Talisman for Aquarius woman. Amulets for the zodiac sign Aquarius. The colors that best suit this air sign accompany it and bring good luck.

Nata Karlin

The zodiac sign Aquarius completes the annual zodiac cycle. It comes into its own on January 21 and ends on February 19. it the constellation is ruled by the planet Uranus elements Air. By nature, all Aquarians are contemplative and detached observers of what is happening around them. They rarely interfere in the current course of events, letting the situation take its course and not making any effort to change something. The most important activities in the life of Aquarius people: personal growth and self-development.

Semi-precious and precious stones-amulets for the zodiac sign Aquarius are designed to help people born under the control of this constellation to better understand people, become less gullible and learn to recognize envy and lies.

Minerals can direct the energy of Aquarius in the right direction, allow you to realize your grandiose plans, and not just leave them in projects. Amulet stones are able to concentrate the attention of people, to bring good luck and luck to life.

Aquamarine for the Aquarius woman

Which stone is suitable for Aquarius women, and which minerals should be avoided?

Women born under the Aquarius zodiac sign have always been considered "not of this world." These are contradictory and restless souls, whose psyche and energy are unstable and shaky. Many astrologers consider women of this zodiac sign to be people of the future. They are not able to understand modern foundations and society just as others cannot take Aquarius ladies seriously.

However, because of kindness and warmth, people are drawn to Aquarius women, trying to make friends with them.

This does not always happen with good intentions, so very often women of this zodiac sign remain deceived because of their all-encompassing love for people and kindness. However, they rarely blame the person who deceived them, trying to find the reason for such behavior in themselves. These are ladies who are like no other prone to emotional throwing, experiences and disappointments. Because of these negative thoughts, they get into a lot of unpleasant situations, they always need helpers and associates in maintaining fortitude and self-confidence.

Astrologers are convinced that stones are best able to store energy human body, regulate the emotional background, shift it in a positive direction. Based on the characteristics of the energy of Aquarius women, there are several minerals that are most suitable as amulets:

  • Aquamarine. This stone is considered one of the varieties of beryl. It differs only in its bright, glassy luster. The blue color of this stone varies from light to rich, almost blue. The most valuable are aquamarines of bright blue color. They are mined in Brazil or Madagascar. Even in ancient times, people noticed that this stone is able to change color in accordance with the mood of its owner. Aquamarine is able to help the Aquarius woman maintain peace of mind, streamline her thoughts and separate her own fantasies from reality. This stone is considered a talisman of strong friendship, which every woman of this zodiac sign dreams of.

Gold earrings with aquamarine, nanocrystals and cubic zirkonia, Maskom(price link)

Gold pendant with aquamarine and cubic zirkonia, Maskom(price link)

  • Amethyst. It is one of the mineral varieties of quartz. It is considered an expensive and beautiful stone, its colors vary from light, almost transparent to black. The most common color is purple. In Peru, it is still believed that amethyst is able to neutralize the effect of the poison of the most poisonous snake. In addition, the stone scares away these reptiles, demons, including the demon of alcohol. Amethyst is able to repel negative energy, build relationships with loved ones and others.

  • Turquoise. This stone is also able to change color, brings its owner financial prosperity, luck and regular monetary profits. Too quick-tempered ladies-Aquarius, turquoise calms, helps to establish relationships in the family and with others.
  • Pomegranate. Varieties of stones that belong to the garnet are slightly different in chemical composition. Usually this mineral has a dark red color. However, there are varieties of even yellow and black color.

Pomegranate is able to awaken real passionate feelings in cold and insensitive Aquarius women. In addition, it is believed that it facilitates childbearing and childbirth.

  • Zirconium. A beautiful and very fragile stone, has a bright, diamond-like luster. The most famous color is golden, but there are gray and even black minerals. This stone stimulates mental activity, increases intellectual abilities, and will emphasize this particular side of the personality of the Aquarius woman.

However, there are minerals that Aquarius women are categorically contraindicated to carry with them. These include crystal, golden quartz, opal, all kinds of diamonds and cut diamonds. These stones do not allow Aquarius to critically evaluate themselves, their own actions and deeds. As a result women of this sign become arrogant and communication with them is simply impossible.

The most suitable amulet stone for Aquarius men according to the horoscope - what is it?

A man born under the zodiac constellation Aquarius from an early age is distinguished by a thirst for new knowledge, improvement of what has already been created, inventions and innovative ideas. He smart, educated, interesting in communication, but extremely vulnerable and prone to depressive states. There are several minerals that can bring good luck to the Aquarius man in various areas of human life:

  • Agate. For daring and independent Aquarius men, this stone allows them to show their most hidden qualities - romanticism and love for family and friends. Cruelty and anger will give way to understanding, attention and care if you give your Aquarius man an accessory with agate. It will be much easier for him to communicate both with his family and with colleagues.

  • Nephritis. An amazing mineral that will help a man of this zodiac sign find new strength in himself to achieve his goals. It will allow you to find the right solution from a million proposed options.
  • Lapis lazuli. Too serious and closed Aquarius men, this stone will help to become a little softer. It will be an excellent assistant for those whose activities are associated with physical activity or constant movement. The mineral perfectly relieves stress itself and eliminates its consequences.

Silver cufflinks with lapis lazuli, SL(price link)

  • Zirconium. It activates the mental abilities of the Aquarius man, helps to quickly move up the career ladder. This stone is considered a companion of wealth and luxury.
  • Rhinestone. It protects the Aquarius man from any magical influences, gives a positive mood and changes his outlook on life from the position of a contemplator to a doer.
  • Obsidian. This mineral helps men of this zodiac sign protect themselves from negativity and hypocrisy. He is the first to absorb negative vibes, leaving not a drop of these emotions to the owner.

The least suitable for Aquarius men are turquoise, citrine and diamond.. These stones are not only unable to protect their owner from trouble and give him good luck, their effect can be radically opposite.

Which stone is suitable for Aquarius by date of birth: common minerals for women and men by date

People born under the Aquarius zodiac sign have a dual nature. As astrologers say, there is an eternal struggle between good and evil.

To enhance positive qualities and reduce the influence of negative ones, it is advisable to have a reliable assistant - a talisman stone

Among the most effective minerals that can be used by Aquarians in accordance with the date of birth are the following:

  1. 1st decade from 21 to 30 January. During this period, real romantics are born. They are shy, enthusiastic and open people. The following talismans are suitable for them:
  • pearl,
  • jade (preferably white or green),
  • obsidian (closer to brown or black).

Gold ring with pearls, Primaexclusive; golden bracelet with pearls, Monakhova(link prices)

  1. 2nd decade from January 31 to February 9. Aquarians born during this period have a sparkling sense of humor and well-developed intellectual abilities. These are very purposeful people who can, if desired, achieve any heights. This will help them a lot:
  • lapis lazuli,
  • chrysopasus,
  • amber (light, transparent).
  1. 3rd decade from 10 to 19 February. People who were born during this period of time are too soft, emotional, dreamy. To make your character a little tougher, it is enough to have the following amulets:
  • topaz (blue or almost colorless),
  • agate,
  • chrysolite,
  • pomegranate,
  • zirconium.

For Aquarius people, it is not recommended to use stones that help other elements. For example, minerals of the fire element: ruby, pyrom, sapphire and jasper will only bring trouble to Aquarius and make their negative character traits much stronger than their positive ones. You need to choose an amulet stone only in accordance with the element to which the zodiac sign belongs.

January 29, 2018, 18:28

To understand what a talisman is and what is the use of it, it is necessary to define the concepts. This term originated in ancient Greece and means "initiation". The talisman is required to be worn close to the heart, it brings good luck and turns a person into a more harmonious one, and also attracts love to him. A person becomes more developed morally, misfortunes do not stick to him. Any thing can act as it, even animals. But first it must be charged, for this it can be taken to some holy place. Note that it gains strength only after the owner vilifies him for a while. To do this, you do not need to part with it. Almost every successful person has an unusual thing that protects him from negativity and gives him success in all endeavors.

Talisman for the Aquarius man

Any thing can act as a talisman of Aquarius. Powerful in this regard will be an angel figurine made of rock crystal, porcelain or glass. It must be kept in a pocket or on the body as a small decoration. The angel is the intercessor and guardian of the representative of this zodiac sign. It affects the development of intuition. It can also be made of any metal, since this material is already a good amulet in itself. It is necessary to pay attention to the following metals: hematite, magnet, aluminum, silver, lead, titanium, various alloys. Totems for this zodiac sign can be hoopoe, peacock, sheep, mole. You can keep figurines of these animals with you to attract good luck.

The talisman stone for Aquarius is sapphire and other precious minerals. Sapphire is a symbol of chastity, purity, heaven, modesty, fidelity. Blue color relieves a person from nervous excitement. In general, blue shades help heal the soul and calm the mind. However, many astrologers and clairvoyants do not advise wearing sapphire jewelry every day, as they are quite strong and can also have a negative effect. Everything has its price. This stone is more suitable for long trips, travel, as it brings good luck. Many philosophers and scientists of antiquity used the stone in order to tune in to work and get inspiration for the next discoveries. It clears the mind. A person under the influence of sapphire becomes more self-confident and calm.

Stones-talismans of Aquarius can be different: amethyst, jasper, turquoise, opal. Amethyst is especially popular. It is ideal as a charm for every day. Basically it has a nice purple hue that will look nice in rings. For men, rings with amethyst are more suitable. This mineral makes people more sociable, open, helps to determine how good the person you are talking to is. It even has not only magical, but also healing properties. It allows you to make a person more calm, relieve him of various stresses, give peace and tranquility.

Talismans can perform the following functions:

  • calm down;
  • give confidence;
  • distract from the unnecessary.

Zircon is an ideal option for a man. Basically, these minerals are blue in color, but there are other options. It makes the sides of a person more manifest, strengthens them. This does not apply to bad character traits. It only enhances the positive. He is able to improve mood, give a person cheerfulness. Aquamarine also relieves anxiety, protects against apathy and bad mood. It affects relationships between people, attracts love and gives a person new unexplored emotions. Many sailors, travelers took it with them on the road.

Talisman for Aquarius woman

One of the most popular talisman stones for the Aquarius woman is the garnet, which has a dark red or yellowish color. It helps to establish friendly ties, protects the feelings of a person. Pomegranate gives cheerfulness and good mood. Among other things, this mineral makes a person a leader, bestows a certain amount of power over others. Also, astrologers advise to pay attention to the transparent and crystal clear zircon. He looks very handsome in jewelry. You can buy hair sticks decorated with zircon. In the hairstyle, they will look very beautiful and shimmer with all shades of the rainbow.

You can learn more about mascot stones for Aquarius by watching this video.

Christopraz also helps to establish relationships, it symbolizes pure friendship and strong love, strong feelings. It is also useful for those who want to establish a spiritual connection with some person, because sometimes like-minded people understand each other better than relatives. For those girls who have enemies, obsidian will become indispensable. It will protect from the negative influence of people and make a person morally stronger. He absorbs bad thoughts, protects from impulsive actions. Aquamarine jewelry looks good.

Representatives of the air element with the help of amulets can achieve the following:

  • popularity;
  • self-control;
  • clear and pure mind.

A small lock that can be worn around the neck will be a good protector, as representatives of this sign love everything hidden. As an amulet, small icons are also suitable, which you can take with you on the road or carry in your purse. They have spiritual power, therefore, when looking at them, inner confidence appears, faith in God is strengthened. Amulets can be anything, only the girl must believe that they are able to attract good luck, make her happier. A pet, for example, a cat, will also be an amulet. At the same time, a living being will always cheer up and relieve stress, which can accumulate over a long time. The best amulet will be the one that is made with your own hands.

People born between January 21st and February 19th belong to the Aquarius zodiac sign. They prefer to observe what is happening from the side, rather than take a direct part in the action.

Material wealth and relationships with the opposite sex are not the most important thing for Aquarius. The main thing for them is spiritual development and work. Communication also plays a big role in the lives of people of this sign. They do not like loneliness, so they try to make as many friends as possible.

Aquarians do not know what envy and hostility are. They are friendly and ready to help friends and family at any time. People of this sign value their freedom. Therefore, they marry late, but after creating a family, they value it and remain faithful to their other half.

Aquarians are not far-sighted enough, which greatly spoils their lives. They often dream of something without making any effort to fulfill their desire. Because of this, life passes them by, and they are only observers.

Each sign of the zodiac has several patrons - these are planets, elements and stones. Aquarius has them too. If it does not depend on a person how the planet and elements will influence him, then he can control the effect of stones. For example, you can choose according to the horoscope those gems that protect against damage and the evil eye, give self-confidence, and so on. So, you need to know which stones have certain properties.

The reign of Aquarius is divided into three decades. They also need to be taken into account when choosing stones according to the sign of the zodiac.

Date of Birth patronage Character traits stones
January 21 - February 1 Venus Modesty, dreaminess, romance, indecision. Aquarius born in the first decade are subject to a sharp change in mood. They are attractive to the opposite sex, but they suffer from it rather than enjoy it. , jade, and .
February 2 – 11 Mercury Cheerful disposition, sociability. Aquarians born on these days are reasonable and intellectually developed. It is pleasant to communicate with them, because in conversation they show wit and show a good sense of humor. Lapis lazuli, chrysoprase, and amethyst.
12 – 20 February Moon Honesty, restraint. Aquarians born in this decade do not tolerate lies. If someone from their environment constantly lies, then they break off any relationship with him. Such Aquarians are vulnerable, which prevents them from holding leadership positions. , sapphire, garnet and.

The Aquarius zodiac sign, as astrologers recommend, should have 5 warm and 3 cold gems in its collection. Warm stones have bright saturated colors. Cold gems can be recognized by their radiance. They are transparent and resemble ice cubes. Wearing stones all together is not recommended. Their wearing must be alternated, because many of them do not combine with each other in terms of energy.

Common stones talismans for Aquarius

Red grenades are suitable for people of this sign who want to make a career and start a family. Such gems for Aquarius contribute to the establishment of the necessary connections. exacerbates love feelings in Aquarius that help him find his mate. This gem relieves stress, restores energy and uplifts mood. Thanks to the pomegranate, Aquarius becomes more active and quick. Any business for which he undertakes, argues in his hands. It relieves suffering for women during childbirth.

- This is the stone of Aquarius, which strengthens health. Thanks to this gem, all the internal organs of a person of this sign begin to function better. The stone relieves insomnia. Sapphire helps to gain wisdom, become more patient and purposeful. Such a stone is suitable for Aquarius, striving for spiritual development.

Amethyst is the talisman of Aquarius, which normalizes his emotional background, improves sleep and blood circulation. People of this sign, after the start of wearing it, cease to suffer from hypersensitivity and frequent mood swings.

It scares away failures and troubles, does not allow envious people to harm Aquarius and protects from enemies. This stone gives people of this sign the insight that they lack so much.

The rose quartz amulet will provide protection for Aquarius from accidents, including those that can happen on the road. This stone is one of the most powerful gems of love. He makes Aquarius more confident and reveals all his potentials. will lead a person of this sign to the goal and fulfill his desires, but only real ones.

Stones for Aquarius women and men

Astrologers recommend aquamarine talismans to be worn by women. First of all, this applies to those ladies who stayed too long in the brides. The gem will help them find love and keep their beloved man near them. If the chosen one deceives the woman, then the stone will open her eyes and show the true essence of this villain. Sapphire will strengthen any ties: friendly, marital, work.

Which stone suits Aquarius-woman best, astrologers determined many years ago - this is pearls. The main condition is that it should not be artificial. Only natural pearls will help her find her match. The stone will make sure that the relationship of lovers will be strong and harmonious. There will be no place for quarrels and skirmishes. Girls, thanks to pearls, will become more feminine and sensual, which young people will not disregard.

Finding out which stones are suitable for Aquarius, you need to focus on black agate. Astrologers recommend wearing such a gem for men. The stone will make it more attractive to women, and Aquarius will be able to choose a life partner for himself without any problems. Men of this sign sometimes lack romance.

Add this trait to the character. Such gems of other tones are also suitable for Aquarius. If you wear yellow and, then they will make Aquarius soft and responsive in those moments when it is required. Gray gems contribute to the establishment of friendly ties. They prevent the occurrence of quarrels and help to identify intriguers in the team.

The talisman stone for the Aquarius man is this. It promotes spiritual development, helps to overcome oneself and change for the better. Thanks to jade, you can improve the state of your material affairs and get rid of bad habits.

For this sign, it is not allowed to wear stones of the element opposite to the element of Aquarius, that is, fire gems (, sapphire and).

To choose talismans and amulets that are suitable in terms of sign and energy is the task of Aquarius. You can understand that this is the right stone by the heat emanating from it. To do this, you need to pick up the gem and listen to yourself. Your inner voice will help you make the right choice.

In this article, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell you the talismans and amulets for the zodiac sign - Aquarius. And about Slavic amulets suitable for this date of birth. The patron planets of this most interesting sign of the celestial sphere are Uranus and Saturn. Element - Air, with characteristics: frosty, fresh, healing.

There is a theory, repeatedly confirmed, that the amulet of Aquarius saves its wearer from chaos, deceit, insecurity, makes him less eccentric, less annoying to others, while maintaining all the advantages of an intellectual sensitive personality. Strong amulets of the Aquarius horoscope sign help him find a way out of any situation.

What talismans bring good luck to these people

It is a symbol of transformation and agility. He needs new experiences, he is constantly striving for renewal. His time is a time of change. His penetrating analytical mind is always ready to produce new ideas and conceptual plans. When he has an inner stimulus, he is able to do truly great things. What kind of amulet should Aquarius buy in order for this magical artifact to show its power and help its owner on it?

Metals that can bring good luck and give strength, becoming amulets for the Aquarius zodiac sign:

  • silver
  • cupronickel
  • aluminum
  • lead
  • titanium
  • various alloys

Plants are helpers and patrons who carry the energy of a magical birthday talisman:

  • gladiolus
  • chestnut
  • rose hip
  • radish
  • oregano
  • water lily
  • geranium
  • violet

Amulets that can be bought to protect the sign of the horoscope Aquarius.

Totems (patron animals that have an energy connection with Aquarius, strong amulets by date of birth):

  • pigeon
  • horse
  • peacock

Figurines of these animals can always be kept in the field of their presence for defense against troubles, and how good luck sign of the zodiac sign Aquarius.

The colors that best suit this air sign accompany it and bring good luck:

  • indigo
  • silver
  • yellowish

Common talisman stones for the zodiac sign Aquarius.

Talismans of high vibrations that are energetically suitable for people of the Aquarius horoscope sign can be different, for example:

  • amethyst
  • turquoise

Especially popular is the purple amethyst, which is ideal as a talisman for the horoscope sign Aquarius. It can be worn all the time. For men, rings with amethyst are good. By the power of this crystal, a person becomes confident, more sociable and open. Teaches to see people, to understand their true intentions. Moreover, your tuned and, in addition to strong magical properties, also has healing properties. Amethyst has a positive effect on the nervous system, relieves stress, gives peace and tranquility.

Other amulets suitable for Aquarius according to the horoscope, from the world of natural gemstones:

  • pearl
  • cornelian
  • Moonstone
  • lapis lazuli

For the Aquarius zodiac sign, according to magicians and astrologers, a lot of semi-precious and precious crystals with magical properties are suitable, which can be important both as a money amulet for them, and as a talisman from the forces of evil, and even as a talisman that brings good luck. These minerals include:
  • nacre
  • Hawkeye
  • fluorite
  • hyacinth
  • obsidian
  • topaz colorless

What is the best talisman for the Aquarius zodiac sign?

Every successful person has some unusual little thing that he hides from everyone, or, conversely, wears it in plain sight, but does not reveal its secret. And this is a talisman for good luck according to the sign of the zodiac, or an amulet created by a sorcerer, or an amulet that combines several functions - the same magical item that protects its wearer and grants him success in all endeavors.

The figurine or image of an angel can become an object of the Force. This will powerful amulet for Aquarius man, as well as for the girl of this sign. Such a figurine can also be worn by a child in a pocket of clothes or as an ornament. An angel is a strong intercessor for any representative of this. Made of rock crystal, porcelain or glass, a strong amulet for Aquarius by date of birth, can decorate a bedroom or stand in an office.

Making a talisman for the zodiac sign Aquarius is permissible from any materials suitable for this constellation. So, an angel can be made of any suitable metal or natural stone, because. such material is already a good amulet in itself.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

Slavic amulets of the Svarog Circle by date of birth

Ancient Slavic amulets for women, as well as for men of the zodiac sign Aquarius, are associated with the ancient Slavic horoscope, where the full cycle - the Great Svarog Circle, has 16 chambers. The sign of Aquarius of the modern western horoscope coincides with the hall of the Bear (January 8 - February 1) and the hall of the Stork (February 1 - February 20).

Those who were born in the hall of the Bear according to the old Slavic calendar are focused on the goal of achieving the well-being and prosperity of the family. They are determined and able to overcome difficulties. The great Svarog himself patronizes the Bear. Beech is considered a sacred tree, as well as raspberries. What Slavic talismans to attract money will be effective for the Aquarius sign, i.e. that part of it that falls into the period of the Bear's activity? Obviously it is:

  • totemic bear figurine
  • raspberry
  • Slavic amulet by date of birth - the magical symbol of the Bear's chamber, enclosed inside the sacred Star of England

People whose sign in the ancient horoscope of our ancestors is Stork are open to the world, generous, moderately generous, have good intuition. Storks are fertile, and the god Rod helps them to leave healthy offspring. Sacred tree - willow. It is recommended to cut amulets for a pregnant woman from this tree. Slavic talismans need to be worn by Aquarius if, by the date of his birth, he is in the hall of the Stork? The most powerful will be:

  • stork totem figurine
  • Star of England with the magic symbol of the Stork
  • figurine of Rod carved from willow

Magic amulets necessary for a man of the zodiac sign Aquarius

Witchcraft artifacts have magnetic power. They can distract from the unnecessary, they can give confidence, calm, bestow good luck. The money talismans of Aquarius by date of birth open financial channels, attract money luck and material security and stability. Such talismans can be stones, crystals, metal or a totem. Prosperity is also able to give the so-called universal talisman - an angel, a key or a lock.

What talismans to wear to people born in the zodiac sign Aquarius depends on his own choice. What a person wants to achieve in the end is the main criterion for searching for a magical object, an object of Power. These are the embodiment of intelligence, analysis, impressionability, emotionality. But, the main thing here is inconsistency. They are characterized by stability, willingness to help, goodwill. And at the same time, the incomprehensibility of the mind and the unpredictability of the heart.

They are dreamers, but not passive, but energetic and daring. And in this they are supported by unique magic items, such as, for example, ancient unique Slavic amulets by date of birth with the Star of England, the sacred star of the race. Simple-looking objects can also be magical talismans for Aquarius, such as, for example, a key and an icon.

These are strong good luck charms for the Aquarius horoscope sign.

Sapphire - for many centuries it represents purity, heaven, fidelity, modesty, chastity. Blue color extinguishes nervous excitability, calms the mind and heals the soul. Such a talisman is needed by the Aquarius man at certain points in his life. But, sapphire is not for permanent wear. The energy of this crystal is very strong, and therefore, being in constant contact with a person, sapphire can be harmful. If handled with care, this stone can be an amulet for an Aquarius woman; on long trips, he gives good luck, and creative people are inspired. Sapphire clears the mind. The one who wears this stone becomes confident and calm.

Zircon - this crystal is the best amulet according to the zodiac sign for a man of the constellation Aquarius. A blue-tinted crystal is ideal, although other varieties are possible. The magic of zircon is that it enhances the brightest sides of the wearer's personality. He makes a strong person stronger, he makes the one with a hare soul hesitate and be even more afraid.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, would not guess which Aquarius amulet is most in demand and effective, but I still call zircon the best male amulet. Zircon will give its wearer vigor, confidence and inner strength. It will attract love, make you experience new emotions and give bright, lively impressions.

Protective amulets for a woman of the Aquarius sign

With the help of natural crystals, women of the sign of the air element can gain popularity, a pure and clear consciousness, cultivate self-control and fortitude.

What talismans bring good luck to Aquarius? This popular question can probably be answered as follows: all natural crystals of high vibrations, which are like birthday talismans.

Pomegranate - a dark red pomegranate is considered a magnificent amulet for an Aquarius woman. Good and having a yellow color. This gem protects the feelings of the one who wears it, helps to establish connections with others. It has a positive effect on mood and well-being, gives cheerfulness. This is the true good luck sign of the Aquarius zodiac sign, with it a woman will gain self-control and power over others.

Chrysoprase - I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, advise the girls of the Aquarius zodiac sign to pay attention to chrysoprase - a pure green crystal that personifies strong feelings -. With this amulet, according to the horoscope, a woman can easily establish spiritual ties with those people who are dear to her.

Obsidian - for those women who have ill-wishers or outright enemies, obsidian will become a strong amulet according to the horoscope. He will protect the girl from the negative influence of people, strengthen her will, make the woman psychologically resistant to stress and unpleasant situations. It will drive away pessimistic thoughts, keep you from rash words and impulsive actions.

Plants amulets according to the zodiac sign Aquarius

Having considered the many plants that can be grown in an apartment or house, I recommend that people born under the constellation Aquarius opt for violets and geraniums.

Geranium - a modest and beautiful geranium has a very strong energy. It can become a protective amulet for the Aquarius zodiac sign, which, with its power, will help a person to maintain a calm, sober mind in any case. Geranium suppresses negative emotions, softens anger and irritability. With the help of this flower, Aquarius will be able to create an atmosphere of comfort, warmth and positive in his home. Violet - This plant acts as a sedative.

What talisman is needed for Aquarius, who has lost inner harmony?

Trust the magical power of this flower, and it will help you keep your cool and not spoil your nerves because of everyday trifles. If you keep a flower pot with a violet in your workplace, it will become an effective money amulet for Aquarius, attract financial luck, and clear money channels. In general, violet, like geranium, is a very useful plant.

How to charge and activate personal talismans and amulets

It is useful to know how to charge talismans and other magical items of the Force that you are counting on to help and protect. This is done, if necessary, by magical rites. The magician performs the ritual according to all the rules of witchcraft, as knowledgeable people did from time immemorial, setting up and activating amulets with solar signs. Today, special rites are performed by warlocks, creating a personal item of Strength. In such rituals, natural or egregor energy can be involved. The magician can call on the spirits of helpers, through whose mediation he performs his practices.

If we are talking about natural protective stones according to the sign of the zodiac, then no special rituals are required to set up the talisman. The magic stone itself has energy and strength, and all that is needed is to often contact the stone, tuning in to its high vibrations. If the energy of the crystal is close to the female energy of this airy one, it will become a strong amulet for the Aquarius woman. Exactly the same can be said about magic stones for men according to the Aquarius horoscope, as well as about those personal talismans and amulets that a person creates for himself.

Speaking objectively, making a talisman according to the sign of the zodiac- it's not that hard. Over time, the power of a magic item increases. The older he is, the stronger. But you should not give someone personal items of Strength and protection. As well as accepting strangers as a gift. Therein lies the threat. The danger of taking on other people's disasters, as well as giving someone your luck.

And I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, warn you - you can’t steal someone’s talisman!

Remember, this is a magical item. And magic is magic. If you are wrong, you will respond, especially if you are not a sorcerer, and are not aware of what is happening in the invisible world around you. And if you received any thing as a gift, and decided that it should become your talisman for good luck, take an interest in its history. Especially if the thing is not new.

About the sign of the zodiac Aquarius, we are reminded by the ancient legend of Uranus - the very first of the rulers of the universe. Subjected to a cruel and insidious attack by his own son Saturn (Kronos), Uranus was castrated, overthrown from the throne, torn apart and scattered in all directions ... His reign preceded the very existence of time and was incompatible with the reality of the world in its formation. This explains the cruelty and inevitability of the fall of the first of the gods. However, Uranus still continues to be above all the gods and outside of his own destiny.

Outside of time, Uranus both exists and does not exist, reigns and does not reign, he is eternally dead, but never dies.


Aquamarine - the stabilizer of peace of mind

Amethyst is a stone of fidelity. It is also called the stone of the third eye.

Turquoise is a stone of victory and happiness

Garnet is a stone that brings good luck in love and friendship.

Lapis lapis lazuli - a stone of sincerity

Opal is a symbol of fidelity and guarantee

Light sapphire - stone of wisdom

Chrysocolla - conquering fears

Zircon - causes the desire for science



According to one Eastern legend, it arose from Adam's tears of gratitude when, when he was on the island of Ceylon, the archangel Gabriel brought him the joyful news of the Lord's forgiveness of his sins.

Legend of Narcissus
The mountain nymph Echo fell in love with the young man Narcissus, who was predicted to live long if only he never saw his own face. The arrogant young man remained indifferent to the nymph, and the gods, seeing her torment, punished the proud man: wanting to drink from the stream, he leaned over the water and saw himself ... And after a while he withered from love for himself. But the gods took pity and turned it into a beautiful flower.

Legend of Myrtle
The nymph of the Athenian forest Mirsina defeated the goddess of wisdom Athena in speed of running and wrestling. The goddess, out of jealousy, killed the nymph, but, wanting to perpetuate her memory, she turned it into an elegant tree. But myrtle, considered a means to restore strength, health and beauty, in the ancient world for a long time remained a symbol of a gloomy afterlife and severe civic prowess.

Depending on the decade of birth, one can determine the dominant plant and the qualities that it gives to a person born on these days.

January 21 - 31 - Immortality. Immortelle - often unmercenary. Modest, but nevertheless closely follows fashion. His elegance is often the subject of envy. But he has enough energy to overcome all difficulties and defeat ill-wishers with brilliance.

February 1 - 10 - MISTLE. A woman is distinguished by curiosity and ease of behavior. This is a risky character, the ability to charm even the most impregnable man. Men born under the sign of the witch flower must bet on sports, bodybuilding, karate, tennis in order to be popular with the opposite sex. All this keeps them healthy and makes them attractive.

February 11 - 19 - BEAUTY. The woman is a modest beauty. Don't try to understand it the first time. She has enough strength and energy to give a proper rebuff. The man, though not handsome, but works tirelessly.


Cypress January 25-February 3
There is a certain severity in Cypress - something from the creation of nature, not pampered by civilization. Most often, this is a somewhat rude, but not devoid of warmth person, severe, but at the same time calm. He is content with little and adapts to any situation, can live in any conditions and be happy at the same time. Cypress loves to dream and rather lets life carry itself with the flow than organize it. Cypress does not attach much importance to success in life, does not pursue fame and money, but does not like loneliness. He tries to arrange his life in such a way as to be among many friends or surrounded by family.

Men. A slender and strong, somewhat stern, but refined person with regular features. Quickly reaches maturity and independence. Very unpretentious, any living conditions seem to him sufficient to be happy.

Women. They love to dream very much and in their dreams they fly far from the earth. They are disgusted by disputes and discussions, so these women do not participate in them. Perhaps there is not a single sign capable of such fidelity - love, friendship, memories. If a person is close to her, a Cypress woman will always help.

Love and marriage. If Cypress gave his heart to someone - it's forever. His family life proceeds calmly and smoothly, he is happy that those who are dear to him are nearby.

Poplar is very sensitive to the passage of time and begins to fear old age too early. At the same time, he is neat, collected and does not forget about the future. Poplar has a subtle innate mind that does not age at all, despite any fears. Courage and pride help him overcome the most difficult tasks, and anxiety is rarely seen on his face.

Men. Poplars need to be careful when choosing a living space, since not every environment is conducive to their development. Poplar feels the need for friendship, but suffers in the environment that is imposed on him. He is very painfully experiencing any attempts to limit freedom and is inclined to fall into pessimism.

Women. Insightful representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, endowed with a critical mindset. It is these features that guide them in choosing a professional field of activity.

Love and marriage. The more in love the Poplar is, the more sensitive it becomes: at this time, any little thing can unbalance it. Living with him is quite difficult, because he is too sensitive and independent, however, if he manages to control himself, he prefers to resolve family disputes with silence and a sweet smile.

Cedar February 9-February 18
Cedar easily adapts to any living conditions. Of course, he does not refuse comfort on his own initiative, but if necessary, he can spend the night under the open sky. Born for adventure, the Cedar usually leads an active and interesting life. He can be soul and body devoted to his beloved work, therefore among the Cedars there were many heroes, but there were also many martyrs. The speed with which he thinks and makes decisions is amazing. Cedar loves to surprise, surprise, be the center of everyone's attention and is ready for a lot to achieve this. At the same time, he is very sensitive to jokes about his person.

Men. Proud, proud, straightforward, they are ready for any sacrifice, just to be the center of attention. Considering that the last word should always be

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