With a severe runny nose, the ear is blocked what to do. Why does it stuff your ears when you have a cold? Diseases that provoke stuffy ears

If, with a runny nose, the ear is suddenly blocked, then in most cases it will be enough:

  1. Gently blow your nose to remove snot from your nose and auditory tubes;
  2. Drop any vasoconstrictor into the nasal passages;
  3. If you feel dryness in the nose after instillation of drops, moisturize or rinse the nose (but not the ear!) With saline.

At the same time, you should not do any warming up and put compresses. With simple ear congestion, such measures will not help, and in case of complication, they will lead to progression inflammatory process and development of otitis. Any therapeutic procedures can be done only in consultation with the doctor.

If, after instillation of vasoconstrictor drops and the restoration of normal nasal breathing, ear congestion does not disappear, you need to see a doctor. This situation means that pus and excess fluid accumulate in the auditory (Eustachian) tube, which is one of the signs of incipient otitis media.

The same should be done if, with a runny nose, pain in the ear began at the same time. Pain is an unequivocal sign of otitis, and it should be treated only after diagnosing its nature - it is bacterial, viral, or caused by a mixed bacterial-fungal infection. Only a doctor can find out which pathogen led to the development of the disease.

Only a doctor can diagnose otitis in a child. Therefore, if ear congestion is accompanied by pain, then you need to go to the lore.

We draw an intermediate conclusion: if during a runny nose there is a feeling of congestion in the ear, then it is enough to clear the nose and drip into it vasoconstrictor drops. If this does not help, then you need to go to the doctor.

Why do you sometimes get stuffy in your ears when you have a runny nose?

Ear congestion is a hearing impairment caused by obstruction of either the external auditory canals or eustachian tube connecting the middle ear cavity with the nasal passages. If air cannot move normally in one of these channels, the sound vibrations of the air do not cause adequate vibrations of the tympanic membrane, and the patient hears sounds in a distorted, muffled form.

With a runny nose, the problem can occur for three reasons:

  1. The auditory tube fills with nasal mucus (snot). This happens especially often when “sniffing” the nose, when excess mucus is not blown out, but, on the contrary, is drawn into the depths of the nasal cavity and fills the tube itself;
  2. Edema of the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity extends to the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube. In this case, there may not be an excess of mucus, but due to the increase in the mucosa itself, the passage of the auditory tube narrows;
  3. The infection spreads throughout the auditory tube to the ear cavity itself, where an inflammatory process develops and pus accumulates. Pus presses on the eardrum and additionally clogs the Eustachian tube.

The problem occurs when the auditory tube (bottom right) becomes clogged with mucus or its lumen is blocked by swollen mucosa.

In the first two cases, the patient does not feel pain either in the ear or in the head. At infectious lesion ear cavity - otitis media - severe pain appears.

These processes are more often unilateral, but in general it is normal if the ears are stuffed up on both sides, it doesn’t matter with the same strength, or one is more and the other is less. The reasons are the same here, and you need to do the same - instill vasoconstrictor drops and rinse your nose.

What to do in a given situation

It is clear that in all three situations, steps must be taken to eliminate the cause of the problem:

  1. In order to clear the Eustachian tube of mucus, you need to diligently, but not much, blow your nose and keep the body in vertical position- mucus will flow from the tube into the freed nasal cavity, the tube will be cleaned, its ventilation will normalize, and the congestion will disappear;
  2. To eliminate swelling in the ear canal, you need to drip vasoconstrictor drops into the nose. Some of them will fall into the tube itself and lead to a decrease in edema in it. They also dry the mucous membrane and reduce the amount of snot that clog the pipe;
  3. If an infection develops in the ear, follow the previous steps and see a doctor who will prescribe remedies to fight the infection.

From swelling of the mucous membrane save any vasoconstrictors

It is impossible to determine exactly whether ear congestion is associated with blockage of the auditory tube with mucus, or with swelling, it is impossible. Moreover, these events often occur at the same time. Therefore, it is most reasonable to blow your nose and drip drops.

At the same time, vasoconstrictor drops can be any, the main thing is that they work. Ordinary and inexpensive, Galazolin, and Nazol do an excellent job with this task, if the runny nose itself has not developed from getting used to them. Antihistamine or hormonal drops do not need to be used, simple moisturizers will not help get rid of congestion, but it is useful to use them 1-1.5 hours after instillation of vasoconstrictors to prevent drying out of the nasal mucosa.

If the ear is blocked after a runny nose in a child under 5 years old, only drops can be dripped into his nose. Older children and adults can inject vasoconstrictor sprays into the nose.

The effect of vasoconstrictor drops lasts 4-8 hours, depending on the type of drops. We talked in detail about the duration of the action of each of them in. If after this time the runny nose has resumed, you can drip funds again. You can continue this therapy for no more than 7 days.

If, a week after the first instillation, a runny nose, ear congestion, or both of these symptoms together persist with the abolition of decongestants, then the patient should see a doctor.

An otoscope can detect perforation of the eardrum and pus in the presence of otitis externa.

Nothing else needs to be done, since additional activities can be not only useless, but even harmful and dangerous.

What not to do

In case of congestion, it is strongly not recommended to try to blow out the ears by closing the mouth and nose and blowing out the air with force. Some patients believe that by such measures they restore normal ventilation of the auditory tubes. In fact, with such manipulation, the mucus under pressure from the nose is driven even deeper into the ear cavity, which increases congestion and increases the risk of developing infectious otitis media.

Traditionally used simple warming compresses made of cotton and polyethylene are also not effective. If there is no pain in the ear during a runny nose and nothing flows from it, then nothing threatens either the external auditory canal or the eardrum. Again, the problem here is deep inside, but not in the ear itself. In this case, it is not necessary to protect the eardrum from wind and cool air, and such compresses are not required.

Standard ear compress

Also, don't let the problem run its course. In many cases, congestion does go away after the runny nose ends on its own without the use of additional funds. However, there is a possibility that its causes will become a trigger for the development of rhinitis media, and even this relatively small risk justifies the need for the use of vasoconstrictors. When the edema is removed, mucus flows out of the auditory tube, and the likelihood of infection here is sharply reduced.

If the child's ear is blocked

In children, the ears are blocked with a runny nose more often than in adults for several reasons:

  1. They are more likely to suffer from SARS - diseases that are almost always accompanied by a runny nose;
  2. Their Eustachian tubes are narrower than those of adults, and therefore, they quickly become clogged with snot or overlap with edema;
  3. The child's auditory tube is directed so that the snot easily flows into it, but then does not flow out. In addition, young children spend a significant part of their time lying down, and mucus flows even faster into the Eustachian tube;
  4. Often, a child's ears turn out to be blocked due to the fact that he constantly sniffs, contributing to the accumulation of snot in the nasal passages and filling the auditory tube with mucus. Many babies do not have the habit of blowing their nose, and this factor contributes to the frequency of otitis development.

It is also important that the smallest children cannot tell their parents about the problem. If a child has an earache with otitis media, then he cries, and if his ears are just stuffed up, then he does not feel pain, does not cry and does not attract the attention of parents to his problem, which sometimes causes severe complications.

The occurrence of ear congestion in a child is difficult to diagnose, but if this can be done, then it will be possible to take it in time effective measures to prevent the development of otitis media.

Treatment of ear congestion in a child differs little from that in an adult. There are only a few nuances here:

  1. Babies can be instilled with special children's vasoconstrictors - Otrivin Baby, Nazol Baby and Nazol Kids, children's Naphthyzinum;
  2. Children develop faster, and therefore it is necessary to use drops only when absolutely necessary - if the ear is already blocked (but not longer than 5 days in a row);
  3. Children need to moisturize the nasal mucosa more thoroughly to facilitate the removal of mucus;
  4. A small child cannot tell his parents that he has a hearing problem. Therefore, parents themselves need to be very careful in case of illness and note signs that the baby began to hear worse.

In children, various hot compresses on the ears and nose are more dangerous and fraught with consequences. Due to the small size of the head, such a compress can really warm up the swollen auditory tube, mucus will swell in it, and with some probability a bacterial infection may be activated.

It is important to understand that if at the most early stages runny nose to start moistening the child's nose with moisturizing drops, then the likelihood of complete congestion of both the nose and ears will be small. This means that vasoconstrictor drops will not be required and the risk of developing otitis media will be reduced. For this reason, it is important immediately after detecting a runny nose to start dripping saline into the child's nose - this will not cause harm, but it will help protect against complications and greatly alleviate the child's condition.

In some cases, high-quality moistening of the nose avoids the instillation of decongestants.

How dangerous is the situation

By itself, ear congestion against the background of a runny nose is not dangerous. With the normal course of SARS or another disease that caused a runny nose, the ears will be blocked for 1-2 days, and at the end of the disease this condition will pass.

However, if the ears are blocked, this can cause the development of otitis media. Moreover, otitis media itself can be both viral and bacterial, and therefore there is a possibility of such a complication both with ARVI and with a runny nose with thick green snot.

The risk of developing otitis media increases during various warming procedures due to an increase in bacterial activity at the site of inflammation with an increase in temperature.

Otitis media itself is fraught with various serious complications if it is not treated in time, or treated incorrectly. In particular, it can cause hearing loss and even total loss hearing, inflammation of adjacent tissues, can go into chronic form with constant pain.

As a rule, the disease is characterized by the appearance of pain in the ear (or both ears) and soreness of the tragus. If there is no pain, then there is no need to worry. suspect otitis media early stages it is possible either for pain, or for the preservation of ear congestion after instillation of vasoconstrictors into the nose.

Difference between normal middle ear condition and otitis. It can be seen that the tympanic membrane flexes outward during otitis, and the lumen of the Eustachian tube narrows.

On a note

Only otitis is treated by instillation into the ear of certain drugs. At the same time, the very use of medicines is possible and justified only after establishing the nature of the disease - viral or bacterial, which can only be done by a doctor. Therefore, for any symptoms, you should not bury anything in your ears until they are examined by a specialist.

In children, ear congestion is much more likely to develop into otitis media than in adults. Moreover, for children, otitis media is a common disease: according to statistics, four out of five children under the age of 3 years suffer from this disease at least once. At the same time, otitis media rarely develops in adults, but in them it often occurs in a chronic form.

  1. If your ear is stuffed up from a runny nose, you need to gently blow your nose and drip vasoconstrictor drops into your nose (you can use sprays for adults);
  2. If after half an hour or an hour after instillation of drops, congestion has not passed, you need to see a doctor;
  3. If there is pain, you need to see a doctor;
  4. If congestion persists after the completion of a runny nose, you also need to see a doctor;
  5. Without consulting a doctor, you do not need to do any compresses, instill something into your ears, take pills and carry out warming procedures. If there are no signs of otitis, all this is not required. Otherwise, the drugs must be very correctly selected by a specialist so that the disease does not cause hearing loss.

Useful video: the doctor explains whether it is necessary to put a compress on the ear for otitis media

What is important to know about otitis

The onset of a cold often contributes to the occurrence of unpleasant consequences in the body, such as ear congestion. The reason for this is considered to be a runny nose that appeared in the body. In connection with the congestion of the ear, a person experiences some discomfort and certain inconveniences. How to get rid of such unpleasant manifestations of a cold?

If you carefully study anatomical structure human nasal cavity, it can be seen that it is closely connected with the auditory system. The existing Eustachian tube is just such a link between the cavity of the middle ear and the pharynx.

Thanks to it, the pressure is equalized between the two such different systems. When a person has a runny nose, the middle ear cavity also suffers.

Ear congestion can be caused by different reasons. For example, it may be due to inflammation lymph nodes during human development. These nodes are located in the area of ​​the nasopharynx, filling its volume during inflammation by a strong increase.

As a result of these changes, characteristic edema causing ear congestion. Since there is some narrowing of the Eustachian tube leading to the middle ear cavity.

As a result of the resulting edema, the pressure in the ear and nasopharynx does not normalize, due to which the tympanic membrane somewhat changes its shape, bending inward. These changes create a feeling of congestion in the ears.

With the onset of a cold, the body significantly weakens the immune system, protecting the body from various pathogenic particles. As a result, the ear passages can be filled with secreted sulfuric secretion, which plays a protective role. An excess of sulfur secretions leads to the appearance in the ear canals sulfur plugs, which can lead to the development of ear edema and ear congestion.

Congestion in the ear canals can cause the body to develop more, damaging organ hearing and accompanied by purulent formations:

  • With further spread this disease the most irreversible consequences for the body may occur. Therefore, it is very important to detect the development of otitis in the body in time and prescribe the correct treatment.
  • The occurrence of otitis is accompanied by pulsating manifestations of pain felt in the ear cavity.
  • A characteristic feature of the data pain is their gradual increase in the evening and night hours.
  • All this may be accompanied sharp rise body temperature, a state of loss of appetite, the occurrence of dizziness, ear congestion, and even a decrease in auditory sensations.
  • It is important not to start the development of the disease when these symptoms are detected in a person, but to immediately contact the medical institution for help.

The penetration of particles into the body can also lead to congestion of the auditory canals. viral nature leading to excessive production of mucus in the nasal cavity. An excess of mucus produced leads to a runny nose and filling of the ear canals. At the same time, proper air circulation does not occur through the auditory canals and, as a result, the occurrence of congestion in the ears.

With development, some congestion in the ears may also be felt:

  • Most often, a person feels this symptom on the side where the nerve was inflamed. The resulting congestion may be accompanied by a feeling ear pain penetrating into the temporal zone, cheeks and even the chin.
  • A person may feel numbness in some areas of the face.
  • All of the above symptoms require immediate treatment for help in medical institutions.

Ear congestion treatment

In connection with the existing close relationship between the nasopharynx and ear canal, the resulting congestion of the ears requires an integrated approach to treatment. Among the wide variety medical techniques used to get rid of ear congestion, the most common is the use of drugs.

Modern pharmacy chains implement in a wide range the following types of medicines:

  • Compresses
  • Ear drops
  • Complex exercises leading to pressure equalization
  • Vasoconstrictor nasal preparations
  • inhalers

All of the above remedies should be used only after consulting a doctor, as many of them may cause some side effect on the body.

The use of special compresses that can rid the body of congestion in the ears is in most cases effective and has a long-term therapeutic effect on the body.

Are very popular alcohol compresses prescribed by physicians. Such procedures help relieve congestion and restore the functioning of the organ of hearing.

Preparing such a compress is quite simple:

  1. Need to take some ethyl alcohol and distilled water.
  2. Then you need to mix both components of the compress with each other in equal amounts.
  3. In the received alcohol solution moisten a piece of gauze and apply it to the affected ear. Wherein Auricle should be free.
  4. For some time, this compress should be held to carry out its therapeutic effect in the ear.
  5. In order to enhance the effectiveness of the impact of the alcohol compress on sore ear, you can cover the gauze with cotton wool or a plastic bag. Well, if a person spends the night in such a state, then the restoration of hearing is definitely provided for him.

Usage ear drops also beneficial in the treatment of ear congestion:

  • Excellent healing effect possess Otium drops, which are commercially available in many pharmacies. Goes with them detailed instructions by application.
  • The use of a solution of Sulfacil-sodium also helps to rid a person of nasal congestion. His complex action able to quickly kill pathogens that have entered the body.
  • To eliminate ear congestion, doctors recommend using a solution of Rivanol or Risorcin, leading to a decrease in inflammation of the mucous membrane. Data ear drops complex effect not only on the emerging symptoms of the disease, but also on the cause of their appearance - pathogenic particles.

The use of these drugs in accordance with the prescribed recommendations of the doctor leads to a decrease in edema in the nasopharynx and middle ear, as well as getting rid of the patient. You should not get carried away with the methods of these drops after the onset of treatment, as this may contribute to the appearance of a symptom of addiction to them.

More information about the treatment of stuffy ears can be found in the video.

To cope with nasal congestion due to a runny nose will help the implementation of special complex exercises. The simplest of these exercises is the following: gently pinch both nostrils with your fingers and try to exhale through the nose in this position. For the effectiveness of the action this exercise should be repeated several times. Due to the ongoing equalization of pressure, a person has a feeling of lack of congestion in the ear.

Removing the emerging feeling of congestion in the ears helps, possessing vasoconstrictor effect. The most popular of them are Naphthyzin and Sanorin. The action of these drops is based on the relief of emerging unpleasant symptoms nasal congestion and as a result, leading to congestion of the ear itself.

Getting rid of ear congestion at home

Ear congestion can also be dealt with at home. For example, the use of special massage exercises contributes to quick release from this disease.

To do this, use your fingertips to gently massage your nose and ears for fifteen minutes. Then you should perform small tilts of the head in different directions. At the end of this massage procedure you need to take a deep breath through your mouth and hold your breath for a while, swallowing the air in your mouth. Such a massage is effective and easy to perform by everyone.

Can be used to relieve congestion chewing gum, which should be chewed for a while or toffee. Inflating a balloon also relieves congestion in the ears. The complex use of these exercises will contribute to the onset of recovery and restoration of hearing.

AT normal condition the eustachian tube - the organ that connects the ear cavity with the nasopharynx - allows air to move freely. In violation of patency - with inflammation and adhesive processes- a pressure difference occurs in the middle ear and the Eustachian tube, and the tube becomes blocked. And the consequence of this process is ear congestion.

Eustachian tube swelling may continue for a long time. If left untreated, the disease will progress to chronic condition. This increases the risk of catarrhal otitis, affects hearing acuity.


ear structure

How to remove congestion in the ear

If during a runny nose the ear is blocked, it is necessary to remove the swelling in the Eustachian tube.

Algorithm of actions necessary to relieve edema.

  1. First you need to free the nostrils from the accumulated mucus, and you need to do this correctly - clean each nostril separately.
  2. Then drops with a vasoconstrictive effect are dripped into the nose.
  3. It is advisable to use anti-inflammatory ear drops, if they are at hand. A complex approach- impact from 2 sides - will quickly remove congestion in the ear canal.
  4. Performed special exercise to help deflate the Eustachian tube. You need to pinch the wings of the nose, try to exhale, and at the same time swallow several times. Congestion does not go away immediately, sometimes it takes several minutes before it disappears.

warming up

One of the ways to help relieve congestion in the ear is warming up.

Whether it is possible to warm the ears with swelling during a runny nose or not, there is still no consensus even among otolaryngologists. Some consider warming up to be harmful, others - only warming up with dry heat during an inflammatory process and the absence of temperature is useful, and others - the method of warming up does not play a role.

Any thermal effects are carried out only when it is known for sure that ear congestion is not caused by purulent otitis media.

Warming up with dry heat is carried out using:

  • boiled egg;
  • heated salt;
  • calcined sand.

A hot egg wrapped in a cloth or a bag with dry contents is applied to the tragus area for 15-20 minutes.

If it is decided to put an alcohol compress, then the alcohol must be diluted to the state of vodka. Then the gauze soaked in an alcohol solution is applied to the tragus and ear canal, covered with a layer of wax paper, then with plastic wrap and fixed with a gauze pad. The auricle should be outside - a window is left in the gauze for it. The skin on the sink is very delicate and after exposure to vodka, a burn may remain.

Sometimes a cotton swab moistened with boric alcohol. The procedure with cotton wool takes about half an hour: they held it for 5 minutes - the same amount of a break. Otherwise, you may get burned.

Prevention of stuffy ear with a cold

Many are currently on sale ready funds for washing the nose. Can be purchased aquamaris, aqualore, dolphin ... Before using the drugs, you need to carefully read the instructions.

If you get rid of congestion yourself ear canal If it doesn't work, you need to see a doctor. Acute eustachitis can become chronic, cause catarrhal otitis, inflammation facial nerve cause the development of meningitis.

Ear congestion during a runny nose is a serious enough problem, and it is not recommended to leave it without a solution.

Often, a runny nose is accompanied by symptoms that make the course of the disease even more unpleasant. Some patients complain that their ears are stuffed up with a runny nose, this creates a certain discomfort. To get rid of this condition, need to understand the causes and mechanism of its occurrence.

The auditory system consists of the outer, inner and middle ear. The outer ear is separated from the middle ear by the tympanic membrane. The Eustachian tube, the canal that connects the middle ear to the throat, equalizes pressure in the middle ear. Normally, the pressure in the auditory canal and in the middle ear is the same.

Since the auditory system and the nasopharynx are interconnected, diseases affecting them require complex treatment.

With a runny nose, edema occurs, due to which the Eustachian tube narrows or even clogs. The pressure in the middle ear becomes constant and does not adapt to changes in air pressure outside. Eardrum bends inward, resulting in stuffy ears with a runny nose.

Ear congestion treatment

Ear congestion with a runny nose can be treated different ways. In particular, you can use the following tools:

  • ear drops;
  • vasoconstrictor nasal drops;
  • compresses;
  • special exercises to help normalize pressure in the middle ear.

When applying these methods, one must not forget that congestion in the ears with a runny nose is only a symptom, albeit a rather unpleasant one. It is necessary not only to eliminate the symptom, but also to treat the disease. which caused it to occur. Otherwise, the effect of the described procedures may be only short-term.


If you have stuffy ears from a runny nose, ear drops such as Otium, Sulfacyl Sodium (Albucid), Rivanol or Risorcin solutions may help. These funds have complex impact: they kill disease-causing organisms and relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane. As a result, the edema subsides and congestion disappears.

It is recommended to use medicines for the treatment of ear congestion only after consulting a doctor, as they may contain potent components.

Often, the removal of stuffy ears is facilitated by the instillation of vasoconstrictor drops into the nose. In particular, you can buy Naphthyzin or Sanorin at the pharmacy. When using the means of this group, it must be remembered that they do not treat the disease itself, but only alleviate its symptoms. In addition, their long-term use can lead to overdrying of the mucous membrane and be addictive. They can be treated for no more than a week.


Often, patients who have blocked ears with a runny nose are helped by alcohol compresses. To make them, you need to mix alcohol with water in equal proportions, and then moisten gauze in this solution.

The compress is applied to the ear so that the auricle remains free. To enhance the effect, the compress should be covered with plastic wrap and cotton wool and left overnight.

In cases where the ears are stuffed up, a runny nose overcomes and there is no way to use medicines temporarily relieve symptoms with next appointment. You should pinch the nostrils with your fingers, and with tension try to exhale through the nose. Sometimes it may be necessary to repeat this procedure up to five times. It helps to equalize pressure in the middle ear.

Ear congestion and other diseases

Can't always get by symptomatic treatment, if your ears are stuffed up: a runny nose is just one of possible causes this phenomenon. Often, ear congestion occurs with the following diseases:

  • inflammation of the middle or inner ear;
  • water ingress or foreign body into the ear cavity;
  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • sulfur plugs in the auditory canal.

Thus, if your ears are stuffed up after a runny nose, it may mean that rhinitis was not the only cause of this symptom. Possibly have some disease hearing aid which an otolaryngologist can identify.

Treatment should not be concentrated on only one of the problems, for example, to treat only a runny nose: stuffy ears also need the timely application of specially selected treatment. If left untreated, eustacheitis can form - chronic or acute inflammation Eustachian tube. Further development inflammation can lead to sinusitis, inflammation of the facial nerve and even meningitis.

Ear congestion causes a person far from the most pleasant sensations. Most often, this phenomenon is of a short duration, arising from a cold or sharp drop pressure. However, prolonged congestion is not excluded, which causes a lot of discomfort and unsettles.

Symptom etiology

Ear congestion is a dysfunction in which there is a disturbance in the auditory canal, as well as in tympanic cavity. With this phenomenon, a kind of blockage is observed, which does not allow the normal transmission of sound impulses.

Congestion is getting inside the ear canal foreign object, be it sulfur, liquid or anything else.

Regardless of the factor that led to, in most cases it is accompanied by or, a strong expression of one's own voice, heaviness in the head.

stuffed up ears

The reasons

Congestion sometimes occurs very unpredictably. More often, congestion affects only one ear, while the second hears freely. However, cases when and in both channels are not excluded.

Most often, congestion appears for the following reasons:

  • Colds;
  • Runny nose;
  • water ingress;
  • Deformation of the nasal septum;
  • sinusitis;

Hearing loss can also occur as a result of a fall or impact. Sometimes congestion appears when. This can happen at a military training ground, at a music concert, or on an airplane.

If there is no pain

If your ear is suddenly blocked, but you do not feel any special discomfort, then most likely led to hearing loss natural factors. If your condition persists throughout the day. It makes sense to assume that the following reasons can cause this:

  • (through headphones, work with equipment in heavy production);
  • (most often this problem is characteristic of children who like to stick small toys, caps, puzzles).
  • Water ingress (occurs after improper washing of the ears, after swimming in the pool, sea).

The above causes of congestion are minimally dangerous. But at the same time, they still require a visit to the doctor.

Stuffed ear and hurts

Ear congestion accompanied by pain should be alarming, as this may be the first symptom. developing disease. If the pain does not subside, but only becomes stronger, then there may be such explanations for this:

  • (occurs after a sharp change in pressure, as well as when exposed to sound, with careless handling with ear sticks);
  • Colds;
  • Parotid lymphadenitis;
  • Inflammation.


For effective treatment it is necessary to determine in which of the departments the ear was damaged, it is also necessary to identify the cause that contributed to the formation of deafness.

On examination, the doctor identifies the type of damage to the auditory canal. Only after that, appointments are made, which are obliged to individually help the patient.

If the patient has a deviated nasal septum, then in such cases only surgical intervention. It will allow not only to remove the curvature, but also to restore normal hearing.

With congestion caused by a change in pressure, it is recommended to perform swallowing actions for several days or just try to blow your nose hard.

In case of dental pathology, it is necessary to contact an osteopath. The return of hearing is guaranteed with a probability of 90%.


With stuffy ear, the patient is prescribed not only drops. So, most often assigned following pills antihistamine nature:

  • Biseptol;

With advanced forms, the patient must undergo a course of maintenance therapy. Only then can it be assigned alternative treatment in the form of drops and lotions.

At colds vasoconstrictor drops and special drops for the treatment of ear congestion are used.

Folk remedies

Also well proven as alternative way treatment . However, one must be careful not to neglect traditional treatment. After all, not always traditional medicine can cope with complications and advanced forms of the disease.

1. With congestion, compresses from camphor oil. A small amount of oil should be applied to gauze, then it should be put on compress paper and then apply to the ear. Wrap the compress with a scarf or scarf.

2. Also proved to be effective almond oil. You can buy it at any pharmacy or cosmetic store. This miracle remedy must be heated to room temperature and drip 2-3 drops into the left and right ear 2 times a day.

A combination of traditional and traditional medicine show positive results. Before you start using some of the funds, it is worth consulting with your doctor in advance in order to direct the actions of the funds in a positive direction.

About the causes of stuffy ears in our video:


Preventive measures help prevent the development of many diseases and infections, as well as avoid the development pathological processes. Ear congestion prevention is a small set of measures that will allow you to never think about problems with your ears and lead a healthy, full life.

The main factors that affect ear health are:

  • Prevention of colds;
  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Timely treatment of diseases of the nose, ears and throat;
  • Wearing clothes for the seasons;
  • Doing healthy lifestyle life;
  • Complete and fortified nutrition;
  • Regular visits to the doctor;
  • hardening.

If you have the first symptoms of ear congestion, then immediately contact a specialist to prevent possible consequences, which can turn into a full-fledged disease.

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