Steam inhalation for dry cough. Remedy for wet and wet cough for a child. Treatment of dry cough in children

Diseases that affect the respiratory system in 95% of cases are accompanied by a cough, which is further divided into dry and wet. In fact, cough is a resistant reaction of the body to the penetration of any harmful microorganisms of an infectious or non-infectious kind.

Important! Dry cough is practically ineffective in this regard, as it only causes inconvenience and contributes to the spread of viruses.

Wet cough promotes the elimination of harmful microorganisms. In the presence of a prolonged dry cough, treatment measures should be taken. The best way to improve the situation is inhalation.

Inhalation with a nebulizer for dry cough

Often, doctors prescribe expectorants and mucolytics to alleviate the condition of a child and an adult. They help thin the mucus, which binds harmful microorganisms. Thanks to this, an easy expectoration of mucus is achieved, and the cough becomes effective and eventually disappears.

Inhalations can be used when the effectiveness of such drugs is insufficient, and many doctors prefer to do with inhalations only.

Important! The use of a nebulizer is convenient, as the device contributes to the instant spraying of the medicine. From a liquid state to an aerosol, the medicine turns immediately. The procedure for using the nebulizer is highly effective and easy to use. Refueling of the nebulizer occurs through drugs that do not have a systemic effect and have a therapeutic effect only of a local nature.

Before engaging in treatment, it is worth checking with a specialist whether it is possible to do inhalations and what drugs to use for this. When a dry cough appears, it is equally dangerous to self-medicate or not pay due attention to the problem.

Inhalations with a dry cough with a nebulizer are often used to treat diseases that are accompanied by inflammatory processes in the body, especially in the bronchi. When using the device, the maximum effect on the mucous membrane is achieved, since the substance is in direct contact with the focus of the disease. Even after the first procedure, a significant relief of cough is achieved, and sputum begins to drain more efficiently and easily.

When coughing in children, a nebulizer is the preferred remedy, as the procedure can be done at home. The high efficiency of the drug and the high-quality transportation of the drug ensures the rapid elimination of spasms and inflammation.

With a dry cough with a nebulizer, children are given inhalations that help:

  • Eliminate spasmodic phenomenon in the bronchi;
  • Contribute to the elimination of puffiness in the trachea, bronchi or larynx;
  • Improve mucus drainage by normalizing the flow of sputum in addition to coughing;
  • Reduce the severity of inflammation;
  • The microcirculation of blood in the nasopharynx is normalized.

Important! Not every remedy is suitable for children, therefore, before doing inhalations, it is worth consulting and studying the instructions.

Contraindications for use

It is not always possible to do inhalation with a nebulizer, so in some cases the procedure is contraindicated for adults and children:

  • With hyperthermia of the body;
  • If pus is found in the sputum;
  • Insufficiency of the respiratory system;
  • With emphysema in the lungs;
  • Pathology in the cardiovascular system;
  • Bleeding from the nose.

Inhalations for dry cough for children with a nebulizer recipes

There are some solutions that are safe enough for a child to use. With a dry cough, children can be prescribed fairly familiar remedies:

  • Lazolvan's solution. Inhalations should be done to eliminate dry cough, cleanse the respiratory tract, improve sputum discharge and prevent the formation of excess mucus in the lungs. At the same time, Lazolvan well complements the action of other drugs, therefore it can be used as part of therapy for a strong dry cough. For use, it is necessary that the body normally tolerates sodium. To prepare the liquid, Lasolvan is used, diluted with saline from a ratio of 1 to 1. For an adult, treatment is achieved using 8 ml, and for children it is better to do 4 ml. The number of procedures - 2 per day. Within 5 days, the cough should be eliminated or significantly relieved;

  • Solutions and infusions of herbs. You can carry out steam inhalations based on: marshmallow, linden blossom, plantain and thyme. Most often, solutions are not used in pure form and are diluted with mineral water or saline;
  • Essential oils. Depending on what inhalations and forms of the disease the patient has, a solution can be made from essential oils: eucalyptus, lavender, fir, myrtle, lime. Steam inhalation with these oils can eliminate bacteria and counteract the course of the inflammatory reaction. They should be breathed through a nebulizer.

  • Saline. The tool is as simple as possible in composition, this includes only salt. It is advisable to use sea salt for inhalation, as it is more beneficial. The main active ingredient is often diluted with saline, but it can be used independently. Most often, they are diluted with infusions that cannot be poured with boiling water. It is worth considering that the solution is quite useful, which can be used to refill the nebulizer, but the shelf life in the open state is only 1 day;

  • Mineral water. It is advisable to do inhalations with a dry cough with a mineral water with a high content of useful substances. Also, the reaction of water should be alkaline, not acidic. Among the popular means: Borjomi, Essentuki and Staraya Russa. Before inhalation, it is worth releasing the gas by opening the container for 8 hours and occasionally stirring the water with a spoon. The number of procedures - no more than 3 per day;

  • Berodual is a bronchodilator that is used for inhalation with a dry cough. The tool promotes the expansion of the bronchi and trachea, which ensures an improvement in well-being. Inhalations with Berodual should be done with a dry cough in the form of a solution diluted with saline. Inhalations with a nebulizer for dry cough should not use more than 4 ml at a time.

Inhalation with a nebulizer for dry cough in adults and children

Preparations and prescriptions based on them are equally relevant for children and adults, but the dosage differs significantly. In pediatrics, treatment for babies and older children is recommended using:

  • Dioxide is an antibiotic, treatment in this way is the best option in the presence of rhinitis, lung abscess, pneumonia and other inflammatory reactions. It is necessary to make a solution of 1 part of the drug and 2 parts of saline, inhale only through a nebulizer. Indicated for children over the age of 2 years;
  • Ambroxol is a mucolytic solution that should be done for a nebulizer at the rate of 1 to 1 with saline. For children under 6 years of age, the best option is to use 2 ml of the drug and 2 ml of the solution. It is taken twice a day;
  • Atrovent is a bronchodilator, such drugs treat the lungs and bronchus. If the child has reached the age of 12 years, a cough can be cured using 40 drops of the substance per saline solution for 1 inhalation. Use 3-4 times a day. For children 6-12 years old, 20 drops have the strongest permissible effect, and for children under 6 years old, 10-20 drops, up to a year - 8 drops. By adding Atrovent to the base of liquids for inhalation, it is possible to quickly eliminate cough and inflammation;
  • Miromistin is a representative of drugs used by inhalation with an antiseptic effect. No need to breed.

Performing inhalation

In fact, steam inhalations, prepared preparations, inhalations for a cold and other substances are used in almost the same way, only the method of dilution is different.

It is recommended to do:

  • Prepare a solution;
  • The procedure is used 30 or more minutes after eating;
  • After inhalation for 30-40 minutes, avoid drinking liquids and food;
  • Dry cough in a child inhalations are carried out up to 10 days, between each procedure do not observe an interval of at least 4-6 hours;
  • Follow the dosage prescribed by the doctor;
  • The device is disinfected after inhalation;
  • Mixing medicines is unacceptable;
  • Steam types of inhalation are carried out for children over 1 year old.

Before inhaling, Dr. Komarovsky recommends that you clean your hands and fill the device with a suitable agent, but in no case should hot inhalations be carried out over boiling vessels, more about this here

Before inhaling with a dry cough with a nebulizer, you should definitely visit a therapist. After all, if you have serious diseases of the lungs or bronchi, then they need to be treated with radical methods, and not with conventional steam procedures.

general information

Before telling you about how to do inhalation with a nebulizer, you should tell what this disease is in general.

Cough is a reflex response of the human body to the presence of foreign objects, sputum or mucus in the airways. This deviation is usually divided into the following types:

  • dry cough;
  • wet.

The first option poses the greatest danger to humans. After all, it is characterized by the absence of sputum. In this regard, the precursor of a dry cough very often is a strong sore throat, which brings the patient great discomfort. To get rid of such a disease should be with the help of medical means.

What is the best treatment?

Inhalations with a dry cough with a nebulizer are very popular among patients. After all, using this device, a person can get rid of unpleasant sore throat and cause sputum in a short time.

However, it should be noted that there are a great many ways to deal with dry cough. Someone prefers to use natural remedies such as Mukaltin tablets or breast herbal collection, someone is more comfortable using radical antibiotics, and someone completely trusts exclusively folk recipes.

But despite all the existing methods of treatment, adherents of all the listed methods will certainly not deny that inhalation with a dry cough with a nebulizer also brings a positive effect.

Features and types of devices

To understand how to do inhalation through a nebulizer, you should learn about its features and existing types.

The nebulizer is a modern device for inhalation procedures. Using it to treat the respiratory tract, a person can easily transform any medicinal solution into tiny particles that can penetrate deep into the lungs. Thanks to these properties, the nebulizer allows you to cure dry cough much faster than other medicines taken orally.

Compression and ultrasonic types of devices are currently commercially available. The latter device is quiet in operation and small in size. Due to this fact, it can be easily used to treat young children.

The only significant drawback of such a nebularesis is that it is impossible to treat a dry cough with it using antibiotics and hormones. This is due to the fact that ultrasound simply destroys them.

As for compression nebulizers, they create quite a lot of noise. However, such a device is capable of producing very small particles and allows the use of almost all medications.

Preparations for inhalation with a nebulizer

Due to the effectiveness of treatment with this device, pharmaceutical companies are producing more and more related drugs. They can be purchased at almost any pharmacy.

So what medicines are needed to do inhalation with a dry cough with a nebulizer? With such a disease, doctors usually prescribe drugs that can soften the sore throat, reduce the viscosity of mucus, and also remove it from the lungs or bronchi. As a rule, the following means are used for this purpose:

  • Medication "Berodual". Typically, such a drug is prescribed for inhalation with a nebulizer for children. In this case, 0.5 ml (up to 6 years old) or 2 ml (from 12 years old) should be used for 1 procedure. By the way, this medication must first be diluted with 3 ml of saline.
  • The drug "Berotek". For the 1st inhalation you will need 0.5 ml (for a child over 12 years old). In advanced cases, you can use 1 ml.

  • Means "Salgim". For one procedure, 2.5 ml should be used. It is recommended to carry out treatment up to 4 times a day with an interval of 6 hours, without the use of saline.
  • Medication "Atrovent". Inhalation with this drug is recommended for children over 12 years of age in the amount of 0.5 ml, from 6 to 12 - 0.25 ml, and up to 6 - 0.1 ml. Previously, the agent should be diluted with saline.

Other remedies for dry cough

Nebulizer inhalations, reviews of which are only positive, can be done not only through the above drugs. Indeed, along with bronchodilators, it is quite possible to cure a dry cough with the help of immunomodulators (for example, the Interferon drug), anti-inflammatory herbal remedies (for example, Rotokan), as well as antibiotics (for example, Dioxidin, Furacilin, Fluimucil ") etc.

Among other things, dry cough can often be cured with the help of hormones. If you need to cause a rapid liquefaction of sputum, then we recommend using mucolytic drugs such as Pulmozim or Lazolvan. They are inexpensive and sold in all pharmacies.

It cannot be said that many experts recommend that their patients carry out dry cough therapy using plain and mineral water or saline.

Carrying out the procedure

How and how much to do inhalation with a nebulizer? These questions arise in almost all people who first encountered such a procedure. That is why in this section of the article we decided to tell you about what rules you need to follow in order to independently carry out inhalation activities.

Basic rules for nebulizer treatment

So, for the treatment of dry cough with a nebulizer, you must follow the rules described below:

  • Inhalation with a nebulizer should be done only in a sitting position.
  • You can't talk during the procedures.
  • For inhalation, only a fresh preparation should be used.
  • It is advisable to prepare a solution for inhalation measures or open an ampoule with medicine immediately before the procedure.
  • The maximum shelf life of the drug for inhalation in the refrigerator is 14 days.
  • As a solvent for the nebulizer, only sterile saline or distilled liquid should be used. It is strictly forbidden to use tap water, even if it has been boiled several times or passed through various filters.

How to implement?

For the correct implementation of inhalation procedures, you should know:

  • To fill the nebulizer with an inhalation solution, you must use only sterile needles or syringes.
  • When treating a cough caused by abnormalities in the upper respiratory tract (for example, with laryngitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, etc.), it is recommended to breathe slowly and deeply through the mouth.

  • When treating a cough that was caused by a pathology of the lower respiratory tract (for example, with bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia), inhale the vapors deeply through the mouth, and then hold the air in the chest for 2 seconds and exhale evenly through the nose.
  • In case of diseases of the nasopharynx and nasal sinuses, the vapors should be inhaled superficially and calmly through the nose.

How much to spend and what to do after?

As a rule, inhalation with a nebulizer is carried out for about 6-12 minutes. Moreover, it is recommended to carry out these procedures no earlier than 1.5 hours after a meal or intense physical exertion.

So what to do after the therapeutic measures are completed?

  • After inhalation with a nebulizer, the patient is advised to rinse the mouth and nose well, and also wash the face with clean water.
  • After treatment, it is strictly forbidden to rinse your mouth and nose with antiseptic solutions.
  • After inhalation with a nebulizer, it is forbidden to smoke for 1 hour.

Among other things, having carried out these measures for the treatment of dry cough, you can not eat for 30 minutes. By the way, if you use several different drugs for the treatment of respiratory diseases, then they should be used strictly in a certain sequence. So, first it is recommended to inhale a pair of bronchodilators (bronchodilators), and after ¼ hours - expectorant or mucolytic drugs.

If these procedures contributed to the discharge of sputum, then the nebulizer should be filled with antiseptics or anti-inflammatory drugs.

Alternative Devices

It is no secret to anyone that the nebulizer is a rather expensive device. In this regard, not every person is able to purchase it for the treatment of dry cough. In this case, experts recommend conducting conventional steam inhalations using a kettle or pot of boiled water. Of course, such treatment is less effective, but with the right selection of funds (herbal preparations), the patient can still get rid of a sore throat or severe nasal congestion.

Inhalations with a wet cough have been used for decades, over time this procedure has undergone many changes. Today it is not necessary to inhale vapors from boiled potatoes or essential oils to prevent coughing fits. Modern medicine offers several options in the form of devices that can help deliver drug vapors to the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. You can use the standard and familiar to all steam - a new improved means for inhalation.

To understand whether it is possible to carry out inhalations with a wet cough, it is necessary to understand its etiology. Coughing in a person always occurs due to inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, or lungs. As a result of the inflammatory process, mucus begins to accumulate in the focus of the disease. To bring the state of the body back to normal, it is necessary to bring sputum out, which helps to make a “wet” cough.

This type of cough is also called "productive", which indicates its usefulness and effectiveness. The body itself begins to fight the infection and removes mucus from the diseased organ, which interferes with normal functioning. Therefore, a wet cough is considered more effective than a dry one. But it will be productive only if suitable means are selected to help enhance mucus discharge.

Inhalations with a productive cough are very useful, they help to achieve rapid improvement in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. The procedure allows you to deliver all the necessary medicinal substances directly to the mucous surface of the focus of inflammation. This helps to quickly cure bronchitis, SARS, tracheitis, pneumonia and other pathologies:

Experts advise as often as possible to resort to the inhalation procedure when a “wet” cough occurs. This is a very effective method of combating infectious and bacterial lesions of the respiratory system.

What inhalations can be done with a wet cough in children?

Of great importance is which type of inhalation the patient decides to use on his own, or on the advice of a specialist in the treatment of productive cough. Not many people know that the procedure can be divided into two types: cold and hot. Inhalation is considered cold, in which the patient inhales the vapors of the drug or essential oils at room temperature. If heated vapors are inhaled, the temperature of which is from 30 degrees and above, this is considered hot inhalation. The effect will be achieved with each type of inhalation, but it is necessary to take into account which device the procedure is carried out with.

Classic inhalers are suitable for hot inhalations, and modern nebulizers are suitable for cold inhalations.

This division occurs according to the following principle. Steam inhalers themselves involve inhaling the vapors of the drug while it is being heated. It is enough to remember the grandmother's method with a large pot or teapot, while a person inhales hot air vapors. When working with a nebulizer, the procedure is a little easier. The device, without heating, separates the drug into small particles, which in the form of a vapor cloud enter directly into the lesion. Therefore, today experts advise not to use wet-steam inhalation, but with the help of a nebulizer. However, both methods will bring their positive results.

Steam inhalation

Steam inhalations are considered more affordable, since for their implementation it is enough to use affordable household appliances - a kettle or a pot of boiling water. It should be borne in mind that the effect on the mucous membrane of the inflamed organ is exerted by wet steam and large particles of the drug, which is used during the procedure.

Pulmonologists advise paying attention to the fact that steam inhalation with a wet cough will be effective only for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, such as laryngitis,. This recommendation is based on the fact that the particle size of the drug, which is added to boiling water, can reach 20 microns, so it only reaches the oropharynx, trachea, nasopharynx, but does not penetrate into the bronchi and lungs.

Steam inhalation allows you to increase blood circulation, expand blood vessels, thereby providing a moisturizing and analgesic effect. At the same time, a productive cough may disappear for a while, but then reappear when it comes to the inflammatory process in the bronchi or lungs. Therefore, many patients do not understand why, after the first positive reaction, the cough occurs again.

As a rule, steam inhalations are carried out using aromatic oils, or products such as soda or herbs. For the procedure, it is necessary to prepare a kettle with a high neck (for children), or a saucepan (for adults). The higher the neck of the teapot, the more effective and safer the treatment will be. Heated water at a temperature of about 40 degrees is poured into the container. Essential oil or prepared herbal collection is added to it. The main thing in carrying out inhalations with young children is to explain the method of inhalation and exit. Parents themselves can help here by showing the child by example how to breathe.

Please note that steam inhalations have a significant drawback. If the procedure is used incorrectly, a child or an adult can get a mucosal burn, which will adversely affect the treatment process.

Inhalations with a nebulizer

Experts are sure that it is best to use a nebulizer. There are several reasons for this, which are taken into account by doctors when prescribing the procedure:

  1. A nebulizer is a device for a cold procedure, that is, you can use various drugs and not worry that the properties of the drug will change during the heating process.
  2. The device allows you to successfully cope with bouts of productive cough, as the drug helps to accurately dose the drug and deliver it directly to the affected area.
  3. An indisputable advantage is that the nebulizer can be used for wet and dry coughs while avoiding the risk of burning the mucous membrane.
  4. Doctors recommend this procedure, as the nebulizer helps to relieve inflammation not only from the upper respiratory tract, but also from the bronchi, bronchioles and lungs.

It is best to purchase a compressor device, since it can be used to carry out various inhalations using any medicines and traditional medicine. This type of device is used not only at home, but also in professional medical institutions, which indicates its effectiveness.

What to do with steam inhalation for children and adults?

When preparing for steam inhalation, it should be noted right away that they are mainly carried out with a steam inhaler, which saturates the steam with medicines.

Many, unfortunately, confuse the concepts of a steam inhaler and a nebulizer, and these are two different devices that perform slightly different tasks.

Steam inhalers are used to treat wet cough in pathologies of the upper respiratory tract. You can use collections of various herbs, essential oils, sea water, mineral water, etc. The choice of funds depends on the age of the patient and the recommendations of the attending physician.

Nebulizers do not heat the drug, but convert it into microparticles using ultrasound, a compressor or a membrane. The nebulizer delivers drugs to any part of the respiratory system, including the lower respiratory tract.

Steam inhalation for children using a pot or kettle

Children can have various steam inhalations, but before using any particular method, you should consult a doctor. Pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. A simple way to help replace inhalation with a saline nebulizer is an alkaline steam treatment. To prepare such a solution, you need half a teaspoon of soda and hot water in an amount of 200 ml. Alkali dissolves in water and is placed in a teapot with a high neck. At the top of the neck, you need to use a special funnel, it can be made of paper. Through it, the child will be more comfortable to breathe. The procedure is carried out within 10 minutes.
  2. Using oils that help with a productive cough. They can relieve swelling and inflammation. Before using the components, they should be added to water with a temperature of 38-40 degrees. Eucalyptus, mint, and fir oils have proven themselves well.
  3. An excellent remedy for diseases of the upper respiratory tract is a decoction of chamomile and sage. It helps to relieve inflammation and improve sputum discharge with a wet cough in a baby. It is necessary to prepare a strong decoction of herbs. For 1 tablespoon of the plant, 200 ml of boiling water is required. The infusion is placed in heated water in a teapot. The average inhalation time is 7 minutes.
  4. Boiled potatoes in their skins are considered an old and proven way. This is a less expensive method that has been used for generations. Boiled potatoes can be quickly placed in the kettle until it gives the necessary vapors and inhaled with the child for 5 minutes.

Inhalations for adults

For adults, steam inhalation will also help get rid of the wet cough that accompanies diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Unlike children, adults can use a wider range of herbs and remedies during the procedure.

Steam procedures, which involve the use of various herbs, are very popular. Patients can combine several plants for greater effect during the procedure. The most popular and effective herbs for steam inhalation are:

  • coltsfoot;
  • mint;
  • chamomile;
  • thyme;
  • St. John's wort.

It is possible to mix these herbs and prepare a mixture, which, in the amount of 1 tablespoon, is placed in boiling water, boiled for several minutes and insisted for an hour. Then apply as a steam inhalation.

You can also use essential oils. But it is worth remembering that when using them, only a small amount of the product is needed, 3 drops of oil per 200 ml. water. Essential oils of fir, eucalyptus and juniper are very popular.

In no way inferior to the usual salt solution from table salt, which is easy to prepare at home. It alleviates the pathologies that are accompanied by a productive cough, helps to thin the sputum and remove it from the affected area.

Can a nebulizer be used?

It is known that the nebulizer is used for diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, accompanied by a dry cough. But can it be used with a wet cough? Experts confidently answer this question and the answer is positive.

A nebulizer has many advantages over a steam inhaler:

  • the ability to use various medications and other means to eliminate inflammation;
  • during the procedure with a nebulizer, damage to the mucosa by a burn is excluded;
  • the device is very convenient to use during seizures;
  • ensures the flow of drugs to any part of the respiratory system, including the lower respiratory tract
  • safe to use from birth

In addition to the listed positive qualities, it is worth noting that when inhaling with a nebulizer, the use of decoctions of herbs and oils is prohibited.

The procedure is suitable for the use of medicines, so therapy using medicines will be much more effective than using traditional methods. In addition, the nebulizer helps to deliver the medicine directly to the affected area.

Today, pharmacology offers a number of special medicines that are designed to fight productive cough together with a nebulizer. Many therapists and pediatricians prescribe this kind of treatment, because it is quite effective and productive.

Inhalation with barking cough in children and adults

Inhalations with a nebulizer

Inhalations using a nebulizer will be several times more effective if you use special medicines that help cure.

There are drugs that can be used both in childhood and in adults, the difference will only be in the dosage. With a wet barking cough, the following medicines can help thin the sputum and remove it:

  • Mukaltin (1 tablet per 80 ml of saline, 2 ml of solution for 1 inhalation for children and 3 for adults);
  • Rotokan (1 ml of the product per 40 ml of solution, for children the dose is 2 ml, for an adult - 4);
  • Ambrobene (children under 2 years old need 2 ml of solution, older - 2-3 ml; adults - 4 ml, diluted in a 1: 1 ratio with saline).

These popular medicines can be used for barking wet coughs in children and adults. But in addition to drug therapy in a nebulizer, other methods can be used. For example, widely used or Narzan. Before use in the device, it is necessary to degas the water, then put 4 ml of mineral water into the nebulizer and carry out the procedure. For children, the dose may be reduced to 2-3 ml.

Please note that inhalations and using a nebulizer should not be carried out at elevated temperature, sputum with pus or blood, arrhythmias, emphysema and pneumothorax.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to possible allergic reactions to the medicinal components used. This will help avoid complications.

What does it mean that the cough after inhalation has intensified?

Carrying out inhalation procedures, as a rule, should alleviate the patient's condition, that is, either provoke a slight discharge of sputum, or calm the attacks. But sometimes it happens that after the procedure, a child or an adult feels even worse and experiences severe coughing fits.

The reasons for this phenomenon may be as follows:

  1. Using the wrong drug. This is especially true for self-treatment, when a person independently chooses medicines for inhalation. The wrong choice may lie in the fact that someone advised an effective drug that helped him, but when the procedure was performed on another, it only got worse. For example, a person with bouts of wet cough used a drug for a dry and non-productive cough.
  2. It is also worth checking, it is possible that the patient has an individual intolerance to the medication used. You can ask the doctor to replace the drug with another one and look at the result.
  3. Perhaps, during self-medication, the wrong dosage or concentration of the active substance was selected. This often leads subsequently to a deterioration in well-being and provocation of a strong attack of coughing.
  4. If complex treatment is not prescribed. The drugs must be applied in the correct sequence. As a rule, bronchodilators are used first, followed by sputum thinners, and only then antiseptics.

When a coughing fit occurs, which intensifies after inhalation, you should not take independent measures to eliminate the cause, it is better to entrust it to professionals. If there are attacks of suffocation, urgent need to call an ambulance, since an allergic reaction in the form of Quincke's edema is possible. It is necessary to immediately give the victim an antihistamine. And with a slight deterioration, you need to contact your doctor.

Treating a wet cough with steam inhalation or using a nebulizer is easy and effective, but do not self-medicate. Despite the fact that the method seems harmless, it can lead to sad consequences. The dosage should always be prescribed by the doctor, as well as the drug itself. This will help eliminate possible side effects and get effective treatment.

For the treatment of cough resulting from a cold, doctors often recommend inhalation, that is, inhalation of vapors of medicinal solutions. This method of therapy has been known since ancient times. With this method, in just a few sessions, you can cure a wet cough, as well as achieve sputum separation when dry. In this article, we will analyze the most common drugs, and you decide which inhalation solution is best for coughing the kind that torments you or your child. We will also talk about special devices that facilitate inhalation - nebulizers, because it's no secret to anyone that doing inhalations according to the method of our grandmothers (putting a bowl with a decoction of potatoes and covering with a cap from a thick blanket) is not a pleasant occupation.

Action of inhalation

Inhalations are the most gentle and highly effective way to get rid of all types of coughs. In addition, as a result of just a few procedures, a cold runny nose disappears, since the medicine is absorbed very quickly. Inhalations are allowed for almost everyone (we will talk about some cases of contraindications at the end of the article). Drugs inhaled through the nasopharynx bypass the main bloodstream and also do not enter the digestive tract, so they do not weaken the immune system and do not destroy the liver, kidneys and stomach.

In medical institutions, in physiotherapy rooms, inhalations are carried out using special stationary inhalers-nibulizers. Currently, such devices are sold in pharmacies and medical equipment stores. The choice is very large. This can be seen from the photographs presented in our article.

For home needs, in case of colds or SARS, you can purchase a portable one. Those who have purchased such a device in their home first-aid kit, they say that it greatly facilitates the treatment process. The instruction accompanying the device contains information on how to inhale in a nebulizer when coughing, which solutions are best used in a particular case.

Nebulizer inhalation

A modern nebulizer is good because inhalations can be done with it even at elevated temperatures. The whole procedure takes 3 minutes for children, 5-10 minutes for adults, and a cough inhalation solution is easy to do on your own or buy ready-made at a pharmacy. Next, we will talk about the most popular formulations for inhalation.

Going to buy an inhaler, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic information about the principles of operation and other important features of these units.

Nebulizers are divided according to the method of supplying the drug - compressor, ultrasonic and electronic mesh. All of them split the inhalation solutions into tiny drops and spray them into the nasopharynx.

The compressor operates according to the pump method - it sprays an aqueous solution like an aerosol. It is considered the most reliable and easy to use. Price is cheaper than others. The disadvantages include relatively large dimensions, which does not allow for inhalation while lying down, as well as a rather noisy operation of the device. This is important when a cough solution is made for inhalation for infants or bedridden patients.

Ultrasonic is a generator that creates high frequency waves that separate the drug into molecules, creating a fine fraction. It irrigates the nasopharynx, penetrating deeper than with compressor spraying. However, not every solution for inhalation when coughing with a nebulizer is suitable for this device. Working on the method of ultrasonic splitting, it is able to distort the properties of medicinal excipients. This does not apply to herbal solutions, but is risky when inhaled with chemical drugs. Also, oily solutions cannot be loaded into the ultrasonic nebulizer.

Electronic mesh nebulizers are compact, silent and very easy to use. Their only drawback is a higher price compared to those described above. The principle of operation of electronic mesh nebulizers is based on the vibration of a metal mesh, through the microscopic holes of which a cough solution is sieved for inhalation, then, with a pump, it is sent out - into the openings of the nasopharynx.

At the end of the procedure, the inhaler should be washed and dried.

Bronchodilator drugs

In the case of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or in the diagnosis of bronchial asthma, a portable nebulizer is indispensable for stopping asthma attacks. A small device can be charged with anti-asthma drugs such as Salgim, Berotek, Berodual and Atrovent and Ventolin Nebula.

"Salgim" - a ready-made solution for inhalation for coughing. It does not need to be diluted with saline. This also applies to Ventolin Nebula. The active ingredient in both medicines is salbutamol. For inhalation, a 0.1% solution is suitable.

The active substance "Berotek" - fenoterol.

The active ingredients of Berodual are fenoterol and ipratropium bromide.

The active substance of Atrovent is ipratropium bromide.

"Berotek", "Berodual" and "Atrovent" are required to be diluted with saline to a volume of 3-4 ml.

All of these drugs are suitable for both adults and children and, according to reviews, they have proven themselves very well as quick-acting agents. There are no unwanted side effects.

and expectorants

"ACC Inject" and "Fluimucil" are prescribed for the accumulation of mucus in the upper respiratory tract and in violation of sputum discharge from the lower respiratory tract. If a doctor prescribes antibiotics with which both drugs are poorly combined, Flimucil Antibiotic is recommended. The active substance of Flimucil and ACC Injecta is acetylcysteine. It is recommended in the case of paracetamol, as it reduces its toxic effects on liver cells. According to reviews, these two drugs are considered more popular.

If the doctor has prescribed a course of antibiotics, then for complex therapy, drugs containing Ambroxol or its analogues should be taken, in particular, Lazolvan cough solution for inhalation. The active substance of "Lazolvan" is ambroxol. Dilute "Lazolvan" with sodium chloride (saline solution, sold in pharmacies). A solution for inhalation for cough "Ambrobene" is also suitable. with the same active ingredient. "Ambrobene" and "Lazolvan" are forbidden to be used in combination with other antitussive drugs, especially since they quickly alleviate the condition in acute and chronic respiratory diseases, accompanied by the release of viscous sputum.

Drugs with anti-inflammatory effect

Drugs with anti-inflammatory effect are prescribed for diseases of the middle and upper respiratory tract with colds, flu and injuries. The best of them are the homeopathic preparations Malavit, Rotokan and Tonsilgon N (solution for inhalation for coughs and snot), as well as alcohol tinctures of calendula, yarrow, chamomile and propolis.

"Malavit" is a biologically active alcohol tincture, consisting of mineral and plant components. It quickly relieves inflammation of the nasopharynx and relieves pain in the throat. It is enough to make 3-4 inhalations per day. It is very concentrated - 30 ml of saline is required for 1 ml of tincture. One procedure is 3-4 ml of solution.

"Tonsilgon N" is prescribed for tonsillitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis. The drug is homeopathic. The main component is marshmallow root, plus horsetail, chamomile, walnut leaf, oak bark and dandelion. "Tonsilgon N" is prescribed even for children under one year of age who are bottle-fed. For one inhalation - 3-4 ml of Tonsilgon N solution with saline. For children up to a year, the proportion is 1:3, from a year to seven - 1:2, older - 1:1.

Phytopreparations based on propolis should be checked for allergic reactions to bee products. If none are found, then inhalations with propolis can be recommended in a variety of cases of respiratory infections. They relieve pain and inflammation in the throat, upper and middle respiratory tract resulting from an infectious or traumatic injury, disinfect and heal microtraumas and relieve swelling.

Antihistamines and glucocorticosteroids

Inhalations with glucocorticosteroids and antihistamines, such as Pulmicort (the active ingredient is budesonide), Cromohexal and Dexamethasone, have anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and anti-asthmatic effects. They are prescribed in combination with hormonal drugs, so none of the cough inhalation solutions mentioned in this paragraph are suitable for children under 2 years old, pregnant women and nursing mothers. In ultrasonic nebulizers, Kromhexal and Dexamethasone are used, diluted in a ratio of 1:6.

"Pulmicort" is suitable for all types of nebulizers, except for ultrasonic ones. This is one of the best glucocorticosteroids. Adults can do inhalations with pure "Pulmicort", and children need to reduce the concentration.

Antibiotics and antiseptics

Ready-made antibacterial solutions for inhalation are sold in pharmacies, but they can also be prepared independently, for example, a solution of furacilin, miramistin, gentamicin or dioxidine.

From furacilin, a solution for inhalation for coughing at home is made, adhering to the following ratio: one tablet per 100 ml of saline. Furacilin has a good disinfectant property and prevents the penetration of infection into the lower sections of the lungs. Two inhalations a day are enough.

Miramistin inhalations help with a variety of inflammations, including those accompanied by the formation of purulent ulcers, as is the case with follicular tonsillitis.

Against staph infection, inhalation with eucalyptus is effective. If there are no dry leaves, then they can be replaced with "Chlorophyllipt" - a 1% alcohol infusion of the plant, however, it leaves indelible stains. very useful for the lungs, but they should not be given to patients with asthma or in the presence of spasms in the bronchi.

"Gentamcin" is prescribed when a focus of infection is detected in the upper respiratory tract, and "Dioxidin" has a wide spectrum of action and fights almost all types of pathogenic microorganisms that affect the respiratory system.

"Fluimucil-antibiotic" is available in the form of a powder and is diluted according to the instructions. Suitable as an antimicrobial, thinning and expectorant.

Medicines that strengthen the immune system

To date, Interferon and Derinat are considered the best immunomodulators. Powder "Interferon" is used for instillation into the nose, and "Derinat" is suitable for inhalation. Both drugs are prescribed for the prevention of influenza and SARS, as well as for the prevention of complications and to alleviate the course of the disease.

"Interferon" is available in pharmacies in the form of a ready-made liquid solution, and a solution for inhalation for cough and runny nose of cold origin from "Derinat" is made as follows: a 0.25% solution is taken at a time and diluted with saline in a ratio of 1: 1. During the day, it is enough to make two inhalations.


With stenosis of the larynx, laryngitis, laryngotracheitis and croup, 0.1-0.05% solution of Naphthyzine or Epinephrine (Adrenaline), diluted in saline, helps relieve swelling. These drugs can only be used on the recommendation of the attending physician, since Naphthyzinum (the active ingredient naphazoline) is addictive with prolonged use and contributes to the development of chronic rhinitis, and Epinephrine (the active ingredient epinephrine) can cause heart rhythm failure.

Antitussive drugs

This group of drugs is recommended if you suffer from an unproductive, dry cough. Inhalations with a nebulizer (solutions are calculated individually at the appointment with the attending physician) stop the obsessive cough and have an anesthetic effect. Thyme-based drops, Tussamag, are suitable for adults and children over one year old. A solution for inhalation when coughing with a nebulizer for children is prepared at the rate of 1 ml of medicine - 3 ml of sodium chloride. For adults, the proportion is 1:1.

Lidocaine also stops dry and obsessive non-productive coughs. A solution for inhalation with a dry cough is prepared from 1% and saline.

Do's and Don'ts during Pregnancy

If a cold or SARS is diagnosed in a pregnant woman, then self-medication is categorically contraindicated, however, we can advise well-proven recipes that do not cause objections from doctors, suitable for women in such a delicate position. It's no secret that the most effective, fastest and safest way to get rid of colds and flu is inhalation in a nebulizer.

When coughing, which solutions can best and most quickly alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman? Of course, this is the inhalation of vapors or the spraying of warm mineral water, such as Narzan and Borjomi. This procedure instantly relieves the feeling of dryness and tickling, and also cleanses the nasopharynx. Water should be used non-carbonated. Perfectly clean the nasopharynx from pathological microorganisms inhalation with sea water or with the addition of sea salt. With a dry cough, you can do soda inhalation.

Even a slight nasal congestion reduces the supply of oxygen to the fetus, and this is fraught with pathologies in the development of the baby. Inhalations of mineral water and medicinal herbs should be part of the pregnant regimen, especially if the last trimesters fall on wet and cold months.

Herbal raw materials for bronchitis and tracheitis can be chamomile, sage, calendula, eucalyptus, coltsfoot and lavender.

In the absence of allergies to essential oils of lime, rose, fir, lavender, myrtle, pine, it is good to add a few drops to hot water and breathe for 5-7 minutes.

Inhalations over steam from hot potatoes are still very popular. They are completely harmless and suitable for everyone. Now they can be done in a nebulizer - it is much more convenient than under a blanket cap, and no less effective.

To improve general well-being and prevent colds, it is useful to do inhalations with the Vietnamese Asterisk balm. It is a solid oil extract of almost 30 medicinal herbs. For one inhalation, a match head of balm is enough for a small amount of warm water (half or a little more than half a glass). The solution is placed in a nebulizer and inhaled for several minutes or 5-7 times. You can repeat as needed - no contraindications, no side effects, no painful addiction can be feared.

A ready-made solution for inhalation for coughing during pregnancy can be bought at a pharmacy. We have given a list of the best drugs above. Some of them are also suitable for pregnant women. In particular, this applies to "Furacilin", "Chlorophyllipt", "Pulmicort", "Dexamethasone" and some others. In the instructions accompanying the medicine, there is always an accompanying leaflet that indicates whether this remedy can be used during pregnancy or not.

To strengthen immunity during seasonal epidemics of influenza and SARS, it is very important for pregnant women to prevent infection with the virus; for this purpose, it is recommended to prophylactically take several inhalations of Interferon. Powder is intended for inhalation. It is sold in ampoules. It is diluted with 2 ml of distilled water and combined with saline to a volume of 4-5 ml.

But what is not allowed for pregnant women, nursing mothers and their babies:

All prescription drugs;

Preparations containing iodine;

Preparations made on the basis of alcohol;

Herbal oils of nightshade, rosemary, coniferous trees, basil, marjoram, rosemary and dill.


Any solution for inhalation when coughing with a nebulizer requires compliance with certain rules.

First, before proceeding with the procedure, you must obtain permission from your doctor. Only he, having studied and examined the patient, can prescribe the appropriate medicine and the correct ratio of the components of the solution. In some diseases of the heart and lungs, inhalation is strictly prohibited.

Secondly, the solution for inhalation with a wet cough should be warm. Cold either will not work, or will cause deterioration. Its temperature should not be lower than 36 and not higher than 40 degrees. Immediately after a hot inhalation, you should not go outside if the weather is cold there. You need to sit in the room for 15 minutes to cool down and prevent unwanted contrast of air in the lungs and coming from outside (this is fraught with a new cold or complication of an existing one).

Thirdly, some drugs can be addictive or provoke an allergic reaction, therefore, when buying a drug at a pharmacy, carefully read the instructions before using it.

If inhalation is aimed at treating a runny nose, then the medicine should be inhaled through the nose, and if we treat the throat and lungs, then through the mouth. After inhalation, you should not drink, eat or smoke for an hour.

Inhalation with dry cough - this procedure is familiar to many. In wet and cold weather, it is quite easy to get a cold, but it can be difficult to get rid of it. The modern medical industry produces a large number of different medicinal products. But many do not like to take pills. That is why a wet or dry cough is often treated with inhalation. What is good about this method? Why is a dry cough nebulizer so popular? And most importantly - how to do inhalation? The answers to these questions can be found in this article.

Various medications are used to treat a variety of colds. But many try to avoid taking "chemistry" inside. That is why inhalation is often used to defeat dry cough in adults and children. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this treatment method?

Let's talk about the pros first.

Doctors include the following:
  • The main advantage of inhalation with a nebulizer is that the drugs fall directly on the inflamed mucous membrane. At the same time, substances do not penetrate into the blood, which prevents them from penetrating into other organs and harming their condition;
  • high efficiency. The effect of drugs inhaled through inhalation is significantly increased compared to if they were taken orally (drank pills);
  • mobility. The procedure itself can take place at home. Of course, everything will depend on which inhaler is used, some of them are used only in medical institutions. But there are ways in which no equipment is needed at all.

What are the disadvantages of this method of treatment? It cannot be used at high temperatures. This procedure raises the temperature artificially.

In some cases, its values ​​​​may reach a critical level, which will require immediate intervention by medical professionals.

Quiz: Does Your Lifestyle Cause Lung Disease?

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Since almost all of us live in cities with very unhealthy conditions, and in addition to this we lead an unhealthy lifestyle, this topic is very relevant at the moment. We perform many actions, or vice versa - we are inactive, completely without thinking about the consequences for our body. Our life is in breathing, without it we will not live even a few minutes. This test will allow you to determine whether your lifestyle can provoke lung diseases, as well as help you think about your respiratory health and correct your mistakes.

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  • You lead the right life

    You are an active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and your body will delight you throughout your life. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and severe emotional overload. Try to minimize contact with sick people, in case of forced contact, do not forget about protective equipment (mask, washing hands and face, cleaning the respiratory tract).

  • It's time to start thinking about what you're doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is obligatory, and even better start playing sports, choose the sport that you like best and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, gym or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu in time, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work with your immunity, temper yourself, be in nature and fresh air as often as possible. Do not forget to undergo scheduled annual examinations, it is much easier to treat lung diseases in the initial stages than in a neglected form. Avoid emotional and physical overload, smoking or contact with smokers, if possible, exclude or minimize.

  • It's time to sound the alarm!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the work of your lungs and bronchi, pity them! If you want to live long, you need to radically change your whole attitude towards the body. First of all, go through an examination by such specialists as a therapist and a pulmonologist, you need to take drastic measures, otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the recommendations of doctors, radically change your life, it may be worth changing your job or even your place of residence, absolutely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and keep contact with people who have such addictions to a minimum, harden, strengthen your immunity, as much as possible be outdoors more often. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely exclude all aggressive products from everyday use, replace them with natural, natural products. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and airing the room at home.

  1. With an answer
  2. Checked out

  1. Task 1 of 20

    1 .

    Does your lifestyle involve heavy physical activity?

  2. Task 2 of 20

    2 .

    How often do you have a lung examination (eg fluorogram)?

  3. Task 3 of 20

    3 .

    Do you play sports?

  4. Task 4 of 20

    4 .

    Do you snore?

  5. Task 5 of 20

    5 .

    Do you treat acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and other inflammatory or infectious diseases?

  6. Task 6 of 20

    6 .

    Do you carefully observe personal hygiene (shower, hands before eating and after walking, etc.)?

  7. Task 7 of 20

    7 .

    Are you taking care of your immunity?

  8. Task 8 of 20

    8 .

    Have any relatives or family members suffered from serious lung diseases (tuberculosis, asthma, pneumonia)?

  9. Task 9 of 20

    9 .

    Do you live or work in an unfavorable environment (gas, smoke, chemical emissions from enterprises)?

  10. Task 10 of 20

    10 .

    Do you or your household use sources of strong odors (aroma candles, incense, etc.)?

  11. Task 11 of 20

    11 .

    Do you have heart disease?

  12. Task 12 of 20

    12 .

    How often are you in a damp or dusty environment with mold?

  13. Task 13 of 20

    13 .

    Do you often suffer from acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections?

  14. Task 14 of 20

    14 .

    Do you or any of your relatives have diabetes mellitus?

  15. Task 15 of 20

    15 .

    Do you have allergic diseases?

  16. Task 16 of 20

    16 .

    What lifestyle do you lead?

  17. Task 17 of 20

    17 .

    Does anyone in your family smoke?

  18. Task 18 of 20

    18 .

    Do you smoke?

  19. Task 19 of 20

    19 .

    Do you have air purifiers in your home?

  20. Task 20 of 20

    20 .

    How often do you use household chemicals (cleaners, aerosols, etc.)?

  21. When can inhalations be done? What is the purpose of this procedure?

    Breathing through a nebulizer or using another inhalation technology should be for the following diseases:
  • some types of pneumonia, tonsillitis with bronchitis, laryngitis. These ailments can take place both in acute and in chronic form;
  • some occupational diseases of the respiratory tract. Such diseases, for example, include bronchitis, pneumonia in specialists employed in chemical production or workers in quarries or mines, laryngitis of singers or teachers;
  • diseases of the middle ear - otitis media;
  • diseases of the nasal or paranasal sinuses. Such ailments, in particular, include rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • various viral infections, namely: rhino-, adeno-, reovirus and so on;
  • with exacerbation of bronchial asthma or for the treatment of obstructive bronchitis.

In addition, inhalation can also be done as a prophylactic. It is often used to avoid colds during wet and cold weather. Also, this procedure is used in order to exclude complications after previous diseases of the upper or lower respiratory tract.

Inhalations for dry cough and other manifestations of the common cold are used quite widely.

But this procedure also has its contraindications.

First of all, non-steam and steam inhalations are forbidden to be used at high temperatures:

  1. In addition, inhalation is not carried out in the presence of purulent and acute inflammation processes.
  2. It is also categorically impossible to use this method of treatment if the patient is diagnosed with tuberculosis or emphysema.
  3. With caution, it is worth using inhalations for dry cough with a nebulizer for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Another warning applies to those patients who often bleed from the nose. Under such circumstances, it is better to refrain from such "breathing" procedures.

Some are interested in whether inhalation can be done with a dry cough. This symptom often accompanies numerous colds. A dry cough is very irritating and can last a very long time.

Since this does not separate sputum, then all the viruses remain in the body. To change the situation and do inhalations with a nebulizer with a dry cough.

What inhalations exist today? What methods can modern doctors offer? The medical industry produces a wide range of inhalation devices. Each of them has its pros and cons.

Let's name the most popular modern technologies:
  • ultrasonic device. Such an inhaler creates the smallest drops of medicine. As a result, it is more evenly distributed over the mucous membrane. The disadvantage of such a device is its high cost;
  • compressor apparatus. In this case, small droplets are created due to the flow of air passing through the medicine container. Such a device is inexpensive. Plus, they are easy to manage. That is why it is often used for inhalation at home;
  • electric mesh nebulizer. Here, a suspension of the drug is formed due to the vibration of the mesh. Such a device is compact, but expensive;
  • The steam nebulizer is the easiest machine to use. In such a device, the drug passes into suspension due to evaporation. The disadvantage of a steam inhaler is that too large drops are formed, which for the most part settle at the beginning of the respiratory tract, not reaching the right place.

Despite the large selection of devices, steam inhalation can boast of the widest distribution. This is explained by the fact that with their help it turns out to be treated not only with special medicinal preparations, but also with essential oils with herbal tinctures and other means.

In folk medicine, it will be possible to do without any special device. With a dry cough at home, a simple pot and a towel are often used. Everyone knows the way of healing as a result of inhalation of vapors of boiled potatoes.

Inhalations from dry cough at home or in the treatment room are most often carried out with the use of various drugs and preparations.

As such (according to the disease), the following means can be used:
  1. When expectoration is difficult, an expectorant is prescribed. As such, mucolytic drugs such as Lazolvan with Ambrobene, Fluimucil and Pulmozim can be prescribed. In addition, inhalations with saline are carried out with a dry cough.
  2. In the presence of obstruction in the lungs during a severe form of the disease, hormone-based medications are prescribed. It can be Pulmicort or Prednisolone.
  3. Antibiotics and antimicrobials are used to reduce the impact of infection. In this case, the doctor may prescribe drugs such as Fluimucil, Gentamicin, Furacilin.

Usually, after such inhalation, a dry cough becomes more intense and is combined with sputum. As a result, the treatment is more effective and faster. But here it is important to use only medicines prescribed by a doctor. Do not experiment, it is better to entrust the treatment to professionals.

How to do inhalation with a dry cough at home? What are some simple but effective recipes for dealing with this disease?

Here, doctors may advise the following:
  • you can make inhalation from mineral water. As a rule, varieties "Borjomi" or "Narzan" are chosen. Mineral water is brought to a temperature of fifty degrees;
  • also for inhalation, you can use a solution of salt. It is enough in the amount of one teaspoon, which is diluted in two hundred grams of boiled water. Sea salt is the best. Such a solution has excellent antiseptic abilities;
  • for dry coughs, a simple saline solution can often be used. It is diluted with hot water in equal proportions. Such inhalation is prescribed not only for adults, but also for children. It is also used during pregnancy and if a dry cough is of an allergic nature;
  • alkaline inhalation with dry cough is an effective and easily accessible way to defeat the disease. To prepare the solution, you need to take half a spoon of ordinary baking soda. It is dissolved in two hundred grams of water. Inhalations with soda with a dry cough, as well as with saline, are allowed to be used for the treatment of children and pregnant women;
  • to relieve the symptoms of a cold, you can use steam inhalation with Novocaine or Lidocaine. In this case, one ampoule of the substance is diluted in a liter of water after boiling.

There are other recipes for steam inhalation. Many of them are quite effective. But at the same time, you should not try them all indiscriminately. It is important that this or that prescription is prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication is not worth it.

Inhalations for dry cough with or without a nebulizer have been used for a long time. Over the centuries, people have developed many recipes for steam inhalation. For a nebulizer, you can prepare products with herbs or other natural ingredients.

We list the most common recipes for defeating dry cough with steam inhalation:
  1. First of all, it is worth mentioning essential oils. Many people know about the beneficial properties of these funds. They calm the nerves, help improve skin condition, and much more. But for the fight against dry cough, such remedies are quite suitable. Essential oils of eucalyptus and fir, menthol and tea tree are distinguished by good efficiency. To prepare the solution, half a liter of high temperature water is taken and one or two drops of the selected agent are added to it. Do not increase the dosage, it can only harm.
  2. If coughing is difficult, then herbal solutions can be used. Sage and linden, calendula and St. John's wort showed themselves superbly. It is enough to prepare a solution of these herbs and place it in a steam inhaler.
  3. Another way to improve breathing is to use onions and garlic. For inhalation, these plants are cleaned and rubbed on a fine grater. You do not need to put them in an inhaler. It is enough just to breathe over the gruel laid out on a plate. If you decide to use a steam nebulizer, then you need to squeeze the juice. Just a few drops are enough. Garlic or onion juice is added to 50-100 grams of hot water.
  4. Also, natural honey can be used to combat dry cough. It is added to hot water, the resulting solution is placed in a steam inhaler.

There are other folk recipes. But even here you can not do without consulting a doctor.

It is worth remembering that many people have allergies. The same honey is simply contraindicated for many. Therefore, in order to avoid a possible allergic reaction, it is not worth using folk recipes for inhalation without consulting a doctor.

Inhalation can be carried out at home. This makes this procedure even more popular. But if in the treatment room they never deviate from the rules, then at home the patient does what is convenient for him. In order for inhalation to really benefit, you must follow some simple recommendations when carrying out this procedure.

These include the following:
  • it is necessary to prepare a solution (medicinal, herbal or any other) immediately before starting the procedure. Do not prepare in advance. Any tool eventually loses its useful properties when in contact with open air;
  • the procedure is preferably carried out after eating. This should take at least half an hour. Also, after the procedure, you should not go to the kitchen. You can eat at least an hour later;
  • after making an inhalation, it is better to sit in silence for half an hour and not talk;
  • the procedure itself is advised to be carried out in loose clothing so that nothing hampers the chest;
  • if the patient has a dry cough, then inhale the "healing" vapors through the mouth, and exhale through the nose. Breathing should be calm;
  • the course, as a rule, lasts no more than ten days. The procedures themselves are carried out every 3 or 4 hours. If the effect is not felt, then the “approaches” can be increased. In this case, the procedure is carried out every two hours.
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