,000 IU. Candles have a mild anesthetic effect.

Antiviral drugs for breastfeeding: reviews

All the means described form about themselves different opinions. There is a particularly active debate around homeopathic remedies. These medicines are quite expensive. But many consumers doubt their effectiveness. Most often, expectant mothers (according to statistics) are assigned "Grippferon" and "Viferon". These medicines are considered the safest for the parent and her child. Less commonly, Ergoferon or Anaferon tablets are prescribed.

Women say that the earlier the antiviral composition was taken, the higher its effectiveness will be. Doctors support this opinion. Doctors also report that to ensure the safety of the child, the medicine should be taken immediately after the next feeding. In that case, part active ingredients will be excreted from the mother's body before the next application.


From the article you were able to find out what drugs can be used to combat viral infection during lactation. The list of medicines and their characteristics are presented to your attention. Remember that before using any medication, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Do not be ill!

The immune system of a nursing mother during the recovery period after childbirth needs additional strengthening. Since the presence of all vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty polyunsaturated and organic acids and others important elements, directly determine the physical and mental health mothers, and through breast milk useful substances get to the baby and strengthen his immunity. Therefore, strong immunity of the mother is important for the growth and development of her child. If the mother's immune system is weak, then the babies do not receive necessary nutrition. How to boost the immunity of a nursing mother?

Immunity and breastfeeding

The immune system during the period of bearing a child undergoes changes due to the restructuring of the hormonal background, digestive system, local and systemic immune functions. After the birth of the baby, the immune system changes again, rebuilding to feed the baby. This, of course, affects the decrease in the strength of the immune system. That means during the period breastfeeding When most of the substances from a woman's body go into breast milk, additional support is needed for the immune defense system and its replenishment with a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

The immunity of a nursing mother can be strengthened with:

  • Good rest and moderate physical activity;
  • special diet;
  • Stress management;
  • Long walks with the baby;
  • Vitamins and folk remedies.

Rest and activity

The period of bearing a child, childbirth leads to exhaustion and weakening of the body. Therefore, in postpartum period and during breastfeeding, a young mother needs the most complete rest:

  • In order for the body to fully recover, you need to get enough sleep. In addition to nine hours of sleep at night, daytime rest is required for at least one and a half hours;
  • It is not necessary to strive to redo all household chores at once, it is better to rationally allocate time in order to avoid excessive physical exertion. What is not done today can be done tomorrow;
  • Don't overdo it labor activity to avoid rapid overwork and an even more weakened body.

To maintain tone and restore immune forces, it is required physical activity. You need to get in shape by doing gymnastics, visiting the pool or fitness center. But the load should be increased gradually, as sudden loads will lead to an increase in weakening of the immune system.


How to increase the immunity of a nursing mother with the help of nutrition - special diet, developed taking into account the needs of the mother's body and maintaining the sufficiency and quality of milk during guards.

The immunity of a nursing mother can be increased:

  • Balanced nutrition: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements are taken into account to ensure good nutrition for both the mother and the baby;
  • Rational nutrition: the intake of all useful substances into the body is provided by a variety of products: fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, dried fruits;
  • Healthy food: for cooking, steamers, stewing, boiling, baking, soups and vegetable and fruit salads- thanks to what the maximum of useful substances remains.

But it is worth remembering that for walking you need to dress according to the weather, so as not to catch a cold, wear proper shoes, a hat, both in frost and in the sun. For immunity, especially in the first, it is better not to encounter the aggressive environment of viruses and bacteria. Therefore, it is preferable to avoid crowded places and choose squares and parks for a walk.

Vitamins for mom

If nutrition, rest and moderate physical activity do not help to increase immunity, the mother is constantly sick or feels tired, then you should think about vitamin complexes. Such complexes are designed to maintain and prevent a lack of vitamins and minerals, leading to an immunodeficiency state. Before choosing vitamin complex it is worth contacting a pediatrician or a therapist, who will undoubtedly provide assistance for right choice drug.

The most common vitamins for nursing mothers are:

  • Complement mom;
  • Vitrum prenatal;
  • Elevit;
  • and others.

All complexes are designed taking into account daily requirement the body of a nursing mother to strengthen the immune system and provide the baby with the necessary useful components.

Folk remedies

Great for boosting immunity ethnoscience. Based on the fact that the mother needs to breastfeed the baby, you can choose means to increase the body's defenses that will not harm the baby when they get to him during breastfeeding.

Before applying folk recipes you should consult a pediatrician. If the doctor does not mind, and the child does not have an individual intolerance to the components, then you can drink:

  • Tea brewed from dried echinacea, which well raises the defenses, improves the activity of the immune system and increases its resistance to disease;
  • Decoction is additional source vitamin C, increases the level of protective forces, improves the supply of oxygen to cells and tissues;
  • Infusion on prunes and dried apricots - compensates for the lack of vitamins, mineral salts, increases the resistance of immunity to pathogens, improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and hematopoietic systems;
  • Ginger-based tea - activates protective immune responses, increases the level of resistance to infections, improves the immune response in the event of a cold.

The main thing when increasing the immunity of a nursing mother is to remember that all means used to stimulate the immune system should be aimed at improving health. They indirectly, that is, through walks, hardening, baths, or directly through breast milk, affect the health of the baby. Therefore, food should not cause allergies, walks should not be tiring, vitamins and folk remedies should be suitable for use during breastfeeding. After all, the health of the mother is the fortress of the present and future immunity of the child.


After the birth of a baby, a young mother enters a new life stage called lactation. On the this stage the woman continues to be responsible for the health of the newborn baby. Only a healthy maternal body can provide the baby with everything necessary.

Birth stress and the peculiarities of the regimen of a pregnant woman weaken the immune system, therefore, from the moment the baby is born, it is recommended for a young mother to take care of strengthening the body's defenses.

Nutrition Revision

After the birth of a baby, the body of a young mother continues to experience additional load which will grow with the needs of the baby. Daily diet should be enriched with carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins. The amount of incoming substances must meet the needs of the mother and child.

The essential components of nutrition are essential amino acids, vitamins (A, E, D, K, C, B, H), folic and pantothenic acid.

The most valuable protein is found in poultry meat, beef, lamb, dairy and fermented milk products, fish. Since protein is an important link in immunity, foods rich in this component should be present in the diet of a nursing mother.

Animal protein has great value than vegetable. The value of fats lies in the fact that they take part in the formation protective cells- macrophages responsible for the absorption of foreign agents.

Nutritionists have brought out the “golden mean” of the diet of a nursing mother. For the successful formation of the body's defenses, the following products are needed:

  • bread and bakery products (White bread yesterday's baking);
  • cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat content;
  • turkey meat, beef, rabbit meat, veal;
  • low-fat varieties of fish;
  • vegetables in baked or boiled form;
  • baked or fresh fruits, compotes, fruit drinks, juices (except citrus):
  • cereal products;
  • hard cheese;
  • chicken and quail eggs.

All of the listed foods are able to compensate energy needs mother and child.

To increase the immunity of a nursing mother, it is not recommended to use garlic and onions. These products may worsen taste qualities and the smell of breast milk, which will result in the child's refusal to attach to the mother's breast.

Sound sleep is the basis of immunity

The secondary link of immunity is healthy sleep, the duration of which is at least 8 hours a day. For a nursing woman, this figure increases to 9 hours a day.

It is at night that the body's energy reserves are fully restored. For a nursing mother, this is relevant, since during the day she performs large volume work. It will not be superfluous if the young mother devotes 1-2 hours to daytime sleep.

Subject to the regime of work and rest, a strong and capable immunity will be formed in the woman's body, capable of protecting her from foreign microorganisms.

If a nursing mother suffers from sleep disorders, then she is recommended to take a decoction of motherwort and valerian herbs. Melissa herb also has a calming effect. To prepare a soothing tea, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials and pour 500 ml of boiling water. It is recommended to infuse tea for 30 minutes, then strain and drink 0.5 cups before bedtime.

Physical activity

Maintain immunity for high level moderate exercise helps. In this situation, it is important to avoid overwork, against which the body's defenses are suppressed.

Physical activity helps a nursing mother restore her body to its former tone, which was lost during pregnancy. As a load, you can use fitness, daily gymnastics or going to the pool.

A nursing woman is contraindicated in power sports and hiking in gym. Stimulating effect on immunity hiking in evening time days, classes on exercise bikes and yoga.

Outdoor exercise is beneficial during lactation. The park is suitable for this purpose.

Vitamin therapy to boost immunity

If the body of a nursing woman does not receive enough vitamins from food, then she is recommended to start taking multivitamin complexes designed specifically for young mothers.

  • Pregnavit;
  • Vitrum Prenatal;
  • Gendevit;
  • Materna.

Each mentioned preparation contains the optimal dosage of water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins.

Important! No multivitamin complex not able to replace a nursing woman good nutrition. Use pharmacy vitamins recommended as a dietary supplement.

Alternative ways to boost immunity

Echinacea herb is a safe remedy for a nursing mother. It is recommended to add dry grass of the plant to tea. It is strictly forbidden to use alcohol tincture plants, since the contained ethanol is able to penetrate into breast milk. The only contraindication for the use this tool is an individual intolerance to the components of the plant.

Proper nutrition, moderate exercise and healthy sleep are the three pillars on which the human immune system is based. This is especially true when it comes to a nursing woman. When a young mother has strong immunity, she is able to provide for her child. reliable protection from infectious diseases.

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