Kegel exercises for women with urinary incontinence at home
One of the most popular and relevant non-drug methods of treating light or drip urinary incontinence today is the technique...
Ultrasound on the bladder
Often, according to doctor's indications, an ultrasound of the bladder is performed in women and men, thanks to which many diseases are diagnosed. It is done at any age and condition (newborns or elderly people, pregnant women or after surgery). Important
Strengthening a weak bladder in women
Frequent urges and involuntary urine loss occur in a third of the fair sex; in men, dysfunction is observed mainly in old age or after suffering from neurological diseases. Pathological condition
If you have bladder problems
IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS WITH THE BLADDER... EXERCISES TO STRENGTHEN THE PELVIC FLOOR AND SPHINCTER. No one has calculated how many women are forced to avoid society, how many are afraid to travel and even walk to a store located 15 minutes away
Bladder: anatomy, normal volume in men, how to strengthen it
575 Bladder: anatomy, normal volume in men, how to strengthen it Where is the bladder located in representatives of the stronger sex, what is its structure and what pathologies may there be? The health of the genitourinary system is very important for men. Many men, feeling
Kegel exercises for women with urinary incontinence
The common pathology is not life-threatening, but the discomfort associated with urinary incontinence is enormous. Along with solving a physiological problem, women have to cope with psychological stress. To cope with the disease, you can reverse
Ultrasound of the bladder: how to properly prepare for the study?
Ultrasound of the bladder (UB) is a painless, non-invasive, informative examination method. That is why they resort to it if any pathology associated with this organ is suspected. Preparing for an ultrasound examination of the bladder
How to Strengthen the Bladder in Women with Exercise
The reasons that contribute to a weakened bladder are varied. More often, this disease occurs in the fairer sex, and in adulthood and old age. This is largely due to physiological characteristics. Incontinence in itself is not
The use of folk remedies in the treatment of bladder ailments
Today, among all bladder ailments, cystitis is common, to which women are most susceptible. Men, due to their tendency to smoke and work in hazardous industries, are more likely to encounter tumor processes in the excretory system. That's why
Overactive bladder in women: treatment, causes, symptoms
Overactive bladder in women, which requires treatment immediately after the problem is detected, is a dysfunction of urine storage and the emergence of a strong desire to empty the bladder. This need is often acute and
How is bladder volume measured?
Depending on the gender and age of a person, the volume of the bladder may differ from normal to a greater or lesser extent. A normal, healthy organ is able to accumulate and hold urine for up to 3 hours, but if a person suffers from any disease