Bone cancer and similar diseases. Symptoms and signs of bone cancer: diagnosis and treatment. Low Intensity Electro Resonance Therapy

Cancer is a malignant tumor process that occurs in any of the bones of the human body. The most common option is a secondary cancer process, when the bones themselves are affected due to metastasis (carrying of cancer cells from other organs, or their sprouting from nearby ones).

Primary tumors come from the bone itself, their specific gravity is very small, they are extremely rare. Directly to bone tumors include the following varieties:

  1. Osteogenic sarcomas;
  2. Periosteal sarcomas;
  3. Malignant osteoblastomas.

Cartilaginous tumors include:

  • Chondrosarcoma;
  • Primarily malignant chondroblastoma;
  • Malignant chondromyxoid fibroma.

Malignant neoplasms of unknown etiology include:

  • Malignant giant cell tumor.

Neoplasms originating from connective tissue structures include the following types:

  • Chondroma;
  • fibrous histocytoma;
  • Fibrosarcoma of bones;
  • Liposarcoma;

The formations emanating from the vessels include angiosarcoma and all its various variations.

Bones as a system have many anatomical and functional structures, one of them is the reticular stroma. The following formations can occur from it:

  • Lymphoma;
  • Ewing's sarcoma;
  • Myelomas.

Still tumor processes can come from the nerve trunks called neurinomas, neurofibromas, neurilemmomas.

It should be noted that all of the above neoplasms are malignant tumors of the skeletal system.

If we take the entire oncology, then cancer of the skeletal system is very rare, its share is not more than one percent. Difficulties arise from the fact that these processes are very often running, poorly diagnosed, progressing very quickly, and difficult to treat. Probably, bone tumors can be attributed to the first place in oncology in general.

The most characteristic symptom

The first thing that appears when a tumor grows in the skeletal system is pain that occurs when pressure is applied to the pathological site, while the tumor is already quite large in size and can be detected by palpation. With progression, the pain intensifies, it is felt at rest without any mechanical damage or pressure. The nature of the pain is quite intense, undulating, quickly coming, subsiding after a short time. In the future, the nature of the pain becomes aching or permanent. The maximum concentration of pain is felt in the place where the tumor grows, irradiation is possible along the nerve trunks or muscles. Night pains of a constant nature become a characteristic feature. In most cases, the pain is so intense that it is not relieved by the use of non-narcotic analgesics. At the slightest physical exertion, it becomes unbearable.

Typical symptoms include limited movement, swelling of the joints and limbs. Sometimes there are pathological fractures of the bones. They are called pathological because they were not preceded by adequate trauma. A person can simply go down the stairs, step on his leg, feel a sharp pain, a fracture occurred, but there was no injury, this is due to the destruction of the bone by the tumor process.

Patients often complain of abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. This occurs due to the leaching of calcium from the bones into the bloodstream and its toxic effect on the body. The faster the process of tumor growth occurs, the faster the sick person loses body weight, appetite decreases. The patient becomes sluggish, apathetic. Sometimes there is an increase in body temperature to subfebrile figures.

In the future, a few months after the onset of the first symptoms, there is an increase in peripheral lymph nodes, swelling of the joints, limbs, they are in the nature of proteins. At the same time, a tumor-like formation is determined by palpation, as a rule, not soldered to the surrounding tissues, of a dense consistency, but each process has its own distinctive features. Locally there is an increase in temperature, increased vascular pattern, thinning of the skin.

And so the main symptoms include the following:

  • soreness;
  • Joint stiffness;
  • Enlargement of peripheral lymph nodes;
  • Swelling of the joints and limbs;
  • Night pains;
  • Weakness, weight loss, weakness;
  • Dyspeptic manifestations;

Symptoms of bone tumors increase gradually, most patients turn too late. Most often, tumors occur in young males, the elderly practically do not get sick.

Etiology of bone cancer

A provoking agent can be radiation in large doses, far exceeding the permissible, therapeutic. As a rule, this occurs during the treatment of other tumor processes, high doses of radiation received. Radioactive radium, strontium, cesium can lead to cancer. Also all kinds of carcinogens contained in foods consumed in food.

Scientists say that in half of the cases of tumors, trauma served as a precursor. In the future, the development of a neoplasm is possible. Red bone marrow transplantation can serve as a provoking factor.

Individuals who have hereditary genetic pathologies, such as Paget's disease, or Li-Fraumen's syndrome, are predisposed to malignant tumors of the skeletal system.

All oncotraumatologists as one declare that bone cancer arises due to mutations at the gene level. In this case, an excessive growth of pathological cells occurs, the body does not recognize them as foreign and their destruction does not occur. Some gene diseases can be inherited, but as a rule, these changes occur during life.

Smokers, people who work with harmful substances, who are often ill, and who have a history of many chronic diseases, are at risk of getting sick.

So the main reasons are:

  • Traumatization of the skeletal system;
  • Radiation;
  • Heredity;
  • Mutations at the gene level;
  • Operative interventions on the bone marrow;
  • Chronic diseases.

Clinical stages of the malignant bone process

The first stage is characterized by the presence of a tumor that does not extend beyond the affected bone.

At the second stage, malignancy of tumor cells occurs, the tumor remains within the bone.

The third stage is characterized by damage to several sections of the bone, cell differentiation stops.

The fourth stage is characterized by the exit of the primary tumor beyond the affected area of ​​the bone. Distant metastases can be found in almost all organs and systems.

The transition from one stage to the next occurs for each individual, there are no time periods. Each tumor behaves differently. Some grow quite quickly, behave aggressively, while others may show up after a few years.

One of the most aggressive is osteosarcoma. It affects more men of working age. Favorite localization, long tubular bones.

But chondrosarcoma can grow both quickly and slowly, giving metastases to the lymph nodes. In this case, it affects more often the femur and pelvis.

Chordoma is extremely rare, affecting the spine. Males of working age are ill.

Many people ask the question: what is the stage of cancer with bone metastases? It is worth saying that this is the fourth, most unfavorable stage in which treatment is only palliative.

Prognosis for malignant neoplasms of bones

Many patients turn to a specialist when help is no longer possible. In the diagnosis, distant metastases are determined. All therapeutic measures are aimed at curing the patient, for this the doctor resorts to a whole range of therapeutic measures. In advanced cases, the initial stage is an operation to remove the affected limb.

Oncology evaluates its work by the percentage of survival after confirmation of the diagnosis in humans. Approximately half of patients diagnosed with bone tumors live for five years. It should be noted that patients more often die not from the cancer itself and the primary tumor, but from metastases of vital organs. Therefore, timely diagnosis and early treatment can save the life of the patient.

Therapeutic measures

The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the early diagnosis. Timely X-ray examinations, magnetic resonance imaging help to detect tumors at the very beginning, save people's lives.

Treatment is usually selected individually for each patient. The most common methods are surgical treatment, the use of powerful drugs, the use of radiation.

To determine the method of treatment, the oncologist will need to conduct a histological examination of tumor cells. Based on the results, he will burn to determine tactics.

Operative treatment. As a rule, surgery is performed in 90% of cases. The purpose of the operation is to remove the primary focus within healthy tissues. Previously, they often resorted to radical methods, but now they are trying to carry out operations, with the preservation of the limb, removing only the tumor, and an autograft is placed in place of the removed fragment. There are the latest developments of scientists - these are materials that are able to grow with the bone, sometimes they resort to their help, replacing them with a formed defect in the bone after surgery.

Before the operation, a course of drugs is prescribed to suppress tumor growth. After removal, they also resort to a course of medications, the goal of which is to suppress the growth of the remaining tumor cells.

Radiation therapy. Its purpose is the direct effect of ionizing radiation on the neoplasm. It is carried out in courses, for each patient individually, depending on the size and nature of the tumor.

The use of cyber knife. It is an innovative method of treating cancer patients. Surgical intervention is bloodless with the help of specially equipped equipment equipped with a powerful laser and high-precision computer technology.

Oncology does not stand still, it develops very quickly. In the best oncological clinics, many of the latest developments are used, one of which is the effect of irradiation at different angles and speeds relative to the pathological focus. Gives very good results, reduces the treatment period at times.

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The development of a malignant tumor in the skeletal system is called bone cancer, most often found in young male smokers under 35 years of age and in children and adolescents. What is cancer - it is a secondary tumor against the background of malignancy of oncological processes in any of the muscles of the human skeleton and giving metastases to nearby organs.

This is one of the most dangerous types of cancer with a tendency of rapid growth and progression already in the initial stages. Although the symptoms may be practically absent.

According to statistics, a rare form of pathology, conception occurs in only 1% of people. Basically, bone cancer is secondary when cancer cells spread into the skeleton by lymphogenous or hematogenous routes.

Almost any bone tissue is subject to the localization of a tumor-like neoplasm with rapid and uncontrolled cell division, the formation of an outgrowth with uneven boundaries on the bone with capture on the surrounding tissues: cartilage, muscles, ligaments. If in young people the tumor affects more the lower limbs, then people in old age are at risk of getting a cancerous focus in the bones of the skull.

Why does bone cancer develop?

Scientists have not fully elucidated the pathogenesis of primary tumor localization in cartilage and bone cells. The development of a secondary reactor is possible due to:

  • a hereditary factor caused by a mutation in the RB1 gene;
  • bone marrow transplants;
  • mechanical damage to the bones of the skeleton;
  • exposure to electromagnetic fields, exposure to high doses of ions;
  • Paget's disease caused by the development of pathology in the bone tissue.

Geneticists do not name the exact reasons for the localization of the tumor in the bones. However, the launch of the malignant process is facilitated by a modification in DNA structures, mutations, and an innate factor. Acquired in bone cancer - symptoms and manifestations are due to lifestyle, exposure to the provoking factors listed above. People with:

  • congenital genetic anomalies;
  • Holmes syndrome, leading to bone damage;
  • injuries, fractures, leading to the development of a secondary cancerous tumor already at a young age.

Bone cancer quickly metastasizes to different parts of the skeleton, leading to the development of lipoma, hemangioma, fibrosarcoma (benign or malignant) tumor.

If in the first case, the neoplasm has clear boundaries, the correct shape, does not give metastases, is completely safe and quickly treated, then the malignant form is prone to cell degeneration, their rapid and aggressive growth, growth into surrounding tissues, inevitably leading to death.

Bone cancer by type

The types are distinguished:

  • chordoma with development from particles of embryonic tissues with localization on the sacrum, skull bones. The form occurs in young people under 30 years old. This is a benign neoplasm of bones and joints, not able to recur and give complications;
  • chondrosarcoma, growing from cartilaginous tissue into the tibia, tubular or bone structures of the bones, causing edema. The process has a favorable course. Initially, the tumor grows rather slowly. But if you do nothing, then in the future it begins to grow steadily, to give multiple metastases. It is more common in people aged 40-60. The occurrence of this type of cancer in the skeletal system appears quite suddenly and almost anywhere;
  • fibrosarcoma with localization, on muscles, tendons, connective tissue membrane. It is characterized by rapid progression, spread to the bone tissue. The most susceptible to fibrosarcoma are women with localization of the neoplasm on the legs, feet;
  • fibrous histiocytoma as a type of cancer of the leg bone, retroperitoneal space, trunk, tubular bones, knee joint. Bone fracture, cracks can provoke the disease. Differs in an aggressive course with metastasis and lung damage
  • osteogenic sarcoma with localization of the tumor in the bone elements of the lower extremities, plea, pelvic bones, knee joints, nails. The occurrence is possible at any age, more often in children 10-12 years old, adolescents during the growth of the skeleton.
  • giant cell osteoblastoma, affecting the limb, growing into adjacent tissues. Usually the tumor has a benign course, does not metastasize, and is well removed surgically. But it is possible to re-grow in the same place in the future.
  • myeloma, which is characterized by rapid and uncontrolled cell division in the bone marrow, leading to pathological changes in bone structures, the development of osteoporosis, and rapid bone fractures
  • lymphoma with localization of the tumor in the lymph nodes with rapid damage to the bone tissue.

Bone cancer by stage

Like any other cancerous process of bone oncology, it has a 4-stage course:

Stage 1 is characterized by the presence of a neoplasm without going beyond the bone, reaching a tumor in sizes of no more than 8 cm.

Stage 2 with localization of the tumor in the bone, but with cells prone to malignancy.

Stage 3 with the spread of the neoplasm to nearby areas, with the penetration of cancer cells into regional lymph nodes.

Stage 4 with giving metastasis to any internal organs, damage to the fallopian tubes, mammary glands, lungs, kidneys, liver, testicles, ovaries.

How to recognize pathology

Symptoms of bone cancer directly depend on the stage, type, and degree of the malignant process. First of all, a person begins to complain about:

  • bone pain at night radiating to the lower back, muscles, joints
  • stiffness of movements that cannot be eliminated even with analgesics
  • the appearance of deformation in parts of the location of the tumor
  • redness, a hot condition of the growth under the skin, which indicates the development of the inflammatory process;
  • violation of the functionality of the joint;
  • discomfort while walking;
  • difficulties in extension, bending of the arms, turning the torso;
  • toxicosis;
  • weakness, irritability;
  • high temperature, fever;
  • loss of appetite, rapid weight loss;
  • fragility of bones, instability before bruises and injuries.

Cancer of the ilium leads to shortness of breath, difficulty in performing normal work, and other stress.

Cancer of the leg bone leads to lameness, inability to bend the limbs, severe pain at the site of inflammation and localization of the tumor.

With cancer of the upper extremities, pain in the hands appears, overstrain from insignificant performance of any work.


  • fractures, bruises
  • pain in the hands, begin to appear at night in case of pressure, also depending on the location of the lesion in the area, pelvis, buttocks, spine, with increased during physical exertion, walking;
  • limitation of mobility of the radial, elbow, shoulder or wrist joint;
  • instability to fractures even with a slight fall
  • stiffness in the joints swelling of the extremities swelling of the extremities;
  • soreness in the abdomen;
  • approaches of nausea and vomiting when calcium salts penetrate into the bloodstream;
  • temperature rise;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • swelling of the joints and swelling of soft tissues;
  • immobility of the diseased area during palpation;
  • pallor, thinning of the skin, the appearance of a marble vascular pattern after the tumor reaches an impressive size;
  • weakness, fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness
  • respiratory failure.

Signs of bone cancer are usually mild. Even at stages 2-3, the disease manifests itself in the form of a minor ailment, to which many people simply do not pay any attention. Turns to doctors when cancer of the hip, lower leg, foot, hands goes too far and treatment becomes difficult.

It begins to break strongly in the joints, bones, complex and irreversible processes are launched. Over time, lameness, respiratory distress, limitation of joint mobility up to paralysis and disability appear.

Of course, when unpleasant symptoms appear in the bone skeleton, it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible to undergo an x-ray, a complete examination for cancer, and the possible development of bone oncology. Based on the results of the scan and received by the doctor, a diagnosis is made - bone cancer, and the diagnosis and treatment tactics are developed subsequently by the doctor.

How to treat

Treatment directly depends on the type, location of the tumor concentration, the age of the patient, the presence of other chronic diseases, symptoms and pain with irradiation to nearby areas, shoulder, arm, leg. In severe cases, when bone cancer has symptoms and a strong manifestation, it is impossible to do without an operation to amputate the affected hand or leg, followed by a course of chemotherapy to completely destroy the surviving cancer cells.

The main goal of the surgeon is to achieve the maximum destruction of cancer cells and prevent the leaving of metastases that can lead to the onset of tumor development again.

It is possible to remove the tumor with nearby healthy tissues by performing a wide excision - excision when the tumor is localized in the skull or spine. The tumor is scraped from the bone without removing nearby areas.

If the tumor is localized in the pelvic area, excision is performed with further restoration of bone tissue and the use of a bone graft.

The method of treatment depends on the degree of the tumor, the condition of the lymph nodes. Targeted therapy is indicated for patients with stage 4 cancer to kill cells if the initial operation to excise the tumor did not lead to favorable results.

Chemotherapy is prescribed for the diagnosis of sarcoma, chondrosarcoma by administering drugs: Methotrexate, Etoposide, Carboplatin, Doxorubicin.

The 5-year milestone for stage 1-2 chondrosarcoma is 80% and it is possible to achieve a stable remission.

At the 3-4 stage, the forecasts are already worse. Survival for 5 years - in 30 - 40% of cases.

Patients who are faced with a tumor in the bone need the help of relatives and friends. Oncology of bones as a diagnosis leads many patients to fear, nervousness about the possible return of cancer even after undergoing a full treatment course.

A cancerous tumor can stay in the bones for a long time without making itself felt. With the appearance of pain that is not amenable to analgesics, it is no longer worth delaying visiting a doctor. It is always easier to get rid of cancer only in the initial stages of the oncological process.

Informative video

What is cancer - it is a secondary tumor against the background of malignancy of oncological processes in any of the muscles of the human skeleton and giving metastases to nearby organs.

This is one of the most dangerous types of cancer with a tendency of rapid growth and progression already in the initial stages. Although the symptoms may be practically absent.

According to statistics, a rare form of pathology, conception occurs in only 1% of people. Basically, bone cancer is secondary when cancer cells spread into the skeleton by lymphogenous or hematogenous routes.

Almost any bone tissue is subject to the localization of a tumor-like neoplasm with rapid and uncontrolled cell division, the formation of an outgrowth with uneven boundaries on the bone with capture on the surrounding tissues: cartilage, muscles, ligaments. If in young people the tumor affects more the lower limbs, then people in old age are at risk of getting a cancerous focus in the bones of the skull.

Why does bone cancer develop?

Scientists have not fully elucidated the pathogenesis of primary tumor localization in cartilage and bone cells. The development of a secondary reactor is possible due to:

  • a hereditary factor caused by a mutation in the RB1 gene;
  • bone marrow transplants;
  • mechanical damage to the bones of the skeleton;
  • exposure to electromagnetic fields, exposure to high doses of ions;
  • Paget's disease caused by the development of pathology in the bone tissue.

Geneticists do not name the exact reasons for the localization of the tumor in the bones. However, the launch of the malignant process is facilitated by a modification in DNA structures, mutations, and an innate factor. Acquired in bone cancer - symptoms and manifestations are due to lifestyle, exposure to the provoking factors listed above. People with:

  • congenital genetic anomalies;
  • Holmes syndrome, leading to bone damage;
  • injuries, fractures, leading to the development of a secondary cancerous tumor already at a young age.

Bone cancer quickly metastasizes to different parts of the skeleton, leading to the development of lipoma, hemangioma, fibrosarcoma (benign or malignant) tumor.

If in the first case, the neoplasm has clear boundaries, the correct shape, does not give metastases, is completely safe and quickly treated, then the malignant form is prone to cell degeneration, their rapid and aggressive growth, growth into surrounding tissues, inevitably leading to death.

Bone cancer by type

The types are distinguished:

  • chordoma with development from particles of embryonic tissues with localization on the sacrum, skull bones. The form occurs in young people under 30 years old. This is a benign neoplasm of bones and joints, not able to recur and give complications;
  • chondrosarcoma, growing from cartilaginous tissue into the tibia, tubular or bone structures of the bones, causing edema. The process has a favorable course. Initially, the tumor grows rather slowly. But if you do nothing, then in the future it begins to grow steadily, to give multiple metastases. More common in people. The occurrence of this type of cancer in the skeletal system appears quite suddenly and almost anywhere;
  • fibrosarcoma with localization of the tumor in the depths of soft tissues, on muscles, tendons, connective tissue membrane. It is characterized by rapid progression, spread to the bone tissue. The most susceptible to fibrosarcoma are women with localization of the neoplasm on the legs, feet;
  • fibrous histiocytoma as a type of cancer of the leg bone, retroperitoneal space, trunk, tubular bones, knee joint. Bone fracture, cracks can provoke the disease. Differs in an aggressive course with metastasis and lung damage
  • osteogenic sarcoma with localization of the tumor in the bone elements of the lower extremities, plea, pelvic bones, knee joints, nails. The occurrence is possible at any age, more often in children 10-12 years old, adolescents during the growth of the skeleton.
  • giant cell osteoblastoma, affecting the limb, growing into adjacent tissues. Usually the tumor has a benign course, does not metastasize, and is well removed surgically. But it is possible to re-grow in the same place in the future.
  • myeloma, which is characterized by rapid and uncontrolled cell division in the bone marrow, leading to pathological changes in bone structures, the development of osteoporosis, and rapid bone fractures
  • lymphoma with localization of the tumor in the lymph nodes with rapid damage to the bone tissue.

Bone cancer by stage

Like any other cancerous process of bone oncology, it has a 4-stage course:

Stage 1 is characterized by the presence of a neoplasm without going beyond the bone, reaching a tumor in sizes of no more than 8 cm.

Stage 2 with localization of the tumor in the bone, but with cells prone to malignancy.

Stage 3 with the spread of the neoplasm to nearby areas, with the penetration of cancer cells into regional lymph nodes.

Stage 4 with giving metastasis to any internal organs, damage to the fallopian tubes, mammary glands, lungs, kidneys, liver, testicles, ovaries.

How to recognize pathology

Symptoms of bone cancer directly depend on the stage, type, and degree of the malignant process. First of all, a person begins to complain about:

  • bone pain at night radiating to the lower back, muscles, joints
  • stiffness of movements that cannot be eliminated even with analgesics
  • the appearance of deformation in parts of the location of the tumor
  • redness, a hot condition of the growth under the skin, which indicates the development of the inflammatory process;
  • violation of the functionality of the joint;
  • discomfort while walking;
  • difficulties in extension, bending of the arms, turning the torso;
  • toxicosis;
  • weakness, irritability;
  • high temperature, fever;
  • loss of appetite, rapid weight loss;
  • fragility of bones, instability before bruises and injuries.

Cancer of the ilium leads to shortness of breath, difficulty in performing normal work, and other stress.

Cancer of the leg bone leads to lameness, inability to bend the limbs, severe pain at the site of inflammation and localization of the tumor.

With cancer of the upper extremities, pain in the hands appears, overstrain from insignificant performance of any work.

  • fractures, bruises
  • pain in the hands, begin to appear at night in case of pressure, also depending on the location of the lesion in the area, pelvis, buttocks, spine, with increased during physical exertion, walking;
  • limitation of mobility of the radial, elbow, shoulder or wrist joint;
  • instability to fractures even with a slight fall
  • stiffness in the joints swelling of the extremities swelling of the extremities;
  • soreness in the abdomen;
  • approaches of nausea and vomiting when calcium salts penetrate into the bloodstream;
  • temperature rise;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • swelling of the joints and swelling of soft tissues;
  • immobility of the diseased area during palpation;
  • pallor, thinning of the skin, the appearance of a marble vascular pattern after the tumor reaches an impressive size;
  • weakness, fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness
  • respiratory failure.

Signs of bone cancer are usually mild. Even at stages 2-3, the disease manifests itself in the form of a minor ailment, to which many people simply do not pay any attention. Turns to doctors when cancer of the hip, lower leg, foot, hands goes too far and treatment becomes difficult.

It begins to break strongly in the joints, bones, complex and irreversible processes are launched. Over time, lameness, respiratory distress, limitation of joint mobility up to paralysis and disability appear.

Of course, when unpleasant symptoms appear in the bone skeleton, it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible to undergo an x-ray, a complete examination for cancer, and the possible development of bone oncology. Based on the results of the scan and received by the doctor, a diagnosis is made - bone cancer, and the diagnosis and treatment tactics are developed subsequently by the doctor.

How to treat

Treatment directly depends on the type, location of the tumor concentration, the age of the patient, the presence of other chronic diseases, symptoms and pain radiating to nearby areas, shoulder, arm, leg. In severe cases, when bone cancer has symptoms and a strong manifestation, it is impossible to do without an operation to amputate the affected hand or leg, followed by a course of chemotherapy to completely destroy the surviving cancer cells.

The main goal of the surgeon is to achieve the maximum destruction of cancer cells and prevent the leaving of metastases that can lead to the onset of tumor development again.

It is possible to remove the tumor with nearby healthy tissues by performing a wide excision - excision when the tumor is localized in the skull or spine. The tumor is scraped from the bone without removing nearby areas.

If the tumor is localized in the pelvic area, excision is performed with further restoration of bone tissue and the use of a bone graft.

The method of treatment depends on the degree of the tumor, the condition of the lymph nodes. Targeted therapy is indicated for patients with stage 4 cancer to kill cells if the initial operation to excise the tumor did not lead to favorable results.

Chemotherapy is prescribed for the diagnosis of sarcoma, chondrosarcoma by administering drugs: Methotrexate, Etoposide, Carboplatin, Doxorubicin.

The 5-year milestone for stage 1-2 chondrosarcoma is 80% and it is possible to achieve a stable remission.

At the 3-4 stage, the forecasts are already worse. Survival for 5 years - in % of cases.

Patients who are faced with a tumor in the bone need the help of relatives and friends. Oncology of bones as a diagnosis leads many patients to fear, nervousness about the possible return of cancer even after undergoing a full treatment course.

A cancerous tumor can stay in the bones for a long time without making itself felt. With the appearance of pain that is not amenable to analgesics, it is no longer worth delaying visiting a doctor. It is always easier to get rid of cancer only in the initial stages of the oncological process.

Symptoms of early stage bone cancer

Posted By: admin 01/04/2017

The occurrence of a malignant process in the bones is not characterized by high statistics, but compared to benign tumors of skeletal tissue, it is observed more often.

Primary cancerous tumors in the bones develop in the same way in women as in men. As a rule, the disease affects people at a young age, according to statistics - about 90% of cases. Girls are predisposed to bone cancer at the age of fifteen to seventeen years, and in boys, the incidence rate is higher by the age of twenty. The reason for this is endocrine disorders that affect the process of formation and growth of bone tissue. A malignant process in the bone often develops in the area of ​​rapid growth, therefore, a predisposition to cancer is noted in children of accelerates, as well as in patients with fibrous dysplasia, Paget's disease and hyperparathyroidism.

The most common causes of bone cancer are trauma and radiation exposure. Chronic inflammatory processes of bone tissue also occur as risk factors for morbidity, but not significant. Precancerous tumors include:

The division of atypical cells, as a rule, is observed in the metaepiphyseal sections of tubular bones. More often, the tumor occurs in the area of ​​the knee joint, to a lesser extent - the femur, tibia, humerus, radius, and flat bones of the skeleton.

The morphological structure of the neoplasm is represented by different types of tumors. The most common of these are:

  • Paraosseous sarcoma;
  • osteoblastic tumor;
  • osteoid cancer;
  • Osteoblastoclastoma tumor;
  • osteosclerotic cancer;
  • Oteogenic chondroblastic tumor.

The appearance of pathological symptoms of bone cancer depends on the location of the tumor, its histological structure, growth, relationship to closely spaced nerves, vessels, joints and other tissues, as well as on the stage of development. There are four stages of the oncological process in the bones. Each of them differs in the size of the tumor, the clinic of the disease, the growth rate of the neoplasm, its definition and metastasis.

The first signs of pathology in the bone may indicate a benign or malignant process. In the initial stage of tumor development, the patient's body does not have bright symptoms of the disease. One of the characteristic signs of pathology is pain in the affected area. Pain in the leg or arm, as well as the spine, occurs during physical exertion or in a calm state, especially during a night's rest. The appearance of swelling, hyperthermia and redness at the site of the disease is more indicative of the presence of a benign tumor. With a cancerous neoplasm, the tumor is characterized by intensive growth for a short time. According to reviews, patients note an increase, soreness of the joint, and implying inflammation, they begin to treat it with warm compresses, which is contraindicated in cancer. Thus, malignant formation progresses with greater force.

The picture of the development of bone cancer is aggravated by the deformation of the limb, but this is with a large neoplasm. To the symptoms, restriction in movement and general intoxication of the body are added.

At the first stage of the malignant process in the bone, dull and short-term pain in the limb is noted. There is no change in body temperature. The general condition of the body and the blood picture are also not disturbed, so the development of bone cancer is difficult to detect at an early stage. Diagnosis of the disease using radiography does not always determine the picture of bone changes.

If the malignant process has reached a more mature stage, then the shadow of the tumor, detachment of the periosteal layer from the compact substance, foci of destruction, involvement of neighboring tissues and bone fragments (spicules) can be detected on an X-ray image.

Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of bone cancer at the initial stage of development

Metastasis of bone cancer occurs in regional lymph nodes, as well as in distant organs. The movement of cancer cells occurs by the hematogenous and lymphogenous pathways. Depending on the histological structure of the tumor, its localization and growth, metastases spread at different stages of the development of the oncological process. For example, with Ewing's sarcoma, metastatic regional lymph nodes are determined already at the initial stage of the disease. In the process of development of the oncological process, metastasis to the lymph nodes and soft tissues acquires a generalized form. With other types of bone sarcoma, metastasis begins late. The most commonly affected organs are the liver and lungs.

The prognosis for the patient's future life after treatment of bone cancer depends on the degree of differentiation of the tumor, the place of its development, susceptibility to antitumor therapy and successful surgical intervention. As a rule, malignant bone tumors have a poor prognosis.

bone cancer

Bone cancer is a malignant tumor that can develop from all the tissues that make up the bone. These are tumors of bone tissue, periosteum, joints, cartilage. Their share is approximately 1.5% of all cancers. Most often, a malignant tumor occurs in young people under 30 years of age. The causes of the disease have not been precisely established.

Depending on the location of the malignant tumor, the following types of disease are distinguished.

Osteosarcoma. The most common type of bone cancer that affects the bones of the upper and lower extremities, and the bones of the pelvis. The tumor begins to develop in the cells of the bone tissue. It usually occurs in children and young people under 30 years of age. Sometimes diagnosed in people. This tumor is more common in men than in women.

Chondrosarcoma. This tumor develops from cartilage cells. Most often, chondrosarcoma affects the bones of the upper and lower extremities, the pelvis. But sometimes it also occurs in the cartilages of the trachea, larynx, chest. People over the age of 20 are at risk for the disease. Chondrosarcoma is usually detected at stage 1 or 2 of development.

Malignant fibrous histiocytoma. The tumor begins to develop in soft connective tissues - tendons, ligaments, muscle and adipose tissue. This tumor is characterized by rapid damage to the bones of the lower or upper extremities, tissues around the knee joint. Most often, this type of tumor occurs in older people. Metastases of bone cancer of this type are able to penetrate into other organs, such as the lungs or lymph nodes.

Fibrosarcoma. Usually develops in soft tissues, sometimes in bones. It affects the bones of the limbs and jaw bones. It occurs in middle-aged and elderly people.

Giant cell tumor of bone. This type of bone cancer is more common in the knee joint. Sometimes the tumor affects the bones of the extremities. It occurs in middle-aged and elderly patients. A giant cell tumor is dangerous in that with each recurrence, it seeks to capture nearby organs and tissues.

Chordoma. A tumor that affects the bones of the spine and the base of the skull. It usually occurs in people over 30 years of age, mostly in men. Develops rather slowly. Metastases of this type of bone cancer are very rare.


In the diagnosis of this disease, the defining triad of such signs of bone cancer is called pain syndrome in the affected area, the existence of neoplasm tissue in the same place, and a violation of the basic functions of the limb.

Pain is one of the initial symptoms. Bone tumors without pain are very rare. At an early stage of the disease, pain of an unexpressed nature appears. It usually comes on suddenly and goes away quickly. But over a fairly short time, the pain begins to be localized. It becomes more and more intense, does not go away after rest or fixation of the limb. One of the signs of bone cancer is nighttime pain.

With the further development of the disease, the following symptoms appear - deformation of a part of the body in the area of ​​​​the tumor or the contours of the affected limb, swelling of the soft tissues often develops. On palpation, neoplasm tissue can be detected, which is usually motionless relative to nearby soft tissues. Often the tumor is very painful, the skin over it is hot, which is explained by the development of the inflammatory process. Objective signs of bone cancer appear 2-3 months after the onset of pain. At first, tumor growth is quite fast, but then it can slow down or stop altogether. The tumor determined by palpation indicates the spread of the tumor process to nearby soft tissues. The skin that covers a large tumor becomes thinner, becomes pale with a noticeable pattern of dilated veins. Such tumors rarely grow into the skin.

A common symptom of bone cancer is difficulty in moving (contracture) of the affected joint and atrophy (reduction in mass and volume) of the muscles. This is especially true for the localization of the tumor in the marginal parts of the tubular bones. The functions of the joints are less disturbed during the development of a tumor in the middle part of the bones.

Usually, tumor metastases do not penetrate into the adjacent joint.


The main treatment for bone cancer is surgery. Not so long ago, with such a disease, amputation of the affected limb was required. Now surgeons remove damaged areas, put modern prostheses, thanks to which a person returns to normal life.

Modern surgical treatment of bone cancer involves the removal of the affected part of the bone, followed by its replacement with an implant made of metal, plastic or cadaveric bone. If there are metastases in the lungs, they are also removed. When surgery is performed at an early stage, the most favorable prognosis for bone cancer is observed.

Radiation therapy has been successfully used in the treatment of this disease. For some types of malignant tumors, this method is used as the main treatment. Radiation therapy is often used before or after surgery. The essence of the method is to irradiate cancer cells with radiation that is destructive to them.

Chemotherapy is used in the treatment of bone cancer. When using this method of treatment, chemotherapy drugs are introduced into the patient's body - substances that have the ability to slow down the growth of cancer cells and destroy them. Chemotherapy is usually performed after surgery to eliminate the smallest metastases that may remain in the patient's body. Increasingly, doctors are using chemotherapy before surgery to shrink tumors.


The prognosis of bone cancer depends on many factors - the location of the malignant tumor, its size, type, degree of development, the presence of metastases.

Timely diagnosis, competent treatment significantly increase the patient's chances for a cure or prolongation of life for a long time.

The most favorable prognosis for bone cancer is observed with an isolated tumor without metastases. The survival rate is 75-80%.

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bone cancer

Before proceeding to the description of malignant bone tumors, it should be noted that the term "cancer" in most cases does not apply to them, since it denotes the origin of a malignant neoplasm from skin cells or epithelium (covering cells of the mucous membranes).

True (not metastatic) tumors of the musculoskeletal system are formed from bone or cartilage cells. The main malignant tumors of the bone are osteogenic sarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma. Malignant neoplasms of this anatomical region are not common and account for no more than two percent in the structure of tumor incidence. The male half of the population is prone to bone pathology more often than the female.

As for osteogenic sarcoma (osteosarcoma), this disease occurs at almost any age, but the peak incidence occurs between ten and thirty years. The maximum number of cases occurs at the end of puberty, and in boys twice as often as in girls. Basically, long tubular bones, mainly of the lower extremities (cancer of the bones of the legs), 80% of which affect the area of ​​the knee joint, are subjected to malignant transformation. In childhood, involvement in the process of the skull is possible.

As for Ewing's sarcoma, which was discovered in 1921 by James Ewing, it is one of the most malignant human tumors. By the time of seeking medical help, most patients have distant metastases. In addition, it is the second most common malignant tumor among children and accounts for about 15% of the total cancer incidence in this group. Ewing's sarcoma rarely affects children under five and adults over thirty.

Bone Anatomy

Anatomically, the bone consists of several departments that perform various functions. The body of the tubular bone is represented by the diaphysis, which is filled from the inside with bone marrow. The edges of the bone are usually rounded and widened to form an articular joint. They are called epiphyses. Between them and the diaphysis is a small plate, which is called the metaphysis. It contains actively dividing cells that cause the growth of bone tissue. In childhood or adolescence, ossification of the metaphyses occurs, which leads to the cessation of growth of the individual.

Causes of bone tumors

It is not possible to name the exact cause of the occurrence and progression of malignant neoplasms (cancer) of the bone tissue, including the bones of the spine, however, at the moment, science has proven the presence of a number of factors predisposing to the development of the disease.

Heredity. Only for a small number of tumors, a genetic predisposition has been identified, among them osteosarcomas. In children, the risk of developing this pathology increases with a number of hereditary syndromes. Among them:

Li-Fraumeni syndrome, which is associated with a mutation of the suppressor gene (a gene whose product suppresses the appearance of abnormal cells) of tumor growth.

Rothmund-Thomson syndrome. With this disease, there is a defect in the structure of the gene, as a result of which children have short stature, abnormal development of the bones of the skeleton and skin rashes.

Retinoblastoma. This is a fairly rare malignant tumor of the tissues of the eye, which can be hereditary. In this case, if radiation therapy methods are used for its treatment, then the risk of developing osteosarcoma of the bones of the orbit increases in children.

Paget's disease. This pathology is benign, but there is a possibility of malignant degeneration (in 1% of cases). The disease is mainly characteristic of people over fifty years of age. The bone tissue with it undergoes an abnormal restructuring, it becomes thick and heavy, but at the same time very fragile, which leads to frequent fractures.

The risk of developing bone tumors increases many times over when exposed to ionizing radiation. This may be the environmental impact of radioactive substances, especially strontium and radium, which tend to accumulate in the bones, or a medical procedure. The latter is used to treat cancer of the tissues surrounding the bone. The risk is especially high when a child is exposed to doses of radiation above 60 Gy.

Bone marrow transplantation. Cases of malignant degeneration of bone tissue during transplantation of bone marrow stem cells are described.

Injuries. According to some sources, the frequency of development of sarcomas of the musculoskeletal system reaches forty percent after trauma.

Classification of bone tumors

Primary tumors of bone origin:

  • Benign (osteoma (bone tumor), chondroma (cartilaginous tumor), fibroma (connective tissue tumor)).
  • Malignant (osteosarcoma (bone tumor), chondrosarcoma (cartilage tumor)).

Primary tumors of non-bone origin:

  • Benign (hemangioma (tumor of blood vessels), lymphangioma (tumor of lymphatic vessels), lipoma (tumor of adipose tissue), fibroma (tumor of connective tissue), neuroma (tumor of nervous tissue)).
  • Malignant (Ewing tumor (skeletal), reticulosarcoma (tumor of lymphoid tissue), liposarcoma (tumor of adipose tissue), fibrosarcoma (tumor of connective tissue)).

Secondary tumors, or metastatic.

A natural question arises: what is the difference between malignant and benign bone tumors?

Benign tumors are:

  • the presence of a clear boundary between the diseased and healthy area;
  • slow growth, without germination of surrounding tissues;
  • correct location;
  • slow division of tumor cell units, which causes slow growth rates, and, accordingly, progression;
  • absence of metastases and relapses;
  • the ability to become malignant (osteochondromas).

Malignant neoplasms are characterized by:

  • infiltrative growth, that is, germination in the surrounding tissues;
  • lack of clearly defined boundaries;
  • active growth and reproduction of cells;
  • metastasis with a lethal outcome.

Symptoms of bone tumors. Signs of bone cancer

In the early stages of development, most bone tumors do not have specific symptoms. Signs of pathology can appear only when the tumor focus reaches a large size and compresses nearby nerve trunks, or goes beyond the boundaries of the bone to the periosteum (a thin layer covering the bone from the outside, equipped with a large number of nerves and vessels that support the vital activity of this organ), which manifest as pain syndrome.

At first, the discomfort is vague and disturbs the patient occasionally. As the pathology progresses, they become permanent and are observed, including at rest. Even in the case of immobilization (fixation) of the affected limb with a plaster splint, the pain syndrome does not subside even for a minute. Sometimes, pain may not coincide with the site of the tumor focus, this is due to the spread (irradiation) along the nerves. Most of all, a person is disturbed by night pains, which exhaust him to a large extent.

Benign neoplasms are almost always painless. They can manifest themselves only if, having reached a large size, they compress the nerve endings. Some tumors may be accompanied by an excessive local increase in intraosseous pressure. However, this pain syndrome is quickly removed with ordinary aspirin, while in case of malignant pathology at different stages of bone cancer, a positive effect can only be achieved for a while by taking narcotic analgesics (painkillers).

There are tumors that are accompanied by a tendency to pathological fractures. There is an opinion that growing together, it leads to self-healing.

It should also be noted that physiotherapeutic procedures, especially warming up (which can be prescribed before confirming the diagnosis of cancer) to a large extent provokes an increase in pain, in addition, it provokes the growth of a neoplasm.

The appearance of a patient with a tumor lesion of the bones practically does not suffer. With benign neoplasms, it does not change at all. In young children, a malignant tumor can begin like an acute inflammatory process. Therefore, they often make an incorrect diagnosis and treat osteomyelitis (purulent damage to bone tissue). Good health and appearance of the child does not always exclude the presence of a tumor process, since exhaustion is observed in them only in the late and very advanced stages, to which small children rarely live.

The appearance of the affected organ is characterized by swelling, which is dense on palpation (palpation). In the case of a malignant tumor, pain significantly precedes the anatomical change in the area visible to the eye. Metastatic tumors without adjuvants cannot be detected.

In the area of ​​deformation over the tumor (benign), the skin is not changed. With a malignant process, the skin is pale, thinned, venous vessels are visible on it, which is why it takes on a marble appearance. In case of disintegration of the tumor node, ulceration may appear.

Violation of the function of the limb depends mainly on the localization of the pathological focus. Restriction of mobility is often the result of fractures, which give a sharp impetus to the spread (metastasis) and indicates the incurability of the tumor.

Diagnosis of a bone tumor

KLA (general blood test). This study reveals:

  • increased ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate);
  • leukocytosis (an increase in the number of white blood cells).

With tumor growth, the concentration of protein in the blood plasma is significantly reduced, especially of some of its fractions:

  • sialic acids. These are specific substances that allow with a high degree of probability to confirm or exclude a malignant process in bone tissue. Their level rises with any inflammatory process.
  • Calcium. Its concentration in blood plasma increases with the intensive decay of bone tissue.
  • Alkaline phosphatase. An increase in the content of this enzyme in the blood occurs in a number of malignant tumors.

Diagnosis of bone cancer

X-ray examination. It is the leading method for diagnosing diseases of the musculoskeletal system. However, in children it presents particular difficulties due to the fact that during the period of growth, most bone diseases have a similar radiological picture. In view of the fact that the pain syndrome precedes the changes visible in the picture, it is necessary in such cases to resort to more complex techniques, such as CT (computed tomography) and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), which allow visualizing a focus about two millimeters in size.

Biopsy. It allows you to take a piece of biological material to study the cellular composition of the neoplasm under a microscope.

Treatment of tumors and bone cancer

For the treatment of bone tumors, surgical treatment is mainly used. In benign processes, the affected area is removed within healthy tissues. In malignant processes, amputations of the limbs are indicated. Chemotherapy and radiation are practically not used due to low efficiency.

Prevention of bone tumors

At the moment, it is impossible to name any specific measures aimed at reducing the tumor incidence of bone tissue. It is recommended to undergo scheduled medical examinations annually and seek specialized help at the first symptoms of the disease.

Bone cancer is an oncological pathology characterized by the development of a malignant neoplasm. Tumors are of several types, differing from each other in the features of the course. The disease is rarely diagnosed.

Classification of pathology

Bone tumors are divided into several classifications. First of all, it is worth noting that a neoplasm can be primary, that is, develop independently, or secondary, that is, be a metastasis from a tumor located in any internal organ.

Also, bone cancer is classified into the following types:

  1. Ewing's sarcoma. Pathology affects the bone skeleton. Most often, children aged 10-15 years suffer from such oncology. The neoplasm develops rapidly, gives metastases, is considered the most aggressive form of cancer.
  2. Osteogenic sarcoma. Malignant cells are formed at the expense of bone tissue. The disease affects people of all ages. A malignant bone tumor also metastasizes early and progresses rapidly.
  3. parosteal sarcoma. It is rare, characterized by slow development, low level of aggressiveness. Most often affects the knee joint.
  4. Chondrosarcoma. Diagnosed frequently, affects more elderly patients. The basis of cancer cells is cartilage tissue.
  5. Chordoma. It is characterized by a slow course, practically does not metastasize, but is prone to relapses and the development of complications.

The reasons

To date, only factors that provoke the development of bone cancer are known. These include:

  1. hereditary pathologies.
  2. Precancerous conditions of bones. Most often it is Paget's disease, which leads to the growth of bone tissue. It occurs in people over 50 years of age.
  3. Influence on the body of intense irradiation.
  4. Bone marrow transplantation.
  5. Benign bone tumors.
  6. Bone damage.

The exact cause of a malignant bone tumor is unknown. Scientists are still working on this issue, conducting various scientific studies. There is an assumption that rebirth occurs due to changes in the DNA of cells.


The first symptom of bone cancer is the manifestation of pain at the location of the neoplasm when it is pressed. The manifestation occurs already at the middle stage of the course of the disease. The patient can already feel the tumor in the affected area.

With the development of pathology, the pain is disturbing in itself. At first it is characterized by a weak intensity, then it becomes stronger. It is characterized by a rapid appearance and disappearance. The soreness is aching or dull.

The pain syndrome intensifies at night, as well as after physical exertion. The pain is able to be localized not only at the site of the lesion, but also to give to the nearest parts of the body.

In addition to pain, the symptoms of bone cancer include:

  • Limited movement of the joints.
  • Swelling in affected areas.
  • Soreness in the abdomen.
  • Nausea.
  • Frequent bone fractures.
  • Swelling of soft tissues.

There are also general signs of bone cancer that are not specific to the development of oncology. These include intense weight loss, general weakness, rapid fatigue, loss of appetite.

If the process of metastasis begins, then symptoms and signs of bone cancer appear, indicating a violation of the functioning of one or another organ. For example, with metastases in the lungs, the patient suffers from breathing problems, in the brain - dizziness, headache, in the digestive organs - stool disorders.


Often, a bone tumor is detected by chance during an x-ray with suspicion of other diseases or injuries. After all, the symptoms may not manifest themselves for a long time, which prevents the timely detection of a neoplasm.

If a bone tumor is suspected, the doctor prescribes the following diagnostic measures:

  1. Laboratory study of blood.
  2. Radiography.
  3. Computed and magnetic resonance imaging.
  4. Ultrasound procedure.
  5. Biopsy with histology.

Such a complex of cancer diagnostics allows you to accurately determine whether bone tumors have a malignant course, where exactly they are located, what their type, size and shape are.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment of bone cancer is prescribed depending on the stage and type of pathology. The following therapeutic measures are applied:

  • Operational intervention. During the operation, the doctor removes the neoplasm along with adjacent healthy tissues. With extensive damage to the legs, arms or jaw, amputation is required, after which the issue of prosthetics is decided.
  • Radiation therapy. The procedure is the impact of rays on the lesion, which leads to the death of cancer cells. This treatment of bone cancer minimally affects healthy tissue, which avoids serious side effects. Depending on the development of oncology, remote or internal irradiation is used.
  • Chemical therapy. It involves the destruction of cells by aggressive drugs, most often injected into the blood. The active substances of drugs are distributed throughout the body, therefore, they negatively affect healthy cells. As a result, the patient experiences adverse reactions, which can be quite severe.

The operation does not absolutely guarantee that bone tumors will not develop again. Therefore, radiation or chemical therapy is prescribed after removal of the neoplasm in order to kill the remaining malignant cells.

Alternative Medicine Methods

As an additional method in the fight against oncology of bone tissue, folk remedies are used. They help to eliminate the symptoms of bone and joint cancer, improve the general well-being of the patient, eliminate the side effects of chemotherapy and activate the immune system.

Excellent in the treatment of oncological neoplasms in the bones, hemlock tincture helps. To prepare it, you need to chop the stems and leaves, fill them with 1/3 of a three-liter jar, pour vodka up to the neck. Put the product in a dark place to infuse for 2 weeks.

On the first day of therapy, dissolve one drop in a glass of warm water and drink in the morning. On the second day, add two drops to the water, on the third - three. Continue to increase the dose daily until it reaches 40 drops. After that, it is required to reduce the dosage according to the same scheme.

There are in folk medicine and topical agents:

  • Bake the onion in the oven, mash, add a little birch tar and Asterisk balm. Apply the agent to the diseased bone and bandage it. Carry out the procedure daily in the evening.
  • Pour a handful of goldenrod with water, add a little lemon juice, cook for 15 minutes. Soak gauze in the resulting product, apply to the sore spot and insulate from above.

Folk medicines are an auxiliary method of treating a malignant disease. In no case should traditional medicine be abandoned in favor of home medicine, since the latter is not able to rid the body of cancer cells in a short time.

Forecast and prevention

The prognosis for bone cancer is different for every patient. It depends on the stage of development of the pathology, its type, size, and the presence of metastasis. If the tumor is detected in a timely manner, then most patients can live over 5 years. In the later stages, the prognosis deteriorates sharply. In stage 4 bone cancer, life expectancy is often several months.

Doctors do not know the exact cause of bone cancer, so they cannot give them recommendations for the absolute prevention of this disease. But doctors strongly advise avoiding factors that can provoke the development of neoplasms.

To do this, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports, avoid exposure to radiation and harmful substances. In the event of any pathological processes in the bone tissue or injury, treatment should be started immediately.

Bone cancer is a dangerous pathology in which there is not a minute to lose. Only treatment at an early stage will allow a person to recover and live many more happy years.

Bone oncology is a fairly rare occurrence (1% of all tumor cases). However, neoplasms present in the internal organs can gradually penetrate into the bone tissue itself. In this situation, we can talk about the presence of a secondary tumor. In modern medicine, such cases are diagnosed much more often.

General information

Bone cancer is one of the rarest forms of cancer. At risk, as a rule, are small children and adolescents. This form of cancer is extremely rare in older people. In adults, so-called metastatic tumors are most often observed, which are formed due to the spread of malignant cells of the affected organs. Neoplasms that occur directly on the bones themselves are called primary.

Main reasons

Unfortunately, modern medicine currently cannot give an exact answer to why bone cancer occurs. It is important to note that the number of cases every year is approximately the same. The exception in this case is secondary tumors caused by metastasized cells from previously affected internal organs. Here the clinical picture depends only on the type of primary neoplasm.

It is noteworthy that this disease "prefers" young people no older than 30 years. Among the smoking population, the incidence rate is slightly higher. Elderly patients are more likely to be diagnosed with skull cancer.

Varieties of the disease

  • Osteosarcoma is considered the most common type of bone cancer. This ailment is localized mainly in the upper / lower extremities and pelvis. Osteosarcoma quickly attacks the cells directly in the bone itself. Most often it is diagnosed in children and young people under 30 years of age.
  • Chondrosarcoma is a special malignant neoplasm of the cartilaginous structure. As a rule, it affects the bones of the pelvis, shoulder girdle and ribs.
  • Fibrosarcoma is one of the most common forms of tumors that are known in modern bone oncology. Initially, it is formed in soft connective tissues, then it passes to the bones of the lower and upper extremities, as well as the jaws. Cancer of this particular type is most often diagnosed in the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.
  • Chondroma is classified as a cartilaginous tumor. By nature, she is one of the least aggressive. Specialists currently distinguish two types of this disease: ecchondromas and enchodromas.
  • Ewing's sarcoma can be localized absolutely anywhere in the body, but most often it affects the ribs, pelvic bones, shoulder blades and collarbone. Prior to the use of systemic therapy, Ewing's sarcoma very often metastasizes. This type of bone cancer is predominantly diagnosed in young children.
  • A giant cell tumor can be not only malignant, but also benign. It is not prone to the formation of metastases, but is often recurrent.


Mild pain is the primary clinical sign of bone cancer. Initially, they are unexpressed and stop quickly. It is for this reason that many patients do not pay attention to discomfort, and the disease continues to progress.

As the disease develops, the pain syndrome begins to appear in the lesion on a regular basis, especially aggravated after sleep or physical activity. As a rule, objective signs of bone cancer are detected only three months after the onset of discomfort.

After some time, the following symptoms may occur:

  • deformation of the contour of the body part in which the tumor is located;
  • slight swelling of soft tissues;
  • a slight increase in skin temperature in the affected area;
  • varicose veins;
  • weight loss;
  • relatively fast fatigue;
  • pallor of the skin.

It is important to note that not all of the above symptoms are fully manifested in all patients. Take, for example, cancer of the leg bone. Symptoms of this disease for a long time do not make themselves felt. That is why, if you suspect an ailment, it is so important to consult with specialists.

Stages of the disease

  • The first stage is characterized by a relatively low level of malignancy.
  • Second stage. The existing neoplasm is still inside the bone, but its cells gradually begin to lose differentiation.
  • The third stage is characterized by the spread of the neoplasm to several areas of the diseased area at once, the cells are not differentiated.
  • At the fourth stage, the tumor goes beyond the bone, metastases appear in the lungs, and then - in the region of regional lymph nodes.

Timely determination of the stage of bone cancer is actually an important point. The thing is that it not only provides an opportunity to determine the exact degree of spread of the neoplasm, but also to predict the final result of treatment.


Today everyone understands how dangerous bone cancer is. The symptoms of this disease do not always appear immediately. That is why it is necessary to regularly undergo a complete examination, at least once a year. On the other hand, when primary clinical signs appear, it is necessary to immediately seek the advice of a specialist.

First of all, the attending physician should collect a complete anamnesis of a particular patient. It happens that close relatives already had this diagnosis, which significantly increases the risk of the disease. A detailed description of all accompanying symptoms gives a complete picture of the disease, and also allows you to differentiate it. Only after that you can proceed to a comprehensive examination of such a problem as bone cancer.

Diagnosis also includes fluoroscopy. If the neoplasm appeared relatively recently, then the tumor in the picture may not be clearly displayed. Distinct outlines subsequently help to determine the type of tumor (benign or malignant). In the second case, it develops much faster, is characterized by “torn” edges and the absence of bone tissue around the perimeter.

Another important diagnostic method is computed tomography. It allows you to scan the cross section of the bone. Thanks to this method, the specialist has the opportunity to identify the number of neoplasms and their approximate sizes, as well as to study the bone itself in detail.

MRI is another diagnostic method that provides the ability to obtain a cross-sectional image. In this case, on the monitor screen, the doctor directly examines the soft tissues for infection, which cannot be done using computed tomography. For example, cancer of the leg bone, the symptoms of which do not appear immediately, can be detected and confirmed with the help of an MRI.

One of the most effective diagnostic methods is scintigraphy. It implies the process of determining the zones of the most intensive bone growth and its restoration. Very often, scintigraphy is used to examine the entire body in order to identify possible changes in other bones.

Importance of histological analysis

Especially clearly the importance of histological analysis is confirmed when considering the material obtained during the biopsy. In the absence of additional clinical information, it is possible, solely on microscopic criteria, to differentiate lesions such as giant cell tumor, chondroblastoma, or hyperparathyroidism from biopsy data.


When choosing a specific treatment method, the specialist takes into account several factors at once. This is the type of tumor, and its aggressiveness, as well as the size and location. The age of the patient plays an important role in this issue.

Treatment of bone cancer today is possible with the help of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy. It is important to note that all these methods are effective both separately and taken together.

The surgical method involves the removal of the entire tumor (amputation of part of the bone). In this case, it is highly undesirable to leave the affected areas, since the remaining malignant cells can continue to develop. During the operation, part of the nerves and tissue surrounding the bone is also removed. The amputated bone is restored with a special bone cement or a metal implant.

Radiation therapy involves the destruction of cancer cells by means of X-rays. If the latter enter the body in small doses, then the side effect in this case is almost minimal, and the primary signs of bone cancer are quickly stopped.

Use of chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is prescribed by a qualified specialist, namely an oncologist. He selects an effective and at the same time the most safe dose of a particular drug on an individual basis. As a rule, doctors use several types of medicines. They are administered into the body by intramuscular injections, intravenous drips or in the form of tablets. After ingestion, the drugs are delivered to the tumor along with the blood and completely destroy it. Chemotherapy is most often prescribed in separate courses at certain intervals of time. Some patients are treated on an outpatient basis, while others require mandatory hospitalization.

Abroad, specialists combine chemotherapy and surgery to cure bone cancer. Before the operation itself, the patient takes drugs to reduce the tumor, and after it - to prevent the development of relapse.

Forecast for the future

It should be noted that the forecast for the future is made individually for each individual patient. The thing is that several factors are taken into account simultaneously. This is the stage of the disease, and the timeliness of therapy, and even the age of the patient. For example, leg bone cancer in a 15-year-old and fibrosarcoma in a 50-year-old woman will be treated differently, respectively, and the outcome may not be the same.

The earlier the diagnosis was made, the higher the likelihood of a positive prognosis. It is important to note that isolated cancer (without metastasis) is usually not the cause of death. Here the survival rate is equated to 80%. Patients are more likely to die from osteogenic tumors (60%) when "sick" cells spread throughout the body.

What should be the prevention?

Unfortunately, modern medicine has not yet come to a clear answer, what exactly provokes this disease. Of course, a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, giving up bad habits and regular physical activity - all this one way or another is the prevention of cancer.

It is important to seek qualified medical help in a timely manner when the primary clinical signs of a problem such as bone cancer appear. Symptoms, as noted above, do not always appear in the first stage. That is why one should not neglect the annual medical examination, which is a fairly effective preventive measure.

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