Respiratory allergy in children symptoms. All about respiratory allergies. Video: Allergen - house dust

Respiratory allergy is a specific disease of the respiratory system, which is based on any allergic reaction. In this disease, all organs and parts of the respiratory tract are involved in the process.

The main causes of the development of allergies

The reasons for the development of this disease can be completely different. One of the most important factors is heredity. Very often there are cases of transmission of allergic diseases from generation to generation. Can play a big role:

  • constant artificial feeding;
  • perinatal pathologies of the nervous and respiratory systems;
  • atopic diathesis;
  • the earliest exposure to the child's body of various allergens. The ecological situation plays an important role in the development of the disease.

The use of various preservatives in food, the frequent incidence of acute respiratory infections, all kinds of diseases of the skin, digestive tract and intestines have a bad effect on the health of the body.

Respiratory allergies can develop due to the action of a strong allergen on the body. However, not all of them are like that. Those irritants that cause hypersensitivity can be considered the weakest antigens of external origin. With respiratory allergies, the allergen enters the body only by inhalation.

The most common allergens are household, food, arising from the pollen of some plants. Many people quite often have a reaction to house dust. All this can be explained by the fact that the dust contains a fairly large number of different types of microscopic mites, mold fungi and all kinds of chemicals.

There are also cases when an allergic reaction can develop to certain drugs. A feature of respiratory allergies is the presence of polyallergies, that is, the presence of several harmful allergens in the body at once.

The main forms of respiratory allergies and their symptoms

There are several main types of allergies. Depending on the form, the symptoms of the disease will also differ.

It most often develops in children and can last throughout a person's subsequent life. The disease occurs quite often. At the same time, patients complain of constant nasal congestion, there may be scant discharge. To all this is added severe itching in the nasal passages, which causes constant sneezing.

This disease is most often seasonal. It manifests itself during the flowering period of many plants, which is associated with the hypersensitivity of the human body to their pollen.

  1. Allergic pharyngitis.

It is characterized by severe swelling of the entire mucous membrane covering the oropharynx. Sometimes the tongue may also be involved in the inflammatory process. In this case, the patient has a constant feeling of something extraneous in the throat. But no pain is usually noted. The most common symptom is a severe dry cough. Most often, such pharyngitis is chronic and can be combined with tonsillitis.

  1. Allergic tracheitis.

There is a rapid onset of hoarseness. The patient is tormented by strong and prolonged bouts of dry cough. The cough is worse at night and there is severe pain in the retrosternal region. The disease can last even for several months, while it has a wave-like character with periods of exacerbation and remission. However, the fact that even severe coughing attacks usually do not disturb the general condition of the body can be considered surprising.

  1. Allergic obstructive bronchitis.

This disease is considered the most common respiratory allergy, which affects only the lower respiratory tract. Some doctors consider this disease one of the varieties of bronchial asthma with the mildest course. This is due to the practical coincidence of both the main causes and mechanisms of development of bronchial asthma and allergic obstructive bronchitis.

Basic principles of treatment of respiratory allergies

Treatment of absolutely any known form of respiratory allergy implies the initial and final cessation of all contacts of the body with those allergens that provoked or may be the cause of the disease.

Drug treatment implies the appointment of specific antihistamines to the patient. Allergic rhinitis is often treated with various aerosols, which include glucocorticosteroids. Such drugs must be injected directly into the nasal passages several times a day. If the upper respiratory tract and paranasal sinuses are involved in the process, then vitamin therapy and some physiotherapy procedures are used for treatment.

For early warning of the development of possible respiratory diseases, of course, in the presence of a harmful allergen, special preventive measures must be followed. For example, pregnant women who have a hereditary factor in the manifestation of allergic reactions should follow a special hypoallergenic diet from the very beginning of pregnancy. This is necessary in order to try to prevent the development of hypersensitivity in the unborn child. But already after the birth, mothers should always remember that the baby should be protected from all possible harmful allergens as early as possible. The most good prevention of allergies can also be considered long-term and constant breastfeeding of a child.

Halotherapy in the treatment of respiratory allergies

Today, the method of halotherapy is becoming more and more popular.

It consists in the appointment of special haloinhalations, which are recommended to be combined with some breathing exercises. This method is one of the most effective for preventing the development of any respiratory diseases. Also, halotherapy is often used to prevent the development of all sorts of complications associated with chronic respiratory diseases. Such therapy is usually carried out in several consecutive courses.

Its essence lies in the combination of the main neurovegetative, as well as adaptive-trophic processes occurring in the body under the influence of various immunostimulating substances. However, this method of treating respiratory pathology is quite expensive, so doctors offer an alternative method of treatment with the specific drug Galoneb. Its effectiveness has been proven over the years.

Specific nebulizer therapy

This therapy is a special inhalation treatment method. It has quite a few advantages:

  • applied from an early age;
  • the dosage of the drug delivered in the respiratory tract is considered the most accurate;
  • inhalations can easily be done at home completely independently;
  • the presence of many analogues of drugs;
  • a positive effect can be achieved in the shortest possible time, simply by introducing a large, but acceptable dose of the drug;
  • inhalations in no way affect all other organs and systems of the body.

Thus, respiratory allergies are a fairly common disease. But it can also be prevented if you take good care of your health. When the first signs of the disease appear, you should immediately seek help from a specialist who will be able to prescribe the most effective and effective methods of treatment and prevention of a possibly developing disease in time.

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about respiratory allergies in children.

How to recognize this insidious disease that lies in wait for the baby? How to distinguish it from a normal viral infection?

Which children are at risk? What are the ways of treatment and prevention of respiratory allergies? How to protect children from a dangerous disease?

Respiratory allergies are a complex of allergic diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Respiratory allergies can affect both individual areas (nasopharynx, bronchi, trachea, etc.) and the entire respiratory system.

Most often, respiratory allergosis manifests itself in children with aggravated heredity (parents suffered from allergies), in infants who, for whatever reason, cannot receive breast milk.

And also in babies 2-4 years old as a reaction of the immune system to the first introduced food products or elements of cosmetics.

Also at risk are children with a weakened immune system due to frequent colds or intestinal disorders.

Symptoms of respiratory allergosis are similar to those of viral respiratory tract infections:

  • itching and burning in the nose and throat;
  • coughing, sneezing;
  • nasal congestion, watery or mucous discharge;
  • sore throat, swelling;
  • redness of the eyes, tearing.

As you can see, the symptoms are very similar to a common viral infection.

Sometimes parents do not pay due attention to the listed signs, they say, “all children get sick, who grew up without a runny nose?”.

But if respiratory allergy is not treated in time, serious complications can begin: conjunctivitis, laryngitis, bronchial asthma, Quincke's edema.

How to distinguish a respiratory allergy from a viral infection? As a rule, with a viral infection, these symptoms appear gradually, with an increasing effect, with respiratory allergies - quickly and immediately.

In addition, a child suffering from respiratory allergosis has no body, good appetite, lethargy, capriciousness and other signs of the patient.

Often the disease "gives out" an abrupt course. For example, you notice that the attacks are aggravated after visiting the neighbor's children (and there is a kitten in that apartment) or while cleaning the apartment, or after going to the circus, etc.

What should parents do if their children experience these symptoms?

Only a doctor can diagnose the disease. Therefore, you need to start with a pediatrician.

He will examine the child, prescribe appropriate tests to exclude the possibility of chronic diseases (for example, bronchitis or pneumonia) and refer him for a consultation with an otolaryngologist (problems may be due to chronic rhinitis or adenoids).

The final diagnosis will be made by an allergist. To detect allergens that cause attacks in children, the clinic will take a blood test from the child for analysis or do skin tests.


Many parents consider only a serious treatment for respiratory allergies.

  • local treatment. With a runny nose - the use of oil-based vasoconstrictors. With conjunctivitis and burning of the eyelids - preparations based on ketotifen. With a sore throat - gargle with decoctions of chamomile, calendula, tincture of eucalyptus.
  • Antihistamines are prescribed by an allergist.
  • Exclusion of the allergen or, conversely, ASIT. Children over five years of age can, by gradually and carefully increasing, inject the allergen that causes the disease so that the immune system learns to properly accept it. This is called ASIT - allergen-specific immunotherapy.
  • Sorbents (from activated charcoal to more modern ones) cleanse the intestines and help the body fight the effects of allergens.
  • Allergists recommend prebiotics based on lactobacilli to normalize the intestinal microflora and increase immunity.
  • Physiotherapy procedures. In the treatment of allergic diseases, speleotherapy, inhalations with essential oils, therapeutic baths with sea salt produce a good effect.
  • Strengthening immunity. Hardening, reception, moderate physical activity. Doctors recommend that children who have had a respiratory allergy go in for swimming, figure skating, breathing exercises, yoga - those sports that strengthen breathing. Moms who are concerned about the aesthetic education of children can be offered to take their child to a music school in a brass music class. Playing the flute, trombone and other instruments also contributes to the development of proper breathing.
  • . Children prone to allergies should not eat honey, eggs, nuts,. It is worth refraining from red and orange vegetables and fruits.
  • Cleanliness and order in the house. Dust, animal hair, insects are the worst enemies for people at risk. Maintain cleanliness in the room, monitor the humidity - and your children will be reliably protected.

Only compliance with all components of the treatment will help to cope with allergies.

Important to remember

  1. If your family has allergies, if the child was deprived of mother's milk, often got sick or had intestinal infections, he is at risk and can get respiratory allergies.
  2. If the baby suddenly starts coughing, runny nose, itching and burning in the nose, throat, eyes (while the temperature, appetite, mood are normal), and then everything stops just as quickly - these are symptoms of respiratory allergosis, and therefore a serious reason to turn to pediatrician.
  3. If a child has been diagnosed with respiratory allergies, antihistamines should not be limited. Comprehensive treatment is required.

We wish health to you and your children!

Allergic diseases of the respiratory system are very common among adults and children. There are many varieties, but one common name is respiratory allergies.

Respiratory allergy is an allergic reaction that affects the organs of the respiratory system with allergens of various types.

The reasons

The causes of respiratory allergies are the smallest allergenic particles that are and move in the air. And they enter the body with the help of inhalation of air. They settle on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and then the body's response begins in the form of symptoms of this disease.

Examples of allergens:

Most often, patients with respiratory allergies turn to doctors in spring and summer, since at this time the most number of flowering plants and a large number of different smells are present in the air.

Video: Allergen - house dust

Respiratory allergy is not a common disease. It combines a group of allergic diseases in which the respiratory system is affected: nasopharynx, trachea, bronchi, larynx.

Such diseases include rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchial asthma. Diagnosis of allergies is quite difficult. In a sick person, all the symptoms of manifestations that are suitable for the listed diseases are immediately observed.

And the doctor's task is to accurately determine the diagnosis in order to conduct adequate treatment and remove the negative symptoms of allergy.


It is quite difficult to diagnose a group of allergies, because. Each disease is different in its characteristics. Allergosis often resembles a cold infection.

Before you figure out what a respiratory allergy is, you need to know the symptoms in order to see a doctor in a timely manner. The most pronounced are:

  • frequent sneezing,
  • discharge from the nose of a liquid secretion,
  • swelling of the nasopharynx,
  • eyelid swelling,
  • cough,
  • burning and itching of mucous membranes,
  • general malaise.

With seasonal allergies, it is not difficult to establish an allergy. Since allergens are plant pollen, to which the patient reacts.

But in a dry, hot or winter period of the year, this is more difficult to do. Allergic reactions in respiratory allergies are often disguised as colds.

Therefore, when complaining of symptoms, patients are given special diagnostics. A person who has a respiratory allergy should be aware that an allergic reaction develops within minutes or hours after contact with irritants.

A cold does not start suddenly, and worsening of the condition can be observed for even a few days. This is different respiratory allergies.

The impact of allergens on the lungs

The reasons

Respiratory allergies are infectious or bacterial in nature. Therefore, in the diagnosis, lesions of the respiratory system are observed. The following factors provoke the appearance of allergies:

  • plant pollen,
  • house dust with the secret of mites and cockroaches,
  • animal fur,
  • food colorings and preservatives,
  • some food,
  • chocolate, cocoa,
  • medications,
  • contact with household chemicals,
  • some substances of cosmetics.

Depending on what provoked a respiratory allergy, the doctor prescribes treatment.

Healthy and inflamed bronchiole in respiratory allergy


allergic rhinitis

This disease is inflammatory in nature. It is provoked by strong irritants, causing allergic reactions. The disease has three types: acute period, seasonal and chronic.

Allergens are all irritants inherent in other types of disease. The main and distinctive symptoms are:

  • swelling of the face and eyes,
  • conjunctivitis,
  • tachycardia, headache.

There may be a slight increase in temperature.

allergic rhinitis

Allergic sinusitis

Most often they appear against the background of rhinitis. The patient feels a headache, pain on palpation in the area of ​​the trigeminal nerve. Also, the main symptoms are:

  • sneezing,
  • itching of the nasal mucosa,
  • abundant secretion.

allergic sinusitis

Allergic laryngitis

The disease affects the mucous membrane of the larynx, which, under the influence of allergens, begins to swell. Untimely treatment can cause asphyxia in the patient.

The onset of the disease is rapid and acute. The patient's voice becomes hoarse, the cough is barking, and the breathing is noisy. For high-quality inspiration, you have to strain your abdominal muscles.

Allergic laryngitis

Allergic tracheitis

The clinical picture of the disease resembles bronchial asthma. A painful paroxysmal cough appears, in which viscous, transparent sputum leaves.

There may be vomiting. Unlike asthma, a person does not have trouble exhaling. There is shortness of breath.

Allergic tracheitis

hay fever

The disease is less common in children than in adults. The disease manifests itself in hypersensitivity to plant pollen. Acute attacks are most often observed in spring, early summer and early autumn. Patients complain of the following symptoms:

  • cough,
  • sneezing,
  • serous runny nose,
  • conjunctivitis,
  • itching of the cheeks, eyes, nose, palate,
  • voice change,
  • headache,
  • cardiopalmus,
  • asthmatic dyspnea.


Since the symptoms of respiratory allergosis are similar to colds, many patients begin to undergo examination and therapeutic treatment by a local or otolaryngologist.

And if the patient is tormented by a runny nose, cough, and the throat hurts and is red, there is a high probability that the doctor will treat the common cold. Therefore, in order to exclude errors, it is important to conduct a diagnosis. There are several main methods of diagnostic procedures.

Scarification tests

Scratches are made on the surface of the patient's forearm, and allergens are injected with a scarifier. After 20 minutes, you can see how the body reacted to the injected substances.

Swelling and redness indicate a positive result. The analysis confirms that the person does not have a cold, but a respiratory allergy. The advantage of this procedure is that up to 20 samples can be taken simultaneously.

Scarification tests

Determination of the level of IgE

The level of immunoglobulins E can indicate whether the patient has allergic diseases, respiratory type and related pathologies.

To do this, use the patient's blood serum and check its reaction to the injected stimulus. If there is a positive response, then the patient contains IgE antibodies that provoke the development of allergies.

Determination of the level of IgE

Immunoblotting method

This is the most common method that allows you to identify sensitivity to certain allergens. For analysis, an allergopanel is used, which consists of 4 panels with 20 allergens.

The first panel is mixed, the second is inhalation, the third is food, the fourth is extended. With the help of these panels, tests are carried out for all kinds of allergens, up to the hair of any pet, pollen even from exotic plants, fungi and all types of food.

Immunoblotting method


The main means in the treatment of respiratory allergies are antihistamines.

The most effective are:

  • Suprastin,
  • Claretin,
  • Telfast,
  • Histalong.

Dr. Komarovsky advises the use of such drugs for children:

  • Fenistal,
  • Zodak,
  • Zyrtec.

You can use Suprastin, calculating the dose based on the age of the child.

Vasoconstrictor drugs are connected to the treatment of respiratory allergosis:

  • Otrivin,
  • Nazivin,
  • Tizin.

They relieve puffiness, prevent runny nose and mucous discharge.

They also treat enterosorbents with prebiotics.

With respiratory allergies, they will help to remove the allergen from the body:

  • Activated carbon,
  • Smecta,
  • Enterosgel.

To normalize the intestinal microflora use:

  • Dufalac,
  • Hilak Forte,
  • Lactusan.

These drugs can be used to treat newborns if a respiratory allergy is diagnosed.

If persistent cough is observed, treatment is prescribed:

  • Bromhexine,
  • Lee bexina,
  • Solutana,
  • Bronchilitin.

Respiratory allergy is not called a specific disease, but a complex of ailments, which is based on an allergic lesion of the respiratory tract. Such disorders are more common in children of primary preschool age 6 2 to 4 years.

The peculiarity of respiratory allergies is that the allergy occurs against the background of active activity of infectious and non-infectious pathogens in the respiratory tract. Edema can affect the nasopharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi.

During the course of a respiratory allergy, the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs is able to interact with all kinds of irritants. Hence the wide list of possible irritating components that can cause an outbreak of allergies. For example, food components enter the body through the throat, so they can irritate the respiratory tract. Also, people inhale the air, which may contain various dangerous impurities and particles.

A particular irritating particle has its own specific properties. Most often, not the entire respiratory system reacts to them at once, but only a certain part of it: the nose, larynx, bronchi, trachea, sinuses. The affected area is usually the most sensitive of the entire respiratory tract. An allergic process starts on it, the first symptoms appear.

Allergosis types

Distinguish two types of allergies: allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma. They differ in that during rhinitis, the upper respiratory tract is affected, and during asthma, the lower ones.

The causative agents of allergies in the respiratory tube are also divided into two groups:

  1. Infectious. These include all kinds of virus, bacteria, fungal and other harmful microorganisms;
  2. Non-infectious. They can be flower pollen, household dust, food, medicines, as well as some household chemicals and decorative cosmetics.

The main symptoms of respiratory allergies

It is often quite difficult for doctors to make this diagnosis, since many of the symptoms are similar to those of a common cold. These include:

  • Frequent sneezing;
  • Discharge of thin and clear mucus from the nose;
  • Swelling of the eyelids and nasopharynx;
  • Dry cough;
  • Burning sensation and itching in the nose;
  • Less common is fever and weakness.

However, there are a few simple signs by which you can distinguish an allergy from a cold. One of these is seasonality. Namely, an allergic reaction can occur at a certain period, for example, during the flowering of plants. At this time, the patient's symptoms worsen, mucus from the nose begins to stand out, and frequent sneezing and coughing are also disturbing. However, after rain, or at the end of flowering, all symptoms disappear.

Another difference is the duration of the illness. If a person has an allergy, then sneezing and itching, as a rule, bother him for a rather long period of time (up to 3-4 weeks). However, if the patient catches a cold, then the severe symptoms will last only a couple of days. Also, the significant differences between respiratory allergosis and ARVI are: during an allergic reaction, the general condition of a person is not disturbed, he is still active, has a large appetite and a normal temperature.

Also, an allergic reaction can be determined by several more featured:

When interacting with an irritating element, a sharp change in state occurs: mucus from the nose begins to secrete abundantly, frequent sneezing and coughing appear. But as soon as you leave the place where the allergen was located, the symptoms immediately disappear;

Respiratory allergies in children

This diagnosis is overwhelmingly made in children. Some people live with allergies for a long time, but many manage to overcome it and forget it already in their youth.

It is worth noting that the symptoms, diagnostic methods and stages of treatment of children and adults are no different. An exception may be only very small patients, under the age of 5 years. Such patients exclude the use of certain drugs and several medical procedures.

If a child suffers from respiratory allergies, then his parents should adhere to the following rules to protect it from contact with irritants:

  1. Be wary of visiting new premises (cafes, clubs, game rooms, shops and theaters);
  2. Use only hypoallergenic household chemicals and fragrance-free cosmetics;
  3. Do not experiment with new perfumes, but use only those that do not cause a reaction in the child;
  4. During repairs or general cleaning, take the child to another place, since household dust is the causative agent of the reaction;
  5. Spices can also be allergens, so when preparing an exotic dish, it is important that the child is not in the kitchen;
  6. During flowering, if possible, take the allergic person to places where it will be easier for him. Also, do not plant flowers in the house and do not put bouquets;
  7. Before buying a new item: toys, carpet, clothes, etc. , - it is important to be sure that the child will not be allergic to a new thing;
  8. Do not have pets and do not visit guests who have them. It must be remembered that even dog food or fish food can cause allergies;
  9. Do not give your child untested drugs;
  10. Don't offer new food.

Stages of diagnosis of respiratory allergosis in children

In fact, the stages of diagnosis in adults differ little from studies in children. However, due to the more common allergosis directly in childhood, we will consider the stages of observation in children.

  1. First of all, if suspicious symptoms occur, it is necessary to visit an otolaryngologist or pediatrician. During the examination, the doctor will determine whether the patient has an allergy or a cold. The doctor will examine the throat: if it is red, then there is a viral disease, and if it is pale and covered with spots, it means an allergy.
  2. Further, the patient can be sent for an x-ray in order to exclude diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia. Be sure to take an x-ray for those patients who have affected the lower respiratory tract;
  3. Then a number of studies are carried out to exclude adenoids and posterior rhinitis;
  4. Only after the specialists are convinced that the child has respiratory rhinitis, he will be sent to an appointment with an allergist, who will write a referral for a blood test to look at the level of immunoglobulin;
  5. If a patient has asthma, he is examined for external respiration using a spirograph

Allergosis Treatment Methods

Of course, the stage of treatment and taking medications directly depends on the specific case. But, at the beginning of therapy, almost everyone is prescribed antihistamine tablets, which are aimed at expanding the bronchi and facilitating breathing.

If the patient is over 5 years old, he can undergo allergen-specific immunotherapy, due to which antibodies to allergens will begin to be produced in the body. The result of this procedure is long lasting and can last for a lifetime.

Allergy Prevention Measures

  • If the patient knows the irritants that excite the appearance of allergies, then it is necessary to exclude them from your life to the maximum. For example, if a child suffers from seasonal allergies, then it is necessary to leave for another region for the time of flowering. It is known that it is much more difficult for allergy sufferers to live in southern latitudes, and symptoms are easier to tolerate in the north and northwest. This is due to the too long period of flowering and fluff in the southern latitudes (from early spring to late autumn) and high humidity with a short flowering period in the north.
  • In the case of bronchial asthma, the patient needs to train the respiratory system. Sports such as swimming, running, football, cycling rallies, etc. are perfect for this. It is also useful for asthmatics to play wind instruments, or simply blow up balloons several times a week.
  • Keep order in the house. It is important to prevent mold and mildew from appearing in your home, as well as to throw away all “nuclear” household chemicals and switch to hypoallergenic products. It is important to remember that mold can hide in water filters, air conditioners, bathroom walls. Mold must be cleaned regularly.

Combining all of the above, we can define the term respiratory allergosis. This is not a specific disease, but a complex of allergic reactions that are united by the nature of their occurrence, namely, the defeat of the respiratory tract. Disorders such as rhinitis, paringitis, pharyngitis, etc. are classified as mild forms of respiratory tract allergy. Severe forms are considered allergic pneumonia and allergic alveolitis. The most common type of respiratory allergy is bronchial asthma.

In the modern world, there are many irritating factors that allergy sufferers have to deal with. If symptoms occur, it is necessary to visit the office of a therapist or pediatrician so that he can prescribe the necessary studies and identify the cause and focus of irritation.

As a rule, respiratory allergies can be cured. But this will take a long time (up to 3-4 weeks).

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