Distinctive features of bladder tumors in women
Pathological neoplasms of the bladder are diagnosed in 20% of patients with problems with this organ. Of this number, 25% relates to...
Itching in the Urethral Canal in Women: Causes and Treatment
Causes of itching in the urethra in women Unpleasant symptoms in the urethra can occur in both women and men. There can be completely different reasons for this. It is important to be attentive and pay attention at the first symptoms
Signs in women and men, treatment, medications
Nocturia - what is it? A healthy adult’s body excretes up to 80% of urine per day from the total amount of liquid drunk. The ratio of the amount of urine excreted during the day and night differs by almost a third - 2/3 during the day and 1/3 at night. When soo
Bladder and blood in urine in women and men: causes, treatment
Among the pathologies of the urinary system, doctors distinguish such pathologies as hematuria of the bladder. This deviation does not occur as an independent disease; hematuria signals an inflammatory process in the pelvic organs. Pathological
The whole truth about the intestines
If you suffer from a headache, you go to the doctor, he prescribes you aspirin and the headache goes away. What does this mean? What did your body lack aspirin? But this cannot be the cause of the headache. So, you are overweight, tired, cellulite, etc.
What is a bladder tumor
The role played by the bladder in the human body is to accumulate liquid waste (urine) and subsequently remove it from the body using the contractile function of the muscles, which are its main structural part. swollen
Constricted bladder
It happens that a person is overcome by an overwhelming feeling of discomfort and pressure in the bladder area. What puts pressure on the bladder? This is a question that requires a thorough study of the structure of the urinary organs and a comparison of all kinds of provoking factors.
Should you worry if your bladder is weak?
Much to their chagrin, most people, as they reach a certain age, notice that they gradually develop problems with urination. Willingly or unwillingly, they have to wonder how best and faster to cope with this problem.
How to Strengthen the Bladder in Women with Exercise
The reasons that contribute to a weakened bladder are varied. More often, this disease occurs in the fairer sex, and in adulthood and old age. This is largely due to physiological characteristics. Incontinence in itself is not
Symptoms and treatment of nocturia in men
For a healthy person’s body, it is considered normal to excrete up to 80% of urine from the total amount of liquid drunk. The volume of urine excreted during the day is always greater than at night. An increase in the number of urinations at night is called nocturia.
Kegel exercises for urinary incontinence
Kegel exercises for urinary incontinence are one of the most effective non-drug methods for correcting this problem. With the help of simple home workouts, you can tone the pelvic muscles, which will allow you to successfully control the work of the urinary tract.