What are the traditional methods of treatment of prostatitis. The most effective folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis. Herbal remedies for topical use

Prostatitis is a disease that causes men a lot of trouble. Due to inflammation of the prostate, urination and ejaculation pass with pain. And the prostate becomes inflamed for two main reasons - this is as a result of a bacterial attack of the organ, or due to circulatory disorders in the pelvic area. Treatment of prostatitis folk remedies, as practice shows, has a positive effect.

Benefits of treating prostatitis with folk methods

What is the prostate in general, what is it for and where is it located? This is very important organ located around urethra. It produces prostate juice, which is involved in the formation of sperm and gives sperm motility. AT normal condition prostate no more walnut. When inflamed, it can reach large sizes and squeeze the urethra.

Antibiotics are usually prescribed to treat prostatitis. antiviral drugs, drugs to increase immunity. As well as various procedures in the form of laser treatment, prostate massage, ultrasound, hydrotherapy and so on.

All drugs, as you know, have indications and contraindications. There are no harmless antibiotics. Therefore, if possible, it is best to resort to alternative methods of treatment. Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies has been tested for years, does not harm the body, reliably cures prostatitis at certain stages. By the way, folk remedies, as a rule, always go in combination with the "heavy artillery" of medicine at any stage of the disease. And doctors always recommend resorting to traditional medicine.

The most effective folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis:

Treatment of prostatitis at home is quite effective if proven methods of dealing with the disease are used. There are several popular recipes that guarantee excellent results. But you have to be patient, any methods of traditional medicine require longer therapy than drugs, at least twenty days. And if we talk about bee products, then the treatment will be even longer. But as a result, the whole body, all its systems are healed.

Among the most effective methods:

  • treatment with parsley seeds;
  • honey and other bee products;
  • vegetable juices;
  • garlic;
  • treatment with various herbs.

But decoctions alone are not enough. Alternative methods of treatment also require you to follow some recommendations. For example, reduce smoking and alcohol to a minimum. Because alcohol irritates the prostate, and smoking constricts blood vessels, disrupting the already disturbed blood flow.

The diet also needs to make some adjustments. It is very useful to consume a variety of greens daily - parsley, dill, cilantro, lettuce, horseradish, nettle. And, of course, onions and garlic. Useful products with high content zinc, such as pumpkin, seafood, nuts, pears, vitamin E-rich vegetables and fruits.

Very useful for daily diet polyunsaturated fats. And this is a fish linseed oil, rosehip oil. Honey is essential.

A to harmful products include all hot spices and vinegar, which contribute to the swelling of blood vessels. As well as trans fats, fried and fatty meals clogging blood vessels.

Treatment of prostatitis with herbs

Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies includes herbal treatment. The most effective of them are wormwood, Kalanchoe. Wormwood for the entire course of treatment should not exceed 100 grams. First, the dried grass is rubbed with hands, and then sifted through a colander. All that is sifted is for internal use. And what remains - for the preparation of a solution for douching.

And so, the treatment is 7 days:

  • within 3 days, every two and a half hours, you need to swallow a pinch of wormwood, washing it down with water. It does not matter, before meals or after meals, it is important that even at night you can not interrupt the intake of grass;
  • in the next 4 days, wormwood is taken only during the day, at least 5-6 times a day;
  • all 7 days you need to do douching for the evening. For this, 1 teaspoon of wormwood is poured with a liter of boiling water, cooled to body temperature, filtered and poured 100 mg. Half of this volume must be injected into anus, and the remaining 50 ml - into the urethra. It is better to use a soft-tip infant syringe for this. It is necessary to inject sharply, then the entire solution will reach the bladder. And on the 3-4th day, all the accumulated pus will come out of the urethra.

Important in treatment prostate be sure to follow a diet: no meat or fish, no dairy products and bread with sweets. Alcohol and cigarettes are prohibited. Only cereals, fruits and vegetables.

Another effective remedy is Kalanchoe. A glass of crushed kalanchoe leaves pour half a liter of vodka, insist in a dark place for 5 days. And then you need to drink a teaspoon every day. When the state of health is normalized, it is necessary to use a teaspoon of tincture per week. The pain passes quickly.

aspen bark

Aspen bark is an excellent remedy for prostatitis. But it is necessary to collect the bark in mid-April, when the tree is filled with juices. The most suitable bark thickness is 3-5 mm. A lot of this raw material is not required. Only 100 grams.

First you need to dry the bark or naturally or in the oven. Then grind. Pour 100 grams of raw materials with 200 grams of vodka, close tightly with a lid and put in a dark place to infuse for a couple of weeks. Make sure that the bark is completely covered with vodka. After insisting, everything is filtered and placed in a glass dish. The scheme for taking the tincture is as follows: 20 drops are poured into a quarter cup of liquid and drunk before meals three times a day. The solution is enough for the entire course of treatment - 2 - 2.5 months.

In some cases, it will be necessary to extend the course of treatment.

Honey folk remedies

This remedy is effective even when antibiotics have not helped. Lime or flower honey is needed for treatment. It should be consumed with tea daily for 100-200 grams. And for the entire course you will need at least 10 kilograms of honey.

Symptoms of prostatitis affect not only physical state men, but also on the emotional. Inflammation of the prostate is not a sentence, the problem is treated, the main thing is to be patient and make a little effort. You can also help yourself at home. It's about about the treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies: the most effective recipes and procedures are presented later in the article.

Unpleasant signs of prostatitis can appear at any age. Folk and adenomas can only serve as additional to drug treatment enhancing the effect of drugs. The method and scheme of treatment is determined by the doctor. One only folk treatment used to prevent disease and relapse, in acute stage as monotherapy it is not effective.

Effects that can be achieved by treating prostatitis at home:

  1. Plant components remove the infection and their metabolic products, toxins from the body. have cleaning functions Birch juice, currant, elderberry, Kalanchoe, watermelon. These substances simultaneously have a diuretic effect, so they can be taken in the absence of acute delay urine.
  2. Decoctions of certain herbs and physical manipulations help reduce inflammation, improve blood circulation, and eliminate congestion. Inflammation is excellently combated by bee products, chamomile, green tea, sage,
  3. Mint, lemon, honey, ginger, aloe and cranberry have an antibacterial effect.

Home methods for treating inflammation of the prostate are divided into the following:

  • antibacterial therapy (taking herbal decoctions and tinctures, using homemade propolis suppositories);
  • increased blood circulation in genitourinary system(baths with herbs, exercise therapy, gymnastics, enemas, herbs and candles);
  • immunocorrection (use of herbal preparations);
  • lifestyle changes (increased physical activity, cold and hot shower, diet, avoiding cigarettes and alcohol).

Important! The effectiveness of the treatment of prostatitis increases with physiotherapy, but its methods are not available for home use.

For this, special medical equipment is used.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine the type of prostatitis: acute, chronic, bacterial or congestive. The choice of method will depend on this.

Treatment of prostatitis with herbs

How can prostatitis be cured at home with plants? herbal decoction recipes great amount. They can be combined and interchanged, the main thing is to understand which herbs have the effect necessary for the prostate.

Herbs and berries with antibacterial effect:

  • viburnum, peony, radish, wild garlic;
  • onion, garlic, mustard;
  • honey, propolis;
  • calendula, chamomile, celandine, sage, juniper, yarrow, St. John's wort, calamus;
  • echinacea, ginseng,
  • parsley, pumpkin seeds, cloves, cinnamon;
  • plantain, burdock, wormwood, nettle.

Honey and propolis for the treatment of prostatitis

Recipes for decoctions and infusions

For chronic illness or initial stage acute, the following folk recipes are used for treatment:

  1. One drop of celandine juice should be diluted in 50 ml of water. She must be warm. On the first day, drink 10 drops of the mixture, every next day increase the dose by 1 drop. When the number of drops reaches 40, drink the medicine for another 14 days without increasing the amount.
  2. Grind dry wormwood and eat in this form 5-10 g (pinch) with water. Repeat the procedure every 120 minutes. The duration of treatment is 2-3 days until the pain is relieved.
  3. Mix wormwood and thyme in a ratio of 1:4, add one tablespoon of herbs to a glass of water. Drink 30 days three times a day, 20 grams.
  4. All parts of parsley have healing properties. Greens are used in fresh. Infusions are made from seeds and roots: 1 tbsp is used per 100 grams of boiled water. l. raw materials, insist 24 hours.
  5. Take dry wormwood flowers in equal doses, horsetail, chamomile and mountaineer, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for several hours. Take 3 times a day for 1-2 tablespoons.
  6. Pumpkin seeds are consumed in their natural form, to prevent disease, it is enough to eat 40 pieces per day.
  7. Grind 1 kg of pumpkin seeds in a meat grinder, mix with 0.5 kg of honey and put in a cold place until the mixture hardens. Then roll the components into balls with a diameter of 1.5 cm. Eat delicious medicine need half an hour before eating food daily for a month.
  8. 1 st. l. bark or hazel leaves pour a glass of boiling water. Take a decoction 4 times a day, 50 grams.
  9. Mix 1 tbsp. l. celandine and hemlock herbs and pour 100 ml of alcohol, insist in the dark for 10 days. The tincture should be taken in this way: on the first day, 1 drop is diluted in 50 ml of water, every day the dose is increased by 1 drop. When the amount reaches 30 drops, the daily dose is reduced, the total treatment lasts 60 days.

Useful video: How to treat prostatitis at home

Treatment with exercise therapy and gymnastics

Inflammation of the prostate at home is well treated special exercises. Physiotherapy and gymnastics are necessary to improve blood circulation and metabolism, eliminate congestion, relieve pain syndrome. smooth muscle the prostate comes into tone, more oxygen and useful nutrients. Simultaneously happening general strengthening body and the return of the patient to the usual rhythm of life. You won’t be able to get rid of it quickly, but by doing exercises regularly, you can remove all symptoms.

The load is selected by the attending physician, since in the acute stage of prostatitis and in the presence of discomfort, physical activity can aggravate the condition.

LFK in the composition complex treatment prostatitis

A set of exercises

For achievement maximum effect for the prostate, exercises at home are performed with the maximum possible amplitude. To engage all muscles and tissues, movements are made from various positions: sitting, standing, lying on your back and stomach, kneeling. Direct movements and crossings are made, alternate and simultaneous - all joints are worked out.

In the morning, the following set of exercises for prostatitis is performed:

  1. Slow squats, while you do not need to go down to the end, your knees are spread apart.
  2. Standing on two legs, each knee alternately rises to the chest.
  3. Bending over and slightly bending at the knees, alternately take your legs to the sides. For balance, the arms are also spread apart. Each exercise is repeated up to 10 times.
  4. Squeezing the ball between the knees for 5-10 seconds, to accurately distribute the load, the exercise is performed lying or sitting.
  5. Birch for 10-15 seconds.

Avoid physical activity when elevated temperature body, exacerbation of prostatitis, the presence of a purulent process, irritation pelvic peritoneum, with bleeding and tumors.

In the absence of the opportunity to do gymnastics, it is replaced by walking with lifting on the heels and toes, raising the knees, swings and lunges, half-squats. Any effect permissible load on the lower part body.

Effective home exercises to enhance peripheral circulation:

  1. In the supine position: retraction and relaxation of the muscles of the anus, raising the pelvis, pulling, mixing and breeding, crossing, circular motions legs, spinal curvature.
  2. In the position on the side: pulling the knees to the chest, rotation and circular movements, abduction in opposite side alternately with each foot.
  3. In the position on the stomach and in the knee-elbow position: lifting and crossing straight legs, imitation of swimming, back deflection.
  4. In a standing position: turns and tilts of the body, lifting the knees and straight legs.

Each exercise is repeated 5 times, the number gradually increases. To get the effect, the session should last from 15 to 30 minutes.

Useful video: exercises for prostatitis

Warming up and prostate massage

How to deal with prostatitis with the help of physiotherapy procedures? Heating the prostate at home is useful only when certain conditions, it should be done only in a state of remission. Heat in an acute form, it will increase inflammation, pain, complications may occur, in such conditions, bacteria in the prostate begin to multiply more actively.

AT chronic stage prostatitis, the warming method relieves spasm and swelling, improves blood circulation, removes pathogenic microorganisms and their metabolic products.

warming up

Methods for warming up the prostate at home:

  1. Sitting baths. The water temperature should be comfortable and not exceed 40 degrees. The duration of the procedure is no more than 20 minutes. Herbs (chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort), essential oils, turpentine emulsion can be added to the bath (then the duration of the procedure is reduced to 10 minutes). You should not abruptly go into a cold room, it is better to first spend dry rubbing body with a towel.
  2. Warming enemas. To reduce inflammation in prostatitis, an enema is made from a decoction of chamomile, to relieve pain with a few drops of novocaine. The water temperature should be comfortable for the body, not higher than 37 degrees.
  3. Bath. In general, you can steam for 20 minutes, making each run for 2 minutes. After entering, you can not dive into the cold pool or stand under cold shower, water for pouring should not be lower than 30 degrees. In addition to warming up the prostate, general immunity is strengthened, toxins are removed from the body.

Prostate massage also has a beneficial effect on the tissues and muscles of the organ, and congestion in prostatitis is eliminated. But doing it at home is extremely difficult.

Proper performance of prostate massage: the patient lies on his right side and presses his bent knees to his stomach. Bladder must be filled. Massage is carried out no more than 1 minute with a break of 1-2 days. Additionally, massage of the testicles, their appendages, seminal vesicles can be performed. The course of treatment lasts from 1 to 2 months.

Movements are carried out in different ways:

  • along the trajectory of an inverted figure eight;
  • from the side to the central sulcus, and vice versa;
  • from the side to the center with funnel-shaped movements, pressing with a finger in the center.

If it is not possible to conduct a massage on your own, then you can call a specialist at home.

Baths for prostatitis

Baths for prostatitis

Taking baths at home simultaneously warms up the prostate gland and has therapeutic effect subject to the addition various herbs and essential oils. Water is drawn up to the height of the navel or slightly higher, it is not necessary to completely lie down in the water. The water is heated up to 40 degrees and maintained during the whole procedure.

To activate the work of the prostate and improve blood circulation, a contrast shower can be performed after the bath.

To add medicinal herbs to the bath, 60 grams of dry grass is brewed in 5 liters of boiling water, when cooled, the broth is filtered and added to the rest of the water.

Useful properties have pine needles. They are pre-brewed in boiling water and filtered. During the procedure, it will be noticeable that the skin turns redder than usual - this is how the warming effect works. coniferous effect. As a result home treatment the process of urination is normalized, the secret of the prostate is restored. In the absence of live branches, they can be replaced with essential oil pine, spruce, fir, juniper.

Candles for prostatitis: recipes

Rectal suppositories are independently made on the basis of propolis or beeswax. Thus, they can be easily given desired shape, they can be stored on the lower shelves of the refrigerator, they are convenient to enter.

May include any additional medicinal components and medicinal plants, although propolis itself turns out to be an excellent analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action. Before the introduction of the suppository, an enema is made.

Recipe 1. 50 grams of propolis and 50 mg of alcohol are mixed and sent to a dark place for 2 weeks. Every day the mixture must be taken out and shaken. After the specified time, the mixture is sent to water bath, and cook until it turns brown-yellow. Pre-melted cocoa butter (20 grams) is added to the container. Divide the entire volume into 10 suppositories and place in the refrigerator, the course of therapy is 1 month, then it must be interrupted for 2 months.

Recipe 2. A glass of alcohol is mixed with 40 grams of propolis, infused for 5 days, periodically shaken. On low heat or a water bath, the mixture is cooked to a brown hue. After the alcohol has evaporated, add 1 cup of fat or butter, melted to a homogeneous consistency.

Recipe 3. For 15 suppositories, you will need 8 g of bee glue (propolis), 12 g of anhydrous lanolin and 23 g of cocoa butter. Put lanolin and oil on a wide pot of boiling water (water bath), when the liquid is close to boiling, add propolis, stir and remove from the stove.

If you can’t shape propolis suppositories with your hands, you can use a life hack. Take small syringes of 2 ml and cut off the bottom. Take 3 cm of liquid and place it vertically with the cut part up.

More useful will be "liquid suppositories" based on propolis, it is more difficult to make them on your own, but the result of the treatment is very good.

Required ingredients: 50 grams of propolis, alcohol, essential fir oil, oil tea tree, fir and pumpkin oil.

Recipe. For one part of crushed propolis, take 3 parts of alcohol, put infused for 10 days. At the end of the process, 150 grams are mixed pumpkin seed oil and 30 grams of a mixture of propolis with alcohol, all together heated in a water bath. When the alcohol has evaporated, add 1 drop of tea tree oil and 5 drops of fir oil. Candles are refilled into a syringe and sent to the refrigerator.

Before carrying out any manipulation at home, be sure to inform your doctor about it, he will give advice and recommendations. The main role is played by the desire of a man to recover, so he must use all kinds of methods.

Important! Even if you feel better, you can not increase the dose medicinal herbs or increase physical activity.

Increasing the intensity of training and taking drugs can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

After recovery, it is worth continuing to use herbal decoctions and exercises to strengthen immunity and maintain the condition of internal organs.

Useful video: the most effective folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis


We found out how to treat inflammation of the prostate at home. It is worth remembering that some herbs are poisonous, so you should strictly follow the recipe and the scheme for taking the decoction. Honey and propolis cause allergies in some people.

The traditional medical approach is not always good and completely relieves the symptoms and eliminates the causes of impotence and prostatitis. In this case, inflammation of the prostate can be further treated folk methods. Consider how to treat prostatitis with folk recipes, and which folk remedy for treating prostatitis is the most effective.

Description of the disease

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate, which now occurs in almost half of the male population under the age of fifty.

Inflammation leads to the fact that the gland is not able to perform its functions - to secrete a nutrient fluid that makes the sperm viable and mobile.

Symptoms of prostatitis are:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Difficulty urinating;
  • Urinary incontinence;
  • Change in the quantity and quality of sperm;
  • Decreased libido.

Today, prostatitis is treated preparatively if the disease is detected at the first stage. If a inflammatory process has spread too much, surgery may be indicated.

Current surgical treatment prostatitis is due to heat exposure. Operations with thermal effects on the inflamed gland are quite effective and do not require long-term rehabilitation.

Before prescribing surgery, the doctor may prescribe preparative treatment. The treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies can also help him. If prostatitis is detected, treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor, therefore, before use folk recipes consult with him.

It is important to understand that herbs, insects and other natural ingredients are nothing more than a source active substances. If they are not compatible with active ingredients drugs, may develop serious complication diseases. And without preparative treatment, it is not worth considering alternative treatment of prostatitis as the main one, but as an auxiliary one, it is quite.

pumpkin seeds

Treatment chronic prostatitis folk remedies perhaps with the help of pumpkin seeds. When analyzing pumpkin seeds substances were found that are involved in the construction of testosterone and androgen, reduce the inflammatory process in the gland itself.

There are two ways to prepare such seeds for prostatitis:

  • Half a kilo of seeds carefully grind in a blender and pour a glass of liquid honey, mixing thoroughly. Then, leave the mixture in a cold place for several hours until it thickens and form small balls up to 1.5 cm in diameter. In the morning you need to eat such a ball half an hour before breakfast.
  • Half a kilo of pumpkin seeds is simply dried in a dry place and ground with a blender along with the peel. The resulting dry mixture must be sieved, the sifted fine powder should be taken two tablespoons three times a day before meals. You need to drink the drug with a glass of water with honey.

Treat prostatitis with folk remedies pumpkin seeds can be one course, after which a break of a year is required.


The plant is known for its antibacterial properties, as well as the content a large number vitamins and microelements. Helba seeds from prostatitis help to cure prostatitis, especially when sprouted a little.

Folk recipes with helba:

  • Helba seeds are crushed in a blender, it is especially good to take germinated seeds. Heat a cup of milk to 55-65 degrees and add two teaspoons of crushed seeds without a mountain. Take every day, regardless of before or after meals.


Treatment of prostatitis with the help of mummy is a fairly common method. Mummy is not medicinal product, and curative mineral product, which is best absorbed in its natural form, and not in the form of tablets.

The most common schemes for how to cure prostatitis with folk remedies with mummy:

  • For a third of the month, take 0.2 g of mummy twice a day, you need to drink freshly squeezed carrot juice;
  • The second third of the month, double the dose, take it the same way, drink sea buckthorn juice;
  • The last ten days of the month take 0.6 g three times a day, washed down with blueberry juice.

Use folk methods treatment of prostatitis with mummy is necessary repeatedly. Ten days later, it is desirable to repeat the course, and between each repetition of the course, take breaks of ten days.

Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke is a root vegetable with a sweetish taste, which is considered very useful for diabetes. However, Jerusalem artichoke is able to overcome prostatitis if used correctly and in combination with traditional therapy from impotence.

Treating prostate disease at home with folk remedies with Jerusalem artichoke is quite simple - it can replace potatoes in any second course and become a great side dish.

Also, juice is made from Jerusalem artichoke by squeezing fresh fruits with a meat grinder. Wash fruit thoroughly before juicing. It is better to make juice in the morning, and during the day drink a third of a glass half an hour before a meal.

Such a folk remedy for prostatitis stimulates in men not only an increase in libido, but also a decrease in inflammation of the prostate, strengthens the body as a whole.


Some folk remedies for chronic prostatitis are based on dill and parsley. Dill has an antiseptic and diuretic effect, in addition, it produces vasodilating effect which helps reduce inflammation.

Folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis with dill are:

  • Usage fresh dill, how effective remedy from prostatitis. Add to soups, salads, main dishes in moderation.
  • Preparing an extract from a teaspoon dill seeds in a glass of boiling water. This mixture is infused for an hour and a half, then drunk along with the sediment. Carry out the procedure in the morning on an empty stomach daily.
  • Also, recipes for prostatitis include dill juice, which can be made by crushing dill in a mortar and adding a drop vegetable oil. Take diluted with water twice a day.

There are a lot of recipes for prostatitis in folk medicine, but the action of dill is considered the most effective and curative. For many centuries, dill has been successfully treating prostatitis, and until now, dill is considered a source of male strength.


Treatment with birch tar is known according to Zavyalov's recipe. Tar will also be useful in diseases urinary system and kidneys. Known recipes for its use in heart disease and for the treatment of skin diseases.

The Zavyalov method is somewhat reminiscent of the thermal effect on male organ, his method has been used to treat chronic prostatitis for many years.

  • You need to take half of the red brick - only clay, but not silicate.
  • Heat on an electric stove so that the water splashed on the surface of the brick evaporates.
  • Put this brick immediately into an iron bucket and drop two drops of tar on its different parts.
  • After that, you need to sit on the bucket without clothes - a little smoke will exude from the tar.
  • You need to sit like this for no more than ten minutes - you need to be guided by your feelings in order to prevent a burn.
  • The course lasts about a week - you need to perform the procedure once a day, then a day of break and again the procedure. No more than three or four procedures.

Relief comes after the first procedures, since such ethnoscience with prostatitis, it alleviates inflammatory processes from the first time. After the procedure, drink a glass of calendula tea.


In the treatment of prostatitis by folk methods, not last place occupies an aspen. Preparation of decoction with aspen bark helps to cure chronic and calculous prostatitis in combination with drug therapy.

For this wasp bark steamed with water with a volume of five times more. For example, one hundred grams of bark will need half a liter of water. The water should only be boiled, the composition is left under the lid for several hours, and then filtered. Take three times a day for half a glass.

Such treatment of prostatitis in men at home is possible under the supervision of a doctor and with his consent, since aspen bark contains many active substances.


Treatment with folk remedies also includes an ingredient such as black cumin. He contains polyunsaturated acids, vitamins, and also helps to strengthen blood vessels and arteries.

Such a folk remedy for prostatitis in men does not require special preparation - just buy essential oil with black cumin and use it externally. It penetrates through the skin and active ingredients absorbed into the blood, with which they get to the inflamed prostate gland.

The active substances help to cure calculous prostatitis as part of complex drug therapy.


Folk remedies for prostatitis do not always have deep folk roots, sometimes they are directly related to the traditional ways treatment. In particular, such methods relate to magnetotherapy. Magnet treatment, as a rule, is also carried out in the urologist's office using a special apparatus. This is a procedure that does not bring discomfort or pain.

For the treatment of prostatitis at home, you can use any household magnet. As a rule, it is recommended to lay it in the perineum for 15 minutes daily for two months. Small magnets can be used to massage the lower abdomen. Cured prostatitis usually does not come back.


Folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis include not only the preparation of decoctions and tinctures, but also the use of insects, in particular, the treatment of impotence and inflammation with ants is popular.

The benefit of ant treatment is that, when biting, the ant releases carboxylic acid, which helps to nourish tissues and improve blood supply to organs.

Such acid can be bought at a pharmacy, but some believe that such drugs are incomparable with a real natural anthill. It is worth noting that high concentration acid can cause pain in an inflamed prostate, and some people are allergic to formic acid.

If you want to use the method where the ants directly bite the perineum, it is best to moisten it with water so that the acid does not burn.

You can also make a tincture of ants by collecting them in a jar of honey - they will gladly go for dessert. Insects are poured with vodka and left in a dark place for twenty days.

Periodically, this tincture is shaken, and filtered before use. Drink half a teaspoon twice a day for two weeks.

bee subpestilence

Treatment with bees is one of the most popular ways to deal with prostatitis today. Dead bees are called dead bees. Since their life span is not more than a month, any beekeeping always has a fresh bee product and even sells it.

The bodies of bees are made up of the same beneficial substances as propolis, honey, royal jelly and wax. Bee venom contains chitosan and melanin, which act as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory combination that strengthens blood vessels, improves cell metabolism, and reduces any foci of inflammation.

Preparation of a tincture from dead bees can replace the treatment with bee stings, since the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe disease is quite sensitive, and not every man can withstand bee stings in the perineum.

The recipe for making the tincture is very simple: grind two tablespoons of dried podpes with a blender, pour a bottle of vodka and insist for two weeks in a place protected from the sun.

This tincture should be shaken several times a day, ideally stored in a dark glass bottle. After two weeks, strain through cheesecloth. Take three times a day after meals. The number of drops of tincture is equal to the number of years of the patient - 35 years, which means 35 drops strictly.

First, drink two or three drops to check the reaction of the body. If not observed backlash you can continue treatment. The course is held once a year, the duration of the course is one and a half to two months.


Alternative methods can be an effective remedy if they are discussed with the attending physician and combined with complex therapy previously assigned. It is impossible to perceive folk methods as the ultimate truth, since they have only an auxiliary, but in no case a substitute effect.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis with folk remedies is an effective method of dealing with this common disease. is a purely male disease, which is characterized by inflammatory processes occurring in the tissues of the prostate gland. This disease occupies a leading position among diseases associated with the organs of the male genitourinary system.

Causes and signs of chronic prostatitis

Studies show that often the cause of the disease is bacterial infections, which provoke the development of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland. Among the dangerous microorganisms that violate the sterility of the prostate gland, there may be coli, staphylococci, streptococci, tuberculosis, trichomoniasis.

Chronic prostatitis most often affects men who lead inactive image life, regularly wear tight, uncomfortable clothing, are exposed to frequent hypothermia, received prostate injuries, and also suffer from orchitis, urethritis, cystitis or pyelonephritis.

The chronic form of prostatitis is somewhat different from the acute form. For acute form the disease is characterized by pronounced symptoms, while chronic prostatitis can be asymptomatic or with sluggish signs that the patient long time may not matter. Symptoms of chronic prostatitis can be observed during periods of exacerbations. Symptoms of the disease are presented:

  • pain in the groin area that occurs during urination;
  • pain in the perineum that disturbs during bowel movements;
  • discomfort and constant urge to go to the toilet;
  • heaviness observed in the lower abdomen;
  • weak erection or its complete absence;
  • ejaculation, accompanied by pain;
  • voluntary ejaculation.

Detection of symptoms of the disease indicates the need to seek help from a specialist.

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Treatment of chronic prostatitis with folk methods

If the doctor has diagnosed chronic prostatitis, you should not rush to treat it with all possible expensive drugs. As practice shows, folk remedies for chronic prostatitis are also known for their effectiveness in the fight against the disease. So, the most popular is the treatment of the disease with the help of pumpkin seeds, which are rich in zinc, which is necessary to improve men's health. You can maintain a sufficient level of zinc in the body by eating about 30 seeds daily.

If you undergo a course of treatment with pumpkin seeds at least once a year, then you can forget about prostatitis forever. For cooking folk remedy need 500 grams raw seeds, which must be peeled and chopped with a meat grinder. 200 grams of honey are added to the resulting mixture, the finished gruel is broken into balls no larger than hazelnut. You need to consume about two balls a day half an hour before meals. The rest of the blanks can be stored in the refrigerator.

You can quickly get rid of prostatitis with the help of hazel, while both bark and foliage will do. It is necessary to brew 1 tablespoon of the main ingredient in dry form for 1 cup of boiling water. At the same time, one should not forget that the bark is tougher than the leaves, and it will take more time to brew it. After straining, the tincture is ready for use. During the day, you need to drink one glass of this tincture, breaking it into 3-4 doses.

As effective remedy struggle with chronic prostatitis, aspen has proven itself, from which tincture is prepared. The cooking method is quite simple. Requires aspen bark, collected in the second half of April. During this period, sap flow begins. In cooking, only pre-dried bark should be used. So, 100 grams of a slightly crushed ingredient should be placed in a container with a volume of at least 500 ml and pour 200 grams of vodka. Make sure that the entire bark is covered with liquid. After that, the container should be tightly closed and put in a dark place. After two weeks, the tincture must be filtered. Use the finished tincture should be at least three times a day, 15 drops, diluting it with any liquid. The course of treatment is about a month, until the end of the prepared infusion.

At all times the most excellent remedy to improve potency was parsley, which is widely used in the treatment of prostatitis. The results of its application are the removal of inflammatory processes and the absolute restoration of sexual functions.

If chronic prostatitis is suspected, it is necessary to consume parsley juice, three tablespoons throughout the day, half an hour before meals.

Parsley seeds can be used to make decoction. To do this, you need 4 teaspoons of seeds, which must be poured with boiling water and boiled over low heat for several minutes. You need to use the resulting broth cold, 6 tablespoons a day, divided into several doses.

Onion seeds will help get rid of prostatitis, which should be mixed with honey in equal proportions. The mixture should be taken one teaspoon three times a day.

The treatment of the disease with propolis extract is also effective. To prepare it, 40 grams of propolis should be evaporated in 96% alcohol. Evaporated propolis is mixed with cocoa and suppositories are formed from the resulting slurry, which should be used rectally no more than once a day. The duration of such treatment should be at least two months.

Healing candles can also be made from a mixture rye flour with honey and eggs. For harvesting, you need to take 3 tbsp. tablespoons of flour, an egg and 1 teaspoon of honey. All ingredients should be mixed until a dough is obtained from which candles are formed. The thickness of each candle should not be more than one centimeter. Ready suppositories should be administered rectally in the morning and at bedtime for one month. After a week of rest, it is advisable to repeat the treatment.

Can cook effective tincture from bee honey and mashed onions, which are taken in a ratio of 1: 3. Ready ingredients are poured with 500 grams of white wine and insisted for a week. You should take 2-3 tablespoons of this tincture half an hour before meals.

For the next tincture, they take a chestnut shell with needles, which is simply brewed and drunk instead of tea.

be cured of unpleasant illness you can also use walnuts mixed with horseradish and basil. In order to prepare a medicine, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of walnut leaves with two tablespoons of basil inflorescences and eight tablespoons of horseradish. All mixed ingredients are poured with one liter of red wine and simmered over low heat for no longer than 10 minutes. After cooling and straining, the tincture can be consumed. Take it three times a day, 100 ml.

  • Treatment of different types of prostatitis - what is the difference

    Bacterial prostatitis

    aspen bark

    When looking for information about folk methods to get rid of prostatitis, aspen bark always comes first. It is important to collect the bark on time, in early spring, when the juice is actively moving (before the leaves bloom). You can take only one whose thickness is within 5 mm.

    The collected bark must be dried, and then crushed 100 grams, add vodka (the liquid should completely cover the powder). Infuse for two weeks, strain the tincture and take it orally. It is enough to use an infusion of aspen bark three times a day, the course of treatment lasts a month.

    Blooming Sally

    Effective for prostatitis:

    • 1 st. l. Grind Ivan tea, pour 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 40 minutes, filter, take 3 times a day half an hour before meals, 1 tbsp. l.;
    • 1 st. l. mixed flowers and leaves of the plant, pour 200 ml of boiling water in an enamel pan, cover, wrap warm blanket, leave overnight, strain the infusion in the morning, take 2 times a day for 1/2 cup.

    Aloe with honey

    There is not much to say about these products; they are often used in folk treatment. With prostatitis, you need to take 500 grams of aloe leaves (the age of the sheets is from three years old), knead and mix with 0.5 kg of honey. Next, pour the mixture with 500 ml of dry red wine. Send to a dark place for 5 days, insist.

    As a cure for prostatitis, take a tablespoon several times a day for 30 days. After a week break, the treatment with aloe and honey can be repeated.


    Hirudotherapy is a popular treatment today, which has a minimum of contraindications. Leeches for prostatitis act on the body in three ways:

    • mechanical (decrease in blood volume in the prostate area);
    • reflex (improve blood flow);
    • biological (injection of useful substances into the body with the help of saliva).

    Also, leeches contribute to blood thinning, relieving the symptoms of the disease. The course of treatment is determined by a specialist.


    Men can use soda for prostatitis in the form antiseptic. Use 2 methods of application - trays and lotions. For both options, the recipe for the solution is the same - 1 tbsp. l. soda is diluted in 1 liter of boiling water and 1 tsp is added. iodine. Ready solution allow to cool slightly before use.


    Tincture perfectly helps to cope with many symptoms of the disease of the male gland. You can take the roots and leaves of the plant in a ratio of one to ten, pour 50% alcohol. Take tincture 20 drops once a day. This method of alternative treatment is contraindicated in hypertension, insomnia.


    Propolis has useful and medicinal properties therefore successfully used in the treatment of prostatitis.

    Recipe: place the crushed propolis in a glass container and pour it with medical alcohol in a ratio of 1: 2, put it in a dark and cool place for 2 weeks, periodically shake the bottle with the contents, then strain the tincture.

    Apply 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals, dilute 35 drops of tincture in 100 ml of warm milk.

    Roots of Aralia Manchurian

    Getting healing roots is quite difficult. For treatment, you need to pour 20 grams of roots with 100 ml of 70% alcohol (you can replace alcohol with vodka). Tincture is taken in an amount of not more than three dozen drops, but three times a day.

    The tool helps to restore sexual function. For fevers and heart problems this remedy alternative treatment of prostatitis is strictly contraindicated.

    fennel fruit

    Fennel is a type of onion. You need to take 100 grams of fennel onions and a liter of port wine. Pour and set aside to infuse for three weeks. Then strain and take 100 ml before meals to reduce the symptoms of prostatitis and get rid of the disease.

    What decoctions will help

    orchis tubers

    Take two grams of tubers and grind into powder. Then pour 500 ml of water and boil for ten minutes. Then leave for half an hour and strain. For treatment, use 100 ml three times a day. Great for restoring sexual function.

    hazel branches

    For the recipe, take branches from a tree with leaves. They should be washed well, then poured with water and boiled for 20 minutes, let it brew. Properly brewed broth has a red color with a brown tint. Pour the liquid into a bowl and breathe in the steam.

    Herbal collection №1

    You can safely take the mixture, lingonberries, goose cinquefoil leaves and sage. O useful properties we have already written about these herbs. Greens are mixed in equal proportions and poured with a glass of boiling water. They are sent to the fire, boiled for 13 minutes, and then insisted for several hours. Take up to three times a day after meals, drink a collection of 50-100 ml.

    Herbal collection №2

    The use of pumpkin seeds in the treatment of prostatitis

    If you ask someone what folk ways they know for home treatment of prostatitis, many will name pumpkin seeds. It's all about unique composition. They contain zinc, which male body necessary (especially for problems with the prostate).

    How to use pumpkin seeds for prostatitis:

    1. You can just eat three dozen kernels during the day. It is important that the seeds are without additives - salt, spices. Should not be taken on an empty stomach. From 30 seeds a man receives daily dose zinc.
    2. You can make a sweet mixture from pumpkin seeds. Twist 0.5 kg of peeled seeds in a meat grinder and add 200 ml of honey. Mix everything and form sweets. Store in the refrigerator and eat up to ten pieces of sweet balls during the day. It is important to dissolve them in the mouth, and not swallow quickly.


    The use of parsley in the treatment of prostatitis:

    • chop two large spoons of parsley roots and pour 0.2 liters of boiling water. Leave to cool completely, and then drink 100 ml as a carminative;
    • two large spoons of parsley seeds pour 0.2 liters of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes and let cool. The broth is taken in a large spoon up to 6 times a day;
    • a small spoonful of crushed seeds insist in a glass of water for a day. Take 50 ml up to four times a day in the treatment and prevention of prostatitis.


    Fresh juices for prostatitis:

    1. The juice of fresh radish or horseradish is excellent remedy treatment and prevention male disease. It is enough to drink two large spoons of any of the proposed juices three times a day.
    2. Asparagus juice is great for eliminating the symptoms of prostatitis. It can be drunk without restrictions. It is recommended to take at least 600 ml per day.

    Recommendations of doctors in the treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies

    Of course, any doctor will say that alternative treatment methods must be coordinated with him. But you should not be afraid of this, often doctors support such treatment and prevention options. Moreover, they even prescribe additional enemas. You can find out who to contact in our article.

    Doctors do not deny the fact that many plants have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect on the human body. They advise lingonberries,

    In antibiotic treatment, preference is given to fluoroquinolones and macrolides, since it is they who are able to accumulate in the required concentration in the tissues of the prostate:

    1. Fluoroquinolones - Levofloxacin (Eleflox), Ciprofloxacin (Cifran), Ofloxacin (Ofloxin).
    2. Macrolides - Azithromycin (Sumamed), Clarithromycin (Fromilid).
    3. Less commonly used are penicillins (Augmentin, Amoxislav), cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone, Suprax), tetracyclines (Unidox Solutab).


    Candles for the treatment of prostatitis have the following properties: relieve pain ( nonsteroidal drugs), relieve spasms (based on papaverine), eliminate the inflammatory process (contain an antibiotic). The most popular and effective:

    • Vitaprost (relieves inflammation and swelling);
    • Ichthyol (used for relapses of the chronic form);
    • Diclofenac (pain reliever, eliminates inflammation and swelling);
    • Voltaren (has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects).

    Therapy for prostatitis in men is based on physiotherapy. To date, there are many devices that can be used not only in clinics, but also at home:

    • Vitafon (vibrocaustic device);
    • Almag 01 (magnetotherapy);
    • Electron, Darsonval (electrical medical devices);
    • Lapwing;
    • Mavit;
    • Prostam.

    Each of the devices has general contraindications- exacerbation chronic disease, proctitis, prostate tuberculosis, malignant tumor in the intestine or prostate.

    Magnet treatment

    Magnetic therapy is often used to treat prostatitis. The procedure is performed before a night's sleep, the magnet is placed on the perineum. The method reduces pain and inflammation.

    These are common and recognized by many doctors methods of treating prostatitis at home with folk remedies. When choosing a therapy, it is important to coordinate it with the doctor so that alternative treatment does not interfere traditional methods. Complex action on the body accelerates recovery.

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