How often should a cat be given an anthelmintic. How to feed a cat a tablet from worms? To prevent such conditions, it is necessary

Anthelmintic drugs are popularly called anthelmintic or antihelminthic drugs (Anthelmintica vermifuga). Such drugs are used to remove worms or helminths from the body of many pets, including cats, cats and kittens.

Why deworm a cat

Important! In order to effectively prevent infection with helminths of any type, it is very important to carry out prevention, as well as to implement timely and correct anthelmintic measures.

How to determine if you need to deworm

  • the appearance of lethargy and fatigue;
  • signs of the presence of helminths or their eggs in the feces;
  • an intestinal disorder characterized by alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • the presence of severe swelling and increased density in the abdomen;
  • refusal to eat;
  • the appearance of vomiting;
  • hair loss or fading;
  • manifestations of restlessness and severe nervousness.

The symptomatology of a pet's defeat with worms strongly resembles the appearance of signs of other, very dangerous and quite serious feline diseases, so the need to perform anthelmintic measures must necessarily be supported not only by external manifestations, but also by test results.

It is interesting! A veterinary examination of a pet, confirming the need for deworming, includes not only the delivery of standard tests, but also a diagnostic examination of the animal by a specialized doctor. m.

Antihelminthic drugs

In the arsenal of modern veterinarians, there are a variety of tools to rid your pet of worms. The form of release of anthelmintic drugs can be represented:

  • tablets;
  • anthelmintic drops for ingestion or external application;
  • pasty means;
  • anthelmintic suspension;
  • anthelmintic injections.

According to veterinarians, the most popular and highly effective pet deworming products include:

  • tablets "Drontal";
  • tablets "Kaniquantel";
  • drops of external use "Profender";
  • suspension in a dosing syringe "Prazitsid";
  • instant agent "Polivercan".

The easiest way is to use external agents, as well as suspensions in syringes and the so-called "sugars", which quickly dissolve in water. Tablets are crushed before use, and then injected with a syringe on the cheek of a pet or kneaded into minced meat.

Also, quite often a tablet from worms is placed on the very root of the tongue, which allows the pet to swallow it in the process of natural swallowing movements.

Important! As a rule, the form of release does not determine the level of effectiveness of the agent, therefore, when choosing a drug, one should be guided by the recommendations of a veterinarian and personal preferences, as well as the type of active substance.

Deworming is a process that requires not only the correct choice of agent, but also compliance with the dosage and timing of use. An overdose of anthelmintic drugs, as a rule, is not observed, but pregnant pets, as well as very small pets, are at risk. The main signs of an overdose include the appearance of convulsions and foam from the mouth, as well as tremors of the limbs and disruption of the respiratory system.

How many days to deworm and how often

It is best to give cats anthelmintics in the morning, on an empty stomach, about an hour before the animals eat. For the purpose of prevention, deworming is performed in pets starting from the age of one month. Such manipulations, as a rule, are carried out four times a year. Anthelmintic cats that have contact with street animals and often walk should be about once a month.

Important! It should be remembered that adult animals are more resistant to helminths, so anthelmintics can be used once every six months.

When performing planned preventive or therapeutic deworming, the features of the implementation of such an event should be taken into account. The drug is able to destroy adult helminths, but does not affect their eggs at all, therefore, it is mandatory to repeat the drug in ten days.

Before proceeding with deworming, it is imperative to read the instructions and strictly adhere to the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

How to deworm kittens

Kittens are dewormed only after the pet reaches three weeks of age. In the future, preventive deworming is carried out four times a year, as well as ten days before the scheduled vaccination. For therapeutic purposes, treatment of kittens and getting rid of helminths is performed according to indications. A severe degree of infestation with worms in kittens suggests a re-treatment ten days after the initial deworming.

It is interesting! As practice shows, overdose and severe side effects in kittens are noted when using drugs designed to rid adult pets of worms.

Is it possible to deworm a pregnant cat

  • no appetite;
  • the general condition of the pet is noticeably worsening;
  • in excrements abundance of helminths is noted.

If the cat, against the background of the presence of worms, looks cheerful and quite healthy, and also has a good appetite, then it is advisable to wait a little while using anthelmintic drugs, since many of these drugs cause miscarriage or the appearance of various severe congenital deformities in kittens. Especially dangerous drugs for deworming in the last third of pregnancy.

  • "Drontal";
  • "Dirofen";
  • "Profender".

Important! Before choosing a deworming agent for a pregnant cat, it is advisable to get qualified advice from a doctor, as well as to carry out all therapeutic measures under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Is it possible to deworm a nursing cat

The presence of worms of any kind in the body of a pet is very dangerous, especially for a nursing cat.. In the process of growth and vital activity, helminths release harmful substances that cause quite a strong intoxication of the body.

As a result of such chronic poisoning, various allergic reactions often develop, and liver tissues, which are forced to utilize toxins, experience a great negative impact.

Anthelmintic before vaccination

Kittens are vaccinated for the first time at the age of two or three months, and re-vaccination is performed after another three weeks. Before vaccination, deworming is mandatory. For this purpose, you can use the following, well-proven anthelmintics:

  • "Prazitel";
  • "Polivercan";
  • "Dirofen";
  • "Kaniquantel plus";
  • "Dironet";
  • "Profender";
  • "Alben-S";
  • "Azinoks Plus";
  • "Milbemax";
  • "Milprazon".

After deworming, it is very important to give your pet special preparations that contain a sufficient amount of prebiotics, or dietary fiber. Such a drug fermented in the intestinal tract of a pet will serve as the main food for the developing beneficial microflora, and also stimulates and strengthens the immune system.

Pet care is not limited to feeding, hygiene and play activities. It also includes taking care of the health of the four-legged pet. Cat owners are often forced to give their fluffy creature anthelmintic drugs, vitamins in tablet form, as well as medications prescribed by a veterinarian.

Unfortunately, most cats try their best to shirk from taking bitter pills: they begin to scratch and kick with their hind legs, and they immediately try to spit out the pill sent into the mouth. In this regard, it is important to master the basic techniques that allow you to give your cat pills without any hassle. This will greatly simplify the treatment process and keep the animal in good health. How to give a cat a tablet for worms, so as not to inconvenience either yourself or your ward?

What are the symptoms that indicate that a cat is indicated for antihelminthic therapy?

Rules for the treatment of tablets from worms

How can you give a pill to a cat

Many tablets, with rare exceptions, are bitter, but if the capsule or dragee cannot be replaced by an injection, the owner has no choice but to adapt to the behavior of his pet and use the most appropriate way by which the tablet will be in the cat's stomach. To the delight of pet owners, there are many tricky and effective tricks.

disguise as food

First you need to make sure that the therapeutic effect of taking the pill will not disappear if you use this method. Usually such information is contained in the instructions for the medicinal product. means:

  1. Pre-crush the tablet.
  2. A small amount of the crushed drug is mixed with the pet's favorite treat.
  3. Make sure that the entire portion is swallowed without residue. If the food is not completely eaten, the absence of the proper result of treatment is not ruled out.
  4. A tablet divided into several parts can be hidden in sausage or minced meat. The animal will try to chew on large pieces, and some types of drugs require slower absorption, so they are not advised to be crushed.

With a piece of butter

All attempts to spit out the oiled tablet will be in vain. The dairy product, due to its fatty consistency, will contribute to the promotion tablets by throat:

  1. If the pill is small, then it is dipped in butter.
  2. The tablet is placed closer to the base of the tongue.
  3. A large tablet is pre-divided in half.

By stimulating the swallowing reflex

By stimulating the root of the cat's tongue, the swallowing reflex can be elicited. holding the cat's mouth with one hand, with the other they put a pill, trying to shove it as deep as possible, but without pressing, otherwise belching or vomiting will appear. After the tablet is in the right place, the mouth of the animal is closed and the jaws are held for some more time. As a rule, these manipulations are enough for the cat to swallow the pill.

Take the cat by the scruff

If you grab a cat by the scruff of the neck and slightly lift it above the ground, its lower jaw will automatically drop. The main thing is to grab as much skin as possible with your hand. Do not be afraid to hurt your pet, as this procedure is absolutely painless. In addition, it does not injure the cat psychologically, in contrast to the same forceful opening of the jaw, which is so often advised by inexperienced specialists. Slightly throw back back the cat's head, then a pill is thrown onto the root of the tongue. The further it advances, the higher the chances that the animal will not be able to spit it out. Then they close their mouths and raise their heads, stroking the pet on the neck, thereby helping him swallow the medicine.

With the help of a piller

Piller- a medical device that looks like an ordinary syringe. It facilitates the process of administering the drug to the animal.

With a syringe

If the cat refuses or cannot, for some reason, swallow the whole tablet, there is an option using a syringe (without a needle). The crushed tablet is stirred in a small amount of water and syringe injected into the cat's mouth. In this case, the cat must be in a sitting position, and the muzzle is pulled up to the ceiling. The syringe is pushed into the gap between the back teeth and the medicinal substance is poured. In order for the animal to swallow the medicine, its muzzle is lifted up and gently stroked on the neck. At one time, you should not give more than 1 ml of the drug.

With the help of a sheet

If all the tricks described are unsuccessful, and the cat completely refuses to swallow a tablet from worms, they proceed to drastic measures - they immobilize the animal with a sheet or towel. This measure has worked well for dealing with wayward cats that need an injection. They carefully fix the front and hind legs so that the cat does not have the opportunity to slip away, and only then open her mouth and put a pill on her tongue. There is a possibility that an assistant will be required, especially if the animal is large and aggressive.

Swaddling a cat will require at least a square meter of fabric. It can be either a regular towel or a sheet.

The cat is wrapped in a towel so that the front paws are pressed tightly against the body, and the hind legs do not stick out from under the fabric. To avoid injury to the animal, you need to be extremely careful when wrapping the body of the pet. Necessarily leave a small space around the cat's neck so that it can easily swallow the tablet.

If the cat is struggling to get out of a kind of imprisonment, then it is better to postpone the procedure until better times, otherwise the attempt will fail.

So, the animal is seated with its back to the person, and the owner himself does not allow the pet to run away with one hand, the second hand will remain free.

Important comment. The person does not press the cat with his body, but kneels, creating additional fixation.

Go to the most crucial moment. Taking a pill with their free hand, and raising the cat's head with the other, they put their thumb into his mouth. The main thing is not to overdo it by pushing the pill into the cat's mouth. Also, do not open the cat's mouth too wide.

Operate promptly, since a pet is unlikely to like to be immobilized. In an attempt to free himself, he will actively turn his head.

As soon as the mouth is open, pull the top of the head back and drop the pill on the central part of the base of the tongue. It is strictly forbidden to push the pill down the throat with your finger. If the tablet is close to the tip of the tongue, then the taste buds will certainly detect an unpleasant taste, and the cat will want to spit out the bitter medicine.

At the end, the mouth is quickly closed and held with a hand, the head is lowered, otherwise it will be difficult to swallow.

By blowing a little into the cat's nostrils, you can stimulate swallowing.

One of the indicators of infection of an animal is the appearance of fleas, which carry the larvae of worms. If the animal’s body is not cleansed in time, then more severe symptoms begin to appear:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • excessive overeating or vice versa, refusal of food;

In such cases, helminths can be observed in feces and vomit. There may also be bloating, especially in small kittens. In any case, veterinarians recommend anthelmintic procedures once every 6-7 months.

Types of helminths

As a rule, cats and cats do not like to eat drugs, and you need to resort to tricks to feed them drugs:

  • tablets are given in the morning, before eating;
  • you need to wrap the animal in a blanket or towel so that only the muzzle remains;
  • put the pill deep in your mouth. If put on the tongue, the cat will spit it out;
  • the deeper you push the pill, the better;
  • some drugs can be given with food;
  • the tablet can be crushed into powder or cut into slices and mixed with water or food.

Not all medicines are suitable for this method, so it is recommended to consult a doctor first.

If the action is already familiar, then the process goes quickly. The animal must be held tightly, the mouth quickly opened and the medicine deeply inserted. Next, keep the cat's mouth closed to prevent spitting out the pill.

There are liquid suspensions that are given to the animal orally with a syringe. For such a procedure, it is also desirable to immobilize the pet, as in the previous method. Liquid is gradually injected into the mouth, in small doses, so that it is easy to swallow.

There is also a drug that is enough to drip on the withers. This is a simple method, but not effective in all cases. It is mainly used as a prophylactic.

How to properly worm kittens

Kittens show symptoms more quickly. It is necessary to treat them at home with special attention and regularly consult with a veterinarian. Preparations are bought special, the process is carried out twice with an interval of 2 weeks. Doses are calculated carefully, overdose can lead to undesirable consequences. When feeding drugs, kittens resort to the same methods.

There are many drugs developed for various types of pets, designed to treat worms. They are available in the form of tablets, suspensions and drops:

  • Drontal belongs to the most popular drug in tablets. One pill is designed for an animal weighing 4 kg. For lighter pets, the tablet is divided according to the weight of the cat;
  • Febtal designed for a weight of 3 kg. There are also the following tablets Kanikvantel plus, Troncil, Milbemax and others. All these drugs are given in pure form.
  • Prazicide is a suspension that is given orally through a syringe. The dosage of the medicine is indicated on the package. Profender is a drop at the withers.

Precautions and next steps

Before you give the drug to your pet, you must first go with him to the veterinarian and obtain the necessary data. If the animal is in a state of illness, then the process can lead to a worsening of the condition. In some cases, after the anthelmintic process, signs of poisoning appear. This may be vomiting, poor condition of the cat or diarrhea. The reason for this is the toxins formed in the body during the decomposition of worms.

A prerequisite for treatment is the correct dosage of the drug. To do this, you need to know the weight of the cat, his age, state of health and the date of the last deworming (treatment of worms). If the dosage is incorrect, side effects may occur. Quality drugs usually do not cause any side effects and perform their functions perfectly the first time.

The process of deworming is a common thing for experienced cat breeders. Having learned to feed the pet with medicine once, subsequent feedings with medicines will be easy and fast, with minimal stress, both for the owner and for the animal.

Prevention of worms in cats on video:

The destructive actions of worms on the host organism are as follows:

Deworming methods

One hundred percent getting rid of worms is impossible. However, it is achievable to reduce their number to a quantity that is unable to cause significant damage to the health of a cat. Before using immunizing drugs, deworming is mandatory, otherwise the immune system will not produce enough antibodies against contagion. The following groups of medicines are used:

  • Tablets.
  • Suspensions.
  • Injectable drugs.

This article discusses ways to deworm a cat with anthelmintic tablets.

Rules for giving tablets

A cat is a wayward creature, resisting any violent actions on the part of the owner. Inexperienced fellinologists believe that their pet will use the tablet offered to him (tabula) or that they will be able to make the animal swallow the tasteless wheel. A solid dosage form that has fallen on the root of the tongue causes profuse salivation. The cat manages to spit out the pill. If the owner does not notice the deceit, the pet will remain unwormed and will get sick. When the fellinologist is not sure that the cat has swallowed the medicine, and forces the animal to take a second pill, an overdose can result, provoking poisoning.

The first way to give pills

The operator is located on the floor, kneeling. The cat is planted with its muzzle away from you and fixed so that it cannot escape.

The tablet is clamped in the fingers of the right hand (if the operator is right-handed) or placed in a tablet dispenser. Another brush is placed on the cat's head, thrown back, and simultaneously pressed on the articulation of the jaws. When opening the mouth, the tablet is pushed to the base of the tongue. Forcibly clamp the mouth, stroke the throat (faucibus) from top to bottom, waiting for the swallowing reflex.

They open their jaws, making sure that there are no pills in their mouths. A variant of this method is the location of the cat on the windowsill or table.

The second way to give the pill

The pet is wrapped in a towel, fixing the paws. They put the animal on the left hand and put the pill in the mouth using the method described above.

The third way to give the pill

The animal is placed on its knees with its muzzle towards itself. Stroke the belly, relaxing and appeasing the cat. The left hand is placed on the head, thrown back, with the help of the thumb, the mouth is opened. Place the prepared tablet in the oral cavity. Stroke the throat with the fingers of the right hand. Observe the sip and check if the medicine has been swallowed.

With this method, one should be wary of involuntary movements of the cat's hind limbs. Therefore, the speed of manipulation must be combined with moderation of pressure on the animal so that it does not persist too much.

Giving pills to kittens is easier, because they do not have the strength to resist. However, it is necessary not to make a mistake with the dosage, and also to make sure that the solid dosage form does not injure the baby's throat.

Alternative ways

Some cats resist so much that owners prefer other deworming options. The most preferred of them are the following:

  • Suspension production. They study the instructions, making sure that there is no prohibition on crushing the tablet. If something is not understood, consult a veterinarian. Grind the dosage form into powder. Grind the tablet by grinding. Dilute with water. They are drawn into a syringe, the needle is removed and slowly poured into the cat's cheek. You need to make sure that she does not spit out the contents.
  • Giving medication with food. Grind the tablet, mix with sour cream 20% fat. Coat the nose with the mixture. The cat, licking its lips, swallows the medicine.

List of tableted anthelmintics

The following drugs are in demand:

  • Alben.
  • Azipirin.
  • Febtal.
  • Dironet.
  • Troncil.
  • Milbemax.
  • Polivercan.

The last preparation is sugar cubes. Allowed for kittens weighing more than 0.5 kg in the amount of ¼ briquette. Adult cats are given ½ hexahedron.

The content is diluted with water and added to wet food or injected orally with a syringe with the needle removed.

Experienced fellinologists adapt and carry out the process of deworming pets with the help of tablets without complications. This is the least expensive way to get rid of worms.

  • weakness;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • pus in the eyes;
  • itching of the anus;
  • a sharp unpleasant smell from the mouth;
  • bloated belly;
  • with a good appetite, weight is lost;
  • hair falls out.

Deworming cats has its own characteristics. For them, pharmacological agents are sold with a different mechanism of action:

  • paralyzing the nervous and muscular systems;
  • deforming shells of worms (cuticles);
  • disturbing metabolic processes.

It is forbidden to give analogues intended for humans. Folk methods are also irrelevant.

If symptoms persist after repeated therapy, it is necessary to show the pet to a specialist. It is possible that the remedy was chosen incorrectly or laboratory tests are needed. Only a veterinarian will determine the true cause of the pathological condition. It is important to carry out treatment on time, otherwise the animal may die.

Kittens are given a suspension twice at once with a frequency of 2 weeks, taking into account the "childhood" age. After the first dose, only adults die. For 13 days, a "young growth" develops, which is destroyed by repeated intake of the pill. When choosing, the age and weight of the cat are taken into account. Pets are given antihelminthic therapy up to 4 times a year.

Important! When choosing a remedy, you need to consider that the formulas for adults and kittens are different. For the smallest, suspensions are produced - Kanikvantel +, Pratel, Poliverkan sugar cubes and others.

Preparations and dosage

  1. Universal Drontal is allowed from 3 weeks of age - 4 kg tablet;
  2. Febtal (from nemotodes) - one tablet per day for 3 days;
  3. Azinox - 1 dose per 10 kg;
  4. Milbemax - after 6 months (1 per 2 kg);
  5. Dirofen is available in standard form, as a paste and suspension (1 per 5 kg);
  6. Niclosamide is indicated only for cestodes (1 per 2 kg);
  7. Drops "Profender" are relevant from 1.5 years. Doses are indicated on the package;
  8. Prazitsid, Febtal, Troncil K are prescribed for very young children.

If shortly after the reception appeared: vomiting, convulsions, heavy breathing, you will need the help of a veterinarian. Sometimes there are complications caused by:

  • intoxication;
  • overdose;
  • intolerance.

By following the instructions, negative consequences can be avoided. Before giving the medicine, in advanced cases it is better to inject gamavit, which has a detoxifying effect on the body. This reanimates the affected organs and stabilizes the general condition. 6 hours after taking the powder, the animal is given a sorbent - 0.5 tablespoons of Enterosgel, Polysorb or an activated charcoal tablet.

To know exactly the dates of the helminthic invasion, start a calendar.

Important! Do not give drugs to a pregnant cat, an old animal with a chronic disease. If a cat needs to be vaccinated, helminthic invasion is carried out in a week.

How to deworm a pet

Pets do not like to take medicine. Owners know how difficult it is to make a pill swallow. Obstinate cats desperately resist. If the powder is literally shoved down the throat, animal abuse does not end well. After the stress she has endured, a protective reflex will form in her, and in the future the procedure will become even more complicated. Resistance is a normal response to a stimulus. Worse if she immediately swallows the powder. Apathy is a sign that the disease is progressing, and the animal has no strength left to fight.

Paradoxically, the older the cat, the more difficult it is to make the medicine swallow. Although the kitten has a smaller mouth, it is easier for him to open his jaws and drip the suspension. At the same time, the baby does not particularly resist. If you teach him “from an early age” to the procedure, in the future the process will be much simpler.

The kitten is clamped between the knees, the mouth is opened with the left hand, the syrup is poured in with the right hand. Together with saliva, he immediately swallows. But how to treat him with a pill prescribed by a veterinarian? Choose one of the methods below. The tablet is preliminarily broken into several parts, and in parts put under the root of the tongue. It is possible that the kitten will intuitively choose the humane way and receive a dose with food. Half an hour after the reception, breakfast is offered.

Effective Methods to Give Your Cat Medication

Together with the purchase of medicines, a special syringe for tablets is purchased. With the help of the tool, the introduction of the drug into the stomach is facilitated. The piston quickly pushes a whole tablet held by a rubber tip down the throat. To make the process go smoothly, the medicine is served along with water.

Syringe with suspension

You can get by with a regular syringe. First you need to grind the product, draw in the liquid without the help of a needle, point your muzzle up with your hands, pour it over your cheek. However, the method has a number of disadvantages.

  • It is desirable to inject the suspension by drip so that a strong stream does not provoke profuse salivation. Otherwise, the cat gets scared and spits everything out.
  • In order to drip slowly, it takes a long time to fix the muzzle. In this position, he will not sit for a long time. Unlike adult cats, kittens tolerate the procedure calmly.
  • It is possible that ½ of the medicine will either remain in the syringe or will not reach its destination. In a small dose, the drug is ineffective.


The pet is seated on a hard surface with the muzzle away from you. With the left hand in a glove, they throw back their heads, press on the jaw arch. Medicine is thrown into the open mouth, blown into the nose to cause an involuntary swallowing reflex.


The tight swaddling method is used not only for babies. The cat is wrapped in a towel, leaving only the head. Then they put him on his knees, open his teeth with a gloved hand, throw a dose. To open the mouth, a finger pad is inserted between the teeth and pressed on the lower jaw. At this time, the other hand holds the withers. The mouth is closed, stroking the throat with a hand. The touch will cause the muscles to contract and he will swallow the pill. An aggressive way unnerves the animal. In response to violence, the pet will scratch or bite, leave a puddle.


The cat will not be offended if you repeat the process in a playful way. They put her on her knees with her face up, play, stroke her stomach. With the left hand, the jaw is quickly opened, the pill is pushed into the cheek or under the root of the tongue. If it is pre-lubricated with oil or sour cream, it will quickly slip into the stomach. When the animal licks its lips, this is a sign that the dose has reached its destination. This is important, as a smart cat may hold it in their mouth and spit it out after they feel free.


If you mix the crushed powder with pate or sour cream, dip your paw in the mixture, a clean animal will lick the composition itself. It is not forbidden to apply on the tip of the nose.

delicious pills

As an option - mix the powder with canned food and treat it to a ball, or buy "Tidbits", separate a couple of pieces and stuff them with medicine. For this purpose, manufacturers produce tablets with the taste of meat and fish. The owner can mix in food or treat separately. The animal will swallow with obvious pleasure and ask for more.


With anthelmintic drops - Stronghold, Prefender is easier. The liquid is only rubbed between the shoulder blades. However, they are more effective for prevention.

Advice! If the medicine emits a strong odor, it should be kept overnight in the refrigerator. Under the influence of cold, smell and bitterness are partially neutralized.

Each host has their own method to feed the medicine. The main rule is not to forget to praise the animal and offer your favorite treat. Encouragement will partially relieve stress and form a positive reflex. After therapy, you need to make sure that the animal leaves excrement in the tray. If this does not happen, they give a laxative syrup - Lactusan, Duphalac 5 mg each.

Precautionary measures

  1. The toilet tray is disinfected every other day;
  2. Meat and fish without heat treatment are not treated;
  3. Street shoes are stored in a pedestal;
  4. The rug near the front door is washed once a week or more often;
  5. If several animals live in the house, joint processing is carried out.

In order not to injure the psyche of yourself and the cat, it is better to take him to the hospital. The veterinarian will clearly demonstrate how to give the animal medicine.

There are no materials (-.

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