Cure for angina for adults. Overview of drugs for the treatment of angina. The best antivirals

Angina (tonsillitis) is a rather serious infectious disease affecting the pharyngeal ring and palatine tonsils. Inflammation most often occurs in an acute form (with high temperature and symptoms of intoxication), causing many complications. Therefore, the treatment of angina in adults should take place under the strict supervision of a doctor in compliance with bed rest and taking antibacterial agents.

Causes and symptoms of angina

Angina is a contagious disease transmitted by airborne droplets or household way. There are viral and bacterial lesions of the tonsils. The peak of infection is observed in the autumn-winter period. The cause of the malaise becomes a sick person or a carrier who has already been ill, but remains a source of infection for 1–2 weeks.

The first signs of the disease in adults are not detected immediately, but only 4-5 days after infection. Exist general symptoms inflammation characteristic of all forms of angina:

  • redness in the throat and pain when swallowing;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • hoarseness, runny nose, nasal congestion;
  • enlargement of nearby lymph nodes;
  • brokenness, weakness.

When the first signs of angina appear, you should immediately consult a doctor for an appointment. adequate treatment. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable. Angina is very insidious and dangerous with serious consequences that can develop suddenly and end unpredictably.


Most often, angina in adults ends with a complete recovery without any complications. But in case of non-compliance with the recommendations of the doctor, problems often arise. Therefore, the treatment of tonsillitis should be competent and timely. This will help prevent the development of a number of serious consequences:

  • Heart disease.
  • Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle).
  • Joint damage, rheumatism.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Diseases of the upper respiratory tract (otitis media, sinusitis, sinusitis).
  • Damage to the liver, kidneys, dysfunction of the central nervous system.

Pathologies develop a few weeks after a sore throat, if the patient does not comply with bed rest and does not take the drugs prescribed by the doctor.

General principles of treatment

Uncomplicated angina in adults is usually treated on an outpatient basis. If you have a fever and sore throat, you should stay at home and call a doctor.

Bed rest is the key to a quick recovery

Basic condition successful therapy and complete recovery is bed rest for at least 5 days. The patient must be completely isolated from other family members in order to avoid their infection. He needs to highlight separate dishes, which is recommended to be disinfected periodically, and personal hygiene items.

Nutrition should be balanced and sparing. It is recommended to consume as much warm drink as possible: compotes, not sour fruit drinks, mineral water no gas, milk with honey.

During treatment, you should carefully follow all the doctor's instructions and take the prescribed medications.

Medical treatment

Before treating a sore throat in an adult, its cause should be clarified. Only after visual inspection, palpation of the lymph nodes and pharyngoscopy, the doctor will be able to prescribe specific therapy consisting of local and systemic antibacterial agents.

First of all, antibiotics are used to eliminate the symptoms of tonsillitis. In addition to them, drugs must be used local action, which also effectively destroy the pathogen.

In addition to antibacterial drugs, the therapy regimen includes immunostimulating and antipyretic drugs, which quickly reduce the manifestation of symptoms.

Antibiotic treatment

Prescribing medicines for angina to adults, doctors most often prescribe antibiotics penicillin series:

  • Sumamed;
  • Oxacillin;
  • Amoxicillin Sandoz;
  • Ampicillin trihydrate;
  • Phenoxymethylpenicillin;
  • Amoxiclav.

These drugs act directly on the cause of the disease. The course of treatment usually does not exceed a week, but in difficult cases it can be increased up to 10-12 days.

Antibiotics are the main drugs for the treatment of angina in adults

If angina occurs with complications, then the patient is most often sent to a hospital, where treatment with antibiotics of a broader spectrum of action is prescribed: Cefuroxime, Levofloxacin, Ceftazidime, Ceftriaxone. If after seven days there is no obvious improvement, it is necessary to recheck the diagnosis or prescribe another drug.

Among local medicines, detrimental to the pathogen, emit:

  • lozenges - Septolete, Stop-Angin, Pharyngosept, Strepsils;
  • sprays with antibiotics or sulfonamides - Bioparox, Hexoral, Kameton, Ingalipt.

At easy course angina antibiotic Bioparox can replace systemic drugs, since it is both an antibiotic and a local drug at the same time.

As practice has shown, it is almost impossible to cure inflammation of the tonsils without the use of antibiotics. The most reliable and fastest way is considered intramuscular injection medicines. Injections are given to patients who have contraindications to oral intake antibacterial agents or serious complications have developed.

Prescribing antibiotics alone is not recommended. Only a doctor can choose what to drink with a sore throat for an adult.

Other medicines

Treatment of tonsillitis should be comprehensive. Purpose additional funds depends on the form and severity of the disease, the type of pathogen and the presence of allergic reactions to the components of a particular drug.

Treatment of angina in adults should be comprehensive

AT common cases The treatment regimen for angina includes the following groups of medicines:

  • solutions for lubricating the pharynx: Lugol, Iodinol, Vokadin;
  • gargling liquids: Chlorhexidine, Furacilin, Romazulan;
  • antipyretic drugs based on paracetamol: Ibuklin, Tylenol, Teraflu, Panoxen, Coldrex, Panadol, Rinza, Koldakt;
  • antihistamines: Suprastin, Diazolin, Diphenhydramine, Claritin, Fenistil;
  • antifungal drugs: Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, Flucostat, Nystatin, Levorin;
  • immunostimulants: Imudon, IRS-19, Anaferon, Methyluracil (tablets).

Many of these drugs contain an analgesic component, so they not only have a detrimental effect on the cause of the disease, but also relieve pain in the throat.

Features of therapy of various types of angina

There are many forms of tonsillitis, and the treatment of each of them has its own distinctive features.

herpes sore throat

You should know that the cause of the herpes form is a virus, so antibiotic therapy in this case is ineffective.

In the treatment of herpangina, antihistamines are prescribed that eliminate mucosal edema, painkillers, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating drugs. In addition, the doctor may recommend a chamomile, calendula, or sage rinse.

Any thermal treatments with this form of angina are prohibited.

With the development of complications - meningitis or myocarditis - patients are subject to mandatory hospitalization.

Viral angina

This form of angina is considered less dangerous, since it gives complications much less often. They get sick most often in the cold season. Tonsillitis develops against a background of weakened immunity and has a viral cause, so antibiotics are not prescribed to the patient, since they weaken the immune system.

For treatment, interferons are used that increase the body's resistance and have antiviral activity: Viferon or leukocyte Interferon. The patient is shown gargling, inhalation and symptomatic therapy.

Interferons are used to treat angina caused by viruses.

Purulent tonsillitis

Unlike other sore throats, the purulent form is always acute. For treatment, antibiotics of the penicillin series or drugs from the macrolide group are necessarily used:

  • Erythromycin;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Spiramycin.

To reduce the symptoms of angina, corticosteroids, Ibuprofen and Paracetamol are prescribed, gargles and compresses are used, and throat lubrication is used.

Other types

For the treatment of the follicular form of tonsillitis, antibiotics and antipyretics, tablets and lozenges are required. It is recommended to gargle and make compresses.

The lacunar form is also treated with antibiotics, antipyretics and antihistamines. recommended for admission overdose vitamin C.

At catarrhal form prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, sulfonamides, rinsing and lubricating the tonsils.

Operative method of treatment

Usually, conservative therapy quite effective in the treatment of angina in adults. But in some cases, the doctor may advise surgery:

  • if inflammation of the tonsils develops several times a year;
  • tonsils enlarge so much that it becomes difficult to breathe;
  • persistent sore throats complicate the work of other organs;
  • purulent inflammation develops in the throat (abscess).

Surgical intervention is last resort. Before referring the patient for surgery, the doctor will recommend laser lacutotomy (laser cauterization of tonsil lacunae). The procedure is very effective and helps in most cases.


With angina in adults, it is very useful to gargle. Irrigation well moisturizes and softens the mucous membrane, eliminates discomfort and removes purulent plaque from the tonsils.

Almost all known rinsing solutions perform these tasks, thereby greatly alleviating the course of the disease. Treatment is recommended for at least 2-3 weeks. This will enhance the effect of therapy and prevent the development of chronic tonsillitis.

Throat smearing

The procedure is designed to clean the surface of the tonsils from pus and pathogenic microorganisms and apply a medicinal substance.

Lugol's throat lubrication is one of the ways to treat angina in adults.

Lubricate the throat should be 4-5 times a day for an hour before or after meals.

For adults, the procedure is not particularly difficult. For treatment, you will need an unsharpened pencil, bandage or cotton wool and medicinal product. Sterile material is wound on a pencil with a thick layer and moistened abundantly in a solution.

Lubricate the tonsils with quick and confident movements so as not to cause a gag reflex.


The effectiveness of inhalations for angina is not very high, and in some forms of tonsillitis, the procedure is prohibited.

Inhalation of hot steam is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • if the inflammation has become acute;
  • purulent or herpetic tonsillitis was diagnosed;
  • increased body temperature.

Steam treatments will only benefit early stages diseases. If purulent inflammations appear, it is better to refrain from inhalation.


To treat angina in adults should be complex, using not only medications, but also a balanced diet.

During the treatment of angina, diet is very important.

The diet during illness should be light and varied. Products are contraindicated irritating throat mucosa: spicy, salty, excessively hot or cold dishes, solid food.

The list of allowed products includes:

  • warm, viscous cereals with butter;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • wiped vegetable soups on a weak broth;
  • boiled or stewed meat and fish;
  • cottage cheese, sour cream, milk;
  • eggs.

The therapeutic diet includes plentiful drink. It should be warm and not sweet. Cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks, milk with honey, rosehip broth are useful.


Treat inflammation of the tonsils with non-traditional means It is possible only as an addition to the main therapy. There are many effective recipes from angina in adults, which are very easy to prepare and use.

The most popular folk remedy for tonsillitis is gargling. For the procedure, you can prepare juice from fresh beets, sage infusion, decoction of oak bark or willow, solution apple cider vinegar in water. Irrigation of the throat with a weak solution of salt (1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of liquid) is very effective.

A popular folk remedy is gargling with decoctions of herbs.

For oral use herbal teas, a mixture of radish or onion juice with honey, hot milk with honey.

Angina in pregnant women

Inflammation of the tonsils is especially dangerous in the first trimester of pregnancy. For more later dates the threat to the fetus is reduced, but still remains real.

Therefore, at the first symptoms of a sore throat, the expectant mother should consult a doctor to prescribe a therapy permitted in her position.

Treatment of tonsillitis during pregnancy is fraught with considerable difficulties. Not all drugs for angina in adults are suitable for use by women who are expecting a baby.

The main method of therapy still involves taking antibiotics. Today there is enough various medicines that do not cross the placenta and do not harm the fetus:

Levomycetin and antibiotics from the tetracycline group are not prescribed to pregnant women, since they are dangerous for the child.

Of the antipyretics, you can use Paracetamol and Panadol. Various lozenges and lozenges, aerosols are allowed. At the same time, it is very important to observe the correct dosage, avoiding an excess of drugs.

In addition to taking medications, the patient should follow other doctor's recommendations:

With timely and competent treatment, the prognosis for angina is most often favorable. After 10-12 days, the patient recovers completely and can start work. Otherwise, severe complications of local and general, chronic tonsillitis is formed.

Angina is an acute infectious disease that affects the palatine tonsils. The disease is often found in both children and adults. To quickly cope with the disease, the doctor may prescribe antibiotic therapy to the patient. So that the treatment does not harm the patient's body, you need to know what antibiotics are allowed to drink with angina in an adult in tablets.

When do you need antibiotics for angina?

Treatment of angina with antibiotics is relevant for bacterial form illness. Other types of diseases are not affected by such medicines. Since in most cases, angina immediately begins to manifest itself quite sharply (with fever, signs general intoxication body, pustular plaques), then strong drugs often prescribed from the very beginning of therapy.

Reception antibacterial drugs allowed only under the supervision of the attending physician. Only if the medicine is chosen correctly, it is possible to quickly and successfully cope with the disease.

It is important to bring the treatment to the end, and not to give up medicines after the disappearance of all the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. In case of undertreatment, pathogenic microorganisms will develop resistance to the prescribed antibiotic and next time you will need to use a stronger agent.

Classification of drugs

For the treatment of tonsillitis, 4 groups of drugs are used:

  1. Penicillins. Doctors usually prefer drugs of this group if the patient is not allergic to them. First-line antibiotics are available and work quickly. However, many bacteria develop resistance to them.
  2. Cephalosporins. Such antibiotics are able to cope with most known bacteria. The doctor will choose second-line drugs instead of penicillins if the patient has a high temperature, severe swelling mucosa and others severe symptoms. As a rule, drugs are used in a hospital setting and in the form of injections.
  3. Macrolides. If allergic reactions are found to the above drugs, they can be replaced with macrolides. Such medicines do an excellent job with the disease of moderate severity.
  4. Fluoroquinols. The appointment of antibiotics in this group is due to severe complications of the disease.

As for tetracyclines, they are used very rarely in the disease under discussion. These drugs have an impressive list of possible side effects.

Antibiotics for angina in tablets: a list

Antibacterial agents are most often prescribed in tablets, since this form is most convenient for the treatment of tonsillitis.

The following is a list of drugs that have shown maximum effectiveness in the fight against angina:

  • Penicillins. These are: Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin.
  • Cephalosporins. These are: Cifran, Cefalexin.
  • Macrolides. These are: Macropen, Zitrolid, Sumamed.
  • Fluoroquinolones. These are: Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin.

Top 5 most effective drugs

Based on the feedback from specialists and patients, a rating of the most active antibiotics against tonsillitis:


This tool pleases patients not only high efficiency, and excellent absorption, but also budgetary cost. The medicine is suitable even for the treatment of a purulent form of the disease. It provides minimal negative impact on the body and only in rare cases leads to dysbacteriosis.


Relieves sore throat pain in a short time and in general general well-being adult patient. Absolutely not suitable for self-medication. Such a drug can only be prescribed by a doctor.


Highly effective drug wide spectrum. The result of therapy will be noticeable on the second day. Tablets are taken only once a day. Full course treatment - no more than 5 days.


Such a remedy begins to act within 2 hours after ingestion. You must take the tablets before meals. Effectively fights pathogenic microorganisms that are resistant to penicillin.


Effectively fights against various infections that have entered the patient's body. It is produced in several forms, but for adult patients it is usually prescribed in the form of tablets. The duration of therapy with this drug can last up to 2 weeks.

How to choose the right pills?

Only an experienced specialist can determine which antibiotics to drink with angina for an adult patient in each individual case.

When choosing a drug, as well as a course of therapy and dosage, the physician should take into account the following points:

  • age, weight and individual characteristics the patient's body;
  • the presence of allergic reactions to various components of the drug;
  • the severity of the disease;
  • the type of pathogen that provoked the development of the disease.

Determine the susceptibility of microorganisms to various drugs Antibiogram will help. According to its results, the ideal medicine will be chosen.

How many days to drink antibiotics for angina?

The patient will not be able to independently correctly determine the number of days of taking the drug. The exact duration of antibiotic therapy should be prescribed by the attending physician after appropriate examinations.

On average, such drugs are taken from 7 to 10 days. But, for example, the course of therapy with amoxicillin without obvious complications lasts 5-6 days. And the duration of treatment with Augmentin tablets can be increased up to 14 days.

Will lozenges help with illness?

Topical preparations in some cases have an advantage over systemic antibiotics. So, lozenges have an effect on the focus of inflammation and at the same time do not affect the patient's immunity.

Among them are the following:


These are pleasant-tasting lozenges that quickly relieve sore throats. Suitable for treatment severe inflammation. But it is not recommended to use them for more than 3 days.


Highly soft remedy against angina. It contains an antibiotic, but the drug has practically no contraindications. It destroys microbes, relieves inflammation.


The composition of such a drug includes not only antibiotics, but also anesthetics. The main advantage of the drug is that it copes well with any type of sore throat. Here are just a list of contraindications for this remedy turned out to be very extensive.


This tool can be used even if purulent form illness. It was created on the basis natural oils with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

It is possible to cure a sore throat using exclusively lozenges only in rare cases. They definitely will not be able to cope with advanced inflammation or various complications ailment. The most effective are those drugs that include antibiotics. But even their doctors recommend supplementing with other drugs.

Can a sore throat be cured without antibiotics?

People say that a sore throat, even without the use of any medication, will go away in 6-7 days. It really is. Tonsillitis will pass, but dangerous complications will surely remain after it. Therefore, the treatment of the disease under discussion requires a comprehensive one and it is imperative to bring it to the end.

Understanding whether it is possible to cure a sore throat without antibiotics, you need to take into account the form of the disease. For example, bacterial requires the mandatory appointment of effective antibiotics. Refusal of them can lead to the development of paratonsillar abscess, acute glomerulonephritis and other similar dangerous consequences.

If speak about viral tonsillitis, then in this case it is quite acceptable to refuse antibiotic therapy. It will be enough to remove toxins from the body and cope with the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

With fungal angina, antibiotics are never used at all. They can only worsen the patient's condition. Often it is them long-term use and leads to this form of disease.

Antibiotics in the treatment of angina are replaced by sulfonamides. For example, a patient is prescribed Streptocide. Symptomatic therapy, strict bed rest, a diet without rough and spicy food which is even more annoying sore throat as well as warm drinks.

Properly selected medicine for angina is the key to successful treatment.

This pathology is dangerous terrible complications- the development of rheumatism, heart disease, damage to the kidneys and heart muscle.

Symptoms of angina

What are the symptoms of this disease?

  • fever up to 38-40? C, accompanied by chills;
  • general weakness and lethargy;
  • severe sore throat at rest and when swallowing;
  • redness and swelling of the oropharynx (mucosa of the tonsils, arches and tongue);
  • purulent or fibrinous plaque on the tonsils;
  • an increase in regional lymph nodes - submandibular and behind the ear.

To diagnose angina, a thorough examination is necessary: ​​examination of the oropharynx, sowing from the throat, general clinical tests. Precise definition the pathogenic factor that caused the disease (viruses, bacteria - streptococcus and staphylococcus, fungi) will help prescribe the most effective medicine.

Medicines for angina

If you suspect a sore throat in adults and children, you should consult a doctor. Medical advice should be strictly followed effective fight with an infection, take prescribed drugs and drink regularly.

In acute tonsillitis, bed rest is prescribed - restriction physical activity patient helps to reduce the spread of infection and the likelihood of complications. Nutrition should be fractional, sparing, it is better to take food in liquid and warm form. With angina, soups, purees, cereals, fruit and vegetable juices should be included in the diet. This will reduce irritation of the mucous membrane of the tonsils, accelerate the healing of the mucous membrane.

At temperature and intoxication, in order to remove toxins from the body, abundant alkaline drink and infusions of medicinal herbs, chamomile tea, rosehip broth, cranberry juice.

Medicinal plants grown by man and helping with angina:

  • chamomile,
  • sage,
  • thyme,
  • elecampane,
  • birch leaves,
  • eucalyptus,
  • calendula,
  • rose hip.

To cook right healing decoction, you should pour the medicinal collection with boiling water, let it brew for an hour, cool a little and drink half a glass three times a day.

The best remedy for sore throat is frequent gargling. For effective cleansing tonsils from purulent plaque, you can use the usual saline solution(dissolve 1 teaspoon in a glass of water) table salt). But antiseptics are more effective - Lugol's solution, Chlorophyllipt, Tsiteal, Miramistin.

Modern preparations for resorption, lozenges and plates have a high therapeutic value - Falimint, Septolette, Strepsils, Grammidin, Anti-Angin. What remedies for angina local treatment use in a particular clinical case, the doctor will tell you.

Sore throat medicine for children

AT childhood acute tonsillitis counts serious illness. The child should be treated immediately, at the first manifestations of the pathology. When the temperature rises above 38-38.5 ° C, the appointment of antipyretics is mandatory. Two drugs are used to relieve fever in children: Ibuprofen and Paracetamol. Acetylsalicylic acid(Aspirin) is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.

Antipyretic medicines relieve heat effectively. They are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The drugs are prescribed in age dosage in the form of syrup, children's suppositories (rectal suppositories) or tablets. A decrease in temperature should be expected 20-30 minutes after application. Do not be afraid of another rise in temperature in children - this means that the body is actively fighting the infection. However, doctors do not recommend bringing down the temperature to 38? C.

To remove purulent and fibrinous plaque from the tonsils, it is recommended to treat the throat with cotton-gauze swabs dipped in a disinfectant. If a diagnosis of bacterial tonsillitis (streptococcal, staphylococcal, meningococcal, etc.) is established, it is necessary to undergo a course of antibiotic therapy.

For treatment streptococcal tonsillitis different groups of drugs can be used:

  • Penicillin antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Flemoxin Solutab, Amoxiclav, Ampiox, Augmentin);
  • Cephalosparins (Cefazolin, Ceftriaxone, Ultracef) are prescribed for allergies to penicillin or ineffectiveness of penicillin drugs;
  • Macrolides (Erythromycin, Sumamed, Macropen, Azithromycin) - are reserve antibiotics, they are prescribed with the development of resistance (resistance) in microbes to the effects of the main groups of antibacterial drugs.

Modern drugs are prescribed by a doctor in an age dosage, according to the instructions. The method of administration differs: infants medications are prescribed in liquid form and in the form of injections, children from 1-5 years old can be given suspensions, babies from 5 years old - in tablets.

The duration of antibiotic therapy is 5-7 days. The medication should be continued throughout the prescribed course, even after the disappearance of the temperature and the decrease in the intensity of the pathological symptoms of tonsillitis.

Antibiotics will help children and adults get rid of the infection, reduce the period of contagiousness and prevent the development severe complications. Removal of tonsils in children contemporary practice It is carried out extremely rarely, according to narrow indications.

Effective drugs for sore throats for adults

The main cause of acute tonsillitis in adults is pathogenic microorganisms and viral agents that actively multiply in the lacunae of the palatine tonsils. The best remedy for sore throat is gargling. The pharmacy has a wide range of antiseptic solutions: Miramistin, Chlorophyllipt, Chlorhexidine, Furacillin. These drugs are diluted warm water in proportions, according to the instructions. The procedure should be carried out often - 2 times per hour, the solution should be warm, freshly prepared.

Sprays are a modern and effective alternative to solutions. Aerosols have combined composition, which allows you to influence several symptoms: reduce inflammation and sore throat, relieve pain, relieve swelling. The ease of use of the spray lies in the quick and easy treatment of the mucous membrane. Often, the composition of the preparations contains an antimicrobial and analgesic component, contains menthol, eucalyptus, mint.

The importance of timely treatment of angina

Inflammation of the tonsils requires special attention- absence timely treatment threatens dangerous complications. Children with increased body reactivity in response to infection with streptococcus may develop acute rheumatic fever.

With rheumatism, the joints and kidneys are affected, a heart valve defect is often formed, and defects develop. Rheumatic fever is a chronic disease leading to disability.

No less formidable complications of angina are myocarditis (damage to the heart muscle), pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis. Life-threatening conditions, quite rare in tonsillitis, are meningitis and sepsis.

With local spread, infections can become inflamed The lymph nodes, form a paratonsillar abscess, phlegmon. Often the disease is accompanied by inflammation of the middle ear, swelling of the larynx, laryngitis and sinusitis.

Remember, if your child is restless, has difficulty breathing, swelling increases and sore throat increases, severe salivation has appeared, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Useful video about the treatment of angina

Or, scientifically, acute tonsillitis is a well-known ailment that affects the upper Airways. leaking this pathology partly easily and quite amenable to therapy, however, the occurrence of complications due to its course should also not be ruled out.

As a rule, angina is complicated due to untimely or illiterately organized therapy. In order to prevent such a combination of circumstances, it is extremely important to know about the essence unpleasant pathology and methods of therapy. We will talk about this and many other useful information in the article below.

AT modern medicine angina is an infectious disease that affects the upper respiratory tract and can occur in acute and chronic forms.

Mostly, the nasopharynx and tonsils suffer from pathogens of tonsillitis, less often the infection spreads to other nodes. respiratory system and provokes their defeat with the development of the corresponding ailments (, etc.). Most often, angina is caused by bacterial and viral microflora, however, the fungal pathogenesis of the disease should not be excluded.

Naturally, the development of any unfavorable microflora in the body occurs under a certain "push". In the case of tonsillitis, the following factors can be considered similar:

  1. a drop in the immunity of the whole organism or its individual zones
  2. hypothermia
  3. course of ENT pathologies
  4. Availability chronic lesions organism
  5. allergic reaction
  6. long stay of a person in an unfavorable environment (chemically polluted, dusty, etc.)

Under the influence of one of the noted factors, development begins acute tonsillitis, which is expressed in the defeat of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and tonsils of various formations. At prolonged absence therapy or its improper organization, an acute form of the disease may well flow into chronic pathology or call a row unpleasant complications which, of course, is undesirable.

Symptoms of tonsillitis of acute or chronic formation are rightfully considered:

  • rise in temperature to 39 degrees
  • weakness and increased drowsiness, fatigue
  • body ache
  • redness of the nasopharynx and tonsils, as well as their inflammation and swelling
  • sometimes - a rash on the skin, the appearance of pustules on the nasopharynx and tonsils

The acute phase of the course of angina lasts about a week, after which the disease either recedes or complications develop. Naturally, competently and timely organized therapy will help to significantly reduce the risk of the latter.

What is dangerous pathology?

Angina, which in terms of the nature of the course, which in terms of the complexity of therapy, does not pose a particular danger. However, the risk possible complications makes a kind of "Pandora's box" out of this ailment.

The fact is that the airways affected by a virus, bacteria or fungus are greatly weakened in terms of local immunity. In addition, the general tone of the body also suffers. This naturally results in complications.

As a rule, tonsillitis of any kind, in the absence of competent and timely therapy, provokes the development of:

  1. serious diseases of the ENT character (from laryngitis to)
  2. whole body infection
  3. exacerbation of chronic diseases
  4. irreversible defects in the structure of the respiratory tract

That is, main danger angina lies not in the disease itself, but in what it can provoke. The danger of complications of tonsillitis, of course, is not always very serious, but their mere presence is an extremely unpleasant circumstance.

In order to prevent this, when the first symptoms of a sore throat appear, it is advisable not to abuse self-medication and seek help from qualified specialists. Do not forget that only the polyclinic employs people with the necessary knowledge and the required equipment for competent and most effective therapy tonsillitis.

Tablets, sprays and lozenges for the treatment of ailment

As noted above, it is better to treat angina under the supervision of a professional doctor. However, in the first 2-4 days of the development of the disease, self-medication is still permissible, therefore, even in theory, it can be allowed.

The basic course of therapy for tonsillitis is reduced to:

  1. Implementation of bed rest for the patient.
  2. Taking medicines on his part, which can be represented by both medications and folk remedies.

Perhaps no one needs to explain the basic principles of bed rest, but it is better to dwell on the choice of medicines thoroughly. Let's start, perhaps, with a review of the most effective tablets, sprays and lozenges for the treatment of the disease.

Let us immediately agree that the noted group of drugs in the vast majority of cases is used as a means of stopping unpleasant symptoms. That is, neither pills, nor sprays and lozenges can carry a directed fight against the cause of angina. The exception is tableted antiviral, antibiotic and antifungal drugs.

More information about angina can be found in the video:

We'll talk about them in more detail later, now let's dwell on the best neutralizers of the symptoms of sore throat. These include:

  • Among the tablets are Grammidin (to relieve sore throat, its swelling and inflammation), Aspirin or Paracetamol (to reduce body temperature and eliminate pain in the joints, head and other nodes of the body).
  • Among the lollipops are Falimint and, they are great for relieving throat discomfort.
  • Among the sprays - providing complex impact and in the fight against infection, and with the elimination of edema, inflammation of the nasopharynx, and in the removal pain in the throat.

As a rule, these drugs are used in a single complex. The typical regimen is based on 2-3 times the intake of tablets, 10-12 times the intake of lozenges and 2 times the use of the spray every day for a weekly course of therapy. Naturally, before using certain drugs, it is important to thoroughly study their instructions.

Antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal drugs

The basis in the treatment of any tonsillitis should be medications that act directly on the provocateur of this disease. Since angina develops either due to bacteria, or due to viruses, or due to fungi, drugs should be used to combat a specific class of pathogens.

Given the difficulty of determining the cause of the identified symptoms, before starting therapy, it is advisable to conduct blood and urine tests that will help determine the causative agent of the disease. After receiving the necessary information, you should immediately start taking the appropriate drugs.

The best "fighters" with causative factor tonsillitis are:

  • Among the antibiotics -, Cefuroxime and, capable of fighting a wide range bacterial microorganisms.
  • Among antiviral agents- and Kagocel, also affecting many types of viral pathogens of angina.
  • Among the antifungal drugs are Diflucan and Orungal, representing the best means to combat fungal infections of the nasopharynx and tonsils.

Do not forget that it is important to supplement the intake of antibiotic drugs with a course of drugs that restore the intestinal microflora. The most high-quality of them are Bifiform and Linex. Again, you need to take all medicines according to the instructions attached to them.

The best solutions for gargling

An excellent help in eliminating the unpleasant "throat" symptoms of angina will be the use of medicinal solutions for her in the course of her therapy. Note that in this class of drugs, one should single out those that have a general focus, and those that are able to act on a certain class of pathogens of tonsillitis.

The best medicinal solutions are:

  • - a drug that has a complex antimicrobial effect on the affected area of ​​​​the nasopharynx, as well as reducing inflammation, swelling and pain of its tissues.
  • - a solution prepared by diluting 1 tablet this medicine in glass warm water. Furacilin does not have a strong antimicrobial effect, however, it perfectly relieves swelling and inflammation of the affected tissues.
  • - a tool that has a rather similar principle of action to Chlorhexidine. For one quality procedure, it is advisable to take 5-7 milliliters of medicine per glass of water for children and about 10-15 for adults.

Gargling with any solution should be repeated at least 3-5 times a day with the obligatory procedure after each meal. Before using this or that medicine, do not forget to study in detail the annotation attached to it.

Means for inhalation

Inhalations, along with gargling, help to alleviate the unpleasant manifestations of sore throat. In addition, warm steam has a positive effect on the speed of pathology treatment and significantly reduces the risk of complications.

However, inhalation is not always possible. The main contraindications to them are:

  1. high body temperature
  2. problems with the cardiovascular system
  3. weak blood vessels in the nose
  4. the presence of an allergic reaction to the components of the inhalation solution
  5. development of pustules in the airways

In the absence of such phenomena, inhalations are not only useful, but also really needed for angina. Best practices Inhalations are implemented in one of the following ways:

  • Inhalation of vapors over a hot and specially prepared liquid. For example, you can use decoctions of potatoes and essential oils. The procedure is usually repeated before going to bed, and lasts about 10-15 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can cover the patient breathing with vapors with a large blanket and seat him over a container of liquid.
  • Use of inhalation devices -. In this case, vapors are inhaled through a special mask and the use of special inhalation solutions. The most effective as the latter - and. If desired, they can be replaced with narzan or medical water.

Do not abuse inhalation. The best option their implementation is represented by a single repetition of the procedure at bedtime throughout the course of therapy for angina (about 7-10 days).

Folk methods of therapy

At the end of today's article, let's look at folk methods treatments that can perfectly complement the action of the drugs described above.

Naturally, when using traditional medicine the main thing is not to harm, therefore, the chosen home-made medicines should be treated with due responsibility. It is especially important to exclude the risk of the patient having an allergy to the components of the drugs used.

Most effective methods folk treatment angina is considered to be a reception:

  • Vitamin teas with lemons, fruits, jam or berries, tonic and immunostimulating the body.
  • Mustard foot baths, made by mixing 2-4 tablespoons of mustard powder with a bowl of warm water and helping to speed up the process of treating tonsillitis.
  • Chicken broth, which has a similar principle of action as vitamin teas.
  • Honey in any formation, which has an excellent immunostimulating effect on the patient's body.
  • Garlic and onions, which can help well with antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal drugs in the fight against unfavorable microflora of the nasopharynx.

Naturally, the above folk remedies they are not able to become the main one in the treatment of angina, but they can completely help the drug course of therapy.That's all on the topic of today's article. We hope that the presented material was useful for you and gave answers to your questions.


Angina is an acute infectious disease manifested by inflammation of the palatine tonsils. Since inflammation of other tonsils (lingual, tubal and laryngeal) develops very rarely, the term angina always means inflammation of the palatine tonsils. If you want to indicate that inflammatory process hit some other tonsil, then doctors talk about lingual, laryngeal or retronasal tonsillitis. Any sore throats are caused by the same pathogenic microorganisms that enter the mucous membrane of the pharynx and oral cavity, so the principles of their therapy are also the same. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the legitimacy and necessity of applying antibiotics with tonsillitis affecting any tonsils.

Antibiotic for angina - when to use?

General rules for the use of antibiotics for angina

The question of the need to use antibiotics for angina should be decided individually in each case based on the following factors:
  • The age of the person with angina;
  • Type of angina - viral (catarrhal) or bacterial (purulent - follicular or lacunar);
  • The nature of the course of angina (benign or with a tendency to develop complications.
This means that in order to decide on the need to use antibiotics for angina, it is necessary to accurately determine the age of the patient, determine the type of infection and the nature of its course. Establishing the age of the patient does not constitute any problems, so we will dwell in detail on two other factors that determine whether it is necessary to take antibiotics for the treatment of angina in each case.

So, to resolve the issue of the need to take antibiotics, it is necessary to determine whether angina is viral or bacterial. The fact is that viral tonsillitis occurs in 80 - 90% of cases and does not require the use of antibiotics. And bacterial tonsillitis occurs only in 10 - 20% of cases, and it is she who requires antibiotic treatment. Therefore, it is very important to be able to distinguish between viral and bacterial tonsillitis.

Viral angina is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Sore throat is associated with nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, cough and sometimes sores on the oral mucosa;
  • Angina began without temperature or against the background of its increase to no more than 38.0 o C;
  • The throat is just red, covered with mucus, but without pus on the tonsils.
Bacterial tonsillitis is manifested by the following symptoms:
  • The disease began with sharp increase temperature up to 39 - 40 o С, at the same time with which pain in the throat and pus on the tonsils appeared;
  • Abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting appeared simultaneously or shortly after the sore throat;
  • Simultaneously with the pain in the throat, the cervical lymph nodes increased;
  • A week after the onset of a sore throat, the palms and fingers began to peel off;
  • Simultaneously with purulent tonsillitis, a small red rash appeared on the skin (in this case, the person fell ill with scarlet fever, which is also treated with antibiotics, like bacterial tonsillitis).
That is, viral sore throat is combined with other symptoms of SARS, such as cough, runny nose and nasal congestion, and with it there is never pus on the tonsils. A bacterial sore throat is never combined with a cough or runny nose, but with it there is always pus on the tonsils. Thanks to such clear signs, it is possible to distinguish viral from bacterial tonsillitis in any conditions, even without special laboratory tests.

The second important factor that determines whether it is necessary to take antibiotics for angina in this particular case is the nature of the course of the disease. In this case, it is necessary to determine whether the sore throat proceeds favorably (without complications) or whether complications have begun to develop in a person. Signs of the onset of complications of angina, requiring the use of antibiotics, are the following symptoms:

  • Some time after the onset of the sore throat, ear pain appeared;
  • The condition worsens rather than improves as the disease progresses;
  • Sore throat increases as the disease progresses;
  • There was a noticeable bulge on one side of the throat;
  • There were pains when turning the head to the side and when opening the mouth;
  • On any day of the course of angina, chest pains, headaches, and pains in one half of the face appeared.
If a person has any of the above symptoms, then this indicates the development of complications, which means that a sore throat is unfavorable and requires antibiotic treatment without fail. Otherwise, when the sore throat proceeds favorably, antibiotics should not be used.

Based on all of the above, we present situations in which it is necessary and not necessary to use antibiotics for angina for people of different ages.

From the point of view of the need to use antibiotics for angina, all people over 15 years old, regardless of gender, are considered adults.

First, if the sore throat is viral and proceeds favorably, then antibiotics should not be used, regardless of the age of the patient. That is, if a child or an adult falls ill with a viral sore throat, which proceeds favorably, without the appearance of signs of complications, then none of them should use antibiotics for treatment. In such cases sore throat will pass independently within 7 - 10 days. Only plentiful drinking and use is justified. symptomatic remedies, relieving sore throat and lowering the temperature.

However, if with viral sore throat in an adult or child there are signs of complications, then antibiotics should be started as soon as possible. But you should not drink antibiotics to "prevent" complications, as this is ineffective. It is necessary to start taking antibiotics for viral sore throat only when there are signs of complications.

Secondly, if angina is bacterial (purulent) , then the need for antibiotics is determined by the age of the patient and the nature of the course of the disease.

If purulent tonsillitis has developed in an adult or adolescent over 15 years old, then antibiotics should be used only when signs of the complications indicated above appear. If angina in people over 15 years of age proceeds favorably, then antibiotics should not be used, since the infection will pass without their use. It has been proven that antibiotics reduce the duration of uncomplicated bacterial tonsillitis in people over 15 years of age by only 1 day, so their use is routine, in all cases it is not advisable. That is, all people over 15 years of age should use an antibiotic for angina only if there are signs of complications listed above.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should take an antibiotic for angina in the same cases as other adults, that is, only with the development of complications from the ears, respiratory and ENT organs.

From the point of view of the need to use antibiotics for angina, all people under the age of 15, regardless of gender, are considered adults.

If a child of any age under the age of 15 develops a viral sore throat, then antibiotics are not needed to treat it. With viral sore throat, antibiotics should be started only if there are signs of complications in the ears, respiratory and other ENT organs.

If a child aged 3-15 years has developed purulent tonsillitis, then it is imperative to use antibiotics to treat it. In children of this age category the need to use antibiotics for purulent sore throat is not associated with the treatment of the disease itself, but with the prevention of possible severe complications in the heart, joints and nervous system.

The fact is that bacterial tonsillitis in children under 15 years of age very often gives complications in the form of infection of the joints, heart and nervous system, causing much more serious illnesses such as rheumatism, arthritis and PANDAS syndrome. And the use of antibiotics for such tonsillitis in children under 15 years of age allows almost 100% to prevent the development of these complications from the heart, joints and nervous system. It is for the prevention of severe complications in children under 15 years of age that it is imperative to use an antibiotic for purulent tonsillitis.

Moreover, in order to prevent complications of bacterial tonsillitis on the heart, joints and nervous system, it is not necessary to start taking antibiotics from the first day of infection. As studies have shown and clinical trials, complications of bacterial tonsillitis in children are effectively prevented if antibiotics are started before the 9th day inclusive from the onset of the disease. This means that it is not too late to start giving your child antibiotics at days 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 after the onset of the sore throat.

As for tonsillitis in children under 3 years of age, they should use antibiotics only if there is pus on the tonsils or if complications develop in the ears, respiratory and ENT organs. Since there are practically no purulent bacterial tonsillitis in children under 3 years of age, in fact, antibiotics should be used in them to treat inflammation of the tonsils only with the development of complications from the respiratory and ENT organs.

In this way, antibiotics for angina in people of any age and gender should be used only in the following cases:

  • Purulent (follicular or lacunar) tonsillitis, even with a favorable course in children aged 3 to 15 years;
  • The development of complications of angina on the ears, respiratory and ENT organs in people over 15 years old;
  • Complications of tonsillitis in the ears, respiratory and ENT organs in children under 3 years of age.

Should I take antibiotics if I suspect a sore throat? Complications of angina - video

Is it necessary to take an antibiotic for angina? Is it possible to cure a sore throat without antibiotics - video

Are antibiotics always used for angina? Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of angina - video

Antibiotics for purulent tonsillitis (follicular and lacunar)

There are no differences in the rules for the use of antibiotics for the treatment of lacunar and follicular tonsillitis. Therefore, both of these varieties of angina are often combined with one common term "purulent", and treatment tactics are considered together. The need for antibiotics in follicular and lacunar tonsillitis is determined by the age of the patient and the nature of the infection. So, the age of a person is of decisive importance for resolving the issue of the need to take antibiotics for purulent sore throat. Moreover, a teenager over 15 years old, from the point of view of the need to use antibiotics for purulent tonsillitis, is considered an adult, and under 15 years old, respectively, a child. Consider the rules for the use of antibiotics for angina in adults and children.

Antibiotic for angina for adults

If follicular or lacunar tonsillitis has developed in a person over 15 years old, then antibiotics should be used for its treatment only in cases where there are signs of complications in the ears, respiratory and ENT organs. That is, if purulent tonsillitis in any person over 15 years old, regardless of gender, proceeds favorably, without complications to the ears and other ENT organs, then it is not necessary to use antibiotics for its treatment. In such situations, antibiotics are practically useless, since they do not reduce the risk of complications in the ears and ENT organs and do not speed up the healing process.

Accordingly, in people over 15 years of age of both sexes, it is necessary to use antibiotics for purulent tonsillitis only with the development of complications in the ears, respiratory and ENT organs. Given this rule on the use of antibiotics for purulent tonsillitis in people over 15 years old, it is necessary to be able to distinguish favorable course infections from the development of complications. To do this, you need to know the signs of the onset of complications in which you need to take antibiotics. So, symptoms of complications of follicular or lacunar tonsillitis on the ears, respiratory and ENT organs, with the appearance of which it is necessary to start taking antibiotics, are the following:

  • There was pain in the ear;
  • After 2 - 4 days after the onset of angina, the state of health worsened;
  • The pain in my throat got worse;
  • When examining the throat on one of its sides, a noticeable bulge is visible;
  • There was pain when opening the mouth or turning the head to the right or left;
  • After 2-3 days of antibiotics, the condition did not improve;
  • Sore throat and body temperature above 38 o C last longer than 7 - 10 days;
  • There were chest pains, headaches, and pains in one half of the face.
Any of the above symptoms indicates the development of complications of purulent tonsillitis, in which it is imperative to start taking antibiotics. If these symptoms are absent in a person over 15 years of age with purulent tonsillitis (follicular or lacunar), then antibiotics are not needed.

Antibiotics for angina in children

If purulent tonsillitis (follicular or lacunar) has developed in a child of any gender aged 3 to 15 years, then antibiotics must be used to treat it, regardless of the presence of complications in the ears, respiratory and ENT organs.

The fact is that at a given age, purulent tonsillitis can give much more severe complications compared to otitis media, abscesses and others characteristic of adults over 15 years old, because due to the imperfection of the lymphoid tissue, pathogenic bacteria from the tonsils can penetrate with the blood and lymph into kidneys, heart, joints and central nervous system, causing inflammatory processes in them, which are very difficult to treat and often become the cause chronic diseases the indicated bodies.

If the pathogen that provoked purulent tonsillitis enters the kidneys, then it causes glomerulonephritis, the outcome of which is often acute renal failure with a transition to chronic. If the microbe enters the heart, it causes an inflammatory process in the tissues of the valves and partitions between the chambers, which lasts for years, as a result of which the structures of the heart change and defects form. From the moment the microbe-causative agent of purulent tonsillitis enters the heart until the development of the defect, it takes from 20 to 40 years. And a person already in adulthood is faced with the consequences of a purulent tonsillitis suffered in childhood, which are rheumatic heart defects.

When a microbe from the tonsils enters the joints, acute arthritis develops, which disappears after a while, but creates fertile ground for joint diseases in the future. And when a microbe from the tonsils enters the central nervous system, the PANDAS syndrome develops, characterized by sharp decline emotional stability and cognitive functions (memory, attention, etc.), as well as the appearance of spontaneous uncontrolled movements and actions, for example, involuntary urination, tongue twitching, etc. In some children, PANDAS syndrome completely resolves within 6 to 24 months, while in others, to varying degrees of severity, it remains for many years.

Thus, in children aged 3-15 years, the most dangerous complications in purulent tonsillitis are complications on the kidneys, heart, joints and nervous system, and not on the ears, respiratory and ENT organs. Accordingly, the treatment of angina should be directed not so much to the infection itself, which in most cases resolves on its own without special therapy, but to the prevention of these complications from the heart, joints and central nervous system. And it is precisely at the prevention of these serious complications that mandatory application antibiotics for purulent sore throat in children 3-15 years old.

The fact is that the use of antibiotics for purulent tonsillitis in children 3-15 years old can reduce the risk of developing these severe complications in the heart, joints and nervous system to almost zero. Therefore, doctors consider it necessary to give antibiotics to children aged 3 to 15 years with purulent tonsillitis without fail.

It is necessary to know that prevention and reduction in the risk of severe complications are achieved when antibiotics are started, not only from the first day of the development of angina. Thus, in the course of research and clinical observations it was found that the prevention of complications is effective if antibiotics are given to the child up to and including 9 days from the onset of angina. That is, in order to prevent complications in the heart, joints and central nervous system, you can start giving your child antibiotics at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 days from the onset of a sore throat. Late initiation of antibiotics is no longer effective in preventing heart, joint, and CNS complications.

If parents for some reason do not want to use antibiotics for purulent sore throat in a child 3-15 years old, despite high risk complications on the heart, joints and central nervous system, then they may not do this. However, if the child shows signs of complications from the ears, respiratory and ENT organs (increased pain in the throat, deterioration of well-being, pain in the ear, chest, half of the face, etc.), then you should definitely resort to the use of antibiotics.

Rules for the treatment of angina with antibiotics

If the sore throat is viral, then, regardless of the age of the patient, it is necessary to take antibiotics only from the moment when signs of complications from the ears, respiratory and other ENT organs became noticeable (increased sore throat, pain in the ear, on one side of the face or in the chest, deterioration of health, fever, etc.). If there are no signs of complications with viral sore throat, then you do not need to take antibiotics.

If the sore throat is bacterial (purulent), then a child aged 3 to 15 years should start giving antibiotics as soon as possible. However, if it was not possible to start the use of antibiotics from the first days of angina, then this can be done up to 9 days inclusive from the beginning infectious disease. That is, with purulent tonsillitis, a child of 3-15 years old can begin to give antibiotics from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 days of illness.

Adults over 15 years of age with purulent sore throat should use antibiotics only if there are signs of complications from the ears, respiratory and other ENT organs. That is, if a person over 15 years old with purulent tonsillitis has no signs of complications, then it is not necessary to use antibiotics at all.

What antibiotics are needed for angina

Since in 90 - 95% of cases, bacterial angina or viral complications are provoked by group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus or staphylococci, then antibiotics that are detrimental to these bacteria must be used for treatment. Currently, the following groups of antibiotics are detrimental to beta-hemolytic streptococci and staphylococci, and, accordingly, effective for the treatment of angina:
  • Penicillins(for example, Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Oxacillin, Ampiox, Flemoxin, etc.);
  • Cephalosporins(for example, Cifran, Cefalexin, Ceftriaxone, etc.);
  • macrolides(for example, Azithromycin, Sumamed, Rulid, etc.);
  • Tetracyclines(for example, Doxycycline, Tetracycline, Macropen, etc.);
  • Fluoroquinolones(for example, Sparfloxacin, Levofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Pefloxacin, Ofloxacin, etc.).
The drugs of choice for purulent tonsillitis are antibiotics from the penicillin group. Therefore, if a person is not allergic to penicillins with purulent sore throat, first of all, you should always apply penicillin antibiotics. And only if they turned out to be ineffective, you can switch to the use of antibiotics of other indicated groups. The only situation when the treatment of angina should be started not with penicillins, but with cephalosporins, is angina, which is very difficult, with high fever, severe swelling of the throat and severe symptoms of intoxication ( headache, weakness, chills, etc.).

If cephalosporins or penicillins were ineffective or a person is allergic to antibiotics of these groups, then macrolides, tetracyclines or fluoroquinolones should be used to treat angina. At the same time, with angina of moderate and mild severity, antibiotics from the groups of tetracyclines or macrolides should be used, and with severe course infections - fluoroquinolones. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that macrolides are more effective than tetracyclines.

Thus, we can conclude that in severe cases of angina, antibiotics from the groups of cephalosporins or fluoroquinolones are used, and in mild and moderate cases, macrolides, penicillins or tetracyclines are used. At the same time, antibiotics from the groups of penicillins and cephalosporins are the drugs of choice, the first of which are optimal for the treatment of angina of the middle and mild degree severity, and the second - with a severe course of infection. If penicillins or cephalosporins are ineffective or cannot be used, then it is optimal to use antibiotics from the fluoroquinolone groups for severe angina and macrolides for mild and middle degree gravity. The use of tetracyclines should be avoided whenever possible.

How many days to take?

With purulent tonsillitis or with complications of infection, any antibiotics must be taken for 7 to 14 days, and optimally - 10 days. This means that any antibiotic must be taken within 10 days, regardless of the day from the moment the angina appeared, antibiotic therapy was started.

The only exception is the antibiotic Sumamed, which only needs to be taken for 5 days. Other antibiotics should not be taken for less than 7 days, since shorter courses of antibiotic therapy may not kill everyone pathogenic bacteria, from which antibiotic-resistant varieties are subsequently formed. Due to the formation of such antibiotic-resistant varieties of bacteria, subsequent sore throats in the same person will be very difficult to treat, as a result of which drugs with a wide spectrum of action and high toxicity will have to be used.

Also, you can not use an antibiotic for angina for longer than 14 days, because if the drug did not lead to complete cure within 2 weeks, this means that it is not effective enough in this particular case. In such a situation, you need to additional examination(sowing discharge from the throat with the determination of sensitivity to antibiotics), based on the results of which, choose another drug to which the causative agent of sore throat has sensitivity.

Names of antibiotics for angina

Here are the names of antibiotics for the treatment of angina in several lists, formed on the basis of the belonging of each specific drug to a particular group (penicillins, cephalosporins, macrolides, tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones). In this case, the list will first indicate the international name of the antibiotic, and next to it in brackets are listed the commercial names under which drugs are sold in pharmacies containing this antibiotic as an active substance.

Names of penicillins

So, among the antibiotics of the penicillin group for the treatment of angina, the following are used:
  • Amoxicillin (Amoxicillin, Amosin, Gramox-D, Ospamox, Flemoxin Solutab, Hikoncil, Ecobol);
  • Amoxicillin + clavulanic acid (Amovikomb, Amoksivan, Amoxiclav, Arlet, Augmentin, Baktoclave, Verklav, Klamosar, Liklav, Medoklav, Panklav, Ranklav, Rapiklav, Fibell, Flemoklav Solutab, Foraklav, Ecoklav);
  • Ampicillin (Ampicillin, Standacillin);
  • Ampicillin + Oxacillin (Ampiox, Oxamp, Oxampicin, Oxamsar);
  • Benzylpenicillin (Benzylpenicillin, Bicillin-1, Bicillin-3 and Bicillin-5);
  • Oxacillin (Oxacillin);
  • Phenoxymethylpenicillin (Phenoxymethylpenicillin, Star Pen, Ospen 750).

Names of cephalosporins

Among the antibiotics of the cephalosporin group, the following drugs are used to treat angina:
  • Cefazolin (Zolin, Intrazolin, Lisolin, Nacef, Orizolin, Orpin, Totacef, Cesolin, Cefazolin, Cefamezin);
  • Cefalexin (Cephalexin, Ecocephron);
  • ceftriaxone ;
  • Ceftazidime (Bestum, Vicef, Lorazidim, Orzid, Tizim, Fortazim, Fortoferin, Fortum, Cefzid, Ceftazidime, Ceftidine);
  • Cefoperazone (Dardum, Medocef, Movoperiz, Operaz, Tseperon, Cefobide, Cefoperabol, Cefoperazone, Cefoperus, Cefpar);
  • Cefotaxime (Intrataxim, Kefotex, Clafobrin, Klaforan, Liforan, Oritax, Oritaxime, Rezibelacta, Tax-o-bid, Talcef, Tarcefoxime, Cetax, Cefabol, Cefantral, Cefosin, Cefotaxime).

Names of macrolides

For the treatment of angina, the following antibiotics of the macrolide group are used:
  • Erythromycin (Eomycin, Erythromycin);
  • Clarithromycin (Arvicin, Zimbaktar, Kispar, Klabaks, Klarbakt, Clareksid, Clarithromycin, Claritrosin, Claricin, Claricit, Claromine, Clasine, Klacid, Clerimed, Coater, Lecoclar, Romiclar, Seydon-Sanovel, Fromilid, Ecozitrin);
  • Azithromycin (Azivok, Azimycin, Azitral, Azitrox, Azithromycin, Azitrocin, AzitRus, Azicid, Zetamax, Zitnob, Zi-factor, Zitrolide, Zitrocin, Sumaklid, Sumamed, Sumametsin, Sumamox, Sumatrolide Solutab, Sumatrolide Solution, Tremak-Sanovel, Hemomycin, Ecomed);
  • Midecamycin (Macropen);
  • Josamycin (Vilprafen, Vilprafen Solutab);
  • Spiramycin (Rovamycin, Spiramisar, Spiramycin-Vero);
  • Roxithromycin (Xitrocin, Remora, Roxeptin, RoxyGeksal, Roxithromycin, Roxolit, Romik, Rulid, Rulicin, Elrox, Esparoxy).

Names of fluoroquinolones

For the treatment of angina, the following antibiotics of the fluoroquinolone group are used:
  • Levofloxacin (Ashlev, Glevo, Ivacin, Lebel, Levolet R, Levostar, Levotek, Levoflox, Levofloxabol, Levofloxacin, Leobag, Leflobact, Lefoktsin, Maklevo, OD-Levox, Remedia, Signicef, Tavanic, Tanflomed, Flexid, Floracid, Hyleflox, Ecolevid , Elefloks);
  • Lomefloxacin (Xenaquin, Lomacin, Lomefloxacin, Lomflox, Lofox);
  • Norfloxacin (Loxon-400, Nolicin, Norbactin, Norilet, Normax, Norfacin, Norfloxacin);
  • Ofloxacin (Ashof, Geoflox, Zanocin, Zoflox, Oflo, Oflox, Ofloxabol, Ofloxacin, Ofloxin, Oflomak, Oflocid, Tarivid, Tariferid, Taricin);
  • Ciprofloxacin (Basigen, Ificipro, Quintor, Procipro, Ceprova, Ciplox, Cipraz, Cyprex, Cyprinol, Ciprobay, Ciprobid, Ciprodox, Ciprolaker, Ciprolet, Cypronate, Cipropan, Ciprofloxabol, Ciprofloxacin, Cifloxinal, Cifran, Cifracid, Ecocifol).

Names of tetracyclines

For the treatment of angina, the following antibiotics of the tetracycline group are used:
  • Minocycline (Minoleksin).

Names of antibiotics for angina in children

In children different ages the following antibiotics can be used:

1. Penicillins:

  • Amoxicillin (Amoxicillin, Amosin, Gramox-D, Ospamox, Flemoxin Solutab, Hikoncil) - from birth;
  • Amoxicillin + clavulanic acid (Amovikomb, Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Verklav, Klamosar, Liklav, Fibell, Flemoclav Solutab, Ecoclave) - from 3 months or from birth;
  • Ampicillin - from 1 month;
  • Ampioks - from 3 years;
  • Ampicillin + Oxacillin (Oxamp, Oxampicin, Oxamsar) - from birth;
  • Benzylpenicillin (Benzylpenicillin, Bicillin-1, Bicillin-3 and Bicillin-5) - from birth;
  • Oxacillin - from 3 months;
  • Phenoxymethylpenicillin (Phenoxymethylpenicillin, Star Pen) - from 3 months;
  • Ospen 750 - from 1 year.
2. Cephalosporins:
  • Cefazolin (Zolin, Intrazolin, Lisolin, Nacef, Orizolin, Orpin, Totacef, Cesolin, Cefamezin) - from 1 month;
  • Cefalexin (Cephalexin, Ecocephron) - from 6 months;
  • ceftriaxone - for full-term babies from birth, and for premature babies from the 15th day of life;
  • Ceftazidime (Bestum, Vicef, Lorazidim, Orzid, Tizim, Fortazim, Fortoferin, Fortum, Cefzid, Ceftazidime, Ceftidine) - from birth;
  • Cefoperazone (Dardum, Medocef, Movoperiz, Operaz, Tseperon, Cefobid, Cefoperabol, Cefoperazone, Cefoperus, Cefpar) - from the 8th day of life;
  • Cefotaxime (Intrataxim, Kefotex, Clafobrin, Klaforan, Liforan, Oritax, Oritaxime, Rezibelacta, Tax-o-bid, Talcef, Tarcefoxime, Cetax, Cefabol, Cefantral, Cefosin, Cefotaxime) - from birth, including premature babies.
3. Macrolides:
  • Erythromycin (Eomycin, Erythromycin) - from birth;
  • Azithromycin (injections of Sumamed and AzitRus) - from the moment when the child's body weight is more than 10 kg;
  • Azithromycin (oral suspension Zitrocin, Hemomycin, Ecomed) - from 6 months;
  • Macropen in the form of a suspension for oral administration - from birth;
  • Spiramycin (Spiramisar, Spiromycin-Vero) - from the moment when the child's body weight becomes more than 20 kg;
  • Roxithromycin (Xitrocin, Remora, Roxeptin, RoxiGexal, Roxithromycin, Roxolit, Romic, Rulid, Rulicin, Elrox, Esparoxy) - from 4 years.
4. Tetracyclines:
  • Minocycline - from 8 years.
AT this list listed first international titles, then next in brackets are the commercial names of the drugs under which they are sold. After that, the age at which the listed antibiotics can be used in children is indicated.

It should be remembered that fluoroquinolones should not be used for children under 18 years of age, and other antibiotics can usually be used from 12 or 14 years of age.

Antibiotic in an adult with angina in tablets

Antibiotics for the treatment of angina from various groups, intended for adults, are shown in the table.
Penicillins Cephalosporins macrolides Fluoroquinolones Tetracyclines
Flemoxin Solutab
Amoxicillin +

Flemoklav Solutab
Sumatrolide Solutab
Sumatrolide Solution
Ampicillin +


The best antibiotic for angina

Because the purulent tonsillitis most commonly caused by beta-hemolytic streptococcus type A and staphylococcus aureus best antibiotics for the treatment of infection will be those that have a detrimental effect on these pathogenic microorganisms. Currently, the most effective antibiotics for the treatment of angina different groups are the following:
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