About the dangers of baking soda. Baking soda - benefits, harms and healing properties for the body

Small crystals of the sodium acid salt of carbonic acid form a white powder - this is baking soda.

By itself, it is safe, non-toxic and non-flammable.

But dosages should be followed. when using sodium bicarbonate in everyday life.

The use of baking soda in cooking

Perhaps this is the original and main use of baking soda. When heated, it releases carbon dioxide, which is great. loosens the dough and adds airiness to any baked goods. Soda is a part of many baking powders, and is referred to in them as a food additive E500. Baking powders and special mixes for baking biscuits and muffins include the required amount of sodium bicarbonate. If you use it in its pure form, it is important to remember that it is not tasteless. If there is more soda in the dough than it required, the finished baking will acquire a soapy, slightly salty taste.

Production of carbonated drinks also does not do without baking soda.

Used in cooking, soda has no contraindications and does not have a negative effect on the human body.

The benefits and harms of baking soda for the body

Medicine, and especially that branch of it that we call "folk", widely uses baking soda for health benefits. Years of experience prove that soda helps with:

Pain in the stomach;

Sore throat;

Damage to any mucous membranes of the body by fungi and bacteria;

elevated temperature;

Body oxygenation.

The benefits and harms of baking soda for the stomach

Feeling a burning sensation in the stomach You can dissolve an incomplete teaspoon of baking soda in half a glass of hot water. Once in the stomach, such soda water normalizes its acidity by lowering it. Unpleasant sensations disappear within the first minutes.

Modern the medicine, but, denies the humanity of such a method. This is due to the fact that in response to a forced decrease in acidity, with the subsequent entry of the irritant into the stomach, it will increase to an even greater extent. As a result, this will result in the fact that a person will feel the ineffectiveness of drunk soda water, even with a high content of sodium bicarbonate in it.

Health Benefits of Baking Soda During Respiratory Infection Season

Airborne viral infections settle on the mucous tissues of the throat and nose. A tablespoon of baking soda dissolved in a cup of hot water is an excellent antiseptic. Gargle with this solution should be 4-5 times a day. This will prevent the virus from multiplying on the mucosa and speed up recovery.

For dry cough soda will help moisturize it and speed up the process of sputum coming out of the bronchi. For this you need:

1. Pour boiling water into the bowl of a plastic inhaler up to the mark;

2. Pour a tablespoon of soda and stir quickly, close the inhaler.

When heated, soda actively releases carbon dioxide and water vapor, which provide the necessary thinning effect. The duration of such inhalation 3-4 minutes. During the procedure, it is convenient to use a plastic inhaler. It is sold at any pharmacy at an affordable price. It is a convenient and safe unit, especially for children's inhalations.

Benefits of baking soda for thrush exacerbation

Many women are aware of such a nuisance as thrush. If, at the first signs of its exacerbation, the frequency of hygienic intimate procedures in the form of soda baths is increased, then the development of candidiasis can be prevented. And the already existing fungus on the mucous tissues of the genital organs will be affected by the strongest antiseptic - sodium bicarbonate. However, it should be remembered that this method is not a complete treatment. It only eliminates outbreaks of the disease, helping get rid of itching and burning. The very same reason lies much deeper. Therefore, it is imperative to visit a gynecologist.

Baking soda for elevated body temperature

Surprisingly, baking soda has beneficial properties that can combat elevated body temperature. For an adult, this is a teaspoon per glass of water. For a child - half a teaspoon in a glass of hot water. Then the solution cools to warm and is taken orally. After 1-2 doses, the temperature returns to normal. Of course, you should not use this method without the approval of your doctor, especially when it comes to a child. It is also not recommended to bring down the temperature below 38 degrees. Until this mark on the thermometer, the body is at the active stage of the fight against the virus.

Baking soda normalizes the alkaline balance of the body

Each of us is born with ideal pH level in the body. Throughout life, this balance is disturbed. Products, medicines, the environment - all this increases the acidity of the human body. But, as you know, an acidic environment is ideal for the flourishing of any viruses and bacteria. When the level of acidification of the body passes the permissible line, a person feels unpleasant symptoms:

Disturbances in the work of the stomach;

Frequent colds;

Skin rashes;

Joint pain;

Unreasonable muscle tone;


Constant fatigue;

Inability to concentrate on details for a long time.

Health benefits of baking soda will help to normalize the alkaline background. It is enough to take possession of a new non-aggravating habit. In the morning and evening, drink a teaspoon of soda, previously dissolved in a glass of hot water. Drink this solution as hot as you can bear. After drinking a monthly course, they take a break for 1-2 weeks, and then they start taking baking soda again with its beneficial properties. Alkalinization of the body will help prevent many ailments, and get rid of existing ones.

The benefits and harms of baking soda for the body of the expectant mother and her baby

It's interesting that soda can help a woman know about the onset of pregnancy. To do this, in the morning you need to collect 100 ml of urine, and then pour a teaspoon of soda into it. If the usual reaction occurs, a hissing foam will appear, this will mean that there is no pregnancy. If the soda simply falls as a sediment to the bottom of the glass, then this is a confirmation of the completed fertilization.. As for the further interaction of baking soda with benefits for the body of the expectant mother, then its external use is quite acceptable. But taking baking soda inside is not always justified.

Pregnant women often suffer from heartburn. But baking soda in this case can harm and therefore is the latest allowed method. In this case, it should be taken not with water, but with warm milk. It should be remembered that baking soda remains in the body for some time and can provoke puffiness, to which the pregnant body is already prone. In addition, sodium bicarbonate can cause intestinal irritation. Such side effects will not bring useful adjustments to the rebuilding body of a pregnant girl. At the same time, the use of baking soda by his mother does not directly affect the unborn baby. But causing undesirable consequences in the body of a woman, the fetus in her womb also experiences inconvenience.

During pregnancy, you can use baking soda with health benefits externally:

Rinsing throat in the treatment and prevention;

soda baths with thrush;

Getting rid of skin rashes, calluses and various damage to the integrity of the skin.

The course of each pregnancy has its own characteristics. Therefore, before any use of baking soda for the benefit of a pregnant body, it is necessary to consult with a leading specialist.

Baking soda and its health benefits for children

A child's body is an ever-forming and improving complex mechanism created by nature. Therefore, before treating a baby with baking soda, you should definitely visit a pediatrician and get his approval. Soda will help save the child from:

sore throat;

Diseases of the oral cavity;


Skin rashes;

Plant burns;

Insect bites.

It can be seen that the area of ​​​​application of soda in a child is purely external. With regards to taking baking soda orally with the health benefits of babies, this approach is not justified. There are a large number of specially designed drugs that have a more gentle effect on the child's body.

The use of baking soda in everyday life

Using soda in everyday life, you can clean many surfaces with minimal effort and get rid of unpleasant odors:

Pour water into a burnt saucepan and add a tablespoon of baking soda. Boil for 15 minutes. After that, the pan will be washed easier;

After preparing a paste of soda and water, apply to countertops, refrigerator, stove and other dirty surfaces. Leave overnight. In the morning, the surfaces will quickly be washed off from past contaminants;

After sprinkling the carpet, mattress, upholstered furniture with dry soda, you need to wait 30 minutes, and then vacuum it. Unpleasant odors will not remain;

Linen will become whiter if soda is mixed with lemon juice and placed in the washing machine during normal washing;

The bath and toilet can be rid of plaque and fungi by cleaning them with soda;

Silver products in contact with baking soda become clean and shiny. It is enough to make a slurry of soda and water, apply to the product and rub it with an old toothbrush after a few minutes.

Baking soda has so many health benefits its presence in every home is a must.

For hair that retains volume and freshness for a long time, you need to add a teaspoon of baking soda to a bucket of boiled water. Use only such softened water for washing your hair. Already after the second procedure, the hair will become much healthier.

Against the backdrop of high popularity, sodium bicarbonate, like any other product, has its own negative side associated with severe phenomena that occur in the human body as a result of its improper use. What is the reason for this and is soda really harmful to the human body?

How does baking soda affect the human body?

To figure out whether soda is harmful to the body or not, you need to clearly understand what properties make it take this product. It is widely known that with the help of soda solution you can:

  • normalize the pH level;
  • lower the level of acidity due to the alkaline properties of soda;
  • carry out whitening procedures for the skin, tooth enamel;
  • enhance the healing properties of the body;
  • remove toxins and toxins from the body;
  • reduce pain symptoms in certain diseases.

But despite these wonderful properties, the harm of soda to the human body is also a topic of conversation among ordinary consumers and physicians. By itself, sodium bicarbonate has no negative effects on the human body if used in reasonable amounts.

Recently, one can often observe in print and online publications that talk about the miraculous healings of people, the emphasis is on the fact that soda is a panacea for all diseases, on its unique universal properties.

Seizing on such information, many people thoughtlessly begin to use sodium bicarbonate to solve health issues - lose weight with it, treat cancer, cleanse the body of toxins, etc. Such things should absolutely not be allowed without going through a full medical examination, without doing blood tests and without consulting a doctor. Sometimes blind confidence in limitless possibilities can demonstrate the harm of soda to the body.

It must be understood that baking soda is a substance that cannot be used as a substitute for a drug prescribed by a specialist for the treatment of a disease. It is used as an auxiliary substance that contributes to the normalization of the acid-base balance and the state of the blood.

In the treatment of diseases that are treated with potent drugs, soda can reduce the negative impact of their toxic components on the body, while not at all inhibiting their therapeutic effect and not having an aggressive effect on the tissues and organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Who is soda contraindicated

The question - is it harmful to drink soda, does not have an unambiguous answer due to the fact that each person has certain characteristics of the body. To understand whether you can use soda or not, you need to know your level of acidity, take into account concomitant chronic diseases and how sensitive the body can be to the components of sodium bicarbonate.

Given all these factors, doctors do not advise the use of soda solutions:

  • pregnant women, especially in the first trimester;
  • patients prone to allergies;
  • nursing mothers;
  • children under 5 years old;
  • as a whitening dental remedy for persons who have hypersensitivity of dental tissue to external stimuli;
  • often with heartburn;
  • patients with pancreatitis;
  • patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system - arterial hypertension.

Side effects

Even the fact that soda is an excellent antacid and can quickly neutralize high acidity, it should not be used more than 1 time as an anti-heartburn agent, as this can lead to its repetition and increased body reaction. The reason for this is as follows:

  1. Taking soda reduces the release of hydrochloric acid, but this effect is short-lived. The emitted carbon dioxide aggressively affects the cells of the gastric mucosa, which produce hydrochloric acid.
  2. Carbon dioxide acts as a stimulator of the same cells and the process of secretion of gastric acid begins to take place more actively.
  3. As a result of this, an uncomfortable condition begins again, which causes heartburn.

Similar methods of treating heartburn can cause ulcers on the gastric mucosa with its frequent use. Increased production of carbon dioxide can provoke increased flatulence, bloating, and also have an unexpected laxative effect and cause diarrhea.

Alkalosis is a process of alkalization of the blood, which can also occur due to prolonged use of soda in large quantities. Often this phenomenon is accompanied by loss of appetite, vomiting, abdominal cramps. If measures are not taken in time, deterioration in the work of the whole organism can be observed.

Due to the harm of baking soda to the body, other signs of a large amount of alkali in it can also be observed, which are expressed in spontaneous prolonged muscle contractions - cramps, headaches, nervousness, anxiety.

In addition, the harm of baking soda to the human body can also be manifested in an increase in pressure, which occurs due to oversaturation of the body with sodium.

You can not use soda inside during pregnancy. Doctors allow during the period of bearing a baby to use only locally - as cosmetic products, for rinsing the mouth, to make foot baths. After the internal use of soda in large quantities, irreversible processes in the body of a pregnant woman can begin. If the pressure rises, it can lead to an involuntary miscarriage.

The symptoms that alkalosis can cause can negatively affect not only the condition of the expectant mother, but also greatly harm the baby.

In order for baking soda to remain a true friend and helper for each of us, it is necessary to take it correctly. It must be remembered that the daily rate of sodium bicarbonate, drunk at a time, should not exceed 25 mg.

Before ingestion, soda should be dissolved in hot water and consumed, slightly cooled.

In no case should you drink soda during a meal or immediately after eating. This can negatively affect the work of the digestive tract. It is better to use it 20-30 minutes before or after meals.

As a prophylactic, baking soda should be consumed constantly. If the body does not accept such a scheme, you can take 10 day breaks and take soda in solution 1 time per day for two months, and then repeat the prophylaxis again after the break.

Baking soda, while considered a miracle cure by many consumers, is not the cure for all ills in the modern world. A few centuries ago, with its help, it was possible to cure the most serious ailments.

But today, when diseases mutate, and the environment has a high level of pollution that negatively affects human immunity, it is worth giving preference to modern medicines for the treatment of serious diseases, and using sodium bicarbonate in reasonable doses as a prophylactic, cleansing agent, and only after talking with your doctor .

Most modern people today suffer from high acidity of the body. In a healthy person, the pH of the blood should be at least 7.35. When the indicator is lower, this indicates a significant violation of the acid-base balance. In medicine, this pathology is called acidosis. And according to the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, a decrease in pH to less than 6.8 is fatal. But even a slight deviation from the norm - up to 7.25 - can provoke serious health problems and cause disturbances in the work of various organs and systems.

Recently, baking soda treatment has gained great popularity. This product has long been used for domestic and medical purposes - for rinsing the mouth and throat, softening water, and also as an antiseptic. Modern studies have shown that soda also perfectly neutralizes the increased acidity of the body and, when used correctly, allows you to control the acid-base balance.

Benefits of baking soda

Regular intake of soda solution allows you to:


Numerous studies speak about the benefits of baking soda for the body. According to one of them, soda can even cure cancer. According to the Italian doctor Tulio Simoncini, oncology is of a fungal nature. But the acidic environment most of all contributes to the development and reproduction of fungal microorganisms. Normalizing the acid-base balance by taking baking soda can eliminate the fungus, and therefore get rid of cancer.

The harm of soda to the body

In order for soda to be beneficial, it must be taken correctly. The general rules are:

  • you need to drink soda solution on an empty stomach - 30 minutes before meals or 1-2 hours after;
  • 1/5 teaspoon of soda should be added to a glass of warm water or milk - over time, the dose can be increased to half a teaspoon;
  • the solution is taken 2-3 times a day, not more often.

The effectiveness of soda against oncology has not yet been proven 100%. But if you follow these simple recommendations, then sodium bicarbonate will definitely not do you any harm. A decrease in acidity is, in any case, good.

Baking soda, whose chemical formula is NaHCO3, is an odorless white powder, sparingly soluble in water, non-toxic. It is not flammable or explosive. Its numerous properties are used in the kitchen, in pharmacology and cosmetology. Maybe you do not know, but it is a food additive, which is designated as E500. Baking soda is also found in toothpaste as a whitening ingredient and in pharmaceuticals as an antacid.

If you use soda in reasonable doses, for a specific purpose, after consulting with a specialist, in this case you will be able to avoid all negative side effects.

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate or sodium bicarbonate) is now recognized as being useful as a natural remedy for several ailments. And many people have a question - is soda harmful to the stomach?

Useful properties of soda for the human body

It is common knowledge that a large number of people today suffer from heartburn. This unpleasant feeling in the chest brings discomfort to our lives. It is accompanied by an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, a burning sensation and soreness behind the sternum, accompanied by nausea. Many heartburn remedies contain sodium bicarbonate as the main ingredient.

Considering the numerous circumstances in which baking soda is useful for improving the health of the body, it can rightfully be considered a real natural and healing remedy.

Sodium bicarbonate has properties:

  • neutralize harmful substances, including chemicals;
  • protects the gastric mucosa by neutralizing hydrochloric acid;
  • reduces the level of pepsin and, therefore, prevents its aggressive effect on the stomach;
  • eliminates the symptoms of acid reflux into the esophagus;
  • normalizes acidity in the stomach;
  • positively affects the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract.

What happens in the stomach after taking a solution of soda

When sodium bicarbonate comes into contact with hydrochloric acid, a neutralization reaction begins, resulting in the formation of salt and carbon dioxide, which stretches the stomach. At the same time, the release of gastrin is stimulated, which increases the production of gastric digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid. A side effect is a feeling of bloating, flatulence occurs.

During heartburn in the stomach, increased acidity, and soda lowers it. During this process, salt, water and carbon dioxide are formed.

Previously, a soda solution was taken to aid digestion. This is a mistake, because reducing the amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, with which sodium bicarbonate reacts, slows down digestion. In order for sodium bicarbonate to contribute to the digestion process, it must be used in combination with other drugs.

How to use?

Rules for the use of sodium bicarbonate in diseases of the stomach:

  • Soda is consumed only in the form of an aqueous solution.
  • The substance dissolves in warm water, it is not recommended to take hot or cold water.
  • You can not use soda, which has been in the open for a long time, in the light or the sun.
  • There should be no foreign inclusions in the powder, all particles in the soda solution should dissolve.
  • The solution should be drunk slowly.
  • After you drink the solution, it is undesirable to take a horizontal position.
  • The solution should be taken one hour after a meal.
  • The dose should be a quarter of a teaspoon. In extreme cases, you can increase to half a spoon.

If you are worried about heartburn, you should dissolve half a teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm boiled water and drink in small sips.

It should be used when absolutely necessary, since the resulting carbon dioxide subsequently stimulates the formation of hydrochloric acid.


It is necessary to completely exclude the use of sodium bicarbonate in the following pathologies:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes mellitus of the first type in the stage of decompensation;
  • certain gastrointestinal diseases (eg, ulcers);
  • allergies and intolerance to soda.

Side effects

Sodium bicarbonate is a chemically active substance. Its interaction with hydrochloric acid in the stomach causes a neutralization reaction. Regular use leads to an increase in the formation of carbon dioxide and stimulation of the production of hydrochloric acid. Thus, taking soda for heartburn is possible only from time to time.

Please note that, despite all the beneficial properties of soda, you should not drink it greedily and blindly every day, because this is fraught with consequences.

Side effects are as follows:

  • Excess sodium in the body leads to a dangerous increase in blood pressure.
  • Regular consumption of soda irritates the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The acid-base balance of the body may be disturbed.
  • Frequent use of a large amount leads to alkalization of the body. This causes deterioration of health, weakness, drowsiness.
  • Dizziness, nausea, pain, vomiting may occur.
  • Sometimes there are side effects from the nervous system: irritability, aggressiveness, anxiety.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders - diarrhea and bloating.

If you often experience heartburn, then in order not to harm yourself, you need to see a doctor. It is necessary to take care of the long-term normalization of the diet, lifestyle.

More Useful Benefits of Baking Soda

Baking soda is an excellent disinfectant and natural fungicide and is therefore often used to combat candidiasis, one of the most common gynecological infections.

Since baking soda has a decongestant effect, it is a good remedy for gum inflammation with a mouthwash.

Rinsing with soda dissolved in water disinfects, soothes and relieves the symptoms of a sore throat.

To treat herpes, you need to take soda and dissolve it in lemon juice, and apply the resulting mixture to the affected area.

If you want to clear your nasal passages when you have a cold, try the following solution. Mix 120 ml of water, 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 soda. Bury several times a day in the nose, 2 or 3 drops of this liquid.

Hemorrhoids, as you know, cause intense burning and discomfort, which can be alleviated with water and bicarbonate microenemas, especially during an outbreak.

Onychomycosis is a fungus on the feet that can be treated with baking soda, an effective antifungal agent. It should be used as a compress with a soda solution. It is also great for foot hygiene and foot baths.

If you have eye irritation due to climate change or long hours on the computer, dilute two teaspoons of baking soda in a glass of warm water and apply the solution to your eyes with cotton swabs, the effect will be immediate.

    Alkalinization of the body is necessary to maintain not only health, but also to achieve a state of constant rejuvenation, renewal of the body. Therefore, ensuring an alkaline environment of the body is the GENIUS KEY to youth and life in a healthy body indefinitely.

    Thus, the Formula of Youth and Immortality: Alkaline organism (drinking soda) + Acid stomach + Greens + vitaminization + cleansing

    In humans, the pH of the blood should be within the normal range of 7.35-7.47. If the pH is less than 6.8 (very acidic blood, severe acidosis), then the death of the organism occurs (TSB, vol. 12, p. 200). Nowadays, most people suffer from hyperacidity of the body (acidosis), having a blood pH below 7.35. At a pH less than 7.25 (severe acidosis), alkalizing therapy should be prescribed: taking soda from 5 g to 40 g per day.

    The normal pH of saliva is in the range of 6.5-7.5. Below are the pH values ​​and their corresponding health status: 4.5 - 5.5 Most likely you are sick: (6.0 - 6.5 The body is weakened!!! 7.0 - 7.5 You are healthy :)

    Baking soda

    In this article, we will look at the healing properties of baking soda. Baking soda is a white powder that is alkaline (base) in chemical properties. When dissolved in water, one can observe the reaction of carbon dioxide evolution, the bubbles of which are visible in clear water. A lot has been known about the beneficial properties of this chemical compound for humans for a long time. Baking soda has weak antiseptic properties, can reduce water hardness, and works in the same way as bleach. A solution of baking soda is used both for rinsing the mouth and throat, and for softening tap water used for washing, as well as for whitening the soles of the feet or palms of the hands that are heavily soiled after physical work. Modern research in the human body, animals and plants, the role of soda is to neutralize acids, increase the alkaline reserves of the body in maintaining normal acid-base balance.

    It is necessary to take soda on an empty stomach, for 20-30 minutes. before meals (depending on the individual characteristics of the body for 1-2 hours), you can not immediately after eating - there may be the opposite effect. The main thing is that soda and food do not come into contact with each other, because. an acidic environment is needed to digest food, and soda alkalizes. Start with small doses - 1/5 teaspoon, gradually increase the dose, bringing it up to 1/2 teaspoon.

    You can dilute soda in one glass of warm-hot boiled water (hot milk) or take it in dry form, drinking (required!) Hot water or milk (one glass). Take 2-3 r. in a day.

    How to measure the level of alkaline environment (PH) of the body?

    To analyze the acidity and determine the value of its pH, you can use school litmus paper. If you could not get and buy a litmus test, then you can do it yourself. Buy purgen, phenolphthalein at the pharmacy. Crush ten tablets and stir in 1/2 cup of warm, unsweetened sparkling water. Cut the whitest blotting paper you can find into 10-12 X 2 cm strips. Then dip the strips into the solution and dry. The indicator for the analysis of soil acidity is already ready. If the paper has become pink, like roses, then this is a slightly alkaline medium, if it is red, then it is alkaline, if the paper does not change color at all, then it is acidic. The acidity standard is pH 7, the reaction to acid is neutral, pH above 7 is alkaline, pH below 7 is acidic, if pH is below 4, then it is very acidic.

    Measure the pH of urine and saliva There are simple indirect methods for determining the pH of liquids using test strips that change color in different ways depending on the pH value. The most convenient way to assess the state of acid-base balance is by the pH of urine and saliva. To do this, the test strip is wetted with urine or saliva. Comparing the color of the test strip with a color standard allows you to determine the pH level.

    urine pH. It is believed that the urine of primitive people had an alkaline reaction, its pH was approximately 7.5-9.0. In modern people, the norm is in the slightly acid range: from 6.0-6.4 in the morning to 6.5-7.0 in the evening. On average, it is 6.4-6.5. Urine pH is best measured on an empty stomach, 2 hours before and after meals 2 times a day several times a week. Soda, neutralizing excess acids, increases the alkaline reserves of the body, makes urine alkaline, which facilitates the work of the kidneys (saves mental energy), saves glutamine amino acid, and prevents the deposition of kidney stones. A remarkable property of soda is that its excess is easily excreted by the kidneys, giving an alkaline urine reaction (BME, ed. 2, vol. 12, p. 861). “But one should accustom the body to it for a long time” (MO, part 1, p. 461), because alkalization of the body with soda leads to the removal of a large amount of poisons (slags) accumulated by the body over many years of acidic life. In an alkaline environment with activated water, the biochemical activity of amine vitamins increases many times: B1 (thiamine, cocarboxylase), B4 (choline), B5 or PP (nicotinomide), B6 ​​(pyridoxal), B12 (cobimamide). Vitamins having a fiery nature (M.O., part 1, 205) can fully manifest it only in an alkaline environment. In the acidic environment of a poisoned organism, even the best plant vitamins cannot bring out their best qualities (Br. 13).

    saliva pH. The optimal time to measure the pH of saliva is from 10 am to 12 noon. According to the rules for using the test, it is recommended not to eat or drink anything for half an hour before testing. Before using litmus paper, swallow it several times, then moisten it with saliva. Not later than in 2-3 seconds, compare the test with the proposed scale. Repeat the test several times during the day. In an acidic body, saliva has an acidic pH = 5.7-6.7, which leads to a slow destruction of tooth enamel. In an alkaline organism, saliva is alkaline: pH = 7.2-7.9 (Therapist's Handbook, 1969, p. 753) and the teeth are not destroyed. For the treatment of caries, in addition to fluorine, it is necessary to take soda twice a day so that saliva becomes alkaline.

    Bring the pH back to normal

    So, if the pH deviates to the acid side, you need to drink soda, increase the content of alkaline foods in the diet and do more aerobic exercise, for example, 30-40 minute walks at a fast pace 4-5 times a week are good.


    1. Prevention and treatment of cancer- Research by the Italian Tulio Simoncini. In a letter dated July 18, 1935, E. I. Roerich wrote: “Then I advise you to take bicarbonate soda twice a day every day. For pain in the pit of the stomach (tension in the solar plexus), baking soda is indispensable. And in general, soda is the most beneficial remedy, it protects against all kinds of diseases, starting with cancer, but you need to accustom yourself to take it daily without gaps ... In a letter dated January 1, 1935, E. I. Roerich wrote: everyone should learn to take soda twice a day. It is an amazing remedy for many serious diseases, in particular, cancer. I have heard of a case of curing an old external cancer by sprinkling it with soda. When we remember that soda is included as the main ingredient in our blood, then its beneficial effect becomes clear. During fiery manifestations, soda is indispensable” (vol. 3, p. 74). June 1, 1936: “But soda has become universally accepted, and is now especially popular in America, where it is used against almost all diseases ... We are told to take soda twice a day, like valerian, without missing a single day. Soda prevents many diseases, including even cancer” (Letters, vol. 3, p. 147).

    2. Treatment of all types of poisoning: drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism, smoking cessation. To quit smoking: rinsing the mouth with a thick solution of soda or smearing the oral cavity with soda with saliva: soda is placed on the tongue, dissolves in saliva and causes an aversion to tobacco when smoking. Doses are small so as not to disrupt digestion.

    3. Removal of harmful substances from the body: lead, cadmium, mercury, thallium, barium, bismuth and other heavy metals, radioactive isotopes and prevention of radioactive contamination of the body. Soda is used for poisoning with methanol, an intravenous daily dose of soda reaches 100 g, with ethyl alcohol, formaldehyde, karbofos, chlorophos, white phosphorus, phosphine, fluorine, iodine, mercury and lead (Therapist's Handbook, 1969, p. 468). A solution of soda, caustic soda and ammonia is used to destroy (degas) chemical warfare agents (CCE, vol. 1, p. 1035).

    4. Leaching, dissolving all harmful deposits in the joints, in the spine; stones in the liver and kidneys, i.e. treatment of radiculitis, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, gout, rheumatism, urolithiasis, cholelithiasis; dissolution of stones in the liver, gallbladder, intestines and kidneys. A healthy body produces highly alkaline digestive juices for digestion. Digestion in the duodenum occurs in an alkaline environment under the influence of juices: pancreatic juice, bile, juice of the Bruttner gland and juice of the mucous membrane of the duodenum. All juices have a high alkalinity (BME, ed. 2, vol. 24, p. 634). Pancreatic juice has pH=7.8-9.0. Enzymes of pancreatic juice act only in an alkaline environment. Bile normally has an alkaline reaction pH = 7.50-8.50. The secret of the large intestine has a strongly alkaline pH = 8.9-9.0 (BME, ed. 2, v. 12, Art. Acid-base balance, p. 857). With severe acidosis, bile becomes acidic pH = 6.6-6.9 instead of the normal pH = 7.5-8.5. This impairs digestion, which leads to poisoning of the body with products of poor digestion, the formation of stones in the liver, gall bladder, intestines and kidneys. Therefore, to improve the absorption of soda from the intestines, it is taken with hot milk. In the intestine, soda reacts with the amino acids of milk, forming alkaline sodium salts of amino acids, which are more easily absorbed into the blood than soda, increasing the alkaline reserves of the body. Large doses of soda with water are not absorbed and cause diarrhea, are used as a laxative.

    5. Cleansing the body to enhance attention, concentration, balance and performance in an active learning process, including even unbalanced children.

    6. Purification of the body from toxic substances produced during negative emotions: irritation, anger, hatred, envy, doubt, discontent and other harmful feelings and thoughts of a person (The Edges of Agni Yoga, vol. 8, p. 99-100). “The phenomenon of overflowing with psychic energy causes many symptoms both in the limbs and in the throat and stomach. Soda is useful to cause a vacuum, also hot milk ... ”(C, 88). “When irritated and agitated, I advise milk in all forms, as a common antidote. Soda strengthens the action of milk" (C, 534). “In case of excitement - first of all, malnutrition and valerian, and, of course, milk with soda” (C, 548) The causes of acidosis are poisons in food, water and air, drugs, pesticides. A great self-poisoning of people with psychic poisons comes from fear, anxiety, irritation, discontent, envy, malice, hatred, which are now greatly intensified due to the growing waves of Cosmic Fire. With the loss of psychic energy, the kidneys cannot retain a high concentration of soda in the blood, which is then lost along with the urine. This is another cause of acidosis: the loss of psychic energy leads to the loss of alkalis (soda). To correct acidosis, 3-5 g of soda per day is prescribed. Soda, destroying acidosis, increases the alkaline reserves of the body, shifts the acid-base balance to the alkaline side (pH about 1.45 and higher). In an alkaline organism, water is activated, i.e. its dissociation into H+ and OH- ions due to amine alkalis, amino acids, proteins, enzymes, RNA and DNA nucleotides. In activated water, saturated with the fiery energy of the body, all biochemical processes improve: protein synthesis is accelerated, poisons are neutralized faster, enzymes and amine vitamins work more actively, amine medicines that have a fiery nature and biologically active substances work better.

    8. Treatment of various diseases: June 8, 1936: “In general, soda is useful for almost all diseases and is a preservative against many diseases, so do not be afraid to take it, as well as valerian” (Letters, vol. 2, p. 215).

    Recipe - Baking soda helps with headaches. Required: 1 tsp. soda, 250 ml of water. Cooking. Dissolve soda in warm boiled water. Application. For migraine in the first 7 days, drink on an increasing basis, starting with 1 glass per day. In the next 7 days, on the contrary, take the remedy on a decreasing basis, i.e. gradually reduce the amount of water you drink with soda by 1 glass.

    Recipe - A solution of edible salt is used to reduce the acidity of gastric juice with increased secretion of hydrochloric acid by the cells of the gastric mucosa. Required: 1/4 tsp. soda, 250 ml of milk. Cooking. Dissolve baking soda in warm milk. Application. Drink with increased acidity of the stomach 2 times a day, 100 ml for 1 week. Diabetes."To relieve diabetes, they take soda ... milk with soda is always good ..." (MO3, 536). About doses: “The dose of soda for a boy (a diabetic at 11 years old) is a quarter of a teaspoon four times a day” (Letters, vol. 3, p. 74). Cough:“Musk and hot milk with soda will be a good preservative. To the extent that cold milk does not connect with tissues, it penetrates into the centers just as hot with soda ”(MO, part 1, p. 58).

    Prescription - Treatment of cough. Required: 1/2 tsp. soda, 1/4 tsp. salt, 100 ml of water. Cooking. Dissolve salt and soda in warm boiled water. Application. Drink 2 times a day on an empty stomach when coughing.

    Cold. January 4, 1935 : “I take it daily, sometimes with high tension, up to eight times a day for a coffee spoon. And I just pour it on my tongue and drink it with water. Also remarkably good for all colds and tensions of the centers is hot, but not boiled milk with soda ”(Letters, vol. 3, p. 75). “It’s good to give children soda in hot milk” “One English doctor ... applied simple soda from all sorts of inflammatory and catarrhal diseases, including pneumonia. Moreover, he gave it in fairly large doses, almost a teaspoon up to four times a day for a glass of milk or water. Of course, the English teaspoon is smaller than our Russian one. My family with all colds, especially with laryngitis and croupy cough, uses hot milk with soda. We put a teaspoon of soda on a cup of milk” (Letters, vol. 3, p. 116). In the presence of a respiratory disease with difficult to expel sputum, it is advised to breathe over a steam bath for 10 minutes to facilitate the discharge of viscous sputum that has stagnated in the respiratory tract. Also with an ache and burning in the throat indispensable hot milk, but not boiled, as well as with soda. The usual proportion is a coffee spoon per glass. Highly recommend to everyone. Also watch that the stomach is not burdened and the intestines are clean” (P, 06/18/35). For rinsing and washing with tonsillitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth, nose, throat and eyes, a 1-2% solution of baking soda is used. It relieves manifestations of inflammation - swelling of the mucous membrane. Constipation. “Constipation is treated in various ways, overlooking the simplest and most natural, namely: plain baking soda with hot milk. In this case, sodium metal acts. Soda is given for wide use to people. But they do not know about this and often use harmful and irritating medicines” (GAI11, 327). “The fiery tension is reflected in certain functions of the organism. So, in this case, for the proper functioning of the intestines, soda is needed, taken in hot milk ... Soda is good because it does not cause irritation of the intestines ”(GAI11, 515). “To the usual cleansing of the intestines, one can add a regular intake of drinking soda, which has the ability to neutralize many poisons ...” (GAI12, 147. M. A. Y.)

    Recipe - Skin of the legs. Required: 3 tbsp. l. soda, 5 liters of water. Cooking. Dissolve soda in hot water in a basin, immerse your feet in it. Application. Take a bath with coarsening of the soles of the feet for 15 minutes daily. If baking soda is chosen for this treatment, the treatment should be carried out in courses, only then will it be effective. The course of treatment is 5-7 days. At the end of the procedure, you need to dry the steamed feet dry and apply a nourishing cream or ointment on them, massaging the skin with your hands. Additionally, by rubbing pumice on problem areas of the skin that have lost their softness as a result of trampling by shoes or callus formation, you can get a wonderful result. Thanks to this, the skin will return the lost softness and tenderness. This method is cost-effective and easy to operate.

    9. Help in the transformation of fiery energies during the transition to the sixth race, preparation of the body for photon radiation from the center of the Galaxy from December 21 to 23, 2012. June 14, 1965 B.N. Abramov wrote from the Mother of Agni Yoga: “It is interesting to note how sensitive organisms already react to fiery tension. And it is good if someone already knows how to regulate these surges of fiery energies in his body. Soda can be a true panacea” (G.A.Y., vol. 6, p. 119, p. 220). “Soda and alkalis have a fiery nature. Soda is useful and its meaning is so close to fire. The soda fields themselves were called the ash of the Great Fire. So in ancient times, people already knew the features of soda. The surface of the Earth is covered with soda for widespread use ”(MO, part 3, p. 595). The Great Teacher advises the daily intake of soda twice a day to all people: “It is right that you do not forget the meaning of soda. Not without reason she was called ashes of the Divine Fire. It belongs to those widely given medicines, sent to the needs of all mankind. Soda should be remembered not only in illness, but also in the midst of well-being. As a connection with fiery actions, it is a shield from the darkness of destruction. But it is necessary to accustom the body to it for a long time. Every day you need to take it with water or milk; while accepting it, one must, as it were, direct it to the nerve centers. This way you can gradually introduce immunity.” (MO2, 461).

    10. Soda is good for plants.“In the morning, it is useful to water the plants by adding a pinch of soda to the water. At sunset, you need to water with a solution of valerian ”(A.I., p. 387).

    In this way, in the Teaching of Living Ethics, written down by Helena Ivanovna Roerich, it is repeatedly said about the need to use soda, about its beneficial effect on the human body. Human food “does not need artificially prepared acids” (A.Y., p. 442), but artificial alkalis (soda and potassium bicarbonate) are much more useful than potassium chloride and potassium orotate. “If you have not taken soda yet, then start in small doses, half a coffee spoon twice a day. Gradually it will be possible to increase this dose. Personally, I take two to three full coffee spoons daily. With pain in the solar plexus and heaviness in the stomach, I take much more. But one should always start with small doses” (Letters to E. I. Roerich, vol. 3, p. 309).

    Cancer is a fungal disease and it is curable with SODA

    The role of fruits and vegetables in alkalizing the body

    Cancer cells contain a unique biomarker, the CYP1B1 enzyme. Enzymes are proteins that catalyze chemical reactions. CYP1B1 changes the chemical structure of a substance called salvestrol found in many fruits and vegetables. A chemical reaction turns salvestrol into a component that kills cancer cells and does not damage healthy ones. The CYP1B1 enzyme is produced only in cancer cells and reacts with salvestrol from fruits and vegetables to form a substance that only kills cancer cells! Salvestrol is a natural defense found in fruits and vegetables to fight fungus. The more the plant is susceptible to fungal diseases, the more salvestrol they contain. These fruits and vegetables include: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, grapes, black currants, red currants, blackberries, cranberries, apples, peaches, green vegetables (broccoli and any other cabbage), artichokes, red and yellow peppers, avocados, asparagus and eggplant. Not so pleasant information to consider in your life Agro and pharmaceutical companies know about the amazing properties of salvestrol, but still produce chemical fungicides that kill fungi and prevent the plant from forming a natural defense (salvestrol) in response to a fungal disease. Thus, salvestrol contains only fruits that have not been treated with chemical fungicides. The most common fungicides block the production of CYP1B1. Therefore, if you eat chemically processed fruits and vegetables, you will not get any health benefits.

    The Sad Facts About Unsustainable Social Engineering Activities

    Statistics! Eight million people die every year from cancer worldwide, more than half a million in the US alone. The expected increase in deaths by 2030 is 12 million. Cancer is the most common cause of death in the under 85 age group. In the United States, one in four people die from this disease. Every fourth! We lost many of our freedoms when we agreed to be "protected from terrorism", people continue to get sick and die from ailments that elite families and their drug cartels refuse to treat. The numbers are certainly impressive. Dr. Richard Day, head of the Rockefeller-controlled eugenics organization Planned Parenthood, spoke to doctors in 1969 in Pittsburgh, telling them about the impending transformation of global society. He asked the doctors to turn off the recording devices and not take notes while he read out the long list of planned measures to change global society. But one of the doctors nevertheless wrote down what they were preparing for us as part of this social engineering project and then made this information public. Now, 40 years later, we can see firsthand how accurate Richard Day's predictions turned out to be. Why am I mentioning this fact? Because at that conference in 1969, Richard Day said, “We can now cure any kind of cancer. All information is contained in the Rockefeller Foundation and can be made public if there is an appropriate decision. Day specifically said that if people were to die slowly "from cancer or whatever," it could slow down the rate of population growth... These people do this because they don't have a soul at all. The pharmaceutical business does not aim to cure cancer. Why cure a disease when you can download money to fight the symptoms. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to tell gullible patients that chemotherapy poisons kill both cancerous and healthy cells, and as a result, the person himself. I don't think it's even done for the money... The elite wants to reduce the population, therefore, it is necessary that people suffer and die prematurely. And if a doctor suddenly discovers an effective way to treat cancer, then he immediately comes under fire from the medical establishment and official structures, as happened with Tulio Simoncini. Encouraged by his success with many patients, Simoncini submitted his data to the Italian Ministry of Health, hoping they would start clinical trials to test how his method works. Imagine Simoncini's surprise when the Italian medical establishment not only failed to review his research, but also stripped him of his medical license for treating patients with drugs that were not approved. The media launched a campaign against Simoncini, ridiculing him personally and denigrating his method. And soon this talented doctor went to prison for three years for allegedly "killing his patients." Simoncini was surrounded on all sides. The medical establishment has declared that the sodium bicarbonate method of treating cancer is "delusional" and "dangerous." It is at a time when millions of patients are dying painful deaths from "proven" and "safe" chemotherapy that medical professionals continue to ban sodium bicarbonate treatment. They don't care about people. The Unreal Universe A Book on Physics and Philosophy "For thinking laymen." Luckily Tullio Simoncini was not intimidated and continued his work!!! Do you still think that all this happens by chance?! Do you think that Tullio Simoncini wanted to exterminate by mistake?! Families want people to die of cancer and that no medicine can stop it. They are mentally and emotionally sick and believe that people are cattle. All your suffering is indifferent to them. On the contrary, the more the better. They are out of their minds. It's good that "nut" Simoncini continues to treat people, because in the world of "normal" millions of patients continue to die from wrong treatment, which, in turn, is based on wrong postulates. Thanks to people like him for bringing hope in this upside down world ruled by crazy families. We need people like him! Fungi begin to multiply in the body when a person experiences oxidative (oxidative) stress, which Luc Montagnier spoke about and which allegedly leads to AIDS. So the SECRET OF ETERNAL YOUTH IS FOUND - for health, you just need to ensure the acid-base balance of the body ...

      • If you drink soda every day, the acid balance of the stomach will end. Meat and other proteins will not be digested. Etc. Our body is balanced from birth without any soda.

        True, but in the event that we ourselves get ecological food, and not saturated with carcinogens in the store. 90% of people eat the wrong food!

        Precisely because modern medicine does not treat people, but deals exclusively with symptoms (from fever, from diarrhea, from headaches) And yet YES! not a single "official" physician recognizes treatment with mineral waters)))) NOT ONE!!! Just buy a bottle of, say, Essentukov number 4 or 17 and read the label.

        In medical sources, it is stated that in between meals, i.e. on an empty stomach (AND NIGHT TOO!) The pH of gastric juice is constant and equal to ~2. And while eating, the pH increases to 6-7, which is why acid is intensively released.

        Maybe I will surprise you, but the pH of the stomach is extremely neutral))) Gastric juice is released only during meals. Further... the pH of the duodenum is alkaline)))) I am a doctor, every morning I drink a glass of soda on an empty stomach, I have not been sick for the fifth year, I keep the optimal weight, I do physical exercise and at the same time I do not eat meat. The modern doctor is a hostage of the pharmaceutical industry. What the hell is a doctor who doesn't prescribe expensive drugs??? Think with your head, read, be enlightened and live happily ever after!

        Here is a man drinking water. The stomach is a neutral environment. Water, it seems, passes through the stomach in transit. (So ​​the doctor said at the lecture) What if the water is contaminated? How is water or the same soda solution disinfected? After all, if the acidic environment of the stomach is the last line of defense.

        ??? "Undesirable manifestations, especially at the first stages of "soda treatment", include weakness, chills, body aches, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite." Well, of course. This is, in fact, a sip of alkali :))

        Regarding the beginning ... You can take soda only in the morning and only if you do not have exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, especially gastritis of any form. In terms of side effects, everyone has their own. On the third day, the cleaning of the intestines began, I beg your pardon, but it came out three times more than was eaten))) A terrible smell of feces (((There were slight pulling pains in the solar plexus area (most likely stones or just deposits in bile ducts) after two weeks I began to drink a tablespoon (started with half a teaspoon) in a glass of warm (this is important !!!) water.A month later, problems with sweating disappeared, I began to get enough sleep, the feeling of deadly fatigue in the evenings disappeared, after another six months I began pain in the joints (initial arthritis), even the condition of the skin improved, the extra weight went away, although I was not too fat anyway))) In general, many problems disappeared. But, I’ll make a reservation right away - before starting the reception, I refused to eat meat, eggs, fish, white bread, confectionery, in the process I quit smoking completely (I smoked three or four cigarettes a day before that), a year before that I started practicing yoga ... In general, I began to look like 35 years old, although I went to my fifth decade))) My wife also has excellent performance. At work, no one gives her more than 30, although she is under forty ... something like that.

        Please explain why with warm water? I drink (and I like it that way) with cold, I would not want to change to warm.

        The main feature of taking soda solution! - It is necessary to drink in one gulp and in a warm form. And when cold and at room temperature - soda solution does not work as it should.

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