Consequences, the effect of hypodynamia on the human body (sedentary sedentary lifestyle). Sedentary lifestyle and its consequences

sedentary image life renders Negative influence on our body, it becomes the cause of the appearance in the body of processes that lead to the development various diseases. When a person was engaged in crop production or hunting, he most spent time on his feet. But when the era of television, computers and office work came, people began to be in sitting position much longer. Today, many office workers spend more time sitting than sleeping.

Many of us have to sit at the desk by virtue of the profession for 8 hours a day. Therefore, it is recommended to do stretching exercises when possible; walk in place; jump; walk around the office.

If you sit in front of the TV for 3 or more hours daily, then there is a high probability of death from heart disease. It is recommended to walk more, ride a bike, use the stairs instead of the elevator. Get up from your chair whenever possible. It can be noted that there is less load on the spine if the angle between the back and legs is 135 degrees than when a person is sitting upright or leaning slightly forward. We have to think about how to add activity to our everyday life because the human body is not designed for constant sitting.

Consequences of a sedentary lifestyle

The human body is not designed to sit all the time, and as a result, we are faced with the negative consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. People who spend more than six hours a day sitting are 40% more likely to die within 15 years compared to those who sit less than three hours a day. Leading a sedentary lifestyle reduces natural level blood and lymph flow in the body, as a result of which their "stagnation" occurs and the number of bad cholesterol. Muscles become more flabby due to low tone, resulting in a complex increase in the risk of heart disease and "accumulate" excess weight. In addition, the amount of insulin produced by the body decreases.

In people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, the metabolism drops sharply due to insufficient oxygen supply to the body. Hence the many troubles: premature development atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes, lung diseases ... With physical inactivity, obesity occurs, and calcium is lost from the bones. For example, as a result of a three-week forced immobility, the loss minerals amount to a person as much as in a year of his life. Hypodynamia leads to a decrease in the micropumping function of skeletal muscles, and the heart thereby loses its reliable assistants, which leads to various violations blood circulation in the human body and cardiovascular diseases.

At rest, about 40% of the blood does not circulate through the body, it is in the "depot". Consequently, tissues and organs are worse supplied with oxygen - this elixir of life. And vice versa, during the movement, the blood from the "depot" actively enters the vessels, as a result of which the metabolism increases and the human body is quickly freed from toxins.

So, for example, in muscles at rest, only 25-50 capillaries function (in 1 mm 2 of tissue). In a working muscle, up to 3000 capillaries actively pass blood through themselves. The same pattern is observed in the lungs with alveoli.

Muscle inactivity leads to impaired blood circulation in all organs, but the heart and brain suffer more often than others. It is no coincidence that patients forced for a long time stay on bed rest, first of all, they begin to complain of colic in the heart and headache. Earlier, when patients with myocardial infarction long time were not allowed to move, the mortality among them was much higher. Conversely, when they began to practice an early motor regimen, the percentage of recovery increased dramatically.

A sedentary lifestyle leads to premature aging of the human body: muscles atrophy, sharply reduced vitality, sets efficiency, early wrinkles appear, memory deteriorates, gloomy thoughts haunt ... Therefore, longevity is impossible without an active lifestyle.

But the training of the body to physical activity, on the contrary, it has a positive effect on the function of all organs and systems, increases the reserve capabilities of a person. So, under the influence of physical exercises, elasticity increases blood vessels, their clearance becomes larger. First of all, this applies to the vessels supplying blood to the heart muscle. Systematic physical education and sports prevent the development of vasospasm and most prevent angina pectoris, heart attack and other heart diseases.

To prevent stagnation of blood in the body, it is necessary to "force" redistribute it between the limbs and internal organs. What needs to be done for this? Force yourself to exercise regularly exercise. For example, when sedentary work get up more often (several times an hour), do bends, squats, etc., take a deep breath, and after work, walk at least part of the way home. At home, it is useful to lie down for ten minutes, raising your legs.

It should not be forgotten that what older age a person, the fewer functioning capillaries remain. However, they persist in constantly working muscles. In functioning muscles, blood vessels age much more slowly than in internal organs. For example, the vessels of the legs age the fastest due to poor outflow of blood as a result of a defect in the valves of the veins. This leads to stagnation of blood, varicose veins and chronic oxygen starvation tissues with the formation of blood clots, trophic ulcers. Therefore, the muscles of the legs need to be given a feasible load throughout life, alternating it with periods of rational rest.

In a person who does not systematically engage in physical exercises, by the age of 40-50 years of life, the speed of blood movement noticeably slows down, decreases muscle strength and depth of breathing, blood clotting increases. As a result, among such people, the number of patients with angina pectoris and hypertension is sharply increasing.

At the same time, in older people leading active image life, there are no pensioners who continue to work hard sharp deterioration health.

Unfortunately, many older people are overly reinsured, afraid to once again go out into the street, limit their movements, avoid even a feasible load. As a result, their blood circulation deteriorates sharply, the respiratory excursion of the lungs decreases, the desolation of the alveoli increases, pneumosclerosis progresses rapidly and pulmonary heart failure sets in.

Sedentary lifestyle modern man became one of the main causes of early atherosclerosis, pneumosclerosis, coronary disease heart and sudden death.

Numerous animal experiments testify to the same. So, for example, birds released from cramped cages, having risen into the air, died from a violation of the heart. Even captive-bred nightingales died from strong trills when they were released. This can happen to a person who leads a sedentary lifestyle.

To maintain the functioning of all organs and systems throughout life, a person must first of all take care of correct breathing. Determined that pulmonary artery, its inner shell, with sufficient oxygen inhalation, activates the functions of certain hormones. This, in particular, is the basis for treatment with oxygen, oxygen foam, as well as the aromas of a number of flowers.

With insufficient oxygen supply to the human body as a result of shallow breathing there is a violation of oxidative processes with the formation of underoxidized products with the so-called free radicals. They themselves are capable of causing a prolonged spasm of blood vessels, which is often the cause of mysterious pain in various parts body.

Any weakening of breathing, whatever it may be caused - wrong breathing or low physical activity - reduces oxygen consumption by body tissues. As a result, the amount of protein-fat complexes - lipoproteins, which are the main sources of atherosclerotic deposits in the capillaries, increases in the blood. For this reason, the lack of oxygen in the body accelerates the development of atherosclerosis in a relatively young. age.

It is noted that colds people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and avoid physical labor are more likely to suffer. What's the matter? It turns out that they have reduced lung function.

The lungs, as you know, consist of the smallest bubbles filled with air - the alveoli, the walls of which are densely braided. blood capillaries in the form of a very thin network. When you inhale, the alveoli, filled with air, expand and stretch the capillary network. This creates conditions for better filling them with blood. Therefore, the deeper the breath, the more complete the blood supply to both the alveoli and the lungs as a whole.

In a physically developed person, the total area of ​​​​all alveoli can reach 100 m 2. And if all of them are included in the act of breathing, then special cells - macrophages - freely pass from the blood capillaries into the lumen of the alveoli. It is they who protect the alveolar tissue from harmful and toxic impurities contained in the inhaled air, neutralize microbes and viruses and neutralize the poisonous substances they release - toxins.

The life of these cells, however, is short: they quickly die from inhaled dust, bacteria and other microorganisms. And the more polluted the air inhaled by a person with dust, gases, tobacco smoke and other toxic combustion products, in particular exhaust gases vehicles, the faster the macrophages that protect us die. Dead alveolar macrophages can be removed from the body only with good ventilation of the lungs.

And if, with a sedentary lifestyle, a person breathes superficially, then a significant part of the alveoli does not participate in the act of breathing. The movement of blood is sharply weakened in them, and these non-breathing areas of the lungs have almost no protective cells. Educated defenseless. zones and are the place where the virus or microbe, which has not encountered obstacles, damages the lung tissue and causes disease.

That is why it is so important that the inhaled air is clean, saturated with oxygen. It is better to inhale through the nose, where it is cleaned of microbes and dust, warmed and moistened, and exhalation can also be done through the mouth.

Do not forget that the deeper the breath, the greater the area of ​​the alveoli involved in gas exchange, the more protective cells - macrophages - get into them. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle should regularly practice deep breathing on fresh air.

At inflammatory diseases respiratory organs, on the advice of a doctor, you need to exercise breathing exercises to prevent wrinkling of the alveoli, to prevent their death. At the same time, one should not forget that the lung tissue is capable of regeneration, and the lost alveoli can be restored. This contributes deep breathing through the nose, with the involvement of the diaphragm, which should not be forgotten by obese people leading a sedentary lifestyle.

A person can control his breathing, change its rhythm and depth. In the process of breathing nerve impulses, emanating from the very lung tissue, and from respiratory center affect the tone of the cerebral cortex. It is known that the process of inhalation causes excitation of the cells of the cerebral cortex, and exhalation - inhibition. If their duration is equal, these influences are automatically neutralized.

To give vigor, breathing should be deep, with an accelerated exhalation, which will also contribute to an increase in efficiency. By the way, this principle is clearly seen in the example of chopping wood: swinging an ax - deep breath, blow on the log - a short, energetic exhalation. This allows a person to perform similar work for quite a long time without rest.

But a short inhalation and an extended exhalation, on the contrary, relax the muscles, calm the nervous system. Such breathing is used to move from wakefulness to a state of rest, rest and sleep.

The opening of the alveoli is also facilitated by an increase in intrathoracic pressure. This can be achieved by inflating, for example, a rubber toy or a ball bladder. You can also do it with effort, exhaling through the lips stretched forward and folded into a tube, pronouncing the letters “f” or “fu”.

good breathing exercise there is also a cheerful, fervent laughter, which at the same time massages many internal organs.

In a word, in order to neutralize the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle that are detrimental to health, you need to regularly, until the very old age engage in physical exercises in the fresh air, breathing exercises, harden, eat rationally. And in order for physical education and sports to bring tangible benefits, they must be practiced at least 6 hours a week.

But before you start training, be sure to see a doctor and consult with him, master the skills of self-control over your body, keep a diary of self-observation. And always and in everything observe the rules of personal and public hygiene, give up unhealthy habits.

A sedentary lifestyle seems to be a perfectly logical result of human development: the further civilization advances, the less the need for physical labor and more - in the intellectual. And intellectual work in the overwhelming majority of cases is expressed just in sedentary work with documents, a computer. Add to this the magnificently developed transport, which has deprived us of the need to walk for distances of more than half a kilometer, the typical entertainment of our era is watching movies and TV, computer games, books, Internet surfing - and we will get sedentary image life in all its glory. So, if this lifestyle is a direct consequence of increased comfort, why is it called unhealthy?

Contrary to our notions of comfort, human body not designed for long and static sitting and generally being in a sedentary state for a long time. On the contrary, our body is designed for a dynamic lifestyle - movement with breaks for rest and long night sleep. It is in this state of affairs that our body feels the best way: the heart works as it should, the muscles remain in good shape, the spine remains mobile, weight is maintained at the normal level, blood circulation correctly responds to all human needs and external changes. As soon as a person stops for a long time, freezes in one position, a comprehensive stagnation occurs in the body: muscles atrophy, the spine loses mobility, blood circulation slows down, weight accumulates. This is normal for the body, as it is natural reaction on the lack of load: if you don’t move for hours, then you don’t need flexibility in the spine, if you don’t spend calories, why not stock up on a surplus for a rainy day? This is what a sedentary lifestyle is dangerous for: it affects the entire body as a whole, and not in a positive way.

When Sedentary Lifestyle Is Dangerous

Check yourself: if several statements from the list are true for you, you are at risk - a group of people who, leading a sedentary lifestyle, are at risk of experiencing the consequences in their own skin in the form of relevant diseases and disorders:
At work, you spend at least 6-7 hours sitting.
You rarely interrupt, get up and get distracted from your work.
Are you traveling by car or comfortable public transport and almost never walk.
Always prefer to take the elevator, ignoring the stairs.
Your rest is almost always passive - a sofa, TV, movies, surfing the Internet in the evenings, computer games, reading.
Your hobby or side activity also involves sitting.
You are not into fitness.

Another way to determine if you belong to a risk group is to try to mark how much time you spend in a sitting position during the day (including not only work, but also sitting on the couch, at dinner, at the home computer - all together). If it goes out for a total of 7 hours or more, you are at risk.

Negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle is a risk factor for a number of serious illnesses: in some cases, it simply affects the development of the disease, accelerates negative trends, and in some cases it becomes the main cause. Disorders that may be based on a sedentary lifestyle:

Problems with the spine. The most common problems that arise with the spine due to a sedentary lifestyle: poor posture, chronic pain in the back, in the longer term - the development of osteochondrosis and other diseases. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the muscles that create muscular framework around the spine, with this lifestyle, they relax - and leave it without the required physiological support.

Hypodynamia and obesity. Low level motor activity - hypodynamia - one of the most noticeable markers modern look life. If you sit at a computer all day, then drive home by car and rest there in approximately the same position, your body will obviously lack movement. The most obvious (and noticeable) consequence of physical inactivity is obesity: if you are not starving, with such a low level of activity, excess calories are almost inevitable.

Muscular atrophy . Muscle mass is already lost over the years, and if you do not move and sit for hours in one position, the muscles slowly but surely atrophy. This process affects the whole body, on the one hand, making it more shapeless, on the other hand, depriving the muscular support not only of the spine, but of all organ groups. The longer you lead this lifestyle, the harder it will be for you to eventually get back in shape and build up. muscle mass. Often, muscle wasting is accompanied by an increase in body fat.

Circulatory disorders: thrombosis, varicose veins. Especially dangerous violation as a result of hypodynamia - deterioration of blood circulation. It can lead to mass negative consequences, including insufficient nutrition of tissues and organs with oxygen, and bad influence on immunity, metabolism, and diseases such as thrombosis and varicose veins veins.

Haemorrhoids. In the development of hemorrhoids, a sedentary lifestyle plays leading role- along with malnutrition(lack of fiber in the diet), since the main cause of this disease is blood stasis and the formation of venous nodes.

Sexual disorders. Stagnation of blood in the pelvic area - mandatory consequence a sedentary lifestyle is also guilty of a number of diseases of the genital area: this is especially true for men, for whom such a lifestyle is a risk factor for the development of impotence and prostatitis.

Nervous disorders . deficit physical activity and chronic being in a crooked position cannot but affect nervous system. Frequent Consequence this lifestyle syndrome chronic fatigue. Also, people who lead a sedentary lifestyle are more likely to suffer from insomnia and other sleep disorders, more prone to stress, including chronic.

What to do?

If you have the opportunity to radically change your lifestyle - do it, and if not, you will come to the aid of additional measures:
During the day, try to get up and move as often as possible; use any excuse to do so. You can set an alarm clock that every half hour will signal that it's time for you to warm up.
Let your lunch break be active: go to a distant dining room, take a walk, team up with colleagues for a collective warm-up (you can throw a ball or play table tennis).
Be sure to do fitness at least 2-3 times a week (at least 150 minutes a week in total, more is better).
Try to walk as often as possible, including climbing stairs.
Make your rest more active, after work, either move or relax for real - lie down in comfort and get distracted from any activity.
Include in your schedule some swimming or massage, stretching workout - any motor activity which has a beneficial effect on the tone of the body and spine.
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