The inhaler hurts my throat. We treat a sore throat with inhalations: recipes for a nebulizer

Inhalations for the treatment of colds, as well as sore throats, have been used for a long time. The first inhalations were described by the great physician of ancient Rome - Gleon, who proved their healing effect on the body.

Inhalation is a procedure that allows you to introduce medicines into the patient's body by inhaling steam, gas, and sometimes smoke. Inhalations do not always require special equipment and special devices, since steam inhalations are often used to treat sore throats, which can be done at home using an ordinary flat container (most often a wide enamel pan with a flat bottom). Natural inhalation can also alleviate the general condition of the patient, which includes staying and, as a result, breathing by the sea, in the mountains, in the forest and in salt mines.

With the help of inhalation, various substances that have a gaseous state, as well as the smallest particles of powders and aerosols, can be introduced into the patient's body. Medicines that are introduced into the body by inhalation act locally, therefore, their action is much more effective and faster, since they immediately get directly to the site of inflammation, improve the functioning of the immune system and have a local resorptive effect.

Inhalations are most effective for relieving sore throat caused by viral diseases.

Inhalations are widely used for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, which include laryngitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, as well as for the treatment of their complications, among which rhinosinusitis and laryngotracheitis can be distinguished. Inhalations help with cough and runny nose, sore throat, well-established inhalations, which are used to treat exacerbations of chronic respiratory diseases, such as:

  • chronic sinusitis
  • pharyngitis
  • tonsillitis.

Inhalations are a necessary component in the treatment of a disease such as bronchial asthma.. For the treatment of bronchial asthma, special inhalers have been developed that allow you to stop the onset of an attack of the disease.

Inhalation procedures are used for the treatment of acute bronchitis, as well as with exacerbation of chronic forms of this disease and acceleration of recovery. Inhalations are used to treat pneumonia, and the effective effect of these procedures has been proven in fungal infections of the respiratory tract. Inhalation is an integral part of the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, and is also prescribed for the prevention of postoperative complications. Use inhalation for tracheitis, accompanied by HIV infection.

Inhalations are widely used in modern therapeutic practice., and their implementation can pursue various goals aimed at improving the body, as well as strengthening it.

The procedure has the following effects:

  1. Improves the drainage function of the respiratory tract;
  2. Helps reduce swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract;
  3. Effective rehabilitation of the bronchial tree and respiratory tract allows delivering drugs directly to the site of their impact, effectively and quickly stopping bronchospasm;
  4. Positively affect the local immunity of the respiratory tract;
  5. Improve regeneration and microcirculation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract;
  6. They protect the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract from the harmful effects of industrial aerosols, as well as various chemicals.

Contraindications for procedures

It is forbidden to carry out inhalation at a high body temperature of the patient. bacterial nature of sore throat and in the presence of individual contraindications

Inhalation is contraindicated in lung diseases such as spontaneous pneumothorax, bullous emphysema, as well as traumatic pneumothorax, pulmonary bleeding, cardiac arrhythmia, severe heart failure, allergic reactions to drugs used for inhalation. It is forbidden to carry out inhalations for the treatment of young children, since the mucous membrane of their respiratory tract is still very delicate and can be damaged as a result of steam or gaseous exposure.

Contraindication for inhalation is elevated body temperature exceeding 37 and a half degrees. People prone to nosebleeds are also prohibited from using inhalation in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract. It is strictly forbidden to carry out inhalations with purulent inflammatory processes, including purulent tonsillitis.

Inhalations for the treatment of sore throat

Inhalations help to alleviate the general condition of the patient, reduce sore throat, stop the inflammatory process.

For sore throats, inhalations are a fairly effective method of treatment, as they allow not only to stop the inflammatory process, but also to alleviate the general condition of the patient . Before proceeding with the procedure, you should learn a few rules:

  • it is allowed to carry out the procedure no earlier than an hour after any meal;
  • if a sore throat is accompanied by a runny nose, then half of the inhalations and exhalations should be done through the nose, and if it is necessary to treat only a sore throat or coughing fits, then it is necessary to breathe exclusively through the mouth;
  • inhalations can be carried out only when at least 1.5 hours have passed after any physical activity;
  • after the end of the procedure, you should be silent for an hour, you can not smoke, drink and eat. Smoking during the course of inhalation is generally highly undesirable;
  • after the end of inhalation, you must remain indoors for at least 15 minutes

Home inhalations

For inhalation at home, you can use an enameled container and a terry towel

For inhalation at home, it is not at all necessary to use special devices; you can take an ordinary wide pan. The steam solution for inhalation normalizes the functioning of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, stimulates the flow of blood to the mucous membrane of the throat, and also relieves sore throat. For maximum effect it is very good after steam inhalation to massage the chest using essential oils of eucalyptus, fir, pine or juniper.

For the procedure at home, essential oils, decoctions of medicinal herbs, soda, sea salt, potatoes, honey, iodine, onions and garlic are most often used.

  1. To carry out inhalation with essential oils, it is necessary to draw water into an enameled pan, drop 10-15 drops of essential oil into it at the rate of 100 milliliters of water. You can use eucalyptus, menthol, juniper, fir or pine oil, as well as sea buckthorn, peach, olive, rosehip almond, or anise oil. The water should be heated to a temperature of 60-65 degrees, and then, leaning over the container and covered with a terry towel, breathe the steam for 15 minutes.
  2. For inhalation, you can use decoctions of medicinal herbs, for this, crushed plant materials must be poured into an enameled saucepan and poured with water at the rate of 1 tablespoon of the dry mixture per glass of water. Medicinal plants such as coltsfoot, sage, chamomile, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, thyme, lavender and oregano are suitable for brewing. The resulting mixture must be brought to a boil, then removed from heat and allowed to cool to a temperature of 60-65 degrees. To prepare a decoction for inhalation from medicinal herbs, you can also use birch buds, oak bark or mint leaves. To carry out the procedure, you should cover yourself with a terry towel, bend over a container with a decoction and inhale medicinal vapors through your mouth for 15 minutes.
  3. Onion-garlic inhalation will help relieve a sore throat. To prepare it, you need to peel one onion and one head of garlic, chop and squeeze the juice. You can squeeze the juice using a juicer or gauze (after rubbing garlic and onions on a fine grater). Next, the juice must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10, placed in an enameled container and brought to a boil in a water bath, then cooled to a temperature of 60-65 degrees and inhale the vapors for 15 minutes.
  4. You can prepare a solution for inhalation with soda, for this, half a teaspoon of soda must be dissolved in a glass of water, put in a water bath and brought to a boil.
  5. If you dilute sea salt in an enamel bowl at the rate of 1 teaspoon per half liter of water, then this solution can also be used for inhalation to relieve sore throat.
  6. Potato inhalations will help reduce pain, for their preparation it is necessary to boil the potatoes until tender, cool to a temperature of 60-65 degrees and bend over the container with potatoes to inhale its vapors for 15 minutes.
  7. To relieve pain in the throat, you can also use honey inhalation. To prepare it, it is necessary to dissolve honey in water at the rate of 1 tablespoon per glass of water, heat the solution in a water bath to a temperature of 60-65 and breathe over a container with a solution for 15 minutes.
  8. The iodine inhalation solution is prepared as follows: pour water (about 1 liter) into an enamel bowl and bring it to a boil, then 4-5 drops of iodine are dripped into the hot water, cooled to a temperature of 60-65 degrees and, covered with a terry towel, breathe steam for 15 minutes. The procedure should be repeated twice a day for a week.

Carrying out inhalations with the help of special devices

For inhalation using pharmacy solutions, you can use a special inhaler - a nebulizer

For inhalation, you can use special devices - inhalers, for example, a nebulizer. With the help of this device, aerosol inhalations are carried out, which contribute to the entry of the smallest particles of the drug into the respiratory tract.

For inhalation using a nebulizer, a medicinal substance is required, which, under the influence of a strong air stream produced by the device, will turn into an aerosol and dosed into the respiratory system. With the help of a nebulizer, inhalations can be carried out using various medicinal solutions, and several drugs can also be combined with each other.

Carrying out regular procedures allows several times to speed up the recovery of the patient. This device is used to treat sore throat in patients suffering from bronchial asthma, since inhalation with it allows you to relieve asthma attacks and make breathing easier in a short time. Inhalations using a nebulizer can be carried out even during the patient's sleep. The pharmaceutical industry offers a range of ready-made solutions for inhalation with this device. To combat sore throat, drugs such as Rotokan, Tonsilotren, Flimucin, Chlorphyllipt and others are most often used.

Sore throat is one of the most common and annoying problems. Such a symptom signals that an inflammatory process begins to develop in the body. One of the effective methods of treatment is inhalation for sore throat. What is this procedure and how to carry it out correctly?

Nowadays, such a method as the use of inhalation using a nebulizer is becoming more and more popular. This device implies a device that, when turned on, releases a certain cloud. It is saturated with vapors of drugs and solutions that are added to the device.

You can use a nebulizer for sore throat even at high temperature values. Such procedures are prescribed for women at the stage of gestation and lactation, newborns, infants and preschool children.

Based on this, we can highlight some of the advantages of using an inhaler at home. These include:

  • reduction of swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat and its moistening;
  • relief of the general condition of the body;
  • elimination of the inflammatory process;
  • positive impact on the immune system;
  • removal of pain and sore throat;
  • the ingress of medicinal solutions directly onto the affected area;
  • improvement of respiratory function;
  • rapid regeneration of the mucous membrane.

The main advantage of such a throat treatment at home is that you can breathe in vapors during a night's sleep. But it should be noted that the result of therapeutic measures will be only if there is a complex effect on the affected areas.

Indications for the implementation of inhalation methods

The nebulizer is a new generation device that makes it possible to be treated without much effort. It does not cause pain or discomfort to the patient.

Inhalations for sore throat are indicated for:

  • infections of viral origin in the form of pharyngitis, influenza, colds and measles;
  • infections of bacterial origin in the form of tonsillitis, tonsillitis, diphtheria;
  • fungal infections;
  • the development of allergic manifestations;
  • insufficient moisture of the mucous membranes of the nasal passages, larynx;
  • irritation of the respiratory tract with chemical components;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat due to severe cough in the form of bronchitis, tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia.

Inhalations for the throat can be carried out not only for treatment, but also for the implementation of preventive measures for:

  • viral infections during the period of exacerbation;
  • chronic diseases;
  • professional loading of ligaments.

Although this method of treatment is effective and safe, it has a number of limitations in the form of:

  1. the presence of high temperature indicators that exceed values ​​above 38 degrees;
  2. bullous emphysema;
  3. pneumothorax;
  4. pulmonary bleeding;
  5. cardiac arrhythmias;
  6. severe forms of heart and vascular insufficiency;
  7. having had a heart attack or stroke in the past.

Before performing these manipulations, you must familiarize yourself with the contraindications. This will avoid adverse consequences.

Rules for inhalation

As soon as the patient decides to inhale with a nebulizer for sore throat at home, you need to read the instructions. Experts say that one and a half hours before the manipulation, it is worth giving up rinsing the throat, heavy physical exertion and eating food. The temperature must be taken without fail. If it is above 38 degrees, then it is better to refuse inhalations.

After that, the device is assembled. After installation, you need to check the presence of the solution in the container. The solution is prepared according to the doctor's instructions and its volume should not exceed four milliliters. A towel for the facial area should be placed near the device.

The duration of one procedure usually ranges from five to ten minutes. During the implementation of manipulations, you can not talk and be distracted. A mask is applied to the patient's mouth and nasal cavity. When using the device, take deep breaths.

If inhalation from the throat led to the development of dizziness, then you should stop the procedure for a while and be distracted. If, during repeated manipulations, the patient continues to experience discomfort, then it is worth consulting with the doctor. Perhaps the solutions have a large dosage.

Solutions for the nebulizer

Unfortunately, not all solutions can be used in the inhalation technique. When prescribing drugs, the doctor takes into account the characteristics and course of the disease. Dosage and duration of the procedure depend on the age of the patient.

For a nebulizer at home, medicines in the form of:

  1. topical antibiotics. These include Bioparox, Gentamycin, Tobramycin;
  2. immunomodulating agents such as Interferon or Derinat;
  3. antiseptic solutions. These include Furacilin tablets, Dioxidin or Miramistin;
  4. anti-inflammatory drugs such as Rotokan, Chlorophyllipt, tincture of calendula, propolis or eucalyptus;
  5. alkaline mineral waters. Essentuki, Borjomi, Narzan are well suited for inhalation;
  6. antioxidants in the form of acetylcysteine;
  7. homeopathic medicines based on herbs in the form of Tonsilgon;
  8. antihistamines such as Kromoheksal, Kromoglin;
  9. hormonal drugs.

At home, when using a nebulizer, it is not allowed to use any water. All recipes for preparing solutions are based on saline. Do not use infusions based on medicinal herbs or essential oils when working with an inhaler.

If the patient at home wants to take preventive measures, then you can simply use saline without dilution with other medicines. Thus, the mucous membrane will be moistened and excess puffiness will be removed.

Recipes for making solutions

With a sore throat, a nebulizer can be used at any stage of the development of the disease. At home, this procedure allows you to cure even serious diseases that usually require hospitalization. But, most importantly, you need to know how solutions are prepared.

Here are some recipes for preparation and use.

  1. First recipe.
    The use of mineral water in the form of Narzan, Essentuki, Borjomi. They must be mixed in equal proportions with saline, but its volume should not exceed four milliliters.
    Mineral water is excellent for sore throat, which is a symptom of laryngitis, laryngotracheitis, laryngeal stenosis in babies.
  2. Second recipe.
    Production of antiseptic solutions. It all depends on what medicine the patient is going to use.
    Chlorophyllipt refers to an alcohol solution, so it must be mixed with saline in a ratio of one to ten. Great for staph infections.
    Furacilin is prepared on the water. To do this, you need to dilute one tablet of the drug in a cup of boiled water. After the medicine has cooled down, it should be mixed in equal proportions with saline. It is effective in bacterial lesions with the formation of purulent plaque.
  3. Third recipe.
    The use of expectorants in the form of Acetylcysteine. In a pharmacy, it is sold under the names Fluimucil, Ambroxol, Ambrobene. It is good to use such a solution for viscous sputum and sore throat.
  4. Fourth recipe.
    The use of antibacterial agents is required only when there is damage to the upper and lower respiratory tract. Antibiotics should be mixed with saline in a ratio of one to three.

If the solutions are prepared correctly, then the therapeutic effect will be fast. These manipulations should be carried out up to four times a day.
Inhalation with a nebulizer is an excellent treatment for sore throats. They are recommended for use at any age and position. They do not have side effects and have an instant therapeutic effect. But it is worth considering some limitations, so you need to consult a specialist.

Inhalation (nebulizer) therapy is one of the main types of treatment for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. Inhalations have a number of advantages over other methods of drug delivery:

Possibility of direct and rapid impact on the area of ​​inflammation in the mucous membranes
the inhaled substance is practically not absorbed into the blood and does not have side effects on other organs and systems, as is the case when taking tablets or injections.
it is a cheaper way to achieve faster symptom relief and recovery.
the nebulizer is the only means of drug delivery to the alveoli
inhalation through a nebulizer is the only possible method of aerosol therapy in children under 5 years of age, as well as in many elderly patients, the nebulizer produces an aerosol, 70% of the particles of which are less than 5 microns (up to 0.8 microns)
freon is not used in nebulizer therapy
It is possible to combine drugs
possible simultaneous inhalation of oxygen
possibility of connection to the ventilator circuit
What diseases can be treated with inhalation?

First of all, acute respiratory diseases, accompanied by symptoms such as cough, dryness, sore throat or sore throat, sputum production. Everyone knows that it is quite easy to suppress the temperature by taking paracetamol or aspirin, but the remaining "tail" of the listed catarrhal phenomena will drag on for a long time, causing inconvenience to the patient and his environment. If you use inhalations, then, according to a number of data, recovery will come 1.5-2 times faster.
Another group of diseases in which inhalation is simply irreplaceable is chronic inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract (such as chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, chronic pharyngitis). In countries with a high level of medical development, most patients with asthma and bronchitis have home inhalers and use them constantly. There are medications that allow such patients to relieve an attack of shortness of breath or suffocation without resorting to ambulance services.
Currently, three main types of inhalers are used in medical practice: steam, ultrasonic and compressor (jet). The last two are united by the term "nebulizers" from the Latin word "nebula" - fog, cloud. They do not generate vapors, but an aerosol cloud consisting of microparticles of an inhaled solution.
The action of steam inhalers is based on the effect of evaporation of the medicinal substance. It is clear that only volatile solutions with a boiling point below 100 degrees can be used in them, most often essential oils. This significantly narrows the range of possible components for inhalation. But the biggest disadvantage of steam inhalers is the low concentration of the inhaled substance. As a rule, it is less than the threshold of therapeutic effects.
Ultrasonic nebulizers spray the solution with ultrasonic vibrations. They are compact, silent and reliable, but a number of drugs (such as antibiotics and sputum thinners) are destroyed in an ultrasonic environment and cannot be used in this type of inhaler.
Compressor nebulizers form an aerosol cloud by forcing through a narrow opening in a chamber containing a treatment solution, a powerful stream of air pumped by a compressor. The size of the particles formed in this case is on average 5 microns, which allows them to penetrate into all parts of the bronchial tree, including the smallest bronchi, and deposit on the mucous membranes, creating high therapeutic concentrations there. All standard solutions for inhalation, produced by pharmaceutical companies in finished form and recommended by us, can be used in compressor (otherwise - jet) nebulizers.

Drugs used for inhalation
through nebulizers:

1. Means that dilate the bronchi:

A) b-2 agonists.

Fenoterol in the form of a ready-made solution under the trade name Berotek (Boehringer Ingelheim, Austria) in 20 ml vials at a dose of 1 mg/ml.
Indications for the use of Berotek are: bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive bronchitis, especially in the acute stage, as well as acute bronchitis accompanied by bronchospasm. The dose per inhalation is 1-2 mg of berotek (1-2 ml), the peak of action is 30 minutes, the duration of action is 2-3 hours. The number of inhalations per day depends on the severity of bronchospasm. During the period of exacerbation, as a rule, the patient inhales the medicine 3-4 times a day, during the period of remission - 1-2 times a day or as needed. In severe asthma attacks, frequent inhalations of Berotek are recommended - every 20 minutes in the first hour, then - at intervals of 1 hour until the condition improves, and then - every 4 hours.
In terms of bronchodilating effect, Berotek is approximately 4 times superior to salbutamol. The advantage of a nebulized b-2 agonist over a conventional one dosed in aerosol cans is that the former creates significantly higher concentrations in the small bronchi, while the main dose of the latter settles in the oral cavity and, being absorbed into the blood, causes palpitations and interruptions in work. heart, hand trembling and increases blood pressure.
In addition, for the effective action of a balloon inhaler, it is necessary to hold your breath after inhalation for 10 seconds, which is practically impossible during an attack. When using a nebulizer, this is no longer necessary due to the creation of a continuous flow of aerosol with an inhalation duration of 5-7 minutes.
This property of nebulizers is especially important in the treatment of childhood asthma, when it is impossible to get the child to correctly perform the metered-dose aerosol inhalation technique.
For children, masks are provided in the set of compressor nebulizers.

Salbutamol in the form of a ready-made solution under the trade names Steri-Neb Salamol or Gen-salbutamol in 2.5 ml ampoules.
Indications for the use of liquid Salbutamol are the same as for Berotek. The dose per 1 inhalation is usually 2.5 mg of Salbutamol (1 ampoule), but can vary: from 1/2 ampoule in mild cases to 2 ampoules (5 mg) in severe attacks of shortness of breath (peak action 30-60 minutes, duration of action - 4-6 hours). The number of inhalations per day depends on the severity of the symptoms of the disease.
During the period of exacerbation, as a rule, the patient inhales the medicine 3-4 times a day, during the period of remission - 1-2 times a day or as needed. In case of severe exacerbations of bronchial asthma, frequent inhalations of Salbutamol are recommended - every 20 minutes in the first hour (up to constant nebulization), then - with an interval of 1 hour until the withdrawal from the attack against the background of basic treatment of the underlying disease.

B) Combined drugs.

Fenoterol combined with ipratropium bromide - trade name Berodual (Boehringer Ingelheim, Austria). Produced in vials of 20 ml, 1 ml of solution contains 250 mcg of ipratropium bromide and 500 mcg of fenoterol.
Many studies have proven the advantage of combination therapy compared with sympathomimetic monotherapy, especially in people with very severe bronchial obstruction, suffering from chronic obstructive bronchitis in combination with bronchial asthma. 2-4 ml of Berodual solution is taken for inhalation, to which 1-1.5 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution is added.
The frequency of application is the same as for Salbutamol.

B) M-cholinolytics

Ipratropium bromide is a ready-made solution for inhalation, the trade name is Atrovent (Boehringer Ingelheim, Austria), in 20 ml vials, 1 ml of the solution contains 250 μg of ipratropium bromide. A single dose through a nebulizer is 500-1000 mcg, the peak of action is 60-90 minutes.
The bronchodilatory effect lasts up to 5-6 hours. The main indication for the appointment of Atrovent is chronic obstructive bronchitis. In terms of bronchodilatory effect, it is somewhat inferior to Berotek and Salbutamol, but the main advantage of Atrovent therapy is the safety of use. The appointment of Atrovent does not lead to hypoxemia, hypokalemia, there are practically no side effects from the cardiovascular system, which is especially important in patients suffering from COPD in combination with diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

D) Magnesium sulfate

Inferior in bronchodilator action to the above drugs, but more accessible and cheaper. Indications for use are the same as for Salbutamol.
To prepare a solution for inhalation, you need to take 1 ml of a 25% magnesium sulfate solution and add 2 ml of physiological saline to it.

2. Mucus thinners

Lazolvan (Boehringer Ingelheim, Austria).
Solution for inhalation in vials of 100 ml. It is an inhalation analogue of Bromhexine. Acting directly on the goblet cells of the bronchial mucosa, it increases the secretion of the liquid component of sputum by them, as a result of which the viscosity of sputum decreases, its coughing and excretion of epithelial cells by cilia is facilitated. The drug is indicated for any processes in the bronchi, when there is a viscous, difficult to separate sputum - pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis. In the first stage of ARVI - when the inflammation of the mucous membranes is not yet accompanied by secretion with a feeling of dryness, burning in the trachea and bronchi, dry cough - the use of Lazolvan helps to quickly overcome these symptoms. Dose for inhalation: 2-3 ml of lazolvan solution 2-4 times a day.
Fluimucil. The active principle is acetylcysteine. It breaks down polymer bonds in sputum components, reducing its viscosity.
The most effective remedy for bronchitis and cystic fibrosis with abundant secretion of sputum that is difficult to separate, including purulent nature. This drug does not make sense to use for "dry" bronchitis and tracheitis with a meager amount of secretion. The standard dose for inhalation is 3 ml of fluimucil solution (1 ampoule) 2 times a day.
Physiological 0.9% sodium chloride solution or slightly alkaline mineral waters such as "Borjomi", "Narzan".
Good remedies for any colds and mild forms of bronchitis and asthma. They moisten the mucous membrane along its entire length from the oropharynx to the small bronchi, softening the catarrhal phenomena, and increase the liquid part of the bronchial secretion. Take 3 ml of solution for inhalation (mineral water must be defended until degassed). Apply 3-4 times a day.
Hypertonic NaCl solution (3 or 4%).
The main indication for use is viscous sputum in the bronchi with the inability to cough up effectively. It has a mild disinfectant effect. It can be used with a small amount of secretion in order to obtain sputum for analysis, the so-called "induced sputum". Caution should be used in patients with bronchial asthma, because bronchospasm is often provoked. For inhalation, 4-5 ml of the solution is used 1-2 times a day.

3. Antibacterial agents

Fluimucil antibiotic.
A combined preparation of acetylcysteine ​​and thiamphenicol, a broad-spectrum antibiotic to which the main pathogens of respiratory diseases are sensitive.
Recommended for tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis of bacterial origin, pneumonia, suppurative lung diseases - abscesses, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis. Can be used to prevent postoperative pneumonia in patients with bed rest. To prepare a treatment solution, 5 ml of the solvent is added to a vial with a dry powder of the drug. For 1 inhalation, take half of the resulting solution. For medicinal purposes, the drug is inhaled 2 times a day, for prophylactic purposes - 1 time per day.

Gentamicin 4%.
The solution is available in ampoules for injection of 2 ml. It can also be used for inhalation. It has activity against a large group of microorganisms. It is especially effective in exacerbation of chronic purulent bronchitis in debilitated patients, smokers suffering from diabetes mellitus. 2 ml of a ready-made solution of Gentamycin is inhaled 2 times a day.

Dioxidine 0.5% solution.
Broad spectrum disinfectant. It should be used in patients with purulent lung diseases: bronchiectasis, abscesses. Dose: 3-4 ml solution twice a day.

It has moderate disinfectant properties. The most appropriate inhalations for prophylactic purposes in patients with acute respiratory viral infections, in order to prevent the spread of infection deep into the bronchial tree. It is preferable to use a ready-made 0.02% solution of 4 ml per inhalation 2 times a day. You can prepare the solution yourself. For this, 1 tablet of Furacillin is dissolved in 100 ml of a sterile solution of 0.9% NaCl.

4. Anti-inflammatory drugs

A) Glucocorticosteroids
Budesonide, a suspension for inhalation through a nebulizer, is available under the trade name Pulmicort in 2 ml plastic containers in three dosages - 0.125 mg / ml, 0.25 mg / ml, 0.5 mg / ml. The main indication for the appointment is bronchial asthma. The daily dose ranges from 1 to 20 mg, depending on the phase and severity of the disease.
b) Phytotherapy

Rotokan is an extract from plants with anti-inflammatory properties and traditionally used in herbal medicine - chamomile, calendula and yarrow. Indicated for the treatment of acute inflammatory diseases of the upper and middle respiratory tract. Solution for inhalation is prepared by diluting 1/2 teaspoon of rotokan in 100 ml of physiological sodium chloride solution. Therapeutic dose: 3-4 ml 2-3 times a day.

5. Antitussives

In cases of obsessive dry cough, Lidocaine inhalation through a nebulizer can be used as a symptomatic remedy. Lidocaine, having local anesthetic properties, reduces the sensitivity of cough receptors and effectively suppresses the cough reflex. The most common indications for Lidocaine inhalation are viral tracheitis, laryngitis, and lung cancer. You can inhale a 2% solution of Lidocaine, produced in ampoules of 2 ml twice a day. With the simultaneous appointment of several drugs, the order should be observed. A bronchodilator is inhaled first, after 10-15 minutes - an expectorant, then, after sputum is discharged, an anti-inflammatory or disinfectant.

All solutions containing oils.
Suspensions and solutions containing suspended particles, including herbal decoctions and infusions.
Eufillin, papaverine, platifillin, diphenhydramine and the like, as they do not have a substrate effect on the mucous membrane.
When preparing solutions, a number of rules must be observed:

Solutions for inhalation should be prepared under sterile conditions based on 0.9% sodium chloride as a solvent. Do not use tap water (even boiled water). The dishes in which the solution is prepared are pre-disinfected by boiling.
Store the prepared solution in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Before use, be sure to heat in a water bath to a temperature of at least 20 degrees.

Probably, there is no such person who at least once in his life during a cold did not encounter such a symptom as a sore throat. Some people remain fans of drugs, but still there are those who prefer proven folk remedies. Therapeutic coniferous and onion inhalations quickly help to cope with respiratory diseases and colds. But before performing these procedures, it is worth paying attention to some rules for its implementation, and, of course, adhere to the dose and duration.

General rules

  1. This procedure should be carried out strictly 1-1.5 hours after eating, otherwise the medicine can adversely affect the esophagus and the gastric mucosa.
  2. Your attention must be strictly concentrated on inhalation, during the procedure it is not allowed to be distracted by watching TV, reading or talking.
  3. If you have a disease of the larynx, bronchi, lungs, then in this case you need to inhale and exhale through your mouth, the same applies to diseases of the nose.
  4. During treatment, smoking is strictly prohibited, as this reduces the effectiveness of the procedure and constricts blood vessels.

Sore throat - steam inhalation will help you

This type of inhalation involves the treatment of respiratory diseases with the help of hot steam based on medicinal substances. Depending on the type of disease and its degree, a special medicinal substance is used, which is added to a pot of boiling water.

A sick person carefully inhales the healing steam. The disadvantage of this procedure is that it is completely unsuitable for children, since their mucous membrane is very sensitive. Therefore, this procedure is very dangerous for children. But do not despair, as steam inhalation can still be adapted for children. To do this, you need a kettle, instead of a saucepan, and a cardboard funnel, which you need to put on the kettle spout.

The procedure should be performed twice a day, for children for 1-3 minutes, and for adults 10-15. Also, for a quick recovery after steam inhalation, it is recommended to massage the chest, then wrap yourself in a warm blanket and lie down for a while.

Soda inhalation . It is recommended for the withdrawal of bronchitis sputum. To prepare it, you need to dilute 4 tablespoons of soda in one liter of water.

Onion-garlic inhalation . It helps with inflammation of the palatine tonsils, and also has an antimicrobial effect. You will need to make a pulp from onion and garlic and then squeeze the juice with gauze. Onion and garlic juice is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

Herbal inhalations . They have anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects. For this inhalation, the following plants are suitable: fir, pine needles, juniper, cedar. Also dried leaves of plants such as birch, oak, mint, sage, lavender. All these medicinal drugs can be purchased at pharmacies. Inhalation should be done with at least three ingredients to achieve a good effect. The components you have chosen need to be crushed, pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with one glass of water and put in a water bath.

If perspiration in the larynx is accompanied by rhinitis, then read also, which will help to effectively deal with the disease.

Nebulizer inhalation for sore throat

There are also aerosol inhalations, in other words, it is an inhaler (nibudizer). It is used for diseases of the respiratory system. This thing can be purchased at pharmacies, of course, it costs a lot, the result is worth it. First of all, it is completely safe, unlike oily and dry ones. Secondly, another important advantage of such inhalations is that they can be used in the treatment of children from birth.

To perform this procedure, you need a medicinal substance that, under the influence of a strong jet of air from the nebulizer, turns into an aerosol, thereby making it available to the respiratory system.

It is worth remembering that at the beginning of the procedure, the condition may worsen. The fact is that the aerosol can provoke a cough, but this is not bad at all, as the cough helps to cleanse the bronzes. Therefore, it is worth remembering that on the first day the condition may worsen, but on the second there will be a noticeable improvement.

Inhalation with a nebulizer with Tolzingon N for angina

Tonsilgon N- This is one of the effective and safe homeopathic remedies that is used for chronic diseases such as tonsillitis and pharyngitis. The drug contains such substances: walnut leaves, chamomile, dandelion, oak bark, marshmallow root.

Indications for use: For children over 7 years old and including adults, the solution is prepared in a 1: 1 ratio with a physical solution. For children aged from one year to 7 years, the solution is diluted in a ratio of 1: 2. And up to a year 1:3.

Video recipes for inhalations: with chamomile, potatoes and other methods

An indispensable companion of pharyngitis, tonsillitis and some other diseases of the respiratory system is a sore throat, which is a consequence of inflammatory processes in it. It gives the patient a lot of unpleasant minutes, causing, among other things, a loss of appetite, which leads to an even greater weakening of the body and a decrease in immunity. Of course, with such a disease, first of all, treatment of the throat with the help of systemic therapy is required, but a good result is obtained only in combination with additional measures, which include inhalation with a nebulizer for sore throat. The advantage of the procedure lies in the fact that it can be easily carried out at home.

The article will help the reader figure out how to treat a sore throat with inhalation in order to achieve the best result.

How do inhalations help with a sore throat?

The effectiveness of the treatment of the throat at home with the help of a nebulizer is explained by the beneficial effect of gaseous drugs that easily penetrate into the deep tissues and produce a complete treatment of the mucous membrane. At the same time, when inhaling water vapor, a kind of disinfection of the respiratory system occurs in the form of cleaning the body of pathogenic bacteria that have “occupied” the larynx and pharynx. Elimination of laryngeal edema during inhalation with a nebulizer for a sore throat at home contributes to the accelerated relief of pain. In addition, inhalations with a red throat help relieve spasm and stimulate regenerative processes in the mucosa.

Another positive point is the impossibility of getting the components of drugs into the bloodstream and digestive tract during inhalation, which guarantees the absence of side effects. There is another important circumstance that cannot be ignored: when inhaled, even medicines that are incompatible with some of the tablets taken orally can be used!

The therapeutic effect is based on the ability of the nebulizer to split therapeutic solutions into tiny particles that evenly envelop the affected areas and cope with inflammatory processes. At the same time, they carry out the prevention of healthy areas, protecting them from bacteria and viruses, preventing the occurrence of complications in the bronchi.


For adults and children, inhalation will be prescribed by the attending physician for the following pathologies:

  • laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, epiglottitis;
  • tracheitis and bronchitis;
  • exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis;
  • viral infections, including acute respiratory infections;
  • complications after diseases of the respiratory system;
  • allergic reactions of the respiratory organs to external stimuli;
  • fungal infections of the pharynx;
  • severe cough, including smoker's cough;
  • nasal congestion;
  • cold.

In addition, inhalations for the throat with a nebulizer at home are carried out as a preventive measure if:

  • the air in the room is too dry;
  • professional activity requires an excessive load on the vocal cords;
  • the patient has chronic diseases of the throat;
  • reduced immunity, which is manifested by frequent infection of the body.


Even the most harmless treatment is not without contraindications, and inhalation should be done taking into account this circumstance. Inhalations for treatment are strictly prohibited for the following diseases and conditions:

  • pronounced arrhythmia;
  • pneumothorax;
  • any purulent processes in the respiratory organs (including purulent tonsillitis);
  • pulmonary emphysema;
  • cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • after a heart attack or stroke;
  • elevated temperature;
  • bleeding, regardless of etiology;
  • individual intolerance or allergy to the drugs and solutions used;

Inhalation procedures are not indicated for babies under one year old.

How to carry out inhalation?

Despite the simplicity of the procedure, it should be approached with due care in order for inhalation therapy to give real benefits. First of all, you need to prepare: 90 minutes before and after using the inhaler, it is recommended to refrain from eating and drinking, smoking, and physical activity. Clothing must be loose; It is best if it is made from natural materials. At the end of the procedure, you should not leave the room for about an hour and refrain from talking.

The device must be assembled according to the instructions for use. Mandatory conditions are checking the tightness of the structure, preliminary disinfection of the mask by boiling, preparation of an inhalation solution.

Inhalation is best done in a sitting position, although when using electronic devices, inhalation can be done in a lying position. The best temperature of the inhaled vapor should be about 75 degrees. If you have a sore throat, you must wear a mask. The temperature of the solution should be close to room temperature. The time allotted for one procedure is from 5 to 10 minutes, the number of procedures per day is from one to two. The entire course lasts 5-10 days, depending on the severity of the disease.

If you feel unwell during the procedure at home, it should be interrupted for a few minutes. Repeated discomfort means that manipulations must be stopped and a doctor called, otherwise complications are possible.

Used drugs and prescriptions

The prescription of medicines is the exclusive prerogative of the attending physician. Only he can conclude how to cure the disease, whether it is possible to do inhalations in each case, taking into account the symptoms of the disease, the individual characteristics of the patient and his anamnesis. In the treatment for the nebulizer, drugs with systemic effects and local drugs are used. The following medicines are mainly prescribed:

  • saline. It is necessary to moisturize the sore throat (this is especially important for pharyngitis, when the back wall of the pharynx needs to be moistened) and relieve pain;
  • furatsilin has a disinfectant effect in angina, coping with pathogenic bacteria in the pharynx in the tonsils. Herbal preparations, alcohol solutions of chlorophyllipt, which are simply indispensable for staphylococcal infections of the mouth and pharynx, are also used as antiseptics. They also help with a runny nose;
  • viscous sputum in combination with sore throat with inflammation of the vocal cords is also treated with expectorant medicines;
  • immunomodulator interferon enhances local immunity, accelerating the healing process;
  • Antibiotic agents that eliminate tissue pathologies such as Fluimucil, Gentamicin or Bioparox;

Hormonal and homeopathic preparations, immunostimulants, mineral waters with a bicarbonate composition (mainly in the complex treatment of stenosis in the throat of a child), physical solutions (sodium chloride) are also used.

The dosage of all these drugs is purely individual and is set by the otolaryngologist.


It is necessary to carry out inhalations at home when a child or an adult patient has a sore throat. But you should do this, adhering to the doctor's advice and the instructions for using the nebulizer. Only in this case, the treatment will be effective.

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