swelling of the scrotum. How dangerous is the phenomenon and what can provoke it. Scrotal edema - causes and treatment Swollen scrotum

Every year the number of men with problems with the genitourinary system is increasing. What is it connected with? Experts blame the environment, modern lifestyle and bad food. The strong half of humanity has become more passive in terms of physical development, but the chosen specialties also make it necessary to spend most of the time in a sitting position, to eat by snacking. At first glance, there is nothing new and bad here, but if swelling of the scrotum occurs, then the man is no longer laughing. It is necessary to specify the problem and find a way to get rid of unpleasant sensations.


Swelling of the scrotum is one of the unpleasant symptoms. But it is very dangerous for the health of men. In simple terms, this is a bag for storing the reproductive system, which is responsible for the body of a man, his ability to be fertilized and affects sexual performance. Why? The testicles provide hormones. When there are serious side effects, but you can notice them yourself. In addition, it has appendages and ducts for ejaculation.

Any inflammatory process leads to dysfunction not only of the testicles, but also of the prostate, kidneys, and adrenal glands, since testosterone is not produced at the proper level. The progress of the development of diseases is very fast and it is impossible to delay the treatment. The scrotum is made up of glands (sweat and sebaceous). Its swelling creates additional discomfort:

  • burning;
  • bad smell;
  • pain during bowel movements.

It is not at all necessary that the pathology indicates the presence of an infection or diseases of the genitourinary system. Perhaps due to injury or allergies. But the most terrible is the fact of the presence of a cancerous tumor of the testicles.

The inflammatory process causes swelling. This can occur in all representatives of the male half, regardless of age and capabilities. If such a phenomenon is detected during maturation or in childhood, this may indicate an injury or the appearance of a tumor. Puffiness can be on one side or both. Often the process extends further and affects the phallus or inguinal zone.

Pain, oddly enough, will not always accompany such a phenomenon. If the scrotum is swollen - a signal to visit a specialist in any case (whether there is pain or not). There is a problem and it needs to be diagnosed, because the cancer needs to be removed immediately.

Swelling may indicate testicular torsion. This problem is the most common and a qualified solution is simply needed in a very short time. This can lead to impaired circulation and cell death. Already 4 hours after the onset of the problem, the first cells die off, as the spermatic cords twist. To avoid this, you must urgently go to the hospital and not waste a second.

Other causes of swelling include:

  • a cancerous tumor in the scrotum;
  • allergies and orchitis;
  • varicose veins and parotitis.

In the postoperative period, swelling is a natural phenomenon. Still, surgical incision of the skin always carries an inflammatory process of tissues, which disappears after fusion. If you do not carry out the necessary procedures for treating the wound, then pain occurs not in the scrotum itself, but in the lower abdomen. In this case, additional therapy will be necessary.

Since puffiness in most cases is provoked by an inflammatory process, it is quite natural that the patient's body temperature rises, which may be accompanied by vomiting. Untimely treatment or violation of therapy lead to reddening of the skin and peeling. Often, due to inflammation, a yellowish-smelling discharge may appear from the phallus - this is pus that is trying to find a way out.

In order for all these symptoms to be eliminated, a specific disease should be diagnosed and treated. A surgeon or urologist will help in this matter. It is not advisable to do this on your own.

It should not be assumed that the appearance of swelling after surgery is the norm. She is only the first days, but then should go. By following all the instructions of the doctor who performed the operation, this can be avoided. If there is an increase in swelling and pain (especially if the pain is sharp and radiates to the groin), you should seek help from the urological department.

If you experience symptoms such as:

  • discharge from the wound and temperature;
  • skin redness or rash;
  • loss of strength, accompanied by dizziness or nausea;
  • the testicle rose

This will require additional examinations and, possibly, a new operation. The field of hernia removal can also be observed swelling of the scrotum. This is not the norm and is a threat to the health of men. Consequences: testicular atrophy and infertility.

This phenomenon in the postoperative period is treatable and its basis is antibiotics. Only a doctor can prescribe them after a thorough examination and clarification of the reasons. In the presence of a rash, redness, peeling and cracking of the skin, anti-inflammatory dosage forms and antihistamine ointments (gels) are added to the treatment regimen. If there is purulent discharge, then surgery will be required, and after it physiotherapy procedures.

Need to know! If you have a son, then from the cradle you need to teach him to examine the scrotum. Already from the age of 10, the boy is exposed to all adult diseases. Allergies can occur at any age. Especially difficult is the process of lowering the testicles in infants.

swelling caused by allergies

Determining that the scrotum is swollen due to an allergy to a product or chemical (soap, laundry detergent, etc.) is quite simple:

  • the skin is redder and severe itching appears;
  • the swelling is not strong, but unpleasant;
  • sometimes, instead of redness, there are spots or a small rash.

But there is also an allergy to taking medications during the treatment of bronchitis or rhinitis. The fact is that the drugs used to treat these diseases often have such a side effect in men with allergies.

If the allergen has entered the body, then its absorption into the blood occurs very quickly and the man feels all the above symptoms. But they can both reactively appear and quickly disappear. And sometimes they drag on for a long period.

In any case, the patient is hospitalized and a number of studies are carried out. This is necessary for a complete picture of the disease, and for one and cutting off other possible life-threatening diseases.

If swelling occurs in the genital area, and especially the scrotum, every man should not rely on self-medication and diagnosis. Only after a specialized examination can we talk about the causes and take courses of treatment.

- neoplasms originating from the epithelium, connective or muscle tissue of an organ. The only manifestation in most cases are nodes of various sizes, colors and textures. Some benign tumors can reach a significant size, cause a gross cosmetic defect and create inconvenience when walking. With the progression of malignant tumors of the scrotum, ulceration, germination of nearby organs and metastasis to the lymph nodes are possible. In the later stages, exhaustion, weakness and hyperthermia are observed. The diagnosis is established on the basis of examination and data from additional studies. Surgical treatment.

General information

Tumors of the scrotum are a group of primary and secondary tumor formations of the scrotal region. Primary benign tumors are an extremely rare pathology (with the exception of cysts and papillomas), single lipomas, fibromyomas, chondrofibromas, hemangiomas and lymphangiomas and some other neoplasms are described in the domestic literature. Primary malignant tumors of the scrotum are detected more often than benign ones, but also belong to the category of less common diseases. In most cases, secondary tumors of the scrotum are detected due to the aggressive growth of malignant neoplasms located in nearby organs and tissues (for example, with the germination of testicular cancer, penile cancer or prostate cancer). Treatment is carried out by specialists in the field of oncology and andrology.

Anatomy of the scrotum. Classification of tumors of the scrotum

The scrotum is a sac-like formation in the perineum in men. It is a protrusion of the abdominal wall, consists of skin, fleshy membrane, fascia and muscles. It is a container for the testicles, epididymis and spermatic cords. Benign and malignant tumors of the listed organs are considered separately; only lesions of the integumentary soft tissues are included in the category of tumors of the scrotum. Taking into account the origin and histological structure, the following neoplasms of the scrotum are distinguished:

  • epithelial tumors.
  • Pigment tumors.
  • Neoplasms and tumor-like lesions of soft tissues.
  • Neoplasms and tumor-like lesions of lymphoid and hematopoietic tissue.
  • Secondary foci arising from the spread of malignant cells from other organs.
  • Unclassified tumors.

Benign tumors of the scrotum

The most common benign tumors of the scrotum are epidermal cysts (atheromas) and papillomas. Less common are fibromas, lipomas, epitheliomas, basaliomas, and leiomyomas. Very rarely, lymphangiomas, hemangiomas, teratomas, and dermoid cysts are diagnosed. Epidermal cysts occur in adolescents or young men and are usually multiple. They are tense tumors of the scrotum of a yellowish color with a diameter of 1 mm to 2 cm. In most cases, they are asymptomatic, less often accompanied by itching. On the surface of the cysts, small holes can be detected, from which yellowish-white contents are released when pressed. Possible inflammation. Long-standing cysts may calcify. Treatment - surgical removal of scrotum atheromas.

Papillomas are tumors of the scrotum of epithelial origin. May be single or multiple. Sometimes combined with papillomas of the perineum, groin and penis. They are small knots of flesh, pinkish or brownish color. Treatment is electroexcision or electrocoagulation. The remaining tumors of the scrotum, as a rule, are solitary, asymptomatic and do not reach a significant size. The exceptions are large lymphangiomas and hemangiomas, which can cause a pronounced cosmetic defect and make it difficult to walk. Surgical treatment of benign tumors of the scrotum.

Malignant tumors of the scrotum

Neoplasms of epidermal origin are more often diagnosed. Less common are liposarcomas, neurofibrosarcomas, liomyosarcomas, and rhabdomyosarcomas of the scrotum. Scrotum cancer can be squamous or basal cell. Squamous cell tumors of the scrotum - more common, as a rule, develop against the background of long-term ulcers and fistulas. With prolonged professional contact with tar, soot, fuel oil and some other carcinogenic substances, they can occur on intact skin. It has been established that tumors of the scrotum are more often diagnosed 10-15 years after contact with a carcinogen. The average age of patients is 40-60 years.

In the early stages, squamous cell carcinoma of the scrotum is a hard, painless nodule. Subsequently, ulceration and infiltration of surrounding tissues are observed. The tumor of the scrotum quickly metastasizes to the inguinal-femoral lymph nodes. Due to poor clinical symptoms, patients often first go to the doctor only after the appearance of ulcers or the development of pain due to the spread of the process to nearby anatomical formations.

Basal cell tumors of the scrotum are diagnosed very rarely; only about 30 cases of this oncological disease have been described in the literature. Causes of development and risk factors have not been established. The tumor of the scrotum grows slowly and shows a low tendency to metastasize. The diagnosis of squamous cell and basal cell carcinoma of the scrotum is made on the basis of anamnesis, external examination data, the results of ultrasound of the scrotum, ultrasound of the penis, ultrasound of the prostate, MRI of the prostate and other studies.

The purpose of these studies is to determine the size and extent of the tumor of the scrotum, assess the involvement of regional lymph nodes and nearby organs, as well as differential diagnosis of primary and secondary malignant lesions of the scrotum. The final diagnosis is made after an aspiration biopsy or surgical removal of the scrotal tumor with subsequent histological examination.

The tactics of treatment are determined depending on the prevalence of the oncological process. With local nodes, excision of the scrotal tumor is performed from 2-3 cm of healthy tissues along the periphery and the underlying fleshy layer. For large defects, plastic surgery is performed. In the presence of metastases in regional lymph nodes, lymphadenectomy is performed. Indications for prophylactic removal of lymph nodes have not yet been determined due to the small number of cases of malignant tumors of the scrotum.

Most oncologists, in the absence of obvious signs of scrotal tumor metastasis, perform an open or aspiration biopsy of the lymph nodes, followed by a histological examination, and remove the lymph nodes only when malignant cells are found in the material obtained. The prognosis is determined by the type and stage of the scrotal tumor. The five-year survival rate for local processes is 75%, with damage to the lymph nodes and nearby organs - 8%.

Scrotal edema in men today is a fairly common pathological phenomenon. Basically, the development of such a problem occurs against the background of a person having any serious diseases of the genitourinary system.

The scrotum is an organ that resembles in its structure a musculocutaneous sac, inside which the sex glands (testicles, their appendages, and also the vas deferens) are located. In addition, it consists of many sweat and sebaceous glands. The space between all components of the scrotum has blood vessels and is filled with loose connective tissue.

When various infectious agents enter the cavity of the genitourinary organ, the inflammatory process begins to develop intensively, which is accompanied by the accumulation of excess fluid in the connective tissue and thereby leads to an increase in its size and a large number of other uncomfortable sensations. However, testicular swelling is not always the result of the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the reproductive organ. In some cases, such a problem can also occur in the presence of mechanical factors that provoke the development of the disease.

Causes contributing to the appearance of the disease

Factors that cause edematous scrotum syndrome are conventionally divided into infectious and non-infectious. The first ones include:

  • the formation of inflammatory processes in the appendages of the spermatic cord - epididymitis;
  • epididymo-orchitis (inflammation of the testicles and their appendages);
  • orchitis (the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the tissues of the right or left testicle).

The development of epididymitis in men occurs as a result of the penetration of various microbes into the organ of the genitourinary sphere, for example, such as E. coli, streptococcus, staphylococcus, Klebsiella, Proteus, and all kinds of pathogenic fungi. In addition, the disease is often formed against the background of a person having any sexual infections. These include chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc.

The causative agent of epididymitis itself can enter the scrotal cavity through the use of several routes - descending and ascending, that is, it is introduced through the urogenital canals. This is mainly facilitated by the existing foci of chronic diseases of the urinary system, such as urethritis, cystitis, etc.

Swollen scrotum syndrome can occur as a result of recent surgery on the scrotum, including catheterization, or after a disease such as tuberculosis (pneumonia).

Other factors that provoke the disease

Non-infectious causes of swelling include:

  1. The presence of an inguinal hernia (protrusion of an internal organ through the inguinal canal). In this case, swelling of the scrotum can occur after the application of surgical procedures to install the hernial sac back into the abdominal cavity. This is a normal phenomenon, caused by a violation of the outflow of lymph (connective tissue)
  2. Dropsy of the testicles (hydrocele). This pathology is characterized by the accumulation of fluid between the right and left testicles, which is produced by the serous membranes. Basically, the disease occurs in newborns, and in this regard, it is believed that the hydrocele is congenital.
  3. The formation of any neoplasms. The development of tumors in the scrotum is extremely rare, and at the same time they can be of both benign and malignant origin. The former include fibroma, papilloma, and the latter include liposarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, and cancer. The occurrence of tumor processes in the genitourinary organ is a dangerous condition, since cancerous neoplasms are able to metastasize (malignant cells penetrate into the nearby nodes of the lymphatic system, and in especially advanced cases even affect other internal organs of a person). The main danger of such a disease lies in the fact that its detection mainly occurs at the later stages of the development of the pathological process. This is due to the absence of clinical manifestations in the initial stages of the formation of a cancerous tumor.
  4. Heart failure.
  5. Allergic swelling of the penis and scrotum. The formation of swelling in the groin of a man can also appear due to the individual intolerance of his body to various allergens that are contained in food products, in particular honey, animal hair and personal hygiene products or household chemicals. In this case, swelling of the scrotum develops rapidly, immediately after the allergen enters the human body. When it occurs, there is no deterioration in the functioning of the reproductive or urinary system. A distinctive feature of the swelling of this etiology is that the scrotum increases evenly, that is, it has the same size on both sides, and the inflammatory process itself completely disappears within a short period of time without any external influence.
  6. Testicular torsion. The formation of this condition occurs as a result of twisting of the spermatic cord and poses a serious health hazard. Basically, the phenomenon is observed in children, since in childhood the human reproductive system is still immature. The main reason for the appearance of volvulus lies in a sharp contraction of the muscle responsible for raising the testicle, as a result of which the disease develops. This, in turn, provokes swelling of the scrotum, which requires immediate medical attention.


Often, swelling of the reproductive organ in men develops with varicocele. This pathology is a varicose expansion of the blood vessels of the testicle and spermatic cord. In most cases, during the course of the disease, a unilateral increase in the size of the scrotum, that is, the right or left side, is observed.
Varicocele does not cause any particular problems in terms of discomfort, however, the main danger to human health is the complications caused by the disease. The most serious of these is infertility (impaired reproductive function, characterized by the inability to have offspring).

Symptoms and diagnosis of pathology

Regardless of what reason contributed to the development of inflammatory processes in the male genitourinary organ, the clinical manifestations that accompany such a phenomenon will be similar to each other and differ only in the degree of intensity. Common signs of swelling of the scrotum include:

  1. A well-marked increase in the size of the scrotum, which is accompanied by a compaction of its structure (becomes noticeable during palpation).
  2. The appearance of painful sensations of an increasing nature. The pain syndrome can be localized not only in the inguinal zone, but also radiate, that is, spread to the lower abdomen.
  3. Increase in body temperature from 37 to 38ºС and chills.
  4. The scrotum becomes asymmetrical, and its skin begins to redden and peel off. In some cases, small vesicles may form on the epidermis of the reproductive organ, which eventually degenerate into erosion, abscesses, and then into foci of hemorrhage.
  5. If the swelling of the scrotum occurred due to its infectious lesion, then the disease will be accompanied by the formation of liquid discharge from the penis, as well as a change in the color and degree of transparency of the urine.
  6. Dizziness.
  7. Nausea and vomiting.
  8. With the advanced course of the disease, swelling of the penis may be observed.

If the swelling is of a recurrent chronic nature, then the inflammation of the genitourinary organ will be accompanied by less pronounced symptoms, which practically do not cause the patient any discomfort.

Usually, people with a diagnosis such as swelling of the reproductive organ are immediately hospitalized, and then further measures are taken to establish the cause of the syndrome and treat it. Diagnosis of pathology is based on the delivery of appropriate laboratory tests by the patient, the performance of a visual examination and palpation of the scrotum. In addition, the doctor must write out a referral for an ultrasound (ultrasound examination) of the intimate area. Based on the results obtained and the determination of the factors that provoked inflammation, the patient will be prescribed treatment.

Treatment Method

The tactics of eliminating the pathology depends on the diagnosis and is determined only by the doctor. In the case of an infectious lesion of the scrotum, the use of drug therapy is used. It includes various antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and painkillers.

If the causes that caused the development of puffiness are not serious, then its treatment may be local and involve the following:

  1. Applying cold compresses to the intimate area (for example, ice packs wrapped in some material). Such therapy is carried out for no more than one day.
  2. Reduce physical activity and daily physical activity.
  3. Wear looser clothing and a special bandage used to fix the location of the scrotum.
  4. Do testicular massages and cool sitz baths. Massage favorably affects the blood flow of the scrotum. Only an appropriate specialist should massage the testicles.

Allergic swelling of the genitourinary organ is treated only by conservative methods, and treatment is primarily based on the elimination of the allergen that causes such a reaction from a person's life. To combat the problem, the patient is prescribed antihistamine and hormonal medications.

Surgical intervention is performed in extreme cases, when the factors that provoked the development of the pathology are serious inflammatory processes or the presence of tumors in the scrotum. The most radical operation to eliminate puffiness involves the removal of the affected testicle and its appendages.

Traditional medicine methods

Treatment of dropsy of the testicle with folk remedies can only be effective if the development of the hydrocele is not started and in combination with appropriate drug therapy. These include a wide variety of compresses and drinks made on the basis of medicinal herbs. The most common of them include:

  1. A drink made from honey and radish. To prepare it, you need to buy a root crop and wash it well. After that, a small hole is made in it with a knife and 1 tbsp is placed there. honey. Then the root crop is placed in a saucepan and put in the refrigerator for about 24 hours. During this time, the radish secretes juice, which is mixed with honey. The resulting remedy is consumed half an hour before meals, 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Chamomile compress. Approximately 50 g of dried chamomile is poured into 1 liter of hot water and infused for 40 minutes. After this, the infusion must be filtered through cheesecloth and cooled to room temperature. Next, a piece of clean cloth is soaked in the resulting product, folded several times and wrapped around her scrotum. Such a compress should be kept for at least 40 minutes.

swelling of the scrotum indicates the accumulation of excess fluid, which is accompanied by inflammatory processes, both of the scrotum itself and of the organs responsible for sexual function.


Scrotum- a musculoskeletal organ, in the cavity of which the testicles, appendages and the initial section of the spermatic cord are located, separated from each other by a connective tissue septum, to which the embryonic suture corresponds on the outside.

The skin of the scrotum is pigmented, covered with sparse hair, contains a significant amount of sweat and sebaceous glands, the secret of which has a specific smell, and is richly innervated.

The thin skin of the scrotum is tightly fused with the next layer - the fleshy membrane formed by connective tissue with many muscle and elastic fibers. Between the shells of the scrotum, testis, epididymis and spermatic cord are connective tissue strands and loose fiber, in which the vessels pass.

Causes of swelling of the scrotum

Bilateral diffuse swelling of the scrotum is usually a symptom of a systemic disease, most often anasarca. Ascites, hydrothorax, and scrotal edema often develop in patients with severe congestive heart failure, nephrotic syndrome, or cirrhosis.

Unilateral swelling of the scrotum is usually a sign of local pathology. The most common is varicocele (Latin varix - varicose veins and Greek kele - tumor).

This condition is caused by failure of the valves of the internal spermatic veins and is therefore characterized by venous congestion along the spermatic cord. A varicocele resembles a ball of worms. It appears only in the standing position, and in the prone position it disappears.

This condition is easily diagnosed and has important clinical significance, as it often causes reversible infertility. Varicocele often develops on the left side, which is associated with the peculiarities of the outflow along the testicular veins. Accordingly, with a right-sided varicocele, it is necessary to exclude anomalies in the structure or other diagnosis.

In addition to varicocele, local swelling of the scrotum is usually found in the pathology of the testicles or epididymis. Painful swelling of the scrotum usually indicates an acute process (eg, torsion of the spermatic cord, strangulated inguinal hernia, acute orchitis, or acute epididymitis).

An edematous scrotum can be a symptom of diseases:

Which doctors to contact with swelling of the scrotum.

Allergic swelling of the scrotum is a symptom of many allergic diseases, which is manifested by an increase in the size and redness of the skin of the scrotum.

Causes of allergic swelling of the scrotum

The immediate cause of allergic scrotal edema is an allergic reaction, which occurs due to increased release of serotonin, histamine and other allergy mediators into the blood. It is much more important to isolate those factors that can contribute to the occurrence of this very allergic reaction.

In most cases, allergic swelling of the scrotum occurs when food allergens enter the human body. Most often it can be citrus fruits, chocolate, coffee, fish, eggs and other food products. In more rare cases, allergic reactions to other types of food may also occur.

In addition to food allergens, household or pollen allergens are quite often the causes of the development of allergic swelling of the scrotum.

Factors preceding the development of allergic swelling of the scrotum may be allergic rhinitis, allergic bronchial asthma or urticaria. At the same time, swelling of the scrotum does not have to develop against the background of these diseases. It is sufficient that the patient had at least one episode of an allergic disease in his anamnesis.

Symptoms of allergic swelling of the scrotum

The name of the disease almost completely reveals its symptoms. Soon after the allergic agent enters the body, the first symptoms of the disease appear. The scrotum begins to increase in size, the skin over it stretches and acquires a red tint. Patients are concerned about itching in the vulva. A distinctive feature of allergic edema from other acute diseases of the scrotum is a bilateral symmetrical enlargement of the organ.

Allergic swelling of the scrotum

Just as abruptly as the symptoms appear, they may disappear. Most often this is due to the use of appropriate treatment or the removal of the allergen from the body. Often, allergic swelling of the scrotum is an isolated case in a person's life. In another situation, it can acquire a protracted recurrent course, constantly accompanied by repeated episodes of the disease.

Any case of manifestation of allergic swelling of the scrotum is an absolute indication for the patient to consult a urologist in order to diagnose and treat the disease.

Diagnosis of allergic swelling of the scrotum

At the stage of admission to the urological hospital, the doctor faces a very important task - he needs to decide whether the patient needs surgical intervention or not. First of all, the urine and blood of the patient is taken for analysis. If a large number of leukocytes with a shift of the leukocyte formula to the left is found in the patient's blood, then this, as a rule, indicates an acute surgical pathology. If an increased number of eosinophils can be detected in the patient's blood, then the doctor, first of all, should think about the allergic swelling of the scrotum.

To confirm the diagnosis, various research methods can be used, the most common of which is diaphanoscopy. With it, a light source is placed behind the scrotum, against which you can see changes in the parenchyma of the testicles. As a rule, in case of allergic swelling of the scrotum, this study is completely uninformative, while in acute surgical pathology, one can see a seal at the site of a twisted hydatid or spermatic cord.

More detailed information can be obtained after the patient undergoes an ultrasound examination. Although it does not confirm the diagnosis of allergic swelling of the scrotum, it makes it possible to exclude other pathologies, including those requiring immediate surgical intervention.

In the "cold period", when the symptoms of scrotal edema are already regressing in patients, they are assigned an allergological examination of the body. For this, a number of methods are used, such as skin allergy tests, which make it possible to determine not only the type of allergy in a person, but also the substances to which the reaction develops. Conducting such studies in the acute period is prohibited, as it can exacerbate the symptoms of the disease and the progression of the latter.

Treatment of allergic swelling of the scrotum

In the treatment of this disease, conservative methods are used that eliminate clinical symptoms and prevent complications. The first step in the treatment of allergic swelling of the scrotum is the intravenous use of antihistamines. Among the latter, one can single out such drugs as suprastin, diphenhydramine, pipolfen and modern L-cet, as well as tsetrin. They are prescribed and released only on the recommendation of a doctor. In mild forms of the disease, drugs are administered orally in the form of tablets, in more complex situations, intravenous or intramuscular injections of solutions.

If first-line therapy in the form of antihistamines has not given its result, they move to the next level - the use of hormonal drugs. For the treatment of allergic swelling of the scrotum, most often, drugs such as prednisolone, hydrocortisone and dexamethasone are used. They are administered intravenously, dosages depending on the age and condition of the patient.

Among other drugs, painkillers can be distinguished, which are used in the development of a severe pain syndrome. The use of non-narcotic analgesics such as analgin and ketanov is justified, which very well eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

Rehabilitation after illness

After recovery, the main task of doctors is to normalize the patient's immune status. For this purpose, patients use a variety of immunomodulators and immunostimulants. In the domestic pharmaceutical market, they are represented by such drugs as thymolin, thymogen and others. Their use can cause serious side effects, so they are used only on prescription.

Features of nutrition and lifestyle

All patients who have had allergic swelling of the scrotum, until the exact cause of the disease is determined, must adhere to a strict hypoallergenic diet. They are forbidden to consume citrus fruits, chocolate, cocoa, coffee, milk, eggs, strawberries and other colored fruits. Only after the full range of diagnostic studies has been carried out and food allergies have been excluded from the patient, his diet can be expanded.

If a patient is diagnosed with pollen or household allergies, then this makes certain adjustments to his lifestyle. Patients who have allergic reactions to house dust should, if possible, get rid of all soft objects in the apartment and carry out daily wet cleaning.

Patients with pollen allergies during the flowering period of a particular plant are advised to leave their residence or minimize their outdoor walks, exercising them only during cool, humid weather.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies for allergic swelling of the scrotum is not only ineffective, but even dangerous, since the use of various tinctures and compresses can only contribute to the development of the allergic process. Of course, there are cases when this kind of treatment has a positive effect, only in this situation it is necessary to remember that the allergy tends to resolve itself without the use of any therapy.

Complications of allergic swelling of the scrotum

All complications of allergic swelling of the scrotum can be divided into local and general. If the former are associated with compression of the nervous and vascular structures, then the latter have an exclusively allergic genesis.

With extensive swelling of the scrotum, nerve and vascular structures that pass in this anatomical region can be pinched. The result of this may be the development of congestion in the venous system of the testicles. As a rule, in most cases it ends with testicular varicose veins.

The most formidable complication of this disease, which develops due to an increase in the level of allergic mediators in the blood, is urticaria with Quincke's edema. The clinical picture of this complication is characterized by multiple rashes on the body of a person with swelling of the face and neck. The danger of this complication lies in the fact that the swollen subcutaneous fat compresses the larynx, as a result of which its stenosis may occur. This quickly leads to respiratory failure and death of the person. To save life in this case, it is necessary to restore the patency of the airways, which is possible only through tracheal intubation or tracheotomy.

Prevention of allergic swelling of the scrotum

Allergic swelling of the scrotum refers to those diseases in which prevention is much more important than the treatment itself. Preventive measures begin from the moment the allergen is identified, to which patients have a reaction.

Food allergy prevention is probably the easiest of all allergies. To prevent repeated episodes of the disease from the diet, it is necessary to exclude the product that leads to the development of clinical symptoms. As already mentioned, most often citrus fruits, chocolate, cocoa and other extractive substances act as such products.

More complex and problematic is the prevention of pollen allergy. Most often, recommendations for a change of residence or at least a temporary move are difficult to fulfill, so patients are advised to use individual means of prevention. Going outside, if possible, is recommended only in the evening or in wet weather. When traveling in a car, it is not allowed to open the windows, it is necessary to use only the air conditioner.

Prevention of household allergies is quite simple, since for its implementation it is only necessary to constantly keep the apartment clean. It is advisable to remove all “dust collectors” from the room: carpets, soft toys, upholstered furniture with a textile coating. The fewer such items in the house, the less often it will be necessary to carry out wet cleaning.

Allergic reactions to animal hair are prevented by the complete elimination of contact with the animal. If the latter is associated with a professional feature or a strong emotional attachment, then it is recommended to use special shampoos for pets.

Ed. urologist, sexologist-andrologist Plotnikov A.N.

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