Harm of alcohol, its effect on the human body. Damage to nerve cells. Harm of alcohol for expectant mothers

Like all substances toxic to the human body, in small doses alcohol is a medicine. Only useful amount ethyl alcohol not the person himself, but his doctor determines. There are many myths about the safety of a glass of red wine before dinner or vodka with pepper for a cold. When asked whether alcohol is harmful to humans, experts have long answered. Ethyl alcohol is the strongest poison that destroys brain and liver cells.. How fast intoxication will become depends on the state of human health and the amount of alcohol consumed.

Why alcohol is bad

At an event where alcoholic drinks present in a large assortment, few drinking man always choose the lesser of evils. True, it is not entirely clear what he is guided by - pure ethanol is contained in each of them. So what is the criterion for assessing the harm that ethyl alcohol causes to the human body?

Regular consumption of alcohol, even in small quantities, affects functional activity liver, intestines, stomach. It also contributes to the disorder of the central nervous system provokes neurological changes. If the doses of alcoholic beverages are increased, then a dangerous chronic intoxication. In this state, a person gradually degrades, loses professional and everyday skills, becomes stupid and obsessed with himself.

It does not matter whether a person drank two glasses of wine or a glass of vodka, the content of pure ethyl alcohol in them is the same. Equal is the harm done to the liver and the brain.

Trying to minimize the consequences of alcohol intake, a person focuses on its composition. It takes into account all components, counts calories and useful material. It does not provide for only one thing - the concentration of 96% ethanol. A health-conscious person will always prefer dry red wine or dark thick beer, because there are a lot of natural ingredients. This is a most dangerous delusion, since organic compounds does not in any way compensate for the harm of ethyl alcohol. You can raise immunity in another way - take vitamin complexes with micronutrients.

Giving preference to one or another type of alcohol, a person for some reason decides that one of them is more useful than the other, and this is nonsense. Vodka infused with healing roots and medicinal herbs, does not become more useful than pure 40% vodka. But the tricks of producers and the desire of consumers to be deceived do their job: hop cones, birch buds and flower honey attract buyers.

Especially harmful to the body is alcohol, which contains added dyes, flavors, stabilizers. In addition to poisoning with ethyl alcohol, a person may develop an allergic reaction, and the pancreas and intestines will malfunction.

Some manufacturers go to the trick and increase the percentage of ethanol artificially. Dry wine, champagne, dark and light beer are made from natural raw materials according to certain standards. To save a lot of money, developers technological process pure ethyl alcohol is added to drinks. Such an explosive mixture causes great harm to the cells of the liver and brain.

The toxic effect of alcohol

Some people sincerely believe that alcohol in small doses will not bring significant harm to a person and can be easily processed by the liver in a short time. WHO has determined the average amount of ethyl alcohol that will cause minor damage to the body. For men, this figure is 40 g of ethanol per day, and for women - 30 g. These values ​​should be taken into account when drinking alcohol, otherwise even a slight excess of the norm will not remain without health consequences.

Regular intake of alcoholic beverages in doses not exceeding the norm still leads to addiction. Narcologists have determined the approximate time for the formation of addiction - 6 months from the start of taking the first portion of alcohol.

The harm from drinking small doses of alcohol increases if a person has such pathologies:

If a person has at least one violation of the work of all vital systems, then a full-fledged metabolism of alcohol will not occur. Cardiovascular disease, chronic renal or liver failure, mental pathology are among the main contraindications for taking ethanol in any quantity.

When a person is sure that he has correctly calculated the dose for himself, which will not harm his body, the number of doses should be reduced. In addition to the formation of alcohol dependence, regular use of ethanol provokes the accumulation of the toxic compound acetaldehyde in the tissues. Even a little drinker is at risk of chronic intoxication.

Once in gastrointestinal tract, alcohol is quickly absorbed by its mucous membrane and penetrates into the bloodstream, and then into the liver. The biological filter neutralizes all substances harmful to the body, including ethyl alcohol. Liver enzymes react with ethanol, the product of which is acetaldehyde, which can harm all internal organs. Hepatocytes prevent intoxication by converting the compound into acetic acid.

In addition to the daily metabolism of alcohol, the liver has a lot of work to break down substances produced in the body. Therefore, such a load will sooner or later lead to a decrease in the activity of the biological filter - harmful compounds will remain in cells and tissues. To minimize the harm from drinking ethanol, you need to drink vodka, beer or wine intermittently.

The negative impact of alcohol on the human body

Ethanol in any amount adversely affects reproductive system . Before planning a pregnancy, doctors recommend that future parents completely give up alcohol for 2-3 months. Alcohol can change hormonal background person:

  1. A man can become obese female type: rounded hips, increase mammary glands, and the hands and ankles become thinner. On the forehead and armpits hair stops growing acne. Sometimes a man is not able to carry out a full-fledged sexual intercourse.
  2. In the body of a woman, the production of estrogens, female sex hormones, increases. This condition leads to failure menstrual cycle, that leads to unsuccessful attempts conception of the baby, as well as his bearing and birth.

Scientists have proven the harm of ethanol for the development of full-fledged eggs and sperm. Regular use of alcohol, even in small doses, can lead to the birth of children with mental and physical disabilities.

Ethanol begins to show its toxic effect already at the stage of ingestion. The mucous membrane of the stomach becomes inflamed and swollen, and when high concentration alcohol, its ulceration is possible. Even a single intake of ethyl alcohol often causes erosive gastritis, a disease requiring long-term complex treatment.

Having penetrated into the bloodstream, ethanol continues to harm, this time to red blood cells. Red bodies have a unipolar charge, which allows them to move freely in the stream. biological fluid. Alcohol damages the lining of red blood cells, causing them to stick together. Large conglomerates are formed, subsequently forming into a clot - a thrombus. He moves with difficulty bloodstream, and then completely clogs the capillary, preventing the movement of free red blood cells.

The main function of the red blood cells– transfer of molecular oxygen to tissues. RBC damage leads to oxygen starvation brain, and then the death of its cells. A person under the influence of alcohol is happy and careless, quickly and deeply falls asleep, he develops a habitual state of intoxication. Sleep is defensive reaction body from the harm caused by ethanol. The brain is in dire need of oxygen, so it simply “turns off”.

When asked whether vodka is harmful to the human body, most people will give an affirmative answer. The rest will talk about the benefits of alcohol in small doses. Experts agree with this opinion, but only if medicinal tinctures- valerian, motherwort, peony, eleutherococcus, ginseng. These drugs are useful in a small amount, which is measured in tens of drops..

Alcohol tinctures have many contraindications for use. After their use, you should not drive, as the alcohol contained in them, even in minimum dose slows down the reaction rate.

Almost all ceremonial events are not complete without spirits, champagne, beer. It can be difficult for a person to resist a glass of red wine or a glass of cognac. To minimize the harm from drinking alcohol, you need to follow some simple rules:

  • not exceed daily dose, which was calculated by physicians;
  • to choose quality drinks without dyes and aromatic additives, with low content Sahara;
  • alcohol in a larger dose, but drunk less often, does less harm compared to small but frequently consumed portions.

Especially dangerous property ethanol is its ability to be addictive, which allows us to talk about its narcotic nature. Many excellent employees and exemplary family men have one hidden flaw- after work every day they relax with a bottle of beer or a glass of vodka. Despite their obvious dissimilarity with homeless individuals who use isopropyl alcohol (“non-freeze”), they have a common drawback - chronic alcoholism, while successfully hidden. How to understand that an addiction is starting to form:

  1. There was a craving for alcohol.
  2. Loss of control over the amount of alcohol taken.
  3. The gag reflex is absent.
  4. Required large quantity alcohol to achieve the former euphoria.
  5. The reason for the use is no longer needed.

A chronic alcoholic will never admit that he has a problem. This is the result of brain malfunctions, leading to a loss of self-control and self-criticism. In such a situation, the support of relatives and close people is important. If it is not possible to reach out to a person, then specialists are powerless here.

Those of us who enjoy the occasional "missed" glass of beer or glass of wine may be doing everything right. Maybe. Scientists have repeatedly questioned the fact that alcohol is harmful. And it has been confirmed time and time again.

Scientific research and media

Mass media and the general public with might and main argue that a couple of glasses a day of this or that alcohol can even be good for the body. But in fact, it is not so easy to find out whether the “enemy” of health is harmful or not in moderation. And what, in general, is considered a moderate amount.

Early research

The great Archie Cochrane is one of the first to draw a link between alcohol consumption and health. This happened in 1979, when he and two colleagues tried to figure out what exactly was responsible for the ever-increasing number of deaths from heart disease. vascular diseases. Godfather evidence-based medicine approached the issue in detail: after analyzing the statistical data and conducting his own research, he came to the conclusion that the benefits of alcohol are not in itself, but in the antioxidants it contains. But still, in view of the fact that such experiments required expenditure and long-term, the absolute truth about alcohol was not disclosed.

Eighties: new attempts

In 1986, researchers surveyed a group of more than 50,000 male doctors in the US, learning about their food and drink, their medical history, and health status over a two-year period. They found that the more alcohol consumed, the lower the risk of developing coronary disease heart disease (CHD), despite the eating habits of individual subjects.

2000s: the influence of alcohol in a Y-shaped relationship

Another large study published in 2000 showed a Y-shaped relationship ("U") between moderate alcohol consumption and - in this case- death, not coronary artery disease. Subjects who drank one standard drink per day were less likely to die over the 5.5-year study than those who drank less than one drink per week, or those who drank more.
This suggested that alcohol is beneficial only when consumed in a strictly prescribed amount.

Are there really benefits?

In 2005 another study medical professionals(this time 32,000 women and 18,000 men) tried to answer the question of how not only the risk depends on alcohol heart attack but also physiology. People who drank one to two glasses of alcohol three to four times a week had more low risk heart attack. The researchers referred to this as beneficial effect alcohol per level HDL cholesterol(so-called good cholesterol), as well as hemoglobin A1c (a marker for diabetes risk) and fibrinogen, which helps blood clot. These three factors play important role in "metabolic syndrome" (a cluster of abnormalities that often portends cardiovascular disease and diabetes). Other studies have shown that alcohol can change the balance of these factors for the better.

Does this mean that abstainers' health is at risk?

Everything is not as simple as it looks. In 2006, a team of experimental scientists took a close look at how the early studies had been designed. Their meta-analysis showed a significant flaw in the classification: people who stopped drinking alcohol due to bad health or by age. That is, these subjects could be in worst condition, how general group for research. In connection with this amendment, the results were revised, and no proportional relationship between alcohol and CHD was found.

The bad news

Whether or not alcohol contributes to death from cardiovascular disease, it is still harmful for a number of other reasons. The World Health Organization has reported that alcohol can increase the risk of depression and anxiety, cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis, suicidal tendencies, violence, and increases the risk of accidental injury.

In total, there are over 200 diseases and injuries that can be associated with alcohol use, including 30 that are associated with alcohol alone.

But the idea that moderate drinking can be beneficial isn't quite gone, and even organizations dedicated to fighting the problem of alcohol are reluctant to say they're not. a large number of alcohol may have a protective effect against heart disease and certain types of stroke.

Many people have made alcohol a part of their lives, sincerely believing that this is the only way to relax, cheer up and have a good time. But only a few conscious people know that alcohol is a kind of drug that, penetrating the body, adversely affects the work of all vital important organs and systems, which is why it is necessary to realize the seriousness of the situation and timely exclude the systematic consumption of alcohol.

Each person must fully understand what the use of alcohol is fraught with, then, perhaps, the desire to drink will immediately disappear. If we consider the moral and ethical side, then in a state of intoxication a person loses the ability to control his own actions, movements and speech, thereby, committing insane acts, becomes a victim of accidents. In addition, alcohol consumption disrupts the process of personal growth, but at the same time, the process of complete degradation spontaneously proceeds.

Significant harm to health

The use of ethyl alcohol in unlimited quantities also harms human health, often causing a threat to life. This is especially dangerous chemical compound for the heart, lungs, liver, digestive and nervous systems. In addition, it aggravates the course of diseases already existing in the body and contributes to the spread of mental and mental disorders.

Indeed, the activity of ethanol can lead to a complete imbalance, but first of all, the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Weakened muscles, diabetes, blood clots in the vessels, a shrunken brain, an enlarged liver, diseased kidneys, depression, impotence, stomach ulcers - all these are constant diagnoses of eternal alcoholics, and most of These pathological phenomena can no longer be completely cured.

The liver suffers greatly from alcohol intake, since tissue damage entails serious pathologies in her work. cirrhosis of the liver develops alcoholic hepatitis, as well as possible diagnoses such as bacterial peritonitis (inflammation abdominal cavity With possible bleeding) and ascites (accumulation of excess fluid in the abdominal cavity). It is also possible that violations hormonal background, as a result sad consequences for the body become irreversible.

The behavior of alcohol in the human body

The initial portions of ethyl alcohol after penetration into the gastrointestinal tract rapidly expand the vessels, provoking an accelerated release gastric juice. However, an increase in the doses drunk leads to more global anomalies: there is a delay in the release of juice, as a result of which the food stays in the stomach not for 2, but for 10 or more hours, while starting to decompose intensively. This causes attacks of nausea and vomiting, unpleasant belching and nagging pain under the spoon.

Constant drinking of excessive amounts of alcohol:

  • harmful to the heart, lungs, liver, digestive and nervous systems;
  • complicates the course of existing diseases;
  • exacerbates mental and mental disorders;
  • leads to accidents. (In the emergency department of any hospital, you can see that many people get there as a result of accidents caused by intoxication.)

Harm to the heart and lungs

Alcohol abuse causes heart disease and increases the risk of lung disease. Alcoholics are particularly susceptible to:

  • arrhythmias;
  • chronic lung diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • tuberculosis;
  • inflammation of the lungs.

Harm to the liver

Alcohol abuse can cause:

  • alcoholic hepatitis - a type of inflammation of the liver;
  • cirrhosis, or destruction of liver cells;
  • fatty liver, in which its cells are filled with fat.

Harm to digestion

Alcohol abuse is the cause of many diseases of the digestive system, including:

  • gastritis;
  • esophageal carcinoma;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • varicose veins of the esophagus, i.e. dilation of veins in the esophagus, which can cause bleeding and lead to death;
  • stomach ulcers and bleeding digestive tract; i poor digestibility of nutrients.

Harm to the nervous system

Long-term alcohol abuse can lead to:

  • alcohol hallucinations;
  • alcoholic delirium (delirium tremens, delirium tremens), which causes hallucinations, trembling, sweating, fever, increased heart rate;
  • Korsakov's syndrome - an irreversible deterioration in memory associated with a lack of thiamine (vitamin B,) due to alcohol abuse;
  • convulsions (convulsions);
  • bleeding in the meninges;
  • Wernicke's encephalopathy, a type of brain degeneration caused by a lack of thiamine;
  • beriberi - a disease caused by a lack of thiamine, leading to paralysis, exhaustion, indigestion, edema and heart failure.

Mental and mental disorders

Long-term alcohol use is associated with:

  • depression
  • lack of motivation;
  • failures in work and social life;
  • drug abuse;
  • suicides.

Other complications

Alcohol abuse can cause:

  • low blood sugar;
  • leg ulcers;
  • inflammation of the prostate;
  • congenital alcohol syndrome(in children of alcoholics), causing growth retardation, mental retardation and facial deformities;
  • life-threatening drug interactions, even those sold without a prescription.

Unhealthy drinks

Human health is harmed not only by vodka, but also by wine, beer, even in relatively small doses. The content of ethanol in such drinks causes memory impairment, lethargy, decreased physical strength, slowness of movements, as well as shortness of breath appears, emotions disappear, mental and volitional abilities decrease. This effect in the body persists for several hours, in addition, from these drinks comes alcohol addiction.

Harm of alcohol for expectant mothers

Drinking alcohol, even in small amounts, during pregnancy significantly increases the chance of pathological childbirth, and babies are born premature, underweight, with defects internal organs and outward deformities. Such pathologies, caused by the presence of alcohol syndrome, can hardly be cured, which is why future mothers should every time think about the health of their baby if they want to drink alcohol.

There is no doubt that excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health. But over moderate doses, battles have been going on for more than a year.

What is "moderate use"

The point is that in different countries the rules vary greatly. Differences start with what counts as one "serving" (or "drink"): in the UK, for example, this is 8 grams of alcohol, while in Japan it is almost 20. In the USA, 14 grams of alcohol is considered a serving: this is the equivalent of 350 milliliters (about a can of ) beer, 150 milliliters (about a glass) of wine or 45 milliliters (about a glass) of vodka.

Accordingly, ideas about when to stop are also different everywhere. In the UK, 3-4 drinks (i.e. 24-32 grams of alcohol) per day for a man are considered "not to cause measurable harm to health"; for women, this is 2-3 servings (16-24 grams).

Finally, in the US, men are advised to drink no more than two servings a day (28 grams), and women - no more than one (14 grams). By the way, the norms for women are less, not only because they usually weigh less, but also because of gender differences in alcohol metabolism.

Different ideas about moderation lead to some confusion in talking about the benefits and harms " moderate use", but anyway usually we are talking about 10-30 grams of alcohol per day in such cases.

And, apparently, any alcohol: attempts to find out which drinks are better for health and which are worse (for example, whether red wine really has advantages) did not give convincing results.

Benefit or harm

However, in the absence of other scientific evidence, one has to rely on what is available. Numerous studies in different countries ( , , ) have shown that people who drink alcohol moderately have slightly lower mortality rates than teetotalers.

At the same time, pancreatic cancer is associated only with heavy drinking (for example, portions per week for men), and the same can be said for pancreatitis: apparently, it increased risk associated only with the use of large doses of alcohol. It should be added that even a small amount of alcohol, according to some reports, can increase the risk of injury.

To drink or not to drink

Given the multitude of these factors, physicians around the world are reluctant to advise patients to deliberately consume alcohol "for health." The position of the World Health Organization is not completely clear: in the European office of WHO believe that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption, although one of the WHO reports refers to a "low-risk" level - no more than 20 grams per day five days a week. And yet, most of the world's recommendations say: if a person drinks anyway, then he can continue to drink, but in moderation.

Many studies refer specifically to American standards - no more than two servings (14 g of pure alcohol each - corresponding, let me remind you, about a glass of wine, a can of beer or a glass of vodka) per day for men and no more than one for non-pregnant women.

Alcohol is definitely not indicated for pregnant women: although scientists do not have enough data to talk about the dangers of small doses of alcohol for the fetus, it has not yet been possible to establish a safe level of consumption, so it is best not to tempt fate. In addition, refraining from even moderate use is worthwhile for those who once had an alcohol dependence or a history of alcoholism in the family, and anyone who has alcohol-related diseases of the liver or pancreas.

Karina Nazaretyan

Scientists Harvard University found that men drinking 50 g of alcohol once a week reduced the risk of developing coronary heart disease by 7%, and with daily use- by 40%. In women, this figure is 30% and does not depend on the frequency of use. Processing of alcoholic beverages female body occurs more slowly than in men.

Let us consider from these positions several relevant and important aspects alcohol intake. Is alcohol useful in individual cases? What amount of alcohol is considered safe? And is there such safe dose for women?

How does alcohol affect blood pressure?

They raise it. That is why small doses of alcohol help people suffering from hypotension. One or two tablespoons of cognac can bring a person with reduced blood pressure. Although the World Health Organization does not recommend that doctors advise their patients any alcoholic beverages as a medicine. Long-term studies show that in 20% of cases of development hypertension alcoholic beverages (especially beer and wine) are to blame. So, in a man who consumes more than 150 ml of wine or 30 ml of vodka per day, the risk of hypertension increases to 40%. And for a woman, this figure reaches 90%! So it is much safer to raise the pressure not with alcohol, but with the help of coffee, tea, dark chocolate, Eleutherococcus or ginseng tinctures.

It is known that natural dry wines have a beneficial effect on the human body. Due to what is this happening?

In the skin of red grapes and in grape seeds contains res-veratrol - a natural compound that has a powerful antioxidant effect. Entering the human body with berries or wine made from them, this substance prevents the development of cardiovascular and oncological diseases, delays age-related changes brain and musculoskeletal system, prolonging life and delaying the onset of old age. In addition, alcoholic beverages improve digestion and prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. But this is only if a person consumes them in moderation. Large doses alcohol lead to the expansion of the cavities of the heart and the development of cardiac pathologies (heart failure, arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy, etc.) and of course hypertension, especially if the patient has genetic predisposition to cardiovascular diseases. So it's much safer to lower your cholesterol with physical activity and rational diet- they fight against atherosclerosis no less effectively than small doses of alcohol.

But what about the French, who eat a lot fatty foods drink wine and live long and suffer from cardiovascular disease 40% less than Americans?

The secret of the "French paradox" is not only in the regular use of wine, but also in lifestyle and nutritional habits. In addition to wine and cheese, the inhabitants of the Mediterranean consume a large amount of vegetables, fruits, herbs, olive oil and seafood. This diet provides the body with lipoproteins. high density, unsaturated fats, vitamins and trace elements that have a powerful antioxidant effect, protecting body cells from damage free radicals. In addition, residents of the south of France actively eat seaweed, which contains substances that improve biological properties blood (reduce the formation of blood clots and stimulate the breakdown of fats). And the quality of French wines differs significantly from Ukrainian ones, 90% of which are made from a concentrate diluted with water.

What amount of alcohol is considered safe?

In France, Italy, Hungary, this figure is traditionally higher than, say, in Sweden or Norway. But if we talk about generally accepted doses, then WHO recommends that men consume no more than 30 ml per day. pure alcohol(about 1.5 bottles of beer or 75 ml of vodka), and for women - 20 ml of pure alcohol (1 bottle of beer or 50 ml of vodka). At the same time, doctors recommend at least two days a week to refrain from alcohol.

Why is the safe dose for women lower than for men?

The representatives of the beautiful half of humanity in the body less water than in men. In addition, gastric alcohol dehydrogenase, the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of alcohol, is less active in women than in the stronger sex. Consequently, the processing of alcoholic beverages in the female body is slower, which is why ladies are more susceptible to alcohol.

Why do some people have a strong feeling after drinking a glass of red wine? headache, but this does not happen from white?

Such a reaction can be caused by an individual intolerance to sulfur dioxide, a substance that is added to dry red wines in order to keep them longer. This preservative can cause instant facial flushing and severe migraines. And when drinking white wines, this does not happen, because according to the technology, sulfur dioxide is not added to them.

How safe are low-alcohol sodas popular among young people considered safe?

Simple arithmetic allows us to say that this category of drinks is not so harmless. Most of them contain 8% alcohol. If you multiply this figure by 0.33 (the contents of one bottle), you get approximately 27 ml of pure alcohol. For girls, this is already an excess. daily allowance, but few of them are limited to one bottle a day. In addition, rum-cola and gin tonics contain carbon dioxide, which contributes to the faster absorption of alcohol into the blood, due to which intoxication occurs almost from the first sip. And how much harm energy drinks in which alcohol is combined with caffeine! In sum, these two stimulants lead to dysfunction of the human nervous system, as well as its liver and pancreas.

What are the dangers of excessive beer drinking?

Beer like any other alcoholic drink, primarily affects the liver, causing over time toxic hepatitis and alcoholic cirrhosis. It is these two diseases that occupy a leading position in such a beer country as Germany, where beer is drunk often and a lot, consuming up to 3 liters per evening.

Former smokers complain that after drinking a glass they have a desire to smoke. Why is this happening?

Most often, this happens to those who have managed to say “no” to addiction, but have not yet coped with psychological addiction from smoking. Once at a party where many smoke, former smoker may experience the same as an ex-drug addict who finds himself in a setting where he used drugs before. One look at a familiar area is enough for an associative habit to take over. Under the influence of alcohol, memory gives out pictures from the past, and so vivid that a former smoker can taste and smell tobacco. In addition, being in a state of euphoria (after two or three glasses), a person can no longer evaluate his actions critically and, without hesitation, breaks promises made to himself. As a rule, in this state, a much larger number of cigarettes are smoked than usual. As a result toxic effect alcohol on the body is amplified several times. Hence the worse hangover.

What drugs can be combined with alcoholic beverages?

Alcohol is not compatible with any drug. Especially harmful is the combination of alcohol with pacemakers, hypotensive, psychotropic drugs, tranquilizers, antipsychotics, antidepressants, beta-blockers. Loss of consciousness is not the worst thing that can happen in such a situation: sometimes alcohol enhances the effect of drugs so much that it ends in a coma, or even sudden death. Alcoholic drinks are also incompatible with diuretic tablets (in combination with wine or beer, diuretics remove such a number of trace elements from the body that this leads to disturbances in the work of the heart). Even a banal aspirin should not be washed down with strong drinks - such experiments can result in a stomach ulcer. Great amount complications gives antibiotics with alcohol. The fact is that not all drugs enter the body in active form. Many begin to act only after the period of splitting in the liver has passed. Alcohol also needs to be broken down, and therefore, once in the body at the same time, both of these substances begin to compete. As a result active substance tablets enter the bloodstream unoxidized. Most of the time it ends allergic reactions- urticaria, dermatitis.

Why does one person become complacent and talkative after a glass of vodka, while the other becomes closed and aggressive?

Regardless of the temperament, age and mood of a person, alcohol slows down the functioning of the nervous system. Two minutes after drinking a glass of cognac or a glass of champagne, alcohol reaches the frontal lobe of the brain, disrupting most of the neurochemical connections. A person's attention is scattered, thoughts become chaotic, and the mood becomes elevated and joyful. True, the state of euphoria is short-lived - soon a phase of inhibition sets in, during which restraint disappears from the intoxicated person, common sense disappears, conversations and actions become inadequate. At the same time, on healthy people alcohol most often acts as an emotional equalizer: a closed person brightens up after a glass of wine, a chatty person calms down, an aggressive person relaxes, a phlegmatic person becomes more talkative. Although there are also unpredictable reactions, which largely depend on the characteristics of the human nervous system. One thing is certain: if after a glass of vodka you become aggressive, you absolutely should not drink.

Many people think that alcohol is the best remedy from stress. Is it so?

Alcohol is the simplest and most affordable household tranquilizer. However, he does not relieve stress, otherwise everyone would “lick” their emotional “wounds” in an embrace with a bottle. Fortunately, this does not happen, because for most people alcohol is just an intermediary, something like a relaxing element that allows you to speak frankly, an impulse to pour out your soul to a friend, neighbor, random fellow traveler. Although narcologists believe that it is no less successful to shoot emotional stress and on the treadmill, because at the time of stress in the body, energy production increases. That is why a person, nervous, cannot sit still: he rushes around the room, pulls his fingers, emotionally tells something. So it would be quite logical to drive out the excess negative energy at the gym, not at the restaurant.

Narcologists compare alcohol consumption to driving a car: both of these processes carry health risks. Are there "rules" traffic", which you need to know in order not to "be in a ditch"?

The first rule to understand is not to drink on an empty stomach. Once in the body of a hungry person, alcohol is freely absorbed by the gastric mucosa and quickly enters the bloodstream, causing instant and very strong intoxication. That is why before the feast, nutritionists recommend eating something fatty - a piece of lard, a sandwich with red caviar or cheese, and butter.

Second Golden Rule says: a festive evening is better to start with an aperitif. Having drunk a little wine, vodka or martini before the feast, you will not only whet your appetite, but also make the enzymatic system work more actively.

The third rule: do not drink alcoholic beverages as the degree decreases. Remember: the processing of strong drinks requires a large amount of alcohol dehydrogenase, which means that when you drink cognac with champagne, you create a deficiency of an enzyme that breaks down alcohol. Because of this, a low-alcohol drink freely enters the bloodstream in an unsplit form, causing very strong intoxication.

What should be consumed with alcoholic beverages?

Dry wines can be eaten with fruits, cheese, salads, low-fat varieties meat, fish. Drinks with a strength of 40 degrees and above are best eaten with more fatty and heavy foods - pork, lamb, red caviar, potatoes, salads with high-calorie sauces. This will slow down the absorption of alcohol and improve the processing of food, since alcohol helps break down fats. During a long feast, it is advisable to have fresh lemons on hand. The acid contained in them is an excellent alcohol neutralizer, so slices of these sour fruits can be eaten with alcoholic drinks or washed down with water diluted in it. lemon juice. But it is better to remove sweet soda or juices from the table altogether, since the sugar and carbon dioxide contained in them increase the absorption of alcohol. For the same reason, sparkling wines should not be eaten with chocolate.

What is alcohol poisoning? What are its signs, and what measures should be taken to save a poisoned person?

Alcohol poisoning occurs after taking more than 500 ml of vodka. Most people natural reaction organism for this amount toxic substances vomiting usually occurs, but in 30% of alcohol drinkers this reflex is absent by nature or atrophies as unnecessary (as a rule, among frequent and excessive drinkers). Therefore, upon admission a large number ethyl alcohol the body is exposed to the strongest alcohol intoxication: alcohol paralyzes nervous system, which causes a coma, and after a couple of hours and death. That is why, having found a person unconscious, with a clear smell of alcohol, pale, covered with perspiration, not responding to any stimuli, with rapid breathing, a barely perceptible pulse and an uneven heartbeat, immediately call an ambulance!

How to regain sobriety of thought, if due to holiday table Are you called to work urgently?

First of all, you need to get rid of the alcohol contained in the stomach, trying to cause vomiting reflex. Then you should take loading dose enterosorbents - they will collect and remove alcohol from the body that has entered the intestines. If alcohol is absorbed into the blood, try to protect nerve cells with drugs that block its action. With mild intoxication, you can limit yourself to a cup strong coffee Or black tea with lemon. This will invigorate the inhibited nervous system, bringing the person to life. At the end of the sobering procedure, it would be nice to take something from hepatoprotectors - drugs that protect the liver. Although they say that vitamin complexes containing B vitamins are most effective in combating intoxication (they are often used by diplomats, who need to stay sane even after a stormy holiday)

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