Emotional disorders in children - abstract. Types and causes of emotional disorders in children and adolescents Typical signs of pathology can be

The child's emotions are connected with the inner world of the child and various social situations of understanding, the experience of which causes certain emotional states in her as a result of a violation of social situations (changes in the regimen, lifestyle, etc.), the child may experience a stressful state, affective reactions, fear. This causes a negative state of health of the child, i.e. her emotional distress.

. Affect - short-term violent nervous excitement, which is accompanied by sharp motor manifestations, changes in the activity of internal organs, loss of volitional control over one's own actions and violent expression of emotions

As a rule, the affect is due to the weakness of cortical inhibition; therefore, excitation in a child may predominate over inhibition. The inability of the child to slow down the violent manifestation of positive emotions can provoke negative emotions in her: violent fun ends in crying, tears.

The development of emotions and feelings is influenced by age stages and personality crisis. The neoplasm, central for a certain age, arising in response to the needs of the child, contains an emotional component. If the new needs that appeared at the end of each stage are not satisfied or suppressed, the preschooler begins a state of frustration.

. Frustration (lat. frustratio - deceit, disorder) - the mental state of a person, due to insurmountable difficulties on the way to the goal or satisfaction of one's own needs and desires

It manifests itself as aggression (on the frustrator, on an imaginary reason, on oneself) or as depression. In a state of aggression, the child experiences anger, rage, the desire for physical reprisal against the enemy; in depression, is she passive, depressed?? If a child begins to draw himself in difficult situations or constantly depicts terrible dreams, this signals her emotional distress. It can be caused by the child's dissatisfaction with communication with adults (parents) and peers, a lack of human warmth, affection, and family disorders. Symptoms of frustration are anxious and pessimistic expectations, the baby's insecurity, a feeling of insecurity, and sometimes fear due to the possible negative attitude of an adult. All this provokes stubbornness in him, unwillingness to obey the requirements of his parents, that is, a serious psychological barrier between him and the whole adult.

Saturated emotional contacts, in which the child as a person is the object of a benevolent and at the same time demanding evaluative attitude, forms in her confidently optimistic expectations, which are inherent in the experience of possible success, praise, encouragement by close adults.

Emotional distress associated with communication difficulties can provoke various types of behavior, according to which children are divided into the following main groups:

1) unbalanced, excitable children, the swiftness of emotions often disorganizes their activities. When conflicts with peers arise, children's emotions often manifest themselves in effects (outbursts of anger, resentment)), often accompanied by rudeness, fights, and accompanying vegetative changes (redness of the skin, increased sweating, etc.). Negative emotional reactions can be generated by serious or minor reasons. Quickly arising, they quickly cease;

2) children with a stable negative attitude towards communication are predominantly "light-coloured". Resentment, discontent, hostility remain in their memory for a long time, but they do not appear too violently. Such children lead separately, avoid communication; their emotional distress often manifests itself in unwillingness to attend a preschool institution, dissatisfaction with relationships with a teacher or peers. Guest susceptibility, their excessive vulnerability can cause intrapersonal conflict conflict;

3) children whose emotional distress is a consequence of their individual characteristics, the specifics of the inner world (vulnerability, susceptibility, generating fears). Perceptual acuity and vulnerability can cause fear in infants.

Fear is a negative emotional state that sticks out in situations of an imaginary or real threat to the biological or social existence of a person, aimed at the source of this situation.

The appearance of fears depends on the child’s life experience, the level of development of independence, imagination, emotional sensitivity, excitement, anxiety, shyness, insecurity often predetermine pain, etc. The instinct for self-preservation, depending on the situation, the degree of its danger and the individual characteristics of a person, it can acquire different intensity: from slight apprehension to horror, which paralyzes movement and kakwu with its boundness.

For a child of preschool age, even a short separation from her mother is unbearable, so she cries, falls asleep badly and wakes up in tears, and during the day she tries to be closer to her. The fear of darkness and loneliness does not arise if the child is accustomed to sleeping in an unlit room, often fears appear before bedtime. Therefore, after dinner, you need to take care of the comfort and peace around the child. Before going to bed, gomirni and games, watching movies, reading fairy tales, the plots of which can provoke fear, are inappropriate. Emotional comfort in the family, attention to the feelings and experiences of the child, readiness to always help yom yom prevent fears.

Highlight specific and symbolic fears . specific fears there are emotions that arise in a situation where danger is associated with specific objects, creatures or phenomena of the surrounding reality. At the age of 3 years, the child already ceases to be afraid of specific objects, people, animals, etc. her number of specific fears decreases, symbolic fears appear. . Symbolic fears call the experience of a state or situation of a threat directly to the subject; threatening situation of uncertainty or fantasy arises

The unjustified strict attitude of an adult, inadequate means of education overstrain the nervous system of the child and create a favorable basis for the emergence of fears. Threats, severe punishments (sometimes corporal), artificial restriction of movements, disregard for the interests and desires of the child, etc. lead to this. Constant intimidation makes children powerless, unable to reason, causes a state of anxiety. The emergence of fears in the child is also caused by the fears of the mother. Remembering her childhood fears, she unwittingly fences off the baby from the objects of her fear, such as animals. This is how disturbing feelings are unconsciously formed - "legacy e" fears "fears.

Based on the development of imagination up to 3 years, the child has fears associated with fairy-tale characters, darkness, an empty room. Children, prone to fears, unsociable, uncommunicative. In addition to fears, they may have aggressiveness, stubbornness, whims. The development of fears is often stimulated by adults, forcing children to restrain their emotions, not understanding their experiences. Therefore, outwardly restrained children may not really experience strong negative feelings.

You can not shame the child for the fear that she is experiencing, because fear and shame are interconnected. Afraid of ridicule, she hides fear, which not only will not disappear, but also intensify

From 3 to 5-6 years old, children experience the most fears, which often turn into obsessive forms, similar to neurotic states, they can be caused by high emotionality, low vitality to their id, rich imagination. Such fears disappear within 3-4 weeks. Often they can be caused by rash acts of adults, such as errors in mental education, which cause a decrease in the level of orientation in the social environment. In order to avoid fears, it is necessary to give the correct answers to what interests and worries the child, to enrich his knowledge of objects and phenomena. Therefore, if she does not receive an answer, she will look for it on her own and the result of the efforts will rarely be optimal. Do not leave your child alone in an unfamiliar, difficult environment. It is necessary to participate in activities that frighten her (for example, to enter a dark room), inspire confidence, optimism by word and deed, support her constructive attempts, and rejoice with her in children's achievements.

The emotional-volitional sphere of a preschooler is characterized by: complication of the content of the emotional sphere; impressionism of emotions and feelings; the formation of the general emotional background of the mental life of the child; a change in the expression of the essential side of the emotions and feelings of a preschool child. At this age, the "language" of feelings is assimilated. With the help of glances, gestures, facial expressions, smiles, postures, movements, voice intonations, children express their experiences. And bath. A preschooler can use words to explain his condition; gradually masters the ability to restrain a stormy and harsh expression of feelings, understanding how to behave in a particular situation. A child with a will develops a will.

In preschoolers, the system of emotions and feelings is still being formed. Therefore, it is so important at this age to lay the foundations of positive emotions and feelings, which occupy an important place in the mental development of the child, in preparing her for school.

Emotions play a significant role from the very beginning of a baby's life, and serve as an indicator of his relationship to his parents and to what surrounds him. Currently, along with general health problems in children, experts note with concern the growth of emotional and volitional disorders, which result in more serious problems in the form of low social adaptation, a tendency to antisocial behavior, and learning difficulties.

The main external manifestations of emotional disorders are as follows:

Emotional tension. With increased emotional tension, in addition to well-known manifestations, difficulties in the organization of mental activity, a decrease in gaming activity characteristic of a particular age, can also be clearly expressed.

  • Rapid mental fatigue of the childin comparison with peers or with earlier behavior, it is expressed in the fact that it is difficult for a child to concentrate, he can demonstrate a clear negative attitude to situations where the manifestation of mental, intellectual qualities is necessary.
  • Increased anxiety. Increased anxiety, in addition to known signs, can be expressed in the avoidance of social contacts, a decrease in the desire to communicate.
  • Aggressiveness. Manifestations can be in the form of demonstrative disobedience to adults, physical aggression and verbal aggression. Also, his aggression can be directed at himself, he can hurt himself. The child becomes naughty and with great difficulty gives in to the educational influences of adults.
  • Lack of empathy. Empathy is the ability to feel and understand the emotions of another person, to empathize. With violations of the emotional-volitional sphere, this symptom is usually accompanied by increased anxiety. An inability to empathize can also be a warning sign of a mental disorder or intellectual retardation.
  • Unwillingness and unwillingness to overcome difficulties. The child is lethargic, contacts with adults with displeasure. Extreme manifestations in behavior may look like a complete disregard for parents or other adults - in certain situations, the child may pretend not to hear the adult.
  • Low motivation to succeed.A characteristic sign of low motivation for success is the desire to avoid hypothetical failures, so the child takes on new tasks with displeasure, tries to avoid situations where there is even the slightest doubt about the result. It is very difficult to persuade him to try to do something. A common answer in this situation is: “it won’t work”, “I don’t know how”. Parents may erroneously interpret this as a manifestation of laziness.
  • Expressed distrust of others.It can manifest itself as hostility, often accompanied by tearfulness; school-age children can manifest this as excessive criticism of the statements and actions of both peers and surrounding adults.
  • Excessive impulsivitychild, as a rule, is expressed in weak self-control and insufficient awareness of their actions.
  • Avoiding close contact with other people. The child may repel others with remarks expressing contempt or impatience, insolence, etc.

THEM. Chistyakova, N.I. Kosterina and a number of other authors identify the following types of emotional disorders in preschool children. They designate three groups of violations in the development of the child's emotional sphere: - mood disorders; - conduct disorders; - psychomotor disorders.

N.I. Kosterina indicates that mood disorders can be divided into 2 types:with an increase in emotionality and its decrease. The first group consists of such states as euphoria, dysphoria, depression, anxiety syndrome, fears. The second group includes apathy, emotional dullness, parathymia.

Euphoria - inadequately elevated, joyful mood. A child in a state of euphoria is characterized as impulsive, striving for dominance, impatient.

Dysphoria - mood disorder, with a predominance of angry-dreary, gloomy-dissatisfied, with general irritability and aggressiveness. A child in a state of dysphoria can be described as sullen, angry, harsh, unyielding. Dysphoria is a type of depression.

Depression , in turn, is an affective state characterized by a negative emotional background and general passivity of behavior. In other words, it represents a dreary, depressed mood. Depression in preschool and primary school age in its classical form is usually atypical, erased. A child with a low mood can be described as unhappy, gloomy, pessimistic.

anxiety syndrome -a state of causeless anxiety, accompanied by nervous tension, restlessness. An anxious child can be defined as insecure, constrained, tense. This syndrome is expressed in frequent mood swings, tearfulness, decreased appetite, thumb sucking, touchiness and sensitivity. Anxiety often turns into fears (phobias).

Recall that fear - this is an emotional state that occurs in case of awareness of an impending danger - imaginary or real. A child experiencing fear looks timid, frightened, withdrawn. Clinical practice shows that in young children it is a fear of strangers, animals, loud sounds, in adolescents - more general fears (fear of losing their loved ones, fear of the "end of the world" or death).

Apathy - an indifferent attitude to everything that happens, which is combined with a sharp drop in initiative. As clinical psychologists emphasize, in apathy, the loss of emotional reactions is combined with the defeat or absence of volitional impulses. Only with great difficulty can one briefly disinhibit the emotional sphere, promote the manifestation of feelings. Thus, an apathetic child can be described as lethargic, indifferent, passive.

Concerning emotional dullness, then it is characterized not only by the absence of emotions (for adequate or inadequate stimuli), but also by the impossibility of their appearance at all. The introduction of stimulant drugs leads to temporary non-objective motor excitation, but not to the appearance of feelings or contact.

Parathymia, or inadequacy of emotions- a mood disorder in which the experience of one emotion is accompanied by an external manifestation of an emotion of the opposite valence. It should be noted that both parathymia and emotional dullness are characteristic of children with schizophrenia.

The second group - behavioral disorders - the authors include attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and the manifestation of various types of aggression.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)is a combination of general motor restlessness, restlessness, impulsiveness of actions, emotional lability, impaired concentration. It follows that the main features of this syndrome aredistractibility and motor disinhibition.Thus, a child suffering from ADHD is restless, does not complete the work he has begun, his mood quickly changes.

If to speak about manifestations of aggression, then, as a number of authors point out, as a manifestation of high anxiety, it can act as a formed character trait or as a reaction to environmental influences. In any case, the origins of child and adolescent aggressiveness are in their environment, in the style of parental behavior and upbringing. A small child is not able to "respond" to his offender - an adult, he gradually accumulates negative emotions, irritation, protest against the "harassment" of adults, and in adolescence this can result in one of the forms of aggression (according to A. Bass and A. Darki) :

  • physical;
  • verbal (rudeness, foul language);
  • indirect (displacement of an aggressive reaction to an outside person or object)
  • suspicion;
  • resentment;
  • negativism;
  • guilt .

It should be noted that in order to classify these manifestations as clinical, they must be hypertrophied, since manifestations of aggression in an adequate measure for the impact are a necessary condition for the preservation of the physical and mental health of the individual.

Psychomotor disorders include: 1) amimia, the absence of expressiveness of the facial muscles, observed in certain diseases of the central or peripheral nervous system; 2) hypomimia - a slight decrease in the expressiveness of facial expressions; 3) inexpressive pantomime.

In addition to these groups of emotional disorders, emotional difficulties in communication can also be distinguished. They are represented in children by autistic behavior and difficulties in adequately determining the emotional states of people. We focus on autism.

Autism manifested in: the child's desire for loneliness; violation of emotional connection even with the closest people; extreme stereotypical behavior; speech and intellectual underdevelopment.

Of course, all these types of emotional disorders need to be corrected. However, for effective correction of emotional disturbances, it is necessary to identify their causes, i.e. development determinants.

The main causes of violations in the development of the emotional sphere of preschoolers.

Determinants of the development of emotional disorders in children

An analysis of the psychological literature shows that today it is customary to single out the following reasons for the development of emotional disorders in children.

1. Features of the physical development of the child, diseases suffered in infancy,transferred stresses

2. Delays in mental development, lagging behind the age norms of intellectual development.

3. Features of family education, lack of emotional contact with close adults.

4. Social causes: nutritional habits, the economic situation of the family raising the child.

5. Social environment, especially in the children's team.

6. The nature of the predominant activity of the child.

7. A number of other reasons that cause internal discomfort and a feeling of inferiority in a child.

These reasons can be divided into two large groups of determinants of emotional disorders in childhood. So these determinants are:biological causes, and social causes.

Biological reasons include such as: the type of the child's nervous system, biotonus, somatic features, etc. For example, the development of ADHD can be caused by microorganic lesions of the brain resulting from complications of pregnancy and childbirth, debilitating somatic diseases of an early age, and physical injuries.

Social causes include the features of the interaction of the child with the social environment. As already noted, the child has his own experience of communicating with adults, peers and a group that is especially significant for him - the family, and this experience can be unfavorable in several cases.

First, if a child is systematically subjected to negative assessments by an adult, he is forced to repress a large amount of information from the environment into the unconscious. New experiences that do not coincide with the structure of his “I concept” are perceived negatively by him, as a result of which the child finds himself in a stressful situation.

Secondly, with dysfunctional relationships with peers, emotional experiences arise that are characterized by acuteness and duration: disappointment, resentment, anger.

Thirdly, family conflicts, different requirements for the child, misunderstanding of his interests can also cause him negative experiences. The following types of parenting and parenting style mistakes are unfavorable for emotional and personal development.

Among the emotional traits that develop under the influence of such parental relationships, aggressiveness, auto-aggressiveness, lack of ability for emotional decentration, feelings of anxiety, suspiciousness, emotional instability in communicating with people are noted.

The determinants of the development of emotional disorders in preschoolers include the subject environment, the content of which (for example, toys that stimulate aggression) influences the choice of the plot of children's games, the implementation of role-playing behavior and the corresponding emotional expression.

In addition, are the mass media and the Internet also a determinant of the emotional development of children? Computer games and movies that are not suitable for the child by age.

There are 4 types of the most common destructive family upbringing, leading to emotional disorders in children:

1. Rejection (explicit or implicit). Explicit rejection when the birth of a child was undesirable, or a girl was born instead of the desired boy. Hidden, when outwardly everything looks good, but there is no spiritual contact with the child. Rejection gives rise to negativism, aggression, or disbelief in one's own strengths in the child's character.

2. Hypersocial parenting- excessive discipline and diligence, where "necessary" is made into an absolute, which suppresses the child's emotions, and leads to auto-aggression, or to isolation, isolation, emotional coldness.

3. Anxious - suspicious upbringingwhen with the birth of a child there is constant anxiety for him, for his health and well-being. As a result, the child grows up timid, anxious, dependent, painfully insecure.

4. Egocentric type of education. The child is forced to imagine himself as a supervalue: he is an "idol", the meaning of the life of his parents. At the same time, the interests of others are ignored ... As a result, he does not endure any hardships, is capricious, disinhibited, and aggressively perceives any obstacles.

Violations of the children's emotional sphere manifest themselves much more often and brighter during periods of so-called age-related crises. Vivid examples of such points of growing up can be the crises of "I myself" at the age of three years and the "Crisis of transitional age" in adolescence.

The main ways to correct emotional disorders in children

The main directions of correction of emotional disturbances are: - mitigation of emotional discomfort in children; - increasing their activity and independence; correction of self-esteem, the level of self-awareness, the formation of emotional stability and self-regulation ...

In domestic and foreign psychology, a variety of methods are used to help correct emotional disorders in children. These methods can be divided into two main groups: group and individual.

consider some psychological methods for correcting emotional disorders that are used today in the practice of clinical psychology and psychotherapy

Game therapy - this is the use of the game to correct certain expressions of "I". At preschool age, this direction occupies one of the leading means, since the game at this age is the leading activity.

Body Oriented Therapy and Dance Therapy- methods of working with the psyche, through the body.

fairy tale therapy is the most ancient psychological and pedagogical method. It turns out to be effective in working not only with young children, but also with adults. Fairy tales describe the foundations of a safe and creative life. Even a simple reading of a fairy tale gives an amazing effect and helps to overcome life's difficulties. its essence is in the process of formation of connections between fairy-tale events, characters and behavior in real life, i.e. it is the process of transferring fairy-tale meanings into reality. In fairy tales you can find a complete list of all life problems and situations that a child learns. Listening to fairy tales, the child accumulates in his subconscious, forming stereotypes of behavior

Art therapy - Art therapy. Art has always been a source of pleasure and pleasure for people. The technique of art therapy is based on persuasion. That the inner "I" of a person is reflected in his drawings whenever he does not think about it, i.e. draws spontaneously. Images of artistic creativity reflect all kinds of subconscious processes: fears, internal conflicts, dreams, etc.

There are two types of art therapy. First, the perception of the finished work of art. Here it is important to encourage the child to express their feelings arising from the examination. This gives the development and enrichment of the emotional world of the child. Secondly, independent drawing, in which the child expresses attitudes and his emotions.

Music therapy is a special form of work with children using music in any form. Studies of the impact of music have revealed that classical, jazz, folk music increases the vitality of a person, activates his creative abilities and, in general, has a beneficial effect on the psyche.


Emotions are a person's experience of his attitude to the world around him and to himself. Obstacles in the way of meeting various needs give rise to negative emotions, and success in achieving the goal - positive ones. Emotions, participating in the regulation of human behavior, contribute to a holistic assessment of the situation - whether it is favorable or dangerous. In addition, emotions contribute to the strengthening, acceleration and optimization of cognitive mental processes in problem situations.

The formation and development of the affective sphere of the child in the family and educational institution is one of the most urgent tasks, since a positive emotional state is one of the most important conditions for the development of a personality.


  1. Children's practical psychology: Textbook / Pod. ed T.D. Martsinkovskaya. – M.: Gardariki, 2005. – 225 p.
  2. Clinical psychology / Comp. and general edition by N. V. Tarabrina. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000. - 352 p.
  3. Clinical psychology: textbook / Ed. B.D. Karvasarsky. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002. - 960 p.
  4. Kolodich E.N. Correction of emotional disorders in children and adolescents. - Mn.: "Minsk", 1999 - 321 p.
  5. Kosterina N.V. Psychology of individuality (emotions): Lecture text. - Yaroslavl: Academic project, 1999. - 238 p.
  6. Kosheleva A.D. The problem of the child's emotional attitude // Psychologist in kindergarten. 2000. No. 2-3. - S. 25 - 38.
  7. Kryazheva N.L. The world of children's emotions. Children 5 - 7 years old. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2000. - 208 p.
  8. Chistyakova M.I. Psychogymnastics. M: Enlightenment., 1990. - 298 p.

In the literature, there are two main approaches to overcoming emotional problems, including those in children. The first one is connected with the emphasis on the formation of constructive ways of behavior in difficult situations for a person, as well as on mastering techniques that allow coping with excessive anxiety. The focus of the second is the strengthening of a person's self-confidence, the development of positive self-esteem, and concern for personal growth. In practice, they are rarely found in their pure form, however, as a rule, one of them is the leading one.

Psychocorrectional work is structured in such a way that the child experiences (“lives through”) each stage of the process of responding to psychotrauma, and the psychologist helps him modify the ways of experiencing, emotional response, develop adequate forms of behavior, move from negative to positive perception and thinking, find a way to solve the problem. . At the same time, one cannot ignore the issue of the rules of conduct or therapeutic restrictions that are necessary in the children's group. Their goal: to guarantee the physical and emotional safety of every child; ensure the acceptance of the child; to promote the development of children's ability to make decisions, self-control and responsibility; help children connect class activities with real life; and to maintain a socially acceptable relationship between the child and the psychologist.

Among disorders of emotional development in childhood and adolescence, anxiety, timidity, fears, aggression, increased emotional exhaustion, communication difficulties, depression, and distress occupy the first place.

The crisis phenomena observed in modern Russian society cannot but affect the psycho-emotional state of people. Having found himself in a difficult situation caused by a forced change of residence, loss of a job or other vital problems, any person begins to react to it, first of all, at the level of negative emotional experiences. For some, these experiences proceed in the form of a stormy, intense, short-term affective outburst, for others, with the same intensity, they become protracted. Such sensations fit into such a thing as stress. In a state of stress, a person most of all suffers from a sense of his own insecurity and the uncertainty of tomorrow. In addition, stress never passes without a trace, but gradually accumulates, leading the body to physical and neuropsychic exhaustion. Therefore, it is very important to provide qualified assistance in a timely manner to those who are exposed to stressful factors and are prone to prolonged stressful experiences, as well as to learn how to manage their own emotional state.

In addition to stress, disorders in the emotional sphere of a person can manifest themselves in the form of situational and personal anxiety, frustration reactions, apathy and depressive states, which, under adverse life circumstances, can become clinical. In a crisis situation, a person becomes susceptible to suggestions of negative thoughts, and this greatly reduces his conscious activity, therefore, without outside psychological help, it can be quite difficult for him to get out of an emotional impasse.

The emotional sphere of a person is a complex regulatory system, and violations in this area prevent the free interaction of the individual with the outside world, lead to deviations in personal development, and stimulate the appearance of somatic disorders.

Among disorders of emotional development in childhood and adolescence, anxiety, timidity, fears, aggression, increased emotional exhaustion, communication difficulties, depression, and emotional deprivation occupy the first place.

Among emotional disorders, it is customary to single out deviations of a psychogenic nature (generally representing the reaction of the body to an external stimulus) and emotional deprivations.

1. Anxiety

The most common type of deviations in the emotional sphere of a person is anxiety, which is always intrapsychic, i.e. It is internally conditioned and associated with external objects only to the extent that they stimulate internal conflicts. Typically, anxiety, unlike fear, is a reaction to an imagined, unknown threat. Anxiety is also characterized by prolongation, i.e. it tends to stretch out in time, constantly repeat itself or become continuous.

From a physiological point of view, anxiety is a reactive state. It causes physiological changes that prepare the body to fight - retreat or resistance. Anxiety manifests itself at three levels:

1. Neuroendocrine (production of adrenaline - epinephrine).

2. Mental (vague fears).

3. Somatic or motor-visceral (physiological reactions of various body systems to an increase in epinephrine production).

In psychological terms, the state of anxiety is characterized by subjectively, consciously perceived sensations of threat and tension associated with the activation or excitation of the nervous system. With frequent repetition of anxiety experiences, neurotic disorders may appear in the form of neurotic anxiety and fear neurosis.

A distinctive feature of such an emotional deviation is the increased emotional stress that can occur with any internal conflict that affects self-perception and self-esteem. Indefinite anxiety is replaced in the mind of a person by either specific or unreasonable concern about the state of his bodily health (hypochondria), or fears as specific as groundless - fear of open or closed spaces, fear of committing an immoral act, fear of blushing in society, fear of losing a job or being rejected by colleagues in a new production team, etc.

(For an example of areas of work to reduce anxiety, see Appendix 2).

2. Stress

Stress (emotional) is a state of excessively strong and prolonged psychological stress that occurs in a person when his nervous system receives an emotional overload. Therefore, stress can be considered as a general set of adaptive-protective reactions of the body to any impact that causes physical and mental trauma.

It doesn't matter if the stressor is pleasant or unpleasant. Its stress effect depends only on the intensity of requirements for the adaptive capacity of the organism. Any normal activity - playing chess and even a passionate hug - can cause significant stress without causing any harm. Malicious character has distress.

The negative effect of stress lies in the fact that the energy that appeared in the body as a result of intense experiences does not translate into action (most often muscle). The "line of discharge" can also be facial expressions, voice, motor skills. The remaining, unused energy goes to the processes of self-excitation. Therefore, the body is in constant tension, which affects the weak "link" of the body.

Another type of reaction is stupor, petrification (it expresses the desire of the living to take on the appearance of the inanimate in order to protect themselves).

One of the forms of psychological stress is frustration - the mental state of a person caused by objectively insurmountable (or subjectively perceived as such) difficulties that arise on the way to achieving a goal or solving a problem; experience of failure.

The following types of frustration behavior are usually distinguished:

a) motor excitation (aimless and disordered reactions);

b) apathy - complete indifference to what is happening around;

c) aggression and destruction;

d) stereotypy (the tendency to blindly repeat a fixed behavior);

e) regression, which is understood either "as an appeal to behavioral models that dominated in earlier periods of the individual's life", or as a "primitivization" of behavior or a drop in "quality of performance".

Behavioral reactions of a person in a state of frustration (emotional impasse, hopelessness), according to their orientation, are divided into:

Extrapunitive: blaming others, threats, demands that someone from the outside resolve the situation.

Intrapunitive: tendency to blame oneself; the appearance of guilt, self-flagellation.

Reactions of a conciliatory nature: a person seeks to avoid censure of both others and himself, agrees with the situation.

3. Apathy and depression

The most complex forms of disorders in the emotional sphere of a person are apathy and depression, which most often can become clinical.

Apathy, emotional dullness - painful indifference to the events of the outside world, to one's condition; complete loss of interest in any activity, even in their appearance. A person is distinguished by slovenliness and untidiness; treats his family and friends coldly and indifferently. With a relatively intact mental activity, he loses the ability to feel.

Depressive states are manifested in the form of a depressed mood with a gloomy assessment of the past and present and pessimistic views on the future. In this state, the low emotional tone of the negative sign impedes intellectual processes, contributes to a decrease in the self-esteem of the individual (ideas of self-abasement, self-accusation appear, thoughts of death and the desire for suicide often arise). Typical depression is characterized by a triad of symptoms:

1. Oppressed-depressed mood.

2. Ideational (mental, associative) lethargy.

3. Motor retardation.

In a state of depression, a person is inactive, tries to retire, is burdened by various conversations, he loses the ability to rejoice and loses the ability to cry. Characteristic are thoughts about one's own responsibility for various, unpleasant, difficult events that occurred in the life of a person or his relatives. Feelings of guilt for the events of the past and a sense of helplessness in the face of life's difficulties are combined with a sense of hopelessness. Behavior in a state of depression is characterized by slowness, lack of initiative, and fatigue; All this leads to a sharp drop in productivity.

Inability to be alone. A person with this syndrome is not capable of solitude. Left alone, he is lost, does not know what to do with himself, experiences excruciating boredom and emptiness.

Low self-esteem, expressed in low self-esteem (“I am not loved”, “I am boring”, etc.), which prompts the person to avoid human contact, resulting in chronic sadness and a sense of hopelessness. This condition also occurs in highly interesting and significant people. As Thomas Mann wrote in one of his letters, “because of all the nervousness, artificiality, and uneasy nature of my temper, I do not allow anyone, even the most benevolent person, to get close to me or even get along with me at least somehow ... For many years, and important years , I did not put myself in anything as a person and wanted to be taken into account only as an artist ... "Mann T. Letter to K. Prinsheim // Letters. M.: Nauka, 1975. S. 10.

Social anxiety, insecurity in communication, shyness, constant expectation of ridicule or condemnation from others, so that the only salvation seems to be withdrawing into oneself.

Communicative clumsiness, lack of necessary communication skills, inability to behave correctly in difficult interpersonal situations (acquaintance, courtship), often combined with low empathy; it breeds disappointment and a sense of disappointment.

Distrust of people who seem hostile and selfish; such a person not only avoids people, but feels bitterness and bitterness towards them.

Inner stiffness, dumbness, inability to self-disclosure, a feeling of absolute mental "tightness" and incomprehensibility, forcing the person to constantly play someone else's role.

Difficulties in choosing a partner (“nowhere to meet the right person”, “I don’t like anyone”), inability to start potentially intimate personal relationships, or constantly choosing “inappropriate” partners, resulting in a feeling of powerlessness and doom.

Fear of rejection, associated with low self-esteem and unsuccessful past experiences, fear of new disappointments, aggravated by an unconscious sense of guilt and a consciousness of one's own low value.

Object and locomotor phobias are specific or monosymptomatic.

Sexual anxiety, a consciousness (often false) of one's external unattractiveness or helplessness, which is aggravated by shame and often makes all other, non-sexual relationships difficult.

Fear of emotional intimacy (“he wants more than I can give”), prompting the subject to shy away from deepening friendships that involve mutual self-disclosure; fear of being caught, taken by surprise, refusal to accept responsibility.

Uncertain passivity, constant fluctuations, uncertainty in assessing one’s own feelings (“I don’t know what I feel and what I want”), lack of perseverance, initiative in deepening and developing personal relationships, and alertness to attempts of this kind on the part of the partner.

Unrealistic expectations, focus on too rigid norms and requirements (“all or nothing”, “if I invented you, become the way I want”), intolerance and impatience that do not allow personal relationships to gain stability, a tendency to break off relationships without sufficient grounds.

The difficulty of identifying depressive disorders in children also consisted in the fact that the presence of such emotional deviations can only be judged by a set of indirect signs. For example, a child's appetite may be upset, sleep disturbed - both in the direction of insomnia, especially in the early morning hours, and in the direction of increased drowsiness, academic performance decreases, interest in past hobbies and collective games disappears; he becomes inactive. Against this background, unexpected behavioral disorders may appear - leaving home, a tendency to vagrancy. Often in older adolescents, the first signs of depression are manifested by cravings for alcohol and drugs, which in the first couple can reduce the unconscious feeling of melancholy and depression, restore looseness and spontaneity of behavior.

Depression occurs whenever a person is faced with the absence of a condition, without which it is impossible for him to satisfy his values, to preserve the integrity of the "I" or life itself, it is impossible to carry out an important activity for him.

Depression, according to the American psychotherapist S. Trickett, is often the result of anxiety. In a state of anxiety, a person's actions are accelerated, while in depression, on the contrary, they slow down. Depression acts as a forced rest of the body after anxiety.

The results of psychological research allow us to identify a number of age patterns experiences of the most typical crises of a child and a teenager. At the age of 3-6 years, in a situation where the father left the family and the mother is in an emotionally unstable state, the child's personal anxiety can be so stable that it will not decrease even during the game. The most common behavioral disturbances in such a situation are restless; interrupted sleep; regressive behavior, those skills that seemed quite stable may disappear; refusal to talk; increased physical aggressiveness (pugnacity, the desire to spoil what other children are doing); excessive demands for affection and love. This behavior is normal reaction to the situation. Emotional experiences can become even deeper due to the pronounced tendency to take the blame for the parents' divorce. The severity of this trend is due to the fact that many children, experiencing the "Oedipus complex" and jealousy for one of the parents, realize their dreams in their imagination, imagining life without one of the parents, even imagining themselves as the husband of their mother or the wife of their father. Since at this age children believe in the magical power of their own fantasies, they perceive all subsequent events as the realization of their own desires. That is why many psychologists believe that age from 3 to 6 years is the most difficult in terms of the child's experiences in connection with the divorce of the parents or the death of one of them, since it is at this stage of mental development that the presence and attention of both parents are essential in order for the child to develop healthy attitudes towards other people.

At 7-10 year old child An unstable family situation causes fear of the future. Quite often, this fear manifests itself in desires and aspirations that are difficult to satisfy, the child is often completely and completely immersed in a fantasy world. Approximately half of these children show a change in behavior at school, often declining performance due to impaired attention. Personally significant, and therefore most traumatic, at this age is the fact that a family with one parent is different from most other families.

The most typical emotional reaction 11-14 year olds the divorce of parents is anger. This is due to the fact that at this age, inner pain and tension are experienced and actualized as anger and anger, while anger, as a rule, is directed either at both parents, or at one of them. In addition, teenagers in such a situation often experience shame because of what is happening in the family, as well as fear that loved ones will leave and forget it. The appearance of this fear often has not only an emotional, but also a cognitive basis - the loss of one of the parents is associated with a decrease in security and support, which is accompanied by a feeling of loneliness that arises as a result of the fact that in such a situation parents pay little attention to him and his interests. Adolescents are preoccupied with the emotional and physical state of both parents, financial issues that arise in connection with divorce, as well as what other people think about this.

At the age of 15-18 years problems in the parental family are perceived acutely and often cause a pronounced negative reaction. Sometimes, as compensation, a need for expensive things develops. In general, experiences are similar to those of the previous age group.

Of course, all loving parents care about the health of their babies. However, often moms and dads pay attention exclusively to the physical development of the child, for some reason not paying due attention to the emotional state of the baby. That's just emotions play in a person's life far from the last role. Emotions appear from the first days of a baby's life, with their help the child communicates with his parents, making it clear that he is upset, in pain or feels good.

As the child develops, his emotions also undergo changes and it is important to prevent emotional disturbances in children during this period. The kid learns not only to speak, walk or run, but also to feel. From simple emotions that he experiences in infancy, he moves on to more complex sensory perception, begins to get acquainted with the entire emotional palette.

As the child grows older, he not only tells his parents that he is uncomfortable because he is hungry or has a stomachache, but also begins to show more complex emotions.

Like an adult, a baby learns to rejoice, admire, be sad, surprised or angry. True, the main difference between a five-year-old child and a one-year-old baby is not only that he knows how to feel "widely", but also that he knows how to control his emotions.

In modern society, experts are increasingly trying to draw attention to such a serious problem as emotional disorders in children.

Causes and consequences of emotional disorders in children

According to medical statistics, in 50% of cases, emotional disturbances in children who have graduated from elementary school are expressed in the development of nervous diseases. This is a very alarming result, especially given the fact that we are talking about nervous diseases in children who have not even reached 16 years of age.

Child psychologists believe that the main causes of emotional disorders in children can be:

  • illnesses and stresses transferred in childhood;
  • features of the physical and psycho-emotional development of the child, including delays, impairments or lags in intellectual development;
  • microclimate in the family, as well as features of education;
  • social and living conditions of the child, his close environment.

Emotional disorders in children can also be caused by other factors. For example, films that he watches or computer games that he plays can cause psychological trauma to a child's body. Emotional disturbances in children appear most often in critical periods of development.

A vivid example of such mentally unstable behavior is the so-called "transitional age". Young people always rebel, but this is especially noticeable in adolescence, when the child begins to determine his desires and evaluates his own capabilities.

The most common manifestations of emotional disorders in children are:

  • general anxiety of the child, as well as the presence of fears and excessive timidity;
  • emotional exhaustion;
  • aggression, and sometimes causeless;
  • problems in communicating and interacting with other children or adults;
  • depression.

Correction of emotional-volitional disorders in children

Before talking about methods for correcting emotional-volitional disorders in children, it is worth defining this problem. The emotional-volitional sphere or, in other words, the psycho-emotional state of a person is the dynamics of the development of his feelings, as well as emotions. Therefore, emotional-volitional disorders in children are nothing more than disorders of the mental state.

If the emotional sphere is disturbed, children develop a feeling of severe anxiety or apathy, the mood becomes gloomy and the child withdraws into himself, begins to show aggression or become depressed. In order to improve the condition of a child suffering from emotional disorders, you should contact a specialized specialist. He, in turn, will begin individual or group work with the child, and will also tell parents how to behave correctly when the child is mentally unstable.

Psycho-emotional disorders can be successfully treated in case of early detection and a competent approach to their correction.

A few tips for parents who are dealing with emotional disturbances in children:

  • in dealing with a traumatized child, try to remain absolutely calm and show your benevolent attitude;
  • communicate with the child more often, ask him questions, empathize, in general, be interested in what he feels;
  • play or do physical labor together, draw, pay more attention to the child;
  • be sure to follow the children's daily routine;
  • try not to expose the child to stress and unnecessary worries;
  • watch what your child watches, violence on the TV screen or in a computer game will only exacerbate emotional disturbances;
  • support the child, help build self-confidence.

A child psychologist will help to eliminate violations of the emotional sphere in children, who, with the help of special educational games, will explain to the child how to properly respond to emerging stressful situations and control their feelings. However, no one can replace the participation of parents in the treatment of psycho-emotional disorders of children, since kids trust their parents and, of course, take an example from them.

Therefore, if in the future you want to avoid the development of severe mental illness in a child, then immediately begin to take an active part in his treatment.

The decisive factor in the correction of psycho-emotional disorders is the attention of adults. Learn to pay more attention to your child, help him sort out feelings and emotions. You should not demand from the baby that he stop worrying, but you should support him in any experiences and help him sort out complex emotions. Patience, care and boundless parental love will help keep your children mentally healthy.


Emotional disorders in children


Chapter I. Emotional disorders in children of preschool and primary school age

1.2 Features of emotional development in children of preschool and primary school age

1.3 Emotional disorders in children of preschool and primary school age

Chapter II. Methods and techniques for psychodiagnostics of emotional disorders in children

2.1 Possibilities of diagnostic methods for detecting emotional disorders in children

2.2 Diagnosis of disorders of emotional development in children





Relevance of the topic

Every year the number of children who are diagnosed with some kind of nervous disease is increasing, and almost all children have some kind of deviation in the emotional sphere. According to A.I. Zakharov, by the end of elementary school, less than half of healthy children, and according to school teachers and psychologists, by the middle classes, most children can be diagnosed with emotional nervous disorder, and in fact only a few can be called healthy. If we take into account that emotional disorders do not appear at school age, but much earlier, and by school age some children come with stable nervous disorders, then we can draw sad conclusions.

Judging by the scale of the spread of this problem, in the near future we are threatened with "complete neuroticization of the population." Such a society will not be able to exist harmoniously in the future.

This topic, due to its relevance, deserves the attention of not only specialists in the field of pediatric neuropathology, but, above all, kindergarten parents and teachers. Therefore, it is certainly necessary to think about the timely diagnosis of emotional disorders in childhood, to try to identify them as early as possible, to select adequate methods of methodology in order to prevent most cases of emotional disorders and nervous diseases in children, which in turn will ensure the mental health of the younger generation.


The problem of emotional disorders and their diagnosis was dealt with by a large number of scientists, such as Zakharov A.I., Sukhareva G.E., Gannushkin L.K., Lichko A.E., Lebedinsky V.V., Nikolskaya O.S., K Leonhard, Gubinshtein S.Ya., Shard K.E., Borodulina S.Yu., Eliseev O.P., Bardyshevskaya M.N., Nepomnyashchaya N.I. etc.

Emotional disorders in children of preschool and primary school age.

Diagnosis of emotional disorders in children of preschool and primary school age.

Clarification of the possibilities of diagnosing emotional disorders in children of preschool and primary school age.

Main goals

1) Analyze the psychological essence and meaning of emotions, as well as consider the features of emotional development in children of preschool and primary school age.

2) Describe disorders of emotional development in children of preschool and primary school age.

3) To identify the possibilities of psychodiagnostic methods for identifying emotional disorders in children of preschool and primary school age.

5) Conduct a diagnosis of emotional disorders in children of the 1st grade secondary school.

Scientific and practical significance of the problem under study

Summarizing the material on the problem of diagnosing emotional disorders in children is useful not only for psychologists, teachers and doctors, but also for parents.

Chapter I. Emotional development of children of preschool and primary school age

1.1 Psychological essence, meaning of emotions

Cognizing reality, a person in one way or another relates to objects, phenomena, events, to other people, to his personality. Some phenomena of reality please him, others make him sad, admiration, indignation, anger, fear, etc. - all these are different types of a person's subjective attitude to reality. In psychology, emotions are called processes that reflect personal significance and assessment of external and internal situations for human life in the form of experiences. Emotions, feelings serve to reflect the subjective attitude of a person to himself and to the world around him.

Emotions are a special class of subjective psychological states, reflecting in the form of direct experiences of the pleasant, the process and results of practical activities aimed at satisfying its actual needs. Since everything that a person does ultimately serves the purpose of satisfying his various needs, since any manifestations of human activity are accompanied by emotional experiences. Emotions, Charles Darwin argued, arose in the process of evolution, as a means by which living beings establish the significance of certain conditions to meet their urgent needs (L.D. Stolyarenko, p. 233). As our ancestors evolved, the period of growing up and learning of young individuals became longer - they needed more and more time to learn how to get food, take care of themselves. In order for a child to survive, a mutual affection must have developed between him and the person who cared for him. Based on the data of modern research, it is safe to say that emotions are the cementing factor in the mutual attachment of mother and child. If you leave a one-year-old baby without a mother in an unfamiliar room, then he will certainly react to separation with a bright emotion. If the connection between the mother and the baby is broken for a longer time or is broken constantly, one can observe an expressive bouquet of negative emotions that can develop into severe forms of depression and can even cause general exhaustion of the body.

Undoubtedly, one of the reasons for the emergence of emotions in the course of evolution was the need to provide a social bond between mother and child. The ecological niche of the human child is such that the bearer of all the cognitive, social and physiological skills necessary for the survival of the infant is the adult who takes care of him. The child depends on the mother in everything: she satisfies his needs for food, warmth, care, protects him from danger. Among other things, for physiological health and psychological well-being, a child also needs parental love, the lack of which underlies many psychological disorders, and especially depression.

Another reason for the emergence of emotions was the urgent need for a means of communication between mother and child. Numerous studies on the emotional development of the child show that long before the child begins to understand the speech addressed to him and pronounce individual words, he can already inform others about his internal state using a certain set of signals. for example, hunger and pain may manifest through the outward expression of physical suffering. [Izard K.E., pp. 19-22].

Emotional sensations are biologically fixed in the process of evolution as a kind of way to maintain the life process within its optimal boundaries and warn of the destructive nature of a lack or excess of any factors.

For the first time, emotional expressive movements became the subject of Ch. Darwin's study. On the basis of comparative studies of the emotional movements of mammals, Darwin created the biological concept of emotions, according to which expressive emotional movements were considered as a vestige of expedient instinctive actions that retain their biological meaning to some extent and, at the same time, act as biologically significant signals for individuals not only their own, but also other types.

The result of deep theoretical thought is the biological theory of emotions by P.K. Anokhin. This theory considers emotions as a product of evolution, as an adaptive factor in the life of the animal world, as a mechanism that keeps life processes within optimal limits and prevents the destructive nature of a lack or excess of any life factors of a given organism.

The main position of the information theory of emotions by P.V. Simonov is that emotions arise when there is a mismatch between a vital need and the possibility of satisfying it. A person's awareness of the means of satisfying a need can reduce emotions.

The "peripheral" theory of emotions by James - Lange proves that the emergence of emotions is due to changes in organic processes (for example, breathing, pulse, facial expressions). And the emotions themselves are the sum of organic sensations - “a person is sad because he is crying”, and not vice versa.

In this aspect, Arnold's concept is of interest, according to which an intuitive assessment of a situation, for example, a threat, causes a desire to act, which is expressed in various bodily changes, is experienced as an emotion and can lead to action. It can be expressed like this - "We are afraid because we think that we are being threatened."

Dalibor Bindra, after a critical analysis of existing theories of emotion, came to the conclusion that it is impossible to draw a rigid distinction between emotion and motivation. Emotions do not exist as a separate class of behavioral reactions, they are inseparable from sensation, perception, motivation. Bindra puts forward his own concept of the "central motivational state" - a complex of nervous processes resulting from the action of a combination of incentive stimuli of a certain type, which causes certain emotional and typical-species reactions. [L.D. Stolyarenko, p.236].

The results of experimental studies suggest that the cerebral cortex plays a leading role in the regulation of emotional states. IP Pavlov showed that it is the cortex that regulates the flow and expression of emotions, keeps under its control all the phenomena occurring in the body, has an inhibitory effect on the subcortical centers, controls them. If the cerebral cortex enters a state of excessive excitation, then there is an overexcitation of the centers flying below the cortex, as a result of which the usual restraint disappears. In the case of the spread of wide inhibition, oppression, weakening or stiffness of muscular movements, a decline in cardiovascular activity and respiration, etc. are observed.

It can be argued that emotions arise as a result of exposure to a certain stimulus, and their appearance is nothing more than a manifestation of the mechanisms of human adaptation and regulation of his behavior. It can also be assumed that emotions were formed in the process of evolution of the animal world and they reached the maximum level of development in humans, since they are presented objectively, at the level of feelings. [A.G. Maklakov, p.408].

The oldest in origin, the simplest and most common form of emotional experiences among living beings is the pleasure derived from the satisfaction of organic needs, and the displeasure associated with the inability to do this when the corresponding need is exacerbated. The diverse manifestations of a person's emotional life are divided into affects, emotions proper, feelings, moods, and stress.

The most powerful emotional reaction is affect - a strong, violent and relatively short-term emotional experience that completely captures the human psyche and predetermines a single reaction to the situation as a whole. Examples of affect are intense anger, rage, horror, stormy joy, deep grief, despair.

Emotions proper, unlike affects, are more lasting states. They are a reaction not only to events that have taken place, but also to probable or remembered ones. If affects arise towards the end of the action and reflect a total, final assessment of the situation, then emotions are shifted to the beginning of the action and anticipate the result.

In order to understand the essence of emotions, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that most objects and phenomena of the external environment, acting on the senses, cause us complex, multifaceted emotional sensations and feelings, which can include both pleasure and displeasure, tension or relief, excitement or sedation. In addition, from the point of view of the impact on human activity, emotions are divided into sthenic and asthenic. Sthenic emotions stimulate activity, increase the energy and tension of a person, induce him to actions, statements. And, on the contrary, sometimes experiences lead to stiffness, passivity, then they talk about asthenic emotions. Therefore, depending on the situation and individual characteristics, emotions can affect behavior in different ways. [L.D. Stolyarenko, p.234].

It should be noted that attempts have been repeatedly made to identify the main, “fundamental” emotions. In particular, it is customary to highlight the following emotions:

1) Joy is a positive emotional state associated with the ability to fully satisfy an urgent need.

2) Surprise - an emotional reaction that does not have a clearly expressed positive or negative sign to sudden circumstances.

3) Suffering - a negative emotional state associated with the received reliable or apparent information about the impossibility of satisfying the most important vital needs.

4) Anger - an emotional state, negative in sign, as a rule, proceeding in the form of affect and caused by the sudden appearance of a serious obstacle to satisfying an extremely important need for the subject.

5) Disgust - a negative emotional state caused by objects (objects, people, circumstances, etc.) contact with which comes into sharp conflict with the ideological, moral or aesthetic principles and attitudes of the subject.

6) Contempt - a negative emotional state that occurs in interpersonal relationships and is generated by a mismatch of life positions, views and behavior of the subject with life positions, views and behavior of the object of feeling.

7) Fear - a negative emotional state that appears when the subject receives information about a real or imagined danger.

8) Shame - a negative state, expressed in the awareness of the inconsistency of one's own thoughts, actions and appearance not only with the expectations of others, but also with one's own ideas about appropriate behavior and appearance. [A.G. Maklakov, p.395]

It should be noted that emotional experiences are ambiguous. The same object can cause inconsistent, conflicting emotional relationships. This phenomenon is called agility, i.e. duality of feelings.

Feelings are another kind of emotional states. This is the highest product of the cultural and emotional development of man. Feelings are even more than emotions, stable mental states that have a clearly expressed objective character: they express a stable attitude towards some objects (real or imaginary).

Depending on the orientation, feelings are divided into moral (a person's experience of his relationship to other people), intellectual (feelings associated with cognitive activity), aesthetic (feelings of beauty when perceiving art, natural phenomena) and practical (feelings associated with human activity).

Feelings play a motivating role in the life and activities of a person, in his communication with other people. In relation to the world around him, a person seeks to act in such a way as to reinforce and strengthen his positive feelings. They are always connected with the work of consciousness, they can be arbitrarily regulated. The manifestation of a strong and stable positive feeling for something or someone is called passion. Sustained feelings of moderate or weak strength, acting for a long time, are called moods.

Mood is the longest emotional state that colors all human behavior.

Passion is another type of complex, qualitatively peculiar and found only in humans emotional states. Passion is an alloy of emotions, motives and feelings, concentrated around a certain type of activity or object (person). [L.D. Stolyarenko, p.235].

The last type of emotional response is one of the most common types of affects - stress. It is a state of excessively strong and prolonged psychological stress that occurs in a person when his nervous system receives an emotional overload. Stress disorganizes human activity, disrupts the normal course of his behavior. According to G. Selye, stress is a non-specific response of the body to any requirement presented to it, which helps it to adapt to the difficulty that has arisen, to cope with it. What matters is the intensity of the need for adjustment or adaptation.

The very occurrence and experience of stress depends not so much on objective as on subjective factors, on the characteristics of the person himself: his assessment of the situation, the comparison of his strengths and abilities with what is required of him, etc.

Close to the concept and state of stress is the concept of frustration, which is experienced as tension, anxiety, despair, anger, which cover a person when, on the way to achieving a goal, he encounters unexpected obstacles that interfere with the satisfaction of needs.

The most common reaction to frustration is the emergence of generalized aggressiveness, most often directed at obstacles. Aggression, quickly turning into anger, manifests itself in violent and inadequate reactions: insult, physical attacks on a person or object. In some cases, the person reacts to the frustration by withdrawing, accompanied by aggressiveness that is not overtly shown.

Frustration leads to emotional disturbances only when there is an obstacle to strong motivation [L.D. Stolyarenko, p.243]

According to I.P. Pavlov, emotions play an important role in human life and perform a number of functions:

1) Reflective-evaluative function of emotions.

Emotions are a reflection of the human and animal brain of any active need (its quality and magnitude) and the probability (possibility) of its satisfaction, which the brain evaluates on the basis of genetic and previously acquired individual experience.

2) Switching function of emotions.

From a physiological point of view, an emotion is an active state of a system of specialized brain structures that prompts a change in behavior in the direction of minimizing or maximizing this state.

The switching function of emotions is found both in the sphere of innate forms of behavior and in the implementation of conditioned reflex activity, including its most complex manifestation.

An assessment of the probability of satisfying a need can occur in a person not only at a conscious level, but also at an unconscious level. The switching function of emotions is especially clearly revealed in the process of competition of motives, when the dominant need is singled out, which becomes a vector of purposeful behavior.

The dependence of emotions not only on the magnitude of the need, but also on the probability of its satisfaction, makes the competition of coexisting motives extremely difficult, as a result of which behavior often turns out to be reoriented towards a less important, but easily achievable goal.

3) Reinforcing function of emotions.

I.P. Pavlov understood reinforcement as the action of a biologically significant stimulus, which gives a signal value to another biologically non-existent stimulus combined with it. V. Vyrwicka came to the conclusion that direct reinforcement is not the satisfaction of any need, but the receipt of desirable and the elimination of undesirable incentives. For example, fear has a pronounced aversiveness for an animal and is actively minimized by it through the avoidance reaction.

4) Compensatory (replacement) function of emotions.

Emotions have an impact on other cerebral systems that regulate behavior, the processes of perception of external signals and the extraction of engrams of these signals from memory, and the autonomic functions of the body.

Emotion itself does not carry information about the surrounding world, the lack of information is replenished by searching behavior, improving skills, and mobilizing engrams stored in memory. The complex meaning of emotions lies in the replacement role [Yu.B. Gippenreiter, pp. 189-194].

5) The regulatory function of emotions and feelings - when, under the influence of negative emotional states, a person can form prerequisites for the development of various diseases, and vice versa, there are a significant number of examples when, under the influence of emotions, the healing process is accelerated, i.e. Emotions govern our health.

6) Pre-informational (signal) function of emotions

Emerging experiences signal to a person how the process of satisfying his needs is going on, what obstacles he encounters on his way, what should be paid attention to in the first place, etc.

7) Incentive (stimulating) function of emotions.

Emotions and feelings contribute to determining the direction of the search, as a result of which the satisfaction of the need that has arisen is achieved or the task facing the person is solved.

8) Communicative function of feelings.

Mimic and pantomimic movements allow a person to convey their experiences to other people, to inform them about their attitude to objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. Facial expressions, gestures, postures, expressive sighs, changes in intonation are “the language of human feelings, a means of communicating not so much thoughts as emotions [AG Maklakov, p. 412].

The variety of emotional manifestations is expressed primarily in the prevailing mood of people. Under the influence of living conditions and depending on the attitude towards them, some people are dominated by an elevated, cheerful, cheerful mood; in others - low, depressed, sad; the third - capricious, irritable, etc.

Significant emotional differences are also observed in the emotional excitability of people. There are people who are emotionally insensitive, in whom only some extraordinary events evoke pronounced emotions. Such people do not so much feel the situation as they are aware of it with their minds. There is another category of people - emotionally excitable, in whom the slightest trifle can cause strong emotions, a rise or fall in mood.

Between people there are significant differences in the depth and stability of feelings. Some people are completely captured by feelings, leaving a deep mark after themselves. In other people, feelings are superficial, flow easily, hardly noticeable, quickly pass. Manifestations of affects and passions are noticeably different in people. In this regard, one can single out unbalanced people who easily lose control over themselves and their behavior. Other people, on the contrary, are always balanced, completely in control of themselves, consciously controlling their behavior.

It should be noted that significant differences in the manifestation of emotions and feelings largely determine the uniqueness of a particular person, i.e. define his personality. [A.G. Maklakov, p.414].

Thus, emotions play an extremely important role in people's lives. So, today no one denies the connection of emotions with the characteristics of the vital activity of the organism. It is well known that under the influence of emotions, the activity of the organs of blood circulation, respiration, digestion, glands of internal and external secretion, etc. changes. Excessive intensity and duration of experiences can cause disturbances in the body. MI Astvatsaturov wrote that the heart is more often affected by fear, the liver by anger, the stomach by apathy and depression. The emergence of these processes is based on changes occurring in the external world, but affects the activity of the whole organism.

Emotions characterize the needs of a person and the objects to which they are directed. In the process of evolution, emotional sensations and states are biologically fixed as a way of maintaining the vital process within its optimal boundaries. Their significance for the body is to warn about the destructive nature of any factors. Thus, emotions are one of the main mechanisms for regulating the functional state of the body and human activity. Thanks to emotions, a person is aware of his needs and the objects to which they are directed. Another common feature of emotions is their assistance in the realization of needs and the achievement of certain goals. Since any emotion is positive or negative, a person can judge the achievement of the goal. Thus, we can conclude that emotions are most directly related to the regulation of human activity. [A.G. Maklakov, p.393].

1.2 Features of the emotional development of children of preschool and primary school age

Emotions go through the path of development common to all higher mental functions - from external socially determined forms to internal mental processes. On the basis of innate reactions, the child develops the perception of the emotional state of the people around him. Over time, under the influence of increasingly complex social contacts, emotional processes are formed.

The earliest emotional manifestations in children are associated with the organic needs of the child. This includes manifestations of pleasure and displeasure in the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the need for food, sleep, etc. Along with this, such elementary feelings as fear and anger begin to appear early. At first they are unconscious.

Children also develop empathy and compassion very early. So, in the twenty-seventh month of life, the child cried when he was shown the image of a crying person.

It should be noted that positive emotions in a child develop gradually through play and exploratory behavior. For example, a study by K. Buhler showed that the moment of experiencing pleasure in children's games shifts as the child grows and develops. Initially, the child has pleasure at the moment of obtaining the desired result. In this case, the emotions of pleasure play an encouraging role. The second step is functional. A playing child is pleased not only with the result, but also with the process of activity itself. Pleasure is no longer associated with the end of the process, but with its content. At the third stage, older children develop an anticipation of pleasure - in this case, emotion arises at the beginning of play activity, and neither the result of the action nor the performance itself are central to the child's experience.

Another characteristic feature of the manifestation of feelings at an early age is their affective nature. Emotional states in children at this age arise suddenly, proceed violently, but disappear just as quickly. A more significant control over emotional behavior occurs in children only at the older preschool age, when they also develop more complex forms of emotional life under the influence of increasingly complex relationships with people around them. [A.G. Maklakov, p.409].

Preschool age, as A.N.Leontiev wrote, is "the period of the initial actual warehouse of the personality." It is at this time that the formation of the main personal mechanisms and formations takes place. Emotional and motivational spheres closely related to each other develop, self-consciousness is formed.

Preschool childhood is characterized by a generally calm emotionality, the absence of strong affective outbursts and conflicts on minor occasions. This new, relatively stable emotional background determines the dynamics of the child's ideas. The dynamics of figurative representations is freer and softer compared to the affectively colored processes of perception in early childhood. Previously, the course of a child's emotional life was determined by the characteristics of the particular situation in which he was placed. Now the appearance of ideas makes it possible for the child to distract himself from the immediate situation, he has experiences that are not related to it, and momentary difficulties are not perceived so sharply, they lose their former significance.

So, emotional processes become more balanced. But this does not at all imply a decrease in the saturation, intensity of the child's emotional life. The day of a preschooler is so full of emotions that by the evening he can, tired, reach complete exhaustion. [I.Yu.Kulagina, V.N.Koliutsky, p.218].

The emotional development of a preschooler is also associated with the development of new interests, motives and needs. The most important change in the motivational sphere is the emergence of social motives that are no longer determined by the achievement of narrow personal, ulitarian goals. Therefore, social emotions and moral feelings begin to develop intensively. The establishment of a hierarchy of motives leads to changes in the emotional sphere. The selection of the main motive, to which the whole system of others is subordinate, stimulates stable and deep experiences. Moreover, they do not refer to the immediate, momentary, but rather distant results of activity. Feelings lose their situationality, become deeper in their semantic content, and arise in response to supposed mental circumstances. (P.M.Yakobson) [G.A.Uruntaeva, p.254].

Desires, motives of the child are connected with his ideas and thanks to this, the motives are rebuilt. There is a transition from desires (motives) directed at the objects of the perceived situation, to desires associated with the represented objects that are in the "ideal" plan. The child's actions are no longer directly related to an attractive object, but are built on the basis of ideas about the object, about the desired result, about the possibility of achieving it in the near future. The emotions associated with the performance make it possible to anticipate the results of the child's actions, the satisfaction of his desires.

The mechanism of emotional anticipation is described in detail by A.V. Zaporozhets. They show how the functional place of affect changes in the general structure of behavior. Comparing the behavior of a young child and a preschooler, we can conclude that a child under 3 years of age experiences only the consequences of his own actions, their assessment by an adult. They do not have worries about whether the act deserves approval or blame, what it will lead to. Affect turns out to be the last link in this chain of unfolding events.

Even before the preschooler begins to act, he has an emotional image that reflects both the future result and his assessment by adults. Emotionally anticipating the consequences of his behavior, the child already knows in advance whether he is going to act well or badly. If he foresees a result that does not meet the accepted standards of upbringing, possible disapproval or punishment, he develops anxiety - an emotional state that can slow down actions that are undesirable for others. The anticipation of a useful result of actions and the high appreciation it causes from close adults is associated with positive emotions that additionally stimulate behavior. Adults can help the child create the right emotional image. Wishes that are oriented to the emotional imagination of children, and not to their consciousness, are much more effective. thus, in preschool age there is a mixture of affect from the end to the beginning of activity. Affect (emotional image) becomes the first link in the structure of behavior. The mechanism of emotional anticipation of the consequences of activity underlies the emotional regulation of the child's actions [I.Yu. Kulagina, V.N. Kolyutsky, pp. 219-220].

Emotional anticipation makes the preschooler worry about the possible results of the activity, to anticipate the reaction of other people to his actions. Therefore, the role of emotions in the activity of the child changes significantly. If earlier he felt joy because he got the desired result, now he rejoices because he can get this result. If earlier the child fulfilled a moral standard in order to deserve a positive assessment, now he fulfills it, foreseeing how those around him will be delighted with his act.

Gradually, the preschooler begins to foresee not only the intellectual, but also the emotional results of his activities. Assuming how happy mom will be, he gives her a gift, refusing an attractive game. It is at preschool age that a child masters the highest forms of expression - the expression of feelings through intonation, facial expressions, pantomime, which helps him understand the experiences of another person.

Thus, on the one hand, the development of emotions is due to the emergence of new motives and their subordination, and on the other hand, emotional anticipation ensures this subordination. [G.A. Uruntaeva, pp. 254-255].

The structure of the emotional processes themselves also changes during this period. In early childhood, vegetative and motor reactions were included in their composition: experiencing resentment, the child cried, threw himself on the sofa, covered his face with his hands or moved chaotically, shouting incoherent words, his movements were uneven, his pulse was frequent. ; in anger, he blushed, shouted, clenched his fists, could break a thing that turned up under his arm, hit, etc. These reactions are preserved in preschool children, although the outward expression of emotions becomes more restrained in some children. In addition to vegetative and motor components, the structure of emotional processes now also includes complex forms of perception of imaginative thinking and imagination. The child begins to rejoice and grieve not only about what he is doing at the moment, but also about what he has yet to do. Experiences become more complex and deeper.

The content of affects changes - the range of emotions inherent in the child expands. Figurative representations acquire an emotional character and all the child's activities are emotionally saturated. [I..Kulagina, V.N. Kolyutsky, p.220].

Changes in the emotional sphere are associated with the development of not only the motivational, but also the cognitive sphere of the personality, self-consciousness. The inclusion of speech in emotional processes ensures their intellectualization when they become more conscious, generalized. The first attempts to restrain one's feelings, for example, external and manifestations - tears, can be seen in a child at 3-4 years old. Although the baby is still bad at it. The older preschooler, to a certain extent, begins to control the expression of emotions by influencing himself with the help of a word.

But still, preschoolers have difficulty restraining the emotions associated with organic needs. Hunger, thirst make them act impulsively.

At preschool age, the development of communication with adults and peers, the emergence of forms of collective activity and, mainly, role-playing games lead to the further development of sympathy, sympathy, and the formation of camaraderie. Higher feelings are intensively developing: moral, aesthetic, cognitive.

Relationships with loved ones are the source of humane feelings. If in early childhood a child was more often an object of feelings on the part of an adult, then a preschooler turns into a subject of emotional relationships with himself empathizing with other people. Practical mastery of the norms of behavior is also a source of development of moral feelings. Experiences are now caused by social sanction, the opinion of the children's society. At this age, moral assessments of actions from external requirements become the child's own assessments and are included in his experience of attitudes towards certain actions or actions.

A powerful factor in the development of humane feelings is a role-playing game. Role-playing actions and relationships help the preschooler to understand the other, take into account his position, mood, desire. When children move from simply recreating actions and the external nature of relationships to conveying their emotionally expressive content, they learn to share the experiences of others.

In labor activity aimed at achieving a result useful to others, new emotional experiences arise: joy from common success, sympathy for the efforts of comrades, satisfaction from the good performance of one's duties, dissatisfaction with one's poor work.

On the basis of acquaintance of children with the work of adults, love and respect for it is formed. And preschoolers transfer a positive attitude to work to their own activities. (Ya.Z.Neverovich)

Empathy with peers largely depends on the situation and position of the child. In conditions of acute personal rivalry, emotions overwhelm the preschooler, and the number of negative expressions addressed to a peer increases sharply. The child does not give any arguments against a peer, but simply (in speech) expresses his attitude towards him, empathy with a friend is sharply reduced.

Passive observation of the activities of a peer causes twofold experiences in a preschooler. If he is confident in his abilities, then he rejoices in the success of another, and if he is not sure, then he feels envy.

When children compete with each other, realistically evaluating their capabilities, comparing themselves with a friend, the desire for personal success increases the power of expression to the highest level. In group competitions, the interests of the group serve as the main core, and success or failure is shared by everyone together, the strength and number of negative expressions decreases, because against the general background of the group, personal successes and failures are less noticeable.

The child experiences the brightest positive emotions in a situation of comparing himself with a positive literary hero, actively empathizing with him and with confidence that in such a situation he would have acted the same way. Therefore, there are no negative emotions towards the character.

Sympathy and sympathy encourage the child to commit the first moral deeds. Even a 4-5-year-old child fulfills moral standards, showing a sense of duty, first of all, towards those with whom he sympathizes and sympathizes. R. Ibragimova's research made it possible to trace how the sense of duty develops during preschool age.

The beginnings of a sense of duty are observed in the third year of life. The kid obeys the requirements of an adult, not realizing their meaning. During this period, there is only a process of accumulation of initial moral ideas: “it is possible”, “it is impossible”, “bad”, “good” and correlating them with one's actions and deeds. Emotional reactions to the positive or negative side of the actions of adults in a baby are unstable. He can give in, but only under the influence of an adult or out of sympathy and sympathy for someone.

The first more or less complex manifestations of a sense of duty occur in children 4-5 years old. Now, on the basis of life experience and initial moral ideas, a moral consciousness is born in the child, he is able to understand the meaning of the requirements presented to him and relate them to his own actions and actions, as well as to the actions and actions of others.

The child experiences joy, satisfaction when he performs worthy deeds and grief, indignation, discontent when he or others violate generally accepted requirements, commit unworthy deeds. The feelings experienced are caused not only by the assessment of adults, but also by the evaluative attitude of the child himself to his own and other people's actions, but these feelings themselves are shallow and unstable. At the age of 5-7, a child has a sense of duty in relation to many adults and peers, a preschooler begins to experience this feeling in relation to babies.

The most pronounced sense of duty is manifested in 6-7 years. The child realizes the necessity and obligation of the rules of social behavior and subordinates his actions to them. The ability to self-esteem increases. Violation of the rules, unworthy actions cause awkwardness, guilt, embarrassment, anxiety.

By the age of 7, the sense of duty is not based only on attachment and extends to a wider range of people with whom the child does not directly interact. Experiences are deep enough and persist for a long time.

The development of camaraderie and friendship takes place long before children begin to understand their relationship with comrades in terms of moral norms. At the age of 5, the guys are dominated by friendship alternately with many children, depending on the circumstances. At the age of 5-7 years, the friendship of one child with many children is preserved, although paired friendships are more common. Friendship in small subgroups is most often born in the game on the basis of game interests and inclinations, including intellectual interests. Pair friendship is characterized by deep sympathy. Kids are friends because they play together, because playing and being friends is the same for them. Older preschoolers play with those with whom they make friends on the basis of sympathy and respect.

The development of intellectual feelings in preschool age is associated with the formation of cognitive activity. Joy when recognizing something new, surprise and doubt, bright positive emotions not only accompany the child's small discoveries, but also cause them. The surrounding world, nature especially attracts the baby with mystery, mystery. Surprise creates a question that needs to be answered.

The development of aesthetic feelings is associated with the formation of children's own artistic and creative activity and artistic perception.

Aesthetic feelings of children are interconnected with moral ones. The child approves of the beautiful and good, condemns the ugly and evil in life, art, literature. Older preschoolers begin to judge actions not only by their results, but also by their motives; they are occupied with such complex ethical issues as the justice of the reward, retribution for the wrong done, etc. [G.A.Uruntaeva, pp. 255-260].

In the second half of preschool childhood, the child acquires the ability to evaluate his own behavior, tries to act in accordance with the moral standards that he learns.

Foreign psychologists have shown that the assimilation of ethical norms and the socialization of the child's moral behavior proceed faster and easier with certain family relationships. The child should have a close emotional connection with at least one of the parents. Children are more likely to imitate caring parents than indifferent ones. In addition, they adopt the style of behavior and attitudes of adults, communicating more often and engaging in joint activities with them.

In communication with loving parents, children receive not only positive or negative emotional reactions to their actions, but also explanations why some actions should be considered good and others bad. All this leads to an earlier awareness of ethical standards of behavior.

The assimilation of moral norms, as well as emotional regulation of actions, contributes to the development of voluntary behavior of a preschooler. [I.Yu.Kulagina, V.N.Kolyutsky, p.224].

Thanks to intensive intellectual and personal development, by the end of preschool age, its central neoplasm is formed - self-awareness. Self-esteem appears in the second half of the period on the basis of the initial, purely emotional self-esteem (“I am good”) and a rational assessment of someone else's behavior. The child first acquires the ability to evaluate the actions of other children, and then - their own actions, moral qualities and skills.

The child judges moral qualities mainly by his behavior, which is either consistent with the norms accepted in the family and the group of peers or does not fit into the system of these relations. His self-esteem therefore almost always coincides with the external assessment, primarily with the assessment of close adults.

Assessing practical skills, a 5-year-old child exaggerates his achievements. By the age of 6, overestimated self-esteem persists, but at this time children praise themselves no longer in such an open form as before. At least half of their judgments about their success contain some justification. By the age of 7, the majority of self-assessment of skills becomes more adequate.

In general, the self-esteem of a preschooler is very high, which helps him to master new activities, without hesitation and fear to be involved in educational-type activities in preparation for school. An adequate image of the "I" is formed in the child with a harmonious combination of knowledge, gleaned by him from his own experience and from communication with adults and peers. [I.Yu.Kulagina, V.N.Koliutsky, p.225].

Thus, the features of emotional development in preschool age is that:

1) The child masters social forms of expression of feelings.

2) The role of emotions in the child's activity changes, emotional anticipation is formed.

3) Feelings become more conscious, generalized, reasonable, arbitrary, extra-situational. A system of motives is formed, which forms the basis of the arbitrariness of mental processes and behavior in general.

4) Higher feelings are formed - moral, intellectual, aesthetic.

5) There is a development of imagination, figurative thinking and arbitrary memory. [G.A.Uruntaeva, p.260].

The turning point in the mental development of the child is the crisis of 7 years, which occurs on the border of preschool primary school age.

The main symptoms of this crisis include:

Loss of spontaneity: the child begins to understand what this or that desired action can cost him personally. If earlier behavior was built and implemented according to desires, now, before doing something, the child thinks what it can cost him;

Mannering: his soul becomes closed and he begins to play a role, portraying something of himself and hiding something at the same time;

A symptom of "bitter candy": when a child feels bad, then at this age he tries to hide it from others.

Along with this, one can easily notice that during this period of time the child changes dramatically, becomes more difficult to educate than before. Often you can meet with aggressiveness (verbal and physical), and in some children it takes on extreme forms in the form of a destructive attitude towards things. The child becomes quick-tempered, rude in response to some kind of discontent or on the part of an adult, he is poorly contacted, disobedient. Some children may even refuse to eat and drink.

Often you can meet with the opposite phenomenon - absolutely passive behavior. Such children disturb their parents and caregivers with excessive passivity and absent-mindedness. It is clear that childhood experiences are the cause in both cases. They are being restructured. From “I myself” and “I want” to “So it is necessary” is not a short path, and a preschooler goes through it in just 3-4 years. [V.A. Averin, pp. 229-230].

All psychological neoplasms of preschool age together will allow the child to fulfill a new role for himself - the role of a schoolboy. And it is the formation and level of development of psychological processes that determines the level of readiness of the child for school and his first steps to adapt to it.

Readiness for learning consists of a certain level of development of mental activity, cognitive interests and readiness for arbitrary regulation of behavior. [V.A. Averin, p.232].

The beginning of school life expands the perception of the surrounding world, increases experience, expands and intensifies the sphere of communication of the child. Under the influence of a new way of life, which forms a new social situation for the development of a younger student, arbitrariness in the behavior and activities of the child goes a long way in its development.

At primary school age, the leading factor in the formation of voluntary behavior is educational activity, partly work in the family. The latter is associated with the child's having certain responsibilities in the family, when the activity itself begins to have a pronounced arbitrary character.

1. For the development of voluntary behavior, it is important for a child not only to be guided by the goals that an adult sets for him, but also the ability to independently set such goals and, in accordance with them, independently organize and control his behavior and mental activity. In the first and second grades, children are still characterized by a low level of arbitrariness in behavior, they are very impulsive and unrestrained. Children are not yet able to independently overcome even minor difficulties that they face in learning. Therefore, at this age, the upbringing of arbitrariness consists in systematically teaching children to set goals for their activities, to persistently achieve them, i.e. teach them independence.

2. The next moment in the development of voluntary behavior is associated with the growing importance of relations between schoolchildren. It is during this period that collective ties arise, public opinion, mutual evaluation, exactingness and other phenomena of public life are formed. On this basis, the orientation begins to form and be determined, new moral feelings appear, moral requirements are assimilated.

All of the above matters in the lives of third-graders and fourth-graders, but is weakly manifested in the lives of students in grades 1-2. As long as they still remain indifferent as to whether they received the reprimand in private with the teacher or in the presence of the entire class; at the same time, a remark made in the presence of comrades to a pupil of the third or fourth grade is experienced much stronger and sharper. [Averin V.A., pp. 288-290].

High grades for a small student are a guarantee of his emotional well-being, a source of pride and a source of other rewards.

In addition to the status of a good student, the broad social motives for learning also include duty, responsibility, the need to get an education, etc. They are also realized by students, give a certain meaning to their educational work. But these motives remain only "known" in the words of A.N. Leontiev. If, for the sake of getting a high mark or praise, a child is ready to immediately sit down to study and diligently complete all tasks, then the abstract concept of duty for him or the distant prospect of continuing his education at a university cannot directly encourage him to study. Nevertheless, the social motives of learning are important for the personal development of the student, and in children who do well from the 1st grade, they are quite fully represented in their motivational systems.

The motivation of underachieving schoolchildren is specific. In the presence of strong motives associated with getting a mark, the circle of their social motives for learning is narrowed, which impoverishes motivation in general. Some social motives appear by the 3rd grade.

The broad social motives of learning correspond to the value orientations that children take from adults, mainly assimilate to the family. What is the most valuable, significant in school life? First graders, who had completed only one quarter, were asked about their likes and dislikes about school. From the very beginning, future excellent students appreciate the educational content and school rules: I like mathematics and Russian, because it is interesting there, I like that the lessons are given, Everyone must be good, obedient. Future three-year-olds and underachievers gave different answers: “I like that there are holidays at school”, “I like the after-school, we all play there, we go for a walk.” starting their school life, they have not yet acquired adult values, they are not guided by the essential aspects of education.

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