The antiviral drug Cytovir. Cheaper analogue of "tsitovir". Indications for use

During seasonal colds, every parent wants to protect their child from the onslaught of viruses. Modern pharmacology every year offers more and more new means of fighting infections.

Recently, the drug "Citovir 3" has become very popular. This tool effectively affects the immune system, increases the body's defense against viruses, develops resistance. For children, it is best to use the product in the form of a syrup or emulsion.

Composition and pharmacological properties

Cytovir 3 is an immunomodulator, the action of which is due to the complex of substances that it contains.

The syrup consists of 3 biologically active components:

  • Ascorbic acid is an antioxidant substance that stimulates cells to develop resistance to viruses.
  • Bendazole - promotes the synthesis of enzymes that blunt the replication function of viruses, is a catalyst for the production of natural interferon.
  • Thymogen sodium - affects the T-cell link of the immune system, enhances the immunomodulatory effect of bendazole.

Indications for use

Tsitovir 3 is used for various purposes. It is effective for the prevention and treatment of viral infections at an early stage. The syrup is given to children during the period of active spread of viruses.


  • prevention and treatment;
  • prevention of influenza type A and B, as well as their treatment as part of complex therapy.

Syrup and suspension can be prescribed to children after 1 year.


  • children up to a year;
  • diabetes;
  • Lyme disease;
  • ascariasis;
  • amoebiasis;
  • individual intolerance.

Possible side effects

In most cases, the syrup is well tolerated by children. Sometimes unpleasant symptoms may appear:

  • nausea, heartburn;
  • allergic reaction in the form of urticaria, itching, redness of the skin;
  • pancreatic dysfunction (hyperglycemia, glucosuria);
  • changes in blood composition (decrease in red blood cells, increase in platelets);
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • excessive excitability;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • sweating;
  • hypertension.

Note! Side effects occur with an overdose of Cytovir syrup. Therefore, you must strictly follow the instructions for use. If symptoms of an overdose appear, stop taking the syrup and inform the doctor about it.

Read about Orvirem antiviral syrup; an article was written about the use of Vibrocil for children.

Instructions for use and dosage

For children, syrup is a more convenient form of medicine than capsules or tablets. According to the instructions, you need to take half an hour before meals. So the drug is better absorbed by the body. When compiling the dosage, it is necessary to build on the age of the patient. In addition to the dosage, the frequency of administration must be observed. The most optimal - three times the use of syrup per day.

Dosages of the drug:

The syrup is sold in a pharmacy ready-made. But children can use the suspension. To prepare a suspension for children from a powder, you must:

  • boil and cool water;
  • pour 40 ml of warm water into a container with powder;
  • close the bottle with a lid and mix the contents thoroughly so that the powder is completely dissolved;
  • suspension should be 50 ml.

Interaction with other drugs

The components of the drug can interact differently with medications. How thymogen is combined with other drugs has not been fully studied. It is not recommended to use drugs with phentolamine with Tsitovir 3. When combined with bendazole, the hypotensive effect increases.

Ascorbic acid in the composition of the drug reduces the effectiveness of heparin, anticoagulants. Aspirin helps to reduce the absorption of ascorbic acid in the body. Barbiturates accelerate the excretion of vitamin C from the body in the urine. If Cytovir is used in parallel with antibiotics of the tetracycline or penicillin series, the level of antibacterial substances in the blood may increase.

Cost and analogues

The price of Cytovir 3 syrup is 350-400 rubles, the volume of the bottle is 50 ml. Complete analogues of the drug in composition today do not exist. Similar pharmacological agents:

  • Wobenzym;
  • Ribomunil;
  • Zadaksin;
  • Engystol;
  • IRS-19;
  • Deoxynate.

Before changing the drug, you should consult with your doctor. Unauthorized selection of analogues can lead to unpleasant consequences. Almost all immunomodulators have their own contraindications and side effects that must be considered.

The drug Cytovir 3, syrup for children belongs to the group of immunomodulators with antiviral orientation. These drugs actively affect the immune system by increasing the synthesis of interferon. Let's consider the medicine in more detail, let's call its constituent components, principle of action, indications for use.

Cytovir 3 - composition

Tsitovir for children has a unique composition. It is based on 3 active components, as is clear from the name of the drug. Due to this, the drug is simultaneously able to act in different directions. The composition of the medicine contains:

  • thymogen;
  • bendazol;
  • vitamin C.

The ideal compatibility of the constituent medicinal components helps not only to stimulate the production of interferon, but also:

  • increase the resistance of cellular structures to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • adversely affect the cells of the pathogen;
  • have a tonic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Cytovir - indications for use for children

Cytovir syrup for children should be prescribed by the attending pediatrician. The doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the disease, its stage and severity of symptoms, indicates not only the dosage, but also the frequency, duration of use. As for the indications for use, doctors prescribe a medicine in order to increase the body's defenses. The need for this arises when:

  • flu
  • colds.

It should be noted that the drug can be used both for the prevention and treatment of diseases. In the latter case, it is part of complex therapy - it is used together with antibacterial, antiviral and antipyretic agents. It has been established that the drug has a positive effect on the effectiveness of the therapy, reduces the overall duration of treatment.

Cytovir for flu and colds

Cytovir 3 for children is intended for oral use. The syrup is easy to dose - a measuring cup is included. The syrup is taken undiluted, before feeding the baby, 30 minutes before. The dosage and duration of use are set individually by the pediatrician. It is worth noting that the medicine is used exclusively in children who are 1 year old.

Cytovir with chickenpox in children

To begin with, it must be said that there is no specific treatment. Often, therapy for such a disease takes on a symptomatic character - antipyretic drugs, treatment of rashes, antihistamines (to reduce itching). But with a severe course of the disease, a large number of rashes, the antiviral syrup for children Tsitovir can be prescribed as a general strengthening component. The dosage is indicated by the doctor.

Cytovir for herpes in a child

It has been established that the antiviral agent for children Tsitovir is effective against. In this case, it is used as an additional. The basis is made up of antiviral groups of acyclovir. Cytovir, on the other hand, greatly facilitates the course of the disease, especially when used as an immunomodulator. Treatment of the disease takes less time.

Cytovir 3 for prevention in children

Cytovir for prevention in children can be prescribed at an increased risk of illness (contact with a patient, an influenza epidemic). In this case, the duration of therapy is limited to 4 days, and the dosage is reduced. A second course can be carried out no earlier than a month after the end of the previous one. Increasing the body's resistance helps to prevent the disease, to transfer it in a milder form.

How to take Cytovir 3 for children?

Before taking Tsitovir, children are prescribed a complete examination to identify the direct causative agent of the disease. Based on the result obtained, the main therapeutic treatment is prescribed. Cytovir is used as an effective immunomodulator. At the same time, parents fully comply with the dosage and frequency, duration of administration, which is indicated by the pediatrician.

At what age can Tsitovir be given to children?

Having learned about the effectiveness and high efficiency of the drug Tsitovir 3, from what age it can be taken - mothers are often interested in the pediatrician. Referring to the instructions of the drug, you can see that it is allowed to use it in children older than a year. This feature is associated with the physiological characteristics of the body in infants, the immaturity of the immune system. Even in cases where the baby is already 1 year old, it is necessary to consult with the local pediatrician before using Tsitovir 3 syrup for children.

Cytovir - dosage for children

When using the drug, the mother must strictly adhere to the dosage indicated by the doctor. It all depends not only on age, but also on the severity of the disease, its severity. As for the standard dosages of Tsitovir, they look like this:

  • babies 1-3 years old - 2 ml 3 times a day;
  • 4-6 years - 4 ml three times a day;
  • 6-10 years - 8 ml of the drug 3 times a day;
  • older than 10 - 12 ml of syrup 3 times a day.

Taking Tsitovir according to the scheme indicated by pediatricians, an overdose of medicine in children is completely excluded. Full compliance with the established multiplicity, duration of administration, single dose, excludes the development of such a situation. For the entire period of use, clinical trials of the drug, cases of the body's reaction to excessive use of the drug have not been recorded.

How often can Cytovir 3 be given to a child?

Having figured out how to give Tsitovir to children, it must be said that the drug should not be used often. This also applies to preventive measures. This fact is connected with the fact that with repeated use of the drug, the immune system is forced to constantly synthesize interferon in a larger volume. This can negatively affect her condition. When canceling Tsitovir 3 syrup for children, she will continue to need constant stimulation. Based on this, immunologists do not recommend more than 2-3 courses in a row.

Cytovir 3 syrup for children - side effects

Any medication has side effects. Due to the underdevelopment of organs and systems, the greater vulnerability of a small organism, they are more pronounced in babies. Regarding the drug Cytovir, side effects in children from its use can be recorded as follows:

  • cardiovascular system: decrease in blood pressure of a short-term nature;
  • allergic reactions: urticaria, itching.

If you experience such side effects or other reactions to taking the drug, you must inform your doctor. In this case, the drug is canceled, an alternative drug is prescribed. Parents must strictly follow the instructions and recommendations of doctors, which excludes the recurrence of side effects, guarantees high efficiency of use.

Cytovir 3 - contraindications

Allergy to Cytovir 3 syrup for children is a direct contraindication to its use. When rashes appear, itching is fixed, parents should no longer give the child medicine, but consult a doctor. With such a reaction to Cytovir 3 syrup, an analogue for children is selected by a pediatrician. In addition to allergies to the components of the drug, among the contraindications to the use of Tsitovir 3 syrup for children are:

  • tendency to thrombosis (disruption of the blood coagulation system);
  • muscle hypertonicity;
  • age up to 1 year.

Cytovir - analogues for children

This drug belongs to expensive drugs. At the same time, there are analogues similar in action to Tsitovir, cheaper, they can also be used for children. But it is worth saying that these funds are similar only in their effect on the body. They have a different composition. Because of this, at times, efficiency can be reduced. Common childhood immunomodulators include:

  1. Anaferon for children. The medicine is available in tablet form. It is released from the pharmacy network without a prescription. Rarely causes side effects when used. It is effective both for prevention and for the purpose of strengthening immunity in ARVI. It can also be used in infants who are 1 month old. In this case, the tablet is crushed into powder and added to breast milk or formula.
  2. Viferon. The drug contains ready-made interferon. Available in the form of rectal suppositories. Allows you to increase the body's defenses, enhances resistance to viruses. Often prescribed for babies up to a year, it has practically no side effects.
  3. Grippferon. It is a complete analogue of the medicine discussed above. Available in several dosage forms, which facilitates the introduction and dosage (drops, ointment, spray). It is administered nasally (into the nasal cavity), preventing the penetration of viruses and pathogens into the child's respiratory tract.

There are many other immunomodulators similar to Cytovir 3, syrup for children. At the same time, doctors still do not agree on the usefulness of using such funds. Many speak negatively about them, referring to the fact that the introduction of ready-made interferon into the body has a depressing effect on the functioning of the immune system. As a result, an addiction effect may occur, when the body ceases to synthesize protective substances on its own and waits for them to come from outside.

Immunostimulating drug

Active ingredients

- (ascorbic acid)
- alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan sodium (sodium thymogen)
- bendazol hydrochloride (bendazol)

Release form, composition and packaging

Syrup (for children) colorless to yellow.

Excipients: sucrose - 800 mg, purified water - up to 1 ml.

50 ml - dark glass bottles with first opening control (1) complete with a dosing device (measuring cup or dosing spoon, or dosing pipette) - packs of cardboard.
50 ml - dark glass bottles with first opening control and child protection (1) complete with a dosing device (measuring cup or dosing spoon, or dosing pipette) - packs of cardboard.

pharmachologic effect

The drug is a means of etiotropic and immunostimulating therapy, has an indirect effect on influenza A and B viruses and other viruses that cause acute respiratory viral diseases. The drug reduces the severity of the main clinical symptoms of influenza and SARS, and also reduces the duration of symptoms of the disease.

Bendazole induces the production of endogenous in the body, has an immunomodulatory effect (normalizes the body's immune response). Enzymes, the production of which is induced by interferon in the cells of various organs, inhibit the replication of viruses.

Alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan () is a synergist of the immunomodulatory action of bendazole, normalizing the T-cell link of immunity.

Ascorbic acid activates the humoral link of immunity, normalizes capillary permeability, thereby reducing inflammation, and exhibits antioxidant properties, neutralizing oxygen radicals that accompany the inflammatory process, increases the body's resistance to infection.


Suction and distribution

When taken orally, the drug is completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The bioavailability of bendazole is about 80%, alpha-glutamyl tryptophan is not more than 15%, ascorbic acid is up to 70%. Ascorbic acid is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract (mainly in the jejunum).

Plasma protein binding - 25%. T max after ingestion - 4 hours. Easily penetrates into leukocytes, platelets, and then into all tissues, penetrates the placental barrier. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, intestinal motility disorders, helminthic invasion, giardiasis), the use of fresh vegetable and fruit juices, alkaline drinking reduce the binding of ascorbic acid in the intestine.

Metabolism and excretion

Ascorbic acid is metabolized mainly in the liver with the formation of deoxyascorbic, then oxaloacetic and diketogulonic acids. Excreted by the kidneys, through the intestines, with sweat, breast milk unchanged and in the form of metabolites.

The products of the biotransformation of bendazole in the blood are two conjugates formed due to methylation and carboethoxylation of the imino group of the imidazole ring of bendazole: 1-methyl-2-benzylbenzimidazole and 1-carboethoxy-2-benzylbenzimidazole. Bendazole metabolites are excreted in the urine.

Alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan, under the influence of peptidases, is cleaved into L and L-tryptophan, which are used by the body in protein synthesis.


- prevention and complex therapy of influenza and SARS in children from 1 year old.


- hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;

- diabetes;

- pregnancy;

- children's age up to 1 year.

If necessary, the patient should consult a doctor before taking the drug.

Carefully: in case of arterial hypertension, the patient should consult a doctor before taking the drug.


Schemes of therapeutic and prophylactic use are identical.

The drug is taken orally 30 minutes before meals.

Children aged 1 to 3 years- 2 ml 3 times / day.

Children aged 3 to 6 years- 4 ml 3 times / day.

Children aged 6 to 10 years- 8 ml 3 times / day.

Children over the age of 10- 12 ml 3 times / day.

The course of application is 4 days. If after 3 days of treatment there is no improvement or the symptoms worsen, or new symptoms appear, you should consult your doctor.

If necessary prevention course repeat after 3-4 weeks.

The drug should be taken only according to the method of application and in those doses that are indicated in the instructions. The drug should be used only according to the indications specified in the instructions. If necessary, you should consult your doctor before taking the drug.

Side effects

From the side of the cardiovascular system: possibly - a short-term decrease in blood pressure.

Allergic reactions: possibly - urticaria (in such cases, the use of the drug is stopped and symptomatic treatment, antihistamines are prescribed).

If you experience the above or any other side effects, you should consult your doctor.

If these side effects worsen, you should inform your doctor.


Cases of overdose of the drug Cytovir-3 are not described.

drug interaction

The interaction of alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan with drugs has not been identified.

Bendazole prevents the increase in OPSS due to the use of non-selective beta-blockers. Enhances the hypotensive effect (decrease in blood pressure) of antihypertensive and diuretic drugs. Phentolamine enhances the hypotensive effect of bendazole.

Ascorbic acid increases the concentration of tetracycline antibiotics and benzylpenicillin in the blood. Improves intestinal absorption of iron preparations. Reduces the effectiveness of heparin and indirect anticoagulants. (ASA), oral contraceptives, fresh juices and alkaline drinks reduce its absorption and absorption. With simultaneous use with ASA, the excretion of ascorbic acid in the urine increases and the excretion of ASA decreases. ASA reduces the absorption of ascorbic acid by about 30%. Ascorbic acid increases the risk of developing crystalluria when using drugs containing ASA and short-acting sulfonamides, slows down the excretion of acids by the kidneys, increases the excretion of drugs with an alkaline reaction (including alkaloids), and reduces the concentration of oral contraceptives in the blood. With simultaneous use reduces the chronotropic effect of isoprenaline. Reduces the therapeutic effect of antipsychotics (neuroleptics) - phenothiazine derivatives, tubular reabsorption of amphetamine and tricyclic antidepressants. Barbiturates and primidone increase the excretion of ascorbic acid in the urine.

Perhaps simultaneous use with antiviral drugs and means of symptomatic treatment of influenza and SARS.

If the patient is taking the above drugs or other drugs, he should consult a doctor.

special instructions

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and mechanisms

The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles, work with moving mechanisms and engage in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Pregnancy and lactation

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Shelf life - 2 years. Do not use after the expiry date stated on the package.

Tsitovir-3 - a new description of the medication, you can see contraindications, indications for use, prices in pharmacies for Tsitovir-3. Reviews about Tsitovir-3 -

Immunomodulatory drug.
Preparation: CYTOVIR®-3
The active substance of the drug: ascorbic acid, bendazol, non appropriated
ATX encoding: L03AX
CFG: Immunostimulating drug
Registration number: ЛС-000942
Date of registration: 18.11.05
The owner of the reg. Award: MBNPK CYTOMED ZAO (Russia)

Release form Tsitovir-3, drug packaging and composition.

Capsules are hard gelatin, with a white body and an orange cap.

1 ml

500 mcg
20 mg
vitamin C
50 mg

Excipients: lactose, calcium stearate.

12 pcs. - cellular contour packaging (1) - packs of cardboard.
12 pcs. - polymer cans (1) - packs of cardboard.

Syrup for children is yellow or light yellow.

1 ml
thymogen (-glutamyl-tryptophan in the form of sodium salt)
150 mcg
1.25 mg
vitamin C
12 mg

Excipients: sucrose, purified water.

50 ml - dark glass bottles (1) complete with a dosing spoon - packs of cardboard.

The description of the drug is based on the officially approved instructions for use.

Pharmacological action of Cytovir-3

Immunomodulatory drug that affects the reactions of cellular, humoral immunity and nonspecific resistance of the body. It has an interferonogenic effect.

Bendazole, which is part of the drug, induces the production of endogenous interferon. Enzymes induced by interferon in cells of various organs inhibit viral replication. In addition, by activating immunocompetent cells, the drug contributes to the normalization of the immune status.

Thymogen acts on the T-cell link of immunity. Ascorbic acid activates the humoral link of immunity, normalizes capillary permeability, thereby suppressing the inflammatory process.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug.


After oral administration, it is completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The bioavailability of bendazol is about 80%, thymogen is not more than 15% and ascorbic acid is 90%.


Thymogen, under the influence of peptidases, is cleaved into L-glutamic acid and L-tryptophan, which are used by the body in protein synthesis.


Metabolites of ascorbic acid and bendazole are excreted in the urine. T1 / 2 components does not exceed 3 hours.

Indications for use:

Prevention and symptomatic treatment of the early stages of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections.

Dosage and method of application of the drug.

The drug is taken orally 30 minutes before meals.

For the purpose of prevention and treatment, adults and children over 6 years of age are prescribed 1 caps. 3 times / day for 4 days.

Children aged 1 to 3 years are prescribed 2 ml of syrup 3 times / day for 4 days; children aged 3 to 6 years - 4 ml 3 times / day for 4 days; children aged 6 to 10 years - 8 ml 3 times / day for 4 days; children over the age of 10 years - 12 ml 3 times / day for 4 days.

With a preventive purpose, a second course of treatment can be carried out after 3-4 weeks.

Side effect of Cytovir-3:

From the side of the cardiovascular system: a short-term decrease in blood pressure (in patients with neurocirculatory dystonia).

Other: allergic reactions.

Contraindications to the drug:

Diabetes mellitus (for syrup);

Children's age up to 6 years (for capsules);

Pregnancy (for capsules);

Lactation period (for capsules);

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation.

The drug is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Special instructions for the use of Tsitovir-3.

With prolonged use of the syrup, periodic monitoring of kidney function and blood glucose levels is necessary.

Drug overdose:

There are no data on an overdose of the drug Tsitovir-3.

Interaction of Cytovir-3 with other drugs.

The drug interaction of the drug Cytovir-3 is not described.

Conditions of sale in pharmacies.

The capsules are approved for use as a non-prescription drug.

The syrup is available by prescription.

Terms of the storage conditions of the drug Cytovir-3.

List B. The drug should be stored in a dry, dark place, out of the reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life of capsules - 3 years, syrup - 2 years.

Antiviral agents of different groups.

Composition of Tsitovir-3

alpha-Glutamyl-Tryptophan, ascorbic acid, bendazol.


Cytomed Biomedical Research and Production Complex (Russia)

pharmachologic effect

The drug is a means of etiotropic and immunomodulatory therapy, has an antiviral effect against influenza A and B viruses and other viruses that cause acute respiratory infections.

When taken orally, absorption from the gastrointestinal tract is complete.

Side effects of Cytovir-3

Allergic reactions, short-term decrease in blood pressure.

Indications for use

Influenza, SARS (prevention and treatment as part of complex therapy in the early stages).

Contraindications Tsitovir-3

Hypersensitivity, diabetes mellitus (for syrup), pregnancy, children's age (up to 6 years - for capsules, up to 1 year - for syrup).

Method of application and dosage

Inside, 30 minutes before meals.

1 capsule 3 times a day.

The course of treatment and prevention is 4 days (schemes of therapeutic and prophylactic use are identical).

The prophylactic course, if necessary, is repeated after 3-4 weeks.



  • short-term decrease in blood pressure in patients with VS,
  • old age.


  • symptomatic.


No data.

special instructions

It is necessary to monitor kidney function, blood pressure and blood glucose concentration.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. FROM.

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