Diarrhea day 5 what to do. What to do if diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting? If diarrhea is three days or more, what should I do? What causes chronic diarrhea

Diarrhea is excessive liquefaction of feces, which may be accompanied by cutting pain in the lower abdomen. There are many reasons for this unpleasant symptom, which causes several options treatment. It is better to choose a therapy regimen together with your doctor. In some cases, diarrhea goes away on its own, but if the diarrhea continues for the third day, medication is indispensable.

Doesn't show up for no reason. A change in the consistency of feces is always associated with the influence of one of negative factors. Doctors name several situations in which diarrhea can last from three to five or more days.

Sometimes, to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, it is enough to simply eliminate the influence of the provoking factor. In other cases, without specialized drug treatment not enough.

Diarrhea medicines

More complex diseases inflammatory nature, such as gastritis, bulbitis, duodenitis, are treated strictly under the supervision of a gastroenterologist. Such pathologies require complex therapy with the use of antibiotics, antacids, gastroprotectors and prokinetics.

Diet and nutrition rules

Liquid stool - dangerous state which leads to loss of strength and weakness. For this reason Special attention you have to put together a menu. Food should satisfy the need for vitamins and minerals without making the situation worse. However, some foods for diarrhea should be avoided. So, liquefaction of feces is observed when using prunes, apples, beets, cucumbers.

The basis of the diet for diarrhea can be light soups with lean meat and vegetables. As side dishes, it is better to choose cereals - buckwheat, rice. It is allowed to supplement them with chicken, turkey, veal or fish.

Set up normal work intestines will help and dairy products. Kefir, acidophilus, natural yogurt useful for the digestive tract, as they contain lactobacilli. It should be noted that milk and cream do not have a similar effect. Due to their high fat content, they are best avoided.

Folk remedies for loose stools

Diarrhea that lasts 3 days should not be ignored. Except medications help normalize bowel function and folk recipes. It is important to understand that such therapy is not appropriate in all situations. Yes, at infectious diseases without pharmaceutical preparations not enough. If diarrhea is caused by poisoning or stress, then supplement the main treatment folk remedies is quite real.

  • Popular is the use rice water. To prepare the product, 2 tablespoons of cereal are poured with two glasses of water. The mixture is heated and then cooled and infused. You need to drink it throughout the day in small sips.
  • Other effective remedy from liquid stool- rowan juice. You need to drink it twice a day for half a glass. It is advisable to do this before meals on an empty stomach. The drink is useful not only because it helps to stop diarrhea. Rowan berries are rich in vitamins, which is essential for weakness and fatigue that accompany intestinal disorders.

Diarrhea is an unpleasant symptom, which is much easier to get rid of if known exact reason states. To determine the pathology, you need to consult a doctor who will not only examine, but also recommend taking tests. After examining stool and blood samples, the specialist will draw a conclusion about the factors that provoke the disorder, and explain how to maximize short time reestablish normal functioning GIT.

diarrhea is very an unpleasant symptom, delivering a mass to a person discomfort. When this condition is observed for more than two weeks, this may indicate various serious pathologies. diarrhea, which for a long time does not pass, is dangerous for its severe complications. Therefore, it should be treated immediately.

There are some symptoms that accompany prolonged diarrhea, in which you should definitely visit a specialist.

Diarrhea accompanies various diseases. To pathological conditions that provoke prolonged diarrhea include diseases digestive tract:

  1. Enteritis
  2. Dysbacteriosis
  3. Enterocolitis
  4. pancreatitis
  5. Colitis
  6. lactose intolerance
  7. Fibrosis of the pancreas
  8. irritable bowel syndrome
  9. Cancer formation
  10. enzyme deficiency

Diarrhea may develop as a result internal bleeding in the digestive system: with open ulcers duodenum or stomach, with damage to the small and large intestine.

Another factor in the occurrence of loose stools is chemical, food or drug poisoning.

Sometimes this condition appears when a person has experienced stressful situation, namely after anxiety, fear, psycho-emotional overstrain.

Affect the development of diarrhea and other diseases:, autoimmune diseases. It also promotes diarrhea. poor digestion, abuse of alcoholic beverages. It is also possible to develop such a condition after surgical intervention in the gastrointestinal tract.To determine the main cause of prolonged diarrhea, it is important to consult a doctor in time. He will appoint necessary methods studies and their results will determine the disease that provokes prolonged diarrhea.

Danger signs and possible consequences

Diarrhea is usually accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms: soreness and cramps in the abdomen, bloating and rumbling in the intestines. Sometimes the temperature may rise.

There are more danger signs when it is important to contact a specialist in time:

  • Permanent weight loss.
  • Stool with impurities of blood and mucus.
  • Discharge with pus.
  • Soreness in the anus.
  • Stool with undigested food particles.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Violent cramps in the abdomen.
  • Change in stool color.

To dangerous consequences prolonged diarrhea refers primarily to dehydration. This results in water loss water-salt balance, when emptying, they are displayed useful material, blood circulation worsens.

Dehydration may be indicated by intervals between urination that last more than eight hours, as well as a dark shade of urine and its small amount. Dry mouth is also considered a sign of dehydration. depression, irritability, dizziness, lack of tears, loss of coordination, hypotension, flabbiness and dryness skin, increased heart rate, general weakness, loss of working capacity, convulsions.Dehydration is dangerous because it can lead to coma, as well as cause death.

Medical treatment

Therapy for prolonged diarrhea should be comprehensive. Therefore, the patient is prescribed not only drugs that help eliminate this sign, but also those drugs that directly affect the main cause of its occurrence.

If diarrhea is caused by infectious diseases, then the patient needs to take drugs that belong to the group of enzymes. Therefore, the use of the following drugs is indicated:

  • Mezim-forte
  • Creon
  • Bifidumbacterin

With irritation of the intestines and with an increase in its motility, it is recommended to take Loperamide or Imodium. For infections, drugs of this group are not prescribed.

When the cause prolonged diarrhea is poisoning, it is important to urgently do a gastric lavage.

To do this, the patient should drink a lot of water, to which potassium permanganate is added (the washing liquid in this case should be a light pinkish hue). The solution is recommended to drink in more at once.If the cause of diarrhea lies in the use antibacterial drugs, then in this case, experts usually prescribe Linex.

To others effective drugs commonly prescribed for diarrhea include:

  • Smecta and its analogues (Polysorb MP, Kaopektat, Neointestopan, Enterosgel).
  • Enterol (Eubicor, Linex, Baktisubtil, Hilak Forte).
  • Among intestinal antiseptic preparations Nifuroxazide, Intetrix and Rifaximin have proven themselves well.
  • Eliminate acute pain syndrome and spasms are possible with the help of drugs such as Papaverine or No-shpa.
  • To restore the water-salt balance in the body, take Gastrolit or Regidron. They are bred with one liter of water. Use in small portions, but very often, every 5-15 minutes.

Alternative Medicine

Using folk medicines in the treatment of diarrhea, it is important to remember that they are only auxiliary, so it is important to talk with a specialist about the possibility of their use.

to efficient and safe means which are used to treat diarrhea in folk therapy, relate:

  1. Mint decoction. Several leaves of the plant are poured with boiling water, boiled a little and insisted for sixty minutes. Drinking is recommended after meals three times a day.
  2. Chamomile decoction. Medicinal raw materials in the amount of a tablespoon are poured into a cup of water and put on the stove. Boil over low heat for fifteen minutes, leave for half an hour and drink before eating.
  3. Blueberry tea. Prepare, like a decoction of chamomile. You can drink like regular tea during the day.
  4. St. John's wort infusion. For cooking, follow the same principles as for the last two of the above funds.
  5. You can also use starch solution for diarrhea. For this, two tablespoons of the product are diluted in a cup of warm water, mixed and drunk throughout the day.

Diet for loose stools

Rice porridge on the water - " Ambulance» for diarrhea

Except medications and alternative means, a patient suffering from prolonged diarrhea, it is important to observe special diet. This will help to alleviate the patient's condition and quickly eliminate unwanted symptoms.

Therefore, it is important to know that during the period of diarrhea it is not allowed to consume such foods:

  • Fresh vegetables and fruits
  • Spices
  • Spices
  • Coffee
  • Black bread
  • Large amount of salt
  • Semi-finished products
  • Milk
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Fatty meals
  • Legumes
  • fried food
  • Vegetable or fruit juices
  • Flour or confectionery
  • canned food
  • Marinades
  • Smoked meats
  • Mushrooms
  • White bread crackers
  • Low-fat cottage cheese
  • Porridge cooked with water
  • Lean fish and meat
  • Low fat soups
  • Baked apples
  • vegetable broths
  • Eggs boiled or steam omelette

With such a diet, it is important that the dishes are steamed, baked or stocked. Fried food in case of prolonged diarrhea is prohibited.

More information about diarrhea can be found in the video:

There are prevention rules that experts advise to follow to avoid the development of diseases, a symptom of which is prolonged loose stools. To such preventive measures relate:

  1. AT without fail wash hands before eating food.
  2. It is important to carefully process fruits, berries and vegetables intended for fresh consumption. They need to be washed well.
  3. You need to make sure that the ingredients for cooking are not stitched.
  4. Observe hygiene rules after using the toilet.
  5. It is important to use a refrigerator to store food.
  6. Products should be properly thermally processed, especially meat and fish.
  7. Pass annually medical checkup for timely detection of pathologies and their treatment.
  8. Exotic and unfamiliar food should be treated with caution.

If you adhere to these preventive measures, then the risk of developing diseases that are accompanied by prolonged diarrhea is minimized.

This disorder is characterized by fluid and frequent stool, the presence of pain and, in some cases, an increase in body temperature, which indicates the presence pathological process. The reasons why loose stools do not pass for 3 days may be different. Let's consider them in more detail.


The following classification of types of diarrhea is based on the causes that provoke the appearance of loose stools.

infectious. If the diarrhea does not go away after 3 days, this may indicate that the diarrhea has infectious origin. It is caused by microbes, toxins and other agents. As a result of tests, blood and mucus can be detected in the stool.

Alimentary. Alimentary diarrhea is caused by a violation of the diet, the presence of an allergy to individual products, as well as eating fatty or rough foods.

Dyspeptic. Such diarrhea can occur in an adult and last 3 days if the digestive process is disturbed. As a rule, loose stools are the result of a lack of enzymes in pathological disorders organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

toxic. Diarrhea, lasting 3 days, can be triggered by intoxication of the body with poisons, ethanol and other toxic substances. In addition, in some cases, self-poisoning of the body by non-removed metabolic products occurs.

Medical. Loose stools for 3 days or more may occur due to uncontrolled use medicines. Also violation functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract appears in some cases in the treatment of other diseases with antibiotics, antacids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

neurogenic. Diarrhea that persists for more than 3 days in an adult may be associated with stress and negative emotions. In this case, its appearance does not depend on the food eaten and other factors.

Associated symptoms

What to do if diarrhea in an adult does not go away for 3 days? First of all, you should pay attention to the accompanying symptoms and you should consult a doctor. The correctness of the diagnosis and the prescribed treatment will depend on this. In particular, to find out why diarrhea continues for 3 days, it is necessary to note how often the urge to empty the intestines occurs, whether there is pain (and in which area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen). Also, loose stools may be accompanied by fever, rashes on the skin or mucous membranes, vomiting or nausea.

Diagnostic methods

To understand the reason why diarrhea in an adult does not go away for more than 3 days, the doctor will conduct a general examination and prescribe a diagnostic examination.

General inspection. During it, the specialist performs palpation of the abdomen, which helps to identify the most painful area, define muscle tone, the presence of swelling, etc. Also, the patient needs to answer a number of questions regarding dietary habits, concomitant symptoms, and other complaints.

Laboratory research . For diarrhea that lasts more than 3 days, blood and stool tests are usually ordered to provide information about general condition organism and detect pathological processes.

rectal examination. If loose stools in an adult do not pass for more than 3 days, then hardware diagnostics may be prescribed to determine the condition of the intestines. In this case, methods such as colonoscopy, irrigoscopy, intestinoscopy and sigmoidoscopy can be used.

Additional diagnostics. Finding out why adult diarrhea does not go away for several days will help additional diagnostics. To see what condition the organs of the digestive tract are in, an ultrasound, CT or EGDS is prescribed.

Treatment of diarrhea

If diarrhea in an adult does not stop for more than 3 days, you should contact a specialist to identify the causes given state and appointments suitable treatment. Consider the main methods of therapy.

Fighting dehydration. The first question that arises with prolonged diarrhea (more than 3 days): “What should I do to avoid dehydration?” To do this, it is necessary to replenish the water-salt balance: drink more liquid in small portions and take rehydration solutions containing sodium, potassium and glucose salts.

Dieting. If diarrhea does not go away for 3 days, you should not make and eat spicy, fatty and fried foods. During this period, you must adhere to the prescribed diet. It can include cereals on the water, broths on lean meat, mashed potatoes, baked apples etc. It is strictly forbidden to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, canned food, juices, carbonated drinks.

Reception medicines . Only a doctor can always answer the question of what to do if diarrhea does not go away for 3 days, and prescribe medications. As a rule, with liquid stools, adult patients are prescribed drugs based on loperamide, as well as enterosorbents, enzymes, antidiarrheals and probiotics.

IMODIUM® in the treatment of diarrhea in adults

If diarrhea persists for 3 days, a specialist may prescribe an antidiarrheal symptomatic remedy IMODIUM®, which normalizes peristalsis, reduces the release of fluid into the intestinal lumen, reduces the number of urges to defecate and promotes the formation of more solid stool. IMODIUM® can be prescribed as part of the complex therapy of acute and chronic diarrhea. Before taking the drug, you should consult with a specialist and read the instructions.

Diarrhea(diarrhea) - rapid, repeated loose stools. Diarrhea is usually accompanied by pain, rumbling in the abdomen, flatulence, tenesmus. Diarrhea is a symptom of many infectious diseases and inflammatory processes of the intestine, dysbacteriosis, neurogenic disorders. That's why importance in the prevention of complications plays the diagnosis and treatment of the underlying disease. The loss a large number fluid with profuse diarrhea leads to a violation of the water-salt balance and can cause heart and kidney failure.

Diarrhea (diarrhea)

Diarrhea is called a single or frequent bowel movement with liquid stools. Diarrhea is a symptom that signals a malabsorption of water and electrolytes in the intestine. Normally, the amount of feces excreted per day by an adult varies between 100-300 grams, depending on the characteristics of the diet (the amount of vegetable fiber consumed, poorly digestible substances, liquids). In the case of increased intestinal motility, the stool may become more frequent and thin, but its amount remains within the normal range. When the amount of liquid in feces increases to 60-90%, then they talk about diarrhea.

There are acute diarrhea (lasting no more than 2-3 weeks) and chronic. In addition, the concept of chronic diarrhea includes a tendency to periodically plentiful stools (more than 300 grams per day). Patients suffering from malabsorption of various nutrients, tend to polyfaeces: the release of a large amount of feces containing undigested residues food.

Causes of diarrhea

With severe intoxication in the intestine occurs excess secretion in its lumen of water with sodium ions, which helps to thin the stool. Secretory diarrhea develops with intestinal infections (cholera, enteroviruses), taking certain medications and dietary supplements. Osmolar diarrhea occurs with malabsorption syndrome, insufficiency in the digestion of sugars, overconsumption osmotically active substances(laxative salts, sorbitol, antacids, etc.). The mechanism of development of diarrhea in such cases is associated with an increase osmotic pressure in the intestinal lumen and diffusion of fluid along the osmotic gradient.

A significant factor contributing to the development of diarrhea is a violation of intestinal motility (hypokinetic and hyperkinetic diarrhea) and, as a result, a change in the rate of transit of intestinal contents. Strengthening of motility is facilitated by laxatives, magnesium salts. Motor function disorders (weakening and strengthening of peristalsis) occur with the development of irritable bowel syndrome. In this case, they talk about functional diarrhea.

Inflammation of the intestinal wall is the cause of the exudation of protein, electrolytes and water into the intestinal lumen through the damaged mucosa. Exudative diarrhea accompanies enteritis, enterocolitis various etiologies, intestinal tuberculosis, acute intestinal infections (salmonellosis, dysentery). Often with this type of diarrhea in the stool there is blood, pus.

Diarrhea may develop as a result of taking medications: laxatives, antacids containing magnesium salts, certain groups of antibiotics (ampicillin, lincomycin, cephalosporins, clindamycin), antiarrhythmic drugs (quindiline, propranol), digitalis preparations, potassium salts, artificial sugars (sorbitol, mannitol) , cholestyramine, chenodeoxycholic acid, sulfonamides, anticoagulants.


There are the following types of diarrhea: infectious (with dysentery, salmonellosis, amoebiasis, food poisoning and entroviruses), alimentary (associated with violations in the diet or allergic reaction on the food products), dyspeptic (accompanies digestive disorders associated with insufficiency of the secretory functions of organs digestive system: liver, pancreas, stomach; as well as with insufficient secretion of enzymes in the small intestine), toxic (with arsenic or mercury poisoning, uremia), drug (caused by drugs, drug dysbacteriosis), neurogenic (with changes in motility due to impaired nervous regulation associated with psycho-emotional experiences).

Clinical Features of Diarrhea

AT clinical practice distinguish between acute and chronic diarrhea.

Acute diarrhea

chronic diarrhea

Diarrhea that lasts more than 3 weeks is considered chronic. It may be a consequence various pathologies, the identification of which is the main task for determining the tactics of treatment. Information about the causes of chronic diarrhea can be provided by the history data associated with clinical symptoms and syndromes, physical examination.

Particular attention is paid to the nature of the stool: the frequency of defecation, daily dynamics, volume, consistency, color, the presence of impurities in the feces (blood, mucus, fat). The survey reveals the presence or absence of accompanying symptoms: tenesmus ( false urges to defecation), abdominal pain, flatulence, nausea, vomiting.

Pathologies small intestine present with copious, watery or greasy stools. For diseases of the large intestine, less abundant stools are characteristic, streaks of pus or blood, mucus may be noted in the feces. Most often, diarrhea with lesions of the large intestine is accompanied by pain in the abdomen. Diseases of the rectum are common scanty chair as a result hypersensitivity to stretching of the walls of the intestine, tenesmus.

Diagnosis of diarrhea

Acute diarrhea, as a rule, is characterized by a very pronounced loss of fluid and electrolytes in the feces. On examination and physical examination of the patient, signs of dehydration are noted: dryness and decreased skin turgor, increased heart rate and decreased blood pressure. With severe calcium deficiency, positive symptom"muscle roller", there may be convulsions.

With diarrhea, the patient's stool is always carefully examined, in addition, it is desirable to carry out a proctological examination. Identification of an anal fissure, fistula, paraproctitis may suggest the presence of Crohn's disease. For any diarrhea comprehensive study organs of the digestive tract. Instrumental endoscopic techniques (gastroscopy, colonoscopy, irrigoscopy, sigmoidoscopy) allow you to examine inner walls upper divisions gastrointestinal tract and large intestine, detect mucosal damage, inflammation, neoplasms, bleeding ulcers, etc.

Microscopy of feces reveals a high content of leukocytes and epithelial cells in it, which indicates the presence of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Detected excess fatty acids is the result of malabsorption of fats. Together with the remains of muscle fibers and high content starch in the feces steatorrhea is a sign of malabsorption syndrome. Fermentation processes due to the development of dysbacteriosis contribute to a change in the normal acid-base balance in the intestine. To identify such disorders, intestinal pH is measured (normally 6.0).

Persistent diarrhea in combination with excessive gastric secretion is characterized by Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (ulcerogenic adenoma of the pancreas). In addition, prolonged secretory diarrhea may be the result of the development of hormone-producing tumors (for example, vipoma). Laboratory blood tests are aimed at identifying signs inflammatory process, biochemical markers of liver and pancreas dysfunction, hormonal disorders that can be causes of chronic diarrhea.

Treatment of diarrhea

Diarrhea is a symptom of many diseases, so choosing medical tactics the main role is played by the identification and treatment of the underlying pathology. Depending on the type of diarrhea, the patient is referred for treatment to a gastroenterologist, an infectious disease specialist, or a proctologist. It is imperative to apply for medical care if there is diarrhea lasting more than 4 days, or streaks of blood or mucus are noticeable in the stool. In addition, symptoms that should not be ignored are: tarry stools, abdominal pain, fever. If there are signs of diarrhea and there is a possibility of food poisoning, it is also necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Treatment for diarrhea depends on the type of diarrhea. And includes the following components: diet food, antibiotic therapy, pathogenetic treatment(correction of malabsorption enzyme deficiencies, decreased gastric secretion, drugs that normalize intestinal motility, etc.), treatment of the effects of prolonged diarrhea (rehydration, restoration of electrolyte balance).

With diarrhea in diet introduce products that help reduce peristalsis, reduce the secretion of water into the intestinal lumen. In addition, the underlying pathology that caused diarrhea is taken into account. Diet components must be functional state digestion. Products that promote secretion of hydrochloric acid and increase the rate of evacuation of food from the intestines, for a while acute diarrhea excluded from the diet.

Antibiotic therapy for diarrhea is prescribed to suppress the pathological flora and restore normal eubiosis in the intestine. Antibiotics for infectious diarrhea a wide range, quinolones, sulfonamides, nitrofurans. The drugs of choice for intestinal infections are drugs that do not adversely affect the intestinal microbiocenosis ( combined preparations, nifuroxazide). Sometimes, with diarrhea of ​​various origins, eubiotics may be prescribed. However, more often such treatment is prescribed after the signs of diarrhea subside to normalize the intestinal flora (eliminate dysbacteriosis).

As symptomatic remedies adsorbents are used, enveloping and astringents, neutralizing organic acids. To regulate intestinal motility, loperamide is used, in addition, acting directly on the opiate receptors of the small intestine, reducing secretory function enterocytes and improving absorption. A pronounced antidiarrheal effect is exerted by somatostatin, which affects the secretory function.

At infectious diarrhea drugs that reduce intestinal motility are not used. Loss of fluid and electrolytes with prolonged and profuse diarrhea requires rehydration measures. Most patients are prescribed oral rehydration, but in 5-15% of cases there is a need for intravenous administration electrolyte solutions.

Prevention of diarrhea

Diarrhea prevention includes body hygiene and nutrition. Washing hands before eating, washing thoroughly raw vegetables and fruits and proper culinary processing of products contribute to the avoidance food poisoning and intestinal infections. In addition, it is worth remembering the need to avoid drinking raw water, unfamiliar and suspicious food, food products that can cause an allergic reaction.

Causing severe diarrhea, it always causes discomfort, reduces the quality of life and can lead to serious complications.

Infections. Very often, an infectious process that has developed in the intestine is responsible for the occurrence of acute diarrhea. The cause of infection, as a rule, is non-compliance with hygiene requirements - the consumption of contaminated water, unwashed vegetables and fruits, due to which pathogenic microorganisms penetrate into gastrointestinal tract. Most bacteria, viruses or protozoa are killed on contact with gastric juice, but under certain circumstances can survive and move into the intestines, causing severe diarrhea.

Secondary infection can develop in the intestine itself: with frequent diarrheadue to overeating or taking any medication, the balance is disturbed intestinal microflora. At the same time, microorganisms useful for humans die or lose their activity, and they are replaced by pathogenic ones ( disease-causing) and opportunistic (capable of causing disease under certain circumstances) bacteria and protozoa. In this case, the following is observed: a person who has suffered from diarrhea for about a week associated with overeating or an individual intolerance to any food product develops infectious diarrhea.

Taking medications. This is one of the most common reasons frequent diarrhea and loose stools. The mechanism of action of various medicinal substances is very diverse, and drug-induced diarrhea is often caused by intestinal irritation, excessive water in it, disruption of receptors in the intestinal walls, and other factors caused by side effect from taking medication.

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increased body temperature with diarrhea;
  • pain in the abdomen with diarrhea (may be localized in the upper abdomen, in the navel, above the womb) of a diverse nature - aching, cutting, arching;
  • headache, weakness with diarrhea.

If acute diarrhea does not go away on its own long time, it is necessary to consult a doctor for a detailed diagnosis and clarification of the causes of diarrhea. In cases where diarrhea begins to be accompanied by signs of intoxication and / or dehydration, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Diarrhea: Causes, symptoms, treatment

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