The unsaturated fats found in Fats are saturated and unsaturated. Trans fats: a cake with a long shelf life

Saturated or unhealthy (bad) fats in foods. Needwhether saturated fatty acids to the body?

In this article, we will find out why our body cannot function correctly without fat? We will also talk about rich and unsaturatedacids? And what is their difference? However, let's take a closer look at saturated fats. First, let's talk about the structure.

Difference Between Saturated and Unsaturated Fatty Acids

In fats, we are interested in saturated and unsaturated fatty acid, because they play a key role in the benefits of fats. Almost everyone knows that fats are divided into saturated and not saturated fat. Saturated fats(as they are also called harmful or bad fats) are based on saturated fatty acids. BUT unsaturated fats made up of unsaturated fatty acids. Most of the saturated fats we get from animal food, and unsaturated - from vegetable. Saturated fats or animals are usually solid. And unsaturated fats or vegetable fats, as a rule, liquid. And now the question arises, why are some solid and others liquid, and what is the difference?

Everything is connected with chemical structure . The double bond in unsaturated fats gives them extra mobility. And if there are no such double bonds, then the molecule is more stable - these are animal fats, i.e. solid fats. But there is also a better explanation. At vegetable fats there is double bonds, which means that these are free places to which any molecule. Why is this needed? The fact is that plants stand still and do not move, unlike animals. plants difficult adapt, for example, there is no sun and nothing can be done, or if unpleasant weather, then you still can’t get away, because you won’t get out of the ground. Such acids with free bonds can easily participate in various biochemical reactions, a double bond is like a free place in a molecule, which means that this place can be put some other molecule and easily change fat properties. For example, make it more dense during cold weather. As a result, plants are opportunists That's why they're so fat. And in animal saturated fats, all bonds clogged there are no more vacancies. But everything is fine with animals: if it’s cold, then into the hole, if it’s hot, into the water. Animals can actively move and change conditions environment instead of changing the properties of your fat. So in animals No critical need to adapt, so their fats are less flexible.

Although it can be clarified that both saturated and unsaturated fats are present in animals and plants, animals predominantly rich, in plants - unsaturated. All Omega fats are unsaturated fats, and Omega 6, Omega 9 are just designation double bond. Specifically, this means where in the molecule there is a free place (double bond): in the third, sixth or ninth place. PUFA are polyunsaturated fatty acids, i.e. where there are many double bonds. BUT MZHNK are monounsaturated fatty acids (one free seat). And now, when you see these names on the pack, you will understand what they mean. And now the most important thing, why do we need fats?

What are saturated fats for?

Now very fashionable low fat, and this is a real crime against the body. People limit themselves life-supporting components without which normal life is simply impossible. Of course, if there is little fat in the diet, you will not die, but the body will work. worse than might work. Imagine that body- this is a road, and according to the standards, 125 kg of asphalt is needed per 1 meter of an asphalt road, and you don’t have that much, you only have 50 kg. Yes, of course you will lay the asphalt, but it will short-lived. Also with fats, this is an important building element, and if they are not present, the organs suffer.

At the core of your work brain and all nervous system lies fat. Brain cells (neurons) are based on electrical impulses. And the “wires” along which the electrical impulse runs are surrounded by a sheath consisting of myelin is a substance that is 75% from lipids (fats), and animals saturated fats. If you do not consume this fat, you will have deficit, and the momentum will move badly. Therefore will suffer all: nervous system, brain, coordination, muscle movements, memory (long-term, short-term), learning ability, etc.

The studies carried out have shown that with a significant deficit fat is a change in brain tissue. Of course it is extreme case and it is unlikely that you will, but nevertheless, it is possible. Fats especially important for pregnant women because they are involved in the development of the baby's brain. Pregnant women are advised to consume a lot caviar. There are a lot of both saturated and unsaturated fat. And some grandmothers still in the villages give the child a piece instead of a pacifier fat. So if you have memory problems, consume more fats.

Girls are twice as likely suffer from diseases respiratory system(asthma owned). Why is this happening? Girls often avoid fat in the diet, and the lungs carry oxygen into the blood thanks to the pulmonary surfactant. This is a special substance that lines the lungs from the inside. And it's on 90% is made up of fat. And from rich"harmful and bad" fat. The surfactant helps the alveoli not collapse and carry more oxygen into the blood. And now remember, in transport, in the subway, etc., you often met people (especially girls) who feel poorly. Suffocation, pallor, fainting - that's all symptoms. Basically, these symptoms even in enclosed spaces inherent in girls, and many generally go constantly pale. And all why? because don't eat fats. After all pulmonary surfactant- it's on 90% saturated fat. Such people develop hypoxia, a constant lack of oxygen in the blood, and oxygen is involved in all processes and provides energy. That's why basically all the girls levy for sweets, because the oxygen-free breakdown of glucose provides energy. Ultimately, lung health requires more eat fatty. Although no, for many it is more pleasant to swallow pills and inhale.

Saturated fats and are involved in the synthesis testosterone- chief male hormone. Unsaturated fats and fatty acids are involved in membranes cells. What's more, many are fat-soluble. And if there is no fat, there are no vitamins. That is why some various vegetable oils are now very popular they have a lot of vitamins. Many fat-soluble vitamins stored in your fatty tissue. That is, if you have excess fat, you are not afraid avitaminosis in winter because you have stock these vitamins. But many burn that vitamins are not stored, this is not entirely true, they can be stored in excess adipose tissue, but Not all vitamins, but only fat-soluble ones. Functions in fats full. So that eat fats, be they good or bad.

How much saturated fat do you need? Exaggerated harm of saturated fats.

On the this moment exists a large number of recommendations content of saturated fat in the diet. There are opinions of well-known American researchers, and progressive researchers in the field of nutrition, who advise consume 50% saturated fat and 50% unsaturated fats in the diet, i.e. fat ratio should be 50 to 50. According to our dietitians and nutritionists in RAMS, the ratio of saturated to unsaturated fats should be 30 to 70, i.e. saturated fat should be consumed less. Choose for yourself who to believe. If you read this article carefully, you will understand that saturated fats are simply necessary for the body to function properly.

But still, many try avoid saturated fats. There are a few reasons. First and most main reason This is the fear of cholesterol. Many people fear heart disease, atherosclerosis and high cholesterol. However, recent data and analysis of previous studies suggests that many of these facts are rather controversial. Read the bomb article about cholesterol and you will be surprised. Secondly, at the moment a person consumes saturated fats in huge quantity in buns, sweets, various sweets. That is why nutritionists say that saturated fats in excess and they don't need to be eaten. However, this not true because most of these fat These are poor quality margarines. Or they give us a replacement Palm oil, which is a saturated fat, but originated vegetable. Now palm oil can be found almost everywhere, even in Snickers. Of course, there is little harm from palm oil, despite all the assurances of journalists.

When real saturated fats are replaced by a cheap vegetable analogue - this is not good. Firstly, this is a banal overpayment when you think that you are buying animal fats, but in fact you palm off vegetable counterpart. Secondly, the problem is that you will be in short supply for real good saturated fatty acids, and most importantly - phospholipids. That's why (because of these two factors) the average person's current saturated fat intake is low, but rather low. Because, in this case, saturated fat- these are low-quality fakes and plant analogues.

Saturated fats in food. main sources

Everything is very simple here, as the name implies, the main sources of quality saturated fats are products animal origin. I would single out two main source: lard (pure fat) and dairy products.

Salo (fat) You can consume as in pure form as well as with meat. Even in the fattest chicken breast There is some saturated fat, and pork and lamb have pretty decent amounts. Many people consume salo in its purest form, especially Ukrainians. It consists of almost 100% from fat.

To dairy products I would first of all attribute cream and milk, cottage cheese, real butter, etc. These products may also vary percent saturated fat content.

That's all. it two major source of quality saturated fats. As you understand in sausages, sausages, sweets, confectionery, cookies, waffles, sweets, etc. very little quality saturated fats. Basically, these are margarines or cheap analogues of vegetable fats, which can really harm our health, if we eat them in excess.

I made separately very interesting articles about and in which he described the whole truth about these products, dismantled the composition, how to choose and much more. After reading this article, you will reconsider your attitude towards these two most popular foods with saturated fats.


The property and density of fats is explained by their chemical structure and the presence double connections. If not, the fat is saturated. Unsaturated fats are mostly vegetable and saturated fats are animals fats. Saturated fats play important role in brain function, central nervous system and also the respiratory system (in the lungs). Saturated fats, especially cholesterol, also involved in the synthesis of testosterone, and unsaturated fats are solvents for vitamins ( fat soluble vitamins). Also all cell membranes consist from unsaturated fats, and without them we die.

Now people are overeating substandard saturated fats like margarine and vegetable oil, but malnourished really high-quality saturated fats. Animal fats contain many useful, both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, and for some properties surpasses even vegetable fats (read articles about and ). The tradition of consuming fats in food is welcomed by the presence of animal fats in the diet. I'm sure it's no accident.

The article is based on the materials of Tsatsoulina Boris.

They are fats whose molecules are supersaturated with hydrogen. The main difference between saturated fats and unsaturated fats is that the former remain solid when normal temperature. Saturated fats include:

  • Animal fats (eg. interior fat, cheese, kidney fat and white fat on meat products)
  • Vegetable fats of tropical origin (for example, and)

Saturated fats in your daily diet

Saturated fats are the simplest in structure and the most unhealthy. Saturated fats tend to combine with acids in the blood and form spherical fatty compounds. In addition, they are easily deposited in fat cells and cause narrowing of the lumen of the artery. And this is fraught with such unpleasant diseases like stroke, heart attack, etc. If you are following diets and trying to get rid of excess weight consuming saturated fats can be detrimental to you. After all, they take on a solid state inside your body, slow down the metabolic process, and do not allow you to burn unnecessary calories. Daily use saturated fat leads to disease cordially vascular system, obesity and all related problems. It is recommended for health not to exceed the percentage of saturated fat more than 7% of all calories consumed.

  • Fat meat
  • Confectionery
  • Fast food
  • and milk products

Of course, dairy meat products are extremely important for the human body, however, it is better to give preference to products that do not contain such copious amounts saturated fats.


Not every fat is harmful to the body and human health, some fats even strengthen it, fight overweight. Not only a bodybuilder, but every person should consume vegetable oils, at least 2 g

Unsaturated fatty acids are present in all dietary fats, but their largest amount is found in vegetable oils, which remain liquid when room temperature, are perfectly absorbed by the body, bringing a lot of useful things to it, incl. fat soluble acids. These fats contain a high oxidative capacity due to the presence of double unsaturated bonds. The most used are linoleic, oleic, arachidonic and linolenic acids. Nutritionists insist that daily diet these acids must be present.

On one's own human body does not produce unsaturated fats, so they must be introduced with food daily. Arachidonic acid only, if present enough B vitamins, the body is able to synthesize itself. All these unsaturated acids needed to carry out vital biochemical processes in cell membranes oh and for intramuscular metabolism. The sources of all the above acids are natural vegetable oils. If the body does not have enough unsaturated fats, then this leads to skin inflammation, dehydration and stunted growth in adolescents.

Unsaturated fatty acids enter the system of membrane cells, connective tissue and myelin sheath, which allows them to participate in fat metabolism body and easily convert cholesterol into simple compounds that are easily removed from it. In order to provide the necessary for a person's need for unsaturated fats, you need to eat at least 60 grams of any vegetable oil daily. the biggest biological activity have corn, sunflower, linseed, cottonseed and soybean oils, which contain up to 80% unsaturated fatty acids.

Benefits of unsaturated fats

Unsaturated fats are divided into two types:

  • monounsaturated
  • Polyunsaturated

Both types of fatty acids are beneficial for the cardiovascular system. They lower high level cholesterol in the blood. The only difference between them is that monounsaturated fats at room temperature liquid, and at low temperature begin to harden. Polyunsaturated - liquid at any temperature.

Monounsaturated fatty acids are mainly found in natural products such as nuts, olive oil, avocado, canola oil, grapeseed oil. The most common is olive oil. Doctors advise to include it in the diet, as it brings great benefit for the health of not only the heart, but the whole organism as a whole. This oil is generally considered ideal, since it does not lose its properties at any temperature, does not saturate over time and does not granulate.

Polyunsaturated fats such as omega-3 (alpha-linoleic acid) and omega-6 (linoleic acid) are the building blocks from which all healthy fats in the body. Polyunsaturated fats are found in some types of cold-water marine fish, such as mackerel, herring or salmon. They are most useful when various inflammations to maintain immunity, prevent the occurrence cancer cells and increase brain function. also in large quantities omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are found in linseed oil, walnuts, in a small amount- in canola oil and soybeans. All of these products are needed by the body, as they contain decosahexaenoic (DHA), eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and alpha-linoleic acid, which is not produced in the human body at all on its own.

World Scientific research have shown that omega-3 PUFAs can even stop the development of cancer, which is caused by the action of certain receptors in cells that stop the increased ability of cells to divide, especially in brain cells. Also, omega-3 PUFAs have the ability to repair destroyed or damaged DNA and help reduce blood clotting, which improves blood flow, thereby removing various inflammations.

Daily consumption of unsaturated fats removes and prevents:

  • Itching and dry skin
  • Fatigue and chronic fatigue
  • depression
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Brittle hair and nails
  • Type II diabetes
  • Pain in the joints
  • Poor concentration

The harm of unsaturated fatty acids

Excessive consumption of unsaturated fats can not only lead to premature aging but also the spread of arthritis, multiple sclerosis and other chronic diseases. Recently, the production of fish sticks, crispy potatoes, fried pies and donuts has become widespread. It seems that they are produced on healthy vegetable oils, but the oil is subjected to heat treatment. In this case, the process of polymerization of fats and their oxidation occurs, as a result of which unsaturated fats break down into dimers, monomers and higher polymers, which reduces nutritional value vegetable oil and completely destroys the presence of vitamins and phosphatides in it. The least harm that food cooked in such oil can cause is the development of gastritis and irritation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Need for unsaturated fats

The rate of fat in the human body depends on age, climate, labor activity and states immune system. In northern climatic zones, the need for unsaturated fats can reach up to 40% of calories per day from food consumed, respectively, in southern and middle climatic zones - up to 30% of daily calories. Daily ration for the elderly is approximately 20% of total food, but for people involved in heavy physical labor, – up to 35%.

To avoid serious problems with health, it is necessary:

  • Instead of chocolate and sweets for dessert, eat nuts and grains
  • Instead of meat, eat fatty sea fish three times a week
  • Completely eliminate fried and fast food from your diet
  • Eat raw vegetable oils: olive, linseed or canola oil.

High blood cholesterol levels are a real scourge of our time. Increased cholesterol levels increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, which are one of the leading causes of death. Sources bad cholesterol Saturated fats found in many animal products. That is why doctors recommend including more products, which are sources of healthy unsaturated fats.

What is the difference between unsaturated fats and saturated fats?

To understand the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats, it helps to study them. chemical properties. Saturated fats are characterized by a single carbon bond, which is why they easily assemble into spherical compounds, form cholesterol plaques and stored in fat depots. Unsaturated fats have a double carbon bond, thanks to which they remain active, penetrate cell membranes and do not form solid compounds in the blood.

However, this does not mean that saturated fats, which are found in meat, eggs, chocolate, butter, palm and coconut oils should be completely eliminated from the diet. Saturated fats are essential for better assimilation some vitamins and minerals, correct operation reproductive system human, the production of hormones and the construction of cell membranes. In addition, saturated fats are a unique source of energy and are especially needed during the cold season. Daily rate saturated fat - 15-20 g.

As for obesity, it can be obtained by excessive consumption of any fat, especially in combination with easily digestible carbohydrates.

What foods contain unsaturated fats?

Unsaturated fats contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Both of these types are helpful in lowering bad cholesterol levels caused by excess saturated fat in the diet. Foods containing unsaturated fats usually contain both types of fatty acids.

Olive oil is considered a particularly valuable source of unsaturated fats. Due to the large amount of monounsaturated fatty acids, olive oil helps cleanse blood vessels and lower blood pressure, prevents cancer and type II diabetes, improves brain function, skin and hair condition. However, it is worth remembering that olive oil, like any other vegetable oil, it is still pure fat, the calorie content of which is very high. Therefore, you need to use it in small portions - no more than a tablespoon, in which, by the way, there will be about 120 kilocalories!

A lot of unsaturated fats, especially omega-3 (polyunsaturated fatty acids), contains sea ​​fish(in river fish they are also present, but in smaller quantities). Thanks to unsaturated fats, sea fish is very useful for the nervous system, joints and blood vessels, and a high content and minerals make this product very valuable for a person.

Rich sources of unsaturated fats are vegetable oils (linseed, corn, soybean, sunflower), seafood (shrimp, mussels, oysters, squid), nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews), seeds (sesame, soy, flax, sunflower), avocado, olives.

The dangers of unsaturated fats

by the most bad fats, which must be excluded from the diet of everyone, are trans fats. And, oddly enough, trans fats are made from healthy unsaturated fats. Thanks to the hydrogenation process, vegetable oils become solid, i.e. lose their permeability and acquire the ability to easily form blood clots in blood vessels. Trans fats impair metabolism within cells, provoke the accumulation of toxins, increase the risk of diabetes, weaken the immune system and cause a host of other health problems. Mayonnaise, margarine, ketchup, and some confectionery contain trans fats.

Fats and cholesterol are closely related concepts, and most often people are afraid that the level of cholesterol in their body will increase, as they have heard about its negative properties and harm to health. In fact, you should only be afraid high content cholesterol, which is considered "bad", that is, LDL (high-density lipoprotein).

What fats are good for the body, what is the harm of trans fats and what foods contain these substances - you will learn about this and much more from this article.

What is the difference between saturated fats and unsaturated fats

Fats, or lipids, are the most important source of energy, are part of the structural components of the cell, protect the body from heat loss, and organs from damage. food products contain animal fats and plant origin, and all lipids are composed of glycerol and fatty acids, among which saturated and unsaturated are distinguished. The harm and benefits of fat is not an idle question, so it is worth considering it in more detail.

What is the difference between saturated fats and unsaturated fats and where are they found? Saturated fatty acids form hard ("bad") fats, unsaturated fatty acids form soft ("good") fats. In animal fats, saturated fats predominate, in vegetable (except coconut and palm oils) - unsaturated fats. Thus, the answer to the question "which fats are good - saturated or unsaturated" is obvious: only unsaturated fatty acids are useful. Saturated fatty acids in best case neutral for the body, at worst - harmful.

Most of the fats consumed by humans are triglycerides (95-98%), consisting of one molecule of glycerol and three fatty acid residues. One fatty acid consists of a more or less long chain of carbon atoms (C) to which hydrogen atoms (H) are attached. Carbon atoms can be connected to each other by single or double bonds.

Having no double bonds is called saturated, having one double bond - monounsaturated, several double bonds - polyunsaturated.

The latter are not synthesized in the body - these are essential (essential) fatty acids (they are called vitamin F).

Exists general principle A: Unsaturated fats are vegetable fats, while saturated fats are animal fats. But, as you know, there are exceptions to any rule. For example, pigs are specially fattened to obtain solid (saturated) fat. In cold weather, pigs freeze very much, in fact, "stiffen". In contrast, fish, which also have animal fat, are able to live in very cold, even arctic temperatures, water. Fish fat is unsaturated and preserves liquid state at sub-zero temperatures, for this reason, fish retain mobility, flexibility, and agility. Saturated and unsaturated fats are necessary for the body, but the preponderance should be in favor of unsaturated fats.

What fats of animal and vegetable origin are good for the body

Speaking about which fats are useful, do not forget that vegetable fats also have their own characteristics. As a rule, vegetable fats are found in seeds and are unsaturated (olive, sunflower, linseed, sea buckthorn, nut, grape seed, corn). Exceptions are some fruits of tropical and subtropical regions, which have fats with high point melting, i.e., these fats remain in a solid state even in tropical heat. Coconut and palm oils have the hardest saturated vegetable fat in the world.

Hardness and saturation of fat are inseparable: saturated fats remain solid even at room temperature, while unsaturated fats remain liquid at temperatures below zero.

The human diet should contain from 80 to 100 g of fat per day (1.2-1.3 per 1 kg of body weight), including 30-35 g of vegetable oil containing polyunsaturated fatty acids. When choosing between vegetable and animal fats, try to give preference to the first.

What foods contain healthy fats

What foods contain healthy fats and which ones contain unhealthy ones?

Important sources of unsaturated fatty acids: fish (mackerel, sardines, tuna, salmon, trout, herring, cod liver), vegetable oils. The main sources of saturated fatty acids: animal products (meat, sausages, offal, poultry skin, butter, sour cream, whole milk, animal fats), some herbal products(coconut and palm oils, margarine, cooking oil).

A report by the American Heart Association (1961), which is rightly considered a "document of world importance," states that "reducing the amount of fat consumed with a reasonable replacement of saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats is recommended as possible remedy prevent atherosclerosis and reduce the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke. In this regard, it is necessary to choose especially carefully. The ratio of protein to fat in different foods is very important.

Table "Cholesterol content in products"

Below is a table "The content of cholesterol in products", which indicates the amount of cholesterol in milligrams per 100 g of product.


Vegetables, fruits (all)

Fish (most varieties)

Meat and meat products



Horse meat, lamb

rabbit meat

Calf's liver

beef liver


Sausages (various)

whole egg

Egg yolk

Milk and dairy products

Whole milk

Fat-free cottage cheese

Fat cottage cheese

A high-calorie diet rich in saturated fat is the cause high content"bad" cholesterol in the blood. A diet high in unsaturated fats leads to a decrease in the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and an increase in "good" cholesterol.

Every day an adult consumes about 750 mg of cholesterol. About 1 g of cholesterol is formed in the liver per day. Depending on the nature of the food, this amount may vary: an increase in the amount of cholesterol in food leads to an increase in its level in the blood, a decrease - respectively, to a decrease. So, reducing the cholesterol content in products up to 350-375 mg / day. leads to a decrease in its level in the blood by 7 mg / dl. An increase in cholesterol to 1500 mg results in an increase of 10 mg/dl of blood. In this regard, it is necessary to know the cholesterol content in staple foods.

What are trans fats and their harm to the body

In this section of the article, you will learn what trans fats are and what is their danger to the human body. Unsaturated fats in industrial or culinary processing take the form of "trans", turning when heated and hydrogenated into saturated solid fats, such as margarine, cooking oil, spread. Trans fats are widely used in industry, as they can dramatically increase the shelf life of products. A French study of 17,000 people found that consumption of trans fatty acids alone increased the risk of myocardial infarction by 50%, even in the absence of other important factors risk (tobacco smoking, consumption of fats, saturated fatty acids, physical inactivity, etc.).

What foods contain trans fats? These are mayonnaises, ketchups, ready-made sauces, refined vegetable oil, dry concentrates (soups, sauces, desserts, creams), soft oils, spreads, mixes of vegetable and butter, chips, popcorn with the addition of fat, diacetyl and other flavors, fast food products (fries, hot dogs, sandwiches, hamburgers), frozen meat, fish and other semi-finished breaded products (for example, meatballs, fish fingers), confectionery (cakes , cakes, donuts, waffles, cookies, crackers, candies).

Avoid foods containing trans fats. Always read the ingredient list on the product label to see if it contains hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats. This refers to trans fats.

In human nutrition, fats are absolutely necessary, but saturated fats, trans fats and excess cholesterol in food are dangerous for the heart and blood vessels, unsaturated fats can prevent cardiovascular disease.

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