Runny nose treatment quickly. Learn how to properly treat a runny nose. Causes of acute rhinitis

A runny nose is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa that can occur for various reasons. This is a sharp change in ambient air temperature, hypothermia, viruses, bacteria, and allergens. But do not immediately run to the pharmacy for expensive drugs. As soon as the first signs of a runny nose appear, it can be quickly cured at home.

If you find the first signs of rhinitis in a child, then it is necessary to establish the reason for the inflammation of the nasal mucosa. For the treatment of rhinitis in a child, it is better to use proven folk remedies that will safely save your baby from this disease.

The main causes of a runny nose in children under 3 years of age are:

  • allergy;
  • infections;
  • physiological features of the structure of the nose.

If a runny nose occurs due to allergies, an allergen should be identified that provokes inflammation of the mucous membrane in the baby. Having eliminated the cause of allergic rhinitis, the baby's runny nose will pass by itself.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane and the appearance of discharge from the baby's nose can provoke viruses and bacteria. In this case, treatment should be aimed at strengthening the child's immunity and increasing the child's body's resistance to infections.

In newborns, swelling of the mucosa can be caused by physiological characteristics and the immaturity of the immune system, which is not yet able to adapt to environmental conditions.

There are many ways to cure a runny nose at home quickly and effectively. Treatment should be comprehensive, selected in accordance with the age of the child and aimed at strengthening his immunity.

  • A bath with the addition of table or sea salt, the water temperature in which will not be higher than 38 degrees, lasting fifteen minutes. After the bath, the child needs to put on warm socks and put to bed.
  • Warm foot baths are also effective in combating the common cold. In this case, warm water is taken, the degree of which gradually rises to forty. The procedure time is at least five minutes, after which woolen socks are put on dry legs.
  • Pour mustard powder into socks and put on your child's feet before bed.

Warning: hot baths should not be used when the child's body temperature is elevated.

  • An effective treatment for the common cold is local heating of the maxillary sinuses. To do this, you can use a hot boiled egg wrapped in a towel or salt heated in a pan, poured into a bag.
  • Older children can be recommended steam inhalations with the addition of herbs (chamomile, calendula, sage) or essential oils (tea tree, eucalyptus). But you must be sure that the child is not allergic to the herbs or oils used.

There are many folk ways to treat rhinitis in children. You need to choose those that are suitable for your child, strengthen his immunity and alleviate the condition.

Treatment of the common cold in pregnant women

Pregnant women should not take pharmaceuticals, because they can harm the fetus, so it is better to try to cure a runny nose at home quickly and effectively using folk remedies.

A runny nose during pregnancy is quite common, which worsens a woman's well-being and has a negative impact on the emotional side of her life.

The first cause of a runny nose in a pregnant woman can be reduced immunity, which makes the body susceptible to viruses and infections. The second reason is the increased production of progesterone and estrogen, which can cause swelling of the nasal mucosa. The third reason is the drying of the mucosa due to the increased volume of blood, dry air in the apartment.

The first thing a pregnant woman can do on her own is washing the sinuses to moisten the mucosa. Rinsing the nose with salt water will help widen the nasal passages and make it easier for the woman to breathe.

You can do local heating of the sinuses with salt or a blue lamp, garlic-onion inhalations and inhalations with herbal infusions, but not more than four times a day and a maximum of ten minutes. It is also recommended to air the bedroom more often before going to bed.

Medicines for the common cold during pregnancy are used in extreme cases, but this should be determined by the doctor, taking into account the condition of the woman and the duration of pregnancy.

To exclude the appearance of a runny nose, a pregnant woman should not be supercooled, contact with sick people, immunity should be strengthened and treatment should be started when the first symptoms of rhinitis appear.

Treatment of the common cold in the elderly

Elderly people often complain of nasal congestion. The culprit for this may be polyps, chronic sinusitis, features of the anatomy of the nose, as well as an allergic reaction. In addition, a runny nose in an elderly person may occur due to taking certain medications, for example, for hypertension or is associated with problems that have arisen in the urinary system.

Older people, as well as small children, have reduced immunity, therefore, in order to avoid complications, it is necessary to stop the disease at the very initial stage and, preferably, with the participation of a specialist.

Treatment of the common cold with folk remedies

Lemon water for rinsing

To reduce nasal congestion, experts recommend doing it with lemon water. To do this, you need to mix the juice of one lemon with the same amount of boiled water. This solution should be drawn in alternately, then one nostril, then the other, immediately blowing it back.

iodine mesh

Iodine has been a popular topical remedy for many years. The bactericidal substances contained in iodine are absorbed by the skin and spread throughout the body by blood, causing pathogenic microorganisms to die, which contributes to the restoration of the body's protective functions and leads to recovery.

With a runny nose, an iodine mesh is applied to the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose. The benefit of this procedure is that it improves blood circulation and dilates blood vessels.

Garlic onion oil

There are two ways to prepare garlic-bulb oil, which traditional medicine experts say can quickly cure a runny nose at home.

Method one: 3 cloves of garlic and half a medium onion are finely chopped, poured with vegetable oil and heated in a water bath for 30-40 minutes. The mixture is infused for 2 hours, after which it is filtered.

Method two: the head of garlic is finely chopped, placed in a glass container and poured with a glass of vegetable oil. All this should be infused for 2 weeks in a dark place and with the lid closed.

With a runny nose, these oils can be instilled into the nose. Adults - 3-5 drops, and children - 1-2 drops.


At home, in order to quickly cure a runny nose, you can use a plant such as horseradish. It can be taken orally, as well as inhaled its aroma, but all this must be done carefully.

Horseradish root should be grated, add honey or sugar and grated apple. This mixture should be eaten several tablespoons a day. This method breaks through a stuffy nose well, which is explained by the fact that horseradish contains substances that resist bacteria, fungi and viruses, but do not destroy beneficial bacteria in the intestines, while strengthening the immune system.

beet juice

Beetroot juice can treat a runny nose not only in adults, but also in children.
There are several recipes for using beetroot juice to treat rhinitis.

  1. Freshly squeezed beet juice is instilled into each nasal passage 1-3 drops several times a day. If a burning sensation is felt during instillation, then the juice can be diluted with boiled water 1: 1.
  2. 3 teaspoons of beet juice mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey. The remedy should be instilled into the nose 2-3 times a day.
  3. Honey is combined with beetroot juice in a ratio of 1:3. The tool is used for instillation of the nose 2-3 times a day.

Saline solutions for washing

For washing the nose, you can prepare a solution of salt. This requires table salt or sea salt (without additives) and boiled water. The classic solution consists of a teaspoon of salt in 500 ml of warm water. The finished solution must be filtered.

For children, saline solution consists of a liter of water and a teaspoon of salt. In the composition for washing the nose of an adult, you can drop a drop of iodine - this will add additional disinfectant properties to the product.


Dry mustard is used to treat rhinitis. 1 tablespoon of mustard powder is poured into cotton socks, which are worn on the feet, and warm woolen ones are on top. It is good to do this procedure at night. As a rule, it is enough to do 2-3 procedures and the condition improves.

Traditional healers recommend foot baths with mustard. 2 tablespoons of mustard powder and 1 tablespoon of salt are poured into a basin of hot water. Feet should be soared for no more than thirty minutes, pouring hotter water into the basin.

This recipe is not suitable for people suffering from varicose veins and those who have a weak heart and blood vessels.


To quickly cure a runny nose at home with honey, it can be used both in pure form and in combination with additives - onions, aloe juice, beets.

The simplest recipe is honey diluted 1:2 with warm water. The resulting mixture is instilled into the nose 3-4 times a day, 5-8 drops in each nostril.

Honey is mixed with onions: a teaspoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of grated onions, 250 ml of boiled water. This medicine is infused for 30 minutes and filtered. Bury in the nose 4-6 drops every four hours.

carrot juice

For instillation of the nose, you can use carrot juice mixed with vegetable oil in equal proportions. The solution can be made more effective by adding a couple of drops of garlic or onion juice to it. Bury the nose with this composition three times a day.

Aloe juice

A good way to get rid of a runny nose is to bury your nose with a mixture of aloe and honey. This recipe will help even with the advanced form of rhinitis.

To prepare it, mix honey and boiled water in equal parts. Add the same amount of aloe juice squeezed from the leaves to the honey solution. This medicine is instilled into the nose 2-3 hours before bedtime, five drops in each nostril. Immediately after instillation, a slight burning sensation of the mucous membrane may appear, which quickly passes.

Infusions and decoctions

For the treatment of rhinitis, infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs are widely used.

  1. A popular and effective way to treat rhinitis is garlic decoction. A few cloves of garlic are crushed, pour 200 ml of milk, bringing everything to a boil. The broth should be divided into several parts and drunk in small portions.
  2. 5 mg of the collection of elecampane, licorice and marshmallow are poured into 200 ml of water, brought to a boil. The decoction is filtered and taken orally 100 ml three times a day before meals.
  3. An infusion of leaves and twigs of raspberry, lime blossom, coltsfoot, meadowsweet, fennel seeds is considered an excellent tool for strengthening immunity and recovery. All herbs are mixed in equal proportions. 5 g of this mixture should be poured into 200 ml of boiling water and infused for fifteen minutes. This infusion should be taken twice a day, 200 ml.
  4. A very useful infusion is obtained from a mixture of willow bark, chamomile inflorescences, lime blossom and dried rose hips. A tablespoon of this mixture is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and infused for an hour. The infusion is filtered and consumed orally three times a day, 50 ml. Thanks to the rose hips, this infusion contains a large amount of vitamin C.

Massage against rhinitis

The fact that there are active points on the human body associated with all internal organs was known by ancient oriental medicine.

To help your body cope with a runny nose, you can massage the following active points:

  • near the wings of the nose;
  • slightly above the wings of the nose;
  • a point between the eyebrows;
  • point that is next to the tragus of the ear.

There are also active points on the hands:

  • between the thumb and forefinger on the outside of the palm;
  • on the wrist, on its inner side;
  • at the outer corners of the eyes;
  • at the junction of the neck and head;
  • in the center of the crown.

Active points are massaged for about a minute. Points located symmetrically are massaged simultaneously.

Acupressure Precautions:

  • do not massage at high temperature;
  • no need to continue the massage with discomfort.

Inhalation with a nebulizer

For the treatment of rhinitis, experts recommend using a nebulizer - a compressor inhaler. This device can be used for the treatment of rhinitis, both in an adult and in a child, as it is equipped with nozzles of different sizes. In order to make inhalation, it is necessary to pour a medicinal solution into a special container of the nebulizer, which is prescribed by the attending physician.

Before using the nebulizer, be sure to read the instructions for the device.

Foot baths for colds

Our grandmothers also taught us to soar our feet when we have a cold. The maximum effect can be achieved if you warm up not only the feet, but also the shins, for which the water tank must be deep. The best time for this procedure is before going to bed, so that immediately after it go to bed under a warm blanket.

The water should be warm at first - about 38 degrees Celsius. After your feet get used to it, you should add hot water. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. After that, the feet should be wiped dry and woolen socks should be put on.

Heating for the nose

With rhinitis, warming up the nose can speed up recovery, because:

  • blood vessels expand, blood circulation improves;
  • venous congestion in the mucosa decreases;
  • swelling is removed;
  • the restoration of damaged mucosal cells is activated.

As a result, nasal congestion decreases, nasal breathing is restored. Remember that you can warm up the nose only at the initial stage of the disease, when the discharge is clear and liquid. In case of congestion and purulent secretions, heating is contraindicated, since heat can provoke the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

Pharmacy funds

Treatment of rhinitis with turundas with Vishnevsky ointment

Turundas or tampons are made from gauze or bandage, which is twisted in a spiral. Turunda is made small so that it can be inserted into the nose. Such a device is used to treat sinusitis.

Turunda is impregnated with Vishnevsky's ointment and inserted into one nostril of the patient so that its tip looks out. The medicine should be in the nose for 4 hours, after which the tampon is removed and the procedure is repeated with the other nostril. Doctors recommend lying with turunda for thirty minutes on the side into which nostril it is inserted. This therapy is carried out twice a day for a week.

The use of ointment "Asterisk" from the common cold

Vietnamese balm "Asterisk" for the treatment of the common cold is used in various forms. These are inhalations, rubbing, and spot application of balm on the face area: wings of the nose, bridge of the nose, temples.

Balm "Asterisk" contains a large amount of essential oils that resist viruses and bacteria, which contributes to a speedy recovery.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

The most popular are vasoconstrictor drugs used for rhinitis of any form. Their popularity is explained by the fact that after a couple of minutes the puffiness goes away and the person breathes easily. Different drugs have different duration of action - it is from 4 to 10 hours. It all depends on the severity of the disease.

Nasal wash preparations

Sinus wash medicines contain seawater. They belong to moisturizing preparations for the nose, but there are also decongestants - these are hypertonic sprays.

When washing the nose, thick mucus liquefies, dry crusts soften, inflammation decreases, the mucous membrane is moistened, and the number of pathogenic bacteria decreases.

Allergy nasal rinses help flush out allergens, fine dust, and other particles from the nose.

As soon as the first signs of a runny nose appear, it can be quickly cured at home. But it should be remembered that you should not use pharmaceutical preparations on your own. All of them are used only on the recommendation of the attending physician, who must determine the cause of rhinitis, the stage of the disease and its severity, and also take into account the condition and age of the patient.

Folk remedies should be handled with care. Some of them can cause allergies or burns of the nasal mucosa, which will aggravate the disease.

You can not blow your nose hard, and during the period of rhinitis to play sports. It is also not recommended to prescribe warming up on your own, without knowing at what stage the disease is.

Video clips: we treat a runny nose at home

How to quickly cure a runny nose at home. 3 ways:

How to cure a runny nose at home and get rid of a cold:

With a runny nose, inflammation of the nasal mucosa occurs. This medical condition is called rhinitis. The disease usually develops in cold damp weather, that is, as a result of general or local hypothermia. Runny nose is often a symptom of infectious diseases such as influenza, diphtheria, measles, etc.

Rhinitis does not pose a great danger to humans, but it significantly worsens life. It can be allergic, vasomotor, bacterial. The task of a person is to cure a runny nose before it turns into something more serious. What are the recipes for a runny nose, what to do so that it does not become chronic? These and other questions will be discussed below.

If it is acute rhinitis, then most often it is accompanied by a general malaise. A sore throat appears, a person often sneezes. This is followed by copious nasal discharge. In this case, the nose is blocked, it becomes difficult to breathe through this organ.

Reasons for the development of rhinitis

Since a runny nose is a consequence of any violation, the causes of its occurrence are different.

Non-infectious causes:

  1. Traumatic rhinitis - develops due to mechanical, thermal or chemical damage to the nasal cavity. Often such a reason can occur in people working in hazardous enterprises.
  2. Hypertrophic appearance - it develops due to prolonged exposure to the nasal mucosa of irritating substances. It can be dust, smoke, gas.
  3. Allergic rhinitis - appears due to exposure to allergens. Anything can become an allergen: dust, plant pollen, animal hair, etc.
  4. A runny nose that has developed against the background of taking medications is most often a long-term use of vasoconstrictor drops.
  5. Atrophic runny nose - atrophic processes occur in the nasal mucosa, for example, due to prolonged inhalation of dust.
  6. Vasomotor rhinitis can develop due to stress, hormonal disruptions in the body, smoke inhalation, and even spicy foods.

infectious causes

In this case, the nasal mucosa is affected by the action of various microorganisms, due to which colds, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections develop. Having penetrated into the nasal mucosa, bacteria and viruses begin to destroy its protective functions. In most cases, this is due to hypothermia of the body, especially if the feet are frozen.

Infectious rhinitis can develop against the background of diseases such as otitis media, sinusitis, adenoiditis, etc. In this case, microbes penetrate the mucous membrane, and rhinitis develops against the background of weakened immunity. If you do not cure a runny nose in time, then it goes into a chronic stage or leads to a number of complications.

Chronic rhinitis is characterized by its long and sluggish course. It develops against the background of an untreated runny nose or with its improper treatment. In addition to complications, such diseases can develop: sinusitis, hypertension, asthma of a cardiological type. That's when you can say that you were tortured by a runny nose.

Principles of treatment

What to do to quickly get rid of a cold? If there is no temperature during rhinitis, then it is recommended to carry out thermal procedures. These are warming compresses, steaming the legs, etc.

Learn to blow your nose properly. So one nostril is covered, while the mouth is open. In another case, the contents of the nasal cavity may enter the middle ear or paranasal sinuses.

If there are dry crusts in the nose, soften them first. For this, any oil is used - sunflower, olive, corn, etc. After that, form a flagellum from cotton wool and remove the softened crusts.

When you have a cold, drink as much liquid as possible. She must be warm. For example, milk with honey, tea with raspberries or lemon. Traditional medicine recommends preparing decoctions based on wild rose, chamomile, St. John's wort, blackcurrant leaves. With an increase in body temperature above 38 ºС, it is recommended to take an antipyretic. With a viral rhinitis, instill the drug Interferon into the nose.

Treatment of infectious rhinitis

You can cure a runny nose of this kind under the supervision of an otolaryngologist who prescribes the necessary funds. These can be antibacterial drops, astringent or cauterizing drugs. Effective in this case, physiotherapy, which may include the following procedures:

  • inhalations with mucolytics;
  • warming up;
  • the use of a quartz tube;
  • electrophoresis.

If the runny nose after these procedures does not go away, then a transition is made to more serious actions. These include:

  • cryodestruction;
  • ultrasonic cleaning;
  • photodestruction by laser;
  • lower submucosal conchotomy.

Rhinitis of a hypertrophic nature

In this case, surgery is most often performed, which involves the following types of treatment:

  • cryodestruction;
  • disintegration by laser or ultrasound;
  • removal of the inferior turbinate or its displacement to the outer edge, this type is called conchotomy or lateralization.

Atrophic runny nose

Various preparations for instillation into the nose are suitable here, for example, oil drops based on rose hips, vitamins A and E. Olive oil with propolis is used. Doctors often recommend oil-alkaline inhalations.

allergic rhinitis

Vasoconstrictor drops are prescribed for a short period of use, they are combined with antihistamines. Subsequently, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment in relation to desensitization to the allergen. To cure an allergic-type runny nose, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the allergen.

Vasomotor rhinitis

In order for vasomotor rhinitis to pass without consequences, an integrated approach is required. The following rules and measures are required:

  • nutrition should be regular and rational;
  • good full sleep;
  • course of acupuncture;
  • active lifestyle;
  • moderate physical activity.

Drug therapy involves taking antihistamines and glucocorticosteroids. The nasal passages are irrigated with saline. Electrophoresis with calcium or zinc is applied to the nose area. If all these measures are useless, then an operation is performed.

For all types of rhinitis, general strengthening treatment is carried out, it will help to quickly overcome the disease. Such therapy consists of the following actions:

  1. Feet and head during treatment should be warm.
  2. Vitamin C is important during this period. It can be found in vitamin complexes, fruits, herbs and vegetables.
  3. Drink rosehip tea or take ginseng extract.

If other symptoms of an infectious disease develop along with a runny nose, seek medical help immediately.

Traditional medicine recipes for a cold

Traditional medicine has many recipes for easing nasal breathing and combating the common cold. But before using them, you should visit a doctor and make sure that the existing rhinitis is not a symptom of a serious illness, only after that use the recommendations.

  1. To cure a runny nose, warm the area of ​​​​the maxillary sinuses with a boiled egg. Hold it near the nose until it cools.
  2. Inhale alternately each nostril menthol oil or ammonia.
  3. If along with a runny nose there is a headache, then lubricate the wings of the nose, the area behind the ears and whiskey with menthol oil.
  4. Up to several times a day, instill aloe juice into the nose, 5-6 drops in each nostril.
  5. Breathe over the smoke from the incense.
  6. Glue mustard plasters to your heels or pour mustard powder into your socks.

The use of various means:

  1. Kalanchoe. When a runny nose is just developing, start lubricating the mucous membrane with the juice of this plant or drip 2-3 drops into each nostril. The runny nose should end quickly.
  2. Kerosene. Before going to bed, moisten the gauze with kerosene and attach it to the heels, you can cover it with a film on top and put on socks. In the morning you will feel relief, and the runny nose will disappear.
  3. Beet. It should be fresh, not boiled, squeeze the juice from the plant and bury it in each nostril, 5-6 drops. You can also add honey to beetroot juice.
  4. Sea salt. 4 tsp is taken for 1 glass of water. salt, 1 tsp soda and 5 drops of iodine. With this solution, it is necessary to rinse the nasal passages, drawing in water from one nostril, then the other. This rinse is carried out 2 times a day.

If this procedure is difficult for you, then you can soak cotton swabs in saline solution and insert them into each nostril for 10 minutes.

If at the initial stage a runny nose is treated and all the doctor's recommendations are followed, then it will bring you only temporary inconvenience. Even better, if you take preventive measures in advance, which are not difficult to implement, then no colds and runny noses will linger in your body for a long time. Hardening procedures, an active lifestyle, physical activity, proper nutrition, and the rejection of bad habits are required.

If rhinitis is a common occurrence for you, then as a preventive measure, every morning for a certain time, draw the saline solution into both nostrils alternately so that water enters your mouth. Do not forget to observe the proportions for preparing the solution. It is not difficult to make it at home, it is enough to dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of warm boiled water. salt.

Rhinitis is the main and very unpleasant symptom of inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Acute rhinitis, which is accompanied by profuse mucus, is popularly called the common cold. In an adult, a runny nose occurs with allergies, acute respiratory diseases, hypothermia, irritation of the mucous membrane with cold air and strong odors. A properly selected treatment method will help to quickly get rid of a runny nose.

The main culprits of the common cold are rhinoviruses, which are transmitted from person to person by contact and airborne droplets. Outbreaks of rhinovirus infection are recorded in all regions of the country all year round, the peak incidence occurs in the cold season.

The source of the rhinovirus is a sick person who is contagious for two days before the first symptoms of the disease appear and two to three days after. With prolonged contact with sick people, the likelihood of getting sick is higher, because. when a large number of viruses enter the body.

Medical methods of treatment

The main treatment for the second stage of the common cold, when profuse liquid discharges are disturbing, are vasoconstrictor drugs. You can use both drops and tablets (Ephedrine, Phenylephrine, Pseudoephedrine, Phenylpropanolamine).

The funds help quickly, but there is one “but” - they have a number of contraindications, dry out the mucous membrane, and are addictive. For this reason, vasoconstrictor drops / sprays for rhinitis cannot be used for a long time, even for adults.

Vasoconstrictor drugs disrupt the blood circulation of the nose, so it is better to use long-acting drugs - Oxymetazoline or Xylometazoline (the effect lasts up to 12 hours), this will reduce the frequency of their use. It is better to use not drops, but sprays - the spray is distributed evenly and extensively, due to this drug, less is spent than when using drops.

Vasoconstrictor pills do not act so quickly. They spare the mucosa, but have systemic effects, so they are not recommended for use by senile and elderly people suffering from glaucoma, vascular and heart diseases, with impaired motility of the digestive organs.


To quickly cure a runny nose and not damage the mucous membrane, you need to use combined preparations. One of these is SeptaNazal, which contains Xylometazoline and the healing agent Dexpanthenol.

The drug constricts blood vessels, heals microcracks, prevents the development of dryness, burning and itching in the nose. The remedy is also allowed to treat the allergic type of rhinitis in adults.

Protargol and Kollargol

If a medical runny nose appeared from the use of vasoconstrictors, then rhinitis should be treated with astringents - 3% Collargol or Protargol.

For the treatment of rhinitis that accompanies a cold (viral or bacterial infection), homeopathic tablets Corizalia are used. They contain components that can eliminate congestion and discharge from the nose at different stages of the common cold.

The sooner you start treatment, the faster the drug helps. You need to dissolve 1 tablet every hour. From the second day, the dosage is halved. The drug does not cause addiction, discomfort, does not dry out the mucous membrane of the nose and mouth.

Folk methods of treatment

It is possible to treat an infectious / cold rhinitis with both medicines and improvised means. We provide a list of the most effective ways that do not require financial costs and can cure a runny nose after the first procedure.

Garlic and onion

Quickly dry the nasal mucosa, kill viruses and bacteria. To quickly cure a runny nose, you need to breathe over chopped garlic or onions. The positive effect will be enhanced if garlic and onions are eaten at the same time.

Crushed garlic, placed around the room, will help prevent and cure a cold. You can fight a runny nose in this way for pregnant and lactating women.

Horseradish and mustard

The pungent smell of these products can eliminate a runny nose. You need to eat horseradish and mustard, breathe over their vapors - they irritate the mucous membrane, cause sneezing, with which a significant amount of snot comes out.

Foot warming

A hot bath helps to quickly cure a runny nose: feet are kept for 15–20 minutes in hot water, to which mustard powder and sea salt are added. After the procedure, warm woolen socks are put on.

Feet can also be rubbed with alcohol, turpentine, or a warming ointment for bruises and injuries.

Steam inhalation

In emergency situations, inhalation over water diluted with sea salt will help to quickly cure a runny nose. You can use a decoction of medicinal plants - eucalyptus, chamomile, calendula. Balm "Star", soda or Validol tablet is added to the herbal decoction. Breathe for 15 minutes.

You can also treat rhinitis with the help of pine buds. You need to boil a handful of kidneys in a liter of water for 10 minutes, and then breathe over the broth.

Warming up the nose

The method has been tested by several generations. It is better to warm up the nose at night. For heating, a boiled egg wrapped in gauze, potatoes in a “uniform”, coarse rock salt heated in a bag are used.

It is believed that the optimal temperature for warming up is when the patient feels comfortable warmth, and not burning and fear of being burned. The procedure lasts 15 minutes. The method is effective for colds, but if the cause of a runny nose is an allergy, then its effectiveness is low.

Warming up the legs, nose and steam inhalations to treat a runny nose in adults is allowed only at normal body temperature.

hot drink

A hot drink helps to quickly ease breathing: any tea or compote. The main thing is that it be warmed up to 50-60 degrees, drink at least 0.4 liters. It is better to drink a decoction of rose hips, cranberry juice, raspberry or linden tea.

Raspberries and limes have been proven to have anti-inflammatory properties, but you need to drink a lot and often to achieve the effect. It is useful to put a spoonful of honey or ginger in tea.

Nasal lavage

The most proven and effective method that almost every person has tried. If the cause of a runny nose is an allergy, then an isotonic solution is prepared - ½ teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water.

If a runny nose is due to a cold, then a whole teaspoon of salt is added to the same glass of water. You can rinse your nose every hour, using the entire glass of solution in one procedure. Hypertonic saline helps the first time.

A modern and safe method is rinsing the nose with a pharmacy saline solution. If the cause of a runny nose is an allergy, then you need to use Salin, saline, isotonic Humer. If the cause is an infection, then hypertonic solutions Quicks, Humer, Aquamaris, Aqualor will help to quickly get rid of a runny nose.

Balm "Star"

You can treat a runny nose with the Zvezda balm, which is recommended to be smeared under the nose three times a day.

Nasal drops

  1. Aloe juice (agave) helps to cure a runny nose in an adult very quickly. It is mixed with honey and dripped 2 drops into each nostril up to 5 times a day. Treatment of aloe with honey is contraindicated for allergy sufferers.
  2. Fresh Kalanchoe juice is mixed with honey in equal proportions, after which it is instilled into the nose 3-4 times a day.
  3. Beet juice or carrot juice will help to quickly get rid of snot. The juice irritates the mucous membrane and causes sneezing, with which all the mucus comes out.

Before instillation of juice, the nose must be rinsed with saline.

If the cause of a runny nose is an allergy

Allergies are the second most common cause of acute rhinitis. Allergies can be year-round, when reacting to dust, wool, animal dander, and seasonal, if disturbed during the flowering of plants. It is not always necessary to treat an allergic rhinitis - sometimes it is enough to stop contact with the allergen. For the relief of acute rhinitis, there are several groups of drugs.


The best and fastest treatment is provided by glucocorticosteroids Mometasone, Fluticasone, Beclomethasone and Budesonide. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, are able to quickly cure a runny nose, are well tolerated, but have a number of contraindications.


More often at home, Suprastin and Loratadin are used. No more than 1-2 tablets can be used per day. A special place among antihistamines is occupied by the 3rd generation drugs Khifenadin and Sekhifenadin, they act after 5-20 minutes.


Most often, people use the wonderful Vibrocil nasal spray. It combines an antihistamine component and a mild vasoconstrictor. Vibrocil relieves allergy symptoms, constricts blood vessels, relieves congestion and runny nose.

The drug does not act on the arteries, but on the veins, therefore it does not disturb blood circulation, does not dry out the mucous membrane and is approved for use for more than 14 days in a row.

barrier means

To treat allergic rhinitis in adults, you need to create a barrier with allergens floating in the air. For this, special sprays have been created from cellulose, blue clay, guar gum, glycerin, sesame and mint oils. Barrier spray treatment is approved for adults and children over 6 years of age. The modern drug Vibrolor will protect the nasal mucosa from dust, tobacco smoke and other inhaled allergens.

These treatments may have an effect for several hours, but no more. After all, a runny nose lasts as long as a cold or an allergic attack lasts. In the normal course of an acute respiratory infection without complications, the duration of a severe runny nose is 2-3 days, then relief occurs even without treatment. If the cause of the disease is an allergy, then only complete protection from the allergen can save you from rhinitis.

Runny nose or rhinitis is a respiratory disease characterized by nasal congestion and mucus (snot) discharge. In addition to the fact that it interferes with free breathing, impedes olfactory functions, it also causes severe discomfort that interferes with normal life. And the question of how to quickly cure a runny nose becomes very relevant when it becomes necessary to relieve this discomfort.

The cause of rhinitis is most often colds and infectious diseases affecting the respiratory tract. But besides this, a runny nose can also occur as a result of allergic reactions, exposure to irritating factors (chemicals, cold temperatures, eating excessively hot or spicy foods).

There are several ways to quickly cure a runny nose at home. But first of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of its appearance. Since rhinitis resulting from allergies requires a fundamentally different treatment than congestion caused by a cold.

In addition, if you do not eliminate the runny nose immediately, it can cause diseases such as sinusitis, bronchitis and others. Therefore, at home is one of the most important points in order to prevent the development of more complex and serious diseases. However, many people make mistakes when trying to get rid of congestion, and it is worth dwelling on the more popular ones in more detail.

Common mistakes when getting rid of a cold

  1. "Any" drops.
    Very often, when the first symptoms of congestion occur, people go to the pharmacy and ask the pharmacist to advise “something”. Since the pharmacy seller most often does not know the causes of the disease, did not study the medical history and is not a doctor, the remedy that he advises can not only not remove a runny nose, but also cause harm. Since a person may have intolerance to any of the components. In addition, long-term use of vasoconstrictor drops, although it helps to get rid of a runny nose in a short time, is quickly addictive.
  2. Let the disease take its course.
    The fast pace of life forces us to treat rhinitis as something light and superficial, which is not a disease, and therefore does not require treatment. Such a principle of thinking can lead to the fact that the common cold becomes chronic or becomes the cause of more serious diseases. In addition, it is usually a symptom of some other disease, and therefore it cannot be treated so superficially.
  3. The use of traditional medicine.
    Certainly, additional measures need to be taken. In particular, consume foods such as garlic and onions. But sometimes it is advised to bury their juice in the sinuses. These products have antibacterial properties and they will help to achieve a certain effect, but at the same time, such juice irritates the nasal mucosa and can cause additional inflammation and aggravate the situation.
  4. Self-medication.
    On someone else's advice or having gathered information from any sources, people often begin to self-medicate and in some cases even take antibiotics. Doing this without the recommendation of the attending physician is not necessary in any case, since you can seriously harm the body.

Treatment of the common cold in adults

There are several ways to cure a runny nose in one day.

It is important to remember that in any case, you will need to find the cause of its occurrence, which means contacting your doctor.

  1. Nose cleansing.
    Or otherwise - blowing your nose. But at the same time, it is important to remember that too much blowing your nose can lead to unpleasant consequences, such as, for example, inflammation of the middle ear. In addition, the mucous membrane of the sinuses at this moment is in a rather irritated state and excessive exposure to it can only aggravate the situation. Therefore, you need to blow your nose gently, gently, and without increasing the air pressure too much. But blowing your nose alone will not cure a runny nose quickly.
  2. Warming up.
    With the help of a small piece of cloth, heated salt or an egg, you can understand how to treat a runny nose at home. To do this, salt or an egg must be wrapped in a cloth and applied to the maxillary sinuses (on the bridge of the nose) for a short time (on average - 15 minutes).

  3. Peppermint, sage and eucalyptus essential oils are another way to get rid of a runny nose in 1 day. Their most effective use is in the form of inhalation. They have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties and will help to quickly cope with congestion.
  4. Balm "Asterisk".
    Since Soviet times, the use of this balm has been one of the most effective means of providing treatment for the common cold at home.
  5. Washing.
    To relieve congestion and prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to wash the nose with a specially water-salt solution with the addition of iodine. Only in this case you need to be very careful, otherwise water will get into the middle ear and can cause otitis media. This method is good because in addition to removing mucus from the sinuses, it also provides disinfection and removal of traces of dust, allergens and other irritating particles.

Treatment of the common cold in children

Of course, with some snot flowing from a child's nose, parents will not run to the hospital and go to the hospital.

There are affordable and simple ways to cure a runny nose at home.

  1. Among the methods of how to eliminate a runny nose in a day in a child, the main role is played by the removal of mucus from the sinuses. Since most often a particularly small child is not able to blow his nose on his own. And then you need to remove the snot using a special device. Washing the nose should not be carried out if the child is under 3 years old.
  2. Provide normal humidity in the room where the child is. And for this, regularly carry out wet cleaning and, if necessary, use special humidifiers. Since too dry air causes overdrying and irritation of the nasal mucosa of the child and can cause a runny nose.
  3. In addition to measures aimed at how to cure a runny nose, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive treatment of the disease that caused it. Since the child's immunity can be weakened, and if the disease is not treated, it will become chronic.


One of the causes of rhinitis is an allergic reaction. And for its treatment, a certain set of measures will be required.

  1. Allergen elimination.
    This is especially true if you want to get rid of rhinitis in a child. Since an adult can independently avoid the source of the allergy. That is, it is necessary to remove animals or flowering plants from the premises, stop using the product that caused such a reaction.
  2. Do a nose wash.
    In addition to helping to get rid of congestion, this procedure will also ensure that particles of dust, pollen or hair are removed from the nasal mucosa.
  3. Taking medications.
    For any manifestations of allergies, it is necessary to take an antiallergic drug. Trying to endure allergic rhinitis can lead to angioedema and other complications.

A runny nose is perceived by many as a banal condition that cannot cause significant causes for concern. But at the same time, with the development of the disease, complications such as sinusitis, sinusitis, sepsis and even meningitis may appear. To avoid complications and cure a runny nose, you can use effective home methods.

Warming up the legs

It is advisable to apply this procedure at night, when you can immediately go to bed. At the same time, it is also worth warming your legs with socks to enhance the effect of warming up. In most cases, if the disease has only manifested itself, 1-2 procedures will be enough for the patient. If this is not enough, treatment can be continued for a week. Foot warming can be combined with other home treatments.

To start the procedure, you need to pour warm water into a container, it is better to take a plastic bowl. The temperature of the liquid should be as comfortable as possible for you, so there can be no specific recommendations for the number of degrees. For every five liters of water, take one tablespoon with a top of sea salt and a tablespoon without a top of mustard. The products are added to the water and the legs soar for 15 minutes. It is worth using such procedures with caution in the presence of varicose veins and heart disease.

Potato heating

This technique is associated with direct heating of the maxillary sinuses. First you need to bring to readiness the peeled potatoes, which are wrapped in a gauze bandage while hot. If there is no bandage or gauze, you can use any cotton fabric. This must be done so as not to burn the skin. After that, the potatoes are applied to the wings of the nose and compresses are kept until the vegetable has completely cooled.

As the temperature drops, you can unfold the compress to prolong the procedure. You can apply such treatment until the symptoms disappear completely, but preferably just before bedtime. You can also warm your nose in this way in childhood, but you should carefully monitor so that burns do not appear.

Chicken eggs

It is necessary to boil two medium-sized chicken eggs, it is important that they are completely boiled. After that, they are carefully removed from the water and wrapped in cloth. It is important to take only natural matter. Having attached the eggs to the wings of the nose, the procedure is carried out for 5-10 minutes. It is recommended to do this twice a day. The second warm-up must be done before going to bed. The duration of therapy is approximately 3-5 days.

Attention! Thermal procedures are strictly prohibited to apply if the patient has a high body temperature. This can provoke a noticeable deterioration in the patient's condition.

Inhalation with a cold

Soda inhalation

To carry out the procedure, you need to take 1200 ml of water and boil it. As soon as the water boils, two tablespoons of dried chamomile and a tablespoon of soda are added to it. The solution is thoroughly mixed, after which it is necessary to put the saucepan on the table and, covered with a thick terry towel, inhale the steam for 10 minutes. It is necessary to carefully carry out such procedures, since during them you can severely burn your face. To prevent this from happening, it is enough to keep your face at 40 from a container of hot water. If you do not have chamomile, you can take the same amount of string and calendula instead. It is also very useful to take the Asterisk balm instead of plants. For a given amount of water, a piece the size of a match head is enough.

pine buds

It is also necessary to take 1.2 liters of water and add 2-3 tablespoons of pine buds to it. They are boiled for about ten minutes, after which they are also wrapped in a blanket or towel and breathe over the steam for about 10 minutes. Such sessions allow you to quickly eliminate puffiness, reduce the manifestation of the inflammatory process. If you add a head of garlic to the water, you do not need to boil the fruit, it will also have a strong antibacterial effect.

Attention! It is enough to carry out 1-2 procedures per day, as it has a rather strong effect on the entire respiratory system.

Home drops for a cold

Beet drops

They are cooked from fresh root vegetables. To do this, a small amount of beets are rubbed through a press or on a fine grater. You need to get quite a bit of juice for a single use. The liquid should be immediately instilled, as it quickly loses its healing properties in the open air. Two drops of beetroot juice are instilled into each nostril. You can repeat the procedure up to four times a day. Such a procedure can cause a lot of discomfort due to burning.

If you fall into the category of patients who also experienced a similar symptom, you should use the juice with a compress. To do this, the gauze cut is folded into a swab and soaked with squeezed juice. Squeezing it out slightly, it is inserted into the sinuses for half an hour. For children, the procedure can be reduced to 15 minutes. In this case, it is enough to use beets twice a day. The duration of therapy is three to five days.

Oil drops

Olive oil is a great helper in the fight against the common cold

They are also used with a swab. They help especially well when the patient complains of severe dryness of the nasal mucosa. To prepare the medicine, it is necessary to heat 120 ml of vegetable oil in a water bath, olive oil is best. You can not bring it to a boil, after which the product will become completely useless. For every 0.12 l of vegetable oil, you need to take 30 g of onion puree, you can also just chop the fruit finely. Both components are mixed in glassware. After eight hours, the mixture must be filtered, squeezing out all the thick. In the resulting liquid, moisten a cotton swab and lubricate the entire nasal cavity with it 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is until the symptoms disappear completely.

Beet honey drops

Such a medication allows not only to quickly eliminate inflammation and swelling, but also to thoroughly disinfect the sinuses so as not to allow bacteria to descend below. Beetroot juice and honey are mixed in equal proportions. It is also worth taking so many beets that it is enough for a one-time procedure to prevent the evaporation of vitamins from the juice.

Honey is pre-melted in a water bath. It is worth making sure that the temperature of the product does not rise above +69 degrees. These drops are instilled up to four times a day until the symptoms disappear completely. The resulting liquid can also be used to lubricate cotton swabs. They are inserted into the nasal sinus for 20-40 minutes. The product is not suitable for the treatment of patients with intolerance to bee products.

Attention! If the use of squeezed beetroot juice causes a lot of discomfort and discomfort, approximately 50 ml of liquid should be prepared. After that, it must be kept at room temperature for two hours, and then diluted in equal proportions with boiled water. Then use the resulting liquid according to the selected recipe.

Video - How to treat a runny nose with folk remedies

What drops can be combined with homemade recipes?

A drugImageNumber of usesDuration of treatmentPrice
Nozacar 2-3 times a dayNo more than five days250-500 rubles
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