Edema of the auditory tube. Symptoms and treatment of dysfunction of the auditory tube. Causes of the disease

The auditory or Eustachian tube is a structural component of the ear that connects the tympanic cavity and the nasopharynx, ensuring an even distribution of pressure within the auditory canal.

Also, the pipe performs a kind of protective function, preventing the penetration of bacteria and infections inside. With the development of inflammation, these functions are disrupted and a person is exposed to a number of diseases, including,.

Inflammation of the auditory tube

Inflammation of the Eustachian tube extends to several sections of the auditory canal at once.

Often the middle ear is hit, which as a result leads to the appearance of a number of anomalies characterized by unpleasant and general malaise. At first, the sick person may not feel the presence of inflammation, since with an infectious disease it progresses rather slowly.

However, this type of disease is not as harmless as it seems. Timely diagnosis and treatment are incredibly important. Launched inflammation of the auditory tube can lead to tissue destruction, that is, to necrosis.

The structure of the inner ear

The reasons

Most often, inflammation of the auditory tube occurs due to infection with streptococci and staphylococci. But at an earlier age, the cause of inflammation is more often pneumococcal bacteria, as well as various viral infections.

They tend to pass into the middle ear through the Eustachian tube. In this case, the patency of the pipe deteriorates significantly, which creates a favorable environment for the development and activation of pathogenic microorganisms.

The likelihood of a symptom is significantly increased if a person has a predisposition to allergic edema, as well as an increased volume of secretory secretions. There are a number of other reasons for the development of inflammation:

  • Adenoids (especially in children) and tumors of the nasopharynx;
  • Frequent and prolonged infections of the nasopharynx;
  • Defects of the nasal septum;
  • Atmospheric pressure jumps.

Symptoms and signs

Symptoms directly depend on the form of the disease. Inflammation of the auditory tube is divided into:

  • chronic;
  • Acute;
  • Allergic.

The acute form most often occurs due to viral diseases, colds, which primarily affect the upper respiratory tract. In the acute form, the patient feels stable. The temperature rarely rises above 38 degrees, and the pains are of low intensity. Most often, a person complains of such signs of inflammation as:

  • More distinct perception of one's own voice during speech;
  • Nasal congestion, resembling a coryza.

The lumen of the auditory tube during examination is significantly narrowed, swelling is noticeable.

The chronic form has the following symptoms:

  • Deformation of the tympanic membrane, its extension;
  • Narrowing and blockage of the lumen of the auditory tube;
  • Partial redness in some places.

Chronic inflammation is characterized by atrophy of the mucous membrane and tympanic cavity. The membrane itself becomes cloudy over time. Additionally, parts of dead tissue may appear, that is, necrosis.

Children have a different shape of the auditory tube: it is shorter than that of any adult. This explains the greater predisposition to the occurrence of ear diseases and the corresponding symptoms. However, all signs of inflammation of the auditory tube in a child are similar to those that occur in older people.

A distinctive feature is the normalization of hearing when yawning or coughing. Since the pain syndrome is very weak, and the symptoms are general, it is impossible to diagnose inflammation of the auditory tube on its own. The only solution is to go to a specialist. Only a qualified otolaryngologist can give a conclusion.

As for, it arises as a result of the body's reaction to an irritant. Accompanied by symptoms such as nasal congestion and runny nose, lacrimation. Pain is almost never annoying, but a slight rise in temperature is possible.

Differences in the structure of the Eustachian tube in adults and children

What diseases occurs

A symptom occurs when inflammation passes to the mucous membrane of the tube. The inflammation itself passes from the nasopharynx, as a result of acute and chronic forms of pharyngitis, tonsillitis or rhinitis.

Both acute and chronic inflammation can lead to otitis media. But the following reasons may accompany the occurrence of inflammation:

  • Adenoids;
  • Choanal;
  • Hypertrophy of the lower (nasal) concha;
  • Deviated septum;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Sinusitis.

How to treat

Treatment of the problem begins only after visiting the doctor. So, after collecting anamnesis and obtaining the results of the prescribed tests, the degree of inflammation and its neglect is determined. Based on such data, the doctor writes out the necessary treatment plan and makes a prognosis.

It has been repeatedly verified that after timely and high-quality treatment, recovery occurs in 100 percent.

How to treat inflammation of the auditory tube:


Drugs are always prescribed on an individual basis. Despite the fact that doctors focus on medications, they do not refuse physiotherapy, which involves compresses made on the basis of liquid antibiotics. They perfectly relieve inflammation and speed up recovery.

Most often, with inflammation of the auditory tube, drugs from a number of vasoconstrictors are prescribed. They help to normalize the mucous membranes of the Eustachian tube, nasopharynx and, of course, the nose. Among these drugs are:

  • Oxymetazoline;
  • Naphazoline;
  • Xylometazoline.

Means can be purchased at a pharmacy even without a doctor's prescription. However, you should not make appointments on your own, even if you have previously read many sources and made sure that you have this particular problem.

Folk remedies

As for folk remedies, everything is relative here. Without informing the doctor, additional drugs should not be administered, even if they are made on the basis of purely natural ingredients.

The best option is to use compresses and some varieties of tinctures. Eustachitis and others cannot be treated with purely folk methods, they can only alleviate the course of symptoms.

Compresses and infusions made on the basis of:

  • Chamomile;
  • Blueberry;
  • Celandine;
  • Lavender;
  • Mint;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Nettle;
  • Immortelle;
  • sweet clover;
  • burdock;
  • Anise;
  • Kalina.

It should be noted that the intake of infusions perfectly strengthens the immune system, which favorably affects the prevention of the disease in the future.

What is possible and what is not

In case of inflammation of the auditory tube, in no case should one resort to self-treatment, by using "proven" grandmother's methods. If you feel pain in the ear canal, do not rush to resort to the traditional method, which consists in methodically heating the painful area. This can lead to the progress of the inflammatory process and the growth of the number of bacteria.

In the treatment of the disease, you can use a combined treatment, namely the use of medicines, physiotherapy and folk remedies. It is also useful in the treatment of diversifying your diet in order to strengthen the immune system as soon as possible.

Popular video about diseases of the auditory tube:


Preventive measures can significantly reduce the risk of recurrence. To do this, you must follow these recommendations:

  • Pay due attention to health;
  • Timely treat colds and infectious diseases;
  • Do not overcool;
  • Dress according to the season;
  • To live an active lifestyle;
  • See a doctor promptly if you feel unwell.

The disease is much easier to prevent than to treat it fully in the future. Therefore, by following simple rules, it is enough just to avoid such an unpleasant ailment as inflammation of the auditory tube.

Acute eustachitis is diagnosed when an inflammatory process of a catarrhal nature occurs in the Eustachian tube. The disease causes swelling, reducing and sometimes making it impossible to ventilate the tympanic cavity, which leads to the formation of catarrhal otitis in the middle ear. The launched process easily passes into the chronic stage and threatens with a decrease or loss of hearing.

The auditory, or Eustachian, tube is a canal that connects the pharynx and the space of the middle ear. Its physiological function is to ensure the penetration of air into the tympanic cavity from the pharynx to smooth out the discrepancy between atmospheric pressure from the outside and internal blood pressure. This creates conditions for the functioning of the sound-conducting apparatus located in the middle ear, from where the sound is amplified and the vibration is directed from the eardrum to the inner ear.

The cavity of the tube, about 2 mm wide, is lined with mucous epithelium. Pathogenic microflora, penetrating from the nasopharynx into the Eustachian opening, causes inflammation and swelling. The lumen of the canal, even with a slight narrowing of the walls, makes it difficult or completely prevents the penetration of air into the middle ear, which leads to a decrease or cessation of aeration. The pressure in the tympanic cavity decreases, causing the tympanic membrane to retract inward.

Violation of stable pressure causes stagnation and seepage of edematous fluid into the space of the tympanic cavity. At first these are protein compounds, later in the transudate the number of leukocyte cells produced during inflammation increases. The process passes to the inner ear, otitis media develops in a catarrhal form. The disease can disturb on the one hand or is bilateral in nature (it is also called tubo-otitis or salpingo-otitis).

With prolonged deterioration of the aeration of the tympanic cavity caused by tubo-otitis, mucous inflammation flows into a purulent process, which threatens the transition of the disease into a chronic form. This is fraught with the formation of adhesions in the Eustachian tube, its stenosis, atrophic processes in the eardrum and its cavity, and also often becomes a factor in the occurrence of hearing loss.

The reasons

The provocateurs of the development of Eustachitis include:

  1. The movement of inflammation to the pharyngeal mouth of the Eustachian tube is noted in infectious diseases of the nose and nasopharynx. The causative agents are predominantly viruses, staphylococci and streptococci, pneumococci mainly affect children. Less commonly, the agent is a fungus or a specific flora, as in syphilis or tuberculosis.
  2. Edema in allergic rhinitis also acts as a provocateur of the disease.
  3. Tubo-otitis can be caused by the introduction of tampons into the nose to stop bleeding.
  4. The chronic form of eustachitis develops when an infection (adenoids, tonsillitis, rhinitis or sinusitis) is present in the nasopharynx for a long time.
  5. The likelihood of pathology increases when the normal movement of air in the nose or pharynx is disturbed, caused by a curvature of the nasal septum, as well as during the formation of benign formations.

A rare pathology is a violation of the functioning of the auditory tube, which provokes the development of aerootitis. When the structure does not have time to respond to a sharp change in atmospheric pressure, it is compressed and microtraumas are formed in the middle ear.

Characteristic symptoms

Signs of tubo-otitis in children and adults do not differ, often appear with respiratory diseases, sometimes at the stage of treatment or after an illness. Specific symptoms of eustachitis include:

  • congestion in both ears or one ear;
  • heaviness in the head;
  • hearing loss;
  • tinnitus (ear);
  • autophony: when the voice resonates, a person hears himself as if from within;
  • when the head is tilted, there is a sensation in the ear as if liquid is overflowing.

Some people experience a temporary improvement after yawning or swallowing, when the muscles of the pharynx tighten and the lumen of the auditory tube widens. Young children usually do not become immobile and do not show significant restlessness during illness. A baby may turn his head, worry and whimper, but this is more likely a sign of otitis media.

Chronic eustachitis is characterized by relapses, during this period the symptoms correspond to the acute form of the pathology. During remission, a person may complain of a slight hearing loss and tinnitus.

Painful sensations and fever are not specific for catarrhal inflammation, these are signs of a purulent process. The feeling of pain and fullness in the ears worries with eustachitis, which is caused by a pressure drop.

Diagnosis and effective treatments

When the first signs of eustachitis appear, it is necessary to visit an otolaryngologist, the specialist will conduct an examination and prescribe treatment. When making a diagnosis, the ENT doctor takes into account the patient's complaints, concomitant diseases (impaired nasal breathing, respiratory infections), and also conducts instrumental and laboratory studies. As a rule, the following methods are used for tubo-otitis:

  • Otoscopy - an instrumental examination of the tympanic space - shows the retraction of the membrane, shortening of the light cone or its disappearance.
  • Microotoscopy helps to assess the condition of the eardrum.
  • Audiometry determines the hearing loss and the patient's sensitivity to waves of different frequencies.
  • A subjective test evaluates the condition of the ear canal, based on the patient's sensations. To do this, the patient swallows or exhales with pinched nostrils: with pathological changes, he hears a squeak or gurgle.
  • An objective test through audiometry shows the result after blowing, an improvement in performance means the presence of a disease.

To identify the source of infection, pharyngoscopy and rhinoscopy are performed. When the origin of the edema is allergic, consultation with an allergist is required.

Review of medicines

The goal of therapy for eustachitis is to eliminate the infection in the nasopharynx, relieve inflammation and edema, and restore the functions of the Eustachian tube. For a quick recovery, complex treatment is necessary, the use of medications at the local and systemic level:

  • To relieve puffiness, vasoconstrictors are prescribed, they are instilled into the nose: Nafazolin, Sanorin, Oxymetazoline, Phenylephrine.
  • Anti-allergic drugs are administered orally: Chloropyramine, Suprastin, Loratadin.
  • Antibiotics are indicated when the acute form of the disease is caused by the bacterial flora: Amoxicillin, Cefuroxime, Doxycycline. With a viral infection, antiviral drugs are used, a fungal infection must be treated with antimycotics.
  • To raise immunity, the main treatment is supplemented with a complex of vitamins, herbal teas and immunomodulators.

With a protracted process, to relieve swelling and restore patency, the doctor injects a solution of adrenaline or hydrocortisone directly into the lumen of the auditory tube through a catheter.

The course of medications is combined with physiotherapy. The procedures contribute to the destruction of microbes, improve blood circulation, have a resolving effect on edema, and eliminate the consequences of the disease. The otolaryngologist may prescribe:

  • pneumomassage of the tympanic membrane;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • laser therapy.

To expand the lumen of the Eustachian tube, electrical stimulation of the muscles responsible for opening it is used.

To accelerate the outflow of fluid accumulated in the canal of the auditory tube, it is recommended to chew the gum more often. In this case, chewing gum helps a lot. For a child, this method is not suitable. You can give your baby an apple or a carrot so that when chewing a solid product, he makes more active movements.

Therapeutic measures for tubo-otitis include the elimination of factors affecting the development of the disease. Surgical methods are used if the inflammation is caused by a violation of nasal breathing due to adenoids or a curvature of the nasal septum.

Folk recipes

Treatment of eustachitis at home does not prohibit the use of folk recipes as part of complex therapy. Herbs and solutions with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties are used:

  • Aloe juice is diluted in half with boiled water, the composition is instilled into the nose according to the scheme: 4 drops after 4 hours. Cotton swabs soaked in the solution are placed in the ear overnight. The course of treatment is two weeks.
  • Prepare decoctions of chamomile or calendula: 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials pour 250 g of water, insist and gargle up to 6 times a day.
  • In the chronic course of tubo-otitis for adults, the following recipe is suitable: a piece of onion is heated in a water bath, wrapped in a bandage and placed in the ear for half an hour. Daily use for a month helps prevent recurrence of the disease.
  • Garlic oil requires a medium-sized head of garlic and vegetable oil (100 g). The bulbous plant is crushed, poured with oil, insisted for 10 days in the dark, then the infusion is filtered and glycerin (2 drops) is added. Oil swabs are placed in the ears.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent antiseptic that improves blood circulation and relieves swelling. The solution is used to cleanse the ears before procedures or put cotton wool in the ear canal for half an hour. To avoid skin burns, a composition is prepared from water (a tablespoon) and peroxide (15 drops).

In order not to harm, before using folk recipes, you need to consult an otolaryngologist. This is especially important during pregnancy and the treatment of children.

Forecast and prevention

With a timely visit to the doctor, taking medications and performing a set of therapeutic measures, eustachitis is cured in a few days. Untimely treatment complicates the course of catarrhal tubootitis with an adhesive form, which is much more difficult to cope with. Concomitant pathologies that affect the aeration of the auditory tube worsen the prognosis, create prerequisites for the chronic course of the disease, which can lead to hearing loss. Therefore, to prevent the development of the disease, preventive measures should be followed:

  • do not delay the treatment of acute inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx;
  • to relieve edema during periods of illness, use countercurrent agents (vasoconstrictor drops in the nose);
  • for allergies, take desensitizing drugs;
  • eliminate chronic infectious foci in the upper respiratory tract;
  • strengthen immunity.

If the functions of the Eustachian tube are impaired, it is important to avoid situations where sudden changes in atmospheric pressure are possible (air travel or diving to depth).

Eustachitis usually acts as a complication of diseases of the nasopharynx of an infectious nature, since pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the auditory tube and cause inflammation of its mucosa. Therefore, the best means of preventing the pathology in question is the prevention and timely treatment of a cold.

The Eustachian tube (or auditory tube) is the structure of the hearing aid that connects the tympanic cavity and the pharynx, and serves to maintain normal pressure between the middle ear and the environment. Another equally important function is the removal of fluid from the middle ear cavity.

The tube is very thin, its average diameter is 2 mm. That is, any deviation, infection with harmful bacteria or viruses, causes swelling and narrowing of this auditory canal. This, in turn, disrupts the ventilation of the eardrum area, which can lead to more serious pathology. So, with the development of inflammation of the auditory (Eustachian) tube, an extensive lesion of the middle ear occurs, which has the name "tubo-otitis" or "eustachitis". Other names for this disease: salpingo-otitis, tubotympanitis.

Types of Eustachian tube disease

There are the following types of inflammation of the auditory tube: acute and chronic form.

The acute course of inflammation is a primary developed disease. It occurs when infection and activation of the action of pathogenic bacteria, most often pneumococci and streptococci. Staphylococci and other pathogenic microorganisms are less pathogenic, and less likely to lead to an inflammatory process. If left untreated, primary inflammation can become chronic.

Inflammation of the auditory tube: symptoms

Symptoms of the disease in adults are manifested by a sensation of tinnitus, a decrease and deterioration in the quality of hearing. When changing the position of the head, tilting and turning, a characteristic transfusion of water in the ear is felt.

In the acute course of the disease, pain is practically not manifested, the general condition of the body suffers slightly, body temperature does not rise. However, acute inflammation of the auditory tube usually occurs unexpectedly. Congestion quickly appears, noise in the ear, fluid transfusion is felt, hearing decreases. A sufficiently long course of the inflammatory process leads to its chronic form. This is especially true, as a rule, due to the complete absence or improper treatment of an acute disease.

In the chronic course of the disease, the lumen of the auditory canal narrows, the position of the tympanic membrane changes, it is drawn inward. Accordingly, the patency of the Eustachian tube is significantly reduced, the canal walls can stick together. This disrupts hearing sensations, hearing deteriorates significantly. The chronic course of eustachitis often leads to inflammation of the middle ear - adhesive otitis media with a more severe course and negative consequences.

Symptoms in children

Symptoms of inflammation of the auditory tube in children are determined by the anatomical features of the children's hearing aid. The Eustachian tube is also slightly shorter and more straight. This causes a greater susceptibility of children to ear diseases. The symptoms that occur in children are similar in their specifics to the symptoms in adults: noise and congestion, reduced hearing in the affected ear. Sneezing, coughing, or even yawning can sometimes temporarily restore hearing. Body temperature, as in adults, remains normal, pain is not expressed. This complicates self-recognition of the disease.

Diagnosis of the disease

The patient does not complain of pain in the ear, she practically does not bother him, but all the details are important for the doctor. Inflammation of the Eustachian tube is accompanied by a slight increase in body temperature (usually no more than 37.5 degrees).

The first thing an otolaryngologist does after talking with a patient is a visual examination of the ear canal and eardrum. Its retraction, deformation of the light cone is observed. To accurately determine the degree of violations, otoscopy is used, as well as additional studies.

For an accurate diagnosis, specific tests are made: an empty sip, a sip with closed nostrils, exhalation with the mouth and nose closed, as well as audiometry, which will help identify the degree of hearing loss. The above tests contribute to the emergence of specific sensations in the ears, on the basis of which the doctor draws a conclusion. So, crackling in the ears signals good patency, but if there is swelling and inflammation of the Eustachian tube, then the patient feels a gurgling in the ear area.

If, after blowing the auditory tube, the patient's hearing improves, this indicates poor patency of the auditory tube.

Auxiliary methods: throat swab to detect bacterial infections, as well as allergy tests (if an allergic reaction is suspected).

Inflammation of the auditory tube: treatment

After establishing an accurate diagnosis, the doctor prescribes individual treatment. First of all, actions are aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease, eliminating pathogenic factors. The causes of this disease are as follows:

  • prolonged infectious diseases of the nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity;
  • swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa in the area of ​​​​the mouths of the auditory tubes;
  • infection with gram-positive bacteria, in particular staphylococci, streptococci or viruses;
  • various diseases of the upper respiratory system due to the development of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and other lesions;
  • proliferation and enlargement of adenoids in children;
  • anatomical anomalies, traumatic injuries leading to a curvature of the nasal septum;
  • tumors of the nasopharynx;
  • abrupt weather changes with large changes in atmospheric pressure.

With the predominance of turbootitis, treatment is exclusively medical. First of all, decongestants are prescribed - medications that constrict the vessels of the mucous membrane of the auditory tube, nasopharynx and nasal cavity. These are widely available over-the-counter drugs Oxymetazoline, Naphazoline, Nazol, Naphthyzine and Xylometazoline.

If an exacerbated inflammatory process is expressed, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, which are introduced into the affected auditory tube using a special catheter.

Sanitation of the nasopharynx is also required to relieve inflammation, swelling or an allergic reaction. Sanitation of ENT organs, and in other words, washing is carried out with antibiotics or antiseptics. For example:

  • furatsilin;
  • chlorhexidine;
  • tomicide;
  • dioxidine.

Washing is carried out with a syringe with a nozzle. Of course, sanitation itself will not help get rid of the disease, but if it is carried out in a complex of therapeutic measures, then the result will certainly be positive.

Also, sanitation can include rinsing and treatment of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx with therapeutic ointments. You can gargle with a decoction of chamomile, saline solution. And apply interferon ointment to the mucous membranes. This ointment increases the resistance of the whole organism to various infections.

In case of an allergic disease, antihistamines are prescribed:

  • suprastin;
  • tavegil;
  • citrine;
  • zodak;
  • zyrtec.

In the presence of chronic foci of infection, the issue of their treatment is decided. Tonsillectomy, removal of adenoids, long-term use of antibiotics.

To improve the patency of the auditory tube, it is catheterized and adrenaline or hydrocortisone is injected into its cavity. Also, during catheterization, proteolytic enzymes can be introduced. They will help to remove fluid from the tympanic cavity. If the case is advanced, surgical intervention is necessary.

Physiotherapeutic methods and traditional medicine recipes have a good effect on improving the condition and relieve inflammation of the auditory tube - warming compresses, which significantly speed up recovery.

The terms of treatment in each clinical case are individual. On average - a week, if you use medication methods in complex therapy. A chronic disease requires more attention, especially if it is complicated by pathogenic factors.

Is a special diet needed?

Of course, there is no special diet for patients with inflammation of the auditory (Eustachian) tube, but it is recommended to avoid coarse and solid foods, because this can provoke a change in pressure in the tympanic cavity. According to general recommendations, nutrition should be complete with the inclusion of fruits, vegetable salads, mashed soups, it is advisable to drink compotes and rosehip broth.

Preventive measures

When inflammation of the auditory tube occurs, treatment effectively relieves symptoms, but in order to avoid recurrence or prevent inflammation, it is important to be examined by a doctor in time.

Prevention includes:

  • protection of the body from infections and timely treatment;
  • hygiene, but clean the ear canal carefully so as not to damage the eardrum (it is better not to use cotton swabs);
  • treatment of chronic ailments and colds;
  • regular visits to the ENT.

If you have a disease of the Eustachian tube, you should contact otorhinolaryngologists or ENT doctors for short, who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies of the ear, throat, nose.

The organ of hearing is considered one of the most important for a person; in case of violations in its work, it is impossible to fully perceive the world around us. Most often, hearing problems can be associated with inflammation of the Eustachian (auditory) tube, which, in fact, is a canal that connects the nasopharynx to the eardrum. It maintains normal pressure in the middle ear, produces mucus that prevents the development of microorganisms.

With the spread of the inflammatory process, which provokes angina, SARS, to the middle ear, eustachitis may begin, which manifests itself in the inflammatory process of the auditory tube.

Eustachitis is most often diagnosed in children. Occurs acutely or chronically, can affect the middle ear on one side (unilateral eustachitis) or on both sides (bilateral eustachitis). It can develop before otitis media or in parallel with it.

Inflammation of the auditory tube in children is more common than in adults due to the anatomical features of the ear in babies. The Eustachian canal in an adult is about 3.5 centimeters long, while in a child it is on average half as long, which allows microorganisms from the nasal cavity to more easily enter the middle ear, causing inflammation of its organs.

The diameter of the auditory tube is very small (about 2 millimeters), therefore, with inflammation, it completely overlaps, which leads to a violation of the passage of air and the onset of a purulent process. In this case, there is a strong hearing loss on the side where the pathological process began.

Clinical manifestations of the disease

Inflammation of the auditory tube - symptoms

Most often, the disease affects only one ear, however, with a weakened immune system or inadequate treatment, the inflammatory process can begin in the second auditory organ. Acute inflammation of the auditory canal manifests itself clearly, with severe symptoms:

  • severe ear congestion, which decreases after swallowing;
  • hearing loss, it can be restored briefly when turning or tilting the head, while it seems to the patient that water is overflowing in the ear;
  • the presence of noise (hissing) in the diseased ear;
  • headache;
  • the sound of one's own voice is heard, as if from the side (autophony);
  • feeling of fullness and pain in the affected ear;
  • subfebrile temperature (sometimes normal);
  • feeling of weakness, malaise.

The transition to the chronic form begins against the background of prolonged acute eustachitis, without adequate therapy, as well as in the presence of concomitant anatomical defects and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Chronization of the process can lead to the appearance of adhesions on the eardrums and persistent narrowing of the Eustachian tube. At the same time, the symptoms are blurred (may cause a slight noise, hearing loss). Even a mild cold leads to an exacerbation of the disease, accompanied by typical, pronounced symptoms.

What are the possible complications

The prognosis for the disease is favorable. With timely and adequate treatment, inflammation disappears without any consequences for the patient with the onset of complete recovery. However, an atypical course of the pathological process is also possible, when the symptoms are greatly smoothed out, or completely absent, and treatment is not prescribed. Or the patient himself is in no hurry to see a doctor, hoping for self-treatment.

Eustachitis in these cases leads to the development of tubo-otitis, acute purulent otitis media, membrane deformation and persistent hearing loss. Scars and adhesions form on the eardrum, sometimes leading to complete hearing loss.

Diagnostic measures

Inflammation of the auditory tube - diagnosis

Determining the diagnosis in the process of studying the medical history, the otolaryngologist usually finds out that the development of inflammation was preceded by a cold in the form of SARS, influenza or acute respiratory infections. Concomitant diseases of the nasopharynx can also provoke inflammation of the auditory tube. In young patients, the presence of inflammation of the adenoids, an improperly performed nasal lavage procedure increases the risk of onset of the disease. When conducting an otoscopic examination, a specialist notes a curvature of the auditory membrane, the presence of inflamed vessels on it.

To complete the picture, the doctor prescribes the following methods of examination of the middle ear:

  • microotoscopic examination (examination of the organs of the middle ear using image magnification);
  • checking the functions of the Eustachian tube by blowing the ear cavity with compressed air;
  • sowing swabs from the nasopharynx for the presence of an infectious pathogen;
  • test for allergens and a blood test for immunoglobulins;
  • audiometry;
  • ear cavity manometry;
  • acoustic impedancemetry;
  • rhinoscopy and pharyngoscopy;
  • computer and magnetic resonance therapy of the nasopharynx and ear cavities for the presence of tumor processes.

Based on the results of the above diagnostic methods, the doctor confirms or refutes the presence of an inflammatory process in the Eustachian canal and determines the reasons that prompted it.

Treatment Methods

Treatment of the disease, in most cases, can be carried out at home, while the choice is made in favor of complex therapy, effective against a specific cause of eustachitis. Treatment is aimed at re-ventilating the auditory canal, suppressing the infection, restoring hearing, and eliminating other symptoms.

With viral eustachitis, antiviral drugs are prescribed. With a bacterial infection, after determining the pathogen, antibiotics are prescribed. If the cause of the disease is allergic, appropriate antihistamines, vasoconstrictors and anti-inflammatory drugs are selected. Against the background of specific therapy, activities are carried out that strengthen the immune system. The patient must simultaneously undergo physiotherapy in the clinic (warming up, electrical stimulation, pneumomassage of the auditory membrane, washing the auditory tubes through the nasal passages). Usually, treatment is carried out until all the symptoms of the disease have completely disappeared.

Operative treatment is rarely prescribed. The indication for it is an acute purulent process that is not amenable to conservative methods.

With inflammation of the auditory tube, treatment with folk remedies can only be used as an adjuvant therapy and only on the recommendation of the attending physician. First of all, various herbal preparations are used in the form of infusions for instillation into the auricles (decoction of nettle, mint, chamomile, aloe juice).

Relapse Protection

To prevent the recurrence of the disease, after the treatment, it is necessary to constantly pay attention to the cleanliness of the auditory canal, carrying out appropriate hygiene procedures. To do this, in addition to the usual daily washing of the ears, you should use ear and nasal drops prescribed by your doctor.

Strengthening the body's defenses plays an important role in preventing relapses. It is necessary to take vitamin complexes, immunostimulating drugs, to carry out hardening. Avoid colds, hypothermia. If you have a runny nose, you need to carefully, but gently clean the nasal passages from accumulations of mucus, using special drops that thin the mucus.

In the presence of anatomical defects of the nasopharynx that can provoke inflammation of the auditory canal, plastic surgery is recommended to correct the nasal septum or remove polyps. If the cause of the disease is an allergy, you should by all means avoid contact with the substances that cause it.

A sharp drop in pressure can lead to the resumption of the disease, therefore, doctors do not recommend diving, skydiving or mountain climbing for patients who have had eustachitis. If it is not possible to refuse flights on airplanes, it is necessary to reduce them as much as possible.

With timely treatment at an early stage of the disease, complete healing occurs in about a week. If the process of inflammation of the Eustachian tube has passed into the chronic stage, it will take more time to recover. But in any case, the chances of success, subject to adequate therapy, are high!

The Eustachian tube (auditory tube, auditory canal) is an anatomical canal that connects the middle ear cavity with the nasopharynx. The function of this organ is to maintain atmospheric pressure in the middle ear cavity. The most common causes of blockage of the Eustachian tube are infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, sinuses, as well as allergic reactions and sudden changes in pressure, for example, in an airplane. Patients complain of ear pain, hearing loss, ear congestion, ringing in the ears.

In most cases, this pathology resolves on its own without treatment, along with the infectious process of the upper respiratory tract. To speed up the restoration of the patency of the Eustachian tube, it is recommended to chew and swallow intensively. Of the medications, vasoconstrictor drops, nasal corticosteroids, and antihistamines are prescribed.

Blockage of the auditory tube can occur due to inflammation of the tympanic cavity or nasopharynx, causing hypertrophy of the mucous membrane of the middle ear, the formation of secretions and adhesions. However, in some cases, none of these anomalies may be noted. This pathological process may occur due to the re-development of acute bacterial otitis media, which leads to thickening of the mucous membrane and blockage of the auditory tube. Chronic inflammation of the auditory tube (salpingitis) creates a feeling of fullness in the middle ear and leads to concomitant conductive hearing loss.

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