Nasal congestion after a cold does not go away. Causes and treatment of a protracted cold at home. Physical exercise and massage

As a rule, the symptoms of a cold go away on their own, without treatment. But if your body is attacked by the complications of a cold, the situation can get worse very soon. How to recognize the symptoms of cold complications and what to do if your condition worsens?

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes that line the sinuses. This inflammation causes mucus in the sinuses, whose glands will now secrete more mucus. Then your nose may develop high blood pressure because of the fluid in the sinuses - and the head may hurt.

If a cold lingers for more than a week and you begin to experience sinus pain, headache, toothache, nasal congestion, cough, thick yellow or green discharge from the nose, be sure to consult a doctor. You may have a nasal infection. It's pretty dangerous state where you need to see a doctor.

Symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat, fatigue with a cold go away on their own. But the flu will have to be treated. If you have severe muscle and headache pains, or a temperature above 38 degrees Celsius, it may still be the flu. Then you will need to check with the doctor what exactly you are sick with. The medications they prescribe can shorten the duration of flu symptoms if you see your doctor immediately after the onset of symptoms.

But sometimes even mild cold can lead to serious medical complications, including:

  • Sinus infections (sinusitis or sinusitis)
  • Asthma attacks
  • Bronchitis (with dry cough)
  • Ear infections

See also: Complications after the flu: what should be feared?

Also, if you had asthma before the cold, chronic bronchitis or have suffered from emphysema, you may experience respiratory symptoms after a few weeks - when you breathed freely and decided that the cold had left you. Let's look at some of the complications of a cold.

When to call a doctor for complications of a cold?

If you or your child has any of the following symptoms, you should definitely seek medical attention:

  • Earache
  • Sinus pain (pain around the nose and eyes) that lasts more than a week
  • The temperature is above 39 degrees Celsius, especially if it is in a child under 12 weeks old.
  • Cough with phlegm that does not stop for more than a week
  • Dyspnea
  • Worsening of cold symptoms during the first three days
  • Cold symptoms that last longer than 14 days

If you have these cold complications, you may need antibiotics or other medicines. And, of course, the consultation of a general practitioner.

Acute bronchitis (also called a cold) is inflammation and irritation respiratory tract caused by a bacterial or viral infection. With bronchitis, you may have a cough with mucus that can be thick and yellow, or sometimes streaked with blood.

Most people recover without treatment. But if these symptoms persist for more than a week or you develop shortness of breath, call your doctor to get medical help as soon as possible. Also contact your doctor if you have chronic diseases lung or asthma or any of these symptoms.

Ear infections are another complication of the common cold. Viruses cause up to 80% of ear infections and, sadly, antibiotics have no effect on them.

For bacterial infections associated with strep, which causes over 7 million cases of ear infections, you may develop ear pain, insomnia, hearing problems, fever, partial deafness.

Colds and chronic diseases

If you have chronic conditions such as asthma, heart disease, diabetes, emphysema, or HIV/AIDS, a cold can lead to more serious health problems. That's why it's so important to know what prevention and treatment to take to manage the complications of a cold.

Other secondary infections

These include acute pharyngitis(streptococcal pharyngitis), pneumonia, bronchitis in adults and bronchiolitis in children. These infections need to be treated permanently.

Possible complications after the flu on the joints

Many people know that ARVI does not pass without a trace, but we will try to find out if complications after the flu on the joints are possible. rheumatoid arthritis like individual disease is not fully understood, but it is generally accepted that it arises just as a result of complications of certain diseases. Infectious diseases often become provocateurs for the development of arthritis: influenza, SARS, acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis. It is customary to treat any infection with antibiotics, and sometimes with potent, hormonal, antiviral drugs, the intake of which does not affect in the best way on other organs, and the joints are no exception.

First of all, the work of the human immune system is disrupted, immunity does not stand up to protect the body, but completely against it, begins to fight healthy cells. All organs are attacked: kidneys, liver, heart, cartilage and joints.

How immunity works

As a result of the constant accompaniment of the lymphatic activity of the blood vessels, the blood circulates around the body in the systemic and pulmonary circulation. If this treatment is violated, cells begin to accumulate in the lymph nodes, which, in theory, should fight the infection, destroy it.

During the period of illness, in particular, influenza, the body's self-regulation is misinformed under the influence of substances that have entered the body from outside. chemical elements(antibiotics), the patient's temperature rises, but immune cells begin to act as self-defense, while other organs remain simply unprotected.

This immune cell response is lymphatic vessels and stops at the joints. Immunity begins to attack both sick and healthy cells which are the most active.

Violation of self-regulation of the immune system leads to reverse process autoimmune reaction, with relapses of viral diseases, immune cells begin to destroy healthy cells, which gives a complication to the joints with the flu, and the patient complains of twisting of the fingers, aching joints, poor rotation, pain during extension and flexion.

All this inevitably leads to disability, so it is necessary to consult a doctor and treat the joints.

Why do joints hurt

Crunch and cold in the joints cause inconvenience during movements, there is little pleasant. Similar symptoms more common in people of a fragile physique. In people of a strong physique, swollen joints are observed, hot to the touch, which ache even at rest.

Influenza, SARS, genetic predisposition, hypothermia of the body provoke the development of rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory processes against the background of complications act simply detrimental to all joints, destroying them, leading to the accumulation of salts in them. By the way, joints can hurt due to malnutrition and irregular sleep patterns.

How to get your joints back to normal after the flu

First you need to adjust your lifestyle, review your diet, mental, physical activity, avoid stress, lack of sleep.

If the disease is caused by influenza, that is, an infectious disease, the doctor may prescribe diclofenac, nimesulide, and other injections as anti-inflammatory drugs. Well helps herbal medicine, compresses, baths, oil massages.

It is good to treat joints in the summer in the sun, that is, to sunbathe, but in moderation. For pain, you can apply dandelion tincture. It is the liquid that removes toxins, excess salts, tissue decay products from diseased joints, cleanses the blood, so you need to drink liquids with pain in the joints as much as possible.

The oxalic acid salt contained in red wine and red meat is quickly deposited in the joints. The use of these products should be limited. But fresh apples will cleanse the body of toxins, fish will saturate the body with fatty acids.

It is important to limit the intake of regular salt, which also leads to swelling and salt deposits in the joints.

Sick joints need help, loads should be limited and correct. This does not mean that you do not need to walk at all. Movement is a must.

All joints and muscles must be subjected to constant stress, otherwise they will simply atrophy, and this is already much more dangerous and more difficult than pain. With arthritis, movements are necessary, but in the correct, special mode.

Often the treatment of joints is carried out with the help of kinesitherapy, the principle of which is to create normal conditions for the joints, that is, you need to set in motion all the ligaments, muscles, make them spin, relax, contract and renew the fluid in the joints in a timely manner, not let it stagnate.

In rheumatoid arthritis, antibiotics and other hormones are not appropriate.

Treatment of joints with gymnastics

Even if the legs hurt, analgesics will not help, you need to treat naturally despite the pain.

The localization of pain after the flu can be different. Someone cramps their legs, fingers, limbs, someone cannot straighten their back or complains of pain in the sacrum, spine, knees, shoulders - in a word, anywhere where there are muscles and ligaments.

For pain in shoulder joint need:

  1. Attach a small rubber shock absorber to the wall, do traction with your sore hand, back and forth, according to the principle of sawing a log. Amplitude at this exercise should be maximum. Training will be most effective when the ligaments of the muscles of the shoulder, elbow or wrist are tensed to the maximum.
  2. It is also good to push up from the floor, chair or wall. Even if the joints hurt, exercises should be carried out through pain and at least 10-20 times in one session. Traction with the hands must be carried out 30-40 times, 3-4 times a week.

For pain in knee joint it is useful to walk on your knees, wearing knee pads, 100 steps with one and the other leg, then squat down and relax.

For pain in ankle joint squats are useful, you can put a chair in front of you and hold on to the back with your hands. The support must be stable. You can put a thick book under your heels and do 10-100 squats, depending on your ability.

For pain in the spine, it is useful to lie on your back, take your arms to the sides, bend your knees. Next, raise both legs closer to the head, trying to tear the pelvis off the floor, lower the legs, preferably behind the head.

It is very important to make movements on exhalation, with open mouth. It is under such conditions that not only all ligaments, muscles, joints are warmed up, but pain is also eliminated.

If the joints hurt, then they develop an inflammatory process. You can muffle it, relieve inflammation with the help of simple exercises that should not be neglected even with pain. It's better than swallowing painkillers. Exercises should not be stopped even with increased pain, swelling on the legs. The joints need to adapt, get used to such loads. Any disease occurs over a certain period and does not go away in one day.

It will take at least a month to treat the joints, you need to get used to the loads. To reduce pain and swelling after similar procedures cold compresses can be applied to the legs and arms, in the form of a moistened towel or ice frozen in the refrigerator, in which it is good to add a mint solution. It is the cold that enhances blood circulation, and if the blood begins to circulate faster, then heat will soon begin to flow to the joints. They will quickly warm up, and the pain will subside.

Complications of the flu on the joints are possible, since they are the final stagnant station in case of circulatory disorders. But movement is life, even if it hurts your joints. It is important to properly treat the joints, not by the method of taking medication, but more sparing and at the same time effective exercises, which will help get rid of excruciating pains, if not forever, then for a long time.

Why there are complications after the flu on the ears and how to treat them?

Sometimes it happens that a person can get a complication after the flu on his ears. It happens by different reasons. It is better not to start the process, but immediately contact an otolaryngologist who will diagnose and prescribe essential medicine. After all, if you do not visit a doctor in a timely manner, then the disease will reach the stage when a person can completely lose his hearing. This complication can instantly harm the human body and entail a bunch of consequences. Therefore, one should know not only how to treat the disease, but also how to limit oneself from it.

General information about the flu

The flu is acute infection respiratory tract. Often almost every cold is called the flu, but this is not true, since diseases such as rhinitis, pharyngitis, etc. have similar symptoms.

The flu is transmitted by airborne droplets, that is, this virus can only enter through the nose, mouth and go further into the bronchi. When the patient sneezes or coughs near healthy people, the smallest particles of sputum fly out, and nearby standing man inhale this contaminated air. Soon he, too, becomes ill. But there is another way of infection - this is contact. No wonder it is strongly recommended to wash your hands after the street and not to touch dirty hands to the face. The patient can sneeze, cover his hands while sneezing and transmit the virus when shaking hands. And then the scheme is simple. The second person could scratch his nose and during this inhale the virus that he had on his hands.

A huge concentration of this virus remains in places with a large crowd of people: these are kindergartens, schools, cafes, shopping centers etc.

As for the symptoms of the flu, they have long been known to everyone:

  • heat;
  • chills;
  • sore throat;
  • stuffy nose;
  • cough;
  • nausea;
  • joint pain.

Influenza is often not a severe and serious illness. It can pose a threat only if a person has diabetes, tuberculosis, heart problems, kidney failure.

What everyone should know about otitis media

Sometimes it happens that after the flu, a person has a feeling as if his ears were blocked. This complication is called otitis media. Many believe that if the ear hurts, then it was simply “blown away by a cold wind”. But you can also get otitis in summer. There are many reasons why this complication occurs:

Most often, this complication affects children at an early age. They still have rather weak immunity, and the chance of getting otitis media is very high. In infants, this is observed most often, past infection makes it hard on the ears.

Otitis media is divided into the following types:

  • catarrhal;
  • serous;
  • purulent.

After influenza, catarrhal is most common. Infection through the respiratory tubes enters the mucous membrane auditory tube and won't let her go. The tympanic cavity is broken, and air is gradually sucked into the mucous membrane, the pressure decreases. This disease has another name - tubo-otitis.

It turns out that this disease is very insidious and can be asymptomatic, independently go from acute to chronic. If it is not noticed in time, then a person may experience complications and he will lose his hearing forever.

Symptoms of this disease

Every disease has its own symptoms and treatment. The main goal of the patient is to pay attention to this in time and visit a doctor. Since otitis media can lead to hearing loss, you need to know the main symptoms of this complication, such as:

  • earache;
  • temperature;
  • insomnia;
  • swollen, red ear.

Let's analyze all the symptoms in order and find out how it proceeds.

On the initial stage disease, a person may complain that his ear hurts. It feels like it's shooting in the ear. The pain is felt deep in the ear. Sometimes it can be boring, stabbing. It is painful for a person to swallow, sneeze, cough, pain can radiate to the jaw or throat. At night, the pain often intensifies and disturbs the patient's sleep. There is also a feeling that the ear is stuffed up, and the person may become slightly deaf.

The general condition of the person is disturbed. He may feel weakness, headache, fever rises, the patient refuses to eat. Then, when examining the patient, you can notice that the eardrum is reddened and swollen. When touched, it occurs sharp pain. A child under one year old cannot explain what hurts him, so you should pay attention to what the baby will have. increased attention to your ears.

In the second stage of the disease, there is a rupture eardrum and may exude pus. This can be seen on the 2-3 day of illness. Gradually, the pain subsides, and the patient feels much better than a few days ago. The temperature drops to normal. Sometimes this gap can happen on its own, and sometimes it doesn't. A thick eardrum may prevent the pus from draining out more quickly. This is done through a procedure called paracentesis. The doctor makes a small incision. If this procedure is done on time, then recovery comes faster and hearing returns to 100%. This one is quite simple and fast procedure allow a person to avoid further complications after otitis.

And then comes the third stage, which is called recovery. The patient's general condition can be observed to improve. Redness and swelling subside, suppuration stops and the defect of the eardrum closes. After 2, sometimes 3 weeks, the patient already feels great and his hearing fully returns.

Treatment of this disease

The treatment itself must be prescribed by a special doctor who deals with this disease. Otitis media is usually treated with antibiotics. If the patient has a high temperature, do not forget to prescribe antipyretic medications. To relieve swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose and nasopharynx, you need vasoconstrictor drugs, which are buried in the nose. In order to relieve severe pain in the ears, you need to apply anesthetic drops. The doctor may also recommend to the patient warming compresses, washing with various antiseptic solutions and also appoint several courses of physiotherapy.

Medical intervention (puncture) is required only in extreme cases and is done so that the infection does not penetrate the brain.

If parents suspect that a child has otitis media, it is necessary to call a doctor. Before the doctor arrives, it is forbidden to warm the ear, drip into it various drops. A child may have a foreign object in his ear, and only a doctor can help by pulling it out with special tools. And if it is otitis, then it is necessary to diagnose and prescribe treatment. Nobody has canceled general recommendations doctor, such as bed rest, proper nutrition, the use of vitamins that strengthen the immune system.

No matter how old a person is, prevention is always indispensable. It is recommended to occasionally visit a doctor for a checkup. It is a special device called an otoscope, which will determine the condition of the eardrum and see if there is an inflammatory process in it or not. Many children acute otitis media can quickly develop into a chronic disease, this disease is considered very dangerous. To prevent this from happening, the specialist puts a drainage tube and thereby prevents the manifestation of this disease in a chronic form.

The main thing is to observe your condition, the condition of your child and loved ones, and then, with the right and complex treatment no otitis is not terrible. And visiting a specialist every six months or a year, you can completely forget about such a complication after the flu or a cold as otitis media.

Why does my head hurt after the flu

Many are concerned about the question - why does the head hurt after the flu. It would seem that the disease is cured, but the head is still spinning and it hurts. This could be a sign serious illnesses Therefore, it is impossible to delay visiting a doctor.

A headache with the flu is the body's response to the action of viruses, but after a complete cure, no pain should occur.

Some try to relieve the headache with analgesics, but sometimes this only helps for a while, and then the pain returns again. It should be understood that pain medications will not eliminate the cause of the pain, which may be a symptom of a serious illness.

Arachnoiditis can cause headaches after the flu

Highly frequent consequence influenza is arachnoiditis - a disease in which the soft membrane of the head or spinal cord. In this case, the arachnoid membrane is significantly affected. The disease is polyetiological. Causes of disease may include various infections(measles, scarlet fever), including those that cause influenza.

With this disease, which is a complication after influenza, a thickening of the arachnoid occurs, in connective tissue there are adhesions or cysts filled with a clear and cloudy liquid.

Symptoms of the disease include, first of all, headache most often occurring in the morning. It may intensify with physical activity, with increased nausea and vomiting often occurs. In some cases, people begin to feel dizzy, their memory weakens. Against the background of these processes, patients become irritable, sleep is disturbed, apathy appears, the main signs of intoxication of the body are noted - fast fatiguability and weakness increased sweating. Such a complication can even cause epileptic seizures.

Treatment of arachnoiditis depends on which infection caused the disease. Therapy includes the appointment of antibacterial, desensitizing and antihistamines. Treatment of this disease is quite long and complicated. In order not to harm the body, with only appearing pain in the head immediately after the flu, you should consult a specialist. With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable.

Many people think that a severe headache is a consequence of the flu, but this is absolutely not the case. Pain signals that an inflammatory process has begun in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brain, ears or sinuses, which must be treated immediately. Influenza is terrible not as an independent disease, it is dangerous for its consequences, from which adults and children sometimes die.

What are the complications of the flu?

Meningitis is enough dangerous disease in which they become inflamed meninges. If a person was not vaccinated against meningitis on time, then the onset of the disease after the flu occurs in 99%.

With a progressive disease, a person has a severe headache, the neck becomes numb (it is impossible to tilt the head forward due to pain), the body temperature rises significantly, consciousness is disturbed, photophobia appears over time, hypersensitivity touch, sound. The disease progresses very quickly.

In no case should you self-medicate this condition, since advanced meningitis that occurs against the background of the flu very often causes death. If a person goes to the hospital with a headache after the flu and is diagnosed with meningitis, doctors provide emergency and intensive care.

The first few days the patient is in intensive care, where he is antibiotic therapy, antiviral treatment. Only if a person applied on time, the result of treatment will be positive. The main prevention of meningitis after the flu is vaccination. Common cause meningitis after the flu is self-medication. Therefore, parents should remember that the child does not need to be treated on his own, you should always contact the pediatrician to exclude such dire consequences.

Headache after flu with sinusitis

Sinusitis is an inflammation paranasal sinuses nose. The disease occurs against the background of the transferred flu. If not carried out timely treatment, then the disease develops into a chronic form.

The main symptoms are headaches and pain in the region of the bridge of the nose, nose, above the eyes, depending on the localization of the inflammatory process. Basically, the pain appears in the evening. May be exacerbated by bending over. In addition to these signs, a person becomes difficult to breathe, he begins to talk "in the nose." Discharge from the sinuses is clear or purulent, depending on the stage of the disease and inflammation.

Almost always, sinusitis is accompanied not only by a headache, but also by fever, lack of appetite, fatigue, sleep disturbance. Diagnose the disease on the basis of x-ray data, ultrasound, computed tomography. The main goal of sinusitis treatment is to reduce pain, remove swelling and eradicate the infection. For this, they are assigned antibacterial drugs, physical procedures, vasoconstrictor drugs.

In cases where, after the flu, the head hurts badly, the discharge from the nose is purulent and drug treatment gives practically no results, doctors use surgical operation. Sinusitis is a complication of the flu that untimely treatment can cause meningitis, neuritis and osteomyelitis. Therefore, doctors do not recommend delaying treatment.

Possible complications after the flu - otitis media

Another disease that causes headaches after the flu is otitis media. Moreover, it is quite widespread not only in childhood. Very often, negligent parents treat the flu on their own, so in the future, children not only start to have a headache, otitis media appears, which can accompany a person all his life, but also such terrible consequences as heart disease occur.

With the flu, a person's immunity is greatly weakened, giving good ground for viruses. Therefore, as a consequence - viral infection settles in the ear area. Headache in this case is provoked by edema and inflammation. The main symptoms of otitis media are pain in the head, in the jaw area. Not always this species inflammation is accompanied by fever. Therefore, any atypical pain after the flu in the head should be a "bell" for a person.

In the event that a person has recently had the flu, but the head has not stopped hurting after recovery, and this is an undoubted sign of otitis media, one should:

  • 2 times a day, instill ears with special alcohol drops prescribed by a doctor;
  • do warm compresses throughout the day;
  • watch for general condition body and periodically visit a doctor.

Self-treatment can lead to the spread of infection. In some cases, the treatment of otitis media requires the patient to be in a hospital in a stationary position. This is necessary to exclude possible more serious diseases, such as meningitis.

If otitis media is not treated, then it is fraught with rupture of the eardrum, exudative otitis media, hearing loss, complete deafness.

Infectious diseases, bacterial infections, including microorganisms that cause influenza, can cause irreparable damage to the body, but if a person seeks medical help on time - unpleasant consequences and complications can be avoided. It should be remembered that the head should not hurt after the flu. Such a symptom indicates the progress of another disease.

Possible heart complications after the flu

Complications on the heart after the flu pose a serious threat to human health. What complications can be caused by the flu? The question is very ambiguous. Influenza itself is one of the viral diseases that usually occurs in an acute form and is localized in the upper and lower respiratory tract. If the immune system is weakened, the flu is a serious danger.

Unlike other acute viruses, this one is difficult for patients to tolerate. The flu shot will not save you, as the virus mutates every year. Complications can occur in any person after a severe past illness. Medical statistics state that the main part of the complications occurs in the heart.


  • myocarditis;
  • pericarditis;
  • heart failure.

Myocarditis and its features

At rapid diagnosis and professional treatment the disease passes without consequences and quickly enough. But if it is not treated on time, there may be complications in the form of heart failure. Depending on the severity of the course, it is possible different degrees severity of heart disease.

It is worth noting that in some patients, even after a mild flu, allergic destruction of heart myocardial cells may occur. Therefore, if a person is ill with the flu, it is imperative to observe bed rest and recover to the end. At the same time, children with myocarditis are at risk of developing arrhythmias.

To find out if the flu gave complications to the heart in the form of myocarditis, you need to pay attention to certain symptoms:

  • in a person in a passive state, failures in the heart rhythm occur;
  • with light physical exertion, for example, while walking, shortness of breath occurs;
  • pain is felt behind the sternum;
  • heat;
  • edema appeared on the legs;
  • there is an increased secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • the patient gets tired quickly.

If signs of myocarditis are found, it is necessary to get an appointment with a cardiologist as soon as possible. The specialist will direct you to an electrocardiogram, an echocardiogram, and give directions for tests. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, hospital treatment is recommended.

But if obvious symptoms there is no exacerbation, and the person had heart problems before the flu, it is still recommended to consult a cardiologist.

Patients with myocarditis need to be treated under the supervision of medical staff in a hospital. They are prescribed bed rest and a salt-free diet. Drugs are used depending on the disease that caused myocarditis. Antibacterial therapy is also carried out and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Phytotherapy cannot be used as the main method of treatment and has an auxiliary character.

Dispensary observation of patients is carried out during the year. Treatment in sanatoriums of a cardiological profile is prescribed in the absence of basic clinical signs illness. It is also necessary to visit a therapist once a month, take a urine and blood test every six months.

Prevention acute myocarditis is carried out taking into account the underlying disease that caused the complication. In this case, it's the flu. Therefore, during the epidemic of this disease, it is necessary to apply all preventive measures. At the first symptoms, reduce physical activity and call the doctor at home.

Pericarditis as a complication

Most often, pericarditis can be suspected if the patient has pain in the chest and the strength of the pain increases with coughing, deep breathing or by changing the position of the body.

Other symptoms include shortness of breath and fever.

The disease is very dangerous and requires hospitalization. When the case is neglected, it develops into heart failure. Blood clots may appear in the cavities of the heart. With pericarditis, it becomes inflamed and serosa hearts. Blood vessels dilate, accumulation of leukocytes is observed in the tissues.

There are primary and secondary pericarditis. In the place of localization of inflammation - limited (at the base of the heart), partial or capturing the entire area of ​​the serous membrane.

Acute disease proceeds quickly and lasts a maximum of six months. Chronic develops slowly, over 6 months.

It is necessary to diagnose the disease in a timely manner, as it poses a threat to the life of the patient. It is important to be able to differentiate pericarditis from other diseases such as acute myocardium, myocardial infarction.

Diagnostics consists of the following activities, such as:

  1. Collecting the patient's history.
  2. Listening and tapping the heart.
  3. Blood analysis.
  4. ECG. It is carried out to detect rhythm and conduction disturbances.
  5. Phonocardiography. Notes diastolic and systolic murmurs.

Acute pericarditis involves bed rest.

Chronic pericarditis can be tolerated without bed rest, but with limited activity, depending on the patient's condition.

The diet is also prescribed: food is fractional, but varied, with reduced consumption or complete failure from salt. In acute pericarditis, anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics are prescribed to relieve severe pain, potassium-containing drugs.

The prognosis for recovery in an undeveloped stage of the disease is usually favorable. To prevent recurrence, you need to be observed by a cardiologist and rheumatologist, regularly conduct an ECG.

Heart failure

It occurs due to the fact that the heart muscle weakens and loses its function to ensure the normal blood supply to the body. There are right-sided heart failure and left-sided (depending on the ventricle - left or right).

By the nature of the disease is divided into:

  • chronic;
  • acute.

After suffering the flu, acute heart failure may occur.

She bursts out suddenly. Signs are rapid breathing, blue skin, high blood pressure, foamy sputum may appear on the lips. This condition requires immediate hospitalization.

Drug therapy greatly facilitates the patient's condition. Prescribe drugs that dilate blood vessels and normalize heart rhythm.

For heart failure, use:

  • inhibitors;
  • antianginal agents;
  • cardiac glycosides;
  • b-blockers and diuretics.

They can also prescribe preparations containing magnesium, carnitine, coenzyme, creatine and amino acids.

But herbs for treatment can be used as adjuvant therapy with extreme caution. It is necessary to first study the side effects and their interaction with each other. Be sure to consult with a cardiologist.

Basically, it is allowed to use hawthorn, canadian hydrastis, berberine. Follow the recommendations and be healthy!

Today we are talking about the complications that can occur after a cold and flu. And the doctor helped us deal with this topic the highest category, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of BelMAPO Zhanna Romanova.

Lie at home

Recently, many have complained: “I caught a cold, and then I was treated for another month, with complications. Probably, some terrible viruses have now gone. In fact, complications from the flu and colds are not uncommon.

decreased immunity, wrong treatment, bad ecology, - lists only some of the reasons frequent complications Zhanna Grigorievna. - Often, the bacterial flora quickly joins the usual viral infection, which complicates the course of the disease. For some, by the evening or literally the next day after a runny nose, deep cough. In such cases, you need to urgently go to the doctor for adequate treatment.

- Why do complications occur? And why so often?

There are two kinds of false heroism that we are so proud of. The first is when we go to work with snot, cough, sore throat and even with a temperature. By doing so, we put ourselves and others at risk. If you are sick, stay at home and call your doctor. The second type of false heroism is the self-administration of treatment, including very serious drugs. Mothers are especially guilty of this. Previously, for every sneeze of a baby, mothers gave their children an antibiotic. Their recent general availability has made it very difficult to treat patients now. Many pathogenic microorganisms became resistant to some antibiotics. And finding a medicine for them that can effectively overcome the disease can be very difficult. We also do not always follow the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor. If on the third day it gets better, we immediately fly to work and forget about all the medicines. This can lead to incomplete recovery or re-infection. And it's much more difficult to recover.

What are the complications of colds and flu?

1. Strong cough

It may be dry or mucus. As a rule, a cough occurs because the microbial flora joins the viral infection. As a result - laryngitis, tracheitis or bronchitis. And it all starts with a common cold, when bacteria flow into the nasopharynx, pharynx, and then the disease descends lower - into the larynx, trachea or bronchi.

2. Inflammation of the lungs

A more neglected condition that can occur with untreated or improperly treated bronchitis. The microbial flora descends below and causes pneumonia. If the state of immunity leaves much to be desired, and the microbial flora quickly joins the underlying disease (cold or flu), then pneumonia can develop quite quickly.

3. Sinusitis

In the people - sinusitis. This is a complication of a common cold, when the inflammatory process spreads to the paranasal sinuses. There is heaviness and pain in the head, general discomfort, purulent discharge from the nose, the temperature may rise. In more complex cases, they swell soft tissues faces, eyes. This is already a serious complication of sinusitis and the patient needs urgent surgical intervention.

4. Otitis

This is a complication of the common cold, which most often occurs in children. The nose is connected to the ear by the auditory tube, which equalizes pressure in the ear. tympanic cavity. With a runny nose, one end of the auditory tube swells, they are narrowed, inflamed. If we treat a runny nose incorrectly or even blow our nose incorrectly (correctly: first we clean one nostril, then the other. - Ed.), Germs can get into the ear. This is how otitis occurs.

5. Reinfection

An untreated person can very quickly catch the infection a second time. And recurrence is much more severe. Therefore, if you feel better on the third day of the disease, and there are still four days of sick leave ahead, do not rush to go to work, recover.

6. Meningitis

This disease occurs more often in children. One of the main symptoms of meningitis is a severe headache. The child assumes the position of a pointing dog, tucking his legs and throwing back his head. It is very important not to miss the moment, to identify the disease in time. This is why children need to be supervised very carefully. If a child has a runny nose, a sore throat, and a very high temperature has risen, which is poorly reduced by antipyretic drugs, it is better to play it safe once again and consult a doctor, not allowing typical signs meningitis. If you notice these signs, immediately call an ambulance.


Removal of symptoms does not help in treatment

We are constantly running somewhere. And when we start to get sick, we try to remove the runny nose, sore throat, weakness with drugs that relieve symptoms.

Very good, but insidious preparations, - says Zhanna Romanova. - They alleviate our momentary state for several hours, but do not cure. If there are symptoms of SARS, it is better to start taking the same antiviral drugs than just relieving symptoms. And it is generally recommended not to lower the temperature to 38 degrees, because it inhibits the growth of microorganisms and helps to recover faster.


How to avoid complications?

Get a flu shot in the fall, before the rise of viral diseases.

If you are sick, stay at home, do not rush to work. Take medicines prescribed by your doctor, vitamins (especially ascorbic acid), drink plenty of water warm teas, fruit drinks, water, etc.

Do not self-medicate.

Take medications as prescribed by your doctor, without changing the frequency, dosage or duration of administration.


In addition to a runny nose, a sore throat and general malaise, often during a cold we are tormented by a headache.

it additional symptom disease, says the expert. - Because of the common cold, the brain simply does not have enough oxygen. Very often, with inflammatory processes in the body, with weakness, there is instability blood pressure. This can be called a manifestation of intoxication. In fact, it can give you a headache.


See a quick search for medicines in all pharmacies in Belarus.

Why weakness does not go away after a cold, how to recover? Doctors often hear this question from their patients. The feeling of weakness after the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease is explained by the fact that during an acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI), the body spent great amount energy to fight the virus. Now, in order for the restoration of lost strength to occur as quickly as possible, he needs help.

Acute respiratory viral infection

About two hundred viruses are known that cause ARVI, but there is no need to identify each of them, since treatment is mainly aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease and alleviating the patient's condition. It is customary to distinguish several main pathogens. For example, such as:

  • Human respiratory syncytial (RS) virus.
  • Parainfluenza.
  • adenovirus infection.

These infections are characterized by a gradual onset. Body temperature, in adults, rarely rises above 38 ° Celsius. The catarrhal phenomenon occurs on the first day of the disease (runny nose, cough, sore throat). Appear also general malaise, loss of appetite and drowsiness.

Influenza among all viral infections has the most toxic effect per person. The body will recover after this disease for about a month. Has an abrupt onset high temperature body (39-40 ° C), which, as a rule, lasts from 5 to 7 days. Accompanied by headache, photophobia, nausea and chills. Catarrhal phenomena occur on the second day after the onset of the disease. The flu is dangerous for its complications, as it greatly weakens the human immune system. With the flu, if you do not follow the doctor's prescription and bed rest, the following complications are possible:

  • Bronchitis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Pleurisy.
  • Otitis.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis.
  • Myocarditis.
  • Meningitis.

How to overcome weakness in SARS

To overcome weakness with a cold, and also to avoid various complications, at the first symptoms of a viral infection, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will recommend bed rest, copious warm drink and appoint medical preparations, for example, such as:

  • Antiviral agents (Rimantadine, Oseltamivir, Arbidol).
  • Antipyretic anti-inflammatory drugs (Panadol, Nurofen).
  • With a runny nose, in order to ease breathing and remove nasal congestion, prescribe agents that relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa (Nazol, Galazolin, Vibrocil).
  • With inflammation of the throat, irrigation of the oropharynx with sprays that are intended for treatment will be very effective. inflammatory diseases pharynx and larynx (Kameton, Ingalipt, Geksoral).
  • The presence of a cough can be a symptom of both the viral infection itself and be a sign of the development of a bacterial process (bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy). Medicines are selected by the doctor individually. Before the arrival of the doctor, you can take herbal syrups on your own - Dr. Mom, Travisil, licorice root syrup in accordance with the instructions attached to the preparations.
  • The room where the patient is located must be ventilated as often as possible (5-6 times a day).
  • AT diet, with a cold, lemons, oranges, tangerines must be present.
  • Food is best taken in small portions 5-6 times a day.

How to recover from SARS

How to recover from a cold and overcome weakness, the doctor will help you figure it out.

In order to remove the decay products that were formed during the destruction of the virus from the body, increase immunity and restore strength, the following measures must be taken:

  • Drink alkaline mineral water(Borjomi, Svalyava, Polyana Kvasova). How to take the attending physician will tell you.
  • Cranberry juice. This drink is being prepared in the following way: you need to take a glass of cranberries, sort, rinse with running water. Crush the berries with a wooden spoon, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Boil water (600 ml) in an enameled or stainless saucepan, pour the remaining cranberry cake into it, boil for 1-2 minutes. Allow to cool to 70 ° C, strain, add cranberry juice. If desired, you can put sugar or honey in the fruit drink. Take 1 glass, 30 minutes after eating 2-3 times a day for a month.
  • In the recovery period, in order to replenish the supply of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids, it is also necessary to add to your diet sea ​​fish, lean meat, fish caviar, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, curdled milk and yoghurts. AT winter period dried fruits are very useful.
  • Positive effect when recovering from a cold, they have water procedures - cold and hot shower, swimming pool, open water swimming. Also, good exercise.
  • You should walk more often in the fresh air, especially in daytime, since ultraviolet radiation has a positive effect on the nervous and immune system. In addition, it is better to make electric lighting in rooms as bright as possible, so you can also replenish the missing supply of sunlight.

In addition, a very important link in recovery after SARS is the very lifestyle of a person. It is important to be able to listen to your body and try, at least for the first two weeks after the disease, to observe a sparing regimen. It is better to gradually get involved in work, walk in the fresh air, devote enough time to sleep and rest.

broken state, constant malaise, headache, pain in the eyes, persistent cough, runny nose? Most likely, this is a cold - a disease that does not depend on the season. It is worse when a protracted cold begins, which can last for a long time - two weeks or more than a month. Sometimes it is not possible to recover for a whole season, a protracted malaise exhausts a person, weakens the body so much that considerable funds have to be used for recovery and treatment, spending not only time, but also money. In addition, a prolonged cold weakens an already weak immune system.

Slight malaise in the form of a slight runny nose and elevated temperature first day. In the next 2-3 days, the symptoms of a cold become more pronounced: the nose constantly flows, the cough does not stop, the head splits, it hurts the joints, it makes you sleepy, at times it makes you sweat. With normal immunity in adults, this should pass in 5 days or a week. But if a cold does not go away on the fifth day, or after 2 weeks, or after a month, this is a sign that the body cannot overcome inflammation, saying medical language, immunity is very bad if he himself could not cure the disease for a certain period of time.

It is easy to catch a cold with such immunity, it is much more difficult to treat a protracted cold if the body is not able to cope on its own.

Why won't a cold go away? There are many reasons, here are a few of the main ones:

  1. Lack of vitamins and microelements.
  2. Bad dream.
  3. Stress, nervousness.
  4. Depression, depression.
  5. Unfavorable ecology.
  6. Smoking.
  7. Alcohol abuse.
  8. Living in a dry unventilated room.
  9. Irregular house cleaning;
  10. Incorrectly started treatment.
  11. Transferred "on the legs" or SARS.
  12. Abrupt climate change.
  13. Virus attacks, mycoplasmas and chlamydia.

Attention! The last reason is the recent discovery of physicians. Previously, it was believed that chlamydia and mycoplasma cannot be the reason that a cold does not go away for a long time, that these are the causative agents of STDs. But studies have shown the opposite: the simplest microorganisms are transmitted by airborne droplets, have a detrimental effect on the cell and weaken the immune system.

What is dangerous sluggish form of the disease

Even if the immune system is not weakened, it is possible to defeat the disease in 2 to 3 days in a very rare cases, but if the cold dragged on for three, or even five weeks, serious complications could not be avoided. How long should it take from the onset of the disease to? Ideally, the doctor should be called on the first or second day of malaise. AT last resort, after three to five days, contact the clinic on your own. If everything drags on to the last, it is possible that instead of a slight indisposition, serious health problems will begin.

If you catch a cold and are not treated correctly, you can get the following complications:

  • sinusitis, frontal sinusitis - diseases of the nose, very unpleasant, difficult to treat, often turning into chronic ones;
  • , accompanied by barking cough, which is delayed for 2 - 3 months;
  • otitis, followed by meningitis;
  • laryngitis, pharyngitis;
  • pneumonia is unilateral or bilateral, and in smokers it is usually basal;
  • problems with urinary tract: cystitis, nephritis, in men - urethritis and prostatitis;
  • heart disease;
  • arthritic lesions of the joints;
  • complication of previously acquired ailments.

How many days can pass before the start of more serious problems- depends on many factors: age, health in general, availability bad habits, the climate in which a person lives, heredity, nutrition and social environment.

How to be treated?

To begin with, you should understand what you do not need to do if the illness has been going on for a long time:

  • No need to swallow indiscriminately all the antibiotics that were advised in the pharmacy. Even the most expensive of them is not a panacea for all diseases.
  • It should not be used to "evaporate" a cold with a broom: the sluggish form suggests subfebrile temperature body, which in a hot room can rise to critical, which will aggravate the situation very seriously.
  • You should not run to a familiar healer for a dubious drug "for all sores." It is unlikely that fly agaric tincture or anything like that can put a person on his feet as quickly as an immunostimulant.

Remember! Uncontrolled intake of antibiotics leads to a weakening of the whole organism. Against the background of taking unprescribed drugs, it is difficult to identify clinical picture serious and even dangerous diseases! And dubious sorcerers' decoctions can lead to poisoning, sometimes fatal!

How to treat and what will the doctor treat?

To begin with, the therapist will collect an anamnesis, send the patient for tests: blood (general and biochemical), urine, then prescribe tests for viruses. And only after collecting necessary information decide how to cure the disease. Usually all studies are ready in 2-3 days.

In the presence of viruses, antibiotics are not included in the treatment regimen, they are needed. Another thing - if the disease is caused by bacteria, then the doctor will prescribe either antibiotic injections or prescribe it in tablets.

Concomitant therapy - antipyretic, analgesic, expectorant drugs, nasal drops, vitamins and immunomodulators. How quickly a sluggish, annoying disease will recede directly depends on the correctly chosen treatment regimen and on the patient's behavior, which consists in sufficient sleep, proper hygiene and good food.

Good drugs for SARS

  • Sinupret. It relieves swelling of the nasopharynx, restores the voice, fights the symptoms of otitis media, and is effective for treating sinusitis, sinusitis, and frontal sinusitis.
  • Imupret. Antiviral medicine, contains 7 plant extracts, is perfect as a stimulant of protective forces, removes swelling of the throat and nasal sinuses.
  • Tonsipret. Fully homeopathic remedy effective in relieving pain, swelling, purulent plugs in the tonsils. Helps increase resistance to infections.

Hoping that the affliction, somehow not disappearing enough long time, will evaporate in 2 - 3 days, it's not worth it. After how many weeks or days health will be restored, it directly depends on the internal defenses of the body. And he needs help with this.

How to strengthen immunity?

So that diseases do not acquire a long-term character, and mild SARS do not drag on for long term, it is worth strengthening the immune system artificially and naturally.

The artificial way comes down to consumption pharmaceutical preparations, plant and synthetic immunomodulators, they are in abundance on the windows of all pharmacies. Most nominated: Esberitox ( herbal remedy), "Neovir" (synthetic drug), "Viferon" (complex medicine). The action of all medicines is aimed at suppressing strains of viruses, increasing the activity of cells - the body's defenders. Taking medication will speed up your recovery.

In addition to reception medicines, you will have to strengthen the body with proven, always working methods:

  • enough sleep, go to bed before midnight;
  • maximum ;
  • engage in at least three times a week feasible loads, preferably in the fresh air;
  • do not drink strong drinks, or minimize their use: applies not only to alcohol, but also to coffee, strong tea;
  • walk past fast food without noticing it;
  • remove cigarettes from your life;
  • buy valerian extracts, motherwort and other sedatives at the pharmacy so that they are at hand in case of stress;
  • take Eleutherococcus a few drops a day;
  • observe hygiene not only personal, but also at home;
  • buy a humidifier;
  • apply rinses sea ​​water for throat and nose.

healthy and correct image life is not only words, it is protection from long, exhausting diseases, including colds.

Most people think that a cold is not dangerous phenomenon which may not be treated. If a person has a strong hardened body, he eats well and takes vitamins, then he has strong immunity. In this case, a cold may not be treated, it is likely that the body's defenses will drive out the disease themselves. But if a person has a weak immune system, he has recently had some kind of disease and is sedentary image life, him without a professional medical care not enough.

The common cold is an acute respiratory viral infection or SARS. If not treated, viruses will remain in the body. SARS affects primarily the functioning of the respiratory system. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses. He is treated with antibiotics and antihistamines. Complications after a cold can be different, for example, bronchitis, tonsillitis, otitis and pneumonia may begin. You can talk about bronchitis if the cough lasts more than a week. If a cough is not treated on time, it can lead to bronchitis or pneumonia.

Cough after a cold

Autumn and spring are cold seasons. In the off-season, it is difficult for people to predict the weather and therefore they often freeze, get wet and, accordingly, get sick. In a few days, the body copes with fever, sore throat and lethargy. Cough lingers in the body for a long time. In order to prevent viruses from descending into the respiratory tract and there was no serious complications, they need to be dealt with at the stage of the appearance of the first signs of the disease. First of all, you need to gargle every two hours. soda solution, as well as a warm solution of aloe, eucalyptus or calendula.

A raw, dry cough indicates that the trachea is affected. Moist cough says that the inflammation has passed to the bronchi. With a dry cough, you should not take medicines that contain codeine, it is better to make the cough wet and allow bacteria and viruses to fly out of the respiratory tract along with mucus. cough after colds will pass, if you gargle, do inhalations, take herbal remedies with expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects, and also drink vitamin C.

Runny nose after a cold

A runny nose makes a person uncomfortable. Often, after vaccination, babies develop a runny nose. This is due to the fact that the vaccine was given when the child's immune system was weakened. This happens after the transfer of the disease or in the initial stage of some disease. To ensure that vaccinations do not give any side effects, you must always donate blood and urine, as well as show the child to the pediatrician.

A runny nose after a cold can last a week, if after seven days it does not go away, you need to go to the doctor, perhaps he will prescribe some physiotherapy procedures.

Stuffy ear after a cold

The nose, throat and ears are closely related. If one organ becomes ill, then after a while the second organ also becomes ill. Congestion in the ears will go away if you rinse your nasal passages well saline solution.

If the ear is stuffed up after a cold, you need to go to the ENT doctor. The specialist will be able to assess the current situation and prescribe treatment.

Ear hurts after a cold

The auditory system is quite complex. It consists of outer, middle, inner ear and organ of balance. The middle ear is a small air-filled cavity connected to the pharynx by the Eustachian tube. If the person is not sick, the pressure in the external ear canal and the middle ear are the same. When natural permeability eustachian tube is disturbed, the pressure in the middle ear changes and there is a feeling of stuffiness in the ear. With a slight runny nose, the ears do not lay. At chronic runny nose when edema appears, not only congestion occurs, which reduces hearing acuity, but also otitis media.

If the ear hurts after a cold, it is necessary to clear the nasal passages. To do this, blow your nose well with your mouth open and rinse your nasal passages with saline. Next, you need to drip the medicine into the nose and ears.

Temperature after a cold

If a person is not sick with anything, his temperature during the day can range from 35.5 to 37.4 degrees. This is the norm.

If a person falls ill, then the rise in temperature indicates that the body is fighting an infection that has entered it. A body temperature of 38 degrees indicates the start of a fight between immunity and infection. The temperature after a cold can drop to 35 degrees. Low performance they say that the body is very weak.

Pimples after a cold

With any disease, the immune system weakens. Bacteria quickly spread throughout the epidermis, because the protective barrier is destroyed, and pathogens capture new territories. Pimples after a cold often appear in owners oily skin. In order to get rid of catarrhal acne, it is necessary to apply "Baziron AS" on them, which kills microbes. Antibiotics "Dalacin" and "Klindovit" also help well. They relieve inflammation and activate protective functions organism. If aloe juice is applied pointwise to acne, microbes will stop multiplying and inflammation will pass.

In order to avoid acne on the skin, it is necessary to take preventive measures, which will keep the skin beautiful and velvety. First of all, you need to remember about the vitamins that should be taken in courses. It is important to follow a diet. The diet should have a lot of fruits and few smoked meats, sweets and pickles. Dress according to the weather, not fashion. When it's cold - wear warm clothes and shoes, when it's hot - clothes and shoes should be light and breathable. To strengthen the immune system, you need to take baths with sea salt. If a person is stressed, he should try to calm down, think positive thoughts and drink herbal tea.

Weakness after a cold

Since the body spends too much energy fighting the infection, it is not uncommon for people to develop weakness after a cold. In order to quickly restore strength, you need to eat well, take vitamins, regularly ventilate the room, if there is no temperature, go outside for a while. Fresh air, and the rest of the time to observe bed rest.

Lymph nodes after a cold

Inflammation lymph nodes called lymphadenitis. It can occur against the background of other diseases, such as furunculosis, laryngitis, bronchitis, caries, thrombophlebitis, and so on.

Axillary and cervical lymph nodes after a cold greatly increase and hurt. Weakness, fever, headache appear, body temperature can rise to forty-one degrees.

How to restore voice after a cold?

ARVI primarily affects respiratory system. Often the voice sits down or hoarseness appears. How to restore voice after a cold? In order for the voice to become the same as before, you need to drink as much warm liquid as possible. Suitable for regular and herbal teas, milk and fruit drinks. Honey can be added to the drink. Also, rinsing with a decoction of chamomile or soda solution will not hurt.

The influence of a cold

A cold not only knocks a person out of the normal rhythm of life, but also affects the functioning of all body systems. The effect of a cold on human organs is obvious. If you do not start treatment in time, problems with the heart, kidneys, liver and other internal organs may begin.

Vaccination after a cold

Vaccination is the introduction into the body a small amount disease bacteria. A person will get sick, he will develop immunity, which will allow him to protect himself from this disease in the future.

Vaccination after a cold is prohibited. In order to get vaccinated after an illness, you need to wait at least two weeks. After all, a weakened body will not be able to fight the disease that was artificially introduced into it.

Pregnancy after a cold

I want to do everything right. Plan a pregnancy, not get sick while carrying a baby and give birth without any problems. But this is not always the case. Pregnancy after a cold can come and not ask permission from the expectant mother. You can get pregnant after a stormy celebration of some holiday, when it is absolutely impossible to get pregnant. Nothing can be done, such is life, everything turns out far from the way you plan. You have to live with what you have. If pregnancy came after a cold, you need to start drinking vitamins and give up any medicines which are forbidden to expectant mothers.

Cold after conception

There is nothing good in the fact that a pregnant woman is sick. But there's nothing you can do, you can't put her under a cap. Many women work to the last, which means they go to public transport and are in a room with sick people and air conditioners on. future mommy should try to protect herself and the baby from bacteria. To do this, when visiting public places put on a face mask, take vitamins and walk a lot on the street. A cold after conception is not a sentence. Do not be afraid, you just need to approach everything competently.

Cold after surgery

There is nothing wrong with getting sick after surgery. The main thing is that it should be a cold, and not an infection that was brought into the body during the operation. If during the operation, doctors brought some kind of infection into the body, a person may die. If the cold after the operation came after a while, and it is in no way connected with surgical intervention, it is easy to get rid of conventional drugs from a cold.

Cold after the sea

Sea. People work all year long, thinking that in the summer they will go to the sea. However, these trips are not always the way you want them to be. A cold after the sea can begin due to acclimatization. Most often this happens when people travel in winter, for example, to Thailand. Traveling from winter to summer and back is considered quite hard on the body.

Tests after a cold

In order to know for sure whether a person has recovered or not, it is necessary to pass tests after a cold. Most often, the doctor prescribes a general analysis of blood and urine. These tests allow you to understand whether everything is in order with the body or not.

Mantu after a cold

In order for the Mantoux reaction to be more reliable, it must be done only when the child is absolutely healthy. Otherwise, you will have to run to doctors and prove that the child does not have tuberculosis. Mantu after a cold can be done two weeks after the disease.

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