Should you eat soup? Myths and reality. What is allowed? Dietitian Yuliya Chekhonina

“Food that the body does not digest eats the one who ate it. Therefore, eat in moderation.” Now the process of increasing the share of harmful foods has reached its climax. We bring to your attention a list of harmful products that are strictly forbidden to eat, they are dangerous to health.

1. Monosodium glutamate

Do not eat foods with the addition of E-621 (monosodium glutamate). Take the package of goods in the store and read. If monosodium glutamate is listed, don't buy it at all. Monosodium glutamate is a flavor enhancer. Now it is added even to the most unexpected products in order to "hook" the population on them. Be careful. Better use natural products: salt, sugar, pepper and so on. But no glutamate.

2. Sweeteners

Although many sweeteners are calorie-free and very economical (one plastic container replaces 6 to 12 kg of sugar), despite this, they should not be trusted recklessly. It turns out that, having felt a sweet taste, our esophagus thinks that it will now receive a portion of carbohydrates - but they are not. After such a “deception”, any carbohydrates that enter the body within 24 hours of this “sending” cause strong feeling hunger. NO sweeteners should be used.

3. trans fats

Oil 72.5% should not be eaten in any case. This is a trans fat vegetable oil low grade, broken down by hydrogen. There is no oil less than 82.5%. If you can’t find such oil, then it’s better to eat vegetable oil. It is better to eat two tablespoons of natural butter than a whole pack or kilogram of trans fats.

4. Salted herring in plastic bags

Salted herring is stored only in oil. It is not stored in any vinegar or wine. If the herring is oil-free, then urotropin has been added to it.

5. Red caviar lightly salted

The principle is the same. Red caviar is not stored for a long time. Only frozen or heavily salted. If it is sold lightly salted, then either urotropin or citric acid is added to it. Something else may be added, but the output is still formaldehyde.

6. Known genetically engineered products

  • Peanut. The petunia gene is implanted. A terribly poisonous substance. And insects don't eat peanuts;
  • Green peas (canned);
  • Corn (canned);
  • Imported potatoes;
  • Crab sticks (crab essence mixed with soy);
  • Cocoa.

7. Corn sticks and flakes with sugar

If you buy cornflakes, sticks, they should only be NOT sweet. Because sugar is not used in production. Sugar burns at 140 degrees. Therefore, sweeteners are used this case cyclomate.

8. Porridges and cereals with flavors and dyes identical to natural

it chemical substances having an odor - the taste of pear, strawberry, banana, etc. There is nothing natural here.

9. Lollipops, barberry

Now such a strong chemical essence is used that if you leave a slightly wet candy on the tablecloth, it will burn through the tablecloth, along with the varnish. Even plastic is destroyed. Imagine what happens to your stomach.

10. Marmalade

The current marmalade has nothing to do with what was under the USSR. It's just the wonders of the chemical industry. Deadly dangerous.

11. jams

Powerful antioxidants. You will never be able to keep a cherry in such a pristine condition.

12. Fried potatoes in fast foods and ready-made in stores

Now antioxidants are used such that the potato lasts a year and does not turn black. Everything about fast food. Shawarma, pies and even salads in Makdachnaya.

13. Boiled sausages

They are from genetically modified soybeans. Sausages, sausages, boiled sausages, pâtés and other products with so-called hidden fats. They contain fat interior fat, pork skins occupy up to 40% of the weight, but are disguised as meat, including with the help of flavorings.

14. Ham

In this case, there is no question of any naturalness at all. A thin neck and a kilogram of gel are taken. During the night, in a special machine, the gel is “shaken” along with a piece of the neck, and by morning a huge piece of “meat” is obtained. As such, the meat in it is no more than 5%. Everything else is gel (caratinine, flavor enhancers, color enhancers). Pink color such "meat" is given by color enhancers along with special lamps. If you turn off the lamps in the window, you will see that the color is green.

15. Raw smoked sausages

As before, no one smokes. Smoke liquids are used, in which, again, formaldehyde.

16. Dairy products with a long shelf life (more than 2 months)

Anything stored for more than 2 weeks should not be consumed. Aseptic packaging is a packaging with an antibiotic.

17. Mayonnaise in plastic bags

Vinegar found in mayonnaise, although it should not be there, corrodes the walls of plastic packaging, releasing carcinogens. Only neutral products can be placed in plastic packaging.

18. watermelons

If 8. you were carried 10 times, then on the 11th it may not be carried. Watermelon is fertilized with such substances that it is the first candidate for poisoning.

19. Grapes that do not spoil

Grapes are eaten by mushrooms on the vine. It has not yet been removed from the branch, but mushrooms are already eating it. Therefore, if some shoo-mouse is sold there and lies for more than 5 days, you should know that it is treated with chloroform and other serious antioxidants.

20. Pepper (out of season)

Absolutely genetically modified product. It should not be eaten in moderation by those who suffer from inflammatory diseases. gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, ischemic disease heart, hemorrhoids, insomnia, mental disorders, epilepsy, kidney and heart disease. Pepper itself is among the top ten products containing nitrogenous fertilizers and pesticides. And even if you eat only one such pepper, then health problems may appear. Therefore, it would be better to buy it exclusively during the growth season, namely in the summer, and preferably grown in your habitat.

21. strawberries in winter

Winter strawberries are an absolutely useless product. There are no vitamins. This does not apply to you if you live, for example, in Israel, where strawberries are in season in winter.

22. Purchased mushrooms, dried apricots, prunes, raisins

If you see beautiful dried apricots or raisins, pass by. Think about what needs to be done with it in order to keep the apricot as if it were fresh from the tree. Dried apricots should be ugly and shriveled.

23. Ice cream

Especially in specialized institutions such as various "Robbins". Or foreign ice cream. Now it is virtually impossible to find ice cream made from milk. If you find a real ice cream made from milk somewhere, then you can safely buy it. Popsicles are pure essence, there is nothing natural in it.

24. Cupcakes in packages and rolls

They do not get stale, do not deteriorate, do not dry out, nothing is done with them at all. He will lie down for a month. And in a month it will be the same.

25. Chocolate candies

90% of chocolate is not chocolate at all (substitute dyes). Chocolate bars. This is a gigantic amount of calories combined with chemical additives, genetically modified products, dyes and flavors. The combination of large amounts of sugar and various chemical additives provides the highest calorie content and the desire to eat them again and again.

26. Chicken

In particular, men should not eat chicken meat at all. Because chicken is all on hormones. Chicken contains 6 female hormones, including progesterone. So if a man starts eating female hormones, his testosterone, of course, drops, and to a level that cannot be restored later. The ram is the only animal that will not eat any hormones. Eat meat from non-commercial lines. Chickens are now the most commercial product.

27. Processed cheese

Compared to hard cheeses, processed cheeses contain more sodium, which makes them an undesirable food for people suffering from hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. They are completely unacceptable.

28. Instant coffee

Men can't at all! Categorically! There is a complete degeneration of the hormonal glands.

29. flavored teas

Drink natural tea in which nothing floats, there is no additional taste. All flavored teas citric acid, then with orange acid, then with some acid there. Habituation occurs instantly. We need to remove all acids from the body.

30. Refined deodorized vegetable oil

Refined oil, by the way, cannot be eaten, it almost does not differ in molecular structure from plastic, which happens to it in the process of strong heating during refining. Such oil slagging the body and is the strongest carcinogen. For the same reason, you can not fry twice in the same oil, except for olive ... Refined oil cannot be used raw in salads. You can only fry on it.

31. Ketchup, various sauces and dressings

They contain a high content of dyes, flavor substitutes and GMOs, in addition, preservatives that protect these products from spoilage disrupt the intestinal microflora, destroying and beneficial microbes in the body.

32. Potato chips

Potato chips, especially those made not from whole potatoes, but from mashed potatoes. It's essentially a mixture of carbs and fat plus artificial flavors.

33. Products fast food

Instant foods: instant noodles, instant soups, mashed potatoes, instant juices such as Yupi and Zuko. All this is solid chemistry that harms the body.

34. Alcohol

Alcohol. Even in minimum quantities interferes with the absorption of vitamins. In addition, alcohol is very high in calories in itself. It’s probably not worth talking about the effect of alcohol on the liver and kidneys, you already know everything very well. And do not rely on the fact that a certain amount of alcohol is good.

35. Sweet carbonated drinks

Sugary carbonated drinks - a mixture of sugar, chemicals and gases - to distribute throughout the body faster harmful substances. Coca-Cola, for example, is a wonderful remedy for limescale and rust. Think carefully before sending such a liquid to the stomach. In addition, carbonated sweet drinks are also harmful with a high concentration of sugar - the equivalent of four to five teaspoons diluted in a glass of water. Therefore, you should not be surprised that, quenching your thirst with such a soda, you are thirsty again after five minutes.

36. yeast bread and White bread

When you eat yeast bread, you eat mushrooms. Preference should be given rye bread. Refined white flour higher grades, like other refined foods, confidently enters the top of unhealthy foods. "Sliced ​​loaf" is not a complete bread. This is a "bun", with all the consequences.

37. Juices in packages

about any natural juices in this case it is not. There are no natural juices for sale in packages. Don't you dare give them to children. This is pure chemistry. This is a rough list of foods to avoid. It's about not about unhealthy products, but rather dangerous ones.

1. White sugar. especially dangerous substance- pure carbohydrate and calories, it is corroded with bleach. It is not always possible to find brown, gray, crystalline. Just try to be conscious in your choice and dilute it with other types of sugar, if possible. If you want sugar, it's better to eat a piece like this. It is not necessary to add to tea, sugar changes the properties of water, and you dehydrate the body by a quarter with one sweet tea. Limit sugar for children. Diabetes is progressing, take sparingly soluble sugar, the child will not wait, he will drink unsweetened.

Sugar is a dead product from which all vitamins and enzymes have been removed in order to be stored as long as possible. white sugar instantly absorbed into the blood, causing an excess of sugar in it. In the language of medicine, this phenomenon is called hyperglycemia. Thus, the body directs all the energy to the processing of sugar, andthe pancreas starts huge number produce insulin.

When sugar is processed and calories are stuffed into specially designated places for them on all known parts of the body, the reverse situation occurs in the body. Namely, an excess of insulin gave rise to a lack of sugar in the blood.

And I will return to medical terms- caused hypoglycemia side effects which I think everyone knows. This is, firstly, a decrease in the body's resistance, secondly, nervousness, thirdly, mental lethargy and, finally, susceptibility to viral and bacterial infections.

And what are we doing? That's right - we drink tea again, eat chocolate, in general, eat something sweet. And the process is repeated again. Well, where is the strength for normal healthy life? What is the conclusion of all this. The harm of sugar is obvious.

White refined sugar is not glucose! Then what is it? First, white sugar is a product of synthetic origin. Remember this once and for all. These white crystals are nothing but the substance sucrose. The sucrose molecule is two intricately intertwined molecules of glucose and fructose.

And again, these are not the glucose and fructose that are contained, for example, in fruits. We get next process: sucrose needs to be split into glucose and fructose - alien glucose and fructose, at the cost of incredible efforts of our body, to turn into natural (natural). We all use this product, not knowing that it should not be eaten?

A sugar substitute is not a solution. You have no idea how dangerous this product is. Behind its production and introduction into our diet are global corporations that are interested in our destruction.

2. Long-term products.

If the product is stored for a long time - two weeks, a month, six months, etc., then it is absolutely dead. Eating dead foods means moving towards death, because there are drugs that kill enzymes and bacteria. They killed them in the product and will kill them in your body. A person without enzymes and bacteria dies.

3. Meat

You can eat meat no more than 2 times a week and it is undesirable to eat a lot of chicken and pork, it is better to replace them with veal and lamb. Pork and chicken meat is now very badly spoiled. The chicken is spoiled by hormones, so it is strictly forbidden for the male half. It dramatically reduces testosterone. Also, you can not eat offal. All cattle are fed with antibiotics and modified hormones, so store-bought liver can be used purely symbolically, because there is the most high concentration. According to Ogulov's recommendation, it is better to cook all meat on 2 broths.

4. Yeast bread

Eat store-bought bread as little as possible, but it is better to refuse altogether. Try to replace it with bezrogzhevaya, cakes on sour cream, kefir or pancakes without yeast, you can use biscuits, dry cookies, the main thing is that there is no yeast (especially dry, pressed, thermophilic). The fact is that yeast is a fungus that, remaining in the body, infects it, and can cause oncological processes.

5. Shop inafli, k reckers and cookies

Waffles are a very tasty and popular delicacy. They are produced in the form of small briquettes, cakes, just wafer blanks, which can later be layered independently with any filling.

Harmful is not wafer plates, but the filling-layer. Previously, the filling was made from natural ingredients (there were delicious berry waffles, lemon, chocolate), and now the filling is all chemistry: cheap vegetable fats, oxidized palm oil, colorants, preservatives, flavors. Store-bought waffles are made from margarine, which is officially modified. That is, almost half of each of the waffles consists of transgenic fat. And this fat makes the walls of blood vessels not elastic.

Consuming a modern store pack of waffles can be compared to smoking 10 cigarettes a day, because it contains 12 grams of trans fats, which are extremely harmful to the human body in amounts of more than 5 grams per day.

Excessive consumption of waffle products leads to a weakening of the immune system, the formation cholesterol plaques andgeneral slagging of the body. In the hierarchy of confectionery, this is the most harmful store product.

The easiest and most harmless way out is to make waffles yourself. You are using natural products for the dough, and boiled condensed milk is quite suitable for the filling good quality or cream based on butter and milk. Flavoring - vanillin.

6. Sandwiches

There are opposing opinions about the dangers of sandwiches, but you must understand that usually carbohydrates (bread), fats (butter) and proteins (sausage) are combined in a sandwich, sometimes fiber (vegetables) is also present. Hot sandwiches may contain trans fats.

7. Butter with a fat content below 82.5% is dangerous to eat.

It contains trans fat. What it is? Low-melting vegetable fats, including palm oil, petroleum-derived stearins and paraffins, are taken and broken down with hydrogen.

Trans fats have a pathological effect on the elderly. They are embedded in the cell membrane and practically destroy it. Real butter thaws slowly with heat. If the butter frozen in the freezer starts to flow 5-10 minutes after it is taken out, then it is no longer butter, but vegetable margarine.

Try to use less margarine in baking as well, by choosing recipes that do not include margarine. It is better to replace it with vegetable oil. For vessels, this is a dangerous product, especially after 50. Try to choose fatty oil over 82%, and then you don’t need to eat a lot of it. It is harmless in small amounts.

8. Refined vegetable oil.

You can fry food on it, but then you need to let the oil drain. And don't add it to your salad. In this oil, after processing, what we need does not remain - unsaturated fatty acids, but there is enough of what is not needed - esters, fragrances, paraffin and trans fats.

Trans fats are a type unsaturated fat formed when oils are heated. It has been well established that trans fats are involved in the formation of cancer cells.

Therefore, vegetable oil should be only unrefined, first pressing, cold pressing from the market, the one that smells like seeds. But you can't fry it. There are 30 types of oil, for those who love salad with oil: olive, avocado, sesame, grape seed, cottonseed, linseed, soybean ... So there will be no problem with an alternative.

9. Imported vegetables.

All imported products should be eaten either in minimal quantities, or completely excluded. Almost all products imported to us from abroad are genetically modified, and they are also processed from diseases and pests 10 times more often than those produced in Russia. But be careful, our farmers, in pursuit of a long ruble, began to buy seeds in the west, because the harvest there is 5 times higher. You will recognize them by their beauty, size and taste. Very tasty, but not quite plants, but half animals.

You can’t do it at all: Dutch potatoes, peppers, all imported peanuts, corn are GMOs.

10. Dried fruits

Imported dried fruits, dried industrial way poison us. The fact is that they are dried on sulfur checkers, which gives them extraordinary beauty and taste. You can eat dried fruits, but choose simple-looking ones, what we ate before, what withered by itself in the sun, without forced help. Harmful dried fruits are covered with an oily substance on the outside - this is sulfur oxide, it is detrimental to the liver.

11. Our children like imported jams, but they are so dangerous that they cannot be eaten.

The beauty is indescribable, but there is no sugar, and a sweetener is used instead. It causes severe consequences for the human body. Also for a complete set there are acids, preservatives, enzyme quenchers. In another way, this type is simply not achieved, no matter how hard you try. Also, try not to use pastries with confiture. If jam, then only homemade. You don’t need much either, but at least there is nothing unusual there - only sugar, fruits, berries.
what foods should not be eaten

12. Lightly salted products with a long shelf life.

13. Unfrozen chilled fish contain an antibiotic. We observe an abundance of fresh fish on store shelves: sharks, rays and other non-frozen representatives of marine life. But the question is: how do they deliver them so that it doesn’t all go rotten on the way? Do you know where they are taken from? Holland, Kamchatka, Sakhalin. One road for two weeks, and then until they sell it. When checking the fish is absolutely normal, but no one checks the ice on which it lies, and he is with an antibiotic. Ice, melting, saturates the fish with antibiotics. Ice is constantly laid, prolonging the life of the fish. If you want to eat fresh fish, take a live one, such as carp.

14. Candy. You can "mu-mu", "startsport", "first grader", etc., that is, toffee and caramel. In no case do not give marmalade to children - this is the essence in pure form. Do not give any lollipops, the consistency of acids is such that the eyes climb on the forehead. Cowberry color - magenta.

15. Chicken cubes, chips, croutons.

Added flavor enhancer. This is a trap - the strongest drug called monosodium glutamate. You eat crackers, and the body goes into a state of euphoria. Glutamic acid necessary for the body, but the synthesized version is a poison close to fatal. A dog or cat dies with the systematic intake of this substance.

16. Products containing vinegar, packaged in plastic. Vinegar pulls out dioxides from cans, making it even more dangerous to heat in plastic.

17. Sausages boiled, smoked, raw smoked.

They recycle and these products are made by chemists. There was practically no meat left, 90% of the supplement. Developed amino acids, aftertaste and aftertaste. That is, you look at the sausage in the window, and the body already resonates with the amino acid and a 6-hour aftertaste. Sausages taste better by leaps and bounds thanks to chemists. Even the best meat cannot be cooked so delicious, it's all hydrogel and flavoring ingredients.

18. Soy.

All soybeans are now genetically modified and watered with glyphosate. All studies positive were paid by a multinational company.

19. Raw eggs.

under the shell chicken egg film is located. This is the natural defense of chickens from foxes. This film causes infertility. If eggs were safe, then all the foxes in the world would be in chicken coops. Here the chickens defended themselves. The fox finds a loophole in the chicken coop, but will no longer be able to pass on the experience to offspring. Because it becomes infertile. It's only recently opened. During heat treatment, the film is neutralized. Perfect option scrambled eggs. Quail eggs also have such a film, but it is much weaker.

20. Chinese teas, Chinese candied fruits, Chinese vegetables and fruits.

All products with hormones. They have a problem - there are one and a half billion of them, so products can cause temporary loss of reproductive function.

21. Peanuts.

Peanuts are unpretentious, protein-rich product, but to Unfortunately, it is most susceptible to infection by the fungus Aspergillus flavus. Produced by the fungus Aspergillus flavus Aflatoxin is a carcinogen.

Campbell K., Campbell T. China Study. The results of the largest study of the connection between nutrition and health in 2013.

What is allowed?

All cereals, greens, domestic vegetables and fruits from the village, our berries, all types of cabbage, at least 30 types of spices. It is better to soak all cereals except buckwheat and millet.

To get rid of nitrates, greens and vegetables should be washed with soap and soaked in boiled water for an hour.

It is optimal to leave them soaked in a three-liter jar in the light. Under the influence of daylight, nitrates come out better. It would be useful to first remove the skin from potatoes and cucumbers.

Potatoes cannot be boiled in the same water in which they soaked.

Imported apples always need to be cleaned - most often they are treated not with wax, as we used to think, with synthetic paraffin made on the basis of E905 oil products. Once in the stomach, "chemistry" can cause poisoning. Not a single detergent composition is able to erase this paraffin from the peel.

In order not to accidentally feast on wax and paraffins, which are covered with imported fruits and vegetables, you should thoroughly wash the fruits with a brush, preferably in hot soapy water.

For example, paraffin from grapes can be partially melted by running hot water.

You should also wash bananas - in hot water and with soap: before selling, their green skins are treated with a mixture of nitrogen and ethylene to turn them yellow.


In the kitchen Slavic peoples turnip was considered the main vegetable. Apart from common people she was often present at the tables of wealthy nobles and merchants. In those days, turnips were as important to people as potatoes are to us today.

In Russia, turnips have been used quite often for a long time, which is reflected even in folk sayings.
Turnip was one of the first to attract the attention of mankind. Turnips were fed to slaves in Egypt, Greece and Persia, as they considered it a rough and nutritious vegetable. In Rome, turnips were present on the tables of commoners. But already in the Middle Ages, turnip received the status of a delicacy, it was served on the table as a side dish for meat dishes, pre-baked on coals.

Once upon a time, a special way of eating according to blood types was popular. There were different centers where you could consult with nutritionists about proper nutrition.

The goal was basically the same for everyone - to lose weight. Some people lost pounds in this way before their eyes.

Honestly, I have never eaten according to the blood type diet, but I became interested, since I have the first positive one.

I decided to look at the lists of products that are suitable for me and compare with what I use at the moment.

Basic principles of nutrition and lifestyle

1. It turns out that all representatives of this blood group need to eat meat. I am a meat-eater and cannot imagine my life without chicken, chops and meatballs. Therefore, the first point coincided.

2. Owners of the first blood group by nature have good immunity and a healthy digestive tract. I didn't have any problems with my stomach or intestines. I also rarely get sick, 2-3 times a year. The only thing is that my stomach is very sensitive and I need to eat only fresh and quality products, however, as well as to all people.

3. Having tried several times in my life to "sit" on a diet, I concluded that this is absolutely not for me. It turns out that this is not only a matter of the organism, but also of the blood group.

4. The next point follows smoothly from the previous one. To look good and slim, you should not starve and practice diets, but you should engage in physical activity. It is for the owners of the first blood group that this way of keeping fit is the most optimal.

What not to eat with the first blood group

I thought so. I don't like beans and lentils. These are some of the foods that are not recommended for us to consume, as they do not contribute to the removal of excess calories. It is not advisable to eat corn and wheat in any form, as these products slow down the metabolism, which is not good for the body.

It turns out that white, colored and Brussels sprouts may cause functional impairment thyroid gland. This is a shock to me, since I use cabbage quite often in winter time. Worth considering, as I am missing half of this important organ.

Owners of the first blood group need and benefit to eat all types of seafood, including those that contain a large amount of iodine. I love such products, which is beneficial for the thyroid gland and the body as a whole.

But I am neutral to the liver, and it must be consumed regularly. The liver is rich in B vitamins and helps to improve metabolism.

In addition to the types of cabbage that are not recommended to be consumed, spinach, broccoli and kale can be included in the diet, which also contributes to normal metabolism. Red meat should also be consumed. I eat pork, but I don't like beef.


Based on a detailed analysis of the products for my blood type, I concluded that basically everything converges. As the saying goes, you can't fool the body.

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The cause of the malaise is often products from the menu of your diet. Neither the weather, nor the uncontrolled intake of medicines affect the changes in the body as much as the use of "wrong" dishes. Treatment of a painful organ involves a strict diet.

Consider a therapeutic diet menu called Table 1. It is prescribed to people with chronic disease duodenum, stomach and with high acidity. And do not confuse her diet with number 9, which is designed to treat diabetes.

Diet Table 1 according to Pevzner

Diet menu Table 1 according to Pevzner is assigned people in the early stages of their illness.

M. I. Pevzner believed that a person needs, on average, about 3000 calories per day. Therefore, his "methods" are not intended for weight loss, but are directed exclusively towards recovery.

Main principle each Pevzner's diet is daily use in the menu 100 grams of fat, divided into 6 meals a day.

According to the diet Table 1 Pevzner, for diseases associated with the stomach, are allowed: wheat bread, soft cereals, vegetable soups, sweet fruits, dairy products, black tea, potatoes and steamed meats.

This menu is also assigned to children. But since their body is not yet formed, a simplified version is given. For example, only fried, smoked and spicy are prohibited. It all depends on the indication of the doctor and the period of the disease.

What can and cannot be eaten?

First, let's look at the foods that should be on the menu for the day with diet 1 and those that should not be consumed.

What you can eat with the diet Table 1:

  • dairy products with reduced fat content and acidity;
  • omelette;
  • steam meat;
  • vegetable puree;
  • cereals;
  • soft fruits;
  • hot drinks and water.

As for the “forbidden” products on the Table 1 menu, logically, they include those that are not included in the above list.

List of products that are strictly forbidden to be included in the menu:

  • fatty food;
  • flour;
  • chocolate;
  • sour berries;
  • ice cream;
  • sweet and sour drinks;
  • coffee;
  • alcohol.

Based on the results of the Table 1 diet lists, we conclude that in order to “calm down” the irritated walls of the stomach, the menu should contain soft foods of medium taste(neither sour nor sweet).

sample menu

In order not to eat only steamed vegetables and diversify the diet, with the Table 1 diet, you can cook dishes that are in no way inferior to those that you ate before: instead of fatty meat cutlets, cook fish, and replace a cup of coffee with a glass of low-fat kefir.

Diet menu Table 1 for one day for diseases of the stomach is as follows:

  • Breakfast: fry scrambled eggs and make weak tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: cook a stew of vegetables, adding fish cakes to them.
  • Dinner: do vegetable salad in a combination of meatballs from lean meat.
  • Table 1 "recommends" eating applesauce three hours before bedtime.

Menu for the week

In order not to mislead people without imagination, we will provide our list of products and dishes in the menu Table 1 for the week with effective results:


  • Breakfast: prepare mashed vegetables and wash it down with unsweetened tea.
  • Dinner : mashed potatoes combined with processed cheese and apple compote.
  • Dinner: buckwheat porridge with cottage cheese and apple pudding.


  • cook semolina without sugar, but eat it with jam and weak tea.
  • vegetable soup with sour cream and fruit juice.
  • prepare mashed potatoes by adding a boiled egg to it and drink this mixture with a glass of berry jelly.


  • cook buckwheat porridge and an egg. Drink tea without sugar.
  • prepare vegetable broth and drink a glass of apple juice.
  • cook buckwheat porridge with cottage cheese and drink a glass of milk.


  • processed cheese, rice porridge and a cup of weak tea.
  • soup with lean meat cutlets and steamed vegetables.
  • a glass of milk.


  • drink mashed potatoes with orange juice.
  • buckwheat porridge combined with fish cakes.
  • cabbage salad, low-fat cutlets and compote.


  • prepare mashed potatoes with meatballs and drink a cup of weak tea without sugar.
  • cook vermicelli without flavorings and drink a glass of apple compote.
  • low-fat steamed meatballs and a glass of kefir.


  • cook oatmeal without sugar and drink a cup of weak tea.
  • cook vegetable soup and drink a glass of kefir.
  • drink low-fat meat patties with berry jelly.

Diet Recipes Table 1

Diet table number 1 with diseases of the stomach special menu with a list of rare recipes delicious meals. Consider the most useful of them:

Sticky rice soup

Sticky rice soup
  • cook cereals in a ratio of 1: 1;
  • add rice to prepared meat broth and cook over low heat for five minutes;
  • beat a glass of milk with an egg and add the mixture to the rice;
  • continue to cook over low heat for two minutes;
  • add a pinch of herbs to the finished soup.

Boiled beef dumplings in broth
  • finely chop 250 g of meat and 1 onion;
  • fry the onion until golden brown;
  • soak 2 slices of bread in milk, divide into pieces and mix with a tablespoon of sour cream;
  • skip the finished mixture of meat, onions and bread through a meat grinder and add salt;
  • roll out minced meat and divide into equal pieces;;
  • cook meat broth, salt;
  • when water boils, immediately put “patties” into it and cook for 15 minutes;
  • serve with broth.

When is the therapeutic diet Table 1 prescribed?

Menu food "restrictions" Table 1 is appointed with the development of diseases associated with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract).

Diet 1 is a kind of supplement to the course of treatment. If you follow it correctly, you will recover twice as fast.

Diet menu Table 1 for gastritis of the stomach is prescribed to reduce inflammation and normalize motor function stomach.

With such a disease can't be consumed neither cold nor hot food. Heavy poorly digestible food is also not allowed. Cereals and fruit purees are appropriate. What about eating, need it observe 6 times a day in small portions according to the standard daily diet menu Table 1.

To get rid of ulcers with a diet Table 1 on the menu recommended following products: eggs, lean meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, white bread, cereals and pasta. " Prohibited» - fried, fatty, spicy and sour foods. In this case, it is necessary to follow the diet menu Table 1 every day for a month.

At diabetes Eliminate foods containing sugar from the menu. Also Not recommended use spicy and fatty foods. Can- Soups, fruits and vegetables. Food restriction number 1 with such a disease should be "used" until complete recovery.

Many people who are on a diet do not see results simply because they build their diet incorrectly, because answering the question “what not to eat when losing weight”, you can identify many prohibited foods that interfere with losing weight, neutral and beneficial to the body. Find out what should be removed not only from diet menu but also from everyday to those who want to lose weight and always have beautiful figure without excess fat.

What not to eat to lose weight

In pursuit of a gorgeous body, girls and women starve themselves, make portions of food minimal, but few of them know that in order to lose weight, you must first of all remove high-calorie foods from the diet, harmful products and fast carbohydrates. An explanation of what you absolutely can’t eat when losing weight will help everyone understand what harm a certain product can cause not only to the figure, but also to health.

fried foods

Appetizing crispy crust is attractive and very tasty, but the amount of oil that absorbs even the most healthy food exceeds all permitted standards. Have you noticed how the oil evaporates, for example, when cooking eggplant, zucchini or cheesecakes? Avoiding fried foods favorite dish grilled or baked in the oven.

Smoked meats

In the list of what you can not eat, if you want to throw off a few kilograms of smoked meat, they occupy one of the honorable and well-deserved places. This is explained high content salt, which retains water in the body. The only exception is smoked chicken breast without skin, and then, you can use it after heavy physical activity.

Another reason why you can’t eat smoked meats when losing weight is that they are produced by artificial means. In the manufacture of smoked sausages or frankfurters, meat substitutes, flavorings, and soy are used.

fast food dishes

Instant porridge, mashed potatoes, soup or pasta, which are first poured with boiling water, are mostly composed of carbohydrates, which are forbidden for losing weight. fast carbohydrates almost instantly enter the bloodstream, and the body, which cannot spend such an amount immediately, will be forced to put them in reserve in the form of fat folds at the waist. The only value of food is its low price and speed of preparation, but before eating this kind of dishes, think about whether they are worth your beauty and health.

Semi-finished products

Sausages, sausages, and other foods stored frozen contain preservatives, salt, and other flavors that promote weight gain and fluid retention. It is better to cook the meat yourself, because it is even useful to eat it boiled when losing weight. People who want to become slimmer should forget about semi-finished products where meat is combined with dough: dumplings, khinkali and so on - not the best best food for weight loss.

Sweet carbonated drinks

Soda lovers may not hope that a diet to reduce volumes will positive result. If you drink carbonated sugary drinks while losing weight, they will lead to back effect. They contain sugar and different kind synthetic additives that prevent the breakdown of fats. In addition, supplements increase thirst and contain a lot of calories: for example, a glass of Coca-Cola drunk is equal in calories to 1 banana, which people try not to eat when losing weight.

Why you can not drink alcohol when losing weight

Alcohol is bad for the skin because it dehydrates. skin covering. A portion alcoholic drink contains a lot of calories, and alcohol itself is the cause of intoxication. The body, trying to defend itself against the incoming poison, activates the hunger center in order to reduce the amount of drink absorbed by the intestines. Aperitifs in the form of sweet wines, champagne stimulate digestion, due to which you will eat a portion twice the usual. Do you need it for weight loss?

What foods should not be eaten while losing weight

For people who want to have a beautiful figure and at the same time not harm their health, it is important to know what you can’t eat for weight loss. The list of foods that you can’t eat while losing weight is very long, so it may seem to you that losing weight is an unrealistic idea. However, everything is not so scary - you need to replace your favorite delicacies with less harmful ones for the figure.

Sweets and baked goods

The brain of people engaged predominantly mental activity, needs to be fed with carbohydrates, which are abundant in sweets, so sugar is an integral part of their diet. This ingredient does not contain vitamins or any useful trace elements, however, it is quickly absorbed and deposited in the form of fat mass. It is worth noting that artificial sweeteners cause no less harm to the figure than products made from natural plant materials. Sugar is excluded in any form.

Confectionery, pastry products, in addition to sugar, contain baking powder and yeast, which have high calorie. If you eat these kinds of foods too often, in addition to the reverse process of losing weight, you can also disrupt the intestinal microflora. Sugar, fat, yeast, wheat flour provoke an active increase in the volume of the buttocks, sides, and abdomen. If you want to lose weight or not gain excess weight, stop eating any pastries, sweets, cookies.

High starch

These kinds of products are not included in the basics of proper nutrition for weight loss. The category includes processed White rice, pasta, potatoes, wheat porridge, semolina, ready-made sauces and desserts canned in jars. Starch and foods high in starch slow down metabolism, and large amounts of carbohydrates quickly turn into fat folds on the stomach and thighs.

With trans fats

The presence of trans fats does not bring any benefit to the human body. If you use them regularly, an inflammatory disease or allergy may occur. The most prominent examples of products with trans fats are margarine and spreads. The list can be continued with dishes that are prepared using them. In general, trans fats do not cause much harm to the body, however, those who are on diets for weight loss should not use them too much. in large numbers.

Fatty cheeses

About harm and benefit hard cheese when losing weight, disputes have been going on for a long time, because on the one hand milk product contains calcium and many other useful substances, and on the other hand, varieties made from full-fat milk are high in calories. Record holders for the number of calories are Mascarpone, Dutch, Russian cheeses and cheddar. For normal operation the body even needs to eat cheese, but if you want to lose weight, choose not fatty varieties(less than 30% fat) and consume them in moderation, preferably adding to salads, thereby reducing their calorie content.

Rice and pasta on a diet

If we consider the benefits of cereal for weight loss, then all of it is concentrated in the shell, but after grinding beneficial features are lost, and rice becomes ordinary porridge. You can eat unpolished black or brown rice, and it is better to eat it in the morning - this is how slowly digestible polysaccharides are used to work the muscles during the day, and will not be deposited on the hips and waist. In general, when losing weight, it is advisable to use cereals and other cereals only for breakfast.

Pasta contains carbohydrates and different sauces to them are made up of fats. To lose weight, you should not eat fats with carbohydrates in any case. When carbohydrates are consumed, the body produces insulin, which immediately sends only the incoming fats to the stomach and thighs. In order not to give up your favorite delicacy, cook it with vegetables or season with light vegetable sauces without fats. Try not to eat pasta for dinner - it should consist of proteins. If you eat pasta at night, cooked according to the rules diet food, you will still get fat from them.

What fruits should not be eaten while losing weight

Fruits should be present in the menu of every person, because they have a lot of useful vitamins and minerals. However, for people who do not want to score a few extra pounds you should know that eating too many grapes and pears when losing weight is highly discouraged. This is explained by the fact that they contain fructose, which is slowly absorbed by the body and therefore most of it is stored in reserve. Remember that fructose does not cause a feeling of satiety, on the contrary, after eating raisins or bananas, the appetite only “plays out”.

List of prohibited foods for weight loss

Answering the question of what you can not eat with a diet, you can give thousands of examples of food items. In order not to guess what your diet should consist of, check out the “black” list of foods that should be removed from the refrigerator or limit their use as much as possible when losing weight:

  • products from wheat flour, which has been cleaned;
  • sugar, jam, chocolate, sweets, jams, cakes, cakes, cookies, pastry products;
  • smoked products, fatty meats: pork, lamb ( oily fish good for the body)
  • shop semi-finished products, fast food;
  • alcohol (an exception may be a glass of red wine);
  • sauces (except vegetable, mustard and horseradish);
  • fruit juices, soda, alcohol;
  • meat, vegetable, fish canned food in oil;
  • seeds, peanuts, cashew nuts;
  • poultry skin, lard;
  • ice cream;
  • sausages;
  • margarine, mayonnaise;
  • cream, sour cream;
  • cheeses with a fat content of more than 30%;
  • butter and vegetable oil;
  • cottage cheese with a fat content of more than 5%.

What can you eat while on a diet

Adhering to the diet, you need to build daily menu right - this will help you quickly get rid of unnecessary fat folds. So, there are products that, when losing weight, you can eat in unlimited quantities, fresh, boiled or baked. For example:

  • leaf salad;
  • pepper;
  • eggplant;
  • cucumbers;
  • all types of cabbage;
  • beet;
  • greens;
  • zucchini;
  • tomatoes;
  • carrot;
  • young green pea;
  • turnip, radish, radish;
  • black Eyed Peas;
  • mushrooms;
  • sorrel, spinach.

There is also a list of foods that, in moderation, also do not contribute to weight gain:

  • lean fish (up to 3 times / week);
  • lean poultry, meat (preferably for lunch);
  • cheeses with a fat content of less than 30% (up to 3 times / week in the morning);
  • baked potato;
  • peas, lentils, beans;
  • cottage cheese with a fat content of less than 5%;
  • skimmed milk and dairy products;
  • walnuts, hazelnuts;
  • honey (3 tsp / day);
  • eggs (3-4 pieces/week);
  • bran bread and wholemeal flour products;
  • pasta with vegetable sauces (no more than 2 times / week);
  • fruits (no more than 2 servings / day), dried fruits.


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