Causes of shortness of breath in a cat. Shortness of breath, open-mouth breathing or wheezing in the cat

Normal frequency breathing in a cat is considered to be from twenty to forty exhalations per minute. However, there are situations when the pet's breathing is disturbed. When breathing in the belly of a cat, the lungs and chest cannot cope with their functions, because in normal case a vacuum is formed around the lungs in the chest cavity and allows the organs to have space.

Due to certain problems with the body, both air and blood along with harmful substances can enter the cavity. Also, the reason for this may be increased physical activity, a variety of pathologies and difficult climatic conditions. And also the reason for this can be the onset of childbirth in a cat and stressful situations. Any of these options will be a reason to visit a doctor.

Everyone is familiar with the situation when a cat sticks out its tongue to wash or lick milk. However, there are situations when it is worth worrying about the condition of the animal.

First, let's look at situations where you don't need to worry:

But if the cat breathes often, while opening its mouth, then you need to sound the alarm. The mechanism for the occurrence of problems in terms of breathing is quite simple: to improve gas exchange in the lungs and better supply of air there, the animal needs to breathe more often and deeper, which is why you have to open your mouth, stick out your tongue and lower it beyond the boundaries of the oral cavity. The reason may be the most various diseases by type of rhinitis, sinusitis, pulmonary inflammation and many other diseases.

And it is also important to note that the reason for this phenomenon is cardiovascular failure, poisoning and disorders in the brain. In case of poisoning, vomiting occurs, the animal begins to cough up, and as a result, all harmful substances leave the body. When disturbances occur in the brain, the cat is unable to control the movements of his body, including his tongue. Additionally, a cat may be accompanied by strabismus and other diseases.

The kitten is breathing heavily - the reasons are within the normal range

any medical interventions and healing procedures from injections to pills.

visiting unfamiliar places, for example, a veterinary clinic.

travel in a car, bus or other vehicle.

contact with other animals, children, strangers.

2. The beginning of estrus in a kitten. In adults, there are also changes in the body such as pregnancy and childbirth.

3. Absorption of food.

4. Overheating.

5. Increased physical activity during games and running.

All these situations do not pose any threat to the life and health of the pet. After eliminating the causes that caused the increase, breathing returns to normal. However, it is important to remember that stressful situations can cause other health problems for the kitten and should be avoided whenever possible.

If it was not possible to associate increased breathing with the above reasons, or the frequency of inhalations and exhalations does not normalize after relatively short period should pay close attention to the health of the animal. After all, the reasons that the kitten is breathing heavily may be serious violations work of internal organs and body systems.

1. Problems with the nose. The inflammatory process is usually accompanied by secretions of mucus from the nasal passages.

2. Edema, tumors and other diseases of the throat and trachea.

3. Asthma, bronchitis and others bronchial diseases. In this case, the kitten is likely to have a fever and cough.

4. Inflammation, swelling and tumors of the lungs.

5. Worm infestation.

6. Dehydration.

7. Poisoning.

8. Hormonal failures.

9. Disruptions at work endocrine system.

10. Diseases of cardio-vascular system.

11. Anemia.

12. Fever.

13. The presence of excess air or fluid in chest cavity.

Rapid breathing occurs in cats immediately after the birth of kittens. The body of the animal returns to normal after the stress, which is childbirth. Gradually breathing stabilizes. Usually the cat does not need help.

Increased breathing in an animal can occur as a result of normal overheating. Since cats, unlike humans, do not have such an abundance sweat glands, breathing rapidly and shortly, sticking out his tongue, the animal tries to cool down. Often the animal can breathe after active physical exertion.

After surgery, including sterilization, the animal's body recovers gradually after the administered drugs. The depth and frequency of breathing may be impaired. If breathing gradually levels off, the cat does not need help. If the situation worsens, the gums, nose and lips of the animal become bluish, this may indicate a complication that has affected the cardiovascular or respiratory system. You need to immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

Emotional experiences of the animal associated with severe fright or stress can lead to increased breathing. At the same time, the cat presses its ears and looks frightened. Can hide or attack. Tachypnea can be caused by severe pain.

Pathologies of the heart, lungs, endocrine disorders, blood diseases, diseases of internal organs associated with an increase in these organs in size, ascites, an increase in abdominal pressure.

Diseases of the respiratory system can be obstructive. That is, increased breathing can be caused by a foreign object entering the trachea or bronchi, narrowing of the airways due to spasm or compression by the tumor.

Diseases can also be restrictive in nature, that is, they are associated with a violation of the expansion of the lungs.

Respiratory failure may be associated with the entry of helminths into the myocardium, lungs and bronchi. accumulation of fluid in the lungs, swelling, inflammatory processes can cause shortness of breath. At the same time, the general condition of the animal is disturbed, the cat becomes inactive, body temperature may rise, and appetite may decrease. We are not talking about the possibility of active games.

The inability of the blood to carry the required amount of oxygen due to anemia can cause the animal to breathe faster. At the same time, the cat has weakness, apathy, loss of appetite. Vomiting may occur.

Increased breathing can occur due to injury, disruption of the pectoral and diaphragmatic muscles. Accumulation in pleural cavity blood or air (gases) leads to frequent shallow breathing, the appearance of foam mixed with blood on the lips of the animal. In this case, tachypne disorders are not limited. Animal accept forced posture, severe shortness of breath develops, if help is not provided, the cat may die.

hernia of the esophagus, diaphragmatic hernia lead to respiratory failure in a four-legged companion. Infectious diseases accompanied by fever can cause heart failure and rapid breathing.

Pathologies of the heart (cardiomyopathies) often cause respiratory failure. At the same time, in addition to rapid breathing and heart rhythm disturbance, the animal may not have any other symptoms. The cat can eat and play normally while the illness worsens.

Thromboembolism of the artery supplying the lungs, neoplasms in the structures of the brain, a state of shock can be the cause of rapid and shallow breathing of the animal.

In cats with a flattened muzzle, rapid breathing may occur due to deformity of the nasal bones. This condition cannot be corrected.

Also, the causes may be the consequences of heart disease that lead to heart failure, metabolic disorders, filling the space in the chest with harmful substances, as well as the presence of foreign objects such as a piece of food that has fallen into the wrong throat, or plants, especially with sharp stems and leaves.

The normal breathing rate of a cat is 20-40 breaths per minute. Sometimes it is possible to observe situations where this process can be disrupted. When a cat breathes heavily from the stomach, the chest cannot cope with its functional responsibilities. During normal breathing, a vacuum is formed in the chest cavity, which provides the organs with free space.

If there are some problems with internal organs animal, it is possible to penetrate into the cavity not only vital oxygen, but also blood. The reasons for which the cat wheezes when breathing can be excessive physical exertion, adverse climatic conditions, stressful situations and various pathologies.

Hard breath With open mouth testifies to the presence possible diseases. Scientists often distinguish between physiological (normal) and pathological features of what causes wrong breathing cats. Main function respiratory tract is to supply required amount oxygen during inspiration. Violation of the process leads to a shutdown of the entire system, so the body has no choice but to change the type of breathing.

Types of shortness of breath

As mentioned above, shortness of breath in a cat can be physiological or pathological.

In turn, pathological shortness of breath according to the type of respiratory disorders can be divided into the following types:

  • bradypnea - slowed breathing with oppression of the functions of the respiratory center;
  • tachypnea - rapid shallow breathing. it characteristic symptom fever, as well as anemia and other blood disorders.

In addition, there are several forms of shortness of breath, depending on which phase of breathing is disturbed:

  • inspiratory dyspnea - the inspiratory phase is disturbed;
  • expiratory shortness of breath - the expiratory phase is disturbed;
  • mixed shortness of breath - both inhalation and exhalation are complicated.

How does pathology develop?

Rapid breathing in a cat develops as a result of a violation of gas exchange. In the blood of an animal, for one reason or another, the content of carbon dioxide and lower oxygen levels. As a result of such a violation, the threshold of irritation of the neuro-reflex apparatus in the alveoli of the lungs decreases.

The alveoli do not fully straighten out, the breath is inhibited, the amplitude decreases respiratory movements. The frequency of breaths increases as a compensatory reaction, the animal's body tries to eliminate the oxygen deficiency associated with a decrease in the depth of breathing. But this mechanism is not capable of completely filling the lack of oxygen.

anxiety symptoms

Another thing is when a cat breathes heavily and often, so a day or two or even more passes, and breathing does not return to normal. At the same time, the animal looks sick, tired, there are additional symptoms. Rapid breathing in a cat may be a sign serious problems with health. For example:

  • infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • neoplasms or hernias in the organs of the respiratory system (they interfere with breathing);
  • endocrine diseases;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • poisoning;
  • anemia;
  • allergic reaction;
  • rib injury;
  • damage to the brain or spinal cord;
  • foreign body in the airways.

This is far from full list reasons why a cat can breathe frequently. Associated symptoms there are:

  • cough;
  • wheezing;
  • nasal discharge;
  • elevated temperature;
  • loss of appetite.

Rapid breathing can occur, as noted above, due to heart problems. In such a situation, among the additional symptoms are tachycardia, cyanosis of the oral mucosa, general weakness. In no case should you leave them unattended. This could cost the cat its life.

Breathing problems in most cases are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • a posture that causes suspicion and concern;
  • the cat does not eat and drinks little;
  • the pet makes suspicious sounds that were not previously characteristic of him;
  • blue lip color
  • rapid and heavy breathing with an open mouth.

The causes may be the consequences of heart disease, impaired metabolism, the presence in the chest cavity harmful substances and bacteria or foreign objects (food, plant residues). A similar condition is observed after castration of a cat.

For correct diagnosis diseases of the respiratory tract in cats, it is necessary to organize the prevention of diseases and their treatment. First you need to study the medical history of the cat or cat and the results of the examination for physical health. The upper respiratory tract is examined with an X-ray, and it is produced in the presence of diseases of the lower respiratory tract, for example, cough, difficult or rapid breathing.

Doctors often use devices to examine the nose, throat, and respiratory system. If there is a suspicion of lung disease, an analysis of what is contained in the lungs and respiratory system, by washing the trachea or sacs with a sterile liquid with further study of the resulting liquid. This procedure is called transtracheal lavage.

Cats that have a lot of fluid in the pleural area need to be pumped out using a special needle, then this fluid is examined under a special microscope. If there is a lot of fluid, then this is the cause of possible heart diseases, for a more complete result, an electrocardiogram procedure is necessary.

Prevention lies in the fact that cats develop diseases as a result of stress, certain health problems, climate conditions, as well as dust, dampness, drafts. Some types of diseases can be cured by vaccination. However, in any case, it is necessary to comply with sanitary standards for keeping cats.

Before diagnosing, it is necessary to study the cat's medical history and conduct an appropriate examination. The condition of the respiratory tract is checked by X-ray. It is important to note that this method is used only for diseases of the lower respiratory tract. Physicians often use special devices to examine the nose and throat. If even the slightest suspicion is found, a thorough analysis of what is in the lungs by washing the trachea should be carried out.

If a cat has in the pleural region a large number of liquid, it requires immediate pumping with a needle. The fluid is then sent to a laboratory for analysis. With her copious amounts you can talk about probable heart disease. Cats and cats often have health problems as a result of stressful situations, unfavorable climatic conditions, dampness of premises and constant drafts. Prevention consists in timely vaccination. Sanitary standards for the maintenance and care of cats should be strictly observed.


1. Surgery(with oncology, injuries, etc.).

orally (through oral cavity). The preparations may be in the form of tablets, solutions, capsules, powders, etc.

rectally (through anus). Suppositories administered in this way allow the animal to receive the drug without a high load on the liver.

Subcutaneously (needle is inserted into the crease resulting from skin retraction). Most of drugs are injected in this way under the withers. In an emergency, this method is not very effective, as it takes time for the absorption of the drug.

Intramuscularly (in cats, most often in the thigh muscle). This injection can be quite painful. The volume of the drug that can be administered in this way is limited to not too large doses.

Intravenously (using a syringe or intravenous catheter). AT emergency situations this is the most effective method therapy, because the drug immediately enters the bloodstream.

Possessing the above information, the pet owner has the opportunity to determine with relative accuracy whether the intensive breathing of the kitten is a variant of the norm or more like pathological condition. Based on this, it is much easier to decide what to do if the kitten is breathing heavily: is it worth waiting or is it necessary to urgently go to a veterinary clinic.

The rapid breathing of the animal is usually easily noticed by the owner. In this case, the cat is said to "breathe like a dog". You should not be afraid of this, the animal must be laid on a litter. If the cat is overheated, it must be taken out to a cool place, if the animal is nervous, try to calm it down. If the animal's condition is satisfactory, breathing is restored, nothing serious has happened to the cat.

If additional symptoms appear: the cat refuses food or water, his mucous membranes turn blue, he tries to take forced position, sleeps a lot, urinates often, refuses to play, the animal needs to be shown to the veterinarian. The progression of tachypnea with the transition to shortness of breath is a sign of a serious pathology.

Treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes of rapid breathing. If necessary, the animal is allowed to breathe humidified oxygen. There may be a need for surgical intervention.

Cat First Aid

It is necessary to fix the cat so that its neck is in a straightened state and is in line with the spine; the pet's mouth must be closed, the mouth freed from saliva, foam, mucus; we produce deep breath, exhale air into the nose through the palm, which was folded into a tube. You can cover the cat's mouth with a thick handkerchief and grab the nose with the lips without using the palm; a frequency of approximately twenty times per minute, the depth will depend on the size of the pet.

Kittens do artificial kind breathing is necessary in an extremely careful way, since if you exhale too much in intensity, you can harm the small lungs (they simply will not be able to accommodate the volume of air exhaled by a person). To calculate the volume, put your palm on the cat's chest: a slight expansion is enough, do not overdo it; We check the pulse every 15-20 seconds.

If your heart stops, don't panic! Usually, if the cat can still be saved, heartbeat recovers within ten to fifteen minutes indirect massage; we hold the palm of the cat’s sternum from below so that it becomes sandwiched in the area between thumb on one side and the remaining fingers on the other.

Check every two minutes to see if your heart is beating. Great if there is an assistant nearby: one person produces artificial respiration, and the second without interruption produces a massage for the heart.

While providing assistance pet it is necessary to fix his body so that the neck is in a straightened position. The mouth must be closed and free of saliva and other mucus. Then you should take a deep breath and exhale through the palm folded in a tube into the nose. front part the cat can be covered with a rag or a handkerchief.

If in the process there was a cardiac arrest, then do not worry. In situations where the animal cannot be brought back to life, the heart rhythm is restored after 10-15 minutes massage treatments. To do this, you need to grab your palm chest area cat in such a way that it is clamped on one side with the thumb, and on the other - with the rest. Fingers are required to squeeze and release 5 times in a row, and then blow air into the nasal openings.

An instant reaction to the first signs of the disease will help you make the right decision in time and save the animal.

Diagnosis and prevention of diseases

Since there can be many causes of respiratory problems in cats, preventive measures come down to maintaining good physical condition animal. In the presence of high body resistance, the cat is much less likely to get sick, it becomes more resilient. In addition, the cat is less likely to display any hereditary diseases.

It is necessary to ensure that the animal does not overheat in the summer, do not overload it beyond measure, do not overfeed. It is very good if a kitten is surrounded by a calm, friendly environment from childhood.

Domesticated members of the feline family have a respiratory system typical of mammals, which does not provide for the possibility of accumulating and preserving air. The appearance of shortness of breath in a cat indicates that the animal's body is trying to compensate for the lack of oxygen that the brain cells feel.

Shortness of breath in a cat is not always evidence of the development of severe pathology. Often a similar symptom is observed in old animals. Most cats over the age of 15 lead sedentary image life, but still instincts sometimes take over, so after active games, there may be a slight shortness of breath. The thing is that against the backdrop of significant physical activity all tissues of the animal's body begin to spend large quantity oxygen than usual.

Thus, shortness of breath in a cat after a game can be completely normal that do not require any correction. Increased breathing through the mouth can also be associated with stress. In the body of a cat, under the influence of various factors, a mass of hormones is produced, so the animal may experience shortness of breath and an increase in heart rate to speed up the transport of substances to all tissues of the body. In some cases, increased breathing may indicate overheating.

When the animal long time basking in the sun or a radiator, for cooling it can open its mouth and breathe frequently. This method of cooling for cats is one of the most effective, as they do not have sweat glands. At the same time, if a cat has shortness of breath, the reasons may be pathological. Often a similar problem is observed when injuring certain parts of the body. Another common cause of rapid breathing in a cat is diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as infectious diseases respiratory organs.

In their natural habitat, members of the feline family are not obese, but in pets that consume food rich in useful vitamins, minerals, fats and carbohydrates, this problem is widespread. Excess body weight in a cat can cause shortness of breath.

If an animal has such a respiratory disorder quite often, it is necessary to visit a veterinary clinic for consultation and treatment. Especially an alarming symptom is shortness of breath in the presence of additional signs respiratory failure, including discoloration of the lips, nose, and gums of a cat from pink to pale gray or bluish. In addition, characteristic manifestations of respiratory failure include unusual sounds, restless behavior of the animal and unusual postures. The thing is that the presence of additional symptomatic manifestations may indicate that fluid is accumulating in the lungs of the animal. This is what causes shortness of breath.

If shortness of breath and other manifestations of respiratory failure appear, it is necessary to take the cat to the veterinary clinic, where they can take an x-ray, as well as biochemical analyzes blood and urine. A complete diagnosis allows you to assess the health of the animal and determine the problem. If no abnormalities are found in the animal, veterinarians often recommend placing the cat on certain time in a special oxygen chamber, as well as changing the diet and taking drugs that improve gas exchange in the body. In the presence of serious illnesses, for example, myocardial hypertrophy and other heart pathologies, it is necessary to treat the cat under the supervision of a veterinarian for a long time.

In the case of a disease of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs, a doctor can prescribe diuretics that help reduce the amount of fluid in the lungs, which often allows you to completely eliminate the shortness of breath in the animal.

In the vast majority of cases, shortness of breath in a cat is eliminated medications. AT severe cases surgery may be required. At correct therapy the chances of returning the animal to health are quite large.

Dogs are able to breathe through their mouths - this is how they cool their body, but for cats this condition is very rare. Usually, if a cat has an open mouth, it means that she is either overheated or suffering from shortness of breath. As in humans, shortness of breath in a cat is an indicator of a disease or extreme condition organism, so it must be diagnosed and treated, with the exception of physiological manifestations.

Characteristics of the problem

Shortness of breath is shortness of breath with an open mouth due to insufficient oxygen supply to the body. This condition leads to oxygen starvation of the brain, which is fraught with serious consequences.

Shortness of breath in a cat can be physiological and pathological. caused physiological reasons the condition is reversible and in most cases does not require treatment at all, only changes in the living conditions of the animal. Pathological form is a sign of the presence of a disease, therefore it will not go away on its own and requires good treatment origins of its existence.

It can be very risky to treat this manifestation of physiology without due attention, because sometimes under such a seemingly minor symptom may harbor a life-threatening disease. Just like that, for no reason, shortness of breath never appears.

Reasons for the appearance

All existing causes Shortness of breath in a cat can be divided into two large groups:

  • extraneous, that is, physiological;
  • those that are caused by the disease. With them, shortness of breath becomes one of the symptoms of the disease.

Natural causes:

  1. Overheating. From the heat, the animal opens its mouth and breathes frequently, sometimes sticking out its tongue. Since cats do not have sweat glands, they can only cool themselves in this way.
  2. Great fatigue after long running, playing and other physical exertion. Heavy breathing is a sign of "turning on" the compensatory functions of the body.
  3. A stressful condition of any origin can cause shortness of breath.
  4. The pain syndrome can also cause rapid shortness of breath.
  5. Shortness of breath in a middle-aged cat is a sign of wear and tear of the whole organism, natural process aging.
  6. When the animal is exhausted, it suffers from weakness, accompanied by shortness of breath on the slightest effort.
  7. The same phenomenon is observed with excess weight, obesity in a domestic cat.

Shortness of breath in a cat or dyspnea is a violation of the breathing process, expressed in a change in the frequency, depth and rhythm of respiratory movements. It can wear both physiological and pathological character. In the latter case, dyspnea is a symptom of serious diseases.

Due to some difference in the physiology of dogs and cats, for a dog, an open mouth with a protruding tongue during extreme heat- a completely natural phenomenon. Thus, it regulates the temperature (through the evaporation of saliva from the tongue, the body cools). After all, animals do not have sweat glands on their bodies.

For a cat, an open mouth is an unnatural position, and she rarely resorts to it. In most cases, this indicates that the animal has health problems. That is why, the owner should show concern in response to the appearance given symptom at his favorite. Let's take a closer look at what this phenomenon is.

As mentioned above, shortness of breath in a cat can be physiological or pathological.

In turn, pathological shortness of breath according to the type of respiratory disorders can be divided into the following types:

  • bradypnea - slowed breathing with oppression of the functions of the respiratory center;
  • tachypnea - rapid shallow breathing. This is a characteristic symptom of fever, as well as anemia and other blood disorders.

In addition, there are several forms of shortness of breath, depending on which phase of breathing is disturbed:

  • inspiratory dyspnea - the inspiratory phase is disturbed;
  • expiratory shortness of breath - the expiratory phase is disturbed;
  • mixed shortness of breath - both inhalation and exhalation are complicated.

Physiological dyspnea

Shortness of breath is almost always a sign oxygen starvation an organism that has arisen for various reasons.

Physiological dyspnea does not require treatment. It is the body's response to certain adverse factors or extreme conditions. After the termination of their action, the cat's breathing gradually becomes calm.


Physiological shortness of breath is typical for:

  • severe stress;
  • injury chest;
  • overheating of the body.

stressful conditions

During stressful conditions there is an automatic release into the blood of the hormone adrenaline, which has the ability to stimulate cardiac activity. The body's need for oxygen increases dramatically. Replenishing this deficiency, the cat actively breathes through an open mouth.

Chest injury

Shortness of breath with chest injury is a normal physiological response of the body to pain. With bruises of the chest or fracture of the ribs, deep breathing becomes impossible, because it can bring a cat pain. In such situations, rapid shallow breathing through the mouth is observed.

Great physical activity

During fast run, hunting and games, there is a stimulation of cardiac activity. Active blood circulation automatically leads to accelerated burning oxygen. The animal stimulates gas exchange in the lungs, increasing the number of respiratory movements.

But if the cat has excess weight, then even a small load will be accompanied by pathological shortness of breath. After all, obesity in cats is a disease. A heart covered with a layer of fat is unable to cope even with moderate load. This situation needs to be corrected urgently.

Overheating of the body

During the heat, the cat overheats, which can cause "dog" breathing - rapid, with an open mouth and a dropped tongue. A cat, like a dog, does not have sweat glands on its body. The protruding tongue helps a little to cool her body further.

Symptoms of physiological shortness of breath

Physiological shortness of breath may be accompanied by the behavior of the animal, characteristic of a particular situation:

  • active games and physical activity, overheating of the body - increased thirst;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun - lethargy, an attempt to lie on a damp surface, hide in the shade;
  • stress - fright, dilated pupils, anxiety, throwing.

How to help a cat

At physiological shortness of breath the animal, first of all, is provided with complete rest, freed from stress, protected from bright sun, provide enough drink.

Pathological dyspnea

Pathological dyspnea is a sign of many quite dangerous ailments. If a rapid breathing not related to external factors and appears regularly, there is no need to postpone a visit to the doctor.

Symptoms of pathological dyspnea

The main symptoms of pathological dyspnea are:

  • difficulty in inhaling, exhaling, too frequent or too rare breathing;
  • adoption by the animal of a pose of lack of air (the cat sits on bent legs with its head down and its mouth open);
  • hoarse breathing;
  • cyanosis of the mucous membranes of the lips, tongue, nose (evidence of hypoxia).

Main reasons

Pathological dyspnea in a cat various reasons. They depend on which system of the body suffers. Basically, respiratory failure can occur against the background of:

  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system.

Respiratory system diseases

They can be divided into two types:

  1. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Shortness of breath occurs when the airways are blocked by mucous secretions in sinusitis, rhinitis, allergic reactions. The cause can also be polyps in the nose, foreign bodies stuck in the respiratory tract.
  2. Diseases of the lower respiratory tract. severe forms pneumonia leads to filling of the alveolar spaces purulent exudate. In this case, shortness of breath is accompanied by severe intoxication and high fever. Asthma attacks are characterized by their periodicity and are caused by exposure to allergens - asthmatic pathogens with an allergic mood of the body.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

The most common disease of the cardiovascular system is hypertrophic. The walls of the myocardium thicken, while reducing the size of the heart chambers. In this regard, the blood flow is disturbed, which is the cause of the development of hypoxia. Due to the lack of symptoms, the disease is often diagnosed only on late stage life threatening.

Noting lethargy, cyanosis of the mucous membranes, increased drowsiness animal, an attentive owner should be alert. Of particular concern should be the fact that a normal-sized cat breathes through an open mouth after a run or game. This is a clear indication of poor heart function. In the near future, the animal must be shown to the veterinarian.

Diseases of the central nervous system

Shortness of breath may be a symptom of a brain tumor in a cat that affects respiratory center. Such pathologies are usually accompanied by impaired coordination, dizziness, and vomiting. For similar states characterized by slow breathing - bradypnea.

Disease of the hematopoietic system

Severe - critically lead to shortness of breath low content hemoglobin in the blood. This disease is characterized by drowsiness, lethargy, cold extremities, metallic smell of saliva, muscle weakness.

Diagnosis of the disease

A pet with pathological shortness of breath must be shown to the doctor. The diseases of which it is a symptom are usually classified as severe and cannot be cured by home remedies.

After questioning the owner and auscultation (listening) to breathing and heart sounds in the animal, the doctor prescribes a complex diagnostic measures of which the main ones are chest X-ray, laboratory research blood, echocardiogram. If a brain pathology is suspected, an MRI or CT scan of the head should be done.

Methods of treatment

Since shortness of breath is not independent disease, as a symptom, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the cause of dyspnea. His tactics are selected by the doctor, based on the results of the diagnosis.

With actively progressive respiratory failure, pre-treatment should be carried out to improve general condition pet. He is placed in an oxygen chamber, and in severe cases, they begin artificial ventilation lungs.

Main remedial measures is as follows:

  1. In case of pathologies of the upper or lower respiratory tract, they are prescribed according to indications: bronchodilators, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics a wide range actions. If the reason is in the presence foreign body in the respiratory tract, then the animal is prepared for an operation to extract it. An asthma attack is stopped by special drugs (glucocorticosteroids, bronchodilators).
  2. For pathologies of the cardiovascular system, treatment is prescribed based on the results of the examination. Cardiomyopathy involves the appointment of beta-blockers, blockers calcium channel, diuretics.
  3. Pathologies of the central nervous system. If diagnosed - neoplastic disease brain, then the cat begins to prepare for the operation, and in the meantime, a course of chemotherapy or radiotherapy is carried out.
  4. Anemia should be treated with iron supplements, vitamin preparations. In severe cases, a complete blood transfusion is prescribed.

Since there can be many causes of respiratory problems in cats, preventive measures are limited to maintaining the good physical condition of the animal. In the presence of high body resistance, the cat is much less likely to get sick, it becomes more resilient. In addition, the cat is less likely to display any hereditary diseases.

It is necessary to ensure that the animal does not overheat in the summer, do not overload it beyond measure, do not overfeed. It is very good if a kitten is surrounded by a calm, friendly environment from childhood.

Some of the owners of cats notice shortness of breath in their pets - a condition in which the animal breathes very quickly and shallowly, opening its mouth and sticking out its tongue. Shortness of breath is not a common condition in cats, although some cats experience this condition after brisk play or during times of stress, such as a car trip. Should you be concerned if your cat is panting intermittently?

Although shortness of breath may be typical for your cat, it can also be a sign of a very dangerous disease, so it cannot be ignored.

Causes of shortness of breath in cats. There are many reasons for shortness of breath. The most common of these are reactions to various changes e.g. restlessness, anxiety, high fever, etc. However, if your pet is panting too much or your pet is malnourished, it is important to identify the underlying cause. Here are some of those reasons:

Respiratory diseases. In the upper airways, shortness of breath can be caused by blocked nasal passages or polyps in the nose (pharynx). In the lower respiratory tract, this is a violation of gas exchange, pulmonary edema or asthma. Among the diseases of the chest can be called the accumulation of air, fluid or pus in the lungs, a hernia of the diaphragm.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Shortness of breath can be caused by heartworm or heart disease. In the lungs - pulmonary embolism.

Blood diseases. Blood disorders that cause shortness of breath in cats include anemia and carbon monoxide poisoning.

Diseases of the nervous system. Shortness of breath is caused by such diseases of the nervous system as: injuries and tumors of the brain, dysfunction of the respiratory muscles.

Other diseases. Some other medical conditions can also cause shortness of breath. For example, drug poisoning high pressure, fluid accumulation in abdominal cavity etc.

What should be done? If you notice your cat is hyperventilating, look for signs of distress such as coughing, difficulty breathing, bluish discoloration of the mucous membranes in the mouth, as well as fatigue, weight loss, suppressed appetite, excessive thirst, vomiting, or diarrhea. .

If your pet suffocates as a result of physical activity, unrest, high temperature or fear, remove these pathogens and continue monitoring your pet. If shortness of breath continues, consult your veterinarian.

diagnostic activities. Your veterinarian may recommend testing to determine the cause of your cat's breathlessness.

Complete blood and urine test. An extended blood test biochemical profile and urinalysis can reveal such painful conditions like anemia, infections or diabetes, and to determine the acid-base status of the blood.

x-ray. Your veterinarian may order x-rays to make sure there are no foreign objects or tumors.

Ultrasound. It can also be carried out ultrasound procedure heart, chest and abdomen, which will help to assess the size of the organs and detect the presence or absence of fluid or other masses in them.

If, based on the results of the above diagnostic measures, the veterinarian finds it difficult to make an unambiguous diagnosis, additional studies may be prescribed.

Study of the endocrine system. Enhanced level hormone produced thyroid gland(in some cases observed in cats older than 6 years of age).

Analysis for heartworms. The presence of heartworms in an animal blocks the heart vessels, which leads to respiratory failure.

In some cases, the veterinarian performs a procedure to drain air or fluid from the chest.

Treatment. Before making a diagnosis, the veterinarian will most likely prescribe a preliminary treatment. First of all, it is rest, no stress and excitement, as well as oxygen therapy.

If your pet is dehydrated after vomiting or diarrhoea, appropriate therapy is necessary to restore fluid balance in the body.

In case of severe anemia, a blood transfusion may be prescribed.

Antibiotics or antipyretics are prescribed for infections and fever.

Once the cause of your pet's problem is determined, the veterinarian will create a program to complex treatment. You should strictly adhere to all doctor's recommendations! Provide your pet with a cool place to rest, protect him from physical exertion and overexertion.

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