Why herpes. Why does the herpes virus occur and how is it transmitted. Timely treatment of chronic diseases

Herpes is a virus that infects a human cell, "integrating" into its genetic apparatus.

You can become infected with herpes by sexual, airborne, generic (from mother to child during childbirth) and even by contact (through a handshake, household items, a kiss).

Usually, the disease does not manifest itself until the carrier's immune system is weakened, which can lead to hypothermia, overheating, pregnancy, large doses of alcohol, stress, and infectious diseases.

It is believed that if rashes appear no more than 4-5 times a year and only on the lips, there is nothing to worry about. But if exacerbations occur more often than 5 times a year, rashes appear not only on the lips, but also on other parts of the body, and extensive ones, then you should definitely undergo an immunological examination.

Who is at risk?

Almost every one of us carries the herpes simplex virus, but few get sick. Why this happens is still a mystery to scientists. Up to 60% of those infected with the herpes simplex virus do not even suspect that they are infected, but at the same time they can transmit a dangerous virus to a partner through sexual contact.


Now medicine knows not only the viral nature of the disease, but also 8 types of this very virus. The most common are the first 3 types of herpes: type I contributes to the appearance of colds on the lips, type II causes diseases of the reproductive system, type III causes chicken pox and shingles.

The most common symptoms of herpes are rashes in the form of bubbles that can appear on the lips, mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, on the genitals and on the body. Before the appearance of herpetic vesicles in the place of future rashes, precursors appear: itching, burning, tingling. It is better to start drug therapy at the precursor stage to prevent the appearance of rashes.

But herpes can manifest itself atypically, when there are no classic rashes, but discharge, itching, burning, perineal cracks, swelling, redness of the mucous membranes appear. A symptom of this form of herpes can also be pain - it pulls and twists the lower abdomen, or patients complain of attacks of "sciatica".


Treatment of herpes must be comprehensive and individual. Those who often suffer from herpes, reasonably resort to the help of potent oral agents that suppress the activity of the virus. They also reduce the number of exacerbations, but on the other hand, self-treatment with them leads to the formation of resistant types of the virus, and sometimes to even greater suppression of the immune system.

So the drug treatment of herpes should be prescribed by a doctor - a dermatovenereologist, gynecologist, urologist or immunologist.

For urgent prevention, that is, when a feeling of discomfort and tingling has already arisen, but there are no bubbles yet, ointments containing an antiviral substance such as acyclovir are used.

During treatment, lip balms containing petroleum jelly and allantoin are well suited to moisturize and soften herpetic sores.

But if herpes makes its forays more than 3 times a year, a more serious approach is required. Without individual complex immunotherapy aimed at stable normalization of immunity, it is almost impossible to radically cure recurrent herpes. In severe cases, vaccine prophylaxis is used today.

Folk methods

If a fever jumped up on the lip, and there was no special cream at hand, try to help yourself with the help of folk remedies.

To reduce itching, you can apply an ice cube or a used tea bag to the blisters for a few minutes (tea contains tannic acid, known for its antiviral properties). Tea tree and sage oils, which have an antiseptic effect, are also suitable.

Not only on the lips

Many people are familiar with fever on the lips, but people are less likely to experience manifestations of herpes in intimate places. Both infections are caused by herpes simplex viruses, close "relatives" - their DNA is 50% similar.

Genital herpes can lead to infertility of spouses: women develop inflammatory processes in the organs of the genital area that prevent pregnancy, in men the virus penetrates the spermatozoa, and they lose their viability.

Infection during pregnancy often leads to miscarriage, severe lesions and deformities of the unborn child.

In order to “catch” genital herpes in time, a virological study of blood from a vein or a sample taken from the site of the rash is carried out.

Genital herpes is surrounded by myths and rumors. So, many are sure that you can pick up an infection when visiting public baths and pools, using toilet seats, other people's dishes and towels, which is actually not the case. But the fact that the virus can enter the body with mother's milk is true.


One of the common variants of the herpes virus is shingles, which affects the nervous system and skin. The illness usually begins with severe, shooting pain. Pain in the back or lower back, ribs. A person feels weakness, nausea, sometimes the temperature rises. After a few days, fuzzy pinkish spots appear in the pain zones, and after about a day, colonies of watery bubbles appear in their place. Gradually they dry up, forming crusts.

Shingles is terrible for its complications, including neurological, or infection with a secondary bacterial infection. In addition, severe complications occur with the eye and ear form of the disease - for example, persistent inflammation of the auditory and facial nerve, decreased visual acuity, and hearing impairment.

What then?

It is also necessary to complete the treatment of herpes correctly. After the fever disappears, replace the toothbrush and toothpaste. If you often get cold sores on your lips, it is advisable to buy small tubes of paste.

PhD in Psychology, specialist in traditional health systems, TV presenter of the program "The Most Important Thing" and author of the book "Home guide of the most important tips for your health".

Myths and truth

For many centuries of “communication” of a person with herpes, a lot of speculation has appeared around this disease. So, many are sure that herpes only affects the skin, that the virus can be cured by cauterizing the rashes with alcohol, iodine and brilliant green, and that you can become infected with herpes only if there are rashes. What is true and what is not?

"Antiherpes Diet"

Unpleasant rashes appear on the skin and mucous membranes because the herpes virus begins to multiply. To create new cells, he needs a “building material”, the role of which is played by the amino acid arginine. According to the chemical formula, it, like a twin brother, is similar to another amino acid - lysine. But it is unsuitable for the construction of herpes cells. However, if there is a lot of lysine in the body, the virus is mistaken and uses it. As a result, new cells are defective and quickly die.

Scientists from the American Mayo Clinic found that if about 1.3 g of lysine enters the body every day, the number of herpes recurrences is reduced by 2.4 times. To provide yourself with an "antiviral" amino acid, regularly eat cottage cheese and other dairy products, fish, meat and eggs. In smaller quantities, lysine is found in legumes, avocados, dried apricots, and cereals. At the same time, it is desirable to reduce the consumption of arginine - it is abundant in chocolate and wheat flour products.

It is also important that the "anti-herpes diet" contains a lot of vitamins A, C, E and zinc.

Every person who wants to protect their health from a number of unpleasant diseases should know why herpes appears. According to WHO, this insidious virus is in the blood of most of the world's population (up to 80-90%), but until a certain point it does not manifest itself. Therefore, it is so difficult to determine the specific causes of herpes, and in what conditions the infection occurred.

Illness and its causes

Until now, scientists cannot come to a consensus on why herpes appears, the causes of which are different. This virus infects the cells of the human body by "embedding" in their genetic apparatus. From the moment herpes enters the body, it remains in the body of the carrier forever.

In a dormant state, the virus is located in the peripheral nervous system, namely in the nerve nodes of the spine. However, it will not be slow to appear if a person's immunity begins to decline. This can happen from 2-3 times a year to an exacerbation every 2-3 months, depending on the state of the immune system.

Herpes is able to multiply very quickly, it is easy for them to become infected, and at room temperature it is able to remain active during the day. Typical symptoms are rashes in the form of small painful vesicles that appear on the lips, mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, genitals, and also on the skin.

The causes of the virus in the human body are as follows:

  • unprotected sex;
  • transmission from a sick mother to a child during the passage of the birth canal;
  • sharing hygiene items with an infected person;
  • through a kiss, a handshake with a person who is a carrier of the virus in the acute stage;
  • weakening of the body's immune defenses.

Rarely, it is possible to transmit the virus by airborne droplets during normal conversation. There is a high probability of preventing herpes from entering the body if a person has strong immunity.

Varieties of the virus and their manifestations

There are 8 types of herpes virus, each of which is hidden in the body for the time being, and then, under certain conditions, rapidly multiplies. Activity is the most common, which causes herpes on the lips. The droplets of saliva are to blame for this, transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person through close contact. Bubbles filled with liquid appear on the lip. They itch, and touching them is very painful.

In adults, infection occurs when particles of the virus enter the mucous membranes. For children, skin contact is sufficient. In the latter, the manifestations of the virus are more pronounced. So, the consequences of the disease can be diseases such as stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa) or herpetic sore throat, pneumonia, and even meningitis is possible in newborns.

The herpes virus type 2 causes rashes on the genital mucosa in women and men. They can become infected through unprotected intimate contact. The symptoms are the same as in the first case, only the localization of the rashes differs. Bubbles appear on the genitals, which eventually grow, burst and form painful ulcers.

The first 2 types of the virus are combined under the name - herpes simplex virus, since they can affect different parts of the body (face, genitals) depending on the places where the virus particles enter.

leads to the occurrence of shingles in an adult. In children, the well-known chickenpox appears, which almost every child suffers from.

If you get sick with it once, then particles of the virus remain in the nerve cells of the human body for the rest of your life.

At the moment, the reasons why herpes is activated in the form of herpes zoster - rashes on the chest in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ribs have not been determined. A characteristic sign of such a disease is severe pain at the site of the rash, which can continue even after the disappearance of visible manifestations (the so-called herpetic neuralgia). The most dangerous outcome is the activation of this type of virus in the optic nerves.

Other types of herpes virus can cause lymphoma, infectious mononucleosis, roseola, Kaposi's sarcoma, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Exacerbation of the disease

Despite the fact that the virus is contained in the nerve endings of every second inhabitant of the planet, the acute form of the disease does not occur in everyone. However, there are many factors that provoke an exacerbation of the virus:

  • hypothermia or overheating;
  • pregnancy;
  • long-term effects of stress on the body;
  • acute or chronic infectious diseases;

These are not all the reasons for the appearance of herpes, since everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body and general health. If rashes begin to appear more often than 5 times a year, then this indicates a systemic malfunction in the body. In this case, antiviral ointments and creams will only give a temporary effect. You should look for the root cause of a weakened immune system to find out why herpes appears so often.

During an exacerbation of the disease, the patient should limit contacts: you can not kiss anyone, he must have personal hygiene items, dishes, etc. It is necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse. Otherwise, a loved one will inevitably become infected.

Prevention measures

As a prevention of relapse of the disease, it is important to observe. Eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible. Useful dairy products, meat, eggs, fish, legumes, boiled potatoes. You need to drink more fluids. Fatty, salty, sweet are under strict control. You should avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and hypothermia, as well as learn to maintain peace of mind in stressful situations.

So why does herpes appear? It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally, since if herpes has appeared in the body, then the causes of occurrence can be different - from banal hypothermia to a latent chronic disease that reduces the body's immune defenses. In any case, the symptoms of the virus require immediate treatment, and contacting a specialist will help speed up the recovery process.

Reception and trace elements and maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help keep the body in good shape and prevent the development of the disease.

Herpes is a common disease that is characterized by the formation of weeping blisters on the lips. In the process of their occurrence, a strong burning sensation or itching is felt. We will find out what causes herpes and how to fight it.

Herpes pathogens

The disease is caused, which refers to DTC-containing viruses. In the primary infection, it enters the body through the mucous membranes, and in rare cases, infection occurs through damaged areas of the skin.

As a rule, for the initial entry of pathogens into the body, direct contact with a person who is a carrier of the virus is sufficient.

The most common forms of transmission of the “viral relay race” include:

  • airborne transmission (during a conversation, when sneezing);
  • kissing and sexual contact;
  • use of common household items (towel, dishes).

Pathogenic vibrios, reaching the nucleus of cells, "forced" them to synthesize special proteins necessary for the development of more and more vibrios. Due to this, the formation of many pathogenic particles occurs, which are localized in the donor cell.

With the blood flow, they are carried throughout the body and, having reached the axons of nerve cells, infect it forever.

That is why it is not possible to completely get rid of the disease. At best, the virus is in a latent state, provided that its development is suppressed by the immune system. During an exacerbation, even a mild cold, which weakens the body's defenses, can provoke another surge in the manifestations of the disease, as a result of which hated bubbles appear on the lips again.

What causes herpes on the lips: 10 reasons

  1. Avitaminosis;
  2. intoxication of the body;
  3. severe hypothermia of the body;
  4. severe stress;
  5. critical days for women;
  6. unbalanced diet;
  7. chronic and somatic diseases;
  8. overwork;
  9. viral illness or cold;
  10. overheating in the sun.

Who is most susceptible to herpes?

An exacerbation of the disease, in which weeping blisters form on the upper or lower lip, most often occurs in people who have:

  • immunodeficiency virus;
  • tuberculosis;
  • alcohol and drug addiction;
  • infectious diseases.

Usually, the first infection and, as a result, the acute course of the disease occurs at the age of 3 to 5 years. It is during this period that the child begins to develop communication skills. Therefore, the risk of communication with the carrier of the pathogen increases many times.

Stages of the disease

Herpes has a whole range of symptoms that differ from each other depending on the stage of development of the disease. Knowing them, you can identify the disease and begin its treatment in the early stages of development.

  1. Discomfort and redness on the skin. After infection, the first symptoms may not appear immediately, but after a week or even a whole month. At this stage, a person feels a slight itching and tingling in the lip area, so he rarely attaches importance to such manifestations. Discomfort is observed no more than 2 days.
  2. prodromal stage. At this stage, small bubbles form in places of itching, which eventually increase in size and become cloudy. They form a liquid, due to which the skin on the surface of the bubble is stretched, which causes pain.
  3. Bubble burst. After 2-3 days, the fluid-filled blisters begin to burst, after which they become covered with a crust. Within 24 hours, dried scabs appear at the site of almost all neoplasms. At the moment, the carrier of the disease is especially contagious.
  4. Ulcer healing. At the final stage, the regeneration of the skin takes place, which takes about 5-7 days.

As soon as herpes appears, or rather, burning or itching in the lip area, it is necessary to immediately start treatment. Thus, it is possible to prevent the reproduction of vibrios, so that the next stages of exacerbation of the disease simply will not occur.

Is it possible to cure herpes once and for all?

Since the causative agent of the disease is a virus that has a DNA base, when it enters the body, it immediately takes root in the genome of cells.

Since the cell has the property of dividing, it generates new cells already infected with the disease. That is why, after the initial infection with the virus, it will not be possible to permanently eradicate it. However, this is not a reason to panic. As a rule, periods of exacerbation in people occur no more than 1 or 2 times a year.

Of course, the symptoms of the manifestation of the disease are very unpleasant, but with surgical treatment, weeping vesicles on the lips may not even occur.

In a sense, the disease can be classified as a disease from which there is no way to protect yourself. To date, there are practically no lucky people who would not be infected with the herpes virus. Since it is always in the body, but only in a latent state, only weakened immunity can provoke its development. That is why it is so important to maintain the immune defense of the body at the proper level.

Take care of yourself and your health and do not neglect prevention!

Herpes simplex, or lichen lichen, appears in people of both sexes and any age. Herpes is a virus of an infectious nature, up to 90% of the adult population is infected with it, but the infection is hidden until a certain point. What causes herpes? The herpes virus is transmitted from person to person through direct contact (by touching, kissing) with patients or virus carriers, as well as by airborne droplets (during conversation) and through infected objects (towels, etc.). Note that herpes is also transmitted sexually.

Favorite places of localization of herpes simplex are areas around natural openings: the wings of the nose, the corners of the mouth and the red border of the lips, the genitals. Once ingested, the pathogen remains in the body for life. With a weakened immune system, outbreaks of the disease with manifestations on the skin can occur. An outbreak of the disease is called a recurrence of herpes, it occurs acutely, accompanied by itching, tingling, and sometimes pain. At the same time (or after 1-2 days), a red, slightly swollen spot forms (the wing of the nose or the lip area becomes hard), pinhead bubbles appear on it, filled with a clear serous fluid. The content of the blisters quickly becomes cloudy, and after 3-5 days the blisters dry up, forming loose serous-purulent crusts.

Sometimes the bubbles burst and form wet erosions. Some patients report malaise, chills, muscle pain, fever up to 38-39 degrees. Gradually, the crusts fall off, erosion heals and the recurrence of herpes ends in 1-2 weeks. How many days herpes recurs depends on the intensity of the exacerbation itself and on the general health of the person. The presence of remaining scars after healed crusts also depends on these conditions.

It is clear whether herpes is contagious at all - of course it is contagious, which is why it is so common. However, it is possible not to get infected from a carrier of the virus in the absence of a relapse and if you have strong immunity. During an exacerbation, herpes is very contagious! It is during this period that the virus is most powerful, it actively multiplies, and its concentration in the patient increases dramatically. Recurrent herpes is characterized by repeated eruptions of vesicles, often on the same areas of the skin or mucous membrane of the mouth and the red border of the lips.

The localization of herpes on the red border of the lips is especially unpleasant and painful, and with repeated relapses it spoils the natural outlines of the lips. Therefore, scientists are putting a lot of effort into trying to solve the problem of treating herpes simplex on the lips. A quick solution was found when Zovirax cream appeared, which allows you to get rid of bubbles in 3-5 days. Zovirax is successfully used today, but in recent years a more modern drug has appeared, specially designed for herpes on the lips - Fenistil Pencivir.

Fenistil Pencivir not only immediately relieves discomfort, it quickly cures rashed vesicles that heal without scarring! In addition, if you apply Fenistil Pencivir at the first symptoms (redness, induration, itching), then the bubbles will not appear! Treatment with Fenistil Pencivir cream allows you to get another valuable effect: subsequent exacerbations become less and less frequent. The drug can be used as needed, addiction to it does not occur. For so many people, it has become a real solution to the problem of herpes on the lips.

However, in 17-20% of people, the herpes virus periodically “wakes up” and begins to actively multiply. This process is called relapse and is accompanied by the appearance of rashes on the face.

The most common factors that can provoke a recurrence of herpes include:

  • hypothermia,
  • colds and other viral or bacterial infections,
  • overwork,
  • stress,
  • injury,
  • menstruation,
  • "hard" diets, hypovitaminosis and malnutrition,
  • excessive tanning.

The virus can infect any part of the skin or mucous membranes of the body. But most often, with a relapse, the lips and nasal mucosa become the target.

For some, "cold on the lips" occurs only occasionally, being mainly a cosmetic defect. But for people with a sharply reduced immunity, the presence of a herpes virus in the body can become a serious problem. So, for example, in patients AIDS, cancer patients, organ transplant recipients, the common herpes virus can cause damage to internal organs.


Prevention of "colds on the lips" consists, first of all, in strengthening. It is advisable to observe the regime of sleep and rest, do not forget about hardening. During epidemics of SARS and influenza, it is important to avoid being in crowded places.

Those who often have herpes exacerbations are advised to check the state of immunity and undergo an examination, including for the presence of other latent infections.

If any ailments or malfunctions in the immune system are found, the doctor will recommend treatment. Keep in mind that self-administration of antibiotics, antiviral drugs and immunomodulators instead of help can create a number of problems.

Treatment of herpes on the lips

To date, there are no drugs that would completely destroy the herpes virus in the human body. However, there is a group of special antiviral agents that effectively suppress the reproduction of HSV-I.

Herpes recurrences affecting the lips or nasal mucosa respond well to topical treatment with a cream or ointment. In more severe cases, a doctor may recommend tablets.

If a antiviral cream start using with existing rashes, healing occurs faster than with other methods of treatment.

It must be remembered that early treatment is the key to success. Before the appearance of bubbles, the lips become very sensitive, itching and tingling. And if the disease is started to be treated at the stage of these precursors, then the rash may not appear, and recovery will come as soon as possible.


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It must be remembered that when a herpes rash appears, a person becomes acutely contagious. Moreover, not only others around, but also the sick person himself can suffer. For example, from a focus on the lips with dirty hands, the virus can be brought into the eyes or genitals.

Therefore, it is important to observe the following rules.

  • Do not touch lips affected by rashes. If you touch them, wash your hands thoroughly.
  • Use your own towel and utensils.
  • If your lips are affected, do not squeeze out the bubbles or tear off the crusts. This can cause further infection of the skin.
  • Refrain from kissing and oral-genital contact.
  • If you wear contact lenses, do not wet them with saliva to moisten them.
  • Apply the antiviral cream to the lips not with your fingers, but with cosmetic sticks.
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