How does pink lichen begin to pass. The choice of treatment tactics for depriving for a speedy recovery and determining its effectiveness. Incubation period and stages of development


What are the symptoms and signs of pink lichen? How does it start?

Most often, pink lichen develops as follows: first, the first spot appears on the back, on the chest, on the abdomen or in another area of ​​the body. After a few days, similar spots, but smaller, appear next to it. Over the next weeks and months, new spots may appear on other parts of the body.

In the medical literature, the first patch of rosacea is called "maternal plaque".

In some people, maternal plaque does not form and all the spots appear at the same time.

Sometimes, a few days before the onset of pink lichen, a person may feel symptoms of a mild cold: fatigue, muscle pain, fever.

What do the spots look like with pink lichen?

Pityriasis rosea patches usually have a well-circumscribed red outline and are covered with a very thin, shiny, dry "film" or scales. Their sizes can vary from a few millimeters to 2-5 cm in diameter.

Pityriasis rosea can itch and sometimes the itching can be severe.

How long do you get pink lichen?

For most people, pink lichen lasts 2 to 12 weeks.

In rare cases, it can last 5 months or more.

Can I get rosacea again in the future?

Most people who recover from rosacea never get the disease again.

However, in rare cases, some time after recovery, a person may get rosacea again.

What causes pink lichen?

The causes of rosacea are not currently known.

Some experts believe that it may be associated with a viral infection, but the virus that could cause this disease has not yet been identified.

Is it possible to get pink lichen from domestic or homeless animals (from cats, dogs, etc.)?

Of domestic animals, only pigs can get pink lichen, but in these animals it is not contagious and is not transmitted to humans (unlike ringworm).

Can the appearance of pink lichen be associated with a decrease in immunity?

Although pink lichen is indeed somewhat more common in people with immunocompromised Immunocompromised (compromised) patients include:
people who are infected with HIV or have AIDS,
people who have diabetes
people who have cancer and are taking cancer treatment (chemo, radiotherapy),
people who are taking treatment with glucocorticoid drugs or other drugs that reduce the activity of the immune system (for example, methotrexate, azathioprine, mercaptopurine, etc.),
people who have undergone an internal organ transplant and are taking medications that suppress transplant rejection,
people who suffer from chronic diseases of internal organs: chronic renal failure, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, heart failure.
, most people with this disease have no problems with immunity.

Can the appearance of pink lichen be associated with drugs?

In some rare cases, taking lamotrigine, nortriptyline, clozapine, , captopril (and other ACE inhibitors), anti-rheumatic drugs, lithium, imatinib, or and some other medicines can cause patches very similar to those of rosacea.

Can pink lichen appear in newborns or infants?

As we said above, pink lichen is extremely rare in newborns or infants.

Therefore, if your child develops a rash that “looks like pityriasis rosea”, it is most likely caused by some other illness, such as , , .

How can a person get rosacea? Can it be passed from person to person or sexually?

Despite the fact that pink lichen sometimes occurs simultaneously in several people living nearby, it is not considered a contagious disease.

In this regard, you can safely care for a person who has rosacea and can not be afraid that you will infect friends, relatives or colleagues if you yourself get it.

Children with pink lichen can attend kindergarten or school.

Should I see a doctor if I think I have ringworm?

If you have symptoms similar to pink lichen, it would be the right decision to consult a dermatologist.

After examining you, the doctor will be able to exclude other diseases similar to pink lichen, for example, pityriasis versicolor, psoriasis.

Be sure to see your doctor if your “pityriasis rosea symptoms” do not go away within three months.

What can a doctor do to clarify the diagnosis?

To clarify the diagnosis, a dermatologist usually just needs to examine the spots on the skin and ask about how they appeared.

What is the treatment for rosacea? Does it need to be treated at all? What can be done so that the skin does not itch?

As we said above, pink lichen does not pose a health hazard, does not cause complications and goes away on its own within a few months. Because of this, dermatologists generally recommend that people not undertake any specific treatment.
To soothe itching, your doctor may recommend that you regularly apply a moisturizer to your rosacea patches (see below). How to properly use skin softening and moisturizing products).

If pink lichen is very itchy, be sure to tell your doctor about it. He may advise you to take antihistamines (such as suprastin).

Our skin performs not only a protective function, it serves as a medium and habitat for many microorganisms. And if local immunity fails, then they settle throughout the body, causing various skin pathologies, for example, lichen. How does this disease manifest itself, and after what time does it pass? What factors and medicines help get rid of the problem in a short period of time?

Lichens (lichenas) most often has an infectious nature and is transmitted from person to person, as well as through contact with animals. It captures one area or spreads throughout the body. Outwardly, it looks like scaly spots of small diameter or nodules that are inflamed. This is one of the most common dermatological diseases.

The shape of the foci is varied and depends on the type of lichen. Some are safe and pass without a trace, while others lead to serious complications.

Under this pathology, a whole group of diseases is combined that have common characteristics - the appearance of spots of different sizes and colors on body parts:

  • pink and white on chest;
  • spots on the back with a pink roller along the contour, which can grow;
  • formations of various colors and shapes on the legs (all types of lichen develop);
  • light and dark spots on the hands.

Common signs include itching, flaking, and inflammation. In addition to these symptoms, the patient does not experience any inconvenience, he feels good.

For your information: Children are most often infected, because their immunity is not fully formed, as well as people in a weakened state after an illness or who are in constant nervous tension.

The source of the disease are 3 types of microscopic fungi:

  • zooanthropophilic, get on human skin from the hair of domestic animals;
  • anthropophilic are transmitted by contact between people and live only on the human epidermis;
  • geophilic, located in the soil and getting on the skin with dust or earth.

Important to know: Ringworm can be viral in nature. Moreover, the virus lives in the human body, until a certain time does not manifest itself. Viral infections include pink, white and ringworm. Not treated once, they will appear again during the period of weakening of the immune system.

Terms and stages of treatment depriving

Fungal infection causes the development of different types of lichen. The complexity of the course of the pathology, the incubation period and the duration of treatment depend on the type.

Ringworm is one of the most common. It is localized in open areas of the skin and scalp. Infection occurs from other people or pets. The fungus settles especially quickly if there are abrasions or scratches on the skin.

Outwardly, it manifests itself in the form of red spots that itch and peel off. When scratching, an infection is introduced, suppuration or the formation of weeping ulcers is possible. Ringworm can be diagnosed by the presence of bald spots that remain on the scalp. If the disease is mild, then treatment continues for 2 weeks. With the formation of abscesses, therapy is carried out for a long time - up to 2 months.

Important to know: The duration of treatment is affected by the implementation of all doctor's recommendations. It is usually carried out in the infectious diseases department of the hospital. With self-medication, complications are possible, the consequences of which are difficult to predict.

Pink lichen (Gibera) is not particularly contagious, it is more common in children from 2 to 7 years. It has a viral nature, so it is not treated, but goes away on its own. The rash appears in 10 days, and disappears in 1-2 months. Spots on the body gradually disappear, the surface of the skin is leveled. Relapses are possible.

Shingles appears due to the herpes virus, which "lives" in the body in a latent (inactive) state. Stress or a cold can cause it to appear on the surface of the skin in the form of small blisters filled with liquid. After a few days, they open up, and yellowish crusts form in their place. The disease disappears in 7-10 days, sometimes in 2 weeks.

Lichen planus does not apply to infectious diseases. The reasons for its appearance can be psycho-emotional stress, allergic reactions, taking a number of medications. Rashes in the form of compacted red nodules are observed on the skin of the extremities. Foci in the oral cavity are possible. Until the provoking factors are eliminated, treatment will continue. The disease has a relapsing course and can last up to a year.

versicolor (pityriasis versicolor) develops in youth and adolescents. A fungal infection that causes pathology is constantly on the skin and, under suitable conditions, affects the epidermis. Brown spots form on it, which darken in the sun when melanocytes, cells that produce skin pigment, are affected by fungi. The period of rashes lasts up to 2 weeks, after which the disease develops within 3-6 months. Spots after being in the sun come back again.

Note: Weeping lichen or eczema and psoriasis or psoriasis are known, but their origin is associated with diseases of the internal organs and is considered separately.

Signs of disease regression

Since microorganisms can stay on the skin or internal environment for a long time, the likelihood of relapse or return of the disease is high.

This happens in the following cases:

  1. Pink lichen may reappear on the skin after 10-15 days. This is due to early termination of treatment. First, you should make sure that the lichen is completely gone and there are no traces left on the skin.
  2. With ringworm, spores remain on the surface of the skin after treatment. Re-examination and scraping is important, since spores will germinate under favorable conditions, and a new round of the disease will begin.
  3. A recurrence of shingles occurs when the immune system weakens, since the pathology is caused by a virus.
  4. The pityriasis form appears again with hormonal failures, a critical decrease in the level of protection (immunity), as well as with prolonged exposure to the sun after treatment.
  5. Lichen planus can recur within 5 years if not completely cured.

Regression of a dermatological infection occurs with self-medication, with therapy that has not been completed, with weak immune protection, and if the patient does not heed the doctor's recommendations.

Treatment tactics

During treatment, the main goal is to relieve skin inflammation and form new foci of infection. It is important to prevent re-infection when bacteria get into the wounds during scratching and suppuration begins. During therapy, antihistamines help, which relieve unpleasant symptoms (itching), immunostimulating agents aimed at increasing the body's defenses.

Mostly local treatment is used: ointments, creams, gels that relieve inflammation and destroy a fungal infection. In each case, the treatment is selected individually, based on the severity of the course of the disease and its causative agent, the age of the patient. It is possible to understand that a person has a disease by observing the condition of the skin. When she was completely cleansed and took on her former appearance, the disease receded.

Note: Since shingles is caused by a virus, antiviral drugs, analgesics, and antipyretics are used.

Prevention methods

Most types of lichen are contagious, so preventive procedures are reduced to compliance with hygiene rules:

  • after a walk or visit to any institution, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water or wipe with a sanitary napkin;
  • avoid contact with stray animals;
  • do not use other people's personal hygiene items;
  • do not measure other people's clothes or hats, where fungal spores may be;
  • support immunity through hardening procedures.

Compliance with these simple rules will help reduce the risk of the disease, but it is completely impossible to exclude it, since there is constant contact between different people.

With skin rashes, you do not need to run to the first aid kit, where various ointments and creams are stored. First you need to determine what you are treating and what kind of infection you have. Getting rid of the consequences of self-treatment is much more difficult than getting rid of the disease itself.

Some time passes after the flu, a cold as a result of severe hypothermia, severe stress, and you are surprised and frightened to find a bright pink spot on the body about 3-5 cm in diameter, oval or rounded, slightly protruding above the surface of the skin. At first, this is a single spot, which sometimes does not increase in size and, frankly, does not cause particularly unpleasant sensations, apart from, of course, the very fact of its existence. So most of us just brush it off and reassure ourselves: “Ah, nonsense! Bitten by something, rubbed or allergic to medicines - it will pass by itself!

However, after taking a bath, using a “miracle remedy” recommended by a friend who knows everything in the world, or simply over time, secondary rashes begin to appear around the first spot, gradually covering an increasing surface of the body. Now it’s not only your appearance that worries you: weakness overcomes, there is a slight increase in body temperature in the range of 37.0-37.2 C, sometimes you have a headache and, most importantly, itching appears in the area of ​​​​rashes, especially at night. And you finally decide to visit a dermatologist.

After the examination, taking skin scrapings, referral for a general blood and urine test, the doctor summarizes the results and, with a smart look, stuns you with the news: “You have Gibert's disease or pink lichen!»

Of course, the word "" does not evoke positive emotions in any way. And in combination with a prescription written by a doctor, where an antiallergic drug in tablets and several ointments "to choose from" are forlornly listed, a combined composition with the obligatory presence of corticosteroids does not add optimism. And you begin to persistently search for information about this disease on the Internet, ask friends and acquaintances.

I will say right away that it will not work to sort everything out, to get comprehensive information about the nature of the disease, the causes of its occurrence and methods of treatment. To date, this is not really known even by physicians who have learned, by the totality of facts, to diagnose pink lichen, and can prescribe a purely symptomatic treatment to facilitate the patient's well-being and speed up the recovery process. It is known for certain that either severe stress can become a “detonator” and provoke the development pink lichen However, it has not yet been possible to isolate the causative agent of the disease. Exactly because of this reason Gibert's disease modestly referred to skin diseases of an allergic-infectious nature».

Impossible, respectively, how to attribute pink lichen to bacterial, viral or fungal diseases, and prescribe appropriate treatment with specialized drugs. Due to the obvious similarity of the stages of development pink lichen With deprive shingles, it is hypothesized that Gibert's disease can be called modified herpes virus type 6 or 7, but so far this has not been confirmed. It seems quite possible that we are infected by the pathogen pink lichen, as well as the herpes virus, however, for the time being, it does not manifest itself in any way, but under certain circumstances, it blooms in a terry color. This theory is also supported by the fact that after a "complete" cure for pink lichen repeated relapses of the disease are possible.

Let's try to summarize briefly: pink lichen begins with a single pink spot, the so-called "mother's plaque" or "mother's spot", which is localized, as a rule, on the patient's torso, less often on the arms. Education does not have clearly defined boundaries, they are smoothed, and at this stage the patient is practically not bothered by anything. After about a week, the spot begins to resemble a crater with a concave scaly center and a roller along the edge, its color changes to bright pink. The patient has enlarged lymph nodes and all of the above appear. Secondary rashes pink lichen, in addition to the trunk and arms, can spread to the neck and legs, but on the face there is almost never a rash. After two weeks, the spots begin to change color to yellowish brown, while the center is still pink and flaky. Gradually, the spots turn pale and disappear, however, in some cases, white marks remain on the skin for a long time, or vice versa, areas with increased pigmentation. Recovery of the patient may occur in 2-3 months, and may take six months or more.

Additionally, the patient may be disturbed :
- a feeling of severe dryness and "tightness" of the skin in places of rashes;
- peeling of the skin between the spots, its redness;
- a sharp deterioration after contact with water

A clear link between a sharp weakening of the immune system and the development Zhiber's disease is also clearly visible, in connection with this, the peak incidence is observed in winter and spring. Cases of the development of the disease after transferred stress, skin damage, metabolic disorders, bites of blood-sucking insects. pink lichen has no gender preferences, most patients are men and women from 16 to 40 years old, in children this disease develops extremely rarely.

In diagnostics pink lichen of primary importance, in addition to the patient's general complaints, is the localization of the primary maternal plaque, the absence of repeated rashes during the week, and the fact that repeated rashes occur exclusively along the so-called Langer lines, which are located along the natural skin folds. A blood test will show an increase in the number of leukocytes and ESR indicators, as evidence of an inflammatory process in the body, and a general urine test will demonstrate traces of protein. Scraping is taken mainly in order to separate pink lichen from other similar diseases.

In treatment pink lichen the main place is given to medicines that increase immunity (immunomodulators and vitamins), relieve allergic manifestations (first of all, itching - antihistamines and corticosteroids are indispensable here), in case of extensive rashes with secondary bacterial infection due to scratching, antibiotics are prescribed. A beneficial effect on patients with UV radiation has been noted, so sunbathing or visiting a solarium is not forbidden, but it is better to refuse synthetics and prickly woolen things in the wardrobe for now.

Diet is also important. Patients with pink lichen are recommended to be excluded from the diet.:
- citrus fruits;
- eggs;
- chocolate;
- nuts;
- alcohol;
- strong coffee and tea;
- acute;
- fatty;
- fried.

Washing is allowed only in the shower, without soap and washcloths.

Opinions about contagiousness pink lichen are also very different. There are cases when the disease developed in several family members at the same time, but at the same time there is a lot of evidence when, in the presence of a patient in the house and in very close contact with family members, no one else fell ill. Doctors in this case also blame the state of the immune system: they say, if everything is in order there, pink lichen you are not threatened. Just in case, it is strongly recommended to observe, not to use combs and towels shared with the patient.

There is no specific prophylaxis for rosacea . The key to success here is a healthy lifestyle, the absence of concomitant diseases. And from stressful situations, alas, no one is guaranteed.

Good health to all!

Lichen is an infectious dermatological disease of the human skin. As you know, the skin is the largest human organ, which is responsible for protective functions, normalization of the body's water balance and much more. Neglecting skin care, you can not only cause cosmetic harm to the body, but also lead to disruption of the organs and systems of the body.

Lichen is considered the most common skin disease. It manifests itself in the form of heterogeneous spots on the human body. Some types of lichen go away on their own, but others require special care and treatment over time. Incorrect and non-targeted treatment can cause a number of serious illnesses, the treatment of which will take a lot of money, effort and energy. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to distinguish different types of lichen, what treatment is needed, how much anti-lichen therapy should be done, and in general, how much to treat lichen.

Duration and methods of treatment for different types of lichen

There are several main varieties of lichen. Each of them requires a unique treatment with different recovery times.

The most harmless type of lichen in humans. It manifests itself in the form of rounded white spots that have a slightly flaky structure. White lichen mainly affects people in their teens. It does not cause itching, burning and pain, so the only discomfort of depriving is of a cosmetic nature.

The body is able to independently fight white lichen. The term of such self-healing is a couple of months. If you help the body externally, recovery will accelerate.

In the summer, it is enough to smear the affected areas with a moisturizer. In winter, treatment is a little more difficult, as frost causes additional peeling and inflammation of lichen spots. Therefore, in the cold season, you should seek help from a one-percent ointment with hydrocortisone. With such methods, it will be possible to forget about white lichen in a month.

Pityriasis rosea (Pityriasis versicolor)

It manifests itself in the form of pink spots that cause unpleasant itching in the affected areas.

Pink lichen is a viral-allergic disease that does not cause much harm to the body. For treatment, you will need vitamins to increase immunity and antihistamines to relieve itching. The recovery period takes from a month to two. It depends on the general condition of the patient.

You should know that pink lichen can recur in the first 10-15 days after recovery. Therefore, do not stop treatment at the first signs of patency. After the spots are gone, no traces should remain on the skin. This indicates that the body has overcome pink lichen.

It is caused by two types of fungi - microsporia and trichophytosis. It appears as red spots that increase over time. Ringworm affects the skin, hair, and nails. At the time of inflammation of the disease in areas of vegetation, hair breaks off in the area of ​​​​spots. With the defeat of the nails, they begin to exfoliate intensely, crumble and fade.

Treatment of ringworm is carried out with the help of tablets, ointments, shampoos and other things. The method of treatment depends on the stage of development of the disease, as well as on the individuality of the patient. The average recovery time takes up to three months.

And yet, how to understand that lichen passes? Spots should be closely monitored. During the recovery period, the spots stop growing in size, the skin begins to dry out, and the crusts on the affected areas disappear. Also, young skin is formed under them, which is much lighter than usual. Last of all, convex ridges around the spots fall off. It is also necessary to hand over the scraper from the affected skin area for analysis. If he shows that there are no live fungi, then ringworm has been overcome.

A re-examination is a must. Since fungal spores multiply within a few months. And even if the symptoms go away, fungal spores can be present on the skin and recur at any time.


Zoster, the same virus that causes chicken pox, is caused by herpes infection. It can be said that shingles occurs only in adults. In children, it is expressed under the guise of chickenpox.

The main symptoms of this type of lichen include: chills, fever, headaches, as well as the appearance of itchy pink spots in the area of ​​localization of nerve endings.

During the treatment of lichen in humans, antiviral drugs, analgesics and antipyretics are used. Even professional doctors cannot give an answer to the question of how long shingles is treated. And the reason for this is the degree of development, shingles, as well as the influence of external factors and age criteria. For example, in a young organism, external sores disappear in two weeks without special treatment. An older organism can no longer cope with the problem on its own, therefore it resorts to medical help. This treatment lasts about ten days.

After treatment for herpes zoster, patients complain of headache, which remains as a side effect. Such pain can accompany the patient from a month to a year.

It is characterized by the appearance of red itchy papules with a flat surface. According to statistics, red lichen most often affects women between the ages of forty and sixty. Also, diabetes shows a direct predisposition to red lichen.

It appears in the areas of the bends of the arms and legs, on the inner side of the thighs. Less often on the mucous membrane, which contributes to its manifestation in combination with other ulcer-like diseases. For example, ulcer, gastritis, cirrhosis and others. This distinctive feature complicates the course of treatment. Therefore, it is impossible to say how much lichen is treated in the case of this disease. A frequent case is a relapse of the disease within five years, which indicates an unfinished course of treatment.

During the treatment period, antibiotics, antihistamines, vitamins, immunomodulators and sedatives are used.

It is caused by a fungus and affects the upper layer of the epidermis. It appears on the body in the form of yellow or brown spots, because of which it is also called lichen versicolor. The spots are accompanied by mild itching. Pityriasis versicolor can manifest itself only during a period of hormonal disruptions and critical decreases in immunity.

For treatment, it is necessary to use antifungal drugs. With a mild stage of the disease and the degree of damage to the skin, it is possible to get rid of multi-colored lichen in a week. The remaining terms are set by the dermatologist during the examination.

To confirm a complete recovery, it is necessary to take a scraping of the affected areas for analysis. If there are no living cells of the fungus under the microscope, then the disease has passed.

There is also a folk method or Balzer's test for a simple diagnosis of pityriasis versicolor. To do this, you need ordinary iodine. It should be applied to wounds. If the color of the sores becomes dark brown, then the disease is in the development stage. If the color of the lichen spots becomes yellowish, the disease goes away.

Weeping lichen or eczema

Caused due to internal pathologies. Visibility on the body is manifested in the presence of red spots with bubbles filled with serous or hemorrhagic fluid. Also in symptomatic manifestations, swelling, redness of the skin, cracks and peeling are noted. After direct contact with water, increased itching occurs.

Weeping lichen is treated with hormonal and antihistamines. Drying and soothing ointments are also used to relieve itching.

This treatment takes a very long time. During the treatment period, it is necessary to follow a hypoallergenic diet and reduce the amount of water exposure to wounds.

psoriasis or psoriasis

Occurs when there is an internal predisposition of the body to the disease. It appears as red papules covered with white scales.

The treatment of scaly lichen includes only methods for relieving external symptoms, since psoriasis is incurable and manifests itself throughout life.

It is important that psoriasis can adapt and develop immunity to the treatment method and its drugs. Therefore, doctors often change technologies and medicines to combat psoriasis.

Negative consequences after self-treatment

Many people treat ringworm on their own with the help of information on the Internet and folk remedies. This method of treatment is unacceptable by doctors. Since in order to determine the exact diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination and pass the necessary tests and scrapers. An incorrect diagnosis, and as a result, an incorrect treatment, can not only not cure the disease, but also significantly harm the body. After all, each type of lichen requires a different treatment. At the same time, drugs that will help with one type of lichen will complicate the situation with another. And in some situations, every day is precious. Therefore, if any symptoms of lichen appear, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist to establish an accurate diagnosis and determine the course of treatment.

You should know that some types of lichen are capable of causing a virus that has been in the human body for many years and again manifests itself in a favorable environment. These types include pink and ringworm. Others are able to stay in the body for decades. For example, if white lichen is not cured in childhood, it takes the form of a chronic disease and will recur in moments of immune weakness of the body.

Lichen is a skin disease, the cause of which is considered to be not fully understood. There are times when lichen does not go away for a long time, thereby causing great anxiety in its carrier. A rash from lichen really looks scary, so it is important to determine the type of skin pathology in time and start treatment.

What kind of lichen can go away on its own?

When diagnosed with lichen, a person is afraid and in a hurry to get rid of such a problem by any means. There are several types of pathology, among them:

  • shingles;
  • pink;
  • pityriasis;
  • ringworm.

Among the four varieties, it is considered the easiest and independently passing. Its distinguishing feature from other species is the common name, while the manifestations and course of the disease are different. Pink lichen is not contagious to other people, it is manifested by unpleasant symptoms that cause discomfort only to the carrier.

When it occurs, parents also do not need to panic, every second child suffers from this disease. Some time will pass - 20 or 30 days, and the lichen will disappear on its own, no efforts are made to this. In an adult, lichen also passes quickly, it remains only to understand the cause and direct efforts towards a speedy recovery.

Timeline for extinction

Lichen has characteristic distinguishing features, which, under normal course, disappear in a person on average for 30 days. In 90% of cases, the spots went away on their own. There are rare situations when the pathology does not go away for a long time, lasts a year or more. Lichen, healing for a long time, should be immediately shown to the doctor. If after a while a noticeable stain remains (even in the absence of itching and peeling), measures must be taken and treated, since such a condition is considered a deviation from the norm.

Causes and signs

The cause of lichen can be the common cold or the herpes virus.

The root cause of skin pathology can be different, there are only assumptions in the occurrence of lichen in humans, including:

  • herpes and SARS viruses;
  • infections and inflammatory processes.

The main factors influencing the development of skin pathology include:

  • decreased immunity;
  • lack of vitamins in the body;
  • diseases of a chronic and infectious nature;
  • frequent exposure to stress and nervous disorders;
  • hypothermia;
  • non-healing dermatitis;
  • the use of hard and coarse hygiene products (washcloths, brushes, etc.).

Skin ailment is localized on various parts of the body: on the neck, head, back, genitals and even near the anus. You can find out what it looks like by the following features:

  • rashes in the form of red-yellow spots on the body;
  • the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is dry and flaky;
  • the subcutaneous layer does not heal for a long time, the itching becomes more and more intense;
  • the appearance of warty formations in place of spots.

What to do if the ringworm does not go away?

When Zhibera's lichen does not go away in a month and does not end for a long time, now they begin to general strengthen the body. First you need to follow these rules:

  • Alternate between work and rest. Do not overdo it during the day, get enough sleep at night.
  • Take vitamin complexes and foods with a sufficient amount of nutrients. They will help strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to internal and external stimuli.
  • Eat right and drink properly.
  • Avoid stressful situations and nervous strain.
  • Treat current inflammatory processes provoked by infectious pathogens.

If the lichen does not go away, you need to contact a dermatologist for a complete diagnosis.

Next, you should consult a dermatologist. To understand what the diagnosis is, it is necessary to take tests and undergo examinations, based on the results of which the doctor will prescribe a course of drug therapy. In advanced cases, antihistamines (tablets, ointments) are prescribed. It is not recommended to be treated on your own, because it will still not be possible to get rid of the problem, and the course of the disease will worsen.

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