Consultation for parents rotavirus infection. Symptoms and first signs of rotavirus infection in children: treatment and prevention of dirty hands disease

Rotavirus infection!

Rotaviruses - one of the forms of acute intestinal infection, the causative agent of which is the human rotavirus of the genus Rotavirus.

Spreading: The main mechanism of transmission of rotaviruses is alimentary, involving different ways and multiple transmission factors.

Rotavirus can be contracted in a variety of ways. Can be attributed to this infection and "diseases dirty hands».

With each infection, immunity to this type of virus is developed, and subsequent infections with this type are easier. The disease occurs both sporadically and in epidemic outbreaks. The nature of the incidence is clearly seasonal.

Disease development: The virus enters the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract. The disease proceeds with vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea for 1-2 days. Stool frequency 10-15 times a day. General character disease is cyclical. In one cycle, incubation period(1-5 days), acute period(3-7 days) - recovery (4-5 days). For rotavirus infection characteristically acute onset - vomiting, sharp rise temperature, and diarrhea, and often a very characteristic stool - on the second, third day, gray-yellow and clay-like. In addition, most patients develop a runny nose, redness in the throat, they experience pain when swallowing. In the acute period, there is no appetite, a state of loss of strength is observed. The disease is considered childhood because the bodies of adults are more protected from rotaviruses. Usually, if there is an infected person in the family or in the team, then within 3-5 days, the rest will also start to fall ill in turn. It is possible to prevent infection from a carrier of infection in the case of an active immune system.

Treatment: sorbents may be prescribed ( Activated carbon, dioctahedral smectite, attapulgite). Effective antiviral drugs to combat active rotavirus infection does not exist.

In the process of treatment - a strict diet: cereals on the water, apple compote.Eliminate dairy products until complete recovery .

WHO recommends preventive vaccination as an effective remedy against rotavirus infection..

Prevention: prevention isin compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards (washing hands, using only boiled water for drinking), cleaning and chlorinating tap water .

Caution: rotavirus infection!

Does your child have nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, runny nose, cough, intoxication, and a temperature above 37.5? In this case, it can be assumed that he contracted a rotavirus infection. What to do? Should I run to the hospital or be treated at home? How to protect yourself and other family members from illness? These and many other questions about rotavirus infection are answered by the doctor of the Academic Medical Center "Family and Healthy Generation", Associate Professor of the Department of Preventive Pediatrics, infectious pathology and Clinical Immunology of the Medical Academy Sofya Evgenievna Chashchina.

- Sofya Evgenievna, please tell us how many viral diarrheas there are, and what is a rotavirus infection?

There are a lot of viral diarrhea. Today - about 120 varieties of viruses can cause loose stools in children, high fever, vomiting, and catarrhal symptoms. These are astroviruses, and caliciviruses, and enteroviruses, and adenoviruses: In general, 75% of all diarrheas are viral diarrheas.Rotavirus infection is characterized by damage to the digestive tract - repeated vomiting and copious watery stools, general intoxication, dehydration.

How can you get rotavirus infection?

The main ways are alimentary and contact-household. The first way is infection with infected water or food, the second is through care items: nipples, pacifiers, bottles, toys, dirty hands of adults, dirty mother's dressing gown (which a child can "lick"). Very often, infection occurs through boiled water.

- What time of the year do viral diarrheas mostly occur?

They mainly occur during the cold season - these are diseases of the winter period. Butin the UralsPrimorye very often cold snaps occur both in spring and summer. Therefore, on cold days, the likelihood of catching rotavirus increases. The decrease in the incidence occurs with warming.Drink boiled water and beware of cold weather:

- What are the symptoms of rotavirus infection?

The disease usually starts with catarrhal symptom(runny nose, cough, sore throat). At the same time, repeated vomiting opens, and then, copious watery stools. The temperature is usually above 37.5, and very often rises to 39 degrees. And for adults, a temperature of under 40 is generally characteristic, indomitable vomiting, but there is no diarrhea.

- What can these symptoms lead to?

Since the children early age vomiting and watery stools open, this can lead to dehydration. An adult can cope with this, because he feels thirsty and drinks a lot, so he quickly gets out of this state. But to a small child dehydration is very dangerous!Dehydration in young children leads to impaired water-salt metabolism, therefore, the likelihood of developing renal failure is high, and it can lead to death. Therefore, if the child has repeated vomiting several times, the stool is more than 6-7 times a day, and he rarely urinates (do not urinate for 6 hours), then immediate hospitalization is necessary.

- Is it true that the disease proceeds very quickly, but begins suddenly and acutely?

Yes this is true. Very fast withdrawal into toxicosis with dehydration, in just a few hours. But at the same time, if adequate treatment is carried out, then the child can get out of a difficult condition within a day.

- What is the latent period of the disease?

From two hours to seven days.

- And in what period is the patient contagious?

Since the onset of catarrhal symptom, vomiting and diarrhea. That is, as long as there is no discharge, the child is not contagious. But as soon as some discharge began, it becomes dangerous for others. As soon as recovery has come, it ceases to be contagious.

- Do people get sick with rotavirus infection, as a rule, one by one, or does everyone around them get infected?

This infection gives focal morbidity in limited groups, for example, kindergartens or nurseries, children's homes: Very often this infection gives morbidity in the family, that is, there are family foci.

- Who gets sick first - adults or children?

The first, as a rule, children get sick, and after the children - adults. Moreover, children are more susceptible to these diseases. younger age. The most susceptible age is children from 6 months to 5 years, although older children can also get sick.

Why are children more susceptible to rotavirus infection?

Because babies have their own physiological features. The fact is that in young children, acidity gastric juice different from the acidity of the stomach of an adult. The gastric acid barrier does not protect the baby. In children the immune system not yet matured to the same degree as in an adult. Particularly lacking is secretory immunoglobulin, which lines the mucosa oral cavity and mucous membranes digestive tract. Due to the deficiency of such antibodies, childhood more susceptible to disease.

- That is, adults rarely get sick?

Yes, but they still hurt. Patients with chronic diseases digestive tract susceptible to viral diarrhea. This is especially true for people with gastritis, which are accompanied low acidity. Healthy adults are the most likely carriers of rotaviruses, thus becoming a source of infection.

How to treat rotavirus infection?

It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible after the first symptoms. Treatment consists of plentiful drink and receiving smecta, basic therapy the doctor prescribes. In no case should you take enzymes in the first days of the disease! The fact is that the composition of any enzyme includes proteases that contribute to the introduction of rotavirus into the epithelium of the intestinal mucosa.Plentiful drink + smecta

- "Plentiful drink" - how much?

To have an effect, you need to drink about a tablespoon of liquid every 20 minutes, and the liquid must be alternated (for example, a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of boiled water, or tea, fruit drinks, rice water). As a rule, within 6 hours the use of solutions and smecta leads to a significant improvement in the condition. The amount of fluid required is calculated by the doctor depending on the age of the child and the amount of fluid loss, for example, a child with weight 8 kg you need at least 800 ml.

- What do you mean by "saline solution"?

Regidron, glucosalan: But in such a solution as gastrolith contains not only salt, but also chamomile extract, and chamomile disinfects the intestines very well!

- What can not be consumed with rotavirus infection?

For rotavirus gastroenteritisthe patient is completely unable to tolerate milk. Cow's milk should be excluded from the diet. Rotaviruses are resistant to environmental factors, withstand the action of ether, chloroform, ultrasound; they are not destroyed by repeated freezing. The disinfectant for them is 95% ethanol, more effective than chloramine, formaldehyde, etc. The virus loses its infectivity when boiled, treated with strong acids and alkalis.

What is the best thing to eat during this period?

Children older three years give sour fruit drinks (cranberry, currant, lingonberry). Exclude milk porridge.

- And yet, is it better to hospitalize the child, or can it be treated at home?

Light and worn forms can be treated at home under the supervision of a local pediatrician.If the child is older than a year, and he is weakened (often sick), it is also better to be hospitalized. Well, and, of course, in severe forms, hospitalization of the child is required! Older children are left at home, subject to strict adherence to the prescribed treatment and the rules of sanitary hygiene.

Often, as a result of transferred rotavirus gastroenteritis, intestinal dysbacteriosis is formed. Therefore, after an illness for a month, you need to take biological products.

- Is there a prevention of rotavirus infection?

Desirableconstantly use boiled water, not only for drinking, but even for washing dishes . Perfectly rotaviruses are destroyed laundry soap, ordinary toilet, any washing powders. When these elementary hygiene rules are followed, the spread of rotavirus does not occur.

And bottled water can contain viruses, so it’s better to boil it too.Fruit washed under the tap, it is advisable to scald with boiling water! Adult family members should not forget to wash their hands after using the toilet, cleaning the apartment, coming from the street, before preparing food.Teach children to wash their hands after using the toilet, walking, etc. After all, in fact, any intestinal infection is a disease of dirty hands!

- After the disease, a person develops immunity?

Unfortunately, the immune system is not strong, so the child can get sick with this infection more than once. Now in Russia (namely in Yekaterinburg) a vaccine against rotavirus is being tested. The fact is that there are vaccines abroad that work successfully. For example, in America, in France, vaccination against rotavirus infection is included in the national calendar. So we have developed such a vaccine in our country, on this moment she is being checked. If the testing is successful, it is possible that soon all children at the age of three months will be vaccinated. And then, I think, we will cope with this infection.

Rotavirus infection

(Rotavirus, stomach flu)

Rotavirus infection - infection caused by rotavirus. Other names - RI, rotavirus, rotavirus gastroenteritis, intestinal flu, stomach flu. The causative agent of rotavirus infection is a virus from the order of rotaviruses (lat. Rotavirus). The incubation period of infection is 1-5 days. Rotavirus affects both children and adults, but in an adult, unlike a child, the disease occurs in more mild form. The patient becomes contagious with the first symptoms of rotavirus and remains contagious until the end of the symptoms of the disease (5-7 days). As a rule, after 5-7 days recovery occurs, the body develops a strong immunity to rotavirus and reinfection happens very rarely. In adults with low level antibodies symptoms of the disease may recur.

How is rotavirus transmitted?

The route of transmission of rotavirus is mainly food (through unwashed food, dirty hands). You can become infected with rotavirus infection in a variety of ways, for example, through contaminated food, primarily dairy products (due to the specifics of their production). Rotaviruses thrive in the refrigerator and can live there for many days, water chlorination does not kill them. Rotaviruses feel calm in holy water. In children aged 1 year and older, rotavirus may appear when visiting nurseries, kindergartens and schools, as in new environment other viruses and microbes than in the home environment or in the team where the child was for a long time. This infection can also be attributed to “diseases of dirty hands”. In addition, since rotaviruses cause inflammation and respiratory tract, they, like influenza viruses, are spread by droplets - for example, when sneezing.

Rotavirus infection occurs both sporadically (individual cases of the disease) and in the form of epidemic outbreaks. The nature of the incidence is clearly seasonal. In Russia, up to 93% of cases occur in cold period year (from November to April inclusive).

The virus penetrates the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. The mucosa is mainly affected small intestine. Rotavirus infection affects the gastrointestinal tract, causing enteritis (inflammation of the intestinal mucosa), hence characteristic symptoms rotavirus.

Symptoms of rotavirus infection in children

There is an incubation period (1-5 days), an acute period (3-7 days, with severe course illness - more than 7 days) and the period of recovery after illness (4-5 days).

Rotavirus infection is characterized by an acute onset - vomiting, a sharp increase in temperature, diarrhea is possible, and often a very recognizable stool - liquid yellow on the first day, gray-yellow and clay-like on the second and third days. In addition, most patients develop a runny nose, redness in the throat, they experience pain when swallowing. In the acute period, there is no appetite, a state of loss of strength is observed. Long-term observations have shown that the largest outbreaks of the disease occur during or on the eve of an influenza epidemic, for which it received the unofficial name - "intestinal flu". Feces and urine are very similar in signs to those of hepatitis ( light feces, dark urine, sometimes with blood flakes).

Often rotavirus infection in a child manifests itself the following symptoms and signs in order: the child wakes up lethargic, capricious, he is sick already in the morning, vomiting is possible even on an empty stomach. Possible vomiting with mucus. Appetite is reduced, after eating repeatedly vomits with pieces undigested food, vomiting begins after drinking more than 50 ml of liquid. The temperature begins to rise and by the evening the thermometer can already show more than 39 degrees Celsius. When infected with a rotavirus infection, the temperature is steadily elevated and it is difficult to “bring down” it, the fever can last up to 5 days. Symptoms include loose stools, more often yellow color With bad smell and may cause stomach pain. In babies who still cannot explain that something hurts them, a sign of pain is crying and rumbling in the stomach. The child becomes whiny and irritable, loses weight "before our eyes", from the second day of the disease drowsiness appears. At proper treatment all symptoms of rotavirus infection disappear after 5-7 days and complete recovery occurs, loose stools may last a little longer.

The intensity of manifestation of symptoms of rotavirus infection, the severity and duration of the disease are different. The symptoms of rotavirus are very similar to those of other, more serious illnesses such as poisoning, cholera or salmonellosis, so if your child has a fever, nausea and / or loose stools, call a doctor from the children's clinic immediately. Call for abdominal pain ambulance, before the doctor arrives, do not give painkillers to the child!

Treatment of rotavirus infection in children

There are no drugs that kill rotavirus, so the treatment of rotavirus infection is symptomatic and is aimed at normalizing the water-salt balance disturbed by vomiting and diarrhea and preventing the development of secondary bacterial infection. The main goal of treatment is to combat the effects of infection on the body: dehydration, toxicosis and related disorders of the cardiovascular and urinary systems.

When symptoms of a gastrointestinal disorder appear, in no case should you give your child milk and dairy, even sour-milk products, including kefir and cottage cheese - this is an excellent environment for the growth of bacteria.

The child’s appetite is reduced or absent, you should not force the child to eat, let him drink a little jelly (homemade, boiled from water, starch and jam), you can drink chicken broth. If the child does not refuse food, you can feed him liquid rice porridge on water without oil (slightly sweeten). The main rule is to give food or drink in small portions with a break to prevent the gag reflex.

First of all, rehydration therapy is used in the treatment, sorbents may be prescribed (activated carbon, dioctahedral smectite, attapulgite). On days from severe vomiting or diarrhea, you need to replenish the volume of fluid and salts washed with liquid stool and vomit. To do this, dissolve 1 sachet of rehydron powder in a liter of water and let the child drink 50 ml every half an hour until the water runs out. If the child is sleeping and misses drinking the solution, there is no need to wake up, wait until he wakes up, but do not give more than 50 ml of water (may vomit).

How to bring down the temperature with rotavirus infection

Rotavirus dies at a body temperature of 38 degrees, so the temperature should not be brought down below this level. To reduce a higher temperature (and its threshold for rotavirus infection can reach more than 39 degrees), doctors usually prescribe cefecon suppositories for children under 3 years old, paracetamol for older children (in the dosage appropriate for age). Temperature candles are convenient in that you can put them on regardless of whether the child is sleeping or awake. With a persistent increase in temperature, when the temperature does not "go astray", children older than a year are prescribed paracetamol with a quarter of analgin. The break between tablets or suppositories from temperature containing paracetamol should be at least 2 hours, in the case of other preparations from temperature - from 4 hours or more (see instructions), but paracetamol is most effective for rotavirus infection.

Wet wipes with a weak vodka solution help to bring down the temperature, but there are some rules: you need to wipe the entire body of the child as a whole, avoiding a temperature difference between parts of the body, after wiping put thin socks on your feet. Wipe if more than half an hour has passed from the temperature after taking the drug, and the temperature has not begun to decrease. child with high temperature do not wrap.

For symptoms gastrointestinal disorders With elevated temperature doctors prescribe Enterofuril (2 times a day, dosage according to age, drink at least 5 days) to prevent or treat a bacterial intestinal infection. This medication helps prevent lingering course diarrhea. Can be replaced with Enterol.

With pain in the abdomen with a confirmed diagnosis of rotavirus infection, you can give the child no-shpa: give 1 ml of no-shpa solution from the ampoule to the child in the mouth, drink tea.

With the advent of appetite, to restore the intestinal microflora and treat diarrhea, the child is prescribed bactisubtil - 2 times a day, 1 capsule dissolved in water one hour before meals for 5 days.

Complications of rotavirus infection

With proper treatment, rotavirus infection proceeds without complications. If you do not give water to a child with vomiting and diarrhea often, especially for children under one year old, dehydration of the body is possible up to lethal outcome. If no action is taken, a bacterial intestinal infection is possible and the disease will be even more difficult. Be sure to monitor the temperature of the child's body, a prolonged increase in temperature above 39 degrees leads to the death of cells, primarily brain cells.

Lethal outcome is observed in 2-3% of cases, mainly among children with poor health. Basically, after recovery, the transferred rotavirus infection does not entail any long-term consequences and the prognosis is favorable.

Prevention of rotavirus infection

As effective remedy against rotavirus, WHO recommends preventive vaccination.

For specific prevention rotavirus on this moment There are two vaccines that have passed clinical trials. Both are taken orally and contain attenuated live virus. Rotavirus vaccines are currently only available in Europe and the US.

Non-specific prevention consists in observing sanitary and hygienic standards (washing hands, using only boiled water for drinking).


Rotavirus infection is an infectious disease caused by rotavirus. Other names are RI, rotavirus, rotavirus gastroenteritis, intestinal flu, stomach flu. The causative agent of rotavirus infection is a virus from the order of rotaviruses (lat. Rotavirus). The incubation period of infection is 1-5 days. Rotavirus affects both children and adults, but in an adult, unlike a child, the disease occurs in a milder form. The patient becomes contagious with the first symptoms of rotavirus and remains contagious until the end of the symptoms of the disease (5-7 days). As a rule, after 5-7 days recovery occurs, the body develops a strong immunity to rotavirus and re-infection occurs very rarely. In adults with low levels of antibodies, the symptoms of the disease may recur.

How is rotavirus transmitted?

The route of transmission of rotavirus is mainly food (through unwashed food, dirty hands). You can become infected with rotavirus infection in a variety of ways, for example, through contaminated food, primarily dairy products (due to the specifics of their production). Rotaviruses thrive in the refrigerator and can live there for many days, water chlorination does not kill them. Rotaviruses feel calm in holy water. In children aged 1 year and older, rotavirus may appear when visiting nurseries, kindergartens and schools, since in a new environment there are different viruses and microbes than in a home environment or in a team where the child has been for a long time. This infection can also be attributed to “diseases of dirty hands”. In addition, since rotaviruses cause inflammation in the respiratory tract, they, like influenza viruses, are spread by droplets - for example, when sneezing.

Rotavirus infection occurs both sporadically (individual cases of the disease) and in the form of epidemic outbreaks. The nature of the incidence is clearly seasonal. In Russia, up to 93% of cases of the disease occur during the cold season (from November to April inclusive).

The virus penetrates the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. The mucosa of the small intestine is mainly affected. Rotavirus infection affects the gastrointestinal tract, causing enteritis (inflammation of the intestinal mucosa), hence the characteristic symptoms of rotavirus.

Symptoms of rotavirus infection in children

There is an incubation period (1-5 days), an acute period (3-7 days, with a severe course of the disease - more than 7 days) and a recovery period after the disease (4-5 days).

Rotavirus infection is characterized by an acute onset - vomiting, a sharp increase in temperature, diarrhea is possible, and often a very recognizable stool - liquid yellow on the first day, gray-yellow and clay-like on the second and third days. In addition, most patients develop a runny nose, redness in the throat, they experience pain when swallowing. In the acute period, there is no appetite, a state of loss of strength is observed. Long-term observations have shown that the largest outbreaks of the disease occur during or on the eve of an influenza epidemic, for which it received the unofficial name - "intestinal flu". Feces and urine are very similar in signs to the symptoms of hepatitis (light-colored feces, dark urine, sometimes with blood flakes).

Often, a rotavirus infection in a child manifests itself with the following symptoms and signs in order: the child wakes up lethargic, capricious, he is sick already in the morning, vomiting is possible even on an empty stomach. Possible vomiting with mucus. Appetite is reduced, after eating he repeatedly vomits with pieces of undigested food, vomiting begins even after drinking liquids in an amount of more than 50 ml. The temperature begins to rise and by the evening the thermometer can already show more than 39 degrees Celsius. When infected with a rotavirus infection, the temperature is persistently elevated and it is difficult to “bring down” it, the fever can last up to 5 days. The symptoms are accompanied by loose stools, often yellow with an unpleasant odor, and the stomach may hurt. In babies who still cannot explain that something hurts them, a sign of pain is crying and rumbling in the stomach. The child becomes whiny and irritable, loses weight "before our eyes", from the second day of the disease drowsiness appears. With proper treatment, all symptoms of rotavirus infection disappear after 5-7 days and complete recovery occurs, loose stools can last a little longer.

The intensity of manifestation of symptoms of rotavirus infection, the severity and duration of the disease are different. The symptoms of rotavirus are very similar to those of other, more severe diseases, such as poisoning, cholera, or salmonellosis, so if your child has a fever, nausea and/or loose stools, call a doctor from the children's clinic immediately. In case of pain in the abdomen, call an ambulance; do not give painkillers to the child until the doctor arrives!

Symptoms of rotavirus infection in adults

Adults also get rotavirus, but some may mistake its symptoms for a common temporary indigestion (they say, “I ate something wrong”). Nausea and vomiting are usually not a concern, maybe general weakness, loss of appetite, fever and loose stools, but not long time. Rotavirus infection in adults is often asymptomatic. Despite the erasure of symptoms, the patient remains contagious all this time. The milder course of rotavirus infection in adults is due not only to strong immunity, but also greater adaptability of the gastrointestinal tract to this kind of shaking. Usually, if there is an infected person in the family or in the team, then within 3-5 days, the rest will also start to fall ill in turn. To prevent infection from a carrier of infection is possible only in the case of an active immune system.

Treatment of rotavirus infection in children

There are no drugs that kill rotavirus, so the treatment of rotavirus infection is symptomatic and is aimed at normalizing the water-salt balance disturbed by vomiting and diarrhea and preventing the development of a secondary bacterial infection. The main goal of treatment is to combat the effects of infection on the body: dehydration, toxicosis and related disorders of the cardiovascular and urinary systems.

When symptoms of a gastrointestinal disorder appear, in no case should you give your child milk and dairy, even sour-milk products, including kefir and cottage cheese - this is an excellent environment for the growth of bacteria.

The child's appetite is reduced or absent, you should not force the child to eat, let him drink a little jelly (homemade, cooked from water, starch and jam), you can drink chicken broth. If the child does not refuse food, you can feed him with thin rice porridge in water without oil (sweeten a little). The main rule is to give food or drink in small portions with a break to prevent the gag reflex.

First of all, rehydration therapy is used in the treatment, sorbents may be prescribed (activated carbon, dioctahedral smectite, attapulgite). On days with severe vomiting or diarrhea, you need to replenish the amount of fluid and salts washed out with loose stools and vomit. To do this, dissolve 1 sachet of rehydron powder in a liter of water and let the child drink 50 ml every half an hour until the water runs out. If the child is sleeping and misses drinking the solution, there is no need to wake up, wait until he wakes up, but do not give more than 50 ml of water (may vomit).

How to bring down the temperature with rotavirus infection

Rotavirus dies at a body temperature of 38 degrees, so the temperature should not be brought down below this level. To reduce a higher temperature (and its threshold for rotavirus infection can reach more than 39 degrees), doctors usually prescribe cefecon suppositories for children under 3 years old, paracetamol for older children (in the dosage appropriate for age). Temperature candles are convenient in that you can put them on regardless of whether the child is sleeping or awake. With a persistent increase in temperature, when the temperature does not "go astray", children older than a year are prescribed paracetamol with a quarter of analgin. The break between tablets or suppositories against temperature containing paracetamol should be at least 2 hours, in the case of other drugs against temperature - from 4 hours or more (see instructions), but paracetamol is most effective for rotavirus infection.

Wet wipes with a weak vodka solution help to bring down the temperature, but there are some rules: you need to wipe the entire body of the child as a whole, avoiding a temperature difference between parts of the body, after wiping put thin socks on your feet. Wipe if more than half an hour has passed from the temperature after taking the drug, and the temperature has not begun to decrease. Do not wrap a child with a high temperature.

For symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders with fever, doctors prescribe Enterofuril (2 times a day, dosage according to age, drink at least 5 days) to prevent or treat a bacterial intestinal infection. This drug helps prevent prolonged diarrhea. Can be replaced with Enterol.

With pain in the abdomen with a confirmed diagnosis of rotavirus infection, you can give the child no-shpa: give 1 ml of no-shpa solution from the ampoule to the child in the mouth, drink tea.

With the advent of appetite, to restore the intestinal microflora and treat diarrhea, the child is prescribed bactisubtil - 2 times a day, 1 capsule dissolved in water one hour before meals for 5 days.

Treatment of rotavirus infection in adults

No special treatment is required. At severe symptoms symptomatic treatment. Avoid contact with children during rotavirus disease to avoid infecting them.

Complications of rotavirus infection

With proper treatment, rotavirus infection proceeds without complications. If you do not give water to a child with vomiting and diarrhea often, especially for children under one year old, dehydration of the body, even death, is possible. If no action is taken, a bacterial intestinal infection is possible and the disease will be even more difficult. Be sure to monitor the temperature of the child's body, a prolonged increase in temperature above 39 degrees leads to the death of cells, primarily brain cells.

Lethal outcome is observed in 2-3% of cases, mainly among children with poor health. Basically, after recovery, the transferred rotavirus infection does not entail any long-term consequences and the prognosis is favorable.

Prevention of rotavirus infection

WHO recommends preventive vaccination as an effective remedy against rotavirus.

For the specific prevention of rotavirus, there are currently two vaccines that have passed clinical trials. Both are taken orally and contain attenuated live virus. Rotavirus vaccines are currently only available in Europe and the US.

Non-specific prophylaxis

is to comply

sanitary and hygienic standards:

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