How to improve overall well-being. How to improve your well-being

Not every change to improve your health and live longer in a healthy way life, must be radical. It's better to take small steps to build a healthier, stronger version of yourself.

Pick one or two of the tips below and focus on them. Once you've implemented the changes you've made into your life, pick up a few more.

How to improve health? 70+ small lifestyle changes

1. Avoid soda.

2. Reduce your juice intake.

3. Drink more water (8 cups a day).

4. Walk to work if distance permits.

5. Sign up for a gym.

6. Come up with a workout plan that includes visiting gym at least 3 times a week.

7. Buy fruit instead of cookies and donuts.

8. Eat more vegetables. Fiber and nutrients will keep you in good shape and prevent overeating.

9. Consume 25g of fiber per day if you are a woman, 38g if you are a man.

10. Drink less coffee, especially 5 hours before bed. Caffeine should not enter.

11. Sleep 8-10 hours a day.

12. Go for a run at least, once a week.

13. Read a blog about how to improve your health at least once a week.

14. Plan your meals ahead of time so you don't succumb to unplanned cravings.

15. Clear your buffet of everything you don't want (and don't eat it).

16. Cook at home for healthy recipes instead of eating out.

17. Start a conversation with a stranger at the gym every week. It will be nice to make friends when you are there and you want to come back.

18. Buy egg whites not just whole eggs.

19. Try turkey meat instead lard, it will help you improve your health.

20. Keep an exercise journal so you can watch your progress.

21. Invest in healthier snacks like nuts, fruits, ground peas, baby carrots, etc.

22. Set a goal that will help you improve your health and don't stop until it's reached.

23. Set small goals with appropriate rewards to encourage yourself along the way.

24. Don't be afraid to ask for help, whether it's talking to a friend or consulting with a fitness professional.

25. Understand your body. Calculate the number of calories you need to consume daily to maintain, gain or lose weight.

26. Avoid excess alcohol except special occasions(alcohol should not be a habit at the end of the working week).

27. Increase your protein intake. This will improve your health and promote recovery after physical exertion.

28. Take multivitamins. Most of us are not getting the essential micronutrients we need on a daily basis.

29. Add fish fat. Omega-3s are essential for heart function.

30. Take walks after meals.

31. Wake up an hour earlier (let yourself sleep) and start moving. You'll be more productive and improve your health if you start your day off with a little exercise.

32. Avoid movie theater popcorn if you can. This is dangerous. A large bucket can contain over 1,000 calories.

33. If you smoke, stop.

34. Choose the sport you want to try to improve your health.

35. If you sit for more than an hour, get up and take a walk, if possible, at work, for example.

36. Vacuum the house. It will help you move and burn up to 300 calories per hour!

37. Avoid artificial sweeteners.

38. Drink skimmed milk instead of the usual.

39. Read a book. Stimulating your mind improves your physical health.

40. Avoid fried foods. Oven baked is the best option.

41. Buy fresh vegetables instead of canned or frozen, if possible.

42. Write down your thoughts every time you are in a bad mood. Keep a diary. Write an article. This helps relieve stress.

43. Connecting with people will also help you relieve stress, thereby improving your general state health.

44. Choose leaner meats for sandwiches and meals.

45. Don't skip meals too often. Your body needs food for.

46. Create a training group among your friends and/or colleagues.

47. Listen to the music you like. It's calming.

48. Buy whole grain bread.

49. Order brown rice instead of white rice at Chinese restaurants. It is healthier and healthier.

50. Find a workout buddy! The added responsibility will help you stay on track.

51. Take a nap when you're tired instead of gulping down caffeine.

52. Meditate. Sometimes taking a moment of silence to be in your own mind and just think can promote relaxation and improve mental health.

53. Eat until you are satisfied.

54. Prepare meals on the weekend so you have healthy and affordable options throughout the week.

55. Do mini-workouts during breaks. Push-ups, sit-ups, light exercises are things that can help you improve your health.

56. Read labels with food products. Knowing how much protein, fat and carbohydrates you are consuming is the key to understanding your nutrition.

57. If the label says trans fat, do not eat those foods. Trans fats clog arteries.

58. Learn to refuse junk food when offered. Learning to say no is a good lesson to learn for every aspect of life. You cannot make everyone happy.

59. Take the stairs instead of using the elevator.

60. Sometimes get off the internet and go for a walk outside. This will help you improve your health. We spend too much time on Facebook and we don't move enough.

61. Add lemon to water. This is by cleansing the digestive tract.

62. Stretch or tighten your muscles. Many of us have become immobile with age due to lack of exercise. can get you moving and functioning normally again.

63. Use non-stick spray instead of butter or sunflower oil when frying in a pan.

64. Drink black coffee. Sugar and cream add unnecessary calories and worsen your health.

65. Consume 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar daily to prevent heartburn and acid reflux thereby improving your health.

66. Get up to grab the remote instead of asking to pass it.

67. During your vacation, set aside a day to go hiking. Hiking can burn 300 to 600 calories per hour.

68. Get more sun. Deficiency is more common than ever. Too much sun can be detrimental to your skin health, but most people don't get enough of it.

69. Do both high-intensity and low-intensity exercises—anything from walking to push-ups. This ensures that your body becomes efficient using both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems and also improve your health.

70. Get in the pool! Swimming for fitness burns more calories than running.

71. Walk during long phone calls. It may sound silly, but the extra steps really do improve your health.

72. Load a quarter to a half of your dining table vegetables. Portion control helps prevent overeating.

73. Stop thinking and start doing. If you are "thinking" about getting into shape or starting a program on healthy eating THEN DO IT.

Hello, Dear friends! Has it ever happened to you when you realize that you need to act, but you don’t have the strength or desire? I want to sleep or just bury myself in the TV, and preferably, so that no one bothers. Weakness, bad feeling- is there a way out? In fact, a person can fix everything himself, and in this article I will share with you my thoughts on how to improve your well-being by applying energy practices and not only.

When you don’t want anything, this is a bell that a person is doing something wrong, moving in the wrong direction. There is an outflow of energy, but there is no replenishment. So it turns out that there is only enough strength to watch TV and then in a state of drowsiness, but there is no energy for the implementation of plans, but what is there, for the implementation, even for the ideas themselves, there is no energy. In general, what you can, then you want. Well, let's try to change the situation so that we can and want to. To do this, let's look at simple but effective ways.

Just sleep off

The first thing that comes to mind is rest. After all, we are driving ourselves into a dead end state. You need to love yourself at least a little bit and just sleep off. But it also happens when you want to fall asleep, but you can’t, in this case, I suggest using meditative music, which helps the brain move to more stable (“alpha” and “theta”) oscillation frequencies.

For example, during daytime sleep with a child I use the record Holosync: 15 minutes of rest - and while the child is sleeping, you can do whatever your heart desires. Sometimes, while walking, I listen to Omharmonica - it “switches” well and helps to harmonize the state perfectly (there is a link to the Omharmonica gift recording in the “Success Cheat Sheets”, there is also a link to the “Internal Balance Exercise” from the Silva Method). When I go to bed, I turn on the recording from the Hypnotheque - in addition to relaxation, it also helps to reprogram the mind (the link to the Hypnotheque gift recording is in).


Are you eating right? Proteins fats carbohydrates? Are you getting enough vitamins and minerals from your diet? Do you check or do not eat genetically modified foods and foods filled with various stabilizers harmful to the body? Do you drink enough water? After all, we consist of what we eat, and first of all, our well-being depends on what we eat.


Energy practices

Rest, of course, restores strength, helps to normalize the movement of energy in the body, but as I have seen from my own experience, there is something else that we do not even suspect. And this is something that can significantly speed up the recovery of the body, and practically does not require time. I'm talking about energy practices, about working with the chakra system.

In order to establish the work of your energy channels, you just need to visualize them, that is, imagine how energy flows through them. Imagine how the chakras are filled with energy. And also, so that the energy does not go away, it is necessary to periodically break it.

Emotional rest

By emotional rest, I mean everything that can positively perceive the world around us. And this is no less important than rest or energy practices. After all, when a person is filled with sad thoughts, such situations will come into his life that will further affect the decrease in vitality. But one has only to react positively, as life immediately begins to improve.

For emotional release, everything that brings pleasure and enjoyment of life is suitable. Anything that raises the vibration. Just don't confuse pleasure with bad habits: drinking alcohol, smoking and the like. I am now talking about relaxing with friends, listening to good music, watching good films and programs (preferably romantic or comedic content), communicating with children and animals.

Here is such a capacious article turned out, which practically included all of mine. And you know, all this information deserves attention. If you are not too lazy and treat responsibly, you will certainly get nice results. Each of the points in this article has a positive effect on a person’s condition, but if you work at all levels, your well-being will improve much faster. I wish you all health and well-being.

With love and respect, Elena Azhevskaya.

After winter, the body feels tired and exhausted. The joy of spring and sun will begin to emerge as you become energetic again. Simple but effective changes will help to increase the tone. You need to pay attention to nutrition, vitamins, physical exercise and good mood.

After a long winter, our constant spring companions are beriberi, loss of strength, withered skin and Bad mood. Doctors say that with a long shortage of sunlight in polyclinics, queues are growing - people just get sick. There are some simple but very effective ways to raise your vitality spring.

Spring has come, but for some reason there is little joy from this? Fatigue, vitamin deficiency and lack of sun after winter are to blame for this. To return to active state need to tone up. But before that, it is worth remembering what led to spring apathy.

While it was cold, you walked a little on fresh air, ate less healthy and fresh foods, and the mood had to be artificially raised with sweets. fast carbohydrates together with sweets, jam and chocolate turned into excess weight. And with such baggage now we have to meet the spring warmth. To increase the tone, you will need to put yourself in order after "hibernation" and sedentary image life.

Proper nutrition is the first step

Proper nutrition is not a diet, and these concepts should not be confused. Diet refers to food restrictions, due to which fewer nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) enter the body. In this way, it will not work to increase the tone, but there will only be harm.

Proper nutrition means avoiding harmful products and healthy food choices. It is worth giving up flour, sweet and fatty foods. It is enough to hold out a little, and the body itself will feel that without junk food he felt better.

Nutrition experts recommend keeping a diary and writing down everything that was eaten during the day. This will allow you to follow the trend in product selection. You may not have noticed before how often you snacked on not the most healthy food.

Give preference to products that have the most useful substances . Remember that your table must contain fish and seafood rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids; vegetables and fruits (they contain fiber), cereals. But " fast food"- fast food, it is better not to eat: it quickly satisfies hunger, but in large quantities will promote the accumulation of body fat.

Invigorating foods in the diet for tone

There are a number of foods that are particularly helpful in recuperating after a long winter. Activate nervous system after hibernation it is easier if you drink tea with lemon balm. It combines spicy and invigorating lemon flavor with softening notes of soothing mint. Morning tea with lemon balm will charge the brain and tune in to the positive. Rosehip decoction also invigorates well in the morning. At lunch you can drink a glass carrot juice- without harm to the figure, and before going to bed - an infusion of chamomile.

To kick start your metabolism and fat burning process, look no further than celery. But you need to be careful with this product: if you have a stomach ulcer, then there may be contraindications. In general, to activate digestion and endocrine system suitable for all products with a sour taste. You can substitute celery green apple or lettuce.

To remove oxidation products from the body after winter, sources of selenium must be introduced into the diet. This substance is rich oatmeal, nuts, black Eyed Peas, zucchini or non-pickled mushrooms.

Vitamins and minerals

Avitaminosis is a common thing in early spring. Fruits and vegetables are not yet ripe, so the most convenient way is to go to the pharmacy and buy a jar of vitamins and minerals to replenish the balance of nutrients.

Those who suffer reduced pressure, can take supplements that increase tone (this is Eleutherococcus, ginseng, etc.). The pharmacist will help you choose the best vitamin complex. Most of all, in spring, the body needs vitamins A, B and C.

You can prepare a vitamin dish yourself - from dried fruits and nuts. For cooking, you will need prunes, nuts, honey, dried apricots, raisins and lemon. Each ingredient is taken in equal proportions, washed and added to one container. Then the mixture is poured with boiling water, allowed to brew and passed through a meat grinder to form a homogeneous mass.

After mixing, it should be placed in a jar and eat 1-2 teaspoons every day before breakfast (store the mass in the refrigerator). It is also allowed to add this home-made vitamin and mineral complex to porridge or muesli.

Morning energy boost

Have you ever wondered how the morning contrast shower works? This is the best way to wake up and gain strength before the work day. Cold water:

  • stimulates the immune system and the production of hormones - antidepressants;
  • accelerates metabolism and tightens the skin;
  • clears the mind and increases alertness.

Hot water:

  • relieves night swelling;
  • relaxes muscles;
  • relieves headaches;
  • clears the airways.

After contrast shower the anxiety goes away and the mood rises. Fix the result with a glass clean water With lemon juice. If possible, prepare breakfast with music. Move to the beat - the dance will completely replace a small morning workout.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Movement is the key to a healthy life

Even if it seems like you don't have the strength to get out of bed, pull yourself together and start moving. Due to the movement, blood flow accelerates, oxygen saturates the brain faster and internal organs. Besides Physical activity releases the happy hormones, endorphins.

Where to begin? For example, with the well-known morning workout. You can do several stretching exercises (it is easy to find video tutorials from different trainers on the Internet). In the afternoon or evening, after work, walk at least half an hour on foot. Perhaps you have long wanted to go to the pool or dance? Spring is the time to make wishes come true.

Healthy sleep - good health

For healthy sleep Fresh air is very important, so do not forget to ventilate the room before going to bed. Pay attention to the time when you begin to prepare for sleep. It is believed that the most best time for sleep - from 22:00 to 6:00. Two hours before midnight allows you to sleep as if you were in a dream for four hours.

If you can't go to bed early because of unfinished business, try to work it out in the morning. Perhaps it will be much easier for you to cope with tasks after a good night's rest.


If you're feeling low energy and depression are taking a toll on your work, set a diet and rest routine for yourself. Eat less, but more often. This is good for digestion and will help get rid of winter fat "reserves". Complete night rest depends not on the duration of sleep, but on its quality. The most healing sleep continues, as mentioned above, from 22:00 to 6:00 in the morning. The hormone melatonin is called the hormone of youth. It is produced during sound sleep right in the period.

Energy from nature

Replace synthetic vitamins and energy natural remedies, especially since they are most often at hand. A mixture of dried apricots, raisins, nuts, lemon and honey will replenish the supply of vitamins just as well. Eleutherococcus tincture or lemongrass (15-20 drops in the morning on an empty stomach) is much more useful than a carbonated energy drink. Attention! Tincture is contraindicated in hypertensive patients!

Rosehip decoction will give strength, thanks to vitamin C. cold infusion celery will increase efficiency, activate mental activity and improve overall health. Finely chopped root (1 tablespoon) pour a glass cold water and leave for 2 hours. You need to drink it during the day in three doses.

Eat 1 teaspoon of honey on an empty stomach in the morning. It is not only a natural energetic, but also remedy for digestive system. Replace your morning cup of coffee with tea made from tonic herbs - St. John's wort, yarrow, knotweed, rowan flowers and blackcurrant leaves.

All the power of nature is concentrated in new sprouts breaking through to life. That is why germinated wheat, rye or green buckwheat- a real pantry of vitamins, for which our body starved during the winter. Sprout the grains so that the young shoots are no more than 2 - 3 mm, dry them and grind them in a blender. The powder can be taken as a dietary supplement.

Aromatherapy to the rescue

Do not neglect such effective means how essential oils. They are able to correct the emotional background, relieve stress and increase efficiency:

  • calamus ether is suitable for relieving depression, chronic fatigue, apathy especially during the off-season;
  • anise makes the mind clear, helps to cope with stress, gives a sense of stability;
  • orange gives a feeling of joy, eliminates gloomy thoughts and adjusts to a working mood;
  • bergamot relieves anxiety state, encourages creativity, promotes concentration and stimulates mental activity;
  • clove restores after heavy loads relieves nervousness and irritability, improves memory.

Winter negativity will also be removed by oils of lemon, grapefruit, cinnamon, thyme and eucalyptus. Esters can be used in an aroma lamp, sprinkled water solution indoors, fill them with an aroma medallion or simply keep them on the desktop in a special flavor.

Relaxation is important

You can't equate between rest and relaxation. Sofa and TV will not be able to fully remove nervous tension. This requires silence, peace and absence external stimuli. One of better ways is meditation in the bosom of nature. Pick a time on a warm spring day, grab a travel mat and drive into the woods. Loneliness, the soothing sounds of nature, the spring sun are your helpers.

Those who do not have this opportunity can find ways to relax at home. One of them is a bath aromatic oils and sea ​​salt. Isolate yourself from everyday sounds with relaxation music. Take a bath with salt for no more than 20 minutes.

Another great way is mental relaxation. Arrange your space - close the door, dim the lights, turn on the aroma sticks or use an aroma lamp. Get comfortable and turn on special music or nature sounds. Mentally relax every muscle in your body, starting with the shoulder girdle. Half an hour of such relaxation after work will relieve fatigue - mental and physical.

Breathe the spring air

"It smells like spring!" - these joyful sensations in anticipation of close warmth, they can give vigor and cheer up. Open the windows, let in the morning sunlight and smell. Several breathing exercises within 2 - 3 minutes will give good charge energy.

Towards the sun

Lack of sunlight causes physiological reactions in the body - drowsiness, apathy, excess weight. Doctors call this condition seasonal affective disorder. spring sun - the best medicine. Don't miss the opportunity to take a walk during the day. Pull the curtains wider and let the sun into the room. Better yet, clean your windows. The world will become brighter, filled with colors and clean air. If possible, forget about transport for a while, go to work on foot.

Add positive vibes

Treat yourself and those around you with a new stylish hairstyle. Perfectly uplifting purchase new thing- a bag or scarf, preferably spring sunny shades. Do not forget that acid tones are more likely to irritate. But the colors of awakening nature will come in handy.

Take care of yourself. Satisfaction from 2 - 3 kilograms dropped by the beach season excess weight greatly improves vitality.

Wake up with nature

Spring is the most right time plan. A person who has set a goal for himself will never mope, he simply does not have enough time for this. Life acquires new meanings, is filled with new things, and you feel a surge of strength and energy.

How to raise vitality and increase energy in spring?

Moms take note!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of terrible complexes. fat people. I hope the information is useful to you!

Everyone experiences bad moods at different rates. Yes, and the reasons for its occurrence are too different. Usually it seems to you that it appears out of nowhere. This is not entirely true. In most cases, you simply do not realize its causes. On the general well-being a person is affected as external factors, such as the weather or a hard day at work, and domestic.

An example of this would be a deficiency in the body of a component that is necessary in the production of “happiness hormones”. Whatever various idealists and romantics say, the human body is a certain mechanism that operates according to the laws of physics and biochemistry. Therefore, regardless of what this moment is responsible for your malaise, it is worth trying a few simple ways its elimination.

How to quickly improve your mood?

1. Take a break from the moment and chat.

Feeling better can be achieved by switching to other concerns and nice talking with those around you. Man is a social being. For proper functioning and peace of mind, he needs other people. Even a short conversation, hugs and the participation of loved ones in some cases helps to dispel a bad mood.

2. Contact with nature.

This is one of the simplest and very effective ways improve mood. Sunlight, wind noise, the smell of the sea, touching the bark of trees and walking through the forest will definitely have a positive effect on you. And if in such an environment you will also do your favorite sport physical activity Your mood will improve even faster. It doesn't have to be any kind of sport - just a walk, a picnic or dancing. In such cases, positive changes in well-being are felt quite quickly - literally, after 20-30 minutes.

3. Get out of the routine.

A bad mood very often arises from the routine of the situation, from boredom, repetition and predictability of everything that surrounds you. From time to time it is worth changing the situation, bringing something new. At the same time, the project does not have to be expensive and spectacular. You can just try to do something that you have never done before and do not know how. For example, try to bake the first cake in your life. It helps!

4. Smile to yourself and others.

Laughter has a positive effect on the body and spirit. It improves the functioning of the diaphragm, increases the efficiency of the cardiovascular and respiratory system and also improves mood. Interestingly, even “artificial”, imaginary, purely mechanical laughter and a smile that will last long enough on your face can improve your well-being. It also stimulates the body to produce endorphins that reduce tension and stress. Go into the toilet room and try to make faces in front of the mirror and make funny faces. Emotional release guaranteed.

5. Give yourself pleasure.

When you feel sick, it must be immediately treated with pleasure. There are many ways to implement such an idea. For some, this is a visit to a beautician, others need to go shopping, watch their favorite movie or glue a model of an airplane. Needed here individual approach. It is important to just occupy yourself with something that you really like and concentrate completely.

6. Surround yourself with pleasant smells, colors and sounds.

A great way to improve mood is to provide the senses with pleasant sensations. Aromatherapy, relaxing music and a comfortable interior decorated in appropriate colors will help improve your mood.

7. Try to take a nap.

A bad mood can be the result of fatigue or lack of sleep. In such situation perfect medicine for quick recovery body is a short-term sleep. Create right conditions and enjoy some peace and quiet. Such a rest should not last less than 10 minutes or more than 30. As a result, fatigue disappears, intellectual and physical abilities improve, which, perhaps, were responsible for your bad mood.

8. Have sex.

It is natural that a bad mood also comes from a feeling of dissatisfaction. Here is such a situation, timely sex will improve your well-being quickly and effectively. Hormones that are released in the body as a result of orgasm guarantee a good mood.

9. Treats are a great stimulant.

If you do not abuse this tool, then it can be used quite often, quickly and simply. The same dark chocolate in reasonable amounts has a wonderful effect on your well-being. Such components of the diet can stimulate the production of appropriate hormones and normalize mood.

Of course, there are many more ways to improve well-being. But the basic principles are visible in almost all. You will redirect your attention away from what is unpleasant, negative, and tiring to things that are positive, pleasurable, attractive, and positive. And it does not matter at all whether it is physical or chemical method effects on the body and mind.

Spending time in the gym all the time or following a strict diet is all great, but for this we often have to limit ourselves in some way. Improving your health is not difficult at all, and there is no challenge in it, but it does require making small changes in your daily life.

All those little things that we do during the day may seem insignificant, but they all add up to a big result. Below are twenty-one ways you can improve your health every day.

1. Walk often.
If you sit in the office all day, get up and walk around as often as you can. Just make sure you don't get fired for it. If a most day you sit at your desk or drive a car, make it a rule to take a short walk in the morning, evening or at lunchtime for at least 20 minutes.

2. Walk up the stairs.
Is your office on the second floor? Or maybe eighth? Walk up the stairs every day. Perhaps, having climbed to the eighth floor on foot, you can hardly breathe at first. But in a year, you will take off to the eighth floor, overtaking colleagues who are currently taking the elevator. The ladder is lovely way Painlessly add a workout to your day without ever hitting the gym next door.

3. Drink water.
You've heard this before, but it will never lose its relevance. Water works wonders. To stay healthy, you need to drink plenty of water every day. Try to replace not healthy drinks a glass of clean water when you feel thirsty. Carry a bottle of water with you wherever you go so you have no reason not to take a sip.

4. Have breakfast.
Yes, breakfast is truly the best. important trick food during the day. Even if you are not hungry, you should try to eat something. There is nothing useful from food in the house? Eat something! Breakfast is that meal when it is better to eat something unhealthy than nothing at all. However, oatmeal with blueberries, raisins and bananas is best. Take an apple or orange with you to work for a snack later after breakfast.

5. Stay in the sun.
The sun has everything healing properties. Yes, it can cause skin cancer, but I'm not saying that you have to go out naked and sunbathe for eight hours straight. Just go outside to catch a couple of sunbeams during your lunch break. Spend a day off outdoors, for example, and take a walk in the forest along a well-known route.

6. Stretch every day.
Your muscles are like elastic bands. The less they stretch, the tighter and harder they become. Stretching improves blood flow and helps deliver nutrients to all parts of your body. Think about your normal body positions and stretch in opposite directions. If you sit a lot, then stand up and stretch your arms up above your head. After getting out of bed, spend at least two minutes stretching before heading to the shower. You don't have to do yoga. Just stretch to feel good.

7. Eat organic food.
It seems to go without saying, but it is absolutely vital to our health. Ecological products are useful. When we eat them, they make our body healthy. It's really that simple. Organic products are mostly unprocessed or produced by machinery: fruits, vegetables, nuts, cereals. Try to develop the habit of eating one apple a day. Keep a bag of nuts in your car and snack on the way home.

8. Watch your posture.
Everyone has their own posture, but there is such a thing as “ correct posture". Assess your posture. Do you slouch? Are you walking with your head down? Imagine that someone has tied a string to the back of your head and is pulling it (no, you are not going to be hung). Do the same with your posture: push your shoulders back, push your chest forward, stretch your neck and breathe. Try to watch your posture all day and correct yourself as soon as you notice.

9. Change your eating habits.
We all need to eat. By the time you are an adult, eating becomes a habit. However, small changes in your daily eating habits can have long-term effects on your health. Do you usually eat toast for breakfast? Try porridge with blueberries and bananas instead. Do you usually drink coffee with two creamers and four sugars? Try it with two servings of cream and one lump of sugar. Slowly change your eating habits in a healthier direction, and before you even know it, you'll be feeling much healthier.

10. Meditate.
This does not mean that you have to become a monk and spend the rest of your life in spiritual enlightenment. Gather your thoughts. Spend a couple of minutes calming your mind. Breathe deeply and relax your whole body. You can try this in the morning (before stretching) or before going to bed. Even a lunch break is fine.

11. Avoid the feeling of overeating.
The goal of a meal should not be to fill up. This is not a comfortable state, and it is unhealthy. If overeating is your usual feeling, just try eating slightly smaller portions. It's normal to feel a little hungry after eating. You won't die. The worst thing that will happen is a slight feeling of hunger before next trick food. Science has proven that there are many benefits to eating fewer calories, so try not to overeat - this does not mean that you have to practice fasting.

12. Treat physical discomforts like mini-workouts.
If you need to drag a heavy box into another room, consider it a mini-workout. If you can't find a suitable parking spot nearby and need to walk longer than usual, consider this a mini-cardio workout. Many physical inconveniences can be considered an opportunity to improve your health. Instead of complaining, think about how it makes you stronger and healthier.

13. Get enough sleep.
Our body needs sleep to recover and recharge. If you save on sleep, then your body will be in more stressful condition than it should be. Stress causes aging and chemical reactions which are harmful. Everyone has different sleep needs, but you'll know when you've gotten enough sleep. Go to bed a little earlier than usual. Try not to drink caffeinated drinks at least 5 hours before bed. Also reception a large number eating and watching TV will prevent you from falling asleep quickly. Regular classes exercise help you fall asleep earlier.

14. Go barefoot.
Your feet contain many nerve points associated with different parts your body. Walking barefoot stimulates these points and improves blood circulation throughout the body. If you usually spend the day shod, try walking barefoot. If possible, walk around the office in just socks (just make sure they don't smell). The next time you go out to take out the trash, do it barefoot. Take your time, your feet may be overly sensitive due to comfortable life in shoes.

15. Try something you've never tried before.
Our body and brain require stimulation to stay healthy. If you're doing the same thing every day, or doing the same set of activities every weekend, you're seriously limiting your growth. Sign up for a martial arts class. Attend a yoga class. Try trail running. Rent a mountain bike and explore the famous forest trails from a new angle. Listen to some new direction in music. Read a different type of book. Explore the street you walk on every day but have no idea where it leads.

16. Move often.
Objects in motion stay in motion forever. If you want to be healthy, you need to move, both physically and mentally. Try to be as active as possible (again, both physically and mentally). Try not to sit in one place for more than one hour. Get up, walk, stretch, sit down, jump, whatever. Think of activity as life and inactivity as progressive death (again, both physically and mentally).

17. Do something relaxing.
Set aside time to relax as often as possible. It can mean anything: spending quality time with family, reading a book by the sea, going camping for the weekend, or just sitting outside and enjoying the moment. You should set aside time to relax every day, but even if the whole week is busy, stress can be relieved in a matter of hours on the weekend by doing something that relaxes you.

18. Breathe deeply.
Taking a deep breath supplies enough oxygen to the body, soothes the muscles and relieves stress. This is something you can do anytime, anywhere. During the day, try to deep breath as soon as you feel the first signs of fatigue. Fight stress with oxygen!

19. Laugh more often.
Just like taking deep breaths, laughter is a great stress reliever. Science has proven that laughter can even potentially physically heal the body. It is a pure expression of joy and happiness. Even if you have no one to laugh with, try it yourself. It's just great!

20. Watch children play.
Watching children play reminds us what it is like to live without worry and stress, to live carefree and enjoy the moment. We all have a child inside of us that never dies, and as we watch children play, we let our inner child to appear. It allows us to rediscover the joy and beauty of every moment of life.

21. Think about the future.
The reason we want to be healthy is because we want to live without discomfort and pain. If we think in the short term, we don't see the value of improving health today. Ask yourself what you will think tomorrow or in a year about you today. Will that person look back with pride and admiration for the effort you put in to be healthy? The future starts today.

There are many ways to improve our health every day, but just reading about them is not enough. Choose a few of these ways, whether it's one way or twenty-one ways, and follow them in your daily life.

Do you have other ways to improve your health daily? Share them in the comments below.


And in order for these methods to become a habit, it is best to find a like-minded person and take care of your health with him, and here you can download catch VKontakte and find such a person without any problems, or suggest to your friends.

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