How to easily get rid of a cold. Home physiotherapy. Loading dose of vitamin C

Muddy autumn, windy winter, spring thawed from snow - the time of seasonal colds. Often a cold happens quite inopportunely. It was at this time that the question arises: how to quickly cure a cold and, of course, without complications?

The main thing is to calm down and, at the first symptoms, start taking measures to prevent yourself from getting sick. As they say, "crush the disease at the very beginning." I offer you a small reminder about what a cold is, its causes and symptoms, as well as the treatment of a cold without drugs.

The first thing to understand is what exactly you have: a cold or the flu. If you have the flu, then one day you won’t be able to cope with it, and it’s dangerous - the flu carried on your feet almost always causes complications.

So let's start from the beginning.

What is a cold

The common cold is an acute respiratory viral infection or upper respiratory disease viral etiology. Pay attention - this viral infection (eg adenovirus, rhinovirus, etc.). There are a lot of viruses around us and usually a person does not get sick. But as soon as a person's immunity is weakened and he himself is supercooled, then a cold occurs.

Causes of a cold

  • Contact with a sick person during a weakened immune system
    • Airborne (during a conversation, sneezing a nearby patient and being in crowded places)
    • Direct contact (handshake, handrails in transport, entrances)
  • Weakened immunity
    • not enough balanced diet and especially vitamin deficiency
    • bowel dysfunction
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases
    • allergy
    • stressful situations
  • hypothermia
    • long stay in the cold not adequately dressed
    • drafts
    • cold drinks, especially milk, both in the cold and in a hot room
    • wet and cold feet

Cold symptoms

  • nasal congestion or runny nose
  • sneezing
  • watery eyes
  • sore throat and then sore throat
  • dry cough
  • headache
  • sometimes an increase in temperature from 37.1 to 38.5
  • weakness
  • depressed mood

The appearance of these symptoms suggests that our body is fighting an infection. And at the very beginning of the onset of a cold, we need to help him quickly cope with viruses. The sooner we start taking action, the faster and easier the cold will pass. Before saying what exactly to do and how to be treated for a cold, you need to find out:

What not to do during a cold

  1. Relieve symptoms immediately when the first signs of the disease appear. Why? Because the body begins to fight itself and thereby develop immunity. It's like a vaccine when we're injected small dose pathogenic bacteria and the body produces antibodies to this disease, i.e. he is already ready to confront these microbes at any time. We, trying to quickly relieve the symptoms, use potent medical preparations, and thereby reduce immunity.
  2. Take antibiotics. The common cold is a viral disease. Antibiotics act only on bacteria, but at the same time weaken the immune system, as they kill not only pathogenic, but also beneficial bacteria.
  3. Reduce the temperature if it is below 38.1 degrees. For the same reason. Medium high temperature (up to 38.1 degrees) is natural reaction organism. An indicator that defensive forces organism in action.
  4. During the temperature thermal treatments(mustard plasters, jars, hot baths) and drink hot and strong drinks
  5. Use for colds vasoconstrictor drops. These drops from the common cold interfere with the excretory process of not only the accumulated mucus, but also toxins along with it. If toxins remain in the body, then it is possible to delay the disease for a longer period and, even worse, more complex diseases can occur.

When to see a doctor urgently

If the following symptoms appear:

  1. body temperature above 38.5 degrees lasts longer than one day
  2. at high temperature, the person is pale
  3. pain:
    • behind the breastbone when inhaling
    • very severe headaches
    • In eyes
    • in the sinuses
    • in a stomach
  4. shortness of breath, difficulty breathing
  5. difficulty swallowing
  6. green or rusty mucus from the nose or throat when coughing
  7. wheezing cough

Cold treatment

When you discover the first signs that you are getting sick, the first thing to do is to stay at home and not go to work. So you can cure a cold quickly and not infect your colleagues.

As mentioned earlier, our goal is to help the body cope with viruses and eliminate toxins. To do this, you need to create the following conditions:

  • coolness in the room
  • absence of drafts
  • bed rest under a warm blanket
  • plentiful drink
  • light food, it is possible without food (listen to your body)
  • loading dose of vitamin C
  • occasional rinsing of the nose saline solution and gargling
  • cut garlic and onion into slices, put on a saucer and put in the room where you are
  • use Vietnamese balm "Golden Star" by smearing acupuncture points with it

And now in more detail:

Cool indoor air and no drafts

Check that all doors and windows are tightly closed for drafts. If you start to sweat, then this is the first source of complications. But at the same time, in the room where you are, it should not be hot, but rather cool (somewhere around 18-20 degrees). Open the window a little and turn off the heating (if you have an apartment, then throw a wet towel over the radiator). The air must be moist.

By the way, to maintain health, it is good to have a hydrometer and a humidifier in the house. These devices are needed to monitor the state of air humidity and maintain it within normal limits. Usually in the winter in our apartments the air is very dry and it is here that bacteria and viruses are very comfortable to multiply. Therefore, in order to stay healthy, maintain your immunity, you must always ventilate the room, maintain a moderate temperature and humidity.

Bed rest under a warm blanket

No need to endure a cold on your feet. Firstly, this way you will delay the recovery, and secondly, you may earn complications.

  • Dress: Keep your feet (warm socks) and throat (scarf or sweater) especially warm. You can put mustard in socks or stick a mustard plaster directly on your feet. If the temperature is not high, then steam your legs before that.
  • Drink warm diaphoretic tea or immune booster
  • Lie down in bed and wrap yourself up well so that you sweat well. Try to sleep.

Plentiful drink

Should be next to the bed warm drink. You need to drink a lot. Tune in to it. Drink not in glasses, so as not to overload the kidneys, but in sips, but at the same time very often. In total, you need to drink at least two liters of liquid. There is intoxication and drinking plenty of water will accelerate the elimination of toxins through sweat and urine.

This may not only be plain water, but also:

  • Mineral water without gas, better alkaline, viruses die faster in it
  • Morses. For example, cranberry or currant
  • Herbal teas and decoctions. For example, tea raspberry jam or tea from ginger, or a decoction of a mixture of: linden flowers, currant leaves, chamomile and calendula
  • Dried fruit compotes, preferably without sugar
  • Grape juice
  • Rosehip syrup diluted with water
  • Milk with honey

light food

It is possible and even better to do without food on this day. Believe me, if you have enough drink, sleep is organized, then you will not notice the lack of food. But all the forces the body will spend on the fight against microbes, and not on the digestion of heavy food.

If you really want to eat, then drink rich chicken bouillon with a piece of boiled egg, herbs and garlic cloves.

And it is tasty and healthy to cook and eat a little radish juice with honey. Both bitter black radish and daikon radish can be used. Wash the root crop, cut off the top and make a recess in it. Put honey in there. Let the radish juice and honey brew a little - an excellent antiviral agent. And heals, and saves from hunger. If you are allergic to honey, then replace it with sugar.

Loading dose of vitamin C

As you know, vitamin C is a source of energy and during a cold it is very important to give strength to fight viruses. It is usually recommended at the very beginning of the disease to take a shock (large) dose of vitamin C. But first, remember or find out if you have any contraindications. Usually a single loading dose is 1000 mg. But it is not necessary to drink a synthesized vitamin from a pharmacy. Vitamin C can be found in the foods we eat.

  • Lemon with honey whole lemon, or you can cut two into slices, pour two tablespoons of honey and eat this mixture for the whole day)
  • Grapefruit
  • Green bell pepper
  • Sauerkraut
  • Grape

The common cold is a disease that almost no one can avoid. It can appear very simply - after drinking just one cup cold water or a short stay in a draft. The disease can proceed in different ways, however, regardless of the severity, it still needs to be treated - and preferably as soon as possible. Moreover, there are a lot of options for how to get rid of a cold quickly.

Where to begin?

When the first signs of a cold appear, manifested in the form of a cough, fever, sometimes nasal discharge and sore throat, you should use the following recommendations:

  • first of all, immediately give up trying to endure a cold on your feet, for example, at work or school. This can be dangerous both for the patient himself and for the people around him, whom he can infect or simply distract;
  • not to accept medical preparations if the patient does not have a high temperature (at least 37.5–38 degrees). Almost all of them have antipyretic effect and are only useful for intense heat. Although sometimes you should not rush even at a temperature of 38 degrees - perhaps rubbing with vinegar or alcohol will help get rid of it;
  • start drinking as much warm liquid as possible (not counting alcohol, which is undesirable for colds). Even plain water will do, though the best option will be heated juices, fruit drinks and, of course, teas and decoctions. The drink should be exactly warm, and not hot, so as not to burn the mucous membrane of the throat;
  • boost immunity by taking vitamin C, which in large doses found in citrus fruits: oranges, tangerines and, especially, lemons. If the patient is allergic to these fruits or they are simply not available in this moment, it is allowed to use ascorbic acid in the form of tablets and dragees;
  • take a hot bath, stay in bed, as sleep is also a medicine to some extent.

All this should be done on the first day after the onset of the disease. However, most of them will come in handy in the following days, which the patient is recommended to spend at home. And this period will be the shorter, the faster you figure out how to quickly get rid of a cold.

Medical treatment

In cases where the first-priority measures did not help much, and the cold develops further, you should move on to more serious methods fight. So, for example, in order to get rid of snot, it is recommended to use sprays. They contain steroids or brine to help clear the sinuses. The frequency of use and dosage are prescribed by a doctor.

You can get rid of another of the symptoms of a cold, cough, with the help of an antitussive syrup. Exists great amount a variety of drugs with different effects:

  • to suppress a cough, syrups from licorice root and Sinekod are suitable;
  • if the patient has not just a cold, but there is a suspicion of bronchitis, it is best to take drugs containing dextromethorphan and other drugs with an expectorant effect. They will not get rid of the cough, which is necessary for removal from the body excess fluid, but it will be noticeably lighter.

By and large, it is possible to speed up the rate of recovery from a cold with the help of medicines, but most of the methods that help achieve this are still based on means. traditional medicine. And it is to her that it would be best to turn to a patient whose main desire is to learn how to quickly recover from a cold and take advantage of this knowledge.

Folk ways

When switching to a course of folk remedies, in addition to citrus fruits, it is worth paying attention to such an assistant in the fight against colds as ginger. Just a few pieces of the root of this plant are poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left to infuse for a while. Honey or sugar is added to the resulting tea after cooling and taken after meals.

Cardamom can also provide an anti-cold effect. Tea, in which a little of this spice is added, allows you to quickly eliminate the main symptoms of a cold, reduce hoarseness, and even help a sore throat. You can prepare a drink by taking 1.5 liters of water and 8 boxes of cardamom. After adding all this to a saucepan or other vessel, they wait for the liquid to boil and leave it for another 5 minutes on low heat. It is allowed to add lemon, honey and milk to tea.

Nose instillations

For nasal drops with a cold, it is not at all necessary to run to the pharmacy. You can also cook them yourself. For example, taking 3 cloves of garlic, filling them with 50 ml of boiling water and insisting for! 5 hours. You can bury your nose with the resulting solution three times a day.

Even more strong effect possesses a medicine made from onions. The onion head is rubbed on a grater and squeezed with gauze. Having diluted the resulting juice with water (in proportion - 1 drop per 1 tablespoon of water), you should drip it into your nose every hour.

If in home first aid kit there is sea buckthorn and menthol oil, it can also be used for quick release from a runny nose. Honey drops are also suitable (diluted twice large quantity water honey), the dosage of which is approximately 6-9 drops every 3-4 hours.


Sore throats, which are also accompanied by colds, are treated with rinses. As a preparation, decoctions of chamomile, sage or linden are taken. And you can also rinse at the same time diluted in 1 glass of water with honey (1 tbsp) and apple cider vinegar(2 tablespoons). help eliminate the symptom and juice black radish diluted twice with water.

Inhalation procedures

And finally, one of the most effective ways to get rid immediately of cough, and sore throat, and the whole cold in general, are inhalations. Their duration should not exceed more than 20 minutes, and the procedures themselves are recommended to be done about an hour after eating.

It is convenient to do inhalation using a special device - an inhaler. Or, by applying old way covering with your head over a pot with a medicinal folk remedy. As compositions for inhalation use:

  • iodine dissolved in a liter of water (6–9 drops);
  • garlic broth (3 finely chopped cloves are poured with a liter of freshly boiled water);
  • a product made using aromatherapy products (half a liter of water and 10 drops of various aromatic oils, from eucalyptus to fir).

Hello my dear readers! Autumn is on the calendar, which means that rainy and cold weather contributes to the development of various colds upper respiratory tract. A cold is something that disrupts our plans, so we want to get rid of its symptoms as soon as possible and return to our own as soon as possible. usual business. Folk remedies that can be used at home will help in this.

I offer you recipes that I found in old health magazines. These inexpensive remedies will help you quickly get rid of a cold. Important condition effective treatment- it should be started immediately at the first signs of the disease.

First, it should be noted that there are about a hundred different viral infections that we used to call the common cold.

Acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI) - a group of clinically and morphologically similar acute inflammatory diseases respiratory organs, the causative agents of which are pneumotropic viruses. ARVI is the most common group of diseases in the world, which includes influenza, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial, rhinovirus and adenovirus infection and other catarrhs ​​of the upper respiratory tract. In the process of development, a viral disease can be complicated by a bacterial infection.

These infections are clinically very different. I already wrote about the difference between SARS and influenza, read. I will briefly say that with the flu, the symptoms of intoxication come to the fore - headache and muscle pain, great weakness, body aches, high fever, later cough, runny nose may join them. And the signs of SARS are a runny nose, cough, sore throat, the temperature may not be high or it may not be at all, the symptoms of intoxication are mild.

Infection with all infections occurs mainly by airborne droplets Incubation period lasts from several hours to 3-5 days.

Colds - how to quickly cure

Somehow I held a contest "" on my blog. To my surprise and joy, readers sent many recipes to the competition, which they effectively applied in their practice. In addition to the tips in this article, I advise you to read the treatment recipes from this competition.

As I have already noted that the first signs of a cold are malaise, runny nose, sore throat, slight temperature. Therefore, with these first signs, we proceed quickly to treatment. What does traditional medicine offer?


At the first signs of the patient, it is necessary to isolate from others, especially from young children and pregnant women. Since infection occurs by airborne droplets (the pathogen is released when talking, sneezing, coughing), it is rational to wear a mask to prevent infection of other family members.

To destroy already "flying" viruses, use onion or garlic phytoncides, which can be chopped, put on plates and placed in rooms. Ventilate the room more often.


Lack of appetite is normal defensive reaction body, so if the patient refuses food - do not force him. will only benefit. These days you need:

  • cleanse the intestines (take an infusion of hay, buckthorn, harrow, castor oil);
  • drink more fluids: at least 1.5 liters of water per day, cranberry juice or cranberry juice with honey will be useful, herbal tea with honey, tea with raspberry jam, birch sap.

Folk recipes for the treatment of colds

garlic drops

As soon as the first signs of a cold appear, inhale a couple of fresh onions or garlic several times a day.

Or make garlic drops. To do this, pour 100 g of crushed garlic with 1 glass of vodka and shake well. Let it brew for a day, and then drip 2-3 drops directly onto the tongue and then smear the medicine over the entire surface with your tongue oral cavity. Then swallow. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day for 3-4 days.

sandwich paste

Grate 100 g of cheese on a fine grater, mix with 100 g of softened butter, finely chopped parsley, chopped 4 cloves of garlic and 10 kernels of nuts. Mix everything thoroughly.

Spread the paste on bread and eat during the meal. Don't worry: there will be no garlic smell, parsley will neutralize it.

Cough remedies

  1. Take 3 bay leaves, 3 black peppercorns and 3 cloves. Brew them with 0.5 liters of boiling water, let it brew and drink 2-3 sips at a time.
  2. Recipe from Vanga. Cook together 1 unpeeled potato, 1 onion and 1 apple in a liter of water. Drink a decoction 2 times a day during the illness.
  3. Take 2 aspirin tablets and 2 teaspoons of honey, mix until smooth. Put the resulting slurry on the bronchial area, cover with a plastic bag or cling film and wrap with something warm and leave overnight. This method will help get rid of cough for both children and adults, the cough will disappear very quickly.
  4. It starts to tickle in the throat and tormented by a dry cough - chew the dill seed and everything will pass!

For sore throat

  • At the first sign of a sore throat several times a day, rinse with a solution of soda (1 teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm water), and then with a solution of furacillin with the addition alcohol tincture calendula. The next day, you will no longer feel the symptoms of a sore throat.
  • If you missed the first signs, then additionally gargle with garlic tincture (mix 100 g of grated garlic with any antiseptic tincture and 100 g of water), tincture of sage (1 cup boiling water with 1 tablespoon of sage), beet juice, juice of collanchoe.
  • As soon as your throat is stuffy, immediately chew one clove, and then spit it out. It helps with sore throat, runny nose and cough. You can chew it constantly, cloves destroy germs.

With a cold

  • If you have a runny nose at night, pour dry mustard into your socks. Put the mustard plasters on the calves and heels, bandaging them tightly.
  • If the child does not have allergies, then mix honey and aloe juice. Twist the cotton cord, dip it in the resulting slurry and insert it into one nostril. After 5 minutes, remove this flagellum, and insert another flagellum moistened with the mixture into the other nostril. The authors of this recipe call this treatment “walrus”. This makes the child laugh and he pretends to be a walrus, thus the child comes to terms with the need to walk with one already badly breathing nostril.

The easiest inhalation at home

1st way. Apply 3 drops of fir, eucalyptus or sage essential oil to the fan blades. Turn on the fan for 3 minutes.

2nd way. Apply 3-5 drops of any of the above essential oils to a hot pan. Breathe in the vapors closed windows and doors.

3rd way. Boil potatoes in a "uniform", drain the water, cover your head with a blanket and breathe over the steam for 10 minutes.

Prevention of colds

It is known that any disease is better to prevent than to treat it. In the arsenal of traditional medicine there are many inexpensive means. And even though the summer just ended, we fed fresh vegetables and fruits, our immunity still needs support. Therefore, on the eve of the epidemic, it is necessary that in diet foods rich in vitamin C were present.

lemon oil. Put in for a few minutes hot water 1 lemon, and after it, scroll with the zest through a meat grinder, add 100 g of softened butter and 2-3 tbsp. spoons of honey. Mix thoroughly, store in the refrigerator. Make sandwiches with this oil.

garlic milk. Squeeze juice from minced garlic. In 1 tablespoon warm milk dilute with 8 drops of garlic juice. Drink the remedy several times a day. This tool is good for prevention during the season of increased incidence of SARS and influenza.

A mixture of lemon, garlic and honey. Take 6 lemons, 4 medium heads of garlic, 200 g of honey. Grind garlic and lemon in a meat grinder, add honey. Mix thoroughly. Cover the container with the mixture with gauze to breathe, and leave for 10 days in a dark, cool place, a refrigerator is also suitable. Take a teaspoon of the mixture 3 times a day, previously diluted in 1 glass of water, or eat 1 teaspoon of the mixture, and then rinse your mouth with water. Course - 2 months.

To strengthen immunity

  • Drink a rosehip decoction. Put in a thermos 2 tbsp. tablespoons fresh or dried berries rose hips, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave overnight. Drink rosehip infusion at least 3 times a day.
  • Eat honey instead of sugar. It can be added to porridge warm tea half a teaspoon. As long as you're not allergic to it.
  • Give preference to salad dressings olive oil. It is good to put finely chopped garlic in such salads, so the salad will be more piquant. Make salads with raw carrots and green apple, season with sour cream.
  • gnaw raw carrots. It is useful not only for teeth and gums, it is a storehouse of useful vitamins.

Dear readers! As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the treatment and prevention of a cold. The main thing is not to miss the time and at the first signs immediately begin treatment. If you miss the moment, then the disease will be more difficult to cure, you will have to resort to treatment. antiviral agents. Delayed treatment can lead to the development of complications, and here it is impossible to do without antibiotics.

Now in everything medical institutions Russia has received an anti-influenza vaccine. Why you should get vaccinated against the flu I wrote. I think that after reading this article, you will understand that this is one of the effective methods influenza prevention.

Perhaps you also have your own signature recipes for coping with a cold, share them in the comments. And I end here, I wish you strong immunity and be healthy!

Probably on our planet there is no such person who has never had a cold. Each person has their own way to get rid of a cold. Useful tips published below will help you in the fight against this disease. Some of them are more effective, some less.

How to get rid of a cold as quickly and effectively as possible?

The first thing to remember is that you should not prescribe bed rest for a patient with a cold, as this can lead to a number of complications, such as congestive pneumonia. It is best for the patient to stay at home, while refusing to stay in bed for a long time. If you are already sick, try not to be in drafts and do not overcool. Fresh air does not hurt, go for temporary walks and ventilate the room properly.

With a cold, the patient needs to consume a large number of liquids, preferably mineral water. This is due to the fact that the causative agent of the disease does not tolerate alkaline environment. It is also useful to drink tea with raspberry jam. Raspberry is a natural antipyretic and diaphoretic. However, it can cause arrhythmias in people who have heart disease.

It is also worth remembering that mental attitude a person is strongly influenced by his physical state and also helps to quickly get rid of a cold. Therefore, during the period of illness, it is important not to lose heart, then it will be easier for the body to cope with the disease.

Most reliable remedy in order to get rid of a cold is profuse sweating. Since ginger stimulates blood circulation, you should drink three glasses of ginger decoction. It is most pleasant to drink such a decoction, lying in hot tub. A hot decoction of raspberry or lime blossom may also help. After you have drunk the decoction, lie down in bed, put heating pads, cover yourself with several blankets. After sweat and sleep the cold goes away. If you still have a cold the next day, starve. Wipe yourself with a towel soaked in vinegar water, drink water with lemon, wrap yourself in blankets and sleep. It contributes rapid decline temperature. Rubbing alcohol also helps.

There are many methods: tablets, drops, powders and capsules. All these means help us. Often, being carried away potent substances from a cold, we forget that other organs suffer from excessive use of “chemistry”: the liver, kidneys, stomach. It turns out that treating a cold is harmful? Sometimes it is really harmful, although you still need to treat it.

How to get rid of colds quickly and effectively with food?

During a cold, the patient's appetite decreases. Do not force him to eat in the same quantities. Decreased appetite is due to the fact that the body directs maximum amount energy to fight the disease. Given the fact that the digestion of protein and fatty foods usually a very significant amount of energy is spent, it is not surprising that the patient's appetite is reduced. It is desirable for the patient to eat:

More fruits, especially citrus fruits;

It is also worth eating more fresh and stewed vegetables;

Another effective remedy to get rid of a cold - chicken broth.

The effectiveness of the latter useful advice proven scientifically. Almost all types of broths have bright anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, they reduce sore throats and help ease breathing in case of nasal congestion. This is due to the fact that the broth contains special compounds that slow down or completely stop (for a while) the production of mucus in the nasopharynx.

How to get rid of folk remedies for a cold quickly?

With insignificant signs of a cold, you can resort to traditional medicine. Therefore, it is possible to help own body overcome illness without the use of pills.

For flu and colds, use the following medicinal herbs:

Diuretic - nettle, lingonberry leaf, carrot tops, strawberry leaf will help to cure a cold.

Immunostimulating - calendula, celandine, plantain, wild rose.

Bactericidal - calamus root, chamomile, plantain.

Vitamin - nettle, rosehip, mountain ash, spruce and pine needles.

Diaphoretics - sage, raspberry, Linden blossom, ginger with honey.

Effective ways to cure a cold quickly folk remedies

We will try to give you good advice which we hope will be of use to you. Of course, in order to recover quickly from colds, you can always use modern anti-cold drugs, but they do not relieve the disease, they only alleviate the symptoms and only allow you to reach the end of the working day.

To help with a cold, as always, the so-called "grandmother's" recipes come. If suddenly you find yourself in the rain and get wet “to the skin” and at the same time spend a lot of time in the cool wind, then the first thing you do when you get home, quickly get a full bowl of hot water from a cold (preferably add mustard there) and steam it properly in the pelvis of the leg. It is also very good to drink hot tea with honey, it is possible with raspberry jam, milk with honey is also great. In most cases, such measures are an excellent prevention of colds.

If you are still cold before coming home, and the cold still penetrated your body, then the first thing it is recommended to go to bed. We advise that it is better to take three or four days of vacation at your own expense and recover completely than to endure the disease “on your feet”. Thus, the disease can stretch for quite long period, besides, you run the risk of getting a complication. It is better to take care of your health and cure a cold quickly in its infancy than to endure the disease on your feet in the pursuit of money and then end up spending more more money for treatment.

Next to the bed, place an aromatic lamp with arborvitae or eucalyptus oil. The essential oils of these plants resist pathogens very well and help to cure colds. And thuja oil is generally the strongest natural antiseptic.

From cough and runny nose with a cold, inhalation quickly helps. The easiest way is to boil potatoes in their skins and breathe over them, inhaling the steam, you will warm up Airways. Another simple and fast way for colds - dissolve a few teaspoons in hot water baking soda. Also great for inhalation aromatic essential oils To do this, just drop a few drops of essential oil into hot water.

Also, with a cold, if there is no temperature, meositis, cough, bronchitis, you need to mix half a glass of honey with one tablespoon of salt. Rub this composition in a well-heated bath and sweat until the honey is washed off.

Colds are also treated with husks onion. To do this, put it on a hot stove or stove, wait until the smoke comes out. Breathe it in a few times. In this way, you can get rid of the flu.

A dry compress also helps to get rid of the disease.

Honey is considered an indispensable medicine. It is not only a sweet treat, but also a useful addition to healing.

As an antipyretic, use a decoction of dried cherries or raspberries, possibly brewed in fresh.

Lemon is indispensable in the fight against disease. Lemon is extremely useful, both fresh and in tea. From nasal congestion, the aroma of freshly prepared onion gruel or juice will remarkably help.

How to quickly get rid of a cold with garlic?

A distinctive feature of garlic in the treatment of colds is that it contains essential oils that instantly kill disease-causing microbes, it is not surprising that for many this useful plant became popular. Experts say that regular consumption of garlic in food leads to a natural strengthening immune system. This vegetable is the key good health.

Largely thanks to garlic, it is possible to avoid severe complications illness.

AT medical purposes garlic is used as an independent full-fledged medicine that does not require any stimulant, and in combination with equally strong ingredients. For example, in order to prevent colds and viral diseases garlic is recommended to eat as an independent product during epidemics and as an addition to dishes all year round. There is never too much garlic for the body.

In case of infection or a cold, you need to prepare the following mixture for treatment.

To quickly get rid of a cold, you need: 4 cloves of garlic, 1/2 lemon, 1 tbsp. l. honey.

Cooking. Grate the garlic on a fine grater, mix with grated lemon, add honey, mix everything.

The use of garlic for treatment. It is necessary to take 2 - 3 times a day for 1 tsp. within 5 days.

Instead of a conclusion, you can say the following: if the patient follows these simple advice then he won't get a cold. Protect your own health! If a cold has taken you by surprise, listen to these tips, then no illness will be scary to you.

Coldunpleasant phenomenon. It's not yet severe illness, but the human body feels uncomfortable. As a result, a cold easily develops into a severe illness, and can harm the body. But if you immediately get rid of this condition, then the disease can be avoided, and you can instantly recover. We will tell you how to quickly get rid of a cold.

The common cold is one of those diseases that come on gradually. At first May start to tickle the throat, then appears mild cough, nasal congestion. Often, many people do not even pay attention to these symptoms. But if you do not start to eliminate these symptoms in time, the common cold grows into SARS, or even the flu. That is why you need to make a decision as soon as possible that will allow you to get rid of a cold for a short time. In addition, it is necessary to arrange prophylaxis for the body in order to prevent colds in the future. Well, if it so happened that you caught a cold, do not despair, immediately take certain measures.

How to quickly get rid of a cold at home

To get rid of a cold at home, you need to take the following emergency measures:

  1. Let the body completely calm down. If you are at work then the best solution will take a vacation or time off. It will take you two to three days to fully recover. Sometimes you can get rid of a cold in one day, but this is only possible if you immediately notice the symptoms and take action. Therefore, your first action should be to ensure peace.
  2. Check your temperature. Many immediately run to the pharmacy, buy expensive medicines that bring down the temperature. But quite often, with a common cold, there is no temperature, or it is so small that it makes no sense to bring it down. The temperature of 37 degrees does not go astray, this indicates that a struggle is taking place in the body, and it is not worth interfering with immunity. At a higher temperature, you need to take antipyretic components.
  3. Get plenty of vitamin C in various forms. At the pharmacy, you can take pills or ascorbic acid and don't forget about natural ingredients. It is important to strengthen the immune system and increase its level. You can buy in our online store drugs that actively increase human immunity. Every 3 hours you need to take a certain dose of vitamin C.
  4. Drink as much warm liquid as possible. It may be ordinary warm water, or tea. Rosehip decoction is also good, herbal preparations, especially those in which chamomile, eucalyptus, peppermint, and others. All herbs for cooking healing decoctions for colds, you can also buy in our store.
  5. Try to limit yourself during the period of illness physical labor, and any other loads. You need to take bed rest, and drink plenty of fluids. These are the first steps that you need to take in order to get rid of a cold at home in a short time. Thus, you will not allow the disease to develop. But at the same time, you need to use traditional medicine preparations that will help you quickly get rid of a cold at home.

Treatment of colds with folk methods

To quickly get rid of a cold folk methods, you need to use recipes that help for many years. You can buy all the components for the preparation of these recipes on our website, as well as take ready-made herbal preparations and other preparations that will help get rid of not only colds, but also more serious illnesses like influenza, SARS, and others. Recipes for the treatment of colds with folk methods are as follows:

  • Rosehip decoction. This is the most effective decoction, which will help to recover even in one day. The main thing is to start treatment on time, and use rosehip broth in large quantities. To prepare it, you need to take half a glass of rose hips, and pour boiling water over it. Water will need 1 liter. Let the product brew in a thermos, it should brew for 4 hours. You need to drink such a decoction every 2-3 hours.
  • Raspberry tea. In childhood, everyone was probably given raspberry tea for a cold. And in fact, it is very effective remedy. You can drink it in any form. You can add to hot water in jam, or brew raspberry leaves and drink the resulting broth. The fact is that raspberries contain a large amount of valuable vitamins, including vitamin C. In addition, it helps to quickly restore the body in case of any disease, lowers the temperature, and improves health in general. Therefore, you should not refuse such a simple method.
  • Milk. This tool helps to get rid of severe cough. It is worth warming up the milk, but you do not need to boil it. This is a mistake of many, during boiling milk leaves a large amount of valuable vitamins. It is enough just to heat it up to a temperature that is acceptable for use. Also add some honey to the milk. This remedy is great for getting rid of a cough.
  • Ginger tea. Not everyone will like such a drink, but it quickly restores strength and strengthens the immune system. You can make this cocktail. Take mint leaves, lemon, orange, and a pinch of ground ginger root. You will also need honey. In a glass of warm purified water, but not boiling water, add a teaspoon of honey, a slice of lemon, 2 slices of orange, and add ginger on the tip of a knife. Then add mint leaves. Let the tea brew for 7 minutes, and drink the resulting drink. It is very tasty, but most importantly, it will have a positive effect on the body, and will help you quickly get rid of a cold at home.
  • Drink plenty of chamomile tea. With a cold, the body is severely dehydrated, and chamomile tea will allow you to dial required amount fluids in the body. In addition, chamomile contains many valuable vitamins and minerals, helps to lower the temperature, improves general state relieves sore throat. To do this, it is enough to brew one teaspoon of dry chamomile in 300 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 15 minutes, strain and drink. For taste, you can add lemon and honey.
  • To get rid of a sore throat, you can collect this herbal composition . To prepare the collection, you will need chamomile, sage, calendula, and plantain. Take all the herbs in equal proportions, mix, and brew one teaspoon in 250 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 15 minutes, strain and you are ready to use. In addition, such a decoction will help get rid of even a sore throat. They can gargle, and the result will be just great.
  • As a rule, during a cold, a headache occurs. It can be removed with the help of aroma oils. Grease the whiskey menthol oil, also apply it on the wings of the nose. At the same time, you should use green tea with addition a small amount cinnamon. head the pain will pass, breathing will become easier, and well-being will improve.

Such remedies will help get rid of a cold with folk methods, and you can do it at home. It is important to start treatment on time, but many make a basic mistake. Once you feel better, you should never stop using these methods. Improving the body does not speak of complete cure. It is worth further strengthening the immune system, therefore, after an illness, it is worth continuing to use such methods of getting rid of a cold for several days. For prevention, it is worth drinking a decoction of wild rose, a decoction of chamomile, and also use aroma oils. You can buy all components in our online store, as well as choose for yourself general course strengthening immunity, which we recommend that the whole family go through every season. Take care of your health and use the gifts of nature for healing.

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