Is it good to eat cold food? What is the danger of cold and hot food. Raw or cooked hot vegetables

Different time digestion of food in the stomach or why eating cold food in the stomach harms the gastrointestinal tract?

Warm food in the stomach is digested for about 2-3 hours and only after that it enters small intestine, where the stage of splitting nutrients from food continues. Two or three hours optimal time for the digestion of food in the stomach and the breakdown of proteins. This is the norm, since with the ingestion of undigested proteins in the small intestine, the fermentation process begins.

Digestion of food in the stomach should take place in the region of the above time, otherwise we not only do not get the benefits of nutrition, but also harm our digestive tract.

Cold food in the stomach is digested much faster: proteins do not have time to digest normally and go straight to the small intestine, the function of which is based on the breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates, since it is in it that the bacteria responsible for this “event” are located. As a result of being hit undigested food in the stomach (proteins) to the small intestine, proteins, of course, are not normally absorbed. In addition, bacteria living in meat products(proteins), begin to multiply, which leads to various types discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract (bloating, gases, constipation, etc.).

O proper nutrition and that the time of digestion of food in the stomach depends on its temperature regime, they began to talk back in the 20th century, but, unfortunately, the discovery of scientists rarely interests people, and even more so the fast food industry. People regularly eat hot hamburgers, washed down with cold Coca-Cola. Hence the problems with obesity and all sorts of problems with the health of the gastrointestinal tract. Nutritionists call for healthy eating, in addition, very often they say that food in the stomach should be digested normally, indicating what requirements exist for this.

Of course, nutritionists do not deny that it is sometimes possible to pamper your stomach, cold food in the stomach (ice cream) occasionally does not threaten anything, but regular use threatens not only with improper digestion of food in the stomach, but also with the development dangerous diseases GIT.
If you constantly send cold food to the stomach, then you are guaranteed problems and discomfort. In addition, the rapid digestion of food in the stomach contributes to the set extra pounds, because after an hour and a half you will want to eat again, and your stomach has not given your body the long-awaited proteins. So, now you need to replenish their supply again.

Can food temperature change it? nutritional value? Yes, it affects digestion time, absorption of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Difference Between Cold and Hot Food: Digestion

Digestion can be improved in several ways, for example, eating with feeling, with sense, with arrangement, thoroughly chewing food. And another life hack is to prefer cooked vegetables and fruits to raw ones.

The digestion of a raw and cold carrot or apple begins in the mouth, but the whole process takes longer than in the case of cooked food. And during thermal processing, for example, baking, chemical compounds in apples begin to break down even before they enter our body. And when we eat them, we can more easily absorb useful nutrients - thus increasing the nutritional value.

Raw or cooked hot vegetables?

By the way, many people are sure that in raw vegetables and fruits more vitamins than cooked, but it depends on the type of nutrients.

A 2002 study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry found that cooking vegetables like tomatoes increased their lycopene levels. During the study, 200 people if raw vegetables and fruits, as a result of this diet, the subjects had above average levels of beta-carotene (a precursor of vitamin A), but plasma levels of lycopene (another "version" of the vitamin, an isomer of beta-carotene) were much lower than average. And this is not surprising, since in fresh tomatoes less lycopene than cooked. Roughly speaking, in the process of cooking fruits, the cell walls of plants “break” and the nutrients stored in them are released.

Recall that lycopene, which is found in tomatoes, watermelons, red peppers and papaya, reduces the risk of developing cancer and heart attacks. But there is also a minus: during heat treatment, vegetables lose a significant proportion of vitamin C, an extremely useful antioxidant that improves the functioning of the immune system.

Water: drink cold or hot?

Cold water - in addition to being cooling and refreshing - is absorbed much faster and helps to avoid dehydration more. In addition, the body spends a certain amount of calories on its heating. Recall that 1 calorie is the energy required to heat 1 ml of water by 1 degree. Accordingly, 1 kcal = energy for heating 1 liter by 1 degree. In other words, to heat a liter of water room temperature up to 36.6 the body will need about 16 kcal.

On the other hand, have warm drink has its advantages, for example, it improves digestion.

Cereals: hot porridge retains nutrients

When comparing grains, there are other factors to consider: the finished flakes from them (which are usually filled with cold milk) are most often covered with a sugar crust and have already lost a lot of useful nutrients in the processing process.

If you can’t refuse them, then look for ready-made breakfasts with reduced sugar content and increased fiber content.

But in hot versions, for example, vitamins and minerals in their natural form remain in oatmeal, plus fiber, which saturates better and saves from hunger longer, that is, it helps to eat less, and therefore control the balance of calories.

Is cold food bad?

In the hot season - and in the era of smoothies - we swallow icy liquids daily, and in the cold, wrapped in a blanket, we continue to sip something with ice. But is it really that good for health?

Unfortunately, there is little scientific data on this issue, but here traditional medicine(Indian and Chinese) does not recommend eating chilled food. Indian and Chinese traditional medicine recommends eating food at least at room temperature at any time of the year: colder food can cause hormonal disorders, skin diseases, bloating, digestive problems and even affect the psyche, exacerbating depression and anxiety.

3 reasons to avoid iced drinks and frozen food:

  1. Digestive system

Food temperature affects digestion, even cold liquids - especially on an empty stomach - can cause problems. For some people, a glass of cold water in the morning can lead to swelling, bloating, and upset digestion all day long. Drink water at room temperature or warmer.

  1. Hormonal system

Eating cold food in autumn, winter and spring can lead to hormonal disorders, the symptoms of which may be irritability, weakening of the hair, hyperacidity, swelling and rashes on the skin. During these times of the year, warm food is healthier.

  1. Fertility

Warm food is easier to digest and provides more beneficial nutrients - which is especially important for conception and pregnancy. Frozen food and ice-cold drinks (including your favorite smoothies) can make your body stiff and lose strength without getting enough energy. useful material. Hot food helps women's health reproductive system, maintains normal menstrual cycle and facilitates PMS symptoms, improving the processes of hematopoiesis.

What same do : Avoid cold foods: frozen fruits and berries, cold salads and sandwiches, drinks with ice. Eat hot broths and mashed soups, bake meats and vegetables, prefer warm drinks and add warming seasonings and spices - ginger, turmeric, cinnamon.

Doctors have found that the time of digestion of food in the stomach depends on its temperature. If the food is warm, it is in the stomach for about two to three hours, that is, there is a complete breakdown of large protein molecules into amino acids. Cold food leaves the stomach many times faster, and normal digestion does not occur.

Undigested proteins, getting into the small intestine, where food is absorbed, cannot be absorbed by the body. In addition, in a place where they must operate bacteria responsible for the breakdown of only carbohydrates, bacteria that function on meat and other animal proteins begin to multiply. As a result, metabolism is disturbed, diseases appear, including obesity.

The doctors say that eat cold possible, but not often, because constant food on the principle of fast food, where meat and flour dishes washed down with very cold drinks, can lead to indigestion.

Fast food is not balanced in terms of the content of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and microelements. A person in excess receives only carbohydrates and fats. And washing down food with ice-cold drinks, he cannot get enough, and therefore will consume a lot of extra calories.

How to reheat food without harm to health

Can food be reheated?.. Yes, yes, we know that best food- fresh, cooked in 10-15 minutes. But what if you can't cook at once? We share the secrets of heating-heating without harm to health. But promise me it won't become a habit!

How do you reheat yesterday's pasta?

The freshest pasta al dente revives the most boring evening. But who will revive her in the morning next day?! Microwave or oven. Lay the pasta on a dish or baking sheet greased with oil. Smooth the pasta with a fork, sprinkle with cheese and send to warm up for 3-4 minutes.

Let's save grilled vegetables!

A wonderful healthy and juicy dish, if fresh ... You can’t eat them cold, you shouldn’t eat them hot. Arrange vegetables on parchment or dried baguette pieces, drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice, sprinkle fragrant herbs and send to warm up for 4-5 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 ° C. So you can have breakfast with delicious crispy bruschettas with vegetables or a warm salad of vegetables and soft cheese.

Evening chicken - what do we do with it in the morning?

Steam the chicken. Place the bird in a fireproof dish, sprinkle with oil and send it to the oven, after placing a baking sheet with water on the bottom shelf. 180-200 °C, 5-7 minutes - and you have practically fresh chicken!

Warm up the puree?.. Yes, it's impossible!

Yesterday's puree - practically yesterday's semolina - brrrr..., fuuu... but not that!.. Is it worth wasting time on it? Costs! Yesterday's puree can be turned into a wonderful dish! Yes, you just do not recognize "evening potatoes."

There are many options, but we love:

  • potato slices: heat the puree for a couple, adding the egg; add flour and knead the dough; we form small cakes, in the middle of which we put the filling (ready chopped meat, stewed mushrooms, carrots or any other vegetables); close according to the principle of pies and send to the oven for 15 minutes at 180 ° C; serve with sour cream sauce and greenery.
  • dumplings: warm up the puree and knead the dough, as in zrazy, just add 2 eggs and more flour (the dough should turn out cooler); pepper and flavor with dried herbs; cook in chicken broth.

Is it good to eat hot food? Excessively hot first courses (soups, borscht, broths) burn the mouth, the mucous membrane of the lips, and can provoke profuse salivation, vomiting. All this can subsequently cause the formation of ulcers, gastritis, stenosis (narrowing of the larynx), experts explain.

Temperature. The human body takes well not too hot and not too cold food. When eating very hot and cold food and drinks, the epithelial tissue of the organs is affected, and this leads to cancer.

“Cold food is divided into 2 types: fresh cold, which has not been processed, and boiled, but chilled. So, heat treatment helps kill pathogenic microorganisms. That is, moderately cold food is not harmful. human body, but most useful for the stomach and spleen - warm food. Approximately 20-30 degrees,” say nutritionists.

Burn of the esophagus. Too hot food burns the esophagus. The walls of the esophagus are affected, necrosis of the tissues of the esophagus may occur. This causes swelling of the tissues and impaired swallowing. Later, the process of rejection of dead tissues begins, ulcers form, and after their healing, the formation of a narrowing of the esophagus (stenosis) begins.

Burn of the pharynx and oral cavity. Hot food can also burn the mouth and throat, mucous membranes of the lips and mouth. After such defeats, you will not be able to long time eat, as ulcers form in their place. A few days after the burn, a person can eat liquid food in small quantities. A scar forms in the pharynx and on the lips, it leads to a decrease in the lumen of the esophagus, and this is dangerous because it causes obstruction of the esophagus.

Exhaustion and other consequences. Experts note that hot food can cause exhaustion due to malnutrition after burns. Pneumonia, tracheobronchitis, laryngitis and periesophagitis also sometimes occur.

Hot for kids. It is very dangerous to eat too hot dishes for children, since even small burns of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, pharynx, larynx, oral cavity may cause severe consequences: respiratory distress, stenosis of the larynx, difficulty in expectoration, impaired swallowing functions.

About cold drinks. Experts say that cold food leaves the stomach too quickly, not having time to properly mix with gastric juice. This leads to putrefactive processes, from which increased gas formation, intestinal dysbacteriosis, peptic ulcer and enterocolitis.
In fast foods, very sweet carbonated drinks are most often offered with ice, and not tea or coffee.

It is impossible to quench thirst with such drinks, moreover, as it turned out, they increase appetite. Consequently, those who enjoy very cold drinks are often obese, nutritionists warn.Go to Homepage

Is it better to eat hot or cold food? Which ones are more valuable? Doesn't it kill nutrients processing of products high temperature? Do you eat ice cream in winter or summer? Is raw food the healthiest? Here are questions that you should know the answers to, especially since the temperature of the food we eat has great importance for our health.

Every season of the year seduces us with its delicacies. So, in the summer, we are waiting for light dishes served cold, for example, ice water, lemonade, iced tea, ice cream. In winter, we look for well-seasoned, warm, warming dishes, we drink hot drinks and avoid cold drinks.

Hot is good, but...

Often we do not pay special attention food temperature: dinner is served hot, and ice cream is eaten, as a rule, straight from the refrigerator. However, it is worth knowing that it is of no small importance. For example, the consumption of hot meals satisfies hunger faster and saturates us for longer. Such dishes warm up our body and give it energy. However, you need to be careful. If you have never had to deal with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach, then, of course, you can not greatly limit yourself in dishes - neither cold nor hot. However, the use of hot dishes, especially if they contain fat, such as, for example, added to puree soup olive oil, entails big risk burns of the upper gastrointestinal tract or irritation of the esophagus, especially when such dishes are generously seasoned with spices. Hot drinks and foods can also irritate the stomach lining.

Terrible acrylamide

Another thing is that heating products can lead to the appearance of substances that are unfavorable to human health. Researchers from Stockholm University found that in many food products contains acrylamide, and it is formed during processes that require heating to temperatures above 120 degrees - in other words, during baking or frying. Acrylamide has been found in, among others, fried potatoes, crackers, bread, french fries, cookies, chips, and even baked vegetables, black olives, and dried fruit. Information provided by the European Food Information Council (EUFIC) suggests that high doses of acrylamide damage nervous tissue. Large doses of this compound, tested on animals, led to the development of cancer and disrupted reproductive processes.

At the same time, acrylamide is not found in foods prepared traditional way and for a couple, and all because during such processing the temperature does not exceed 120 degrees. However, scientists note that we should not forget about the many benefits of heating food. It not only has a positive effect on taste and smell, but reduces the risk of food poisoning. During the heating process, some important nutrients become more available to our body. In order to reduce the acrylamide content in hot foods, avoid overcooking or overcooking, which tends to brown or brown the food.

Ice cream is better... in winter

We must also be careful when we eat cold dishes, especially if we had to complain about disorders of the digestive system before. However, it should be borne in mind that the consumption of chilled foods causes the body to increase its energy expenditure: before the food is digested, the body must heat it to a comfortable temperature for itself. A large energy expenditure contributes to the loss of kilograms, so cold food is often chosen by dieters. Cold dishes (ice cream, cold water), are also recommended for people with throat problems, especially with enlarged tonsils. However, too a large number of cold food, as well as hot food, can lead to problems with digestive system. It may be curious that ice cream is better to eat ... in winter, because big difference temperatures can harm the throat.

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