Hemorrhoidal suppositories with propolis. Rectal suppositories with propolis in the treatment of hemorrhoids. homemade rectal suppositories

As an antibacterial and immunostimulating agent, bee products have no equal. A natural remedy is used in the treatment of various diseases of an inflammatory nature, including pathologies of the genitourinary system. Candles with propolis for prostatitis is a universal remedy with a unique therapeutic effect that you can prepare yourself.

Candles with propolis for prostatitis can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared at home. The finished product presented in the pharmacy, regardless of the name and the pharmaceutical manufacturer, always has the same composition - it is a natural fat base and propolis. It is possible to add other components of anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating action - plant extracts, therapeutic mud, oil solutions of vitamins.

Propolis is valuable primarily for its anti-inflammatory properties.

The effectiveness of propolis, as the main substance of rectal suppositories, is due to anti-inflammatory properties. Candles with propolis from prostatitis contribute to:

  • reduction of the inflammatory process;
  • increase local immunity;
  • normalization of metabolic processes in tissues;
  • improvement of organ trophism.

The remedy can be used for prostatitis of any nature, however, propolis suppositories for chronic non-infectious prostatitis are the most effective. In this case, the immunomodulatory therapeutic effect of the drug is important, thanks to which it is possible not only to improve well-being, but also to reduce the frequency of exacerbations of the disease.

When administered rectally, suppositories based on propolis improve the trophism of the prostate gland. This is manifested by an improvement in blood circulation, removal of puffiness and normalization of the outflow of secretions from the inflamed organ. Propolis has a regenerating effect, contributing to the restoration of damaged tissues. In addition, the tool serves as an effective way to prevent the degeneration of prostate cells into malignant ones. As a prophylactic, propolis is indicated for all men with prostate adenoma or a predisposition to such a pathology. With adenoma, propolis helps to stop the increase in hyperplasia and improve the functionality of the organ.

Propolis acts directly on the cells of the organ, thereby providing a complex effect on the prostate gland. With congestive prostatitis, the use of suppositories for the treatment and prevention of exacerbations allows you to completely get rid of the symptoms in a short time.

One of the main features of the product is a safe natural composition. Candles are suitable for everyone, except for cases of allergies to bee products. At the same time, unlike synthetic drugs, the drug does not cause side effects and is well tolerated by the body.

Propolis DN

One of the popular drugs that deserve completely positive reviews among men is Propolis DN suppositories. The composition of the drug is very simple - vaseline and natural propolis. Candles are intended for rectal administration. The range of application of the drug is very wide - from hemorrhoids to SARS.

Due to the antiviral and antimicrobial properties, suppositories are used for many diseases.

With prostatitis, the medicine is used to quickly stop the inflammatory process. The tool has a high antiviral and antibacterial activity. With infectious prostatitis, it is used for 10 days, one suppository at bedtime. At the same time, it is important to take antibiotics in tablets recommended by the attending physician, since propolis greatly increases their effectiveness.

In chronic sluggish congestive or non-infectious prostatitis, it is indicated to use suppositories for a month.

Suppositories are small in size, conveniently inserted, do not cause discomfort. The release of the main active substance begins under the influence of body heat and continues until the candle is completely dissolved.


The popular drug Gemo-Pro contains therapeutic mud, propolis, extracts of medicinal plants and cocoa butter. With prostatitis, the drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, improves the functionality of the organ and increases local immunity.

The main feature of the drug is the extract of St. John's wort in the composition. This plant increases potency. With prostatitis, a decrease in libido and a weakening of erection are often observed. Gemo-Pro suppositories normalize these processes by improving the tone of the prostate gland.

The main formative substance of the drug is cocoa butter. The remedy softens the rectum when administered rectally, thereby facilitating well-being with hemorrhoids and preventing the development of this disease.

The drug has a complex effect on the pelvic organs, therefore, when it is used, an improvement in the functioning of this area is noted.

Scheme for the use of suppositories - 1 suppository rectally at night for three weeks. It is used for the treatment of bacterial and non-infectious prostatitis, for the prevention of exacerbations and for prostate adenoma.

Hemo-Pro has a beneficial effect on all organs of the small pelvis


The first place among suppositories from prostatitis is occupied by Prostopin suppositories. The medicine is designed specifically for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland. As part of suppositories from prostatitis with propolis - honey, royal jelly and pollen. This composition provides:

  • pronounced anti-inflammatory effect;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • improvement of local immunity;
  • stimulation of the restoration of prostate cells;
  • enhancing the action of antibiotics.

The drug is an important component of the complex treatment of prostatitis, as it greatly enhances the effect of any drugs used in the treatment of this disease. Propolis suppositories are administered rectally at night for 15 days.

Due to the large number of bee products in the composition of the drug, the development of negative side reactions, manifested by allergies, is possible. If any non-specific symptoms appear, the drug should be discontinued.

Propolis D with dimexide

The drug Propolis D with dimexide is the candles Propolis DN, but only with an added composition. Dimexide improves blood circulation and acts as a transport for the medicinal components of the drug, delivering them directly to the inflamed organ. The drug has a pronounced anti-edematous effect, stimulates the restoration of damaged organ cells and improves overall well-being.

Due to analgesic properties, the drug is used for violation of urination and spastic pain in the perineum. Unlike other candles, it has a number of contraindications, since dimexide is a potent remedy.

Propolis D with dimexide has contraindications

Dimexide has a pronounced antiseptic effect, due to which the drug is used for infectious and fungal prostatitis.

The treatment regimen is one candle for two weeks. On doctor's orders, the course can be extended for another two weeks.

Reviews of patients who used these suppositories for the treatment of prostatitis and the prevention of exacerbations testify to the high effectiveness of the drug.

Candles Phyto-propolis

As part of the drug, in addition to propolis, there are extracts of medicinal plants that have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. The basis of suppositories is natural cocoa butter. The drug can be used both for the treatment and for the prevention of inflammation of the prostate gland. Additionally, it is prescribed as an adjuvant in the treatment of prostate adenoma.

The medicine quickly relieves inflammation and has an analgesic effect. In acute bacterial prostatitis, it is used in conjunction with antibiotics for three weeks. With non-infectious inflammation, suppositories are placed for four weeks. The recommended dosage is one suppository at bedtime.

homemade candle recipe

If the pharmacy does not have the necessary drugs, prepare candles with your own hands. Compared to ready-made suppositories, homemade suppositories are no less effective. Making the medicine does not require any skill or rare ingredients.

There are two methods for preparing suppositories for prostatitis at home.

  1. The first recipe for cooking is to finely chop 50 g of propolis with a knife. At this time, 200 g of any fat should be melted in a water bath; lanolin or cocoa butter can also be used. Stirring constantly, it is necessary to pour crushed propolis into a container with fat and wait for it to dissolve completely. Then the mass should be poured onto cling film and put in the refrigerator. After 15-20 minutes, when the mass begins to harden, you should roll up the sausage and leave to cool. After 2-3 hours, it is necessary to cut the sausage into small suppositories, each weighing about 10 g. Each candle should be wrapped in cling film and stored in the freezer.
  2. For the second recipe, you will need an alcohol tincture of propolis, which is easy to purchase at a pharmacy. Otherwise, the candles are prepared in the same way as the medicine with fresh propolis. To do this, melt any fat (200 g), mix with tincture, cool and cut into small slices.

Candles are easy to make

Homemade suppositories should be used daily by inserting the suppository into the rectal opening at bedtime. The course of treatment is from 10 to 30 days, depending on the symptoms and nature of the disease.

With bacterial prostatitis, suppositories are administered daily. The course of treatment is short - no more than 10 days. In chronic non-infectious inflammation of the prostate gland, suppositories are administered daily for a month, or every other day, but for 60 days.

The cost of packaging suppositories with propolis is approximately the same for various preparations, and is about 300 rubles for 10 suppositories. With self-preparation, the cost of 10 candles does not exceed 100 rubles.

Candles with propolis are used in addition to drug therapy. Propolis, like other bee products, promotes better absorption of the components of medicines taken by the patient. For this purpose, urologists often combine taking antibiotics in tablets with rectal administration of suppositories, since such a treatment regimen greatly increases the therapeutic effect of antibacterial drugs. As practice shows, the combination of an antibiotic with propolis allows you to achieve a pronounced therapeutic effect in about one week.

Candles must be administered rectally. Wash your hands thoroughly before removing the suppository from the package. To facilitate the introduction of the drug, it is recommended to lie on your side, pressing your legs bent at the knees to your chest.

To get the expected result, it is necessary to use suppositories regularly. Even if after a few days the symptoms subsided, it is important to complete the therapeutic course without skipping the administration of the drug.

Precautionary measures

Propolis-based rectal suppositories cannot be used in case of intolerance to bee products. Otherwise, the development of an extensive allergic reaction is possible, up to Quincke's edema. Propolis stimulates the immune system, so candles cannot be used for oncology. Otherwise, improved immune defenses will lead to rapid tumor growth and disease progression. Otherwise, there are no more contraindications, however, before you start using the drug, you should consult your doctor.

With the introduction of candles, there is no discomfort. But before starting treatment, you should carefully study the composition and exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction. In some cases, allergic symptoms may appear - urticaria, itching and swelling of the skin. In this case, symptomatic therapy and drug withdrawal are indicated.

Until August 10 The Institute of Urology together with the Ministry of Health are implementing the program "Russia without prostatitis". Within which the drug is available at a reduced price of 99 rubles. , to all residents of the city and region!

Candles with propolis have been successfully used on an industrial scale for the treatment of proctological diseases. These drugs help to cope with the manifestations of pathology.

Candles for hemorrhoids with propolis have one, but a huge advantage - the possibility of cooking at home, which is confirmed by the quality, action and effectiveness of the drug.

Healing properties

Propolis suppositories and hemorrhoid ointment are able to suppress the activity of bacteria that provoke proctological pathology. Propolis contains many useful properties.

The action of bee glue is presented in the table:

Active substance



They have an antibacterial effect, reduce the permeability and fragility of capillaries, inhibit blood clotting. They have antioxidant, antiviral, anti-inflammatory effects. Prevents the breakdown of vitamin C.


Causes a decrease in the survival of tumor cells. It acts on hemorrhoidal cones by suppressing microbes, has an antiviral effect.

Suppresses Helicobacter pylori, antitumor.


Relieves spasms, acts against benign and malignant formations.

Organic acids (benzoic, caffeic, ferulic and others)

Antimicrobial, antiviral and antitumor.


Antioxidant, antifungal, antiviral.

Amino acids (leucine, lysine, methionine, 3-methi-histidine, orinithine, proline, serine, alanine, cystitis, etc.). There are 27 amino acids in total.

Necessary for protein synthesis, restore metabolism.

The product also contains vitamins (tocopherol, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid and ascorbic acid). Together, these components can permanently relieve hemorrhoids.

Ointments, infusions and suppositories based on propolis are characterized by strong pain relief, improve tissue self-healing, and contribute to the splitting of hemorrhoidal bumps.

Indications for use

Propolis from hemorrhoids is prescribed for women and men. The bee product is allowed to be used even during pregnancy, due to the absence of a negative effect on the body of the mother and fetus.

Candles and propolis ointment are allowed to be used in the following cases:

  • prevention of thrombosis;
  • at the first and late stages with hemorrhoids and rectal fissures;
  • with colitis of the intestine;
  • if there is inflammation of the anorectal zone;
  • vaginitis;
  • endometriosis;
  • uterine myoma.

Propolis suppositories help in the treatment of internal hemorrhoids. For the treatment of external nodes, ointments and lotions from tinctures should be used, but unlike suppositories, these drugs can be used against bumps inside the rectum. With propolis, the treatment of hemorrhoids will go faster.

Some medicines in the form of suppositories are more effective in the treatment of certain pathological conditions.

For example, Propolis DN candles are used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, in dental practice, as well as for skin and fungal pathologies.

Phytoric suppositories with propolis are prescribed against anal fissures, cervical erosion, hemorrhoids, urethritis, cystitis and prostatitis. The drug can be used rectally and vaginally as an addition to complex therapy.

Overview of medicines and prices

You can buy suppositories at any pharmacy. Some drugs require a prescription, so check with your doctor before buying. The doctor will prescribe the most suitable of propolis for hemorrhoids.

The list of the most popular and proven drugs:

  1. Prostopin consists of royal jelly, mountain honey, pollen, pollen and bee glue. These suppositories are used rectally for inflammation of the prostate gland, urethra, the presence of hemorrhoidal bumps, ulcerative colitis and fissures in the anorectal region. For the treatment of proctological pathologies, 1 suppository is administered at bedtime. Treatment lasts 15-30 days. The cost is 617 rubles.
  2. - suppositories based on the extract of the healing mud of Lake Tambukan. Used in the complex therapy of prostatitis, rectal ulcers, fissures, hemorrhoids. The price of the drug varies between 280–360 rubles.
  3. Phyto-Propolis used rectally. Helps with benign prostatic hyperplasia, inflammation of the prostate. The cost of the medicine is about 200 rubles.
  4. Kyzyl may- the best kind of suppositories from propolis from hemorrhoids. The composition of the drug contains extracts of medicinal plants. They are also allowed to be used for inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, ectopia, colitis, proctitis.
  5. got its name because of the composition, which includes bee glue and healing mud of Tambukan Lake. The cost of 10 suppositories is 410 rubles.
  6. Monfarm Produced in packs of 10 candles. The medication is used rectally and vaginally. Suppositories are intended for the treatment of proctological and gynecological diseases. Usually used in the complex therapy of prostate adenoma. The price of the medication is 95 rubles.

Propolis for hemorrhoids, prostatitis, uterine myoma and other proctological diseases is considered the best remedy.

These drugs can be purchased without a prescription from your doctor.

Correct use

Propolis suppositories are inserted into the rectum or vagina. The drug is used after hygiene procedures.


  • the perineum is washed with warm water and soap;
  • when administered rectally, an enema using anti-inflammatory herbs (chamomile chamomile) should be done so as not to cause irritation, or a laxative should be taken.

Wash your hands thoroughly before using propolis suppositories. It is necessary to lie on one side and insert a suppository with propolis into the vagina or rectum with the help of the index finger. You should push the drug as far as possible. After using the suppository, you need to lie on your side for 20-30 minutes.

With an advanced stage of hemorrhoids, propolis will not help, only surgical treatment.

The use of all suppositories from propolis for hemorrhoids and other pathologies is the same, the use of drugs is carried out according to the above instructions.

Preparing your own medicine

Rectal suppositories with propolis can be prepared at home. Medicines should be prepared in accordance with the annotation (instruction). It is important to weigh all the ingredients, and not put "by eye".

Medicine #1

At home, it can be carried out only after consulting a doctor. Show the doctor the recipe, it is important to make sure that suppositories prepared by yourself will not cause harm.

Recipe for suppositories:

  • 80 g of lanolin, petroleum jelly, cocoa butter;
  • 20 g of bee glue;
  • special paper for suppositories.

It is necessary to put cocoa butter, petroleum jelly and lanolin in a water bath. After melting the ingredients, add glue to them, mix the mass well.

Pour the mixture into the prepared funnel molds. Put the medicine in a cold place. It is allowed to use in proctology during pregnancy.

How to treat hemorrhoids with propolis? Enter suppositories at bedtime, 1 suppository rectally. Treatment of hemorrhoids with propolis lasts 10-12 days.

Medicine #2

Propolis with colitis is drunk three times a day 1 hour before meals. Use 20 drops of a 30% alcohol infusion based on a bee product.

  • grind 10 g of bee glue, pour cold boiled water;
  • after the wax and impurities rise to the surface, the water is drained;
  • dry the remaining product, pour 100 ml of 96% alcohol;
  • insist 2 days, shake occasionally.

Treatment of colitis with propolis is 3-4 weeks. Improvement occurs ten days after the start of the use of alcohol tincture.

This remedy should not be used during pregnancy. Propolis tincture for hemorrhoids is stored for up to two years, if you keep the tincture in a dark place.

Other means from a bee product

A variety of medicines allows you to choose the right remedy in each individual case. Many patients prefer propolis ointment. The drug can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently.

  • grind 15 g of bee product;
  • mix with 100 ml of olive oil;
  • put in a water bath.

The mixture is cooked for 1 hour, during the cooking period, stir the mass. Place the medicine in a cool place. Apply the cooled agent to the hemorrhoids 3 times a day, securing with a gauze bandage.

It is quickly possible to cure hemorrhoids with propolis, use lotions and microclysters in combination with ointments. effective in the treatment of internal nodes.

Prepare as follows:

  • 1 st. l. strawberry leaves are steamed with 200 ml of boiling water;
  • add 1 tsp to the cooled product. 10% aqueous extract of bee product.

The medicine is infused for 20 minutes, then injected into the rectum with a rubber pear. Microclysters should be used daily at bedtime.


Propolis treatment of hemorrhoids is not allowed for all patients.

Medicines based on a bee product are contraindicated in such situations:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drugs;
  • congenital allergy to bee products.

Approximately 0.05% of people have a similar predisposition to drugs. The use of medications should be stopped immediately if side effects appear: headache, weakness, increased body temperature, burning, itching, redness.

Depends on the individual parameters of the patient. Most suppositories are sold without a prescription, but it is undesirable to use medicines without medical advice.

Candles with propolis for prostatitis is a remedy that has long established itself as a simple and budgetary medicine to get rid of such a delicate problem. Reviews about this method of treatment are diverse, but most of them claim that the therapy helped patients and quickly relieved pain.

The main plus of candles is that the main ingredient and other medicinal herbs in the composition practically do not cause an allergic reaction or other side effects.

Description of the drug

Propolis is a natural component that bees collect from a number of trees and then use to strengthen their hives. The product contains flavonoids, fatty acids and vitamins. Propolis is used both in urology and in other areas: dermatology, dentistry and surgery. This substance quickly heals wounds and relieves inflammation, and also has an antibiotic effect on the body.

A wide range of propolis uses is also explained by the fact that it often does not cause allergies and does not cause such severe side effects on the body as antibiotics or hormonal agents.

With this ailment, home-made paste made from honey and propolis will help well. This medicine is used inside. At the same time, it is good to combine it with rectal suppositories, but in no case be combined with other propolis-containing products. Candles are usually combined with a pure beekeeping substance, which is chewed for half an hour 3 times a day.

Rectal preparations from propolis, when administered, are rapidly absorbed into the blood near the prostate gland. The substance dissolves under the influence of body temperature, and the ingredients in the composition eventually spread further into the rectum and pelvic organs. Thus, propolis has a bactericidal effect, stopping the development of further inflammation in the prostate area, and also relieves pain during urination, increases potency.

Treatment of prostatitis with propolis in comparison with other drugs has several advantages:

  1. Propolis has a faster and more effective effect on the body, since it is injected directly into the site of inflammation.
  2. The introduction of candles, although not a very pleasant procedure, however, propolis and wax in the composition quickly dissolve and distribute inside, reducing pain to a minimum. While antibiotics leave inflammation on the skin, they remain sore even after application.
  3. All suppositories with propolis for prostatitis (homemade and purchased) contain identical components, which significantly reduces the risk of developing allergic reactions. The only precaution is to check for hypersensitivity to propolis, wax and other products produced by bees.
  4. The price of a candle is much lower than the cost of antibacterial drugs.

Popular pharmacy products

The pharmacy selection of candles is quite extensive. Let's consider some of them.

Propolis DN

Propolis DN consists of the following components: resins, wax, various tannins and essential oils, pollen, amino acids and vitamins. The box contains 6 suppositories. Propolis DN relieves dental, viral and skin inflammations, and is effective against prostatitis.

Among the contraindications is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and age up to 18 years. During pregnancy and lactation, it is advisable to first consult with a specialist. Instructions for use: 1 suppository is administered rectally 3 times a day. The procedure is carried out in a course, the duration of which is 10 days. For prophylaxis, patients should inject rectally 3 times a day. This is done within 30 days.

The domestic drug Gemo-Pro has a combined spectrum of action. Usually, doctors prescribe such suppositories for gynecological problems and prostatitis. The product includes the following components: herbs (St. John's wort and rue), a special substance taken from Lake Tambukan, as well as propolis and sea buckthorn oil.

There are 10 suppositories in a box. In addition to male problems, they relieve hemorrhoids, ulcers, and various gynecological female ailments. Among the contraindications is also sensitivity to certain components. The instruction advises: to introduce a candle at night, be sure to first carry out all hygiene procedures. The course of treatment will depend on the individual characteristics of the organism and the degree of neglect of the disease - 10-30 days.


Prostopin contains the following components: propolis and wax, queen bee milk, pollen from flowers, dried wax and pepper, cocoa butter. The tool treats urological and proctological diseases, and also increases the body's resistance to disease, strengthens it and tones it. Method of application: after an enema or natural bowel movement, 1 suppository must be administered at night. The course of treatment will be 15-20 days, but after a few months it is desirable to repeat the treatment.

Propolis D suppositories contain the following ingredients:

  • Cacao butter;
  • Dimexide.

The drug is used to treat gynecological, proctological and urological problems. Method of application for prostatitis (for other types of therapy will be different): several monthly courses with a break of 1-2 months. At night, before the introduction of a candle, you need to sit in a warm bath for 10-15 minutes.


As part of Phyto-propolis, you can find the following components: medicinal plants (chamomile, calendula) and black poplar buds, as well as wax and cocoa butter. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and is 10-30 days. The candle is administered rectally 1-2 times a day on the recommendation of the attending physician.

Do-it-yourself medicine preparation

There are several ways to form propolis suppositories from prostatitis with your own hands.

Recipe #1

You will need the following products:

  • Fat (any) or lanolin (wax obtained during the digestion of sheep's wool) - 200 g;
  • Propolis - 50 g;
  • Wax - about 50 g.

Melt the fat to a watery state, add propolis and stir until completely dissolved. Then chopped wax should be thrown into the mass (you can add 50 g, it will add hardness and the candle will not spread in your hands). Mix thoroughly, pour the rest into a new container and leave to cool completely. Finally, separate the mixture and form each part into a candle. Keep in refrigerator.

Recipe #2

You need to prepare the following components:

  • Alcohol - 220 ml;
  • Fat (any, even butter) - 200 g;
  • Propolis - 40 g.

Mix propolis and alcohol. Leave the resulting mass to infuse for 10 days, shaking the mixture from time to time. After this time, boil the mass until the alcohol evaporates, until the consistency becomes brownish. Add all the fat and, stirring, melt. Spread the cooled mass over the foil and form candles. Keep in refrigerator.

Recipe #3

For the third option you need:

  • Propolis - 40 g.

Melt all the ingredients in a porcelain (required) cup in a ratio of 5:1:2. Wait until everything cools down, add the main ingredient - propolis, form candles in parchment paper and refrigerate.

Recipe #4

The fourth recipe requires the following ingredients: sea buckthorn or almond oil (200 g) and propolis (40 g). To prepare, you need to mix 2 ingredients and dissolve in a water bath. This method involves the introduction into the rectum, so 5 ml of the mixture is drawn into a five-cc syringe, injected into the catheter and injected into the intestine by 7 cm.

Recipe number 5

The fifth recipe requires the use of vaseline (10 g) and propolis (1 g). Melt vaseline and add propolis to it. Cool the mass and form candles by wrapping them in foil and sending them to the freezer. After solidification, the medicine can be moved to the refrigerator.

Also, homemade prescription candles can be ordered at specialized pharmacies.

They will contain cocoa butter, butyrol, paraffin and various other therapeutic mixtures. Most often, native propolis is added to the composition, but liquid propolis can also be taken, then the amount of fat and propolis itself will be used in a 4: 1 ratio.

How to form candles

To form candles from any recipe, you can use the standard scheme:

  1. Cover the surface with wax paper, polyethylene or foil;
  2. Put a small piece of the mixture on it and roll it into a sausage about 1 cm;
  3. Cut the future candle into pieces 3 cm long;
  4. Sharpen the ends and, wrapping in the selected paper, send to the refrigerator;
  5. In the manufacture of any candle, pay special attention to the tips, which should be slightly pointed, but not sharp, so as not to injure the skin during insertion.


This complex of treatment should be prescribed only by the attending physician, since some of the factors affecting the disease on the body cannot be removed only with the help of candles.

Propolis is a unique and absolutely natural substance, a waste product of bees, which is sometimes called bee glue. Needed to cover the walls of the hives and form honeycombs.

The product has antimicrobial, regenerating, nutritional properties, contains a complex of useful substances: glycosides, flavonoids, terpenes. The composition includes valuable amino acids and vitamins.

Propolis is widely used in medicine and cosmetology, it is also indispensable for.

When used correctly, the drug is able to:

Propolis is part of the capsules. Rectal suppositories are also very useful, allowing you to quickly convey the valuable components of the product to the affected areas.

Candles with propolis from hemorrhoids act locally, without affecting the functioning of organs and without accumulating in tissues. The components of the drug do not enter the bloodstream and are completely eliminated from the body after 10-12 hours.

The principle of action of propolis suppositories from hemorrhoids is simple. After introduction into the rectum, the fatty base of the suppositories begins to melt, the active substances are released and absorbed into the tissues.

After 10-15 minutes, the pain subsides, the burning sensation and other unpleasant symptoms disappear. After 2-3 hours, swelling subsides, the patient feels much better.

After a few sessions, small internal tears are tightened, bleeding stops. Suppositories for hemorrhoids based on propolis slightly irritate the walls of the rectum, tone them up and improve defecation.

At the same time, fatty components envelop the internal surfaces, preventing them from being traumatized by solid feces.

The drug is effective not only with, but also with. It helps to heal deep anal fissures, copes with protruding nodes, reducing their size and freeing the lumen of the rectum.

For a more active effect after the introduction of suppositories, the anus area is recommended to be lubricated with an ointment or cream with propolis.

Now that you know a little more about propolis suppositories for hemorrhoids, instructions for use are the next topic that we will cover in the section below.

Application scheme

Candles with propolis are non-toxic, have a minimum of contraindications and are suitable even for debilitated patients, adolescents, and the elderly. They are prescribed in the postoperative period, used for prophylactic purposes.

The course and dosage depend on the general condition of the patient. Accurate indications are given by a proctologist.

The standard regimen is designed for 14 days, up to 3 suppositories can be administered per day. For preventive purposes, a single administration is practiced.

Before the procedure, the anus area is thoroughly cleaned with warm water, it is advisable to empty the intestines on their own or. Before the introduction, the suppository is moistened with water or lubricated with petroleum jelly.

It is more convenient to insert the suppository in the supine position, after the introduction you need to relax and lie down for 15-30 minutes. The anus area is covered with a gauze napkin that protects the underwear.

Contraindications and side effects

Candles with propolis from hemorrhoids are well absorbed by the body and do not affect the functioning of the liver, kidneys, stomach. There are few contraindications for use.

The main problem is an allergic reaction to bee products. It is expressed in local swelling, burning, itching, redness in the anus.

In severe cases, nausea, dizziness, and even Quincke's edema are possible. If unpleasant symptoms are detected, the course of treatment should be interrupted.

Important! With prolonged use, a rash around the anus, peeling of the skin, slight itching is possible. You can remove side effects with cool lotions with a decoction of chamomile.

Industrial preparations

On sale you can find various versions of suppositories with propolis, supplemented with natural oils, wound healing, hemostatic, vascular strengthening components. All drugs are sold without a prescription, but it is better to use them under the supervision of a doctor.

Below is a list with the characteristics of the most popular suppositories for hemorrhoids with propolis, the names of these drugs:

homemade suppositories

Rectal suppositories can be made at home. It is better to make them in batches necessary to complete the full course.

How to make candles from propolis for the treatment of hemorrhoids with your own hands? For making 15 candles you need to purchase 7.5 g of propolis, 22.5 g of cocoa butter, 12 g of anhydrous lanolin. The necessary components are sold in natural food stores and pharmacies.

Step-by-step instruction:

Advice: The candle is removed immediately before use and immediately inserted into the anus. It is not recommended to store homemade suppositories for a long time, they must be used within 7-10 days after preparation.


Candles with propolis are an easy-to-use multifunctional remedy that fits well into any treatment regimen.

The drug is used to treat various forms of hemorrhoids, prevention and recovery after surgery.

Useful video

The short video below will help you learn more about making your own propolis candles:

Propolis suppositories are a complex of preparations based on herbal ingredients that contain the same active ingredient and are available in the form of suppositories for insertion into the rectum or vagina.

All candles based on propolis include an active substance - a beekeeping product. Most candles contain only propolis mixed with a fatty substance (usually cocoa butter).

There are also other types of suppositories, which, in addition to propolis, contain other healing components. These include candles with Tambukan mud and propolis, with Dimexide, with sea buckthorn and propolis, with royal jelly, etc.

Additional biologically active substances do not change the beneficial properties of the drug, they improve and expand the therapeutic effect of propolis.

What is the benefit of propolis?

Propolis has been used in medicine for a long time. It contains a complete set of minerals necessary for human health, vitamins B, C, H, P, flavonoids, essential oils, amino acids and other valuable substances.

Useful properties of propolis:

  • Antibacterial effect.
  • Removal of inflammation.
  • Light analgesic effect.
  • Improved tissue regeneration.

In addition, propolis suppositories have a beneficial effect on the blood circulation process, help get rid of blood stasis and contribute to its thinning.

The use of such suppositories improves the discharge of blood from the veins of the rectum, which has the effect of reducing hemorrhoids.

The completely natural composition and mild action allows the use of propolis suppositories during pregnancy for the treatment of hemorrhoids and other problems of the rectum.

The only drawback of the component is the risk of allergic reactions.

Indications for use

Candles with propolis extract are used in the following cases:

Any brand of propolis suppositories will be suitable for the treatment of these problems. However, some types of suppositories are more effective in the treatment of certain diseases.

For example, to eliminate "female" diseases, it is better to take gynecological suppositories with propolis Kyzylmay, Prostopin or Tambukan - they help with inflammatory processes in the female genital organs.

From chronic prostatitis, it is worth taking Propolis D suppositories.

Application in proctology

Beekeeping products have many beneficial therapeutic effects used in the complex therapy of inflammatory and infectious diseases.

So, rectal suppositories with propolis successfully relieve hemorrhoids. They quickly and effectively eliminate pain, inflammation, relieve itching and swelling, accelerate skin regeneration in the area of ​​hemorrhoids.

In addition, hemorrhoid suppositories based on propolis have a positive effect on blood clotting, normalizing it, which is the prevention of thrombosis, a common complication of the disease.

Hemorrhoidal suppositories with propolis have an antimicrobial effect, destroy pathogenic bacteria, which reduces the risk of developing an inflammatory process in the "nodes", the colon and the skin around the anus.

It is also worth noting that, using suppositories with propolis from hemorrhoids, you can significantly speed up the process of tissue repair, healing of the rectal mucosa, and as a result, they can be used as hemostatic suppositories with small bleeding from hemorrhoids.

Moreover, suppositories give a positive healing effect for hemorrhoids of any severity.

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, propolis suppositories should be injected daily into the anus after the defecation process. The duration of the course is 20-30 days.

It should be borne in mind that not always only suppositories will be enough to eliminate the disease, which means that therapy should be carried out only under the supervision of a proctologist, who can prescribe additional drugs and procedures if necessary.

Instructions for use

Propolis candles are used at home. They are administered rectally or vaginally (depending on the disease) after hygiene procedures (washing the perineum with soap and warm water).

When administered rectally, before using suppositories, it is required to first defecate naturally or with an enema / laxative.

If suppositories are used vaginally, do not enter them during menstruation. At the time of menstruation, therapy is either interrupted, or candles are introduced into the anus until the menstruation stops.

For insertion, lie down comfortably and push the suppository deeply into the vagina or rectum with your index finger.

It is best to do this procedure before going to bed. If anal suppositories with propolis are used in the morning or afternoon, you should lie quietly on your back or side for half an hour after the introduction.

The drug may create slight discharge, this is normal. To prevent these secretions from staining underwear, it is recommended to wear thin panty liners during the course of treatment.

Names and prices

You can buy propolis suppositories with detailed instructions for their use at any pharmacy. Here is a list of the most popular and proven candle names with approximate prices:

  • Rectal suppositories Propolis DN- price from 160 to 200 rubles. for 6 pieces. Used for prostatitis, gynecological and proctological diseases.
  • Propolis D with Dimexide(composition: cocoa butter, 20% propolis extract, dimexide) - 330 r. per pack 10 pcs.
  • Avicenna suppositories with propolis, 10 pieces. (composition: propolis, polyethylene oxide, tannin, sainfoin herb extract, potassium iodide) - the price in the pharmacy is 68 hryvnias or about 175 rubles.
  • Universal candles Kyzyl may with propolis (include propolis, polyphytic oil "Kyzyl May", wax and cocoa butter) - cost about 120-150 rubles.
  • Phytor candles with propolis r / w No. 10- contain the plant component phytor, sea buckthorn and tea tree oils, propolis, provitamin B5, nettle extract, and more than 30 trace elements. They cost about 200 rubles.
  • Candles "Tambukan-Propolis" you can buy for 350-410 r. Produced on the basis of healing mud of the Tambukan lake.
  • Candles with propolis "Monfarm"- the price is about 95 rubles. for 10 pcs. Usually used in the complex therapy of prostate adenoma.
  • "Apifit 1" with propolis and royal jelly- suppositories that improve blood formation processes, help with infertility and increase potency.

You can buy Propolis D candles with dimexidum, suppositories with Tambukan mud, as well as other types of this product in pharmacies in your city or order via the Internet. The product is issued without a doctor's prescription, so there will be no difficulties with its acquisition.

Is it possible for children?

Candles with propolis can be used for children, but you need to be aware of some restrictions and rules.

Since propolis, like other bee products, is a powerful allergen, it is strictly contraindicated for use in babies under 1 year old.

Also, do not give it to children under 3 years old, prone to allergies.

Children's suppositories with propolis are used for hemorrhoids and anal fissures according to the scheme 1 pc. once a day at night, the duration of treatment is 2-4 weeks.

How to do it yourself?

Candles with propolis from hemorrhoids can be made at home with your own hands. To do this, you need to find in advance small forms of an oblong cylindrical shape, where liquid candles will be poured for cooling.

What will be required:

  • Wax (regular or bees) - 80 grams.
  • Vaseline - 80 grams.
  • Cocoa butter or lanolin.
  • Propolis extract - 20 grams.

Melt all these components in a water bath and mix until smooth. Pour the hot mass into molds and leave in a cool place. After hardening, the candles can be used for their intended purpose.

Making candles with propolis at home is a quick and easy process. In addition to propolis, other herbal ingredients can be added to them - for example, sea buckthorn oil, which is also effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

However, do not forget that the use of local preparations, even such harmless ones as propolis rectal suppositories, is not allowed without consulting a doctor.

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