Toothache in pregnancy. Severe toothache during pregnancy. How to anesthetize the hearth of suffering

The painful condition of the teeth during the period of bearing a child is a very common occurrence.

This fact arises due to changes in the work of the female body, as a result of which exacerbations of chronic gum conditions or the occurrence of an inflammatory process may begin.

Therefore, pregnant women often have a question: if a tooth hurts during pregnancy, what to do in this case, because it is not always possible to resort to drug treatment.

Home treatment

Of course, when a tooth is sick, it will not be possible to avoid visiting the dentist, but people, out of fear, delay this moment. This is where folk medicine comes to the rescue with special recipes.

Before embarking on treatment, teeth should be thoroughly cleaned.

First of all, it is necessary to remove the remnants of food from the teeth, then rinse the mouth with decoctions of herbs or warm water. The latter is most often used in combination with salt or soda, which is available in every home. In this case, the proportion should be one spoonful per liter of water.

The most commonly used herbs are:

  • succession;
  • calendula;
  • peppermint;
  • oak bark;
  • chamomile;
  • sage.

You can use this technique by taking a glass of liquid about once an hour.

Another method of eliminating toothache is cotton wool, which is pre-impregnated with drops for teeth, it must be placed on the aching tooth.

But most often there is no such remedy at home, therefore, as an alternative, you can use propolis, which wraps the tooth, after which the toothache should subside somewhat.

If a tooth hurts unbearably during pregnancy, what should I do?

Folk recipes are powerless here, it remains only to use an analgesic, before using which it is better to consult with your doctor.

In addition, taking it several times in a row is dangerous for the baby. For this reason, the expectant mother is still better to seek help from a specialist.

Warm rinses are necessary if it is impossible to get to the doctor as soon as possible, but they do not give a long-term effect, and naturally, they do not relieve the problem.

In no case should you warm up the cheek over the aching tooth, as this can cause complications.

Coping without pills

If your teeth hurt during pregnancy, what should you do so as not to harm yourself or your baby?

The following popular tips and recipes help to get rid of a toothache for a while:

  1. a solution of baking soda, infusions or decoctions of chamomile, plantain and calendula can help to cope with a toothache;
  2. if at home there is not a single remedy offered, you can also use ordinary salt, which must be added to water and rinsed with the resulting mouth;
  3. if there is a carnation at home, then it will perfectly cope with a toothache. To do this, it should be crushed as much as possible to a powder state and poured onto a disturbing tooth;
  4. you can use a lotion for pain relief, which is done in the following way: a small piece of cotton must be rolled into a swab. Moisten it liberally in vegetable oil and add a little "Vietnamese star" to the swab. Apply received to the aching tooth;
  5. another well-known remedy is garlic, which is used as a lotion for a tooth, or if it is tied around the wrist at the place where the pulse is felt. But the main thing here is to tie it to the hand that is opposite to the diseased tooth;
  6. most women have kalanchoe and aloe growing on their window sills, which do an excellent job with dental pain. To do this, you just need to tear off the sheet and attach it to the gum;
  7. The most popular is the valerian root, which must first be crushed, and only then applied to the aching tooth. The main features of this tool are the speed and duration of the effect. That is, he will start working in twenty minutes, and the pain will not return for half a day;
  8. when a toothache is too severe, a simple recipe can help, for which you will need one egg white, to which a pinch of salt is added. Next, it is necessary to beat it and add 200 ml of novocaine there, stir and rinse your mouth with it. Literally in five minutes the pain will subside and will not return for a long time.

If a wisdom tooth hurts during pregnancy, recommendations on what to do and how to treat are similar to the methods of therapy for ordinary toothache.


Not every medication can be used during pregnancy, but it is unacceptable to endure a toothache in this position, as this makes the expectant mother nervous, which affects the baby.


During the bearing of a child, experts allow the use of such as Grippostad, but this is prohibited in the early stages of pregnancy. Here Pentalgin and Tempalgin come to the rescue.

The most popular is, which, although it penetrates the placenta, does not cause significant harm to the baby.

Often, dentists allow pregnant women to use Aspirin, which can only be used from the second trimester. It helps to soothe toothache as much as possible, which is effective if there is still a long time before the appointment with the doctor.

But still, it is better to stop using pills, since the fetus is still very weak, especially up to twelve weeks, until the placenta is fully formed.

You can take pills in which there is an urgent need only once, and then immediately seek help from a dentist.

If the pain is not severe, you can use drugs for children that soothe the pain, a vivid example of this is Kalgel ointment, which has a freezing effect.

Each medication should be used only after consultation with a specialist and in the dosage indicated in the instructions for use.

Rules for taking painkillers

Absolutely any drug during the bearing of a child is prescribed exclusively by a specialist who takes into account the duration of pregnancy and pain. Throughout the first trimester, you can not take any medication, even the lightest, as the fetus is still very vulnerable and any effect has a tremendous negative effect.

Obstetricians prescribe the use of painkillers that have minimal harm to the health of the baby, focusing on the following indicators:

  • general health of mother and baby;
  • contraindications;
  • gestational age.

The most popular among gynecologists in relieving toothache are candles. This fact is due to the fact that they do not affect the fetus, as they are absorbed directly in the intestines of a pregnant woman. But if, they will not be able to help, as they have a mild effect.

Nurofen, which is prescribed for severe pain, is unacceptable only in the early stages of pregnancy, as it lowers the level of amniotic fluid in the body.


It is better to refuse the use of Analgin immediately, as it can cause an allergic reaction and a significant decrease in hemoglobin.

Antispasmodics should not be used for periods up to thirteen weeks and in the last six. That is, only in the second trimester you can drink Papaverine or Spasmolgon, since otherwise it can lead to pathologies.

All drugs that have been approved by the doctor must be taken only in accordance with the dosage.

As for potent drugs, in this case a single dose is possible, but not more than one tablet.

Experts around the world advise pregnant women not to use pills for a period of less than 12 weeks, since the risks during this period are maximum.

In order to avoid problems with teeth, it is better to visit the dentist for the purpose of prevention as often as possible, since in this case the specialist will eliminate the problem before it starts to cause additional trouble for the mother and unborn baby.

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Of course, toothache is a condition that requires a mandatory visit to the doctor. But before visiting the dentist, you can try to help yourself with “home” remedies.

Toothache can be caused by various reasons. Most often, this symptom manifests itself in caries (progressive destruction of hard tissues of the tooth with the formation of a cavity), pulpitis (inflammation of the neurovascular bundle of the tooth), periodontitis (inflammation of the periodontium - tissues surrounding the tooth root). Painful sensations during caries occur when food enters the carious cavity, as well as cold or hot water, but after the elimination of the irritant, this unpleasant symptom immediately disappears. If at this stage you do not consult a dentist, then the carious process passes into the next stage - pulpitis, and then periodontitis.

A characteristic sign of pulpitis is an acute, spontaneous, paroxysmal pain in the tooth, aggravated at night or under the influence of temperature, chemical stimuli. After elimination of the irritant, the pain in the tooth does not immediately go away, but remains for a long period of time. When the infection passes from the tissues of the tooth to periodontal tissues (tissues surrounding the root of the tooth), periodontitis occurs.

Periodontitis is manifested by sharp pain in the area of ​​the affected tooth, which is aggravated by touching it. There is a feeling that the tooth has become, as it were, longer than the others. There is a headache, malaise, fever up to 37-37.5 ° C, redness and swelling of the mucous membrane around the affected tooth.

Why do expectant mothers have more toothaches? Pregnancy is always a change in hormonal levels. The result of this is a change in blood circulation in the skin and mucous membranes. This, in turn, contributes to the exacerbation or occurrence of periodontitis - inflammation of periodontal tissues. This happens so often that, according to statistics, most pregnant women suffer from gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) of varying severity.

Pregnancy is always accompanied by a change in calcium metabolism. Normally, in a healthy woman, these changes occur imperceptibly. If there are any problems in the body, the lack of calcium immediately makes itself felt. Early toxicosis, accompanied by vomiting, constant nausea and lack of appetite, leads to a decrease in the intake of calcium into the body. At the 6-7th month of pregnancy, the intensive growth of the skeleton of the unborn child begins. The lack of calcium in the blood of the mother leads to the activation of the process of resorption of her own bones. And the jaws are the first to suffer from this process. Alveolar processes that create a hole for the tooth lose calcium, which ultimately contributes to periodontitis,

In addition, pregnancy is a time of exacerbation of chronic diseases. Gastritis, duodenitis, enteritis, colitis - all this can lead to impaired absorption of calcium, which, in turn, causes a decrease in its level in the body. Teeth also lose calcium, more precisely, they receive less of it.

During pregnancy, as well as in many chronic diseases, the work of the salivary glands changes. It is in saliva that contains a "remineralizing" mixture of phosphates and calcium. Washing the teeth, saliva strengthens the enamel, preventing the occurrence of caries. In pregnant women, the protective properties of saliva are sharply reduced. Expectant mothers also have a weakened immune system. In the oral cavity, in connection with this, there is an intensive reproduction of microbes that cause caries. All these factors lead to an extremely high incidence of periodontitis, as well as caries.

help yourself

It is not always possible to go to a specialist immediately after a toothache. However, you can alleviate your condition at home. So what can you do at home?

In the event that you know which tooth is bothering you, you should first eliminate the traumatic agent that causes toothache, clean the carious cavity from a foreign body and food debris with a toothpick. Then, using tweezers, carefully place a cotton ball moistened with drops of Dent or another anesthetic on the bottom of the cavity.

With completely unbearable pain, you can take analgesics (painkillers) orally - no more than 1-2 tablets. The safest during pregnancy are drugs whose active ingredient is paracetamol. But it is impossible for a pregnant woman to take them uncontrollably for a long time, therefore, if possible, one should limit herself to a single dose.

With periodontitis and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gums, frequent rinsing with soda and salt solutions will help (dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of soda and 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water), furacilin (dissolve 3-4 tablets in a glass of warm water), potassium permanganate (2-3 crystals completely dissolved in a glass of warm water) or a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Rinsing with a solution of CHLOROHEXIDINE BIGLUCONATE has a good effect. These remedies relieve inflammation and have a disinfecting effect.

It is strictly forbidden to use warm compresses! This can only make the situation worse. Since one of the causes of toothache may be acute purulent periodontitis, when exposed to heat, a local purulent process (i.e., concentrated in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone tooth) can turn into a spilled form, in which nearby organs and tissues will be involved, which is unsafe for the health of women and children.

However, all these measures are temporary and do not solve the problem fundamentally. Only the establishment of the cause of the disease and special therapeutic measures will help get rid of toothache.

Don't take the pain!

There are a sufficient number of dental clinics operating around the clock. As soon as you have a toothache, do not wait until it passes, immediately contact a specialist: this will be the best solution for you and your baby.

How to brush your teeth properly

Start brushing your upper teeth from the outside. The brush must be positioned at an angle of 45 ° x of the tooth surface, the cleaning movements should first affect the gum, and then the tooth - this allows you to clean not only the crown of the tooth, but also, as if squeezing, remove dirt that accumulates between the gum and the tooth. Start cleaning with open dentition.

Perform 50 movements with sweeping movements in the vertical direction, then do the same for the teeth on the other side of the upper jaw. With sweeping movements in a vertical direction, brush the inner surfaces of the teeth facing the tongue (also 50 movements each).

Then start brushing the chewing surfaces of your teeth. It is necessary to perform about 30 movements in the direction from the periphery to the center on each side. Do all of this for the lower jaw teeth.

When brushing the front teeth, position the brush perpendicular to the dentition.

Finish brushing your teeth with gum massage, which is carried out with closed teeth. Gently massage the upper and lower gums with circular motions of the brush.

Brush your tongue with sweeping motions.

The entire brushing process should take at least 10 minutes. Keep an hourglass in the bathroom to help you navigate the time.

Any pathology of the dentoalveolar system, like toothache, regardless of whether a woman is pregnant or not, requires treatment by a dentist. But the specialist’s treatment also raises concerns: what if the drugs he uses will have a harmful effect on the intrauterine development of the child?

Most importantly, before starting treatment, a woman must inform the dentist that she is pregnant. This will allow the doctor to choose the most rational therapy.

Drugs used for local anesthesia (pain relief) most often have a short duration of action: for example, LIDOCAINE and ULTRACAINE are allowed to be used during pregnancy, since they do not penetrate the placental barrier and are therefore safe for the baby. Moreover, they are used in very small doses (about 2 ml) and are quickly excreted from the body. Preparations for direct treatment of teeth are also safe for the health of a pregnant woman and her child.

X-rays of the teeth during pregnancy are acceptable in case of urgent need, provided that the abdomen is covered with a lead apron to prevent exposure of the fetus to x-rays.

Before visiting the dentist, valerian preparations will help a woman relieve nervous tension. It is possible and necessary to treat the teeth of a pregnant woman, especially in case of acute pain!

If you decide to go to the dentist in a planned manner, and not for acute pain, then dental treatment is best done after 18 weeks of pregnancy, when the placenta is fully formed and is a barrier to the penetration of anesthetic and other dental preparations to the fetus.

The best treatment is prevention!

The sharply increasing need for minerals should be replenished through their consumption with food or in the form of complex vitamin-mineral preparations, the intake of which is mandatory for all pregnant women. And to maintain oral hygiene at the proper level, you need to make even more efforts. Timely replacement of a toothbrush (once a month), selection of paste - these are important points that a future mother needs to pay attention to. It is advisable to use two pastes. The first one contains micro and macro elements (calcium, fluorine, etc.) and antibacterial drugs (for example, triclosan). The second - with herbal ingredients (chamomile, oak bark, sage, fir). With the first paste, we help to some extent replenish the missing calcium and other mineral components in tooth enamel, with the second, we enable the body's defense mechanisms to fight inflammation on the oral mucosa and, in particular, on the gums. Pastes are best separated at the time of application. Let's say that the one with trace elements brush your teeth in the morning, and in the evening use a paste with herbal ingredients. Fluoridation is effective as a prevention of caries.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to visit the dentist twice (at the beginning and end of pregnancy). If you find yourself in a very small "hole" - do not put off a visit to the doctor.

As a professional preventive measure during pregnancy, the doctor may suggest covering the teeth with fluoride preparations, which will help maintain the integrity of the enamel without harm to the mother and unborn child. The main condition: this procedure should be done only in the clinic. No self-treatment!

Toothache can be caused by various reasons, most often the tooth starts to hurt due to carious lesions, and unfortunately, it can develop at the most inopportune time, including during pregnancy.

Causes of caries during pregnancy

Unfortunately, the situation toothache during pregnancy, is far from uncommon. During the period of gestation, various hormonal changes occur in the woman's body, which leads to some changes in blood circulation in the mucous membranes and skin. This phenomenon can lead to an exacerbation of chronic inflammatory processes in the gums and makes the teeth vulnerable.

During pregnancy, calcium metabolism changes, early toxicosis, vomiting, indigestion - all these are quite common symptoms in the early stages of pregnancy, and it is they that lead to the fact that the absorption of calcium entering the body is disturbed. From about the third trimester of pregnancy, the fetal skeleton begins to actively grow, and if the mother has a lack of calcium, the process of resorption and thinning of her own bones is activated. And first of all, the jaw apparatus and teeth suffer.

During the bearing of a child, various diseases of a chronic nature are often exacerbated: gastritis, colitis, enteritis, and so on. It also leads to impaired absorption of calcium by the body, and as a result - toothache during pregnancy.

Changes at this time and the work of the salivary glands. Saliva ceases to fulfill its main function: to wash the teeth with a mixture of calcium and phosphates, its protective functions are sharply reduced.

Caries can also provoke a general decrease in immunity, which is often observed in expectant mothers. In the oral cavity, bacteria and other microorganisms multiply more intensively, and this provokes inflammatory gum disease and the development of caries.

How to relieve pain at home

Naturally, if pain occurs, you should immediately go to the dentist. This is especially true in cases where a toothache during pregnancy. But sometimes it’s impossible to get to the doctor in the near future, and to relieve pain, you have to use improvised means and folk recipes.

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate all irritating factors, which in most cases are food debris that have fallen into the cavity of the affected tooth. If the pain caught you while eating, then you should stop eating, brush your teeth thoroughly and then rinse your mouth. As rinses, you can use plain warm water, decoctions of medicinal plants or various solutions that help relieve toothache. The simplest, most widely available and fairly effective remedies include ordinary soda or table salt. Such "medicines" will definitely be found in every housewife.

You can put a cotton swab moistened with tooth drops or clove oil into the carious cavity, and also put a “mask” of propolis on the gum around the diseased tooth - this substance has excellent anesthetics and its action is similar to that of novocaine.

If a toothache is completely unbearable during pregnancy, then you can take an analgesic. However, painkillers can only be taken on a one-time basis, otherwise you can harm the unborn child.

There is no need to endure pain, now there are a lot of dental clinics that provide reception even at night. Do not forget that a strong negative experience, which is essentially a toothache, has a negative impact not only on the female body, but also on the body of your baby.

In the dentist's office

In the event of any pathology of the dentoalveolar system or the condition of the oral mucosa, professional treatment by a dentist is necessary. Even in those periods when a woman is carrying a child. If your tooth hurts during pregnancy, go to the doctor as soon as possible, but do not forget to warn the specialist about your "interesting" situation. In modern dentistry, there are many safe drugs that allow for high-quality anesthesia during treatment, and at the same time completely harmless to the baby and mother.

Usually, dentists use drugs that cannot cross the placental barrier and are very quickly excreted from the body.

During pregnancy, if necessary, x-rays can also be taken. To protect the baby, the mother's stomach during this procedure is covered with a special lead apron, which prevents the penetration of x-rays.

Remove nervous tension before going to the doctor. Valerian preparations or a mild sedative such as Novopassit will help you with this.

If you came to the dentist for a routine checkup, and not for acute pain, then it is better to carry out dental treatment after the placenta is fully formed (18-20 weeks), it will serve as a natural barrier that protects the fetus from the penetration of painkillers that the doctor will use .


When a tooth hurts during pregnancy, this is not only a painful condition, but also a very negative factor for the development of the fetus. You can reduce the risk of caries if you take some preventive measures.

In consultation with the doctor who monitors the course of your pregnancy, take mineral-vitamin complexes, they will help make up for the lack of essential substances.

Carefully maintain oral hygiene, for brushing your teeth it is best to use two pastes alternately: one should be with a high content of fluoride and calcium, and the second with antibacterial drugs. After cleaning, you can use decoctions of chamomile, oak bark or sage as a means for rinsing your teeth.

Every pregnant woman should visit the dentist twice: at the beginning of pregnancy and closer to the third decade. The doctor will tell you individual means of prevention and rules for oral care during the period of bearing a child. But if suddenly in the intervals between planned visits you find any problems, then you need to go to the dentist immediately.

As an effective professional preventive measure, you may be advised to have your teeth fluoridated. This is a safe procedure and pregnancy is not a contraindication for it. Fluoridation will help keep your teeth healthy and greatly reduce your risk of developing cavities.

calcium deficiency

One of the most common problems that can be caused, including toothache, is calcium deficiency in the body. The growing body of the baby requires a large amount of this substance. The rudiments of teeth are formed in the child, the bone skeleton is formed, and if for some reason the mother consumes an insufficient amount of foods containing calcium or the process of absorption of this substance by the body is disturbed, then the bones of the pregnant woman begin to suffer. And first of all - the dentoalveolar system.

Already when registering during pregnancy, your doctor will tell you about the peculiarities of the diet during the period of bearing a child, advise you to consume more fermented milk products, enrich the diet with herbs, fruits, vegetables, and prescribe a vitamin-mineral complex. All these doctor's recommendations should be strictly followed. However, calcium is often poorly absorbed by the body, for example, with severe toxicosis or other diseases during pregnancy. In such situations, the doctor may prescribe an additional intake of calcium.

gum disease

Pain in the oral cavity can be caused by inflammatory processes in the gum tissues (may appear). Many pregnant women suffer from a disease such as gingivitis. This is not only unpleasant in itself and creates serious discomfort, but is also a factor that increases the risk of developing caries. If you have gum disease, then be sure to consult your dentist, do not wait until a toothache appears during pregnancy. The doctor will select safe medications for you to help cope with inflammation, and will advise you on products with a disinfecting and antiseptic effect that can be used for rinsing.

You can do salt water rinses on your own, using sea salt is especially useful. Do not forget about good oral hygiene, use a good paste, which includes such natural ingredients as peppermint, tea tree oil, etc. And do not forget about such an effective method of cleaning interdental spaces as dental floss.

If you buy a mouthwash in a pharmacy, then be sure to read the composition of the liquid. During pregnancy, it is impossible to use drugs that include sodium sulfate, alcohol and lauryl sulfate. Substances like these can cause allergic reactions and are not good for your growing baby.

Pregnancy and toothache at the same time, caused by a carious lesion

During pregnancy, the sensitivity threshold rises, and the pain of even minor carious damage is often quite difficult to endure. The best solution would be a visit to your dentist, because during the pain it is not only bad for the expectant mother, her baby also experiences serious discomfort. But if for some reason a visit to the doctor needs to be postponed, be sure to use home remedies to relieve toothache.

An excellent remedy that is guaranteed not to cause harm is rinsing with saline. Salt, especially sea salt, is a natural natural antiseptic, and with its help you can effectively reduce the number of pathogens in the oral cavity, reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

You can also use herbal decoctions. For toothache, calamus root, chamomile, sage, mint, oregano and calendula are good remedies. These decoctions have been used since ancient times, and they are good for removing swelling and reducing pain.

If the boulder in the teeth during pregnancy is too painful, then a cotton swab soaked in clove oil, peppermint oil or sea buckthorn can be placed in the carious cavity. You can relieve pain by placing a “temporary filling” of propolis or mummy on the tooth. These substances will not only reduce inflammation, but also completely eliminate pain. You may feel some numbness of the gums, as with the action of novocaine. Do not worry, this phenomenon is completely normal and will not harm you.

By the way, it is better to include onions and garlic in your daily diet. They will serve not only as a prevention against toothache, but also help reduce the risk of colds or viral infections.

While carrying a child, doctors do not recommend taking any medications unless absolutely necessary, but if the pain in the teeth of pregnancy is too painful, then you can take a pill that will alleviate the condition. But remember that such an event should be exclusively one-time. It is strictly unacceptable to “suppress” pain with pills every evening, and also to exceed the dosage indicated on the package.

And do not forget that all home remedies serve only to alleviate the condition for a short period of time. They do not eliminate the problem, the tooth remains damaged, and full treatment can only be carried out in the dental office.

A carious cavity is a constant source of infection that threatens not only you, but also the unborn child, therefore, it is highly recommended not to delay a visit to the dentist.

Coping without pills

You can relieve severe toothache with various rinses. A solution of baking soda, table salt, decoctions of St. John's wort, chamomile, sage, calendula or plantain are suitable for you. In any home first aid kit, there is sure to be some of the above herbs. And if not, then it will not be difficult for you to get table salt.

Such a lotion on the tooth relieves pain well: soak a cotton swab with vegetable oil, and apply a little Vietnamese star balm on top of it and attach the cotton wool to the gum, directly under the aching tooth.

A good analgesic effect has a kitchen seasoning of cloves. This remedy has been used for toothache since ancient times. It is necessary to crush the seasoning into a fine powder and sprinkle it on the cavity of a diseased tooth or gum. Gradually, the pain will begin to subside.

You can put garlic on a sore tooth, and also make a compress of chopped garlic on your wrist, where you usually feel the pulse. In this case, a bandage should be applied to the arm opposite to the side where the tooth that bothers you is located.

In the summer, plantain will help you get rid of a toothache. Squeeze the juice from the plant, soak a cotton swab in it and insert it into your ear. The pain will pass within half an hour.

For those who breed indoor plants, the leaves of Kalanchoe, aloe vera or pelargonium will help get rid of such a phenomenon as a toothache during pregnancy. Tear off the leaf and simply attach it to the gum. You can also squeeze the juice from these plants and apply a swab moistened with this juice to the tooth.

You can also apply a swab soaked in pharmacy tooth drops.


Toothache is a very negative factor that affects not only the condition of the expectant mother, but also the well-being of her baby. Therefore, you should get rid of such unpleasant and traumatic sensations as soon as possible.

If no folk remedy helps you, then you can use some painkillers. During pregnancy, you can relieve toothache with the help of no-shpa, as well as its analogue of the drug influenzastad. However, in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is worth using even such harmless medications with great care.

You can also drink paracetamol, half a pentalgin or tempalgin tablet. Some expectant mothers use remedies for toothache that are usually prescribed to children during those periods when they are teething. For example, the popular Kalgel ointment gives a slight freezing effect and reduces pain.

If the pain is very strong, then you can drink a ketane pill, but this should not become a habit for the expectant mother, any medications can be used as an anesthetic only as a one-time event that allows you to cope with the pain before visiting the doctor.

Rules for taking painkillers

Even if the toothache during pregnancy is very strong, it is better to try to cope with it without pills, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy, when the fetus is very vulnerable, and when all the vital organs of your baby are laid. After twelve weeks, the placenta will reliably protect the baby, and the negative effect of drugs on the fetus will not be so strong.

Ideally, all medications should be taken only after consultation and under the supervision of a doctor observing you, but if you have no other choice, then at least strictly follow the dosage indicated on each package of tablets.

Use the medicine only in case of real need, and as a one-time event. If you have a toothache during pregnancy, then you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. The sooner you do this, the sooner you will save yourself and your baby from negative emotions and discomfort.

Many women during the period of bearing a child are faced with various dental diseases. Some of them note the deterioration of the teeth, their rapid destruction during pregnancy. Sometimes a woman has a severe toothache, and often at a time when there is no way to see a doctor. It is not recommended to take medicines for the expectant mother. And then the question arises, if a tooth hurts during pregnancy, how to anesthetize it?

Why do pregnant women often have toothache?

As you know, during pregnancy, a woman's immunity decreases. This is specially created by nature so that the mother's body does not reject the fetus. However, this condition makes a woman vulnerable to many diseases. In the oral cavity, opportunistic microflora begins to actively multiply, provoking gum disease and the development of caries. In addition, the qualitative composition of saliva changes, which weakens its protective function.

In addition, hormonal changes lead to changes in blood circulation in the mucous tissues. This contributes to the exacerbation of chronic inflammatory processes, including in the oral cavity.

Increased fetal intake of calcium from the mother's body can cause tooth decay. Early toxicosis, frequent vomiting, digestive disorders during pregnancy are provoking factors for calcium absorption disorders.

All of the above reasons lead to the fact that a pregnant woman has toothache quite often.

What to do if a pregnant woman has a toothache?

If your tooth hurts, it is best to seek help from a doctor. However, there are situations when it is not possible to get qualified medical care. In many cases, you can get rid of a toothache or at least reduce it with the help of home remedies.

So, what to do if a tooth hurts during pregnancy? First you need to eliminate the cause that caused the pain. Quite often, these are the remnants of food that are stuck in the tooth or between the teeth. After that, it is recommended to brush your teeth with toothpaste and rinse your mouth. To relieve pain, you can use one of the traditional medicine recipes:

  • Rinsing with infusions of medicinal herbs. A tablespoon of dried herbs or a mixture of herbs (sage, calendula, chamomile, plantain, St. John's wort) pour 100 ml of boiling water. Insist 15-20 minutes, filter. Rinse the mouth 5-6 times a day;
  • Fir oil compress. A piece of cotton wool is moistened with fir oil. Apply to the gum near the diseased tooth for 10 minutes from the side of the cheek, then for 10 minutes from the side of the tongue. After that, the swab is thrown away. If necessary, repeat the procedure after 5-6 hours;
  • Therapeutic swab. If there is a cavity in the tooth, you can put a swab moistened with clove oil or tooth drops into it and hold until the pain subsides. Instead of a cotton swab, you can use a piece of propolis, the size of a pea. To make propolis softer, it is preheated to 60-70 ° C;
  • Iodine-salt rinse. In warm water (200 ml) dissolve a teaspoon of salt, add 5-6 drops of iodine. Rinse with a solution 3-4 times a day.

Sometimes no home remedies can help relieve a toothache. If a tooth hurts a lot during pregnancy, and there is no way to immediately consult a doctor, you can take an anesthetic. Paracetamol-based drugs are the safest for the expectant mother, although they should not be abused. You can drink half a tablet of Pentalgin or Tempalgin. No-shpa and its analogue Drotaverin are considered a relatively safe medicine for a pregnant woman, however, it is advisable not to take these drugs without the approval of a doctor.

Many are helped by special means for relieving toothache in infants during teething, for example, Kalgel. They lubricate the gum near the diseased tooth, and a slight freezing effect reduces pain.

All of the above remedies can only be used for temporary relief of toothache. As soon as possible, the expectant mother should seek dental care. Do not be afraid that the treatment can harm the course of pregnancy or the baby. Modern dentistry has tools and preparations that do not adversely affect the body of a woman and her fetus. Therefore, if a tooth hurts during pregnancy, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Sometimes only timely treatment can save the tooth and avoid the complications of inflammation.

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