The chest itches in women causes. What to do if the chest hurts and itches. Breast injury or surgery, breast disease

A considerable number of people, especially representatives of the weaker half, complain of chest itching. There are quite a few reasons for this pathological symptom, so the body is trying to report a violation of the functioning of certain organs and systems. In this situation, it is important to determine the reason why the chest itches, because only under this condition can you get rid of this symptom.

Provoking factors for the appearance of a feeling of overthrow

As already noted, the chest hurts and itches in response to certain changes in the functioning of the body, they can be of a functional origin or associated with a structural reorganization of the organ. Most often, breast itching is provoked by such factors:

  • allergic reaction;
  • hormonal changes;
  • skin diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • trauma;
  • impact of stressful situations.

Most of the people who are concerned about the itching of the nipples and breasts do not pay due attention to this and this is a big mistake. It is recommended that you definitely find out the cause of the appearance of a pathological symptom and eliminate it, because otherwise delay can lead to the development of serious complications.

We will now talk in more detail about the most common reasons why the mammary glands itch in women and men.


Quite often, the reason that the mammary gland itches is an allergic reaction, in this case, itching appears between the breasts. It can be provoked by:

  • Food;
  • wearing clothes made of synthetic fabrics;
  • taking medication;
  • detergents;
  • cosmetics.

An increase in the intensity of itching is observed when hyperemia and a rash appear under the mammary glands. To combat allergies under the breast, it is necessary to determine the provoking factor that led to its appearance, and avoid contact with it.

Change in blood composition

For the normal functioning of internal organs and systems and the body as a whole, a constant supply of biologically active substances is necessary. If there is a change in the composition of the blood, the body in the process of adaptation replaces the lack of some substances with an excess of others, this can provoke the appearance of certain pathological symptoms.

The reason that the breast itches may be an increase in the level of bilirubin and blood glucose.

As a result of adaptation, small vessels (capillaries) shrink and become brittle. This can also cause the papilla to itch in a woman or in a man.

Hormonal changes

A change in the hormonal balance can also cause itching of the chest, this is due to the release of active substances into the bloodstream. The chest itches during pregnancy, as well as during the growth of the mammary glands during puberty. Thus, the tissues adapt to the new amount of hormones, as well as the stretching of the skin, growth and increase in the size of the organ. The chest also itches before menstruation, due to an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone.

With menopause, the chest can itch due to the degeneration of glandular tissue into fibrous and fatty. The level of progesterone decreases, the skin becomes dry, and therefore such rather unpleasant sensations appear.

Skin diseases

Skin diseases quite often indicate problems in the body cavity, as well as the influence of stress, they can also be accompanied by such a symptom as itching. These states include:

Inflammatory processes in the mammary gland can lead to the appearance of pain and itching in its thickness, there is a replacement of healthy tissue with pathological tissue, and the structure of the organ changes. Such processes can occur when:

  1. Mastitis is an inflammatory disease of the mammary glands, which provokes stagnation of milk and nipple cracks during breastfeeding. Through cracks, pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the gland and provoke the development of an inflammatory process.
    Mastitis is manifested by swelling and hardening of the mammary gland, which is accompanied by pain, a burning sensation in the thickness of the gland. There may be an increase in body temperature and a deterioration in the general condition of the patient.
  2. Rake Paget. The nipple and peripapillary region are involved in the pathological process. The main symptoms of the disease is a change in the shape of the nipple (it will be pulled inward). This can cause a woman's papilla to itch. At the initial stages of the development of the disease, the appearance of hyperemic elements of the rash can be observed, which lead to the appearance of severe burning and itching.
  3. Edematous-infiltrative breast cancer. It is characterized by the formation of a tumor in the mammary gland, hyperemia of the skin around it and edema. All this is accompanied by a local increase in body temperature and itching. Pathological discharge from the nipple appears, and the skin over the affected area resembles the appearance of an orange peel.
  4. Injuries to the nipple during breastfeeding, especially if the baby has thrush in the mouth, can cause infection to enter the mother's breast. All this explains why nipples itch.
  5. Inflammation of the Montgomery tubercles on the nipples.

As for men, the reason for the itching of the mammary gland may be:

  • gynecomastopathy - an increase in glands and hypertrophy of fatty tissues;
  • thrombophlebitis of the chest and mammary glands;
  • breast cancer.


The mammary gland can also itch due to mechanical injuries, for example, wearing clothes of the wrong size, rubbing the glands, breastfeeding, and surgical interventions. Itching appears precisely during the healing of a skin defect, because this is a protective reaction.


The influence of stressful situations provokes the release of adrenaline and biologically active substances into the bloodstream. There is an increase in tone and narrowing of the lumen of the vessels, as a result, blood flow increases. All this leads to discomfort.

Internal pathologies

Violation of the functioning of the internal organs can also be the reason why the mammary glands itch. This symptom can be caused by:

  • a disease such as diabetes;
  • thyroid disease;
  • psycho-emotional overstrain;
  • blood diseases.

Pain and itching in the chest can also appear as a result of colds and viral diseases.

Another reason for this symptom may be taking hormonal and other medications, so only a doctor should be involved in their selection.

Folk omens

It is popularly believed that the left breast of a woman is responsible for her state of mind, since it is located near the heart. Therefore, if the question arises of why the left mammary gland in a woman itches, they believe that this indicates longing for a loved one, or her lover thinks about her. If the right mammary gland of a woman itches, this indicates that she will have a pleasant and unexpected acquaintance.

Methods for dealing with itching

We figured out why the mammary glands itch in women and men, and now we will find out how to deal with this unpleasant symptom. Before taking any measures to combat itching of the chest, it is necessary to establish the cause of its appearance. If this is not due to a violation of the rules of personal hygiene or wearing tight clothing, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

At home, you can try to use:

  • cooling compresses;
  • aloe juice or gel;
  • lotions and creams that help relieve itching.
  • avoid exposure to open sunlight;
  • avoid using scented cosmetics;
  • use only warm water for showering;
  • wipe the skin with light wetting movements and in no case rub it;
  • monitor dry skin under the mammary glands;
  • wear clothes made from natural soft fabrics that are well breathable and absorb moisture.

Particular attention should also be paid to nutrition and daily routine.

Remember, in order to find out why it itches between the mammary glands or what to do if the nipple itches, you need to consult a doctor, this will help to avoid the risk of complications.

Women's breasts are one of the main signs of femininity and an object of admiration for all men. Therefore, the signs associated with her mainly relate to the field of gender relations and promise a romantic date.

The left breast is associated with amorous affairs, as it is closer to the heart. People say that if a woman’s left breast itches, it means that a loved one remembers and misses you, but if it’s the right one, then this is treason.

Another sign says: if the right breast itches, at that time some blond is thinking about you, and if the left one, then you are the object of the brunette’s dreams.

Believe it or not, it's up to you. But, according to doctors, the causes of itching in the bust area are usually much more prosaic: most often it leads to dry skin, hormonal changes and dermatological diseases.

Is it always itchy breasts due to diseases?

Very often, factors that do not require any medical treatment lead to itching of the chest.

Dry skin

For example, the chest may itch due to dryness. Her thin and delicate skin is one of the first to react to a lack of moisture. The reason can be both external adverse effects (dry air, heating), and a general lack of moisture in the body.

It is necessary to make sure that there is enough fluid in the diet and that the rooms are properly humidified. Abuse of a topless solarium or natural sunbathing will also not pass without a trace for the skin of the chest. These procedures dry it out and can cause severe itching.

Wrong linen

Unfortunately, not all women know how to choose the right underwear for themselves. Sometimes out of ignorance, sometimes in pursuit of a fashionable and seductive form, ladies wear slightly smaller bras. And, meanwhile, due to improperly selected, tight underwear, the skin of the chest can be irritated and itchy a lot.

The quality of the fabric is also an important factor here: breathable synthetic material can not only irritate the skin, but also create a greenhouse effect on the body, provoking more serious skin disorders, such as rashes.

Hormonal changes

In girls, the breasts can itch for quite natural physiological reasons. Doctors consider it completely normal if it itches during hormonal changes: during puberty, during ovulation, before menstruation, and also during pregnancy.

Sometimes itching occurs due to hormonal changes in the body in the first days after conception and can be one of the first signs of pregnancy.

During pregnancy and after childbirth

It is well known that during pregnancy and after the birth of a child, women's breasts increase in size. This is due to its preparation for lactation - the formation of milk. One of the symptoms of this process may well be itching.

Typically, such sensations occur in the second and third semester of pregnancy and, as a rule, are provoked by the growth of milk lobules and ducts, as well as stretching of the skin. In such cases, doctors recommend special and moisturizing creams, light massage.

Diseases accompanied by itching in the chest area

Allergic reaction

If discomfort and itching of the chest are accompanied by reddening of the skin, allergic dermatitis may be the cause. In this case, redness and itching are usually localized in the subglottic spaces of the breast, since in these places the temperature and humidity are higher.

Most often, the chest itches due to irritation:

  • synthetics,
  • detergent residue on fabrics,
  • any perfume additives
  • components of cosmetics.

Less often, food or drug allergens become the cause of dermatitis.

In pregnant women, an allergy to the skin of the mammary glands can additionally provoke:

  • hormonal disruptions,
  • hypovitaminosis,
  • metabolic disorders.

Eczema of the chest

Atopic dermatitis (eczema) of the chest can be suspected if itchy discomfort is accompanied by purulent or blistering rashes. Most often, the nipples are affected in this way.

Eczema requires immediate consultation with a doctor, as its transformation into a more serious, weeping form is fraught with long and complicated treatment.

herpes virus

Herpetic eruptions on the skin of the chest can be the result of a previous chickenpox or herpes simplex virus. After treatment, the virus remains in the body and can periodically make itself felt when immunity is reduced.

With herpes, itching is accompanied by vesicular or purulent rashes, fever is possible. If the rash begins under the breast and passes into the area of ​​​​the armpits and back, one can suspect the development of another disease that is similar in symptoms - herpes zoster.

The herpes virus is contagious, therefore, it requires not only mandatory medical consultation and treatment, but also the strictest hygiene for patients and others.

skin candidiasis

The cause of skin candidiasis (thrush) is the uncontrolled reproduction of the Candida fungus on the surface of the skin. This fungal infection causes severe itching, most often under the breasts, in places of contact with the skin of the hypochondrium and bra fabric, as well as other skin folds (in the groin, armpits, between the fingers). And it is usually accompanied by the appearance of foci of redness, rashes and erosions in the affected areas (skin folds).

Intensive reproduction of the Candida fungus is provoked by a warm, humid environment and insufficient hygiene procedures, so women with a large bust size, as well as people with a lot of weight and the elderly, are more at risk of the disease (weakened immunity in older people also plays into the hands of the disease).

In case of suspicion of skin candidiasis, it is necessary to consult a doctor for proper treatment and strict adherence to hygiene procedures.


After childbirth, during lactation, timely emptying of the breast is very important. Cases where a woman is not aware of this or does not follow this are fraught with mastitis - inflammation of the breast tissue.

At the very beginning, this disease is manifested by itching. Ignoring this sign can result in purulent inflammation. In order to avoid disease, it is very important to empty the breast completely by pumping.

Cysts in the mammary glands

Cysts are cavities filled with fluid. The chest can itch due to the periodic formation of cysts in its tissues. Their possible appearance or disappearance is associated with the menstrual cycle.

According to the latest medical research, it is believed that one or more of these formations are present in every woman. They do not always require treatment, but require mandatory medical supervision.


Fibroadenomas are round benign tumors in the mammary glands caused by hormonal disorders. Most often observed in young girls of childbearing age. Usually they are painless, but with their growth, the chest can be very itchy and even pain can be felt.

If such a tumor is detected, it is necessary to see a doctor for a biopsy of the neoplasm in order to exclude cancer. It can also be surgically removed if necessary.

Breast or nipple cancer

Itching in the breast area caused by cancer may be accompanied by rashes, burning, abnormal discharge from the nipple. Most often, itching sensations begin to bother if the malignant tumor is located close to the skin and near the nipple.

At the same time, the nipple becomes a little retracted, it can not only itch, but also hurt. If you suspect nipple or breast cancer, you should urgently contact a mammologist for a manual examination, a mammogram, and possibly a biopsy.

Deviations in the biochemical composition of the blood

Abnormalities in the results of a blood test due to endocrinological (hormonal) diseases or inflammatory processes in the body also sometimes provoke itching of the chest.

Elevated levels of sugar or bilirubin in the blood, as well as protein values ​​​​below the norm, negatively affect the elasticity of capillaries and skin. As a rule, in such cases, not only the chest is itchy, but also the mucous membranes of the genital organs, arms, legs, scalp and ears.

In this case, you can get rid of scratching only by curing the underlying disease.

What to do if the chest is constantly itching?

If you suspect that itching in the chest provoked dry skin, underwear or allergies, you must:

  1. Refuse to tan on the beach and in the solarium.
  2. Saturate the diet with the necessary amount of liquid, preferably clean drinking water. (It is believed that it is desirable for a person to consume an average of 1.5 liters of pure water per day).
  3. Humidify the air in the room (purchase a humidifier or arrange large containers of water).
  4. Refuse hot baths, and when washing, try to use a soft natural sponge and hypoallergenic detergents.
  5. Replace washing powder, lotion, cream and other detergents and care products that come into contact with the skin of the body with neutral ones, without fragrances and perfume additives.
  6. Change underwear to better ones, with the maximum composition of natural fibers, and, of course, choose it according to your size.

If itching does not go away after a few days after taking the above measures, or is accompanied by any other symptoms (redness, rash, pain, discharge from the nipples, temperature), it is necessary to visit a doctor.

This is also worth doing if you suspect that recently prescribed medications have caused allergies and itching.

Regardless of whether your right breast itches, left one, or both at once, you should not hesitate, self-medicate, and even more so guess by signs. This can be dangerous for health, and sometimes for life, as lost time can lead to an aggravation of the course of the disease and serious complications.

Video: 3 causes of itchy breasts

Many girls are faced with the fact that for some reason they have itching in the chest. Usually, they practically do not pay attention to such symptoms, because iron can itch because of a new dress (the fabric is very prickly) or from the effect of a drop of perfume on soft tissues.

In the event that women's breasts itch for a sufficiently long period of time, and other unpleasant symptoms also appear, it is imperative to consult a doctor. Perhaps itching of the chest is the first manifestation of a serious illness.

Why does the chest itch? Most women are puzzled by this question when they have to deal with such discomfort. The reasons that can provoke itching of the mammary gland are of the most diverse nature.

Allergic reaction

Women who buy Chinese underwear almost always experience itching in the chest area. This is due to the fact that bras contain formaldehyde. It is this substance that has a negative effect on the human body.

Casual wear

In the paragraph above, the problem of clothing has already been touched upon. But these are far from all the factors that can cause a sudden backside in women. You also need to pay attention to the following points:

Pathogenic infections

Development of eczema, dermatitis and diaper rash

  • In the summer, under the chest sweats a lot. With a large size of the mammary glands, women have to deal with severe diaper rash and itching.
  • Changes in the endocrine and nervous system can lead to a lot of unpleasant disorders in the skin. For example, a woman suffers from frequent swelling, rashes, redness, weeping scabs and unbearable itching. Elimination of such symptoms is real only with medical treatment.

Hormonal disorders

Why does the chest itch? Does this symptom indicate pregnancy? As strange as it may seem, yes! The greatest sensitivity of the mammary glands begins to be noted already during the first week after conception!

  • The period of pregnancy often proceeds with many changes in the female body. The organs are also preparing for the birth of the baby, including the breast (preparation for lactation and feeding the baby).
  • The coming climax.

In addition to the reasons described above, the chest can itch due to sunburn (in this case, the skin becomes reddish, and after a few days the skin slowly peels off) and the resulting bruise (it is very important not to comb the chest to wounds, otherwise infection of the whole body may occur ).

Performing a surgical operation on the gland

The following operations can cause itching in the chest:

  • Surgery to increase the volume of the breast.
  • Mastectomy and lumpectomy. Usually, after such procedures, the scar itself, which remains after the operation, is quite itchy. Over time, discomfort should decrease and disappear.


An allergic reaction can occur not only as a result of wearing clothes and eating food, but also when taking medications incorrectly. If, after using a new drug, a woman feels a burning sensation of soft tissues (especially on her chest), then it is very important to report this phenomenon to your doctor. Usually in such situations, the drug is replaced with a more suitable one.

The mammary glands can itch during a period of severe nervous strain and stressful situations. It is for this reason that it is very important to monitor your health, observe the daily routine and eat right! When unusual symptoms appear, it is very important to consult a specialist. This will eliminate the possibility of developing a serious illness!

As practice shows, often the beautiful half of humanity itches the chest due to an allergic reaction. Nevertheless, itching of the mammary glands may not always be triggered by allergies and may be a symptom of pathological processes.

As practice shows, often the beautiful half of humanity has itchy breasts due to an allergic reaction.

As a rule, the mammary gland can itch as a reaction to tight underwear or synthetic fabrics, washing powder, and cosmetics used by women.

So, why does the chest itch? The vast majority of women ask a similar question when faced with such a situation. At the same time, the reason that provoked such a condition of the female mammary gland can be of a very different nature.

The most common causes of itching can be roughly divided into groups such as clothing, infections, eczema or dermatitis, and hormonal imbalances.

Allergy as the cause of itching

Almost none of the representatives of the weaker sex suggests that itching of the chest can be triggered by the influence of various kinds of irritants. As such, we can name household chemicals used by housewives daily, skin care products, toilet water used and jewelry around the neck. The chest hurts and itches due to piercing, in which girls pierce the nipple.

Quite often, women have a desire to scratch due to an insect bite or an allergic reaction caused by the consumption of certain foods. In this case, the mammary glands can be excessively sore and the nipples swell greatly.

Underwear and clothing

Clothing is another very common cause of itching. Thus, the reaction of the body to the materials used in tailoring, or to the detergents used in washing linen, is manifested.

As for clothing that can provoke the fact that the mammary glands begin to itch, then an example of this is an undersized bra that rubs and squeezes the chest. Synthetic underwear can also lead to the fact that the mammary gland hurts and itches. Therefore, when choosing underwear, it is better to give preference to cotton fabrics.

breast infections

One of the most common pathologies in women is mastitis. The reasons may also lie in such infectious pathologies as chickenpox, scabies, dermatitis, urticaria, milk candidiasis, psoriasis or acne. In this case, the woman's breasts are very itchy. It is very important in this situation to properly care for the body, paying more attention to the affected areas.

Women during lactation are constantly trying to deal with such a problem as an itchy mammary gland. With improper care, discomfort intensifies. A situation in which the mammary gland is incorrectly applied to the child can also contribute to the appearance of the same problem.

The mammary glands can itch with the development of the herpes virus. If herpes is accompanied by severe itching and blistering, you should immediately seek medical help. If the blisters start to burst, the infection will spread to the rest of the body.

Skin irritation. In the summer, every woman experiences discomfort from the fact that she sweats heavily under her breasts. If the bust has a significant size, then you have to deal with problems such as diaper rash and itching.

In addition, the causes of dermatological problems may be in violations of the endocrine and nervous systems. An example of such skin problems can be swelling, rashes, redness and an unbearable feeling of itching. These symptoms require medical treatment.

The most common causes of itching can be roughly divided into groups such as clothing, infections, eczema or dermatitis, and hormonal imbalances.

Hormonal imbalance

The mammary glands can itch, starting from the first weeks of the onset of pregnancy, when changes occur in the body of the expectant mother, including hormonal levels. The female mammary gland can itch before and after menstrual bleeding. Thus, the reaction of the body to changes in the hormonal background occurring in the designated period is manifested.

During puberty, when girls grow mammary glands, they can hurt and itch. This condition is a variant of the norm, since during this period the skin of the breast is stretched. The period of menopause is also capable of provoking itching in the chest. At the same time, they can also be observed due to strong sun tanning and injuries in this area.

Three causes of itching (video)

Folk omens

As you know, women tend to believe in signs. In accordance with folk signs, the left mammary gland of a woman itches to what a young man or husband thinks of her. A similar state may arise for the upcoming meeting with a lover. Regarding the itching in the left breast, there is also a negative sign, according to which the mammary gland itches to part with a loved one.

In accordance with folk signs, the left mammary gland of a woman itches to what a young man or husband thinks of her

As for the right breast, the itching in it promises a betrayal of a lover. Despite the negative interpretation, many tend to believe it. Another variant of the signs of such a condition is the interpretation, according to which the right mammary gland itches to the conversation of friends or enemies about a woman who has an itch.

Seal in the chest (video)

Elimination of itching in the mammary glands

As you can see, there can be a lot of answers to the question of why the chest itches. And not always provoking factors can be harmless. Therefore, if a feeling of itching occurs, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed for a long time and, if necessary, receive qualified medical assistance. If it is not possible to see a doctor in the near future, then there are some remedies that can somewhat alleviate the condition or eliminate the itching completely. These funds include:

  1. Soothing lotions and ointments containing analgesics, which are widely available in pharmacies. Treat the skin of the chest with these products should be twice a day.
  2. Juice obtained from the aloe plant, or aloe vera gel obtained from a pharmacy, can soothe itching.
  3. Cooling compresses will help relieve the itching sensation for a while.
  4. It is very important for such a problem to exclude contact with hot water and the use of perfumed cosmetics.
  5. Prolonged exposure to sunlight should be avoided.
  6. Cocoa butter, which is a natural product, will help to significantly reduce the feeling of itching.
  7. It is recommended to stop using a washcloth.

If itching occurs, it is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

The mammary glands are a very delicate and sensitive part of the body. They should be given more attention. If itching occurs, it is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner. Indeed, such a symptom may be evidence of the development of the disease. For example, if, in addition to itching in the breast, a woman has the formation of seals and discharge from the nipples, then this may be a symptom of advanced cancer. Thus, ignoring chest itching and other associated symptoms can sometimes cost lives.

Breasts can itch and hurt for a variety of reasons. From the most banal allergic reactions to serious oncological ones, everything can cause itching and pain. In order not to miss dangerous ailments, but at the same time not to panic over trifles, read the tips below.

Intolerance to powder components is one of the causes of itching

All washing detergents, fabric softeners (both in liquid and powder form) can cause very strong reactions. There is no guarantee that by using the same powder for many years, you will be able to avoid allergies.

It is especially worth paying attention to powders with a strong fragrance, as a rule, allergies develop from such powders most often. If you have determined that your breasts react to clean, powder-smelling laundry, then this may be the reason. Try changing your detergent. It is best to use baby powders, which are usually made hypoallergenic, their quality is under special control and they are safe.

Allergies are different

The very first thing to consider with such symptoms is allergic reactions. There are a huge number of allergens that cause discomfort, but in the case of the mammary glands, the following can be considered:

  • Reactions to the fabric of a bra, blouse, dress. Now almost all materials are made almost entirely on a synthetic basis. This is especially true for underwear. The trouble is, this synthetic is of very low quality and very often causes itching, scratching and allergies.
  • Various cosmetics, especially deodorants and body milks that are not washed off the skin. Dubious cheap perfumes from unknown manufacturers are especially harmful (moreover, the cheaper, the greater the likelihood of allergies).
  • Decorations. Unfortunately, even silver began to cause allergic reactions. What can we say about metal products of dubious composition.
  • Water with lots of chlorine. Especially in spring, when, due to the rise of groundwater, more bleach is added to the water than usual.
  • Medicines. Every new unknown drug is a potential allergen.
  • New food products in nutrition.
  • Insect bites. Unfortunately, even mosquito bites can cause an allergic reaction.

Allergic reactions can occur both after a few hours (or minutes - in the case of drugs), and a few days after contact with the allergen. The skin in this case itches, reddens, itches. There may be swelling, blisters.

In case of acute allergies, you should not self-medicate, but it is better to immediately see a therapist and / or an allergist. The doctor will prescribe suitable drugs and do tests to determine the allergen.

Poor hygiene

This reason is characteristic, as a rule, of the hot season and is associated with sweating. With tight underwear, chafing occurs faster, and the skin itches and itches.

Another problem is when, in the heat, a woman, instead of taking an extra shower, uses deodorant with long-term sweat protection (for 48 hours). In such products, the active substance is aluminum, which blocks the pores (sweat comes out of them). As a result, you can get severe swelling and itching under the armpits and in the chest area.

PMS (premenstrual syndrome)

Swelling and pain, quite frequent companions of premenstrual syndrome. The chest becomes heavy and painful. At the same time, the nipples of the breast become sensitive, and itching may also occur in them. With the onset of menstruation, these phenomena disappear and, as a rule, do not bother the woman until the next cycle. Hormones are to blame for this, or rather the level of estrogen and progesterone. If the phenomena are too pronounced and painful, then you should contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist and he will prescribe suitable drugs.

Diabetes as a source of itching

With diabetes mellitus (or jumps in blood sugar), the skin is often affected. The blood flow worsens, the vessels become brittle, dry skin and itching appear. As a rule, itching spreads not only to the chest area, but also to the genitals, scalp. Small wounds on the skin do not heal for a long time, since protein synthesis is difficult. In suspicious cases, it is imperative to contact an endocrinologist (or therapist). Unfortunately, this problem cannot be solved by simple external means. It is necessary to treat the underlying disease.

Openwork and seductive lingerie

Initially, the purpose of wearing a bra is to support the breasts. But over time, it has evolved from a support item into an adornment and seduction item. Bras began to be decorated with a large number of different laces and inserts. Yes, and the fabric of linen is often not of the best quality. As a result, seams, fabrics, lace, rub the skin and nipples of the breast.

In addition, often girls wear bras that are not suitable for their breast shape, or even the wrong size. All this causes chafing, itching.

A good bra should have a large percentage of natural materials (cotton), the seams should be flat and soft, and it is better to exclude lace and flowers for everyday wear. Such bras (made of high-quality fabric and good shape), of course, are more expensive, but health in this case should come first.

When the breast grows

During puberty, the hormonal background in the girl's body changes. The chest grows and enlarges. As a rule, this is accompanied by itching and mild pain. Sometimes one breast hurts, then the other. This phenomenon is normal. If chest pain does not cause severe discomfort and is not accompanied by fever, then there is no cause for concern. Over time, all symptoms will disappear.

Skin diseases

The lack of B vitamins, combined with nervous overload, can adversely affect the skin and cause various rashes, dryness, and peeling.

But there can be skin diseases not only in itchy form, but also in the form of vesicles and festering plaques. The danger is that, having appeared in the chest area, they can spread throughout the body. Most often, these diseases are associated with poor hygiene. The result can be chafing, prickly heat.

Infectious diseases can be contagious and dangerous to others. They can be infected in public places (baths, changing rooms).

In any case, you should urgently contact a dermatologist who will take a scraping for analysis and prescribe the necessary treatment. Infections may lead to hospitalization.

Diseases of the mammary glands

Particular attention should be paid to women who have various oncological diseases among their closest relatives (mothers, sisters, grandmothers, aunts). There can be both benign and malignant diseases.

Perhaps my mother had mastopathy at a certain age, or my sister had a cyst removed.

You should be especially wary if the diseases were malignant. Like, for example, nipple cancer (Paget's disease). Unfortunately, very often such ailments are hereditary. In such cases, a visit to a gynecologist, therapist, mammologist is vital.

Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes in the female body necessarily affect the mammary glands. Such changes are especially pronounced during pregnancy. One of the first signs of pregnancy is aching chest pain. As a rule, such pain is not very pronounced and may be partially accompanied by itching. It may appear even before the delay is determined.

As the fetus grows and the belly grows, breast enlargement also occurs. This growth is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and some soreness. Stretch marks may appear on the chest (because of them, the chest may itch), a venous network may protrude. These phenomena are normal and usually do not cause concern in women. It is worth once again consulting a mammologist, only if the chest is very aching, hard patches have appeared or it has become very swollen.

Hormonal changes in the body also occur at the sunset of the female reproductive system during menopause. Pain, induration, discharge, peeling and itching may occur in the chest. In such cases, consultation of an endocrinologist and a mammologist is mandatory.

What to do if the chest itches?

The very first steps. If the pain is severe, accompanied by weakness, fever, severe swelling and extensive rashes, then you should immediately contact an ambulance. It is not worth delaying such visits, this can greatly harm your health.

If the pain does not bother you so much (there is no temperature), then it is still necessary to visit the therapist.

And before visiting it, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not sunbathe (neither in the solarium, nor under the open sun).
  2. Avoid contact with water (in case of suspected skin diseases).
  3. Do not use any cosmetics (including deodorants).
  4. If the skin of the chest is very itchy, then, if possible, do without a bra at all.
  5. Wear soft cotton underwear (t-shirts).
  6. If the itching is not of obvious skin origin, then the skin of the breast can be moistened with hypoallergenic (better purchased in a pharmacy) products.
  7. If a food allergy is suspected, cut out all spicy, salty, and new foods that may cause a reaction.
  8. Do not scratch itchy areas.
  9. Observe the regime of the day and rest - sleep and not be nervous. Until an accurate diagnosis is established, you should not wind yourself up with various horror stories.
  10. If there is a suspicion of an allergy, you can drink antihistamines (it is better to consult a pharmacy worker about the choice).
  11. In the same pharmacy, you can ask for ointments that will help relieve allergic itching. If itching is of unknown origin, consult a dermatologist.

Whatever the cause of pain and itching in the chest, you should not ignore it. If the pain is of unknown origin, it is better to immediately visit a specialist. Let your anxieties and fears turn out to be far-fetched and frivolous rather than a serious serious illness develop due to a careless attitude to health.

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