Violent cough on deep inspiration. Dry cough on exhalation is a symptom of many diseases. Why do you want to cough when you inhale?

Coughing when inhaling is a familiar situation to many, especially smokers. Dry cough. This type of cough occurs with diseases of the bronchi and inflammation of the mucous membranes in the trachea.

Although in some cases, such a cough can mean the presence of serious diseases. The patient experiences a lot because of him discomfort, coughing for him is quite painful. During deep inspiration, coughing causes sharp pains in the patient's chest. Difficulty inhaling during dandruff is often observed in cases of viral croup.

Coughing when inhaling is a symptom that most often indicates pathologies of the respiratory tract, usually bronchitis or pneumonia, but coughing when inhaling air is also familiar to heavy smokers. Coughing while exhaling can indicate asthma, and one of the most dangerous reasons coughing when inhaling and exhaling air is an oncology in the lungs. If there is sputum in the bronchi, then the contractile movement of the muscles is enough to squeeze it out. Then the cough stops until the next portion of sputum accumulates.

In other cases, with bronchitis, the cough is wet. AT calm state at shallow breathing it does not arise, but disturbs the patient only with deep breaths. Then the patient begins to secrete thick mucus when coughing, and as the disease develops, blood impurities appear in it. AT this case the coughing mechanism “triggers” a tumor that presses on the lungs. Pain in chest on the background general weakness back pain, sometimes fainting physical activity accompany cough in heart disease.

If the cough is only a residual effect after the flu or a cold and passes quickly, no special treatment is required. At temperature, symptoms of toxicosis (weakness, aches) must be observed bed rest. AT severe cases the patient may need to stay in the hospital.

Coughing when breathing is a common complaint with which patients turn to therapists and pulmonologists. Unproductive coughing when breathing begins due to contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm. If you have a cough when you breathe in, and before that you had ARVI, acute respiratory infections, flu or even a common cold, then it may indicate the development of complications. Dry unproductive cough breathing can also be a symptom of them.

In this case, the patient often has a whistle during breathing, while the cough is hammering and paroxysmal. Patients complain that they cannot sleep at night, since the attack begins when they take a horizontal position.

In this case, the specialist listens to the patient for the presence of wheezing and sputum in the bronchi and lungs. This is done by comparing breathing in a calm state and when deep breath. If pneumonia is suspected, the patient is sent to x-ray examination. Bronchitis and pneumonia are treated with strong antibiotics and, if necessary, antibacterial agents. Dry cough during breathing, which occurs as a result of these diseases, disappears with integrated approach to treatment.

The symptom at the same time from an unproductive stage passes into a productive one. Heavy smokers often complain of coughing after inhalation. The reason for this is spasms of the bronchi and lungs, swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, as well as chronic accumulation of sputum in the bronchi.

Cough during deep inspiration

In the morning, when sputum accumulates, it is wet, during the day it can be either dry or wet. It occurs when you take a deep breath. If, as a result of constant smoking, a cough begins during inhalation, then the first health safety measure should be to abandon this addiction.

Apart from given symptom and chest pain in patients with the above diseases is noted general fatigue and weakness, back pain and even fainting during physical exertion. Treatment of the above diseases, due to which a cough occurs when breathing, is prescribed by a cardiologist only after a thorough diagnosis. In this case, coughing with a deep breath does not require separate treatment.

Often, patients also have a cough on exhalation, the causes of which also lie in various diseases. Most often, this symptom is observed in patients bronchial asthma of people. This disease is characterized by narrowing of the bronchi and a failure in their normal functioning.

Dry cough when breathing - a symptom of bronchitis and pneumonia

When exhaling, everything happens differently, because carbon dioxide that we exhale is heavier than oxygen. It usually occurs only when bilateral inflammation when the lungs can't handle the amount of air they take in. Lung cancer is the most dangerous disease, during which deep breath starts coughing.

However, most often in cancer patients, this symptom is expressed by following scheme: inhale - exhale - cough. Do not forget that being afraid to know that you have a particular disease is stupid. Be sure to see a doctor if you have breathing problems. Cough is an increase in chest pressure, resulting in contraction of the muscles that help extrude mucus and phlegm from the bronchi.

Wears obsessive nature and is often associated with violations vocal cords. Moist cough. Dry cough on inspiration is the most frequent sign diseases of the respiratory system. The cause of dry cough during inhalation is irritation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, trachea and bronchi.

In the process of tumor development, in about 90% of cases, there is a cough during inspiration, accompanied by the expiration of thick mucus odorless. With a deep breath, a cough can also appear due to increased allergic sensitivity of the lungs. Coughing while inhaling contributes well to this, significantly accelerating the cleansing of the bronchi. It stops with sputum and starts again only after another accumulation of mucus. A wet cough is considered a symptom of bronchitis.

Coughing when inhaling is a common complaint that may indicate that the patient has serious and advanced diseases. Most often, such symptoms indicate pathologies of the respiratory tract - bronchitis or pneumonia. When inhaling, coughing fits may be accompanied by expectoration, but dry cough also occurs. If you have such unpleasant symptoms, you should seek the help of a doctor as soon as possible..

Why there is a cough when inhaling

Causes that provoke coughing on inspiration are serious illness respiratory organs. It could be asthma or oncological diseases. Factors that provoke a cough on exhalation are complications of pulmonary inflammation. It can be croupous or hilar pneumonia. The causes of coughing on inspiration are manifold. Often they are diseases of the respiratory tract, which can occur with varying degrees gravity.

Coughing with a deep breath does not always have causes associated with diseases. Serious contamination of the lungs with various resins in an adult is the root cause of this type of cough. To combat pathology, it is important to correctly establish the root cause.

obstructive syndrome

The syndrome is a series of symptoms that manifest themselves in the most various reasons. The appearance of an obstructive syndrome indicates the presence of a very serious problems in work respiratory system. Accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • coughing when taking a deep breath;
  • hard breath;
  • shortness of breath with attacks of suffocation;
  • wheezing when breathing.

The causes of broncho-obstructive syndrome are problems in functioning digestive system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, weakened the immune system, problems in the functioning of the glands internal secretion. The reasons are determined only by the doctor, after which treatment is prescribed.

Anaphylactic shock

Anaphylactic shock occurs when an allergic reaction provoked by irritants such as wool, dust, mold, food. If you catch your breath and start coughing, then this condition is extremely dangerous, as it progresses in just a couple of minutes. It is important to have antihistamines at home to alleviate the patient's condition. The symptoms of shock depend on the severity of the shock. The most common of them:

  • hives;
  • pain in the head;
  • skin blanching;
  • sore throat;
  • chills;
  • difficulty breathing with suffocation;
  • cough on inhalation and exhalation.

When an allergy occurs, the first thing to do is to take anti-allergic drugs, and the rest of the measures to combat the consequences are taken only by a doctor.


Pneumonia is an infectious and inflammatory lesion of the lungs. Accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • general weakness;
  • sweating;
  • dyspnea;
  • wet cough (dry cough in the first stage);
  • pain in the chest;
  • feverish conditions.

pneumonia is very serious illness, which may have dangerous complications. For this reason, all patients are hospitalized.

Bronchial asthma

Because of this disease, at the person spasms of bronchial tubes are observed from time to time. This process makes breathing much more difficult, so when you take a deep breath, you constantly want to cough. The stronger the attack, the more pronounced the lack of air.

The patient feels suffocation and tries to inhale, but when strong cough unable to take a breath. Appears panic attack. It is possible to correct the situation with the help of inhalations with bronchodilators.

Whooping cough

it infection, the symptoms of which are frequent bouts of spasmodic cough. To a small extent, rhinitis, wheezing and whistles in the throat, temperature are manifested. Treatment is with antibiotics and antihistamines.


This pathology is characterized by the accumulation of gas in pleural cavity. The condition is accompanied by disorder respiratory function and blood circulation disorders. Pathology may appear for the following reasons:

  • mechanical damage to the chest;
  • organ diseases chest cavity and pulmonary pathologies.

Symptoms of the disease are shortness of breath, pallor, pain on the affected side of the chest. On inspiration, a dry cough occurs, which causes an increase in pain. It is important to open access to fresh air. Further treatment determined only by the doctor.

Heart pathologies

Diseases of cardio-vascular system also cause coughing. Diseases associated with insufficient work of the heart, such as cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, cardiosclerosis, provoke a violation of blood circulation. Diseases cause different symptoms, among which:

  • dry cough;
  • puffiness;
  • dyspnea;
  • pain in the region of the heart.

Only a cardiologist deals with the treatment of pathology, and therefore the elimination of symptoms.

Inspiratory cough diagnosis

The treatment regimen is determined only after setting accurate diagnosis. Assess the situation and decide what action to take individual case, should only a doctor. Therapy will not be prescribed until the patient has passed all the necessary laboratory tests and research will not be completed:

  1. X-rays of light. The picture will show what problems there are not only in this organ, but also determine heart ailments. You can also question bronchitis.
  2. Spirometry. The procedure shows vital important indicators functioning of the lungs. Gives an opportunity to know the degree of development of pulmonary diseases.
  3. Bronchoscopy. Using a small camera, the inner lining of the bronchi is examined. The size of the lumen in the photo will tell the doctor about the presence of formations. If necessary, sputum is examined.
  4. Ultrasound of the heart, electrocardiogram. Procedures are performed in order to exclude cardiac cough.

If the diagnosis cannot be established, then in this case it is shown CT scan. Such an examination will accurately indicate the condition of the patient's organs.

Based on the results of examinations and tests, therapy is prescribed. Such treatment includes the use of medicines, physiotherapy, massage, breathing exercises.

Inspiratory cough treatment

Only a doctor, under whose control the patient is, can select medicines for treatment and prescribe the frequency of their intake. The specialist will select the most effective drugs that can be used in combination. How auxiliaries are recommended folk methods therapy. They will help fight dry cough or eliminate bronchial spasm.

Anti-tussive drugs should not be used spontaneously, as you need to know for sure that there are no large accumulations of mucus. Otherwise, you can increase the development of bronchostasis and an asthma attack. Expectorant syrups can only increase coughing. And if they are accompanied by pain, the patient's condition will worsen significantly.

If a cough is severely tormented, and there is no opportunity to get recommendations from a therapist or ENT, that is safe way his stops. Immediately after the onset of the attack, you should drink water room temperature or brew herbal tea. Antihistamines will help to cope with the spasm and greatly facilitate the patient's breathing.

Drink warm milk- This is the most effective and commonly used method for eliminating dry cough at home. Add a little melted butter and honey to it. During suffocation, a composition of butter and honey placed under the tongue. It is important to remember that even if there is no cough, you will need to drink for several days. herbal teas for prevention.

Important! Until a diagnosis is made, aloe products should not be used. Such drugs increase the growth of cells.

When such unpleasant symptoms appear, it is important not to self-medicate, so as not to provoke reverse effect. If an attack of coughing occurs at night, it is better to let fresh air into the room and drink milk. In the morning, take care of your health and visit a doctor.

Complaints of dry expiratory cough are common among individuals prone to seasonal colds and obstructive narrowing of the upper airways. In fact, it is a symptom of many diseases, ranging from laryngitis and pharyngitis to chronic bronchitis in the acute stage and bronchial asthma. The causes and treatment of these pathologies can radically be different, so when similar sign you need to contact a therapist or pediatrician as soon as possible. According to the indications, a fluorography of the lungs and a number of other laboratory examinations are prescribed.

It is almost impossible to find out without diagnosis why wheezing and whistling occur on exhalation. Based on the collected history, the doctor can only make a preliminary diagnosis.

Common Causes of Dry Cough, Wheezing and Expiration Whistling

The most common causes of expiratory cough are colds affecting the mucous membranes of the larynx and trachea. As a result inflammatory response there is swelling of the mucous membrane and narrowing of the lumen of the respiratory tree. When air is released under pressure from the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm, a whistling and wheezing sensation occurs, which stimulates a dry cough without sputum production.

But do not reassure yourself that ARVI, if left untreated, will go away on its own in 7 days. This misunderstanding can be dangerous. The fact is that the symptoms described above indicate pathological changes bronchial tissues.

These can be diseases such as:

  • acute and chronic bronchitis with an obstructive component (it is of particular danger when developing in children under the age of 5 years);
  • developing false croup and laryngeal edema, including against the background of an allergic reaction;
  • pneumonia with the capture of the hilar upper and middle lobes of the lung;
  • heart failure in the chronic phase;
  • developing pulmonary edema against the background of pulmonary hypertension;
  • whooping cough, diphtheria and other dangerous childhood infections.

It is impossible to distinguish independently conditions requiring emergency medical care.

To others probable reasons include the following factors:

  • dry and polluted with small particles of dust air in the room where the person is located;
  • thickening of the glottis, including under the influence bad habits(smoking, drinking strong alcoholic beverages);
  • intake of hot drinks and food, irritating spices;
  • allergic reactions of the delayed type;
  • residual effects after the flu or SARS;
  • irritation of the upper respiratory tract potent substances, steam, hot air (in a bath), thermal and chemical burns larynx.

It must be remembered that the best prevention tuberculosis is a regular passage of fluorographic examination. It is necessary to do fluorography once a year after reaching the age of 15 years.

What to do and which doctor to contact?

What to do if whistling and dry cough occurs when exhaling depends on some circumstances. Let's try to consider them all and find out which doctor you should contact in a given situation.

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the severity of the process and the circumstances of the occurrence characteristic symptoms. If these are residual effects after influenza and SARS, then you should wait 5-7 days. If during this time nothing changes, you need to contact a therapist (pediatrician) and continue treatment. It could be developing complication in the form of a bacterial infection (bronchitis, tracheitis, alveolitis, bronchiolitis and other diseases).

In the event that a dry cough on exhalation occurs regularly under the same circumstances, allergic airway obstruction should be suspected. Such people are at risk of developing asthma. Therefore, it would be logical to contact an allergist, immunologist or pulmonologist.

If you have a history of injury, ingestion of certain substances, or inhalation of unknown fumes, you should seek emergency medical care calling an ambulance. In the event that there is a suspicion of heart failure, it is necessary to sit comfortably, ensure the flow fresh air and unbutton the top buttons. And, of course, see a doctor.

In the process of diagnosis according to the standards of medical care for the population, the doctor must prescribe the following examinations:

  • fluorography, if necessary, radiography in various projections;
  • microscopic and bacterial culture sputum to exclude tuberculosis and determine the sensitivity of microflora to antibiotics;
  • deployed general analysis blood (shows inflammatory processes, allergic reactions);
  • bronchoscopy in difficult cases, allows you to take material for histological examination;
  • electrocardiographic examination to exclude cardiac pathology and myocardial insufficiency.

According to the indications, ultrasound of the heart, computed tomography of the lungs, consultation of a pulmonologist, immunologist and phthisiatrician can be prescribed.

Treatment of cough on exhalation should be prescribed by a doctor!

Currently sold in the pharmacy great amount cough medicines. But do not rush shopping and self-prescribe therapy. Prescribe the treatment of dry cough on exhalation should only experienced doctor based on the results of the survey.

In most cases, etiotropic therapy is required with the use of antibiotics, antiviral and sulfa drugs. Timing similar treatment are 5-7 days. The most commonly prescribed are Azithromycin 500 mg 2 times a day for 3 days, Ciprofloxacin 500 mg 2 times a day for 5 days, Amoxiclav 500 mg 2 times a day for 7 days. days. All dosages are for an adult.

Expectorant and sputum-thinning drugs are prescribed exclusively for dry cough. It can be Libeksin, ACC, Ascoril, Bromhexin. In the presence of shortness of breath, the appointment of "Euphyllin" is indicated at 0.15 g 2 times a day.

Bed rest is recommended if available elevated temperature body and muscle weakness. With the postcondition of these symptoms, long walks in a pine forest or simply in a park where there is no industrial air pollution are recommended.

It is worth paying attention to the methods of treatment allergic cough. In this case, the emphasis is on the selection and dosing regimen. antihistamines. The most commonly prescribed are Ketotifen, Ketoprofen, Suprastin, Tavegin, Diazolin, Claritin, Cetrin.

With severe obstruction of the upper respiratory tract, which is accompanied by wheezing and wheezing on exhalation, it is recommended to temporarily use inhalers with corticosteroid substances included in them (Salbutamon, Berodual and others).

Help inhalations with eucalyptus oil included in their composition, baking soda, decoction chamomile, wild rosemary, oregano. In case of damage to the mucous membranes of the throat and larynx, lubrication with Lugol's solution, rinsing with Rotokan and soda solutions can be used.

For the entire period of treatment, it is necessary to stop smoking and drinking hot drinks and food. The room must be ventilated at least 2 times a day. Wet cleaning is carried out daily.

Therapist Nechaeva G.I.

Coughing while inhaling is a fairly common case. Therefore, most of us do not take this situation seriously, because such an ailment occurs quite often. However, it may be a symptom of a serious illness.

Coughing when taking a deep breath can be a cause of lung cancer, especially for long-time smokers. With this diagnosis, the cough is long and dry, manifesting itself most often at night. Patients suffering from chronic bronchitis are also at risk.

In addition, the causes of a coughing fit can be irritation of pleurisy, cardiovascular diseases, asthma attacks or allergic reactions, childhood diseases in the form of whooping cough or diphtheria.

Cough when taking a deep breath

Cough is caused by clearing the body of phlegm from the bronchi by contracting muscles and increasing chest pressure. With the rapid opening of the throat fissure, the exit of air is accompanied by the release of sputum and the clearing of the bronchi. Infrequent urge to cough should not cause much concern. Anxiety should be shown with a systematic cough with a deep breath. Such a cough is divided into dry and wet:

  • dry cough is characterized by duration and obsession. Occurs with a disease of the bronchi and vocal cords;
  • wet cough is distinguished by its periodicity. Each new attack begins only after the next accumulation of sputum in the bronchi and, as a rule, is a symptom of bronchitis.

Dry cough on inspiration

The causes of dry cough during inhalation may be swelling of the bronchi or the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. As a rule, it manifests itself reflexively, but the appearance of such a cough can really be provoked forcibly. When coughing, infected microbes quickly spread throughout the entire volume of the room where the patient is located. Therefore, patients are advised to wear a protective mask or completely isolate them for some time from healthy people.

Dry cough when inhaling is a symptom of allergies, colds, flu, pleurisy. It is characterized by a sharp contraction of the respiratory muscles, and also creates tension and increases pressure in the respiratory tract. It is also worth considering the permanent place of work of the patient for a more accurate diagnosis. The presence of harmful and dangerous production factors directly affect the respiratory system. Also, a dry cough begins with a change in the air temperature in the room, and is accompanied by severe pain in the chest.

Cough treatment

During illness, treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of the infection, as well as alleviating the symptoms of the patient. Residual cough after an illness (for example, influenza), as a rule, does not require special treatment. In order not to worsen the situation with a cough during illness (chills, weakness), bed rest must be observed. Pneumonia and bronchitis are usually treated with antibiotics. A dry cough is treated with expectorants: ACC, Bromhexine, Ascoril.

For symptoms chronic bronchitis and uneven breathing with a whistle, inhalation is recommended. If the cough manifests itself due to cardiovascular diseases prescribe oxygen therapy, a specially selected complex gymnastic exercises. In the most advanced cases operation is inevitable.

Cough is a reflex attempt by the body to get rid of foreign components that interfere with it. Often, coughing during inhalation accompanies smokers. However, this symptom can also appear in people without nicotine addiction. But in any case persistent cough on inspiration signals the presence of a disease in the body.

Since coughing during inhalation in a child and an adult is common symptom, the reasons for this state can be various:

  • Colds, as well as their complications in the form of inflammation of the trachea, bronchitis, laryngitis and pneumonia;
  • Pleurisy, tracheitis and pharyngitis;
  • Smoking for a long time;
  • Failures in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • Laryngeal edema and false croup. May occur with allergies, as well as bronchial asthma;
  • Pathology of the structure of the respiratory tract, in which the bronchi have a small lumen. There are also violations in the structure of the epiglottis, as a result of which the cartilage is not able to completely close the passage to the respiratory tract when swallowing saliva and food. Incorrect work of the epiglottis also contribute weak muscles oral cavity;
  • Chronic bronchitis.

In some cases, the appearance of a cough when inhaling is associated with malfunctions. nervous system person and being in a state prolonged stress. And to eliminate the pathology, it is usually enough for the patient to calm down and learn to control his emotions. Sometimes symptoms in the form of coughing also occur against the background of mental disorders.

Cough when inhaling - symptoms

In children, inhaling cough often accompanies diseases such as whooping cough and diphtheria, and due to the imperfection of the child's respiratory system, this symptom often occurs with any viral and bacterial infections. Also, when inhaling pungent odors and cigarette smoke at passive smoking, the child will be irritated by the respiratory mucosa, which will lead to coughing. The symptoms will be especially bright in allergy sufferers and patients with bronchial asthma.

Dry cough on inspiration, in which it is difficult to inhale air and it hurts to breathe, may appear due to mechanical injuries in the chest and abdomen. Often bruises internal organs and fractures of the ribs provoke the occurrence of such symptoms.

Even healthy person on inhalation, coughing may occur upon contact with pungent odors, smoke and prolonged exposure to an unventilated room. Also similar condition may occur when hit foreign objects into the respiratory tract. This happens if a person is in a hurry while eating, or actively talking during this process.


Additional symptoms of pathology depend on the true causes of the cough that begins with inhalation. But even by the nature of the cough that begins with inhalation, it is possible to make a preliminary diagnosis:

  1. Dry coughing while inhaling often indicates the presence of allergies, asthma, as well as inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract including pleurisy.
  2. A prolonged dry cough when inhaling can be a sign of oncology and bronchitis.
  3. Paroxysmal coughing that occurs on inspiration, in which coughing, a person can suffocate, often occurs with asthma, tuberculosis, whooping cough and pneumonia.
  4. A sharp cough in the process of inhaling air, accompanied by jerking of the body and peculiar internal shocks, often indicates pathologies of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Also, such a cough on inspiration causes pneumonia and bronchitis.
  5. The barking sound of coughing on inspiration occurs with lesions of the larynx.
  6. Cough after a deep breath, often accompanied by pain in the chest, may be a sign of tuberculosis or oncological processes;
  7. Cough with copious excretion sputum may accompany colds, influenza, bronchitis and tuberculosis.

When present in the body inflammatory processes, as well as bacterial or viral infection, an increase in body temperature usually joins the main symptom, headache and weakness.

Diagnosis of a cough that occurs with a strong breath

Reveal true reason something that provokes difficulty in breathing and causes coughing on inspiration, can be carried out complex diagnostics. It includes such activities:

AT rare cases, to diagnose the patient's health status, a bronchoscopy is performed. The procedure involves taking a particle lung tissue for histological examination.

To make a diagnosis with a strong cough on inspiration, the patient needs to consult several specialists at once. Usually this is a therapist, ENT, phthisiatrician, immunologist, pulmonologist, and allergist.

Treatment of a cough that occurs with inhalation

Treatment for an inspiratory cough is not required if the symptom is residual effect after a cold or flu. In other cases, therapy is aimed not only at eliminating the symptom, causing discomfort, but also on the main reason for its appearance.

The selection of medicines and methods of therapy is carried out with the obligatory consideration of the cause that caused the cough and its nature. A cough that worsens with deep inspiration and is due to an infection is treated with antibiotics, antivirals, and antimicrobial agents. Most often it is:

  • Amoxiclav;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Amoxil.

Medical treatment cough

At obstructive bronchitis accompanied by coughing, wheezing and wheezing with a deep breath, inhalations with drugs of the hormonal group can be used. high efficiency possess medicines Berodual and Salbutamon. In the presence of such a symptom as shortness of breath, Eufillin can be prescribed for the treatment of respiratory pathology.

Mucolytic drugs are used to combat dry cough that begins with inhalation. Most often, medications are used to facilitate the release of sputum:

  • Ambroxol;
  • Bromhexine;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Ascoril;
  • Libeksin.

Also, in the treatment of such coughs, means are used traditional medicine, in the form of infusions and decoctions for medicinal herbs taken orally.

In the case when a sharp cough on inspiration is the cause of pneumonia or diseases of the cardiovascular system, therapy includes the use of antibacterial agents, oxygen therapy and therapeutic gymnastics. In extremely severe cases of the course of the underlying disease, surgery may be required. In this case, coughing with deep inspiration can persist until the moment full recovery body after surgery.

If the main cause of inspiratory cough is allergic reaction on products or components environment therapy will include the following:

  • Reception antihistamines. These include Ketoprofen, Claritin, Diazolin. Suprostin, Alerzin, Eden, Tavegil, Polysorb;
  • Elimination of the causative agent of an allergic reaction;
  • Carrying out, if possible, allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT).

If the cause of the cough that begins with inhalation is oncology, then chemotherapy must be carried out.

Prevention of cough after inhalation

To minimize the chances of a cough that worsens with deep inspiration, you must follow these general rules:

  1. Do not smoke, and try to minimize the incidence of passive smoking.
  2. Regularly make long hiking in nature, in places with clean air. In the absence of allergies, it is best to visit a pine forest or park.
  3. Once every 2-3 days, carry out wet cleaning in the living room. For patients with allergies and bronchial asthma, wet cleaning should be carried out daily or every other day.
  4. Ventilate the room as often as possible.
  5. Use a minimum of upholstered furniture, carpets and objects that collect dust in the sleeping room.
  6. Establish a nutritional system by eating healthy foods.
  7. Strengthen the body with gymnastics.
  8. Periodically, take baths with unflavored sea salt.

Prevention of coughing during inhalation also involves regular medical examination and timely appeal for medical assistance in case of illness.

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