Why cat allergy is terrible: the consequences of it in adults and children. What to do if you are allergic to cats? How to identify a cat allergy

After buying an animal, it becomes clear not immediately. However, it is a dangerous disease. According to the WHO, about 15% of the world's population suffer from it. How to recognize a cat allergy, find its true causes - is described in detail below.

There is an opinion that cat hair causes an allergic reaction in humans. It has long been proven that this opinion is erroneous. But what about completely bald cats, which cause as many problems as representatives with abundant wool? What then is actually an allergen? The answer is simple:

  • secretion of the sebaceous glands of cats;
  • feces;
  • urine;
  • particles of the skin;
  • animal saliva.

It is these secretions that contain protein compounds that cause the human body to develop a protective reaction. People who have a genetic predisposition or who already have some type of allergic reaction, such as pollen, are more likely to develop allergies.

There is another hypothesis for the development of allergy to cats. If your pet has access to the street, be sure that when he comes from a walk, he will bring a lot of interesting things on his coat. It can also be allergens: pollen, dust, etc. In the event that your immunity is weakened, some allergen will cling to you.

In the body of a person prone to allergic diseases, after the pathogen enters, the immune system begins to produce class E antibodies. In turn, they settle on the tissues and act as a trigger when the allergen enters the body again.

Forms of allergy to cats

All allergies to cats are different. As mentioned earlier, it all depends on the immunity of the patient. Who just sneezes, someone has a runny nose and cough. And someone is covered with red itchy blisters. after contact with them? It can be instantaneous or delayed for several hours. Basically, there are four forms of the course of the disease:

  • respiratory;
  • skin;
  • food;
  • vegetative disorders.

The respiratory species may begin even after contact with the animal's owner. A simple handshake can give you a lot of unpleasant moments in the form of allergic manifestations. On his clothes, hands, hair, saliva or particles of the skin of his pet may remain.

If the symptoms of an allergic reaction affect only the skin, consider that you are very lucky and you have a mild form of the manifestation of the disease. It is worse for those who have a gastrointestinal tract lesion. Consider each form of the disease separately.

Respiratory symptoms can be combined with each other, forming different types of clinical manifestations. The most common signs of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and eyes. Symptoms can occur individually or all at once. after exposure to an allergen? A runny nose appears, accompanied by very severe itching in the nose and sneezing, with copious secretion of mucus, coughing, lacrimation and even conjunctivitis.

Cough is a sign of irritation of the receptors of the larynx. There are two types of cough: dry and wet. If a barking cough appears, then this is already a bad sign. It threatens with swelling of the larynx and the consequences arising from it.

Respiratory manifestations may have signs of bronchial asthma. A harbinger of an approaching attack is nasal congestion and lack of air. Later, the attack itself begins. It becomes difficult for the patient to breathe and talk, he complains of pain in the chest and takes a forced position with his hands resting on something.

In this position, it is easier for him to endure an attack of suffocation. A cough begins with the release of viscous thick sputum, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle appears.

Sometimes an asthma attack can be complicated by anaphylactic shock. It has its forerunners. This feeling of heat, pain in the chest, fear of death. The patient's blood pressure drops sharply, convulsions begin. Involuntary urination may occur. Ultimately, the attack leads to loss of consciousness. Anaphylactic shock can develop very rapidly.

The clinical picture of anaphylactic shock may be different, but the most severe is vascular collapse. Initially, the patient notes a sharp weakness, tingling in the face, chest, soles and palms. Further, an attack of anaphylactic shock develops according to the above scenario.

Skin manifestations are similar in both adults and children. Basically, they are characterized by skin rashes, the intensity of which depends on the individual characteristics of the person. There are 2 types of skin rashes How does a cat allergy manifest?:

  • hives;
  • atopic dermatitis.

With urticaria, severe itching of the skin surface sharply occurs, rashes appear in the form of blisters. In one case, urticaria resolves immediately after isolation of the allergen. In other cases, it spreads throughout the body and does not go away without special treatment.

Urticaria is a very insidious disease. With severe symptoms and a prolonged course, it can lead to Quincke's edema. In other words, it is swelling of the larynx, in which the supply of oxygen to the brain tissues is disrupted due to difficulty breathing. This process can lead to hypoxia. With symptoms of increased urticaria, the occurrence of Quincke's edema (barking cough, swelling of the face, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle), you must immediately call an ambulance to avoid death.

Atopic dermatitis is a disease caused by chronic allergic reactions of the body. It has a recurrent course and features of clinical manifestations depending on the age of the patient. For atopic dermatitis, exudative rashes are characteristic, which have a seasonal dependence: in winter - relapse, in summer - partial localization.

In atopic dermatitis, there is:

  • itching (even with minor rashes);
  • localization (face, neck, inguinal and axillary areas, scalp, under the earlobes, elbow and popliteal folds);
  • chronic relapsing course.

This manifestation is based on chronic allergic reactions. If it is established that the cause of the illness is a fluffy flatmate and no action is taken, then an allergic reaction to a cat can develop into a more insidious form. Atopic dermatitis is already a chronic disease with remission and relapse.

If cat allergens are ingested, food symptoms of an allergic reaction may appear. In most cases, this is typical for children, because they pull everything into their mouths. These may be toys that the cat has previously played with, it may be garbage picked up from the carpet, etc. Since the immune system of children is not yet fully formed, the reaction occurs in children faster than in adults.

The symptoms of a food allergy to cats are almost the same as those of any other allergic reaction. Even without a medical education, you can recognize it by signs of How does a cat allergy manifest?:

  • nausea;
  • epigastric pain;
  • intestinal spasms;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea.

Very often, in parallel with these manifestations, itchy rashes on the skin can occur. In especially severe cases, swelling of the eyelids, face, nasal mucosa and palate is observed. Edema can spread to the legs, arms and genitals.

As noted above, on their fur, cats can bring many pathogens from the street from the street, one of which is infection with worms. This is especially true for children. The child stroked the cat and, without washing, pulled his hands into his mouth. Here are the worms for you. Worm infestation can also cause allergies and manifest itself in the form of food symptoms.

After the penetration of the allergen into the bloodstream, vegetative disorders occur. The main disorders of the autonomic system include:

  • rapid breathing;
  • heartbeat;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness.

Two factors influence the occurrence of rapid breathing. The first is the body's response to hypoxia caused by lack of air. And the second is a psychosomatic reason: fear of death, stress for the body.

The increase in heart rate is manifested by a sharp decrease in blood pressure. Heart contractions accelerate. They can reach 200-250 beats per minute. It has been proven that an increase in heart contractions over 140 beats causes hypoxia of the heart muscle.

As a result of a lack of oxygen, an important element of the brain, the cerebellum, starves. This fact leads to dizziness, impaired coordination of movement and, possibly, to loss of consciousness.

Perhaps you are completely sure that the culprit of all your troubles is a fluffy lump of happiness. But perhaps the cause of the allergy is something else. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor and get confirmation of your suspicions.

First of all, the doctor should visually examine the rashes on the skin. He knows exactly How does a cat allergy manifest? so a trip to the hospital is inevitable. It happens when the patient goes to the doctor after the disappearance of signs of an allergic reaction. In this case, it is necessary to describe in detail what kind of rash was and where its localization was located. If there are other complaints, it is necessary to describe them in detail to the doctor. After that, studies are prescribed to establish an accurate diagnosis.

To do this, conduct a skin test or take a blood test to identify the allergen. Analyzes do not always give an accurate answer. Therefore, another way to determine the cause of an allergy can be the temporary isolation of a cat (ask friends to look after him for a while). If the absence of a cat brings significant relief, then it is the cause of the allergy.

If you do not have a cat, but you notice a deterioration in well-being, the manifestation of any symptoms similar to an allergic reaction, as soon as you come to visit, and there are animals there, you should also take this into account.

If, nevertheless, the diagnosis is established and you are completely sure that the allergy that has arisen is a reaction to the presence of a cat nearby, you can alleviate the course of the disease without even getting rid of your pet. What do we have to do:

  • limit the free movement of your pet around the apartment;
  • strictly forbid the cat to sleep on the bed;
  • get rid of soft toys;
  • once a day to carry out wet cleaning in the apartment;
  • observe the hygiene of the cat;
  • wash the animal's plate, prevent the presence of food residues in it;
  • thoroughly vacuum carpets;
  • entrust the care of the cat to a family member who is not prone to allergies.

If all of the above precautions do not bring relief, then you need to resort to medical treatment.

However, there is another interesting fact. Scientists have proven that those who have been in contact with cats since the early years of their lives are less susceptible to allergic reactions. This is attributed to the gradual adaptation of the immune system to foreign proteins.

And further. All the same scientists found that light-colored cats cause several times less allergic reactions in their owners than representatives of a dark color. Consider this interesting fact when choosing a pet.

Tired of sneezing, crying and coughing when there is a cat in the room? Find out if you have permanent symptoms and whether cat allergies in children go away.

Someone is allergic to chocolate, others to citrus fruits, others to pollen, but the most annoying thing is when the body simply cannot stand animals. The hope of having a fluffy pet melt away after each close contact with cats, because it becomes clear that living with them in the same apartment will definitely not work. But some secretly continue to believe that someday the day will come and there will be no trace of allergies.

It will be possible to bring home the fluffiest cat you can find, and enjoy her caress and restlessness. In fact, this is indeed possible, but not always.

A stable idea has been created that an allergic person cannot even be near the owner of a cat because of her hair, which spreads literally everywhere, including the clothes of household members. But this opinion is erroneous - it has long been proven that allergies do not occur on the hairs themselves, but on those particles invisible to the eye that accumulate on them.

The allergen is the Fel D1 protein, which is constantly produced in the body of the fluffy purr.

This substance is concentrated in the biological fluids of the animal - in saliva and urine, as well as in the skin. When the animal diligently washes itself, saliva particles remain on the hairs, then dry or evaporate into the air.

The natural secretions of the animal are also dangerous, despite the fact that a person does not come into direct contact with them. First, urine particles are also suspended in the air. There are especially many of them if poor-quality toilet filler is used, which does not retain moisture well enough. Secondly, cats stand in the tray with their paws, bury their waste products, so urine particles remain on the fur.

Allergy sufferers are especially harmed by the skin of an animal, or rather its dead cells - dandruff. It falls on the hairs, and with them it spreads wherever the pet decides to show its curious nose. With the naked eye, dead particles of the epidermis are not visible, but we constantly inhale them with air, like dust and other substances in it.

Cat protein finds its way into the human body in different ways. The most common way is through the respiratory tract. The allergen "flies" into the nose or mouth, causing a response - a runny nose, sneezing and coughing. Also, the Fel D1 protein can get into the eyes, causing conjunctivitis. Some people react to skin contact with an allergen. Sometimes we swallow it if the cat likes to walk on the kitchen table, and if she scratches you, then the protein will go directly into the blood.

Important! The immune system is responsible for causing an allergic reaction. At the first contact with a foreign substance, it identifies it and distributes the information received to all cells of the body.

After further contact with the allergen, the cells will release the substance histamine. It provokes a response of the body, which is designed to bring the foreign substance out.

Most often, this feature of the body manifests itself even in childhood, since the immune system has not yet fully formed and may not correctly recognize certain substances, regarding them as a threat to health. However, allergies can also appear in adulthood, even if you have previously been in constant contact with animals without negative consequences.

Is it possible to get rid of symptoms without treatment

Since pet allergies most often manifest themselves in childhood, parents, in an effort to protect their child, forbid him to get a cat. A little allergy sufferer, of course, does not like this situation, so he warms in his heart the hope that one day, when he becomes an adult, he will be able to get a pet, because allergies cannot last forever.

Actually, maybe. If your body has reacted critically to contact with animals since childhood, this feature will surely remain with you forever. Despite the fact that as a person grows older, his immune system becomes more perfect, cat allergies do not go away with age. The fact is that the immune system has already managed to write the Fel D1 protein into the list of its enemies and is not going to delete it from there.

If you do not treat an allergy, you should not hope that over time it will go away by itself. Even if you tried not to provoke a negative reaction of the body and in every possible way avoided contact with cats for several years in a row, a miracle will not happen. On the contrary, the likelihood of a cure is higher if the allergic person was regularly exposed to cat protein. Of course, it is not worth checking this in practice and steadfastly withstanding cough, runny nose and tears, persistently playing with the cat.

There is a minimal chance that the allergy will pass to a particular cat. You can meet people's stories that they cannot be in the same room with any animals, but their own cat, which has lived with them since childhood, does not make them suffer from unpleasant symptoms.

This is indeed possible for several reasons. While a kitten is small, less Fel D1 protein is produced in his body than in an adult cat. In this regard, the allergic person tolerates contact with this particular animal more easily. Gradually, the pet matures and begins to produce more protein, but the change is gradual.

Important! If an allergic person is constantly in direct contact with a cat, that is, he lives with her in the same room, then the body can learn to calmly tolerate the Fel D1 protein.

This only works with a particular cat, that is, for all other animals, the reaction will remain the same. You should not tempt fate and consciously make contact with other people's pets - an allergy will not keep you waiting, and after that even the protein of your own cat can again be perceived as a threat.

Many are interested in whether cat allergies go away without treatment, and the answer is quite simple: if you have not undergone specific treatment, then your body will always react critically to animals. With age, the reaction may only become less pronounced, but it will still make itself felt. Do not believe breeders who promise you a hypoallergenic cat - there are none. Any breed, including those without wool, can cause allergies, since there is no animal free from natural needs.

Is there a way out

Do cat allergies go away with time? Definitely not, but this does not mean that there is no way to get rid of this feature of the body on your own. Today, anyone can undergo treatment and learn to live with animals in peace and harmony.

The first method is allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT). During this treatment, the patient is injected with a solution containing the Fel D1 protein to make the body addicted to it. At first, injections are often made, and the concentration of protein in the solution is minimal, then the frequency of injections decreases, but the proportion of the allergen in the preparation increases.

As a result of such treatment, the immune system ceases to perceive the Fel D1 protein as a threat, since it is constantly introduced into the body. The disadvantage of ASIT is that it is not carried out in every city, and not every hospital has the opportunity to get rid of an allergy to cats.

For this reason, autolymphocytotherapy (ALT) is most often used - a more common method in which it does not matter what exactly the patient is allergic to. The essence of therapy is that venous blood is taken from an allergic person, from which leukocytes are then isolated under laboratory conditions. They are mixed with saline and injected back into the patient's body.

It is in leukocytes that information about all substances that have been recognized as allergens is concentrated. These blood cells affect the immune system in the same way as a solution with the Fel D1 protein, that is, they cause a mild allergy attack, imperceptible to the person himself, gradually accustoming the body to contact with the protein.

The cost of these procedures is approximately the same, it fluctuates around 20-30 thousand rubles, depending on the city of the procedure. However, it is worth considering that there is no guarantee of getting rid of allergies forever. Most often, it does not manifest itself for 3-5 years, but then it is necessary to undergo therapy again.

If you are allergic to cats, but you really want to get a pet with the hope that the body will stop reacting critically to the Fel D1 protein, you need to take the issue seriously. The most rational course of action in this case is to undergo treatment in order to get rid of the features of your body, but not everyone has the opportunity to do this.

In this case, the following procedure must be observed:

  1. Choose for yourself a breed of cats from those that produce less allergen. These are sphinxes, rexes, Siberian, Balinese and oriental cats. Their bodies produce less Fel D1 protein, so the reaction will be less pronounced.
  2. Visit a cattery with cats of the selected breed, see how the body behaves.
  3. Choose a light-colored female kitten. It is believed that such animals are less dangerous for an allergic person.
  4. After the animal is in the house, you need to stock up on disinfectants for floors and other surfaces, because you will have to clean it every other day.
  5. Remove all dust collectors from the room - unnecessary furniture, carpets. This is necessary even if you have chosen an animal without hair, because dandruff will settle on all surfaces in the room.
  6. Upon reaching 6-8 months, the animal must be spayed or castrated. Pets that are ready to breed are more dangerous because they generate more allergen.
  7. After getting a pet, you should always keep antihistamines on hand in case of a sudden attack of allergies.

If you follow these rules, you can reduce the severity of symptoms to a minimum. In the future, if you constantly contact with an animal, then sooner or later the allergy can go away by itself, but only to a specific cat. However, if these measures did not help, then you should not force your body to get used to communicating with a pet.

The immune system will either develop a protein habit on its own, without your participation, or it will do it under the influence of therapy - there is no third way.


An allergy to cats does not go away without specific treatment. And this should be remembered by everyone who hopes to get a pet sooner or later, hoping that the body will forget that it once perceived cat protein with hostility. Addiction may occur only to a particular cat, but not to all animals, and this happens in rare cases.

In contact with

Pets make people kinder, cheer up, calm down, charge with positive. Everyone knows about the benefits of living in a house of fluffy (and not so) creatures. Unfortunately, along with the joy of communicating with an animal, negative things are sometimes noted.

Allergies to cats are common. Allergic reactions to animal hair cross out all the "pluses", give the owners a lot of trouble. Is it really necessary to give the cat in good hands? Is it possible to protect loved ones from allergy manifestations? Let's figure it out.


Hypersensitivity in most cases causes hereditary predisposition. If you are allergic to the fur of cats and other pets, you can say with a high degree of probability that the children of allergic parents will also suffer from unpleasant symptoms.

Provoking factors:

  • weakened immune system, severe chronic diseases;
  • age: in young children, signs of allergies are more common than in older ones.

Misconceptions and myths

Most people believe that the cause of allergic reactions of this type is the hair of a pet. It is worth getting a "bald" cat - and you can forget about allergies forever. It's time to dispel this myth!

In fact, things are a little different:

  • pathology is provoked not by wool, but by skin protein, secretions of sebaceous and anal glands, saliva of the animal;
  • cats are very clean, wash, lick the hair several times a day. During each “procedure”, saliva, skin particles cover everything around with the smallest particles;
  • now you know that the cause of sneezing, coughing, lacrimation upon contact with an animal is not wool, but a glycoprotein. The complete absence of hair does not solve the problem.

Interesting fact! After long and persistent breeding developments in England, cat breeds that did not cause allergies were bred. Of course, the animal is not 100% hypoallergenic, and the price bites. For example, Devon Rex and Anisha kittens can be purchased for 1,000 euros. Expensive pleasure, unfortunately, is beyond the reach of most citizens. We have to look for another way out.

Symptoms and manifestation of the disease

The number, strength of unpleasant symptoms depends on the state of the immune defense. Symptoms were noted both immediately after contact with a pet, and after a few hours.

The main signs and symptoms of a cat allergy are:

  • nasal congestion;
  • swelling on the face;
  • cough;
  • eye irritation, swelling of the eyelids, profuse lacrimation;
  • wheezing, shortness of breath;
  • irritation, redness in places of scratches or bites;
  • runny nose (allergic rhinitis).

General well-being worsens:

  • sleep is disturbed;
  • irritability appears;
  • there is a loss of strength;
  • immunity decreases.

Quite rare:

  • or giant;
  • anaphylactic shock.

These symptoms require taking an antihistamine, calling an ambulance, and immediate hospitalization. Delay, improper first aid can cause death.

Folk remedies and recipes

Consult with an allergist. Your doctor may recommend herbal teas, compresses, tinctures, or other home remedies. If you found recipes on your own, be sure to check if herbal remedies are suitable.

How to cure cat allergies at home? Proven Recipes:

  • chamomile decoction. The tool is indispensable for itching, rashes, irritation of the skin for washing, lotions, dousing. Pour into a jar 2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials, add 1 liter of boiling water, let it brew. Strain the finished broth after 40-45 minutes. Use a folk remedy 3-4 times a day;
  • nettle decoction. An excellent blood cleanser will help relieve painful symptoms faster. Pour a tablespoon of nettle into 1 liter of water, boil, keep on fire for 5 minutes, set aside. After an hour, the broth is ready for use. Drink a teaspoon 4 times a day (before meals).

Allergy to cats in children

The main causes of increased sensitivity of the body in babies:

  • weak immune system;
  • hereditary predisposition.

The danger of an allergy is that bronchial asthma and hypersensitivity to dust (household) mites often develop simultaneously with it. Getting rid of a complex problem is difficult.

Important! The smaller the child, the higher the risk of allergic reactions, including to wool. If before the age of 14-15 the child did not have negative reactions due to the presence of a pet in the house, the likelihood of their occurrence in the future is extremely low.

The main signs of intolerance to cat secretions, saliva, urine are similar to the manifestations of allergies in adults. Children, especially small ones, become irritable, capricious. Lachrymation, runny nose interfere with normal life.

Parents should be alert:

  • sudden redness of the eyes;
  • clear discharge from the nose;
  • swelling of the nasal passages, face, eyelids;
  • sneezing, coughing.

Most often, symptoms occur after visiting people who have pets. If a cat lives with you all the time, it means that negative reactions were provoked by a sharp decrease in immunity. The child must have had a serious illness recently.

Often a decrease in immunity causes:

  • deterioration in the quality of nutrition;
  • limiting exposure to fresh air;
  • avitaminosis;
  • violation of the daily routine;
  • lack of sleep, high workload at school;
  • decreased motor activity;
  • environmental problems.

What to do about cat allergies in children:

  • similar drugs are recommended as for adults, but adjusted for age;
  • antihistamines, decongestants are required.


  • nasal sprays for children;
  • eye drops;
  • enterosorbents.

Note! Chamomile decoction will help relieve itching, irritation on the skin. Be sure to give your child purified water to remove toxins.

If allergy attacks recur, you will have to give away your pet, otherwise bronchial asthma may develop. In children, this disease often occurs with complications.

Don't risk your child's health. Many children find it difficult to be separated from an animal, but this sacrifice will have to be made. Compensate for the absence of a pet with interesting activities, offer a new hobby to distract from sad thoughts. For older children, explain why you had to part with your pet.

Preventive measures

Remember a few rules:

  • strengthen immunity. A strong body is less susceptible to various allergens;
  • regularly do wet cleaning in the apartment;
  • replace the carpet with linoleum or laminate to prevent the accumulation of dust and other irritants;
  • if you have a cat, bathe it with special shampoos. Check the frequency of water procedures with your veterinarian;
  • regularly remove wool from shelves, tables, nightstands, bedspreads, all places where cats like to rest;
  • use air purifiers, ionizers. So you minimize the impact of cat saliva, secretions, hair;
  • closely monitor the condition of loved ones and children. If you suspect an allergy, visit a doctor, follow his recommendations.

Read all rules and advice. Before buying a cat, go to friends, chat with the pet. Watch how the body reacts to contact with a pet. Only in the absence of allergic reactions, get a cat, otherwise it will be difficult to get rid of an allergy to wool.

Next video. An allergist will tell you even more details about allergies to pets:

They say that special very expensive breeds of hypoallergenic cats and dogs have been bred in the USA. But do not rush to apply for an American visa. We discussed the topic of cat allergy with Evgeniya Valerievna Nazarova, Ph.

Sources of allergens

The existence of hypoallergenic cats and dogs is a myth or a publicity stunt. All warm-blooded animals can cause allergies. The source of allergens are saliva, urine, secretions of the glands, or rather, the proteins contained in them, which are foreign to humans. Cats have more than 10 types of proteins that can cause allergy symptoms, and the ratio of these proteins varies from cat to cat. The main glycoprotein is Felisdomesticusallergen 1 (Fel d1). But not the only one! That is why when performing scarification skin tests with ready-made allergens, the result is often negative, and when testing with native allergens, i.e. with the hair of an animal living with the patient at home, sharply positive. Therefore, at the Institute of Immunology, we always advise patients to bring a piece of pet hair - this will allow you to be one hundred percent sure of the result.

An allergy to a pet can develop gradually. I had a patient at the reception who complained of nasal congestion and paroxysmal cough, which bothered him for six months. He had two cats at home for 3 years, and he was absolutely sure that he was not allergic to cats. At the next appointment, at my request, he brought pieces of wool from both cats, and when performing skin tests with various allergens, including the hair of his pets, there was a pronounced positive reaction only to his cats. The patient was prescribed symptomatic treatment and advised to give the animals in good hands. At the next visit, 2 months later, the patient said that he gave the cats to his relatives, did a general cleaning in the apartment, and no more allergy symptoms bother him, and he does not take any medications.

The peculiarity of epidermal allergens is that their size allows them to stay in the air for a long time and easily penetrate into the respiratory tract, including small bronchi. Therefore, animal allergens are especially dangerous for patients with bronchial asthma. Animal allergens are found even in homes that have never had pets. They are stored for a long time (up to 2 years!) indoors, even if the animal does not live there.

Allergy treatment

Cat allergies can be cured. Now there are special therapeutic allergens based on cat allergens, which, after a course of treatment, can significantly reduce the susceptibility of an allergic person to cat allergens. Such a course of treatment is called allergen-specific immunotherapy, and this is really the only method in the world that allows you to achieve remission of an allergic disease. Allergen-specific immunotherapy is the gold standard treatment for house dust and pollen allergies.

With epidermal allergens, the situation is slightly different. There is no registered feline allergen for treatment in our country. In Europe and the United States, there are registered drugs for the treatment of cat allergies, but treatment is carried out only for a certain contingent: circus workers, veterinarians, animal trainers, i.e. those people who cannot limit contact with animals. Given the pronounced aggressiveness of epidermal allergens for patients who are able to limit contact with animals, it is more effective and safe not to have pets.

Allergen detection

To determine allergies to cats, several methods are used: skin prick tests, provocative tests and the determination of specific IgE to a cat allergen. Skin scarification tests are convenient because the result is known within 25-30 minutes and it is possible to check for allergies to your own pet. The result of skin tests depends on a large number of factors (methodology, medication, skin sensitivity, etc.) and can be either false positive or false negative if performed incorrectly. That is why skin tests with allergens should be carried out only in a specialized institution, by a specially trained nurse and evaluated by an allergist. Only under these conditions can we speak of the objectivity of this method.

To conduct provocative tests, a solution with a small concentration of the allergen is used, which is instilled into the nose or conjunctiva, after which the reaction (itching, redness, nasal congestion) is monitored, and a cytological examination of a swab from the nose or from the conjunctiva is carried out for the presence of eosinophils - cells responsible for an allergic reaction. This method is complex and is carried out only in controversial situations.

The determination of specific Ig E to cat allergens is carried out using a blood test in the laboratory. The result in this case can also be false positive and false negative. If the analysis showed elevated immunoglobulin, this means a person's predisposition to allergies.

When choosing a diagnostic method and making the correct diagnosis, it is necessary to consult an allergist working in a specialized allergological department.

It often happens that the patient is worried about the symptoms of an allergy, but he cannot understand what it is. In this case, it is necessary to collect a very detailed history and conduct an allergy examination with the main aeroallergens. These patients very often have a reaction to house dust, which, unlike a cat allergy, is successfully treated with allergen-specific immunotherapy. In the practice of the Institute of Immunology, there was a case when the symptoms of allergic rhinitis in a patient arose after contact with a cat, but all tests for a cat allergen were negative. The allergist found out that the patient uses natural sawdust cat litter. During an allergy examination, it turned out that the patient was allergic to tree pollen, and when the cat litter was replaced, all allergy symptoms ceased to bother. Patients very often come to me for an appointment, who bring a huge amount of expensive tests for 36, 64, 87 or more allergens. They never received an answer to the question of whether they have allergies. In 90% of cases, the diagnosis of allergy can be made with the help of a well-collected anamnesis and skin tests with allergens.

Therefore, if you suspect an allergy to a cat, do not rush and take tests in the laboratory. You can use a home test. It will help to find out if there is an allergy to the cat. And if you really want to get an accurate answer and find out what exactly you are allergic to, then you should definitely consult a specialist doctor and undergo an allergy examination in a specialized department. The volume and necessity of such an examination should be determined by an allergist.

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