Cleaning the uterus after caesarean. Curettage of the uterine cavity after cesarean. Fast recovery guaranteed. Folk recovery methods. Tactics of further treatment and possible complications

When is it necessary to clean the uterus after childbirth, how does this happen and why is it necessary? It is a medical procedure known to many women. Absolutely similar is carried out to remove the fetal egg during a missed pregnancy, abortion, for diagnostic purposes, if, for example, endometrial cancer is suspected. And cleaning the uterus after childbirth, most often, is an attempt to avoid a severe inflammatory process, if there are prerequisites for it.

What might these prerequisites be? Immediately after the birth of the child, manual cleaning of the uterus can be carried out if, when examining the placenta (afterbirth), there are doubts about its integrity. That is, the doctor suspects that part of the placenta remained in the uterine cavity. In this case, the woman is given full anesthesia, and the doctor, without any problems, through the fully opened cervix, cleans it from the remnants of the placenta. By the way, such cleaning after childbirth is also necessary if the placenta does not leave at all. This happens when it is tightly attached. And again, the doctor helps the woman to complete the birth. The placenta is also manually separated during a caesarean section.

What are the possible complications after cleaning the uterus, because it is known that this is a rather traumatic procedure? In fact, when conducting it in the maternity hospital, any problems arise extremely rarely. Usually, in maternity hospitals, an ultrasound examination is performed before discharge. And sometimes, if necessary, regular or vacuum cleaning of the uterus is carried out. It is not dangerous if all conditions of sterility are observed.

By the way, regarding the use of various gynecological instruments for this procedure. There are cases from medical practice when the consequences of cleaning the uterus were fatal. It is considered much safer, while the internal os is open, to carry out medical manipulations to clean the uterus manually. This makes it much safer. And such heavy bleeding, which happens when instrumental curettage of the uterus is performed after childbirth, is not observed.

But all women have clots in the uterus after the birth of a child, but not everyone does curettage, manual or instrumental, of the uterus. And it is right. In most maternity hospitals, absolutely all women in labor are given intramuscular oxytocin within three days after birth. This is a drug that leads to strong contractions of the uterus, helps it empty faster. Sometimes therapy with this drug needs to be extended. But just abundant discharge after childbirth is not always an indication for such a traumatic procedure as cleaning the uterus, it should be performed only as a last resort. Normally, abundant discharge in women is observed in the first 5-7 days after the birth of a child. And then they go down. But they can persist for 6, and sometimes even 8 weeks.

Cleaning the uterus with a vacuum after childbirth is less dangerous, since during it the uterine cavity itself is not directly affected. The tube of the device itself is easily inserted into the uterus, due to its small diameter. And for this, the doctor does not even need to use cervical dilators, it is already ajar. And cleaning the uterus after childbirth in this way is very rarely carried out under anesthesia, since the pain is minimal. A woman feels about the same as during menstruation, when a doctor removes clots from the uterine cavity with a vacuum.

Blood clots in the uterus after childbirth do not always “guarantee” cleansing, in addition to oxytocin, there are folk remedies to help your reproductive system. For example, you can drink a tincture of water pepper. Sleeping on the stomach and wearing a postpartum bandage also have a good effect.

But if the discharge after cleaning the uterus does not end in any way due to the placental polyp formed there, then there is nowhere to go, you need to do curettage, or even better, hysteroscopy, since in this way the doctor will be able to remove the polyp without injuring the entire uterus. Does it hurt to do a hysterectomy a few weeks after the baby is born? Yes, this is not done without good anesthesia, as the cervix has time to close. But it is precisely its instrumental expansion that is most painful.

How is the uterus cleaned after childbirth, what should a woman do? Undergo an ultrasound and get a referral from a doctor for this procedure. Get blood tests and swabs. And on the appointed day to arrive at the hospital. The procedure itself lasts no more than 20-30 minutes, general or local anesthesia is performed. After the woman is recommended to lie down for about 2 hours and you can go home.

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Today, cleaning the uterus for a woman is prescribed quite often. Almost always, this type of operation causes a woman: fear, panic attacks, unreasonable feelings. The negative state is associated with many different rumors that circulate about this type of surgery in gynecology, which is prescribed in order to cleanse the uterus from an unplanned pregnancy or from medical pathologies. Fright is a consequence of not knowing what this gynecological procedure is. This is an operation, which is otherwise called curettage of the uterine cavity and is prescribed for a variety of medical indicators, and we will talk about this in more detail.

What is cleaning in gynecology

Gynecological cleaning of the uterine cavity is a mini operation that is performed under anesthesia, as the procedure is not pleasant and causes pain. Cleaning the uterus can be of 2 types: therapeutic and diagnostic. Therapeutic cleaning is prescribed for medical reasons.

It's running:

  • With an abortion;
  • Ectopic pregnancy;
  • Miscarriage;
  • endometritis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • Removal of polyps.

Women are always cleaned only in a good hospital or maternity hospital. Diagnostic cleansing is used when it is precisely necessary to identify the causes of negative symptoms, which indicate that the patient's reproductive system is not functioning properly. The material taken after the diagnosis is sent to the laboratory for examination.

The procedure is performed mainly before menstruation should begin.

However, sometimes the procedure can be carried out in emergency cases, for example, with bleeding. This is required in order not to damage the intervention of the biorhythm of the body of women. In addition, a procedure such as hysteroscopy is prescribed, which allows the doctor, upon completion of the manipulations with the help of a hysteroscope, to examine the results of the work. This device also improves control over the actions of a specialist during the operation.

The operation goes like this:

  1. It begins with the expansion of the cervix when using instruments or medications.
  2. As soon as the cervical canal is able to pass the curette, the uterine mucosa is cleaned.
  3. At the final stage, the dilators are removed, and the entire surgical field is treated with an antiseptic. The drug is selected by the doctor.

In order not to hurt, they do anesthesia. Ice is placed on the abdomen to stop the bleeding. While the bleeding is going on, the woman should lie down. When the effect of anesthesia wears off, the patient can begin her normal life with few physical limitations. She can go home. But for control, a doctor’s supervision is necessary for the postoperative period, because the cervix will be slightly ajar for about 30 days. How long does uterine lavage last? The operation does not take long, in general, the procedure takes no more than half an hour.

Mandatory cleaning after childbirth

What could be these prerequisites for cleaning after childbirth? Immediately after the baby was born, manual cleansing of the uterus in the department can be assigned. The procedure is prescribed if, when examining the released placenta (afterbirth), the doctor doubts that it is intact. That is, the doctor has a suspicion that not all of the placenta came out, that there were pieces in the uterine cavity.

In this situation, the woman is given anesthesia, and the doctor, without any problems, cleans the organ from the remnants of the placenta.

By the way, such an operation is also performed if the afterbirth has not come out. This happens when it is tightly attached. And again, the doctor helps the woman in labor to complete the birth. The placenta is also manually separated during a caesarean section. What complications can there be after cleaning the organ, because the operation is traumatic? In fact, when it is carried out in the maternity ward, any negative symptoms, severe consequences do not often occur. Usually in the hospital, before a woman is discharged, an ultrasound is performed. And sometimes, if necessary, a regular or vacuum cleaning of the uterus is performed.

This is a completely standard operation, but it must take place in compliance with all conditions of sterility. It is considered the most not dangerous, while the internal pharynx is open, perform the procedure for cleansing the organ manually. This makes it more accurate. And the blood does not flow so much, as it happens when instrumental cleansing of the uterus is performed after delivery. But all women have remnants, blood clots in the uterus after childbirth, but not everyone does postpartum cleaning manually or with the help of tools. And it is right. In most maternity hospitals, absolutely all women who have given birth within 3 days after delivery are injected intramuscularly with oxytocin.

It's such a cure:

  • Provokes the strongest uterine contractions;
  • Helps her to quickly get rid of the remnants;
  • Every clot comes out.

Sometimes therapy with this medication is prolonged. But just the strongest discharge after delivery is not always an indication for such a serious procedure as washing an organ, a vacuum is prescribed as a last resort. Normally, strong vaginal discharge occurs a week after childbirth. And then they subside. However, rarely discharge can persist for 8 weeks. As a woman, it is correct to contact a gynecologist and be observed by him.

Vacuum cleaning of the uterus: a reminder for women

Cleaning, which is carried out according to plan, and not urgently, requires a woman to follow a number of important rules.


  1. It is mandatory to examine the pelvic organs in order to detect any contraindications, and it is also necessary to pass all the necessary tests.
  2. The groin area must be carefully shaved. Shave the perineum and pubis should not be in the hospital, but in advance in the evening, at home.
  3. Under the gown you need to wear a long T-shirt, and in some clinics you also need to wear socks.
  4. We must not forget about comfortable underwear, which will be needed after surgery, as well as sanitary pads. Tampons should not be used at all.
  5. On the day of the cleaning sutra you can not eat.
  6. After the operation, it is necessary to follow all the instructions of the attending physician.

Sexual intercourse should be avoided for approximately 30 days after surgery. And there is no need to be afraid of infertility, which allegedly occurs after cleaning, this is a delusion. If the operation is performed professionally, there will be no complications in the uterine cavity. A woman can become pregnant already within 30 days, and the pregnancy will pass without pathologies.

Purging after a caesarean section

The rules of conduct for a woman in labor after cleaning provide for a serious attitude to her health, following the advice of the attending doctor.

  • Means and methods for treating the vagina;
  • Prohibition on the use of vaginal tampons;
  • Douching ban.

Very hot baths should be avoided for a while. It is not recommended to go to the bath and sauna. Also, doctors advise to abandon excessive physical exertion (lifting heavy loads, fitness). It is also forbidden to have sexual intercourse - vaginal intercourse can cause the development of a repeated uterine blood flow or infection in the genitals of a woman.

To exclude a large stagnation of the contents in the main female organ, any antispasmodic drug can be prescribed in a short course.

Attention! If a woman takes No-shpu, Papaverine, and any other similar medicine, then breastfeeding is prohibited. This is done because otherwise there will be a toxic effect of this group of drugs on the baby's body.

The doctor always prescribes the duration of taking medications - control examinations are used to assess the condition of a woman, with a mandatory ultrasound of the pelvic organs. When recovery is underway, the doctor may prescribe light exercises to train the uterus. After cesarean, an audit of the uterine cavity is carried out to make sure that the placenta has come out, and not a single piece of the placenta has remained in the organ of the reproductive system. All this will help to avoid any complications.

Manual examination of the uterine cavity (video)

In general, reviews of the procedure are positive. However, in order to avoid negative consequences, it would be right to consult a professional doctor. The specialist will determine why the uterus is not contracting well, whether there are remnants of the placenta or clots, will perform a high-quality cleaning of the uterus and the necessary examination.

Childbirth is a complex and gradual process. Sometimes it happens that the birth of a child is only a small part of what a future mother has to endure.

Often gynecologist prescribes a cleaning of the uterus after childbirth. Patients are frightened and wonder why this is necessary. However, not everything is so simple here. This procedure is carried out if the placenta has separated in pieces or has not left the uterine cavity at all.

For some women, it is enough to stimulate muscle contractions with oxytocin or other hormones for the afterbirth to come out. For the rest, there is nothing more reasonable than to spend vacuum or manual scraping.

What are the consequences after cleaning the uterus?

The process of scraping the muscular organ of a woman is quite complicated. The doctor performs it almost blindly. At the same time, it is not possible to use cameras that would display an image of the internal organs on the monitor.

That is why sometimes there are adverse consequences, namely:

  • infection;
  • development of the inflammatory process;
  • endometritis;
  • hematometer;
  • exacerbation of chronic sexual diseases;
  • heavy bleeding.

Normally, after such an operation, bloody issues within 5-7 days. However, if they last longer than the designated period and at the same time become more and more abundant, then this is a cause for alarm.

Serious concerns are also caused by the sharp pain that may accompany bleeding. These symptoms often indicate the rapid development acute inflammatory process.

If you ignore these signs and do not contact a gynecologist, then later you can lose the opportunity to have children. Endometritis or hematometra, which has not been cured in time, often become the reason for the complete surgical removal of the uterus. It is possible to avoid negative consequences. To do this, when the first symptoms appear, indicating the presence of problems, contact your doctor.

In medicine, there are no completely painless procedures. This is an indisputable fact. However, it was not in vain that anesthesia was invented. The scraping process takes place under local or general anesthesia. Without this, a woman is not able to endure such a manipulation with her internal organs.

If the doctor sees from the results of the ultrasound that curettage can be performed under local anesthesia, then he does so. However, at the same time, the woman feels some discomfort. As a rule, it all depends on the threshold of sensitivity. If it is high, then the patient will be a little hurt. When the pain threshold is low, discomfort is practically not felt.

If the gynecologist finds serious damage, when to perform vacuum tool scraping he prescribes general anesthesia. In this state, a woman is relieved of the need to endure pain and discomfort. Pain shock will not. However, after waking up, the patient will still feel that an intervention has been made. The lower abdomen can hurt, pull. A few days after the cleaning, subfebrile body temperature is maintained.

When is the procedure performed without anesthesia?

Many women with horror think about the upcoming cleaning. They colorfully and in detail imagine how doctors will mock them. However, it is worth remembering that it is the 21st century in the yard. Nobody will mock people. To endure curettage of the uterus without anesthesia is extremely difficult mentally and physically.

If for any reason no general anesthesia then resort to local anesthetics. It can be:

  • cream;
  • gels;
  • lidocaine injections;
  • sprays.

Absolutely without anesthesia, this operation can not be carried out in any case. Doctors simply do not have the right to do this. Do not be afraid if the doctor has not prescribed general anesthesia. Before cleaning, the uterus must be anesthetized with other local preparations. At the same time, pain is felt, however, it is not so strong as to tremble and twitch.

With the right mental attitude, such an intervention can be tolerated. This is not an abdominal operation without anesthesia, but a simple curettage. So no need to worry. The gynecologist knows what and how to do.

Scraping is done with special tools: manual or vacuum.

In both cases, the upper inner layer of the uterus is removed along with pieces of the placenta or the whole placenta. This is done in order to prevent the development of the inflammatory process in the birth canal.

No need to worry about the fact that the endometrium will recover more. Within a month after the curettage a new protective layer grows.

The cleaning of the uterus is carried out under general or local anesthesia. A woman sits in a gynecological chair, she is given anesthesia, treat the genitals with iodine and 50% alcohol solution to disinfect. When the anesthesia has worked, the doctor starts cleaning. With the help of special tools, scrapes out of the uterus everything superfluous. At the end of the procedure, the woman is transferred to a hospital, where she undergoes rehabilitation over the next few days.

Vacuum cleaning: distinctive features

This type of scraping is more secure according to some physicians. However, it also brings more pain to the patient. That is why vacuum cleaning is done under general anesthesia and nothing else.

The placenta is sucked out of the uterine cavity with the help of a special device, which, according to the mechanism of action, resembles a vacuum cleaner. Of course, this comparison is a bit exaggerated, however, the vacuum cleaning device sucks the contents of the uterus into itself along with the upper layer of the endometrium.

After such a curettage, the doctor necessarily treats the inside of the uterus with an antibacterial solution in order to avoid contamination and infection. In addition, a woman is prescribed a course of antibiotics that will prevent the development of extensive inflammation of the uterus and appendages.

Manual cleaning after childbirth

When the pieces of the placenta that remain in the uterus are small, the gynecologist most often prescribes manual cleaning.

Such scraping differs from the variant with a vacuum instrument only in the form and mechanism of operation of the device for the operation. As a rule, this kind of intervention is performed using an instrument that has rounded loop at the end.

Thus, all foreign bodies that are in the uterus are captured and brought out. After manual cleaning, the doctor always prescribes antibiotics, and for some time the woman should regularly come to see the gynecologist. This will save the patient from negative consequences and complications.

If the birth was not natural, then the placenta is removed during a caesarean. After that, in most cases, there are no complications.

However, occasionally there are situations when the doctor missed several pieces of the placenta. This is a direct reason for the appointment of curettage. Which form of the procedure is best, only the doctor decides.

However, according to modern statistics, preference is given to the vacuum method. The patient is put into a short-term general anesthesia and curettage is performed, which lasts no more than 20 minutes.

How a woman will feel after the operation depends on many factors, namely: morale, medical care, nutrition. Important follow all doctor's recommendations, and then recovery will not be long in coming.

Natural childbirth is a rather difficult and long physiological process that requires a lot of strength and patience from a woman. It can be conditionally divided into several stages: the onset of labor, the birth of a child and the birth of an afterbirth. The appearance of the membrane in which the fetus developed is the completion of the birth processes: it depends on its integrity whether cleaning will be carried out after childbirth, or, in medical terms, postpartum curettage.

You should not be afraid and, moreover, refuse this procedure: first of all, specialists will definitely examine the condition of the uterus, and find out the validity of the curettage. In order to more accurately understand the meaning of such an action as cleaning after childbirth, a woman should have at least a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe reasons for the need for curettage, as well as the consequences of refusing it.

Scraping - cleaning help to the body

It must be said that the well-known expression: “Man is a social animal” finds confirmation in all manifestations of human life, from the moment of conception to death. The process of childbirth is no exception: in the wild, the birth of any animal is governed by the principles of natural selection, and only human children are born under the supervision of medical specialists. It is thanks to the institution of obstetrics that many women maintain their health, the possibility of re-conception, and sometimes their lives (not to mention the health and life of their child) - and therefore one should trust the professionalism of people who are called upon to protect the life and health of their patients. Believe me: without proper reason, cleaning the uterus after childbirth is not carried out - especially with such a level of medical diagnostics as it is today.

The fact is that the integrity of the afterbirth can be violated for some reason: the exfoliation of the amniotic membranes and placenta from the tissues of the uterus may be incomplete - particles of the baby's placenta can remain on the walls of the uterus or in its cavity, causing many diseases.

Subinvolution of the uterus occurring after childbirth

First of all, pieces of tissue (or blood clots) trapped in the uterus undergo decay, becoming an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and viruses - and this can already lead to necrosis of surrounding tissues and blood poisoning, not to mention inflammatory processes of varying severity.

In addition, even microscopic particles of the afterbirth, being in the uterine cavity, are perceived by the body as alien - and therefore the body seeks to get rid of them, spending its (already depleted) protective resources. As a result, the recovery postpartum period is delayed, which increases the possibility of infection of the genital organs, and the return of the woman to the normal rhythm of life is postponed indefinitely.

In order to avoid such postpartum complications, vacuum or manual (scraping) cleaning is carried out after childbirth.

If you allow yourself a figurative comparison, then the work of a gynecologist, in this case, can be compared with the services of a cleaning company. Any hostess is able to maintain order in the house, but sometimes it is difficult to cope with the consequences of particularly violent parties or visiting too “liberated” guests alone. Then professionals come to the aid of cleaning, who quickly and efficiently restore perfect order and sterile cleanliness: there will be no trace of food leftovers, crumbs in the cracks, dirty shoe prints, which means that the threat of “invasion” of cockroaches and microorganisms harmful to health will disappear. .

The process of postpartum cleansing and its consequences

It should be noted that in the case of a caesarean section, curettage is carried out much more often, and in some clinics it is considered a mandatory procedure. This order is due to the fact that labor activity during cesarean section is smoothed out (or completely absent) - and therefore the natural separation of the placenta does not occur. Of course, in the uterine cavity, after removing the child from it, there are multiple remnants of the fetal membranes - and they pose a threat to the health of the woman.

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As for natural childbirth, the statement is popular in the obstetric environment: the average woman gives birth twice in one visit to the maternity hospital (and multiple pregnancy has nothing to do with it). In fact, the exit of the placenta is comparable to the birth of another child - the mechanism of the process is the same.

However, if the birth lasted for a long enough time, then the woman may simply not have the strength for the final attempts - which means that the intensity of uterine contractions may not be enough to fully separate the fetal membranes of the afterbirth from the uterine tissue. Too strong attachment of the tissues of the fetal egg to the walls of the uterus can also complicate the situation. In both cases, the doctor taking delivery has to separate the placenta manually: the result of such an intervention may be pieces of fetal tissue, as well as blood clots remaining in the uterus.

To exclude the possibility of incomplete cleansing of the uterus from foreign residues, a woman is examined in a gynecological chair using mirrors, and an ultrasound of the uterus is also done - and if a pathology is detected, curettage or vacuum cleaning of its inner layer is prescribed.

A planned cleaning operation lasts about 20 minutes and is carried out using local or general anesthesia, in compliance with all surgical standards, including the rules of asepsis and antisepsis.

Specialists, with the help of obstetric devices, dilate the cervix, and then scrape out the functional layer of the uterine surface with a special curette. The peculiarity of this tissue (endometrium) is in the ability to regenerate: a new uterine mucosa is formed from the lower layers of the endometrium, which does not have the slightest damage - and the functionality of the uterus is restored.

Fast recovery guarantee

As a rule, cleaning after CS and ordinary childbirth practically does not differ in the method of implementation. The rehabilitation period in both cases is also almost the same - it lasts about 2 weeks (unless, of course, the birth canal was damaged in the case of orthodox childbirth). The first days after the cleaning, the woman should be under strict medical supervision - the doctor monitors the symptoms of the recovery process: body temperature, pulse rate, abdominal pain on palpation - according to these parameters, the specialist can draw the correct conclusion about the patient's condition and her readiness for discharge.

Solving the problem of how to go to the toilet for a woman after childbirth

Drugs prescribed during this period contribute to the speedy recovery and stop the development of inflammatory processes: as a rule, these are no-shpa and antibiotics. Naturally, for this time you should refrain from breastfeeding - and for this you will need to express milk.

An important role during the rehabilitation period after cleansing is played by the observance of certain restrictions: at this time it is recommended to refrain from vaginal sex, swimming in any water bodies (including taking baths), visiting baths and saunas - the risk of pathogens entering the uterus is too high. In addition, at this time, you should avoid lifting weights over 3 kg and limit the intensity of sports, as such actions can provoke bleeding.

After pregnancy, bearing and giving birth, the mother's body should return to normal. A certain period of time is needed for the reproductive organs to be cleansed, the discharge to stop, blood clots and tissue remnants to come out. If this does not happen, rotting will begin in the uterine cavity, creating a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic flora.

Under certain conditions, there is a need for scraping. After childbirth, the uterus is cleaned if there are prerequisites: blood accumulates, particles of the child's place remain in the uterine cavity or on the walls of the organ, and blood clots do not come out. And after a caesarean section, this procedure is necessary, since the placenta has to be removed mechanically. Even microscopic lobes of the placenta are perceived by the reproductive organ as foreign, and the body is set to remove them. Blockage of the vessel with a clot after a while can lead to severe bleeding.

Curettage after childbirth is performed by vacuum or mechanical means. With a sufficiently long birth, the mother's strength runs out, and the uterus does not contract sufficiently intensively so that the fetal membranes of the placenta are completely separated from it. Sometimes the fetal egg is too strongly attached to the walls of the organ, and the afterbirth has to be separated manually.

After the birth of a child, a woman in labor remains in the delivery room for another two hours, where her condition, the presence or absence of blood loss, and the dynamics of uterine contractions are assessed. After examination in the chair with the help of a gynecological mirror and ultrasound of the uterus, the doctors, having discovered a pathology, decide on cleaning.

Sometimes curettage is done on the same day, in other cases, the condition of the young mother is monitored and an ultrasound scan is performed on the 5th day after birth. According to its results, it is determined whether the process of reduction and purification is normal or cleaning is required.

The manipulation lasts about half an hour. A woman is given local or general anesthesia, the genitals are treated, the cervix is ​​dilated, and the functional layer of the endometrium is scraped out with a curette. It is able to regenerate: after a certain time, a new intact mucosa is formed from its lower layers, and the uterus is again ready to “work”.

The technique for performing the procedure is the same as curettage for an unwanted pregnancy or curettage for diagnostic purposes.

During the operation, mechanical manual cleaning of the uterus from the functional layer of the endometrium, particles of membranes and blood clots is performed.

Cleansing of the woman in labor is controlled by doctors, the postoperative period is under close supervision. They monitor the pulse, body temperature, discharge, well-being, since curettage is a painful procedure, after which the uterus is an open wound. She needs antiseptic treatment and daily care. The preparations prescribed by the specialist will help to finally clean the birth canal.

Vacuum cleaning of the uterus

For this, a special device is used - a vacuum pump equipped with aspiration tips. Negative pressure is created in the cavity of the organ and the contents are brought out.

The vacuum method involves manual and machine scraping. The first is the most common and includes:

  1. Treatment of the external genitalia.
  2. Insertion of a speculum into the vagina.
  3. Preparation of the cervix.
  4. Insertion of a suction tube.
  5. Removal of tissues by rotating the tube or diagnostic sampling of material for research.

Vacuum cleaning is shown:

  • if, after childbirth or caesarean section, the placenta or part of it remains in the genital organ;
  • as a result of spontaneous miscarriage with incomplete exit of embryonic residues;
  • after an abortion;
  • for the study of biocenosis;
  • with cystic drift;
  • severe uterine bleeding.

This method of curettage is more gentle than mechanical, since injuries to the uterus, cervical canal and endometrium can be minimized.

Purging after a caesarean section

If cleaning the uterus after childbirth is a frequent occurrence, then the doctor should prescribe curettage after a cesarean section with caution and taking into account the state of health of the woman in labor. The body after the operation recovers longer, the incision made violates the integrity of the muscle tissue, and the genital organ contracts worse. Only by the end of the second week after the birth of the baby, its size and shape are restored, and the stitches heal even longer.

Women who had to undergo a caesarean have more postpartum complications in the uterine cavity.

On the 3rd day after the procedure, an ultrasound is done, the integrity of the suture is studied. If there is intense pain, an unscheduled ultrasound examination is performed to assess the condition of the postoperative scar. Its swelling may indicate - inflammation in the mucous layer of the uterus.

According to the doctor's indications, curettage is carried out during the caesarean section itself, this helps to avoid complications. But sometimes parts of the placenta remain inside, which is a direct reason for cleaning.

In order for the pregnancy following a cesarean section to be successful, experts recommend abstaining from conception for 3 years. During this time, the postoperative scar heals, and the uterus is again ready to bear the baby.

However, sometimes pregnancy occurs earlier, and you have to make a choice: keep the baby or decide to terminate the pregnancy. Women who have had an abortion after a caesarean note that this is a big health risk, as an unformed scar can be damaged.

It should be remembered that the consequences of abortion can be infertility, infection, bleeding, hormonal disorders.

Complications after cleansing

There are potential complications after every surgical intervention. Curettage of the uterus after childbirth is no exception. One of the side effects is when blood clots accumulate in the reproductive organ. With muscle spasm, the pharynx closes, they remain inside. To prevent the accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity, doctors prescribe No-shpu to relax the muscles.

During the cleaning process, the surgeon may pierce the wall of the uterus with a sharp instrument, which will lead to its perforation. As a rule, the problem is fixed on the same day.

Late complications that develop a few days after curettage can lead to infection and further unpleasant consequences. Poor disposal of placental remnants can provoke symptoms, which are characterized by high fever, pain in the lower body, discharge with an unpleasant odor.

The condition of the uterus after curettage does not differ from menstruation: normal discharge should be moderate, without an unpleasant odor, and last about a week. Then their intensity decreases, and the bleeding stops.


Rehabilitation after curettage should be aimed at restoring the function of childbearing, uterine bleeding still occurs, but this is a common occurrence. Slight pain radiating to the lower back indicates that the organ has begun to contract. The discharge becomes brown, and after a while - white, mucous, that is, they return to normal.

It is necessary to refrain from sexual activity until the complete healing of the surface injured by curettage. Both partners are at risk of infection, and the woman will experience pain during sex. There may be heavy bleeding due to irritation of the vagina.

You should adhere to a healthy lifestyle, follow medical prescriptions. You can not take baths, douche, go to the bath and sauna, use tampons, lift weights.


Therapy after curettage of the uterine cavity involves taking medications. They do not build up the endometrium, but prevent infection, improve a woman's well-being. Antispasmodics are prescribed with caution, as they contribute to uterine contraction, which is accompanied by severe pain, especially immediately after cleaning. In severe cases, No-shpa is indicated.

Antibiotics are prescribed necessarily: they help to avoid infection. The microflora of the vagina is restored with the help of antifungal agents in the form of tablets and suppositories. You can use herbal decoctions and infusions: shepherd's purse, nettle, hogweed, viburnum, lemon balm.

Hormonal drugs help restore balance in the body and prevent the recurrence of the disease.

In addition to these drugs, they take enzymes that prevent the formation of adhesions.

A prerequisite is an examination by a gynecologist and re-testing to avoid relapse. It is not worth planning a pregnancy in the next six months of treatment. should be with a condom and only after a control examination by a female doctor.

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