Reasons to give up bad habits. Rejection of bad habits

Sometimes it seems that "willpower" is such a gift from God, which either exists or not. Like dimples on the cheeks or a mole. And if you don't have it - well, brother, I'm sorry, out of luck. Suffer and look at those who succeeded ...

Addictions and habits, from which we periodically feel sick to live, are extremely diverse. This is not necessarily something serious - you can also suffer from the fact that you just can’t unlearn reading while eating or hanging on the phone for hours.

The moment when we decide to stop it is usually simple and artless. You just decide one day to stop "eating cactus" with inspiration and start running, going to the gym, eating healthy food and throwing all the cigarettes out of the house. The motives can be different: from taking yourself "weakly" to the desire to fasten a button on a new dress. Many give up something just for the sake of interest: How would I look and feel if...

... stop overeating


"To be honest, the saying "there is strength, there is will, but there is no willpower"- a great excuse, which is very convenient to live with, until there is a big and weighty incentive in the literal sense.

Somehow I got 20 kg over the winter. Naturally, she noticed that the old clothes had become cramped, but she considered that this was so, temporarily. And she continued on with great pleasure to crush potatoes with meatballs and other joys at night looking.

And then a friend came (here it is important to note - a very good friend, whom the hand will not rise to beat), looked at me, led me to the mirror and so tactfully: “Look what you have become? You've got a belly!" And then it dawned on me: he was able to say this, while others see the same thing, but keep quiet ...

And then it was no longer up to the search for "willpower", then I had to radically change something. The first thing I did - canceled snacks after seven in the evening and began to halve all her portions. I can’t say that it was very difficult - I understood why I was doing all this.

As a result, by the summer (in about 5 months) I lost 15 kg. The same thing happened with smoking: I threw it five times. And every time I was shaking - I was angry, psychotic, I thought about cigarettes all the time. BUT somehow sat down and decided that it was time to change for the better- I have more children to give birth. And just threw the cigarettes in the trash. In physical terms, for about a week I was constantly tormented by thirst, then it passed. I didn’t want to yell at anyone, I didn’t want to seize the lack of nicotine either - again, I had a clear idea in my head why and for what all this was needed.


“Somehow I quit smoking easily and unexpectedly two months ago. One fine Monday I came out of training and for the first time did not want to smoke. Before that, I drank a couple of sips of pure water, and this freshness did not allow me to spoil everything with a cigarette. I didn’t have any, and the desire to buy them also disappeared somewhere.So I didn’t smoke for a week, a second, then just out of interest I tried to smoke a cigarette: a couple of puffs - and that’s it, I don’t feel like it. It's been two months now that I haven't smoked. Maybe I won't at all. I myself don’t understand how it happened - before, all attempts to quit smoking were like torture, but now once - that’s all, I don’t want to. And I answer others.

... stop drinking alcohol


"Quitting smoking is easy. I've quit a hundred times already!" I quit smoking for the first time in 2007: after reading the widely acclaimed book by Allen Carr, The Easy Way to Quit Smoking. It took six months. But the realization that "quitting smoking is easy" remained. The second attempt was made a year later - and for six years now I feel great without cigarettes. Boasted about it before. Now there is no. Just one day I saw a poster with a dialogue:

- I quit smoking. Are you weak?

- I didn't start. And you were weak ?

This year, right after the New Year holidays, I decided to test my willpower and give up alcohol.

I can't say that I had problems with it. No, I didn't abuse it. But a couple of beers a week have already become the norm. I also saw nothing wrong with going to the store the next morning after a stormy Friday evening for a bottle of cold foamy "medicine". It didn't happen often, but it did happen.

I decided to "tie up" in much the same way as it happens after another stormy party: "That's it! I don't drink anymore!" Only this time seriously. And, in order to simplify my task, I set limits: I don’t use for exactly a year. This creates the feeling that there is an ultimate goal that you are approaching every day. In addition, I stimulated myself by arguing with several people for money: I bet that I could hold out. He voiced his position to many friends. Especially those in whose eyes one would not want to look like a weak spirit or word.

And so far I really like what is happening. Moreover, as it turned out, you can not drink and feel great at all "traditionally alcoholic" events like birthdays, alumni meetings, barbecues outside the city, etc. I am more and more inclined to believe that after a year I will prolong this "abstinence". Or maybe I'll grow to absolute failure :)

Such self-restraint entails a whole bunch of free time and, naturally, money. Money is still being spent, but now in more useful areas: for sports, hobbies, interesting books, improving everyday life...

I am satisfied. A healthy lifestyle is great! I recommend!"

... stop smoking


“I quit smoking after 5 years of being a smoker. Why did I quit? Well, of course: all smokers want to quit smoking! The reasons for this are clear even to a baby - damage to health and budget, a terrible stench, the illusion of relief and a million more bad things. At the same time, there is zero good .

I started and finished by reading Allen Carr's book The Easy Way to Quit Smoking. This is the most efficient way known to me today.

One of the requirements of Carr's technology is to state your intention publicly so that there is less temptation to "jump off". Also, my "support group" was made up of friends, a girl and other sympathizers.

Were there any disruptions or violations? Were. I read the book three times and quit for good only after the third. Up to this point, both boredom and, conversely, noisy companies, personal dramas, parties, and academic difficulties provoked a return to smelly addiction.

But As a result, I have not smoked for 5 years. And I constantly try to convey to others the idea that quitting smoking is very simple. I plan to never smoke again.

Perhaps I will say banal things, but the key factor in the fight against addiction is sincerity, true awareness of the desire to win and powerful motivation. Without this, perhaps it is better not to start fighting, because after the defeat it will be even worse. However, the ability to not despair after defeats and start a new attempt as soon as possible can be useful. The road will be mastered by the walking, and not going to go, remember this.

Separately, about smoking: guys, no matter how skeptical you are about Carr and his creation, but if you really want to quit smoking, try the book. One, two, three - you will not lose, and the likelihood that she will help is quite high.

...I will stop eating after 18.00 and give up sweets, the word "I hate" and monitoring stupid people's Facebook accounts


“In terms of eating habits, there are plenty of rejections. I stopped eating meat four years ago, decided not to eat after six last summer, and about three months ago I gave up sweets.

Psychological refusals may seem strange to someone, but for me they are very effective: for about six months I don’t go to social media profiles of people who cause me negative emotions (and sometimes, as a preventive measure, I generally refuse social networks for a week or two, getting rid of thus from white noise) and avoid the word "hate" in written and spoken language.

As a result: there were no misfires with meat, isolated incidents happen with food after 18.00 and sweets. During the year, she "hated" loudly and everywhere only the Minsk flayer, who maimed animals, and only someone from the environment can force to go to the profile of a person from whom the eye twitches, which is extremely rare.

Why did you decide to give up what you listed? With meat, everything is obvious - I do not eat those with whom I am friends. And it is strange that I, adoring animals since childhood, came to this only four years ago, as well as to the maximum rejection of genuine leather products. I have not felt any discomfort during these years, although I will not dissemble - I have never liked meat. Nails, hair, joints - everything is in excellent condition, the only thing that makes you feel worse is lack of sleep.

From the habit of looking into the refrigerator after six refused immediately. An unpredictable work schedule, a sufficient number of evening activities (again, at work) did not contribute to this diet. But, alas, my body, as it turned out, does not understand another language and does not recognize half measures. No matter how I limited myself during the day, the food "looking at night" made itself felt both on the sides and on the hips.

I tried to refuse food after six, flour and sweet for two weeks + minimal physical activity from the series "30 squats, 60 presses" - minus five kilograms. After that, returning to nighttime eating seems to be ugly, even in relation to yourself :)

The reason for giving up sweets is the desire to maintain a figure and, most importantly, skin in good condition. Three months without sweets became a real hell. Sweet is what I love, sweet is all I want, all I need is sweet. In addition, as it turned out, the whole world works for the sweet tooth! Fast food chains offer us cherry pies, waiters insistently recommend dessert for cappuccino, and there is an abundance of everything you can’t have near the checkout in the hypermarket. She became very irritable, could not look at friends who unobtrusively order cheesecake in a cafe. But gradually I began to get used to it, and the result, which is also visible on the face, contributes. Now I replace sweets with dried fruits (especially good at "replacing" figs) and nuts.

I stopped going to women who make me suspicious/jealousy/negative emotions about six months ago, when I realized that this can only destroy my psyche and relationships with another person (having thought of half of what is not and will not be), but in no way do not influence the situation in a positive way and do not turn it in your favor.

But the word "hate" has disappeared from my vocabulary in connection with my ideas about faith. I am not a religious person, so I follow only my inner instinct about what is good and what is bad, what is possible and what is not. Somehow I clearly understood: to hate is bad and impossible. This is destructive in its purest form. And it works, in the most direct sense, but only against you.

Did you talk about your decisions out loud? No: I hate to advertise my decisions. In the case of vegetarianism, this generally looks like a frank mainstream. And as for the refusal of gluttony after 6 and sweets - I really appreciate myself and I know that I can break loose. So it's definitely not worth making a public phenomenon out of this. I warned my friends not to try to communicate with me on this topic that I didn’t go on the Internet to objectionable ladies - the warning did not work. Well, the fact that I won’t “hate” anymore, I just said to myself - and this is the strongest, simple cement promise.

Due to the fact that I didn’t tell anyone anything, I didn’t have a “support group”. Friends found out about my new habits after the fact. They were very surprised, tried to convince that it was superfluous, and to lead astray. But this rarely happens objectively. I allow myself to go into all serious trouble for exactly one day, the next I punish myself with physical exertion.

The results I have achieved so far inspire me. During this time, I became a much healthier, balanced and beautiful - what is there - person. Periodically breaking down, I already know that it will get worse and it will take time and effort to return to the set bar. Therefore, I try to turn the rejection of bad habits for me into a style of my life. Because it's really worth it.

I love freedom very much. Much stronger than chocolate brownies and gossip with girlfriends. It was this desire - the desire to be completely free - that was and is the main incentive for me.

As soon as you realize that you are becoming a slave to something / someone, you need to tell yourself "stop!". Having gone through a period of withdrawal, you only wonder why it took so long to come to things that are now obvious. Free time appears out of nowhere, good health, new interests. One has only to kill a big nehochuha in oneself (or vice versa, hochuhu :) - and here it is, the door has opened!"

What bad habits have you ever given up?

Elizabeth Babanova

Think for a few seconds about your lifestyle. Surely you have habits that contribute to good health (brushing your teeth twice a day, exercising regularly, maintaining your posture), and there are also those that you have struggled with unsuccessfully for many years. In this article, we will look at what methods and ways to get rid of bad habits will work effectively.

How to get rid of bad habits?

Giving up bad habits will make you feel free. What habits do you want to get rid of? Which of them poison your life, which lead to a loss of self-respect and self-confidence? Which of them undermine your reputation as a decent and strong person?

Do you remember if you had bad habits that you were able to get rid of? How did you manage to get rid of those bad habits? And what helped you to eradicate some negative habits, while others, no matter how hard you try, continue to rule over you?

Do not know? There is a hint: the joy of victory and the feeling of independence exceeded the pleasure that you received from the bad habit.

For example, if you stopped eating sweets, it's because the pleasure of feeling great and looking stunning is higher than enjoying sweets and cakes. Giving up the bad habit of stuffing rolls and chocolate into yourself led to a positive result that you were satisfied with.

And vice versa, when a bad habit owned you, you got the maximum pleasure from it and it was much more comfortable with it than without it. Every time you wondered “How to get rid of a bad habit”, you could not overpower yourself.

As everyone's favorite Sherlock Holmes said, this is elementary.

But really - if a person does not quit smoking, then smoking gives him more pleasure than freedom from this addiction.

If you cannot bring your finances back to normal (analyze the family budget, determine where you have an unreasonable “leakage” of money), then this activity will bring you more inconvenience than satisfaction from the result.

And so it is with every manifestation of bad habits in our lives.

Let's look at a few more examples.

How to get rid of the bad habit of overeating?

Let's say you want to lose 5 kilograms, but often overeat. How to get rid of such a bad habit and start a healthy lifestyle?

To fulfill this dream, you must sacrifice something - either sweet and starchy foods, or stop eating altogether.

But only when your desire to be more beautiful and feel more energetic and self-confident overcomes the desire to satisfy your weaknesses, you can overcome the desire to enjoy food and get rid of the bad habit of overeating forever.

How to get rid of the habit of following passion?

Imagine that you are a woman, and you are seduced by the man of your dreams, who, by the will of “evil fate”, turns out to be married. Prevention of such a bad habit (following passion) is to have for yourself a stronger argument “against” temptation than “for”.

Such an argument may be the desire to create your own family, the desire to follow spiritual laws or a simple human rule “do not treat others the way you do not want to be treated you.”

A person who is able to understand the illusory nature of such a situation and see its bleak consequences will find the strength to overcome instinct.


One of my most destructive habits is heightened emotionality, which sometimes manifests itself in a negative form.

For many years I watched how this emotionality harms me and constantly thought about how to permanently get rid of the bad habits of lashing out at others and raising my voice.

And, despite the fact that sometimes I really want to lay responsibility for such a quality of character on education, on a horoscope (they say, lions are very passionate personalities) or on an environment that constantly injures me with something (read - unnerving), but ... First the step to change your life, as you know, is the ability to take responsibility for all your actions and emotions.

And in the case when I give vent to my feelings, I have to invest even more spiritual energy in correcting the situation, in smoothing out conflicts that could have been avoided, if my head were a little colder, and my character would not be so quick-tempered.

Negative emotionality also does not lead to anything good in business and, of course, does not please close people at all, therefore, among my refusals from bad habits, I planned to say goodbye to this character trait, which caused me a lot of inconvenience.

Naturally, each of us can find a lot of reasons why we have the right to offend this or that person. But deep down we always know that an eye for an eye will make this world blind. Therefore, it is necessary to treat increased emotionality as a bad habit.

And for women, all the more, there is no more valuable quality than the ability to avoid conflicts and “love your neighbors”, despite all their imperfections.

The turning point came for me when I succumbed to my feelings and caused great pain to someone dear to me. This was the last straw in order to reconsider the relationship to my emotions and start serious work in this direction.

How do I get rid of this bad habit? I imagined what would happen to me if I did not curb this habit, and imagined all the consequences in an exaggerated form.

In my imaginary picture, I found myself completely alone, an offended and angry person, from whom all close people turned away. Because at some point in my life I could not restrain myself and did not try to understand their position, did not forgive them for offending me, and gave them back because they, without realizing it, hurt me.

From this picture, my heart ached, I became afraid and bitter about what my life would become if I did not learn to forgive and accept the shortcomings of other people.

The pain from the consequences of unbridled anger became unbearable for me, and at that moment I had a breakthrough in consciousness - a decisive desire appeared in me to get rid of this terrible habit that destroys me and my life.

I saw how much my life will become brighter, happier, happier and more prosperous if my emotionality ceases to own me.

From that moment on, a new life began for me. I became more calm and gentle, I began to rise above criticism and resentment more often.

However, this does not mean that sometimes, when I am in a weak emotional state, this habit does not periodically pop up. Destructive habits appear just when we feel bad, and we are too weak to “fight” with them.

But in general, I managed to reduce my negative reactions by 70-80%. And this is a significant victory over their weaknesses.

Many people ask the question “How to get rid of a bad habit forever”, but I personally don’t know a single person who was able to 100% defeat any long-term bad habit, so I can’t say that if you decide one day to get rid of something Well, it won't train your willpower over and over again.

Sometimes you will stumble, and for a while your weakness will return to your life again, but remember that the prevention of bad habits is the cultivation of willpower - not a one-day exercise, but regular training to gain endurance and strength.


Right now, take one of your worst habits and imagine what would happen if it took over completely.

If this is overeating, imagine that you weigh 200 kg and cannot move. You will immediately want to lead a healthy lifestyle, and giving up bad habits will be its natural consequence.

If you smoke, imagine that you have throat cancer, a disease that a huge percentage of smokers get after decades of smoking. Imagine that your children and grandchildren have to take care of you, pay for your operations and visit you in the hospital because you didn’t pull yourself together in time and didn’t think one day about how to permanently get rid of the bad habits of inhaling a cigarette several times a day. once a day.

If your habit is to sit back for a few hours at work instead of progressing in your profession, imagine that you have been sitting in one place for 20 years, while your colleagues occupy more and more significant positions. This way you will be able to get rid of the bad habit of doing nothing quickly enough.

Be honest with yourself: what lifestyle will your habits lead you to in 5, 10, 20 years?

Now imagine what giving up bad habits will give you. How will your life change?

Make the decision to give up this ballast and feel the sweetness of freedom from everything that destroys your figure, your relationships and prevents you from growing professionally!

Imagine who you can be in 1, 5, 20 years if you keep only what serves your greatest purposes in your life!

Do it right now.

Make a decision to get rid of the bad habit and increase the influence of everything that makes you a stronger, braver, kinder, and more loving person.

Don't go back.

Our free online course

There are very few people among us without habits that should be abandoned: we smoke, eat sweets uncontrollably, spend big money on shopping, bite our nails, watch porn, constantly sit on social networks and cannot take a step without a smartphone.

We sincerely believe that we are deprived of willpower - this is the main problem. How many times have you tried to quit before, but still nothing, so why should it work now? It seems to us that the matter is doomed to failure in advance, so we do not even try to change something, and if we try, we ourselves do not believe in success.

Here's what I'll tell you: the result is directly proportional to the amount of effort invested. It is difficult, but doable, of course, if you give yourself entirely to the task at hand. For those who have finally and irrevocably decided to say goodbye to addictions, I have prepared a short guide in just 10 consecutive steps. It is not at all necessary to complete absolutely everything, but the more of them you do, the higher the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

1. Find real motivation

How many times have people given up on something simply because it seemed like a great idea: “Give up caffeine. Mmm, that sounds cool." So-so justification. All you really need is strong motivation. I quit smoking because I realized that one day it would kill me, and I realized that if I didn’t quit, my children would start smoking too sooner or later. Find your “why” and write it down on a piece of paper. This will be the first item in your plan of salvation.

2. Make a commitment

Once you've identified your motivation, stand firm. An old story: we promise that today we will not touch cigarettes, but in the end the habit will definitely get the better of us. In order not to break loose, you need the support of others, so do not hesitate to tell everyone about your intentions. If you have someone to turn to for help, it will be much easier for you to cope with addiction than alone.

3. Beware of irritants

What situations triggered bad habits? A habit doesn't form on its own, it's always reinforced by something from the outside: you smoke when everyone around you smokes, you go shopping when you're nervous, you eat junk when you're bored, you turn on porn when you're lonely, and you hang out on social networks when need to kill time. Observe yourself for a few days and determine what are your triggers. Incorporate them into your plan of salvation and try to avoid provoking situations.

4. Find out what the habit is talking about

Bad habits are the result of unfulfilled desires. Determine for each stimulus a need that is satisfied with the corresponding attachment. Some habits help you socialize, some help you deal with stress, sadness, boredom, loneliness, and relaxation. Record all of this in the plan of salvation and think about other ways you can meet your needs.

5. Create a Replacement Habit for Each Trigger

So how do you deal with stress now? You just can’t resist returning to the old habit, otherwise the unsatisfied need will remind you of itself. Create new habits that you will turn to when you find yourself in a stressful situation. Match the triggers from the rescue plan with the list of these habits - they can work for several stimuli at once.

6. Don't follow your desires

At first, trigger situations will encourage us to return to the power of habits, because we are used to performing these actions automatically. Learn to recognize the urge that arises and watch it grow stronger and then subside. If you really want to act in accordance with desire, distract yourself with all your might. Take a few deep breaths and exhale, drink some water, go for a walk or ask someone for help. After a while, you will definitely be released.

7. Respond to the trigger with a new habit

This is where you have to focus really hard. First, it is necessary to determine the moment of occurrence of the stimulus. Secondly, instead of the old habit, you will need to do something else. If you get confused, don't worry. It is important to just be extremely careful and firm, then the new action will eventually become the default. By the way, this is one of the difficulties of quitting bad habits: if numerous triggers spontaneously arise during the day, it takes a lot of effort to tightly control yourself.

8. Be careful with your thoughts

During dialogues with the inner “I”, we ourselves sometimes give indulgence to bad habits. Keep a close eye on your thoughts and do not give in to the desire to abandon the movement towards your goal. There simply can't be any excuses here.

9. Quit gradually

Until recently, I was a supporter of the philosophy of abrupt and immediate quitting. Now I sincerely believe in the power of gradualism. Instead of the usual 20 cigarettes a day, first smoke 15, then 10, then five, then none. The process, stretched for a week, does not look so scary, so the chances of winning are much greater.

10. Learn from mistakes

We are not all without sin. If you fail, just accept what happened and think about what could have been done differently. Record your ideas in the plan of salvation, which will become more and more perfect over and over again. Each of the mistakes will become a stepping stone to getting rid of the habit.

I am not saying that the method I proposed is simple, but many of those who ignored these ideas ended up with their addictions. You definitely don't need this. Fully immerse yourself in the process, find a strong enough motivation and replace the bad habit with a good one, with which you will respond to each stimulus. You can do it, I promise.

It is not so easy to give up what we are used to - even if it has a detrimental effect on our health, condition, and so on. People tend to get used to different things, no matter how much they really need them, how valuable they may be - we just get used to it and that's it. Think of some absolutely groundless habits that you, nevertheless, can not cope with in any way. And for sure there are more than a dozen of these for everyone.

Some people cannot even, for example, rearrange the toothbrush in the other direction - this causes them burning discomfort. Which is about something serious. And it’s especially disappointing when you can’t manage to cope with bad habits. It would seem that we understand all that destructive influence - but no, we continue to do again and again what only hinders us in our life - and we can’t stop in any way. So how do you take it - and deal with bad habits once and for all? How to get rid of bad habits? Let's try to understand this in a slightly more detailed way - after all, by overcoming them, we will take another step towards a healthy life without unnecessary problems.

What are bad habits?

When we talk about bad habits, we first of all think about, say, smoking or alcoholism. Less often - drug addiction. But bad habits are much more. We bite our nails, stay in stores, spend extra money, and so on. And all this is harmful, albeit to varying degrees, but it has no merit.

Why do habits arise?

Before you unlearn bad habits, you need to understand the nature of their origin. Usually there is a problem when you need to compensate for the lack of something in life. For example, you are bored and have nothing to do - and instead of doing something pleasant and productive, you mistakenly prefer a detrimental option than only harming yourself. Another typical reason is stress. We are nervous, and therefore panicked, we begin to switch to something - and it cannot be said that it is something good. And then we can't refuse it.

Sometimes we succumb to the harmful influence of others. For example, we smoke to look fashionable, we buy things we don’t need to keep up with our friends, and so on. But that doesn't make us any happier. But the fight against bad habits takes strength - and lowers the mood, because there is nothing good in it when we cannot give up some negative things.

Trying to find an alternative

Now consider the methods of how to deal with bad habits. If you do not want to do something, then sometimes it is very difficult to stop doing it - a void is formed in the place where until recently there was such a familiar activity. But it was precisely this emptiness that was one of the characteristic causes of the problem. Let's try to do something with it. Think about what hobby would truly make you a happy person, what you have an inclination for and what you can pay enough attention to. It is best to make a list of small but pleasant things that will allow you to attend to those moments when you are again drawn to your destructive activity. Sometimes the activity may not even be very pleasant - for example, load yourself with work - and you will be too distracted, and then gradually the attraction to your habit will come to naught.

Don't let yourself be provoked

If someone provokes you into something that you do not want to do at all, do not give in to it. In some situations, it is even better to limit communication with this person - at least until he understands that you do not want to further aggravate what you are trying to fight.

Realize all the harm

Write down all the negative effects of your bad habit. Perhaps it harms your health, your budget, upsets loved ones - or maybe all at once? Keep this list in front of you and think - is the game worth the candle? And is it better to refuse?

act together

Another interesting method of how to deal with bad habits. Find a friend or girlfriend who has or has exactly the same addiction as you - and say that you want to leave it together, say that it will be easier for you to do it together. This method will indeed be morally easier, it will turn into a fun game, and you will also have moral support - and then you will deal with the problem quickly enough, giving up bad habits will be easier.


Giving up bad habits is a very time-consuming process, sometimes even completely exhausting. But you can - and you need to - gradually move away from them, work on yourself, try to achieve maximum progress in this. It is necessary to clearly realize all the harm that these habits carry. After all, it was not in vain that they were given the not-too-pleasant epithet “harmful” - there is nothing good in them.

If you try, but you can’t manage it in any way, then you need to ask for help - and do it by all means. You can start with loved ones - ask them to control you, not to let you do what you personally would like to stop doing. For many, there is no better method than the help of other people.

If there is no progress with relatives and friends, then it is better to contact a specialist. Naturally, this applies primarily to really serious bad habits. If you feel that they affect your life in an extremely negative way, do not hesitate to turn to professionals and do not skimp on it. Still, living without such negative things is much easier and more pleasant, no matter how you look at it. Therefore, getting rid of various bad habits is so important.

Just as there is a disease of the body,
there is also a lifestyle disease.

Bad habits are one of the biggest problems in modern society. Smoking and alcohol abuse are the most dangerous bad habits and bring great harm not only to people suffering from these habit-diseases, but also to the people around them and to the whole society as a whole.

Bad habits: SMOKING
Smoking is one of the most common bad habits. Experts increasingly attribute this habit to drug addiction. Smokers inhale combustion products into the lungs and saturate the body with a whole range of toxic substances. In addition, all these nasty things are inhaled by the people around the smoker, and very often they are also children.

Bad habits: ALCOHOLISM
Alcoholism has long gone from the concept of a bad habit, alcoholism is a disease. With alcoholism, not only the work of the human body is disrupted, but also psychological processes occur that lead to irreversible degradation of the personality. The treatment of alcoholism requires the participation of doctors of various specializations, including psychologists.


Very often, people suffering from bad habits are not aware of the impact of these habits on health or do not realize the dangers that alcohol and tobacco are fraught with. And it is not uncommon for a person, simply realizing what harm he does to himself and others, part with bad habits.

The impact of smoking on human health:

  • The structure of nails and hair deteriorates, skin color changes.
  • Teeth turn yellow and weaken, bad breath appears.
  • The smoker's blood vessels become fragile and inelastic.
  • Tobacco smoking contributes to the decay of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Increased risk of stomach ulcers.
  • Oxygen metabolism in the body is disturbed and, as a result, blood purification is difficult.
  • Nicotine increases blood pressure.
  • Increases the likelihood of strokes, heart attacks, angina pectoris and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • The protection of the respiratory tract is impaired, as a result of which smokers are more susceptible to diseases of the throat, bronchi and lungs, and also more difficult to tolerate these diseases.
  • Smoking contributes to the development of cancer.
  • Smoking by pregnant women has a very negative impact on the health of the child. Very often, these children lag behind in development and get sick more often.

The effect of alcohol on human health.
In Russia, about 700 thousand people die every year from alcohol. This is the population of one large city. This is a terrible statistic... Alcoholism affects people from all social strata of the population, regardless of gender, age, education and financial situation. Women and minors are most at risk of alcohol addiction.

  • The body's immune system is destroyed.
  • The activity of the liver, which has the main cleansing function in the body, is disrupted.
  • The work of the digestive organs is disrupted, which leads to serious diseases of the esophagus, stomach, pancreas.
  • The regulation of blood sugar levels is disrupted.
  • Alcohol inevitably leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system, because. alcohol destroys red blood cells (blood cells), which no longer perform their functions correctly.
  • Drinking alcohol during pregnancy leads to severe consequences for the child, and also adversely affects all subsequent generations.
  • Alcohol shortens a person's life by 10-15 years
  • Alcohol disrupts the functioning of the nervous system and leads to loss of memory and attention, problems of mental development, thinking, psyche, and very often to complete degradation of the personality.
  • The main "blow" of alcoholic beverages falls on the brain. Alcohol leads to the destruction of the cerebral cortex and the death of its entire sections.

Fighting your bad habits is not easy, because fighting yourself is difficult. If you realize that tobacco and alcohol harm your life and the lives of those around you, then make every effort to cope with this harmful addiction. Read literature, watch programs, contact specialists and you will definitely find a method and cope with this task.

Prevention of bad habits among children and adolescents.
It is more difficult to eradicate the bad habits of adults than the habits of teenagers. Teenagers are easier to perceive and assimilate information. Therefore, parents should not despair if their child has become addicted to bad habits. Of course, it is better to prevent such situations and reduce the likelihood of occurrence to a minimum, by talking about the dangers of bad habits, getting involved in physical culture and sports, developing creative abilities, and so on. Unfortunately, in our country, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle among children and adolescents is at a rather low level, so this work falls entirely on the parents.

Smoking and alcohol consumption is evil for each individual and for the whole society. By giving up bad habits, you make a choice in favor of health, happiness and longevity!

A video about the dangers of alcohol, which helped many people to give up this evil:

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