Basic pickup rules. Guy Pickup Rules Demonstrating Social Value

In order to learn seduction quickly and effectively, one must understand and accept a number of rules that distinguish a fool who beats his head against a wall from a seducer who smoothly rises to the highest point. These rules apply not only to a pickup truck, but also to sports, work and hobbies.

  • Get and apply knowledge in small portions. Some people are very good at preparing for a job. They strive to gather every last bit of information on a topic before taking the appropriate action. And although they work hard, in reality it is actually a form of procrastination. The best way to learn how to pickup is to take one step at a time. You just need to learn only what is required to move to the next level. If you're having trouble approaching and talking to a woman, just work on your opening lines. Once you've dealt with them, learn how to continue the conversation. Don't think about advanced sex techniques. You will soon master them if you keep adding one element at a time as you need it.
  • There is no such thing as rejection. There is only feedback. Many people lose heart and give up after the first rejection or failed attempt. They perceive rejection as something personal, they see it as a reaction to themselves, although in reality, rejection is just a form of feedback that conveys a reaction to actions. Whenever something goes wrong while trying to start a conversation with a group of people, you get the opportunity to find out what caused the backlash and what needs to be done to prevent it from happening again. If you have the ability to learn from your own mistakes, then there is no such thing as failure, because every failure brings you closer to perfection.
  • Either way, it's not her fault. Who do we blame when an attempt at dating fails? If you caught yourself thinking that the situation left no chance, that the guys who stood next to her were just freaks, or the woman turned out to be a real bitch, then you are wrong. It was your fault. It's always your fault. As it should be, it means that you are in control of the situation. So never place the blame on someone else or circumstances. Instead, be willing to introspect and accept criticism without taking it personally. Only then will you be able to accurately determine whether you had the opportunity to change the outcome, or whether it was really inevitable.
  • Learn actively, not passively. Watching matches and participating in football Internet conferences will not teach you how to play football. Likewise, the only way to learn how to be attractive to women is through real-world experience. Anyone can attend a seminar or buy a DVD and learn the basic principles of a pickup truck, but those who know how to put the knowledge into practice win.
  • Don't focus on negative results. One of the biggest problems men have when it comes to dating women is playing negative scenarios in their minds. Often, such actions work as an excuse for their own inaction and unwillingness to try something new. And you just need to leave the house and try to approach and get to know each other several times. And if such a development of events really happens in real life, then think about what to do about it. Acquaintance is not a protracted parachute jump. Here the risk of getting a real blow due to one's own unpreparedness is minimal (if not zero at all).
  • Try to understand how your mind learns. The mind's four-step learning model can serve as a measure of your progress in seduction:
    • Unconscious incompetence: You are doing something wrong and you don't even know you are doing it wrong.
    • Conscious incompetence: You are doing something wrong and you know you are doing it wrong, but you haven't been able to fix the problem yet.
    • Conscious Competence: You've learned how to do it right, and you're doing it right by focusing your attention on it.
    • Unconscious Competence: You don't have to think about it anymore or learn how to do it - you automatically do it right. In pickup terminology, this is the stage at which you become the so-called straight.
  • Be prepared to go through a painful period. This game is not easy. You will have to challenge almost everything that defines your personality - your emotions, every action, every belief. Sometimes you will be wary of meeting a certain woman, trying a new method, or changing your own behavior. What separates a champion from a mere amateur is the willingness to go through that fear and go for it no matter what.
  • Don't seek the approval of friends or family. Not all of your friends and close relatives will understand your intentions. They may say that they do not like the changes that are happening to you. They may laugh at your desire for self-improvement. This is fine. When women start to like you and you start having romance and adventure, this may not please your friends: they may feel threatened by their prejudices and complacent attitude towards their own shortcomings. Let it be their problem, not yours.
  • Be prepared to test new ideas, even if they look illogical to you. Before learning how to pickup, I considered myself an intelligent and successful person. But the logic that allowed me to advance so far in this world did not bring any success with women. To make a difference, I needed to try new ways of behaving, even if they seemed illogical to me. I said words that I thought were supposed to turn women off, but they liked it. I put on outrageous clothes and thought that everyone around would laugh at me, but this only encouraged women to get to know me. And then I realized that I had never really used logic before, because - and this is known to every scientist - before abandoning a new hypothesis, it must be tested in practice.
  • If the technique worked, immediately find out how it works and why. There are some men who are able to achieve success only by following these instructions or repeating learned roles. But superstars are those who, after a successful series of attempts, try to understand why these particular techniques worked and what makes them work. There is only one pickup rule and it says: there are no rules, only general guidelines. Once you understand the principle behind each idea, you will know when to use the appropriate guidelines, when to discard them, and when to invent new ones.
  • If you don't know what to do, don't give up. You met a woman, but the material for the conversation was over - and you just ran away? So nothing can be learned. Keep talking and even if you have nothing to say, try to talk for another five, ten, twenty minutes. Buy a woman a cocktail or ask personal questions, let it be a form of violence against all recommendations. But in this case, it's the best way to learn something new.
  • Stay close to those who are better than you. This is the most effective way to improve in any area. Your mentor doesn't have to be the world's best expert on the art of pleasing women. He should just be a man whose skills exceed yours. If you don't know anyone applying for this role, one night, instead of going to meet women, look for someone who can communicate well with them.
  • [If you are ready to put these principles into practice, but lack the determination, strength of character and determination, if you do not have time to learn from your mistakes and do not have the desire to advance in random seduction, then you can choose a fast and effective path to professional seduction - practical pickup trainings of the Dating Academy in real conditions using special equipment.]
  • Make sure that the ratio of the results obtained to the efforts expended increases. When learning new ways to achieve a goal, for most people, the results initially worsen and only then begin to grow. This is fine. But you'd be surprised how many people continue to make great efforts after such a transitional period, despite the fact that their results remain the same or grow very little. Therefore, make sure to multiply not only your knowledge, but also your results. If the results aren't growing, take a break, revise the rules, analyze what you might be doing wrong, and push yourself out of your comfort zone.
  • Finish everything you start. Most people can complete almost any task within the limits of real human capabilities. Despite this, they never make their dreams come true. They either quit before reaching their goal (and always have a "good" reason) or don't change their strategy when it doesn't work. Don't become one of them. Be among the strong in spirit.

There are 4 main pickup lessons, without which the rest will not work. Even if you have mastered some seduction techniques, but do not know about the lessons listed below, you will still fail. And you won’t understand why another girl stopped talking to you.

And all because you did not know about these main lessons.

Consider that the knowledge from this article is the basis of the real success of your personal life.

Pickup Lesson #1. Be relaxed

Why, after a date with an aspiring pick-up artist, do many girls tell their girlfriends: “He is kind of strange”?

Because a novice pick-up artist is often too confused about the result.

If you are also thinking about how to seduce a girl as soon as possible, then most likely you will fail. I am not saying that this is a bad desire.

However, you must understand that dependence on the result gives rise to oddities in behavior. You start to tense up so much that you cannot communicate freely and easily with a girl. You cannot easily interact with her, get close, touch and so on.

Your every action is saturated with the tension that the girl feels.

This obsession with the result cannot be disguised, as girls have a powerful intuition that helps them feel it.

How can this problem be solved?

You need to start enjoying the game and stop being afraid of risk.

It is better to immediately prepare for the fact that your action can lead to a bad result. Accept that you can lose at any moment.

And just start taking risks, enjoying the game.

Looking back at the beginning of my pickup practice, the biggest shift in my level of seduction came when I started taking risks. And sometimes he committed such actions that should not have led to the best result. And even then I got a positive result, because the girls felt no dependence on this result.

This does not mean at all that you should forget about your goal and perform chaotic actions for no reason. No, remember your goal. But don't be dependent on the result.

Pickup Lesson #2. Be positive

Emotions - that's what it's all about. You get your emotions from seducing a girl, and she gets hers.

If you decide to seduce her in a serious way and communicate with her only on deep topics, then do not rely too much on a positive result.

A girl, especially young ones, needs emotions. They need fun. In that the guy could throw them some kind of challenge. Make you worry.

Leave seriousness for adult women who need serious men. And with young girls, use only humor, jokes, laughter and flirting. Organize your pastime so that both of you receive a powerful charge of positive.

In addition, positive is an indicator of your inner strength. Weak people cannot sincerely rejoice for a long time.

That is why girls sometimes deliberately behave negatively (or just strangely) to test your confidence and moral strength. If in response to her negativity you start to get upset or swear in response, then this will not be the best reaction. And if you stay positive and confident, then she add a few points to your attractiveness piggy bank.

Everything is simple!

Pickup Lesson #3. Don't try to live up to her expectations

You will often face a choice: follow your own desires or meet the expectations of a girl.

And what is most interesting: if you choose the second option, you are unlikely to get anything. Simply because girls do not like those who strive to meet their expectations.

How can she make you bend under her?

At the very beginning of your communication, you can hear any request from her. It may be a very small request.

But you should know that lovers rarely ask for anything, and that her request is a test of how dependent you are on her.

That's why at the initial stages of communication, it is better to refuse her requests. Do not be afraid to refuse and seem somehow "wrong" - after that she will begin to respect you even more, and the chances of seducing her will increase.

What else can she do to make you want to change your own desires and beliefs?

She may look offended when you play a trick on her. Or start directly accusing you of something. If you start making excuses or asking if she was offended, you will lose again.

At times like these, it's important to stay confident. Believe that she should like you for who you are. And most importantly - in no case do not respond to her discontent. It is better to pretend that you did not notice her reaction and continue to behave exactly the same as before.

Pickup Lesson #4. Move a little faster than she allows

In her seduction, you will definitely meet resistance in the style of “it’s still early” or “we don’t know each other very well.”

Many guys continue to wait, persuade or ask the girl when she will come to visit them and be seduced herself.

You can also wait for her to let you. And waste a lot of time on her seduction.

But she will never experience real sexual attraction to you simply because you did not take her like a real male.

Women love it when a man does not listen to their words, but simply acts, despite obstacles and refusals. She should feel your light pressure and movement towards sex.

Every time she puts up an obstacle, you have to break through it and move on.

For example, if you start touching her and she says “No” (or just removes your hand), then continue the conversation and try again in a few minutes. On the second, third or fourth time, she will definitely give up. At a time when simple humble guys would take her rejection too seriously and stop touching her altogether, successful guys continue to break through these obstacles. That's why decent lose, and "arrogant" - win.

Remember (or rather learn) these lessons, and then you will be able to seduce much more effectively than those pick-up artists who are just hunting for chips, but do not know these basics. This means that in your city you will get more girls than other seducers who do not know these secrets. ;)

It would seem, what a stupid question - take it, read something on a pickup truck, and learn! However, I want to warn you: do not take on faith everything that comes across to you, as this can lead you to a very unpleasant place, from which it is much more difficult to find a way out than to get there. You need to learn anything, especially relatively new pickup truck knowledge for mankind, with the mind. This means that you can’t rush to read everything in a row and practice the first thing that you like ... I hope this article will become for you a kind of guide to the world of knowledge about the pickup truck.

With a purpose for life.

To make your trip successful, first of all, no matter how difficult it is, try to choose the end point of the path. This means that you need to decide what you want from your acquaintance with a pickup truck, set a specific goal. I won't go into the details of goal setting now, but I just want to focus your attention on the importance of the fact itself - you must have a goal! You can conditionally formulate several questions to which you must answer:

  1. What do I want to become by studying a pickup truck?
  2. What kind of relationship with girls do I want to achieve?

Qualitative answers to these questions will be, in fact, your goals. They will become your beacons that will help you deal with the shaft of information that is now available on the subject of a pickup truck. Also, from time to time, it's worth going back to your goals and asking yourself: what do i want?

Books, websites, forums.

If you have a goal, then it becomes much easier for you to operate with sources of information. For example, books on pickup and seduction usually have good titles, or announcements that are basically easy to relate to your goal. Some authors offer very original methods and methods of dating, seduction and self-development, but they may not be adequate for reconciliation with your goal.

Also, whichever book or website you choose, I advise you to be very selective in your study. That is, read only what is relevant to you at the moment. Devouring a book in a week is bad practice. As you know, knowledge is acquired very slowly, if there is no reinforcing practice. The same goes for forums. They are good because you can not only study problems similar to yours, but also ask questions that interest you and get qualified help. In some cases, you can get several different points of view on your problem, which allows you to choose the most appropriate one.

And if you really want to learn how to seduce, then you need to act like this:

  1. Read an article or a chapter from a book.
  2. Go practice and try to do what is written there.
  3. If something doesn't work, come to the forum, describe what you did, and ask for advice.
  4. Taking advice, again, try to put it into practice.

If you do not include practice in your training, then after a while of diligent reading, you will turn into a donkey loaded with books. By itself, knowledge of seduction is useless!

Accomplices, partners, pickup party.

A great idea is to get someone who shares your aspirations, values, or at least agrees to do something with you. It’s even cooler when such a person can become your partner and really help you meet girls, give feedback and guide you in your learning. But usually it requires a greater degree of development from a person than you do. This means that his interest in hanging out with you should be based not only on mutual benefit (since he gives you more than he takes), but on something more - for example, friendships, or mentoring (which is less common) ...

As a result, much more often it turns out that you have to hang out with approximately equals in development, which means with equally inexperienced people. This imposes a very large degree of responsibility on you to control what is happening. Because in any community, or even in a pair, the goals of the group or the stronger individuals of the group infect the rest of the participants. This means that there is a good chance of deviating from your own goals. And this is again a waste of time and effort. Remember your goals!

Training, consulting, coaching.

The fastest and most effective way to learn is under the supervision of specialists and experts not only in seduction, but also in learning. With any form of hired training, you can partially delegate the responsibility for the learning process to more experienced people. But, at the same time, it is still important not to forget about your goals, both at the stage of choosing a training, course, or a specialist in consulting and coaching, and during training. It will be a mistake to transfer all responsibility not only for the process of your development, but also for achieving the result.

However, with all the effectiveness, we should not forget that trainings, consulting and coaching are a commercial form of cooperation. Carefully find out what exactly they provide you as a service, and do not expect to receive a magic pill that will solve all your problems at once. Any training is like a gym membership: you are given the opportunity to build “muscles” in seduction under the supervision of experienced trainers, but the result depends on your efforts and discipline.

For those who are interested - our training "Successful Seducer".

instead of a conclusion.

Ideally, you should not only define the goal of learning the pickup truck, but also outline a trajectory that includes familiarity with books, practice on your own and with a partner, as well as auxiliary training and sessions with coaches and consultants. This trajectory does not have to be perfect all at once, but you must remember that it is your responsibility to control both the end result and the path to get there.

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 10 minutes


Every woman wants attention and compliments. Each dreams of men turning their necks, looking after her, and falling in piles at their feet. But for one, the art of "charming" is given from the cradle, while the other has to learn this all his life,. The “science” of seduction of the opposite sex that has appeared in our time - the pickup truck - was the prerogative of exclusively men. But this set of techniques and skills of seduction has become interesting for modern women. The only difference is that the task of a female pickup, as a rule, is not a one-time pleasure, but the search for true love and the desire to become attractive, self-confident and desirable. What are the basic rules of a women's pickup truck?

Why do girls do pickups? Goals

For men pickups, the goals are simple and clear - to please the girl and put her to bed as quickly as possible. Girls Goals more selective:

  • How to find it.
  • How to meet.
  • How to charm.
  • How to keep.

And preferably - all at once. But, of course, that doesn't happen. Only chance can send you a prince on a white horse who, seeing you, will tremble with anticipation and immediately offer his hand, heart and Swiss bank account. Therefore, first you need to understand how to get to know each other correctly and how to behave so that the gentleman does not run away from you five minutes after. This is what the female pickup truck teaches - how not to scare a man how to impress etc.

Female pickup - dating rules

Basic rules for a women's pickup truck

The task of the pickup provoking a man to action . The result depends on the desire - a short date, a close acquaintance in the horizontal plane, or a serious relationship and the creation of a family. The "science" of a pickup truck can be comprehended both independently and at special trainings. What are basic rules of a women's pickup truck?

  • Go out more often expand your circle of acquaintances.
  • Targeting a blue-eyed handsome athlete? Don't look for it in the library. For an oligarch? In the diner around the corner you will definitely not meet him.
  • Always be ready to meet your dream. Perfect appearance, excellent mood and a charming smile should be your constant companions.
  • Learn the basics of proper makeup, you should look stunning even when you run out to take out the trash - moderate but effective makeup, heels (stilettos), neckline, tight dress, well-groomed hands. Get used even at home (when no one sees you) to follow this rule. See.
  • Study male psychology. With this knowledge, it will be easier for you to predict the behavior of men and choose your own, the only one among them.
  • Be nice, friendly and independent. Be as calm and relaxed as possible. Leave embarrassment and excitement for other situations, here - only composure and self-confidence.
  • Your speech should be smooth and calm. No "nerve" in the voice.
  • Don't confuse words. Listen carefully, as if this story about fishing is the most amazing thing you have ever heard. Don't forget about subtle, "accidental" touches.
  • Don't talk about your problems(home-work-family) and their desires. A man should have a clear feeling that you are a successful, happy and completely satisfied person. And, of course, avoid asking questions about the number of your exes or marriages. It is unlikely that a man will be delighted to learn that you are just looking for a candidate for a fourth marriage.
  • Don't forget to praise the man. Men are like children, they need to feel needed, loved and extraordinary. Just do not overdo it - you should not praise the gentleman for a beautiful tie or clean shoes, you need to praise for actions.
  • Be humble. No need to put your feet on the table, sweep away dinner in a restaurant in a minute, put on a vulgar dress and demand a trip to the Seychelles. Modesty is always beautiful.
  • When communicating with a man, try as much as possible repeat his gestures, movements and manner of speech. This technique is one of the main ones in a pickup truck. Just do not get carried away - it should not be evident.
  • If you were invited to dance do not be too frank in movements- that is, hang yourself on a gentleman and cuddle with your whole body. Even if your head is already spinning from his strong hands and close breathing, keep yourself in control and wait until the “client is ripe”.
  • Manicure and makeup should be as natural as possible and minimal.. Eliminate red varnish immediately - it is unnerving. Too long nails are also not an option. The only thing that magically affects a man is shiny lips.
  • Expand your circle of hobbies and discover new talents in yourself. Learn to play billiards, shoot, change wheels, dance and cook.
  • Never be the first to admit your sympathies.
  • After meeting, do not be intrusive. It is he who should look for you, call and make appointments. And you - only condescendingly accept his courtship.
  • Do not hang a kilo of jewelry on yourself. One or two decorations are better, but spectacular and of high quality, than to look like a Christmas tree.
  • Do not go too far in facial expressions and "erotic" movements. It is enough to straighten your hair, lick your lips and throw your legs over your legs. Wagging your hips and swallowing bananas should not be.
  • Do not tell yourself and do not let a man tell dirty jokes.
  • Meeting the same man do not continue the "pick-up games". A man should love you, not your seduction technique. Keeping him with a pickup next to you for life will not work.

In theory, it all sounds pretty simple. But in practice, an awkward situation can turn out, from which it will be problematic to find a way out.

You can not immediately practice what you like in theory. We need to decide on the end result. You need to answer the question yourself, what kind of relationship should be obtained with girls, and from here follows the next one - what level of skill will be sufficient.

Theory and practice should be applied in small doses. No need to accumulate information, and then abruptly begin to practice. It is best to take a step into theory, and immediately fix it with practice. First you need to work out the basic rules of a pickup truck - acquaintance and the first phrases, then - ways to continue the conversation.

Rejection of dating should not be taken too painfully. A negative result is also a result. In this case, you need to analyze the errors. Perhaps it will be even more valuable experience than a successful acquaintance.

pickup schools

Special schools can help in acquiring pickup skills. This is the fastest and most efficient way to learn. Here you can count on the help of specialists and experts.

Before entering into a contract with any of the companies that provide pickup services, you need to carefully find out exactly what services they provide. In any case, you will have to learn, and not hope for a magical result that will appear out of nowhere.


Books of pickup skill usually contain moments in titles and announcements that will be easy to compare with the goal of training, and choose the right one. For example, “How to get acquainted on the street / in transport / at a party” or “Pickup. The Art of Seduction" or something like that. Some manuals present original methods of seduction. But not everyone can fit.

Without practice, knowledge is acquired slowly. Therefore, any theory must be supported by practice. Questions can be asked on the forums dedicated to how to learn how to pickup.

Those. after reading the topic, you need to go to fix the practice. If you can’t ask a question on the forum, learn everything in practice.

You can ask a friend for help. It is easier to master theory and practice together. Then you can discuss all that worked and what did not work. Perhaps a look from the outside will help you see the mistake and avoid it next time.

Not necessarily everything will turn out right away, but you need to learn and master what is not yet familiar. If you take pickup truck training seriously, the result will not be long in coming.

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